Sausages, be careful, do you know why I brought you here today? Why are we going to enter the football team caves? O Ali Cabbar, you are so smart. Wow, I am going to enter the Galatasaray cave, I am very excited. I am going to enter the Fenerbahçe cave too. Don’t get too excited. Great things will be waiting for you inside. What is it? Has he set a trap for us inside? No, no, when you enter, you will see, for example, very nice things will be waiting for the baby police in the Fenerbahçe Cave . I have prepared wonderful surprises for him inside. Wow, I am really excited, teacher. Are there nice things for us too? Will it be okay ? Ali Cabbar Galatasaray garden will be waiting for you. You will have a lot of fun inside . So, what is there in Beşiktaş Cave? Let that be a surprise, Ali Cabbar. Then, come on, let’s get started, friends. Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel. Then, since everyone liked the video, I will be the first one to enter. Come in and see if you can come out again. Then, I am a teacher. With your permission, I am going in, let’s see what’s inside. What is waiting for H No, there is a trap here, what is it? There is Bobi 1545 inside. He has two heads. There must be something wrong. You go on, baby, police, go on. Anyway, there is nothing to do, I will take care of that. There is no problem anyway. Let’s go in. Look at him. I think he is waiting for me, here and there. After I pass, I will be saved inside. I hope he wasn’t looking at me. There are great rewards waiting inside. Anyway, let’s jump, let’s jump, let ‘s cross here quickly. He came. Anyway, let’s go through here quickly. Oh, you stay there, don’t come. Oh, I’m saved. I’m saved. Anyway, let’s continue, this bridge is next. Let’s cross it this way, mom. There are such huge tears. This is a cave. Welcome, come, come. No, no, baldi has set a trap for us, damn baldi, oh baldi. What am I going to do? Am I going to go from here? This place is also closed. There is a switch there. I have to turn it on. But I can’t get down here. What am I going to do? What are there on this side? There are chests over there. I wonder if there are any weapons in the chests. Let me take care of these. There is nothing to do. You have to come here. I’m going to go in, let’s go down, let’s look around, there are gloves here, let’s take this. We might need this. I think we’ll put the diamonds here. Exactly. Okay, let’s look there. Oh, there are guns. Okay, wait. You wait. I’ll take care of it. First of all, we’ll need to fill in here, but let’s fill it in here quickly. One Okay, good, let’s throw one here too, nice. Come here, come here, where are you going? Have we put these like this? I’ll skip this one. Okay, good. Let’s throw one here too . Good. Have we got this one? I have to do it up to here, quickly. Have we put it here too? Okay, let me put these too. Okay, come here, come here, I have a lot of work to do anyway, I can’t deal with you. Let’s put it here too. Okay , fine , I put it here too. Okay, we can go now. Wait, wait, I’m coming. I’ll show you your day. Now let’s get out of here quickly. Okay, I’m out. Oh, let’s go from there. I passed. I passed, OK, OK, I passed from here, that’s it, wait, wait, I’m coming, I’ll take care of you with these weapons, come on, come here now, I need to turn on the switch. Take it, take it, take it, take it, we’re saved. Was it that easy? Anyway, move forward, let’s turn this switch on, quickly, okay. baldi, oh baldi, it’s your turn to set a trap for me, huh, Fenerbahçe supporter is not afraid of anything. I’m coming now, let’s go from there quickly. Okay, that’s it, I did it. By the way, friends, write in the comments which team you are from, okay? Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel. Wow, baby, look at the soldier, he even got in, and I did too. I’m very curious about my break, I’m also very curious about it. There are definitely a lot of trophies between Galatasaray. Exactly, exactly, there are a lot of trophies, there are a lot of fears, it will be waiting for you, baby soldier, just come out and then I will enter. Yes, let’s continue. There is a question here. What is there? + 8 friends, how much is 5 + 8? Write it in the comments quickly. Please help me. Let’s see which one is 13 12 11. I need to drop it. Wait a minute, how much is 5 + 8? Let me see in the comments. H, everyone wrote 13. Guys, is the answer 13? Look, I’m skipping the answer. I mean, Snow Head followers are smart. I think everyone must have guessed it right. I’m skipping it. Let’s look down there. There’s a lot of lava. Let’s see if it’s true. There’s lava here too. There’s lava here too. I have to jump here. I think the correct answer is 13. Mom, I’m burning, I’m burning. It’s true, these are worth it, I’m not burning, oh, we’re saved, let’s continue next. Oh, look here. What are these? Is it a trap? Am I going to follow this red path? I mean, I guess I’ll follow here. Let’s press like this. H nothing happens. Let’s press here. Mom, we’re going back to the beginning. Did we press here? We’re going back to the beginning, have you seen, friends, then we’ll go from red, let’s go slowly like this, quickly, Oh, that’s it, I went back to the beginning because I pressed there by mistake, anyway, I’ll do it again this time I’m coming, I’m coming, yes, let’s go from here, I pressed it by mistake again, oh, let’s go like this, slowly, okay. I passed here, I did it. Let’s pass here, quickly. It’s done. It’s numbered. I passed here, too. I passed here, oh, we are saved. There are traps and ropes here, too. I wonder what happens when you press them. Do I have to pass quickly? I don’t understand. I hope nothing bad will happen to me. Anyway, I’m passing. There’s nothing to do. 1 2 3 Mommy, mommy, okay. Oh look here, they shot a lot of arrows at me. Anyway, we escaped. I think a big reward is waiting for me inside. Let’s go in. Let’s see, there is a password inside. What could the password be? Let’s see if it’s 1900 D or No, what is the password? There are books here, let’s see if the passwords are written in it. No, nothing is written here. Let’s look at this book. It’s a magical book. What does it want? Then let’s open it. The password for the door is 4965. Okay, we found the password. I’m entering it now. Then, I wrote 49 65. What is waiting for me inside? I wonder what kind of men of this caste are welcome, come, come, the big prize is waiting for you, come, what did you achieve? The big prize is waiting for me, let’s see what’s inside, mom, stop, calm down, look, don’t do anything, you believe everything in me, now we broke your head, stop, stop, don’t come close, don’t come close, I’m yours now. Did you think that you were something because you were so simple? Oh, you’re that simple, you’re that simple, you’re a baldi, you’re a baldi, I thought Fenerbahce football players were waiting for us inside. Look at this, he set a lot of traps for us. Anyway, let’s see what our reward is. Wow. Lots of Diamonds Fill the bag Fill the bag Fill it I’ll need all of these, take them, take them all, let’s take them all, Okay, that’s good, I like this. Anyway, let’s go now, I guess it’s over, I’ll go when I press this button, then let’s press it, I hope this wasn’t a trap, then. I’m pressing, here I am, here we are, baldi, oh baldi, lying valley, you set a trap for me, how did you get out of there, how did I get out, let me show you, look, I came with this gun, I got to know everyone like this, God bless you, I forgot to kill you, ALS for you, this is how I got out, I killed them all from the inside, you may be lucky, the others. He won’t be as lucky as you. Are there any hiding inside? What, are you scared? Galatasaray guy No, I’m not scared. What will I be scared? Galatasaray friends, that’s why I’m going to go inside now. Wait, you know, Galatasaray players are cowards. I guess you are too. What will I be afraid of? What will I be afraid of? Pull your check from here, move from there. You’ll see. Now be afraid my friend, then all the galt should like the video, support me, support me in the comments, please. I’m going in too, let’s see if I’m a coward or not. Let’s see what I’m going to do here. So what will I do here? Is there a secret door? I wonder what’s in here. Oh, let’s press it like this: H , mom, oh, slow, slow. What are you doing? Is there an elevator like this? What is this? Oh my God, what engineer is this elevator for? Oh my god. Anyway, let’s go back. What are you doing here? Welcome, Efekan, I was waiting for you too. Pass like this Okay okay I’ll pass, calm down, look. Calm down. Don’t do anything to me. It’s a robot. Nothing will happen. Let’s just move on from here. Where did we come from? Mommy, look here, mommy. He’s going to shoot. Now, reach out to me . I don’t want to play. Well, what are we going to do here? You can climb up from here. I guess let’s do it then. Let’s do it quickly. Climb and get up . Oh I fell down. I need to be a little faster. Let’s go like this. Okay, are we out of here? Here it is . Ah, I fell down again. Come on, Ekan. Come on, you can do it. Show them your strength. Oh, I’m up. I almost made it. Oh, I’m out. It’s almost there. Now let’s go over here, quickly, hop hop. I passed this place too. Okay. I passed this place. That’s it. Now we’re going to jump here. It’s a bit high. I did it. Let’s go over here. Let’s quickly go like this. Okay, I passed it. This place remains. We passed this place. What am I going to do here now? Here it is. There is a switch , I think I’m going to turn it on. Whoops, I turned it on. Okay, I’m jumping. Now let me jump down into the water quickly. Okay, okay, I passed. This place is open. Am I going to pass from here? Now, we’ll pass now. There’s nothing to do. I’ll enter. Let’s pass from here. Here we go. Friends, I’m very scared. Do you think I can do it? Tell me in the comments, okay? Support me please come on you can do it everyone trusts you let’s move on like this we need to stop right now Okay let’s move quickly hop Ok nothing Nothing there’s nothing I stopped there I stopped there Nothing there’s nothing let’s move on like this I stopped there nothing Look he’s not even moving like this okay we’re doing very well Friends, we are doing very well. Here we go. Oh, I did it. Now it will jump up from here. I think we will jump like this. Let’s jump, jump, jump, I think we will open these doors. I need to jump a little more. Here I opened a door. Okay, fine. It will jump a little more. Oh. We are saved. There are a lot of things here. How do I pass? I can’t jump from here to there. I had to jump from the ground. Look at how I’m going to jump from here. It’s impossible for me to jump from here to there. What the hell is going on? Oh, I think these are something. Let’s press. Yes, friends, look, are we going automatically? Oh, well done, Balli, well done, Crimean B. Did it work? Did we jump from there? Okay, you go too, Mommy, Mommy, I’m going , I forgot to sit in the middle, I almost fell, that’s it, now let’s jump from here, too. Then I’m coming, move away, I did it, I almost fell, my head hit the ceiling, you did it too low, God, whatever, go ahead son, good for you, go, go. Go, here we are. Well done, nice car. These are on my way. Pull away. I’m coming. I did it. Oh, I almost dropped it. It’s scary. Go on, son. Good for you. We went like this. Okay, now we’ll jump here. It’s a bit short. I’ll jump from here. I guess I did it. Oh, we’re saved. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. How am I going to jump from here? It’s too long. Come on, Efekan. I’ve come to the end, we can do it, I did it. Oh, it was very difficult, but I finally succeeded. The prize is in the chest. Oh, let’s take our prize and leave from here. Wow, there are some pretty good things. Fill them up. Fill them up. Then I’m leaving, friends. I’m pressing it. Oh, where am I? Here we are, baldi, oh baldi. What happened? Here I am, I succeeded, how can it be? How can it be like that? I did it, I did it, you saw. That’s when I was the only one left. It’s my turn, brother Ali. Dees from me. Be very careful inside, he has set up such traps, no, you had to succeed in the caves for the rest of your life. You had to stay, but what you wanted didn’t happen, we succeeded. Now Ali will make it. Wait, then I’m going in too. I’m not afraid of this. I’m going in quickly. I’m going in. I’m going to make it. I’ll do it for Besiktas. Friends, all Besiktas. Don’t forget to support me. Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel. Then we’re going in. Let’s see what awaits us inside. Let’s open the door like this . Where have I come? Am I in prison? What is this place? There is nothing here. There is only one chest. What is there inside? Mommy, be loud, friends, something is sleeping. Be quiet. It’s a very scary bed. What is this? Oh my God, is this an Enderman? I don’t understand. Look, it’s purple, black, something different. I wouldn’t go in here. Let’s go in there and see what’s here. How do we open this chest? Oh no, it has a password. Where will I find it? Now, for sure, there is a password in it. We will have to enter this room. Don’t be afraid, Ali. Don’t be afraid, you can enter. Come on, guys. Be quiet, I’m coming in. Then I opened the door like this. Let’s go slowly, without waking him up. Let’s slowly walk away from him. Okay, he’s still sleeping. Let’s get the book from that chest right now. Okay, I made it, I’m leaving, I’m leaving. You stay here, stay here for the rest of your life, oh, we escaped, I managed to get out without waking you up, let’s see what the password is, 789, let’s see, 789, I did it. Oh, friends, look, the Jetpack is here. Let ‘s put this on right away, I think we’ll fly from here. I’m wearing it. Oh, friends, these are the three, let’s fly like this. Quickly, mom, how is this used? It’s very difficult to use, so I’m going. Let’s see, we’ll go slowly. I think we’ll go like this. I jumped like this, hop down, let’s go slowly, like this, I did it. Okay, I learned how to use it. Let’s go from there. Quickly, let’s go up and down slowly. Okay, there I did it. Oh, I did it. I forgot to look at the chest there. Anyway. Well, let’s look at this , it’s already a trap. There’s nothing in the chest. Let’s go on and go through there quickly. I passed here, okay, what’s in this chest ? There’s nothing here either. They put it there for nothing. I wish I had flown directly here. Anyway, let’s quickly go up the hill. Okay, I did it, here we are. This is the train track. I don’t know where it’s going, but there’s nothing to do. We ‘re going to have to jump . Are you ready, friends? I’m jumping. Then, let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s see where we’re going. Go slow. Go a little slower. Tamim is going too fast. We’ll be back. Oh, it crashed. We’re almost here. What is this? Who did this? I think we’re going to pass from here, where does this door go? I opened the door. Oh no, it’s closed. Open the door. Oh, I have to leave here, my mother. Oof. What am I going to do? It’s been waiting for me lying down for a while. Welcome. We were waiting for you too. Come and see. No, no. I’ll never come. This place is fine. Oof. What will I do? I can’t go back . We have to go. Let’s see what’s written on the back of them: Reward 1, Reward 2, Reward 3. It says go back here. I don’t want any reward. I ‘ll go back from here. Then you can’t get the rewards without fighting us. But how can I get the rewards? There’s something in the chest here. There is a bow and arrows. Okay, I’ll take the awards with these. Then come here, come here, get the rewards for you. God for you, too. I don’t want any reward. God forbid. Take all the awards. I’m leaving. I’m bored. Come on, see you too. Here we are, I’m saved. Me Oh, you did it too, it’s the hardest cave. I did it too. Of course I did it, I didn’t get the rewards, but I did it anyway. I’m here after all. What happened? B Did you have to? It’s yours. Come here now. You come here. I won’t let you into that cave. Walk now. L. Walk in. You ‘ll get in. Now walk to the caves, walk, enter, go down. Oh, we are saved, go on, go on, there were traps that put us in the caves because there were prizes inside, there were a lot of traps. Anyway, we were saved. But thank God, then friends, we have come to the end of the video. The video is good. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel. Okay, do you like it? Write in the comments. Yes friends, write in the comments which team you are from. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for the continuation of such videos. Then everyone should send this video to their favorite friend. See you in the next video. Then Mr. [Music] Mr. Oh

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  1. Galatasaray🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💛

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