21 NEW GLITCHES in Minecraft 1.21! (Bedrock Edition)

Minecraft 1.21 has just released and there are a lot of bugs in this update from broken trial Chambers and ways to farm infinite trimmed armor to new type of illegal items we have so much fun stuff to play with in 1.21 there’s a few bugs that you should learn about so that you can avoid them but there’s also some great glitches that you can use to your advantage something you need to watch out for during the ominous trials is mobs that pick up your gear will not drop that gear on death as you can see there so if you die in here if you’re nice netherite or something all that armor is going to get deleted if you kill the mobs the reason for this is that the ominous mobs are not supposed to drop their gear as you can see here there’s actually a way to farm infinite armor from The Trial chamber mobs and this includes the trimmed armor that they wear so how you do this is you have to find a baby zombie spawner which has the mossy Cobble and the regular Cobblestone around it and then we’re simply going to convert these guys into some drowns so basically just put some water around it and they’ll start shaking after a few seconds now it doesn’t seem like those guys dropped anything and that’s because of another bug basically all the items just fell through the floor which was very confusing for me but as you can see we’re getting a whole bunch of trammed armor and this means that you can actually farm this stuff near infinitely now I think that the baby zombies only drop iron and chain meal gear but still a pretty good way to get some trimmed armor for your armor stands or just decoration now this does not work with skeletons as you can see that guy is an ominous skeleton that was wearing armor and even if they convert into a stray they’re not going to drop that armor even if we kill the Stray with a looting three as you can see he’s not really going to to drop that stuff which is really unfortunate so there’s not a good way to farm Diamond gear from these guys for example there’s a really convenient bug with the trial spawners so if you fight a vanilla one without the bad Omen effect and then you kill all these guys of course that is going to reset and give you a little bit of Loot and normally this thing would now be on a 30 minute cool down but if you have a bad Omen potion you can simply go ahead and drink that and you can completely skip that 30-minute cool down and now we have an ominous trial we can fight all these guys immediately and get our ominous key from this thing or a potato and a potion no good loot guaranteed a lot of you guys have thought that these chests right here are actually supposed to have loot in them but they are actually supposed to be empty the chests throughout the trial Chambers are mainly there for you to dump all of your excess junk and loot into that way it’s not clogging up your inventory these are not really loot chests although I think you can find some items in them sometimes this has been confirmed by the devs over on Twitter now you might not even be able to find a trial chamber because the locator maps that the cograph villagers sell at their third tier sometimes don’t even work normally when you open this up as you see it’s going to have that little square icon right there which indicates the location of a trial chamber however sometimes that icon just is not there so this map is essentially useless the only way to counteract this is to trade if another cartographer villager possibly further away or of course you could just use the website chunkbase.com to locate all of your structures I think what causes this is that it’s trying to find a trial chamber and currently loaded chunks so if you created a new world there would actually be a trial chamber there but this guy doesn’t know that you’ve already loaded those chunks so there can’t be a trial chamber there before you even get into the game there is going to be a couple bugs that you might notice on the Panorama first of all the left and right ladders of the trial chamber are asymmetrical the left one is missing a ladder at the very bottom if you have an existing World sometimes you’ll find a trial chamber that’s generated partially through some older chunks so the Deep slate that you see here was generated before Minecraft 1. 21 and then Minecraft 1.21 generated this trial chamber so you might see some weird funky terrain generation and honestly this is just kind of normal and to be expected this can also give the illusion of a trial chamber being separated or cut in half or being two different trial Chambers right next to each other but it’s really just one structure but some chunks were generated before the update actually released and this is why it can be a good idea to trim your world before updating don’t worry trial Chambers can overwrite other structures too and of course you can find a ton of floating glow lkan and skull veins Vines and even some glowberries inside of the trial Chambers so it seems like the wind burst enchantment for the mace is actually impossible to get in Minecraft 1.21 because you cannot get it from the ominous vaults and they also fix the bug where it was available via villagers in the betas so I actually think that you cannot get this in survival mode right now which is you know maybe sort of a big deal so you know how wind charges are supposed to break your fall so if I fall off this pillar and throw a wind charge down it should land before me and prevent me from taking fall damage but as you can see if I throw one while falling it lands after I do so it’s literally impossible to save yourself with these things this might not actually be a bug but still really fun so you can use the wind bur enchantment on falling blocks so if you put like a piece of sand into a cobweb for example you can multi crit this thing and just keep launching up into the air repeatedly it’s actually a pretty fun little thing to do for no specific reason other than you can there’s a couple new curs to things that you can get in 1.21 so if you simply place down a daylight sensor and then switch it you can pick block this in creative mode and you’ll get this thing right here tile daylight detector inverted name this is a new illegal item that you get like super duper easily you literally just pick block the thing there’s a really fun bug with Woodland Mansions where they can absolutely spam mobs so basically how this works is if you load the Woodland Mansion right as the game is saving it can essentially double or even more the amount of mobs in there so entally you can end up with a situation like this where you just have way more vindicators and a couple more evokers than you normally would which I am all here for I think that this is great and they shouldn’t change it because the Woodland Mansion is honestly way too easy this bun can be kind of useful so as you know the regular walking speed on slime or honey is just incredibly slow but if you have a pair of Swift sneak pants on and you crouch you’ll actually go visibly faster on these blocks as you can see you can actually walk at a reason decent speed I haven’t seen this bug happen myself however a lot of people have reported it so if you go to edit a sign it can just paste in the last thing that you wrote so it can kind of just duplicate your text there’s also been a lot more block lag in this update especially in creative mode people will be trying to break blocks and they just reappear and you just cannot get rid of the thing especially on lower-end devices this is a much larger problem mojing also forgot to add the new witch drops to bedrock Edition so on Java these guys guaranteed drop red St on death and quite a bit of it as well but that is not on Bedrock Edition right now but hopefully we’ll see that which change in 1. 21.10 for Bedrock Edition and then are wi Farms are going to be a lot better speaking of broken mob Farms the spiders in 1.21 are going to be much more of an issue for our creeper Farms specifically because of a bug where the carpets and pressure plates do not prevent them from spawning so normally if a spider would try to spawn right here it would notice that there’s a carpet there and it just wouldn’t spawn but in Minecraft 1.21 you still get the spider which is not good I think this might also affect trap doors but I haven’t verified that honestly there’s just a bunch of bugs that affect 1.21 mob Farms I made a whole video on that though you can check it out for more details there’s also significant inventory lag so items can get stuck in certain spots as you can see here they just literally cannot be moved around the inventory often times reopening the inventory will fix it but it’s still annoying there’s a couple more weird inventory bugs as well like the stack number actually renders behind the the item texture when you move it as you can see there like the six gets completely buried by the paper which is very strange to see there’s another weird bug with moving items across a chest as well so as you can see all these items right here are enchanted but if we move them up into the chest as you can see they appear unenchanted for a split second there using this bug you can also tell that the enchanted apple is just like a regular Golden Apple that they happen to give an enchantment glint to which I guess was always obvious but I thought it was more special than that do you see anything wrong with this image well you shouldn’t but now you should slimes render in front of and through copper grates which is you know kind of fun actually I’m not too upset about this one huge thanks to everyone who submitted bugs for today’s bug rock you can see their names throughout the video if you found any new 1.21 bugs let me know in the comments or somewhere else and it might be included in a future video but if you enjoyed this video then consider subscribing and thank you so much for watching

Minecraft 1.21 The Tricky Trials update IS HERE! There’s SO MANY new bugs and glitches in Minecraft 1.21 you should know about! From farming Trimmed armor to cursed items! Subscribe for more Minecraft:)

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0:00 Tons of new 1.21 GLITCHES!
0:38 Farming Trimmed ARMOR!
1:45 Bypass the Trial Spawner cooldown!
2:27 Trial chambers are BROKEN
4:05 I broke wind 😏
4:58 CURSED ITEM & more!
6:22 Witch farms & Mob Farms BROKEN
7:13 Inventory LAG

Music by Argofox: http://bit.ly/2vsxAF1​

#Minecraft​ #mcpe #tutorial
PieIsTheBest in the comments If you made it this far down 😉


  1. Spiders spawning, trapdoors do seem to stop them, ive just made a creeper farm, buttons on the ceilings and trapdoors in the drop holes and trapdoors on the every other block, seems to work and spiders are not spawning at all. Been testing the farm around 7 hours currently.

  2. Bugs I've encountered:
    1. Your world can just roll back a random amount of days if it wants to. Idk how to recreate this one, but I was on day 3310, logged off for the night, and when I got on the next day, I was on day 3250. The last save was on day 3300, so idk why it did that. I backup my world every 50 in-game days, so I just used my day 3300 backup. I actually encountered this in 1.20.80 or smth like that, so idk if it was patched. I do suggest backing up your worlds just in case though. I would've been so demotivated if I had to redo 60 days of progress.
    2. The sign bug that was mentioned in this video. It's actually way more annoying than stated. It doesn't just paste the previous sign's text. It completely overrides it. So if the previous sign said "Do Not Grief" and the second sign says "KEEP OUT" and you accidently edit the second sign, it will now say "Do Not Grief" and not even include the "KEEP OUT" part. This bug also includes book and quills. This bug is EXTREMELY common for me, and it might be because I was on XBOX.
    3. You can apperently break blocks through slabs. I was trying to break a slab, but then somehow broke the stone underneath it. (1.21)
    4. Yeah, wind bursts don't save you from fall damage. It is really annoying. (1.21, obviously)

  3. In my 1 year old survival Minecraft pocket edition world. Whatever block I break it is not dropping itself it is just disappeareding. Can you help me with this problem please 😭😭

  4. In my 1.21 experience i have found my trident will always remain in my hotbar like i can move it out nd have a whole different item working but mu trident sprite remians

  5. the sign bug, for me, isn’t just that it duplicates it. it completely changes whatever was already on that sign with whatever you last put on a sign. extremely annoying when trying to open up a chest and accidentally click the sign and have to retype it out

  6. Can anyone share some insight… Mobs aren’t spawning in my realm. Is there a fix for this?
    Does bedrock have a mad spawning cap?? Because I do travel a lot with my elytra but shouldn’t the mobs respawn when I fly away?

    Diff is set on hard and I do play with a few other people but we’re all in the same area. We tried turning our render distance down and we saw a few mobs spawn but weirdly enough they despawned shortly after idk what’s going on.

  7. I have a lighting glitch sometimes when I surface from a cave. (Happened twice) It will be mid day or any part of the day and it’s kinda dark as if there is an eclipse.

  8. There is a glitch that helps with the armor farm. First let all the zombies turn into drowns then set it to peaceful and that will re fresh the spawners. But do NOT kill the drowns.

  9. The armour bug is so dumb me and my brother raided a trial and he died and I tried looking for his armour and couldn’t find it I kinda suspected it was a bug that they picked it up and don’t drop it

  10. Don't know if it's intended or not (Bedrock), but I can stand on my boat in water since the update. Can't run onto it (it moves), but can jump onto it (when it's in water). 🤷‍♀️

  11. The nether portals on switch are extremely broken right now, you basically get a guaranteed death and it makes it basically impossible to go in the nether

  12. I hope I am not alone but I've experienced a pretty bad bug after updating where I literally cannot craft torches (even with charcoal). It doesn't even appear in the crafting menu. Fix this now Mojang…

  13. Two glitches ive found, idk if they've been patched or how to recreate them, but here they are
    1. Could be because of lag but i broke a cauldron filled with lava and the cauldron disappeared. I presume that because of lag, the lava stayed for a fraction of a second after the cauldron got destroyed and burnt the item???
    2. No clue why but i tried taking a book off a lecturn and the book just despawned. Never got the item it just poofed out of existence after trying to take it off.

  14. Silent the ghast farm is not working in 1.21 anymore the ghasts keep escaping out of the trident killers or getting pushed out of the minecarts

  15. Had this issue when updating recently(mobile): About the control editing in dpad, I can't edit the upper button of flying, it just show an outline that you can move around but not the button, i cant resize or make it bigger too which is annoying. The lower button of flying works perfectly (can be edited and resize). Another one is when i place blocks fast it doesn't load fast, what i mean is after i place a block they just go invisible and the block show is delay (I think it was a bug long time ago)

  16. The inventory slot not letting you move things has been in my game for like… a year already
    It also happens when a stack is at 63 for some reason

  17. Another fun thing happening – if you're wearing a cape, and go to another person's base and get near them, your cape/elytra appearance switches to whatever they're wearing (purely visual, they see the reverse on their end).

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