Who will JJ and MIKEY STAY WITH? POOR TV WOMAN or RICH SPEAKER DAD in Minecraft – Maizen

[Music] hey everyone today me and Mikey are playing laptop because why not it’s summer and we’re on vacation it’s so cool that we’re finally on vacation and we don’t have to go to school all summer and fall asleep in those boring classes yeah I’m sick of those classes at school too we have a cool laptop that we can play on all day long and we can watch TV all day long it’s so nice hey you hear that what sounds like Mom and Dad arguing uh well I don’t hear anything let’s go see what’s going on over there uh-huh okay let’s go see what’s in there you pissed me off did you hear that yeah now I’ve heard that too wow you pissed me off too wow there’s something bad going on in there maybe we shouldn’t go downstairs I’m scared quiet they’re fighting you’ve got some neres you really think you can still live in this house I can do it no you can’t wow that sounds really bad I bought this house with my own money oh you’re happy the kids can see us congratulations now you know we’re getting divorced what are you getting a divorce it doesn’t matter it’s your fault looks like we’re in trouble here yes children congratulations your mother’s lost her mind and I’m taking you away oh my God and you don’t get this house looks like we’re going to be homeless I bought it before marriage and you get out of here with your little pimples get off with your house I don’t need you to have a normal life you only know how to cheat on me yeah of course I’m cheating so get out of my house and let’s see you come crawling back God your father is just unbearable I’m going to pack up and we’re getting out of here why does something like this keep happening to us uh well I don’t know I don’t even know what to say why don’t we just have a mountain mountain of gold what gold our parents are divorced 6 months later well our life has gotten a lot worse in half a year now we’re living in some bum house how’s Mikey doing I like to read Comics so I don’t care it’s cool that without a computer I found such an interesting entertainment gu okay you’re doing great hey what’s wrong you sound sarcastic it’s simple we have a house of cobwebs and garbage no well it could be worse well okay you’re right are you hungry cuz I’m really hungry hey kids did I hear you were hungry yeah I hope you’re hungry because I made you some food cool I’m hungry too wow okay come on let’s go I hope it’s something good I hope you enjoy it anything will do for me right now yeah I’ll eat anything right now too okay I see you’re ready I’ll get you something to eat since you’re so hungry we’re super hungry so we have nothing to do anyway so we’d at least eat I’d eat something like a nice cupcake or a cookie with tea it’s just awesome yeah I’d like some cookies too well come on it’s ready it’s like a bottle of water and like bread is that it yeah it’s your lunch uh what we don’t have anything else to eat what yeah well we don’t have any food left so this is all we have God all we have left to eat is bread and water why don’t we go out and buy something else because I didn’t have any money left to buy anything else not even this oh my God why do we have to live with such a poor mom Mikey mom’s trying we have a rich dad who will order us delicious food kids I’m trying to provide for you I’m sorry Mom but Mikey’s right you’re just making us live live in this poor house we don’t want to live like this yes we’ll go to a place where we can eat a decent meal I’m sorry Mom but you can’t provide for us we’re leaving God she’s such a horrible mom poisoning us with that disgusting food it’s awful what are we going to do where are we going to go I don’t know we could go to my dad’s we haven’t been to his place in a while and he doesn’t seem to mind us going to his place better than here plus he said he’s always happy to have us over so yeah we can go to his place yeah I’m sure he’s got tons of good food at home plus he still has our laptop we can play video games I’d play a cool video game right now I don’t like reading comics it’s boring I don’t know I like it maybe it for you 3 hours later well we ran away from home I guess Dad won’t mind taking us to live in his house after all we are his children and I hope it won’t be any trouble to him especially since he lives in such a cool big and beautiful house okay Mikey let’s knock I’m sure as soon as Dad knows we’re here he’ll be happy and let us in I agree with you JJ oh someone’s coming is that Dad uh no young people please do not make unnecessary noise and leave the private area wait you misunderstand us we’re here to see our dad he lives here I don’t want to hear anything there are no guests scheduled today so please leave the premises hey what’s that noise out there I’ve made it clear that I don’t tolerate loud talk in the street it’s dad Daddy it’s us tell him to let us in yeah I’m sorry there’s some Street kids here oh yeah I see all right let them through I’ll meet them now just please be quiet I’m getting annoyed with all this extra noise I’ll take care of this real quick yay daddy we’ll be right there wait see Mikey I was right there’s no way Dad would have refused to let us in his house because he loves us come on take us to Daddy what are you standing there for good thinking JJ let’s go quickly Daddy’s waiting for us young people please do not touch anything with your hands do not make unnecessary noise and keep order all right Mikey let’s take a look look around dad’s house is so big and rich it’s cool if we live here look he even has a pool I can’t wait to swim in it I’ve never seen a pool this big in my life I guess Dad can afford it I agree with you JJ okay let’s go inside cuz Dad’s probably waiting for us in there already of course Mikey let’s go it’s interesting to see what’s inside I’m sure we’ll have a lot to Marvel at wow look how bright it is it’s very spacious fireplace TV in the kitchen it’s wonderful I would definitely like to live here Oh Daddy you’re here hi we missed you so much we don’t want to live in a shack with mom anymore can we stay at your place you have a nice house and lots of money no that’s out of the question your mom and I are divorced I have another family now go back home honey what’s that noise who are those kids yes never mind dear they’re my children they’ve run away from home let’s take them to some room and leave them because I’ve made reservations at the restaurant and we should be getting ready you don’t want to be late do you oh sure that’s a great idea I see what you’re saying well all right let them stay there and wait for us all right JJ we’re allowed to stay let’s hurry up and go I don’t think it’ll be a big deal if we stay in the same room and wait for Daddy all right well you stay here until we get back it’s a little messy but I guess you’re used to it so hurry up and get inside oh Mikey look there’s a whole room for US ah it’s more like a closet wait so it is a closet with a window dad isn’t there anything better your house is so big isn’t it that’s plenty for the two of you now if you’d be so kind as to leave me and my new girlfriend alone I’m going to get ready for the restaurant Honey wait for me I’ll be right back U I’m sorry maybe you could leave us some food oh God don’t talk to me what what just happened is this some kind of joke I didn’t think Dad would do this to us well I was right about one thing we were definitely in for a surprise I guess we’re really going to have to stay here ah no JJ this is wrong I dread to think what they’ll do to Us in this house imagine what it would be like for Mom to be home alone poor Mommy why is life so unfair to me my husband left my children ran away no one can help me now if they came back we could do it together oh boys I miss them so much we were so good together we didn’t need anyone else how can they be alone out there now I’m sure their daddy’s already found another girl and won’t take them in I hope nothing terrible happened to them the only thing left to do or go looking for them [Music] you know JJ I’m starting to miss our mom already we did a very bad thing to her I don’t think she’ll take us back home but it’s our own mother no one needs us here uh I don’t know Mikey we didn’t have anything to eat at the old house I don’t want to go back there do you really think they’re going to give us food here um I don’t know that either let’s go down there honey you’re so good just be with me oh yeah baby I don’t need anyone in this world except you ew they’re kissing that looks disgusting wow your body is so beautiful mom’s got a better body oh it’s your kids again they’re annoying me Daddy has a mom Get Your Filthy Hands Off him oh my God that’s a dirty talk JJ don’t say that we’re not getting fed ah get back in the closet you stinking kids I didn’t say you could come out of here Daddy we want to eat JJ you shouldn’t have spoken so badly about our Daddy’s mistress daddy wouldn’t have given us anything anyway he doesn’t care about us we have nothing to do here unfortunately you’re right but what do we do now we need to get out of here and back to Mom but I don’t know how to do that Dad locked the door so we wouldn’t bother him anymore dad’s probably kissing that stupid woman right now and eating a bunch of cookies ew that’s awful I’ve come up with a plan we’re going to escape through the window through the window but we’re on the second floor it’ll hurt so much to fall down you can sit here as long as you want JJ but I want to get out of here okay wait for me I’ll run away with you too way to go JJ I knew you aren’t a coward yeah yeah yeah but you jump first ouch it doesn’t hurt at all oh my God I think I have a sore foot this is all your fault Mikey and here we are finally at our old house I missed this place already and I missed our beloved mommy more this place may look worse than Daddy’s house but we are loved and appreciated here I hope mom forgives us quickly for abandoning her what if she gets really upset with us uh we’ll say it was just a stupid prank I don’t think she would believe such nonsense oh my God it smells like poverty in here uh-oh looks like she’s still upset about us oh I didn’t mean to make our mom cry mom stop crying we came back to you yes we love you more than daddy you’re the best mom in the world but I don’t have any food at home we don’t care about food please forgive us mom we did a very bad thing to you yeah it’s all JJ’s fault didn’t daddy leave you at his house Daddy’s got a new woman he doesn’t need us anymore and I really need you because I love you my two favorite and good Sons I have no grudges against you at all oh yes it’s nice to have such a loving and kind Mom Mom we love you so much too it would be fun to have a little reconciliation meal ooh I just have Frozen rats in my refrigerator that I managed to catch at home a this is my favorite food from my favorite mom at least it’s some food for us so cool and daddy didn’t give us any food one week later I woke up to screaming outside my parents’ door but Mikey absolutely doesn’t care you became inadequate when you started drinking don’t touch me or I’ll call the police do you hear what’s going on out there we got to wake up Mikey and go deal with this hey why are you fighting me there’s parents fighting with each other we have to get out to them come on fights happen it’s normal we don’t need to get involved you listen to what’s going on in there and you’ll understand okay I’ll hear what’s going on but I’m sure it’s nothing serious get away from me you’re hurting me I don’t want to be here with you I’ll leave now you were right JJ dad must be on a rampage and trying to hurt mom I Told You So mom was talking about him drinking again you were asleep at the time we need to get out there and help her or this is going to end badly I agree with you we just have to be careful otherwise daddy will touch us too come on Mikey let’s stick together you are absolutely disgusting I’m disgusted that you’re my wife you’re drinking again and hurting me with your words and actions what are you guys doing out go back inside don’t touch mom please don’t touch the kids you drunk I’ll decide what I’m going to do don’t you touch me again no dad what are you doing Mama now I’ll deal with you as well as her you filthy horrible man why did you push Mom down the stairs we need to get an ambulance for Mom soon and check on her oh my God is she dead Mikey she’s lying still what do we do she’s dead JJ how did this happen don’t worry she’s not going to die we should call an ambulance to get her help sooner rather than later let’s hurry up JJ call and have them come quickly I’m already dialing Mikey I hope they answer quickly hello this is the ambulance what’s your emergency our dad drank and pushed Mom down the stairs my brother and I don’t know what to do help us don’t worry help us is on the way just stay calm thank you okay guys let’s hurry up it’s a serious case we have to act fast there’s a mom of kids fell down the stairs and needs hospitalization fast JJ the paramedics are here they’re going to help Mom hurry up she’s in that room and she won’t move okay we’ll help her don’t worry I don’t know what exactly she damaged please take her carefully so as not to do any more damage JJ how are we going to be without Mom how long are we going to be without her I don’t know Mikey I don’t think she’ll be able to walk for a while after a fall like that so what’s going to happen to us now you’ll come with us you’ll live there for a while until your mother is well I don’t want to go anywhere from here I’m scared guys this is the way to do it you have to come with us don’t worry no one will hurt you I don’t want to either Mikey but we don’t have a choice we have to go with them come on guys your mom needs help let’s go quickly let’s not waste any time don’t worry Mikey it’s just the two of us our mom will get better and we’ll live happily ever after okay JJ but I’m still very sad and scared get in the car you will live in the orphanage for the first time until your mom gets better it’s a total horror how long does it take for a mom to get better we can’t say anything yet what’s this for 2 hours [Music] later we’re almost there this is your home for the first time come on in I’ll show you around don’t worry Mikey I’m right here with you everything’s going to be okay okay thank you JJ this is our Center folks there are lots of different kids living here besides you all in all it’s a nice place you shouldn’t be sad to live here the important thing is we’re not staying here forever are we let’s see guys come on in and see what we’ve got here and how it works at least we won’t be the only ones here there are other guys here it’s true they are all very friendly you are sure to make friends with someone I don’t like it here JJ I don’t want to be here let’s go to the second floor I’ll show you what we’ve got it’s certainly not our home but it’s so much better than it could have been on the second floor you’ll see what you can do later too all in all you should not be bored here it’s better at home anyway on the third floor I don’t know what but it’s best not to go there okay everybody I got to run settle in and don’t do bad things yeah thank you what are we supposed to do here JJ until mom gets better I don’t even know Mikey there’s a lot of stuff here in general I think we can work something out or we could go meet someone don’t worry the two of us won’t miss each other we can really find some new friends and play with them stop standing there with a sour face answer me something don’t scare me okay you’re right JJ the important thing is that Mom gets better and we can find a way to make the the best of being here that’s great I’m glad to see you with a satisfied face let’s go downstairs I saw a lot of kids down there let’s see what they’re doing listen you give us all your money you hear that JJ now there’s something to do let’s go see what’s going on the fun found us now we’re going to have a good time guys please don’t touch me I really don’t have anything I don’t care what you say I know you’re lying to me you’re rich we got to show these bratty kids how to behave Mikey you’re right JJ especially two onone isn’t fair now we’re going to teach them a lesson insolent children what are you doing doing here you think you’re the bravest ones here let’s get out of here I don’t want to see you around that boy again who the hell do you think you are huh why are you defending him you don’t get it do you get out of here before you get hurt run you cowards before your underpants sleep on you are you all right why are they doing this to you I don’t know but thank you so much for helping me I really appreciate it you need to learn to stand up for yourself but for now you can be friends with us it’s true let’s go upstairs for a while see what we can do well I’m glad you came you’re my first friends here we won’t be here long so it’s unlikely we’ll see each other again sad but I’m glad we met I’ll remember you for a long time come on stop idolizing us already we just did what we had to do well done JJ I’m glad we did a good deed what would you guys do if you were us give us a like if you’d help the poor boy too JJ look here comes that girl guys I’ve got some good news your mom’s okay wow that’s wonderful news can we see her where is she now follow me your mom is waiting for you already now you have to talk to her don’t worry it’s nothing serious cool I’ve already missed her lot we’ll finally get to see her stay here she’s coming right now it’s so great we’ll be home soon enough hey guys it’s so good to see you Mikey look what Daddy did to Mommy she’s in a wheelchair I’m still so happy to see her why is Daddy here there’s a reason why your parents are here after the recent incident you have a choice of who to live with either your mom or your dad why did that happen why don’t we live together because your mom made the decision to give up her husband well that’s understandable anyone would say no after that I don’t even think there’s any point in choosing we’re going to have to take care of of mom I think so too especially after what Dad did I don’t want to live with him that’s why we choose mom I agree if Dad started drinking all the time he’ll start us the choice is obvious we chose to live with Mom thank you my beloved children so you ungrateful children choose this psychopath have you all lost your minds I’m going to give you all a hard time get away from us you drunk help us freeze don’t move don’t spread your arms get down on the floor now phew thank goodness now he’s going to jail and can’t hurt us anymore it’s about time the cops showed up thank thank you so much for saving me I feel a little sorry for Daddy but he deserved that punishment he shouldn’t have started drinking alcohol come on boys let’s not look at all this let’s go home I totally agree with my Mom especially since I’m already really homesick it’s true all the more reason for us to take care of our mom now I’m so excited guys we’re finally going to be happy after a while you must be tired by now Mom be patient we’re almost there we will now help you live your life in a way that makes it easier for you to get back on on your feet mom can’t get home she can’t get over the threshold on Wheels it’s true there’s no way we’re moving her but I’ve prepared and figured out what we’re going to do you’re a genius Mikey this is the perfect solution to the problem just put up the ladders well done Mikey it’s so much easier to climb so what do we do now I’d like to ask you to go to the store because I’m really tired of driving of course we’ll go don’t worry let’s just walk you to your bedroom and then we’ll go straight out I’m so glad you care about me so much I’m very grateful to you you’re the best don’t worry Mom it’s no big deal we know how hard it is for you to do anything right now and especially after a fall like that you need to get more rest and recuperation come on Mom lie down and rest and we’ll run to the store for groceries come on guys I’ll be waiting for you I’ll close the curtains to keep the noise out now we have to do it quickly so we can still cook I’m very happy with what we’re doing my mom took care of us all our lives and now we’re taking care of her we made the right choice Daddy’s completely out of line I’m glad he got his punishment after he did the three of us will be much happier together than we were with him come on hurry up you fightaholic hurting defenseless children and your wife is disgusting this is your new home now next time you’ll think twice about hurting your loved ones I’ll decide what I do and don’t do do you understand arrogant cops come here cheeky kids decided to choose this handicapped girl over me but that’s okay I’ll show them what betrayal means I have something in my pocket that will help me a lot this is a great place to start digging did you think I was going to sit here no way I’ll get out of here and give them all a beating for betraying me wait for me you rats well here we go Mikey now we can go home and make mommy a meal then let’s not waste time and go already because I’m sure mom’s pretty hungry after the hospital yes it’s true I couldn’t be happier that we are doing well now our father is in jail and we live at home with our mom not in an orphanage alone we would be very sad to be in an orphanage much better at home so you nasty little kids thought you’d put me in jail I’m going to beat the crap out of you it’s even good that he’s here now you and I can get back at him for all the things he did to us and to our mom come on guys let’s part ways I was just kidding no come here you horrible man you’re going to answer for almost killing mom stop running you coward get what you deserve next time you’ll know how to drink alcohol and Bully everyone guys please calm down now he will know what pain is now he will experience what Mom experienced it’s true it makes me feel so much better we did a bad thing but we did the right thing Mikey and I went outside to play on the playground but it’s getting late and we’ll have to go back soon don’t say that JJ we’ve got plenty of time and the whole playground is ours so we can play here for a long time yeah but the sun’s almost gone so I think we should get home a little bit at a time let’s jump on these buildings while there’s still time I’m tired well at least I made it to the highest part of the plaza come on downstairs let’s go home I think Mom and Dad are waiting for us they sat in the kitchen looking sad after they got [Music] here wow did you hear that I think my mom’s crying you mean ours yeah yeah I heard her crying let’s go see what’s wrong maybe we can help I hope it’s nothing serious I don’t want my mom to be upset well let’s go check it wow mommy’s crying honey please calm down I’ll solve the problem you don’t have to worry we should support her I’ll find the money please don’t be upset hey Mom Dad we’re home can we help you I don’t think you can why we have to pay the IRS a lot of money wow we owe a lot of money these bills are overdue but we don’t have the salary to do it we owe them a lot of money so your mom’s upset because they might take the house away from us we can find part-time jobs to get money wow are we going to work please don’t cry it’s not a bad idea guys but we need the money urgently we can help I know where I can find it you need to go to bed please children go to sleep you heard your mom but I don’t want to sleep I don’t want to work I don’t want to lose our house you should go to bed it’s late please I’m already crying go to sleep but Dad we can find money to help pay the house bills kids you’re upsetting your mom even more by not listening to her I think we should go to our room go to bed it’s late I’ll find the money and solve the problem I’ve never seen our mom so upset yeah but Dad said he had a solution to the problem I hope so I don’t want to lose our house and go out and work Daddy won’t let that happen it’s hard and tedious and I want to have fun I hope dad knows what he’s doing I hope so too if he can solve this so quickly he must have some kind of plan I really hope so because just the thought of having to work makes me sad and tired wow Mikey is so tired he just passed out I think I should go to bed and get some rest too and tomorrow we’ll see what are we going to do listen honey I know a way to get money and you don’t have to worry I’ll get it and no one will touch our house don’t worry I’ve got it all figured out and I’ll be back soon with lots of money please calm down everything will be fine really okay I’ll stop crying I promise I’ll get the money I’ll go get it right now stay home and wait for me I’ll be back soon with lots of money and you’ll be happy I hope so everybody down on the ground don’t move and nobody gets hurt It’s a Robbery I’ll take the money and I’ll get out of here just don’t move if you try to run away or call the police I will have to shoot you I have rubber bullets so hold still and listen to me oh my God I have so much money H enough to last a lifetime you can throw it around like some rich guy I can’t believe it’s so easy my wife will be so happy about the next day ah I’m finally awake and energized I got to see what time it is oh it’s still morning I got to see if Mom has anything for us get up you lazy bones ow ow ow I’m getting up stop hitting me come on get up only an earthquake will wake you up haha yeah you’re right I’m a deep sleeper is it morning already I feel like I’ve been asleep forever well as you can see the sun’s already up outside and it’s not even 10 was a.m. yeah yeah yeah I got it so yes it is morning let’s go check on Mom see if she’s got anything for us yeah I’m hungry and Dad worked out the money thing I think it’s going to be okay like he said yeah I hope so wow look how much money Daddy got I told you I know how to make money honey I can’t believe it but how I won that money at the casino wow we’re rich now take it all I’ve got it more wow I want a lot of money too you give me money dad of course I will take it wow I’ve never seen so much money and Mom’s happy now I’m really glad we’re so rich now too that’s so cool and what are we going to do now well I’ll stash some money away for the future if something happens it’s a good idea yeah I think it’s worth it kids you can order any delicious food you want wow did you hear Mikey we can order any kind of food yes you can enjoy yourself thank you having a lot of money is so cool yes it is when we have so much money you don’t have to deny yourself what’s going on nobody move there’s a police presence get the robber get him on the ground don’t touch me what’s this all mean step back kid this guy is a dangerous criminal what what are you talking about he robbed a bank by threatening people with guns and holding them hostage while he filled his pockets with money he did a lot of damage to the bank that’s not true I won that money shut up you’re going away for a long time for robbing that bank you arrested an innocent man good job guys Mikey our daddy wants to go to jail that man was extremely dangerous but you did a great job pick him up off the floor and put him in the squad car yes sir we’ll get right on that I’ll be there later they want to take our daddy to jail oh no that’s bad did you rob a bank honey it’s not true it’s a lie silence get up your car is waiting for you wait you can’t just take Dad away from us we don’t have any money don’t be afraid family I’ll get out in court I’ll be acquitted come on move it you’re pissing me off wait but how are we going to be without Daddy I have sad news for you what your dad was caught on surveillance camera robbing a bank and now he will only go to jail for armed robbery of a world bank I can’t believe it it’s a serious case our dad can’t rob the bank they put him in jail for a very long time this is very bad what do we do now I don’t know if you know where the money he stole is we don’t know we need to turn it into the police otherwise there’s no way he can avoid jail time we understand sorry have a good day and I’m going to get back to work how are we going to live bye officer bye-bye have nice day I can’t believe your daddy stole money so we could have a good life at the cost of his freedom don’t cry Mikey I’m sure they won’t lock him up for long he’s going down for a long time I can’t cry when my mom cries I have to support her mom we still have the money dad stole it’ll help us live it’s not working for her mom please they won’t lock him up for long nothing is helping her she needs something to make her happy he’ll be out and back with us in no time your dad will go to jail for a long time for stealing they have proof and video footage I guess our mom’s right they’re going to put him for a long time oh no 4 to 6 days later I can’t believe it of course they had cameras in the bank and I was locked up for 5 years but I’ll figure out a way to get out out of here it’s good that at least my family got the money and they can live in peace while I’m here it’s a small price to pay for their happiness I hope they won’t grieve too much while I’m living here I have to show the locals who’s boss and then I won’t have such a bad life in prison I hope my family will be okay while I’m here it might be hard on the kids but I think they’ll get over it I HD enough money for them to live happily for 10 or more years if my wife gets a job and they help her they can live our mom has been drinking for a day since my my dad left and she is sad all the time I think it will be bad for her health if she continues to drink like this she’s been drinking like that all day besides this drinking is expensive and we may not have any money left again do you think maybe we should try to get her to stop drinking I don’t think she’ll listen to us she’s very upset that Daddy’s in jail we’re all upset but we don’t drink either drinking is bad Mikey we’ve been told that many times it makes people stupid and angry so don’t do it look this is going to sound weird I’m scared already but I have an idea what’s the idea what if we dig a hole about a kilometer from the prison it doesn’t sound weird it’s crazy and tunnel down to his cell Mikey that’s not possible it sounds crazy but we can get him out we have to help Mom through this sadness mom can do it on her own but Dad needs help Mikey he’s not going to last long in prison alone I can’t believe I’m not going to help you but why this is a bad idea you’re wrong it’s a good idea and our mom needs help she’s sitting there sad and drinking non-stop we can’t help her she needs help she won’t listen to us and she’ll keep drinking until Daddy comes back and that’s why she needs us you stay with her and I’ll go rescue daddy Mikey that’s dangerous and when I get there Mommy will be better while you try to talk her out of drinking you shouldn’t do that oh my God Mikey really thinks he can dig a huge tunnel and get right into Daddy’s cage I think he could go to jail for trying to help Daddy Escape I hope he does well I got to go downstairs and try to calm Mom down before she goes crazy from drinking so much I think if I talk to her she’ll feel better and we can figure out something to get Dad out I can’t believe he robbed the bank Mom you can stop drinking it’s just impossible please he’s in jail for 5 years for everything he did yeah I know how do we live now I don’t know what to do stop drinking maybe huh it’s a really fun book lucky I have a lot of time to read it now hm what’s that annoying sound it’s like someone’s trying to break a rock and it’s coming from the ground what could it be what’s going on the sounds are getting closer it’s almost here hey hey hey hey guess who what Mikey it’s me Mikey am I in there Dad I’m here to save you Mikey yeah it’s me hurry up is that really you no it’s joking what are you doing here you came to save me I do it right now it’s dangerous come on let’s go we can’t wait yeah I know you’re mad at me for risking so much to save you but Mom’s not doing so well but I’m glad you’re so desperate to help me we have to run before they figure it out I just can’t stop mom look at how much you’ve been drinking it’s a lot you should stop well dad sacrificed himself so we could have a normal life without having to earn money oh I guess you’re right Dad wouldn’t be proud of what I’m doing now don’t be so upset about the sacrifice he made to make a good life for us I have to clean up the mess I made yeah that’s a good idea thanks for talking to me I’m always happy to help I feel so much better I was hoping so I have to figure out tomorrow what we’re going to do and how we’re going to get on with our lives dad will be out for a while I think it’s going to be okay but we can visit him and that’s good someone’s coming hey hey hey hey guess who what Dad dad and me too Mikey helped me escape honey I can’t believe you ran away I helped Mikey dug a huge tunnel under the prison and helped me escape I couldn’t sit yeah I did it there not knowing what was wrong with you I wanted to get back to you as soon as possible what do you say to JJ now I can’t believe I’m so glad you’re back Dad I’m incredibly glad to be back with you myself but we’ll have to run away soon with all our money Mikey you’re unbelievable it’s not such a crazy plan thanks to you our mom is happy yeah I’m happy honey I’m so glad to be back with you too looks like they’re doing well now Mikey I can’t believe you dug a long tunnel by yourself yeah but I wasn’t alone never mind I hope everyone has a family as friendly as ours 10 hours later I hope you’re comfortable here I’ll be here all day today don’t worry I’ll run away yeah if you say so wait for me here I’m going to get a coffee my eyes are falling asleep maybe even grab you two if you’re good and I don’t forget ha that’s funny take your time I’m not running away well I lied I definitely lied I can finally Escape after a month of sleepless nights and endless tunneling I’m almost done I’ve had enough of this disgusting food and endless labor it’s not for nothing that I took a carpenter’s job and stole some wood to make this shovel and so here’s my key to freedom I hope he doesn’t forget the coffees for me it’s such an adrenaline rush right now so here we go yay ow ow my knee here I am waiting for me to show up what a wonderful song of sirens and screams I hope they don’t realize where this tunnel leads anytime soon at least I’ve already escaped from here I finally woke up I had this wonderful dream about becoming incredibly rich and befriending someone and then having a bunch of Adventures now I’m so hungry I need food Hey Dad I hope you made me something for breakfast I’m hungry and I’m willing to eat an elephant yeah yeah yeah you’re up I made some this morning and left it on the table so you can take it to school with you or eat it now it’s delicious pancakes dipped in syrup so I think you better eat them now or they’ll turn to mosh by the time you get to school so you better eat it now I’ll eat it now thank you very much get home from work soon yeah yeah yeah I’d better eat it now and I don’t have to go anywhere why did he tell me I had school today so what do we have here syrupy pancakes just what the doctor ordered I slept so badly I hardly ate anything last night and slept on the floor it’s so uncomfortable I hope today will be a good day after Daddy went to prison life got really hard I miss him we used to have so much fun together until he got in trouble and had to do criminal stuff and now I’m alone and he’s in jail it’s so hard I got to eat something I’m so starving and my back hurts after sleeping on a mattress that’s on the floor what I have no food left what am I supposed to do I have no money and no job to earn food I’ll have to become aand it and steal food to survive hey hey hey son guess who what it’s your dad he’s been released on good behavior is that true no I lied I just escaped from jail when the guard got busy how cool is it that you’re home again wait what you escaped from prison I ran away because the food was awful and the conditions were bad and most importantly I never saw you visit me son do we have anything to eat why is the fridge empty I don’t have any food left I don’t have any money to buy it and all this time you couldn’t get a job and earn something you’re useless no that’s not true all this time you’ve just been sitting at home doing nothing that’s totally true I was trying to think of something all this time you haven’t hit me once once you couldn’t even clean the house what have you been doing while I’ve been away I was sleeping on a mattress the whole time you don’t even have to answer me I know what you want I learned how to treat them in prison and it sounds like you need a lesson in behavior and attitude now you’ll be sleeping by the toilet that’s what they do to people who’ve been guilty of thievery in prison where I slept now you’re sleeping by the toilet and you will until you’re old enough but this is my place it stinks and it’s filthy what are you doing Dad are you out of your mind why did you put the toilet right where I slept that was my spot like I said I guess you don’t get it but I’ll say it again you think I had fun in prison while you were here relaxing and doing nothing I was suffering in prison now Daddy needs to rest it’s been a tough escape and you can go wherever you want to go from here I’m going to get out of here so I don’t have to see you I thought things would be better when you got back but they’ve gotten worse don’t piss me off oh sure I won’t piss you off I’ll just leave here somewhere better because anywhere is better than being here you’re brave get out of here before I beat you up like they did in prison maybe then you’ll grow up a and I’ll leave I’ll find a new family and live with them and you can continue to live in this abandoned and horrible house come here I’ll slap your neck for your insolence yeah well good luck hearing the police ringing the doorbell I can’t believe prison changed him I need to find a place where I can live or at least stay overnight or better yet find a family that can take me in because I can’t just live on the streets it’s horrible and I think it’s starting to rain I can already feel the droplets hitting me oh my God it’s really starting I’m so tired and upset I want to cry I need to find shelter before I get soaked to the skin it’s unbearable somebody help me come on there’s no shelter in case someone gets caught in the rain or something wow finally a shelter and there’s a fire I won’t be cold thanks to whoever made that shelter without it I’d be soaked to the skin and freezing outside I just have to wait out this rain and then I can find someone to take me in because I don’t want to go home it would be awful after what happened so well 3 hours later wo finally this rain is over one problem is gone but another has come I’m really hungry right now what am I supposed to do I guess there’s nothing left to do but dig through these stinking garbage cans I wonder if anyone threw out a grilled chicken today or some medium rare steaks no there’s no more or less edible food here at all e you stinking bum y who are you just an ordinary passer by who doesn’t need to go through a stinking dumpster actually I’m a poor orphan I have no other way to find some food yeah that’s not cool at all being an orphan without any family you have no one to help you you’re surviving at such a young age yes I’m glad you understand me it’s not easy living here I hope you’ll give me some money to buy some food just wait with your money so you’re actually living in this little house made out of newspapers yes at least this house keeps out the rain but the roof leaks a little I have an idea you can stay at my house I have no heat leaks food cartoons and a soft bed and my roof doesn’t leak you want to adopt me into your home yeah I don’t think my dad will mind my decision okay I’m in at least it’s better than living in a dump follow me I’ll show you my super cool house by the way boy what’s your name my name’s Mikey what’s yours my name is JJ nice to meet you there’s my house I don’t think you’ve ever seen such rich and cool houses in your life let’s go inside dad’s not home yet he’s at work we’ll introduce you to him later Mikey you have a really cool house you even have your own pool when I wanted to swim I did it in puddles that sounds too wild puddles are dirty and this this pool is so clean don’t you pee in it when you swim there no we pee in the toilet which is inside the house wow you have a toilet inside your house we had one outside yeah because we’re rich and can afford a toilet inside the house you can get used to it JJ by the way I thought you wanted to eat I have a super duper delicious cupcake for you oh yeah that’s what I need you can eat the whole cupcake by the way tell me how you became an orphan yam yam very simple my dad’s really bad I didn’t want to live with him and and I went to live on the street wow you’re a really cool dude I couldn’t do something like that because there’s no reason for you to do it oh who’s that Mikey hi oh who’s that in the house this is my new friend JJ he’s an orphan and I took him into our home hello I felt very sorry for him he was living in a dumpster I couldn’t just leave him there that’s right your son is a very kind dude wow I didn’t realize we had a new resident in the house I’m so sorry JJ that you have such a hard life I’m going to have a great life now no need to worry we need to find your parents now I need to find out what happened to them hey stop don’t do that my dad broke out of prison and stole a toilet there’s no way I’m going back to his house uh that sounds kind of weird weird it’s just awful your father is an escaped convict yeah that’s a dangerous dude he’s a danger to society we have to put him back in prison oh we’re doing this right now I feel like I was wrong to say that no JJ you did good to confess come with us we have to take him down right now uh okay I don’t have much respect for my father at all he constantly insulted me and behaved badly all criminals are very bad and evil that’s why they should be in jail I’m all right I hope your dad is still at his house yeah he’s watching TV and probably drinking beer that’s what criminals often do that’s where he is but I’m warning you he is very strong and dangerous oh that’s already scary I’m a cop my job is to catch criminals like him and I’m not afraid of him at all back off kids there’s a criminal in custody you right now just please don’t kill my dad it’s still my daddy I’ll try not to shoot him with my gun ha what did you say you’re going to shoot my dad oh my God don’t go inside yeah my dad’s about to be really surprised I’m worried about my dad too hands in the air police nobody moved oh my God now my dad’s going to be really mad what I’m going to beat you up ah looks like my dad already cuffed your dad let’s hurry up and get inside I want to see it let’s go I think your house is already safe what’s going on JJ you’re the the one who turned me into the cops shut up criminal or I’ll shoot you stay quiet oh my God my dad’s really getting angry don’t shoot my daddy get up now and get in the car I’m taking you personally back to prison the cops are making a mess again ah stop yelling no one can help you nobody loves you not even your son what my son I hate him too I don’t even want him your father’s already crazy dad listen to the policemen that’s how you’ll survive please don’t make any more mistakes this is the first time I’ve seen such dangerous criminals apprehended get in the car now I don’t want to go to jail JJ you’re a traitor you’re no longer my son what shut up already JJ you’re doing great your father will never escape from prison again he’ll stay there forever forever I think that’s too cruel exactly if you see a criminal call the police I have to go to work uh all right it’s a good thing your Daddy won’t give you any more trouble I was doing fine without it and now I have to live in this stinking house yes but I I want to live in your house someday you’ll earn money for a house as rich as mine I’ll have to pee outside again a little while later you definitely know my name by now JJ haah we’re playing ball here with my dad and mom it’s so cool hey everybody haah they made me play ball um mom’s kidding we don’t pretend I made them all play with me catch the ball JJ haha we’re having so much fun oh yeah Mommy catch the ball are you having fun uh well yes of course you know I’d love to watch soccer on TV rather than play it myself stop whining dad kick the ball to me okay catch it I got him haha I love playing catch with my family so much oh my God kicking a ball in heels is so uncomfortable be patient we need to make it look like a happy family for our son hey what are we stopping for the thing is it’s night time and it’s time for you to go to bed by the way it’s starting to get dark it’s time for the kids to go to bed oh you’re right we’ve been playing with the ball for a long time haha I didn’t realize it had been 6 hours it was real fun spending time with you son I’m so tired of him oh what what are you talking about uh nothing he he I was just kidding we have a lot of important things to do tomorrow plus JJ has to go to school tomorrow oh I hate this school so much but okay since you’ve been playing with me all day I’ll obey you what an obedient and good child we have isn’t he oh yes JJ is a very good and obedient boy thank you for such warm words I love you Mom and Dad go to bed already fast uh okay why do you have to yell like that uh just kidding for for fun ha and Daddy and I need to talk after you go to sleep oh yes we have to go good night JJ good night to you you are the best parents in the world I love you yeah you too I’m so tired of him you should know friends do you play with your parents write about it in the comments it’s so cool but you know what I’m not tired at all I don’t want to sleep maybe I should watch cartoons listen what are we going to GI JJ hey keep it down he might hear and besides we’ve talked about this what are they talking about it’s supposed to be a surprise I’m sure he’ll love it and it will be a good gift for us too oh that’s what you mean I can’t wait for tomorrow this is the coolest surprise for our son ha oh yeah as long as he doesn’t hear us it has to be the perfect surprise let’s go to sleep because I’m tired of playing this stupid ball well well well surprise for me now that’s interesting I love surprises I wonder what they have prepared for me could it be the new iPhone or a new video game console I don’t know so interesting the next day woo finally my lesson’s over friends my surprise is waiting for me what do you think they have prepared for me bye-bye dumb classmates I have a surprise and you don’t by the way don’t forget to like this video And subscribe to our Channel very nice sign that reminds me to say this ha there’s my parents now they’re going to give me my surprise he’s going to be totally shocked by this shocked I’m so excited it’s going to be something something very expensive and cool hey JJ come here hi Dad Mom I’m running bye-bye my school I’m getting a super duper cool surprise today well where’s my present what kind of present I think he’s figured it all out then there’s nothing to hide anymore we really prepared a surprise it’s waiting for you at our house oh yeah I’m so excited you guys are the best parents ever what did you get me tell me it’s a surprise you’ll see what we’ve prepared when we get home be patient JJ you’re really going to love this he uh okay I’ll be patient for a while but I’m so excited to get home is everyone seated let’s go at least give me some Clues as to what you bought me no clues you’ll see it for yourself and we didn’t buy it for any money at all oh really it’s not worth a dollar 2 hours later that’s some nonsense then cool surprises should cost a lot of money look at this first you’ll love it okay then what are we waiting for let’s go home quickly I guess I shouldn’t have told you that you’re too emotional because you don’t surprise me every day this is all your fault when was the last time you surprised us what yes you don’t do any surprises for us at all I’m your surprise you must love me for nothing wow is that honorable of you I don’t think so here’s your surprise JJ come look at this okay let’s take a look at that hey Mom Dad it’s so good to see you who the hell is that is this my surprise yeah it’s your new little brother oh what are you talking about I thought I was going to live alone no I’ve lived here all my life stop fighting already you’re going to live together whether you want to or not okay I think we’re going to be friends how wonderful I knew they would be friends I like that already I’m so excited to have a little brother of my own hey I’m actually older than you kid I don’t care about that thank you for your brother where am I supposed to live with him in the same room you can both fit in there I don’t like you okay I want to live alone you’re not welcome here I don’t like you either but we’re going to have to live together in spite of that hey where’d you go you’re going to live on the street this is my room it belongs to me what the hell is that a green bed that was my bed get out of here don’t you dare touch that my parents let me sleep here it’s my parents and that’s my bed get out of here you green idiot your filthy Hooves shouldn’t be on my bed now you’re going to shut up this is my bed now and don’t even think about arguing about it where do you want me to sleep on that point I know a very cozy and comfortable place for you it’s right there there’s already a bed for you what you’re suggesting I live in this stinking closet are you crazy you stink too you’re going to live in a smelly little room it’s all right I’m not living here hey where are you going oh my God he’s playing on my computer his parents let him do that too how could they this is not a cool surprise at all friends do you fight with your brothers write about it in the comments unfortunately it’s time for me to live here for a while 3 hours later Hello friends I’m so bored here nobody wants to play ball with me as soon as Mikey started Living With Us everyone suddenly forgot about me look at that they’re playing without me ha we’re having so much fun without JJ ha we’re having so much fun without JJ he’s so boring I’m so much better than him yeah they’re much better off without me but I’m bored too maybe I should play with them nah ha this is so much fun catch the ball daddy oh that’s so sweet did you hear that he called me Daddy honey catch the ball no I got it ha good job hey guys can I play catch with you all it’ll be more fun together actually we don’t have a lot of space here Mikey’s right you can’t play here in general get out of here yes go to bed it’s late wa you’re not welcome here yeah go away and we’re going to keep playing ball oh my God that’s so hurtful I wanted to play ball too nobody cares seriously but I’m your son we played ball yesterday stop whining get out of here okay I’ll go now I have a grudge against all of you don’t even call me to play with you I’m much more interested in playing alone I’m shocked how did this happen some new kid who was adopted on the first day is more important to them than me ha Mikey you’re the best son in the world the best son he’s not even your own son oh my God that’s so hurtful I hate him he ruined my life he took my family away from me that was my room what a pleasure it was to rest here now it’s stupid Mikey’s room they told me to go to sleep saying it was getting late but they keep having fun I was even surprised at their insolence I should teach Mikey a lesson so his parents stop loving him friends who do your parents love more you or your brother or sister write about it in the comments and I have a plan for Revenge I can make a little bonfire and then I’ll say Mikey did it a little fire would be nice moments later oh my God it’s all burned up all I wanted was a little fire oh no we got to get out of here otherwise I’m going to burn or suffocate I definitely can’t be in here for too long ouch now that’s a problem how am I supposed to get over that big burning beam hey somebody help me I don’t want to die Mom Dad oh oh my God I’m so scared oh my God JJ what happened why is this place on fire save me please how are we going to save you there’s a burning piece of wood stop talking and help me put that log out and get me out how are we going to get you out save yourself how am I going to do that I can’t touch it just jump over it I cannot jump you already don’t like me oh my God no one will help me so little air oh my God I’m so sick oh my God God why is it so bright and where am I now what’s with the white office am I in a hospital well I guess I survived that fire after all what a fool I was oh hello doctor what happened to me you were rescued from a burning house you’re lucky to be alive kid where are my parents can I go home you don’t have a home you burned it down by the way your parents brought you some goodies oh cake I love it don’t they resent me I did set the house on fire that’s a very bad thing I did okay I got to get out of here right now I’m really embarrassed in front of them JJ where are you are you alive o he’s alive oh I’m so glad JJ I’m sorry for messing with you I won’t do it again I take no offense to you I’m sorry for everything I’m the one who set the house on fire the most important thing is that you’re alive we don’t take offense okay I thought you guys didn’t even like me after Mikey showed up so I thought I’d do some damage well that was stupid yeah that was really stupid I won’t do it again and I’d rather not fight with Mikey anymore I’m sick of your family squabbles here but get out of here the patient is already healthy oh really it’s about time let’s get out of here I don’t like being in the hospital then what are you waiting for get out of here get in the hallway let’s not disturb the doctor okay thank you so much for saving me bye-bye JJ please forgive us we love you too and so does Mikey and don’t play with fire again because of you we have nowhere to live I’ve already apologized stop insulting me yeah we’re all to blame here not just JJ okay I think we’ll stay in a hotel for the first time then I’ll decide where to find a second home hope we don’t move into that straw house this is the house it’s all because of JJ tell him thank you at least we’re not homeless okay we’re waiting for you all in our car hurry up okay we’ll be right there JJ let’s really be friends I won’t fight with you anymore putting you in the closet was a bad idea yeah ha and taking my bed away from me too but that’s in the past we’re brothers now I don’t know I don’t think we can be friends again stop let’s be real brothers sleep in the same room share toys computer and so on that sounds so dumb I agree that’s what real brothers do they know how to share everything oh yeah we’re friends and Brothers now so cool that’s a good idea and I shouldn’t have messed with your parents and you in the first place yeah I’m in charge the next day what a beautiful sunny morning I’ll come home to my favorite family I wonder what they’re doing now they’re probably all playing together I wish I could play with them but I have to go to the store for food too hey Chicky you look so beautiful today do you want to have fun with me I would love to lick your TV uh I’m actually married come with me baby you’re so rude and what bad girls like bad boys you’re going to love it sweetie if you say one more word to me I’ll shove your head back where you came from disgusting toilet I’m married get away from me married huh it’s no big deal you’ll be a widow soon such a beautiful and screaming chick will be mine it’s time to take out her husband hello everyone we decided to play a game of Monopoly we’re having fun here yeah I’m winning now hey everybody by the way I’m throwing the que 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 seven so you’re buying the factory well done JJ Kids honey I’m home oh our mom came home from the store let’s go meet her yes let’s go say hello to her I hope she bought something tasty she definitely bought something hopefully it will be burgers or chips at the very least so let’s go down there and find out what she bought and then we’ll keep playing yay we’re going to keep playing it’s cool that Daddy stopped watching TV mom hello hi Mom hello my favorite babies I hope you both behaved yourselves I bought you some burgers hey sweetie Hello darling while you were gone e e you get out of the way faster I’m going to kick the ball stand back dad go away quickly watch out there’s a truck ouch oh my God a car ran over Daddy what are we we going to do what a blind driver in a truck oops that didn’t go well Dad got run over by a truck is he even alive let’s go run to him Dad Dad are you alive get up it’s just a truck running over your body it’s nothing I think he’s in pain we should get Mom and call an ambulance get up daddy maybe the truck wanted to play soccer too maybe the driver wanted to kick the ball by his truck what are you talking about Mikey oh Mommy’s coming she’s going to save our daddy kids honey what happened what’s wrong with him mom he got run over by a truck some crazy guy was driving without stopping oh no oh my God how why him I don’t think he’s going to make it through this alive we need to call an ambulance the police everybody sweetheart I’m so sorry for you no no no no no no no no dad wake up don’t die please wake up please come back to me don’t leave me oh my God 5 minutes later you know the results so far have been disappointing he has no pulse broken ribs internal wounds and other not so nice things we’re doing everything we can to save him he’s already received first aid we’re hoping for the best doctor I wish he’d live my dear husband please wake up kids you heard the whole thing we don’t stand a chance no no no daddy wake up please I kicked the ball into the road it’s my fault I’m sorry to say this but your husband is dead we did everything we could time of death was recorded a police officer will contact you for further action henceforth do not run out into the road if you see a truck at high speed I hope you are able to cope with this bereavement you can bury the body tomorrow goodbye is our father dead you mean bury the body in a cemetery oh my God they’re taking our daddy away I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him I’m sorry to say that children you you will now live without a father he was a good man we’ve conducted a thorough investigation at the scene we’re going to prosecute that truck driver what he did is punishable by years in prison he’s a criminal unfortunately we can’t find the driver because the camera on the pole wasn’t working but we’ll check all the cameras on the following polls interview Witnesses for what this truck looked like who was driving it see if anyone remembers the license plate number we didn’t get the license plate number we starting our own police investigation if you have any new information evidence or something that will help the investigation give us a call goodbye what other Clues can we give him it was just a rusty truck that’s all there’s nothing else still I hope they find that criminal good always triumphs over evil doesn’t it no JJ life is unfair harsher life is Harsh it’s not a fairy tale I miss my husband so much why him listen up we need to do everything we can to find this driver he should be in jail the next day we miss you so much we can’t imagine our lives without you darling how will we be without you Dad I’ll always be alive in our hearts you were fun to play with you were a cool dad goodbye forever Daddy I’m sorry about kicking the ball into the road it was my fault I’ve always loved you and I always will dear my beloved husband I’ll never forget you I will always love you you will forever remain in my heart I don’t know how we’re going to be without him who do we play Monopoly or soccer with yeah I’m going to miss him too we’ve known each other since we were kids we fell in love at first sight we had such a good time all the time and now he’s gone this is a tremendous loss for all of us but we must move on yeah you’re right Mom I think he’d want want us to move on we’ll come here often to check on him yeah Mikey you’re right we’ll visit his grave every month to honor his memory how well that went knocked out the cameras on the poles tinted the windows so I couldn’t be seen killing that Dad was so easy now I’m going to be your daddy what you wouldn’t do to be with a pretty chick like that I just need to get to know her better and my plan will come true I’m a genius moments later you know kids I still can’t get used to regular life without our dad me neither I can’t play I can’t watch cartoons I can’t eat properly yeah Mikey I know what you mean all the regular stuff doesn’t work without my husband I have the same feeling it’s so sad doorbell who could it be I don’t know Mikey maybe it’s a police officer came to tell me they caught that driver uh I don’t know he calls so often what a persistent visitor okay we’re going to have to open the door after all what the hey hey hey what’s up baby this lovely bouquet of flowers for you it’s as beautiful as you are mom who’s that I’m your mommy’s new boyfriend what what that’s not true this is true son do you want me to be your daddy get out get out of our house I’ll see you again I’ll call the police you freak he’s just a crazy toilet honey why are you doing this to me I could have taken care of you after your husband TJ look is that Dad is that the spirit of our dad hey kids good to see you all again let’s go play on the playground again Hello darling let me talk to him honey how are you are you a ghost listen to me you disgusting poop filed toilet get out of here and stay away from my family ever again go away you stink of poop disgusting scab toilet you’re going to pay for it the bouquet costs money did I pay for it for nothing this chick will still be mine hello again yes I died but I only became a ghost for 7 days I think we’re going to have a great time together honey but how is that possible I can’t believe my eyes my dad’s a ghost so cool in these s days we’re going to have a lot of fun by the way in that time I have to find the man who killed me once we find him you will tell the police so that the guilty party will be punished let’s not waste time let’s go play in the playground I’ve missed you guys so much you know we really missed you too Dad I’m so happy to see you again it’s mutual my dears let’s go outside let’s go it’s so cool that we can play with our dad again it’s just unbelievable I’m going to play with my dad’s ghost no one would believe me if I told anyone there’s some food left she’s been lying there for 4 days I think we can eat it of course it looks so appetizing I’m sorry but I can’t eat because I’m a ghost you know oh that’s right ghosts don’t need to eat yeah you’re right Mikey look you can fly can’t you can you hold on to us in case we fall off that pipe on the playground of course I can I’ll catch you if you accidentally start falling nice JJ get in here I was always afraid of falling from that height wao it’s so high up here ha mom look how high we’re standing still be careful out there kids it’s okay honey so much fun let’s stay here all day we love you Daddy yes we love you very much Dad fall to 6 days later you know I don’t know what to make for dinner cabbage or Burgers of course Burgers that’s all we’ve been eating all our lives yeah Mom go make us some burgers okay kids we’re having fast food again for dinner oh that’s just great well I’m going to go cook oh Dad hey where have you been I was in the process of finding my killer went through all the cameras on the road he was traveling on he broke almost all the cameras but he left one this gabii toilet hit me with his car this is the same toilet that came to see us a few days ago yes that’s him we need to take this picture and take it to the police immediately it’s evidence that’s what the police officer told us that we’re supposed to help them if we find anything yeah JJ you’re right he’s the one who rang the doorbell a few days ago we’re going to the police I thought we’d never find him yeah me too so what are you waiting for go and put him in jail yeah Dad’s right let’s drop everything and go to the police station this is 100% proof of that disgusting toilet guilt he did it on purpose to start dating my mom what a disgusting thing to do that’s right it all fits we didn’t think so I’m just shocked how can you be such a disgusting creature it’s not even a human being it’s a stinking toilet hey open up officer we have evidence of a crime yes the evidence is accurate and true open it quickly good afternoon officer hello what brings you to me the new crime robbery assassination what happened the thing is we found a photo from the camera of the man who killed my my husband this is the photo take it well well well we’ll see ah I recognize that toilet skibidi he’s got a record for disorderly conduct this is irrefutable proof of his guilt we’re going after him immediately to arrest him and put him in jail thank you for assisting the police good luck bye-bye phw so glad that’s all over Justice will be served what wouldn’t we do without our daddy he helped us and continues to help us from the other side of the world Mikey still can’t believe what’s happening we helped the police catch the culprit H what’s going on police a police officer hello is something wrong yes it was you ran over an innocent man on purpose You’re a murderer you’re going to rot in prison for the rest of your life this is the 15th time you’ve broken the law shame on you You’re a murderer well my family while I was a ghost I did all my chores I protected you I helped Catch a Criminal the toilet that killed me yes Dad you and I had a lot of fun I’m glad to hear that JJ watch your brother listen to your mom be a good boy honey I love you now I have to go back we love you too Daddy goodbye daddy you’re the best bye honey bye-bye I love you I will always love my family don’t forget me bye-bye we’ll remember you how epic is this if I told anyone at school they wouldn’t believe me we will always remember our daddy we’ll try to continue to be a good family that’s what he really wanted yeah Mom you’re right I’ll be a good boy so I don’t upset him in heaven everything in this world ends well after all you just have to believe it Mikey’s right believe in goodness and be good people put your likes on this video subscribe to our Channel watch the next videos write in the comments if you like the video bye-bye [Music]

Today, SPEAKER DAD came home drunk and started arguing with TV WOMAN! JJ and MIKEY saw SPEAKER DAD hit TV WOMAN! JJ and MIKEY called an ambulance and they took TV WOMAN to the hospital.

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

Original Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial

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