Terraria but I’m American

sup Gamers and today I thought i’ add a little twist to the Terraria range class by making it stereotypically American using a combination of weapons and the guns category and explosives to create the ultimate USA subass anyways I started off just like any Terraria playthrough by chopping some trees and man day one is an American feeling pretty good Manifest Destiny and all that and as it is my god-given right to colonize I hopped straight into a cave before realizing I had no weapons or torches so left continuing the conquest right I found my first chest you stupid [ __ ] unsatisfied I chugged a shine potion and I’m just going to go balls deep see what happens you know going deeper I found a house which had a wizard with a gun pimp ass and we got to CL the bottle which I genuinely struggled to equip no did that that’s the one back on the surface my primary objective was to get our first absolute Banger of a weapon one of three starter guns a blowpipe a flare gun or the Undertaker which I would use to immediately go into the jungle to get a Boomstick was a snowball Cannon a gun cuz that would be way better than the other that I’ve been thinking of oh yeah that too my hunt for yet another possible starter weapon led me to a railway which huh on my way back to the snow biome I made a profound Discovery I mean surely I let myself use grenades right cuz like America’s like guns grenades and stuff yeah I’ll allow it making it a little bit further on the railway this time I pulled up to an ice house oh [ __ ] okay third time’s the charm and oh great I wanted that all right so that was a little disappointing but the Life Crystal and pile of money did help soften the blow with an almost full inventory I decided it was definitely home time so returned to the surface and built the best damn house you’ve ever seen my insatiable thirst for Destiny manifest however led me underground where I was met with attempted murder what the you clearing out any potential dangers I once again descended into the mines to great success Now by this time I was quickly going insane but it was probably worth it is this lead that I can put in my petrol and paint and pipes and carer it was a while later that I realized man what am I doing there’s nothing immediately down here for me know what I’m going for like there is almost literally nothing immediately worthwhile weapons wise so it was once again time to manifest some Destiny and headed west to a desert now still being almost completely weaponless I realized that I was quite underere equipped to fight a vulture so decided to turn back and oh sh I mean I can use grenades but you know lob them no that worked even less actually well I guess I just kind of have to run yeah you [ __ ] well that was a complete bust uh spos they’ll go right then great that was almost entirely useless we out of there new plan gun it uh so this is not good actually this just keeps getting worse a well what I supposed to do here okay newer plan get the Undertaker now to be as cautious as possible I decided to Tunnel my way through the ice biome because there’s no way I could die from just tunneling right oh sh fed up with attempts at actual progress and because it’s Master mode night time and I’m scared to go outside I decided yeah I’m just mining to Hell taking a little detour to loot a mushroom biome and then somehow miraculously made it out alive although there were some close calls oh oh no yeah not happening not happening but overall i’ consider that a pretty good mining trip making a golden pickaxe I thought I’d take another stamp at the Crimson this time just running straight in but got kicked out almost immediately what so instead took a bit of a detour to Tunnel around the side before bombing my way through and dropping straight onto a crimson heart which had only a 20% chance to drop the Undertaker oh yes finally with my first weapon I struggled to blow up the crimstone no back on the surface I immediately went to the Jungle to get a Boomstick now in the jungle tunneling like a mle rat my first chest contained not a Boomstick second not a Boomstick third not a boom stick and fourth well you get the idea taking a break from manifesting Destiny it was time to work on my base I settled on a red brick New York apartment style building you know the American dream and it turned out pretty sh thanks to the Arms Dealer I now have access to unlimited ammo oh lovely love that and I was pretty excited get a sucker how the are you you son of a b a little later I was considering the mini shark as a potential future upgrade yeah 32 gold I’ll save up for that but when checking my finances I’m pretty close hang on I can afford that can’t I did not expect to have the mini Shar this but I’ll take it add to this an armor upgrade and things were looking really good I’m like set up let’s go do some Carnage though before any proper Carnage could take place I needed to increase my health and while on the hunt for Life Crystals my good mood was ruined [ __ ] I hate the Goblin Army though they got nothing for me but I was aware of this so kind of ignored them and stayed underground where I found quite a few Life Crystals along with other decent loot so I return to the surface with 360 Max health and some new gladiator armor which I hoped would somewhat soften the blow of what would be grueling fight ahead almost immediately my house was overrun with goblins and I was forced to stand helplessly and watch my NPCs slowly die not fun and to add insult to injury the Y cthulu showed up if there were to be a worst case scenario it would be whatever this is and I obviously died but even while focusing just on the goblin Invasion it took ages I’m going to have a cry this was not at all helped by me running out of ammo with no way to buy more thanks to the death of the Arms Dealer though with the help of my snowball Cannon I eventually won [ __ ] off you suckers holy [ __ ] you know it’s been a while since I’ve manifested some Destiny and with that slime is now falling from the sky okay I guess we’ll fight him then but we won’t win no that would be ridiculous [ __ ] me maybe I should have built an arena before I use it however I went on a hunt to find the goblin Tinker up no you [ __ ] and luckily he did manage to buy some rocket boots before he died back at base it was now night time and I potion up ready to avenge myself against the eye of cthulu and come on I had a mini Shar what do you think happened oh say can you see I think I need a shotgun may have chance per so I made my way to the Jungle where I stumbled upon some homies boots I need those as well and wait what’s this an item I actually wanted yeah making some final preparations before taking on the brain I contemplated using a flaming mace but decided it isn’t really part to the American dream but you know what is do I want a sand gun maybe on my way to the Crimson I was able to test out my new bom stick and oh yeah this is where we manifest some mothering Destiny and manifest I did setting up an arena before teleporting home to buy lots of grenades back in the Crimson I buffed up and initiated the fight now usually the brain is a pretty easy and straight forward boss which is why it’s really weird that I managed to whiff this hard no 120 oh my God I’m actually over this is this is this is silly this is wacky I’m so good at this game I think I should be given like an award that went well so well in fact that I dug my way Straight to Hell upgraded my furnace mined exactly 200 obsidian and just a bit over 200 health stone returned to the surface and completely replaced my armor now I was doing all this before actually defeating the brain entirely cheesing the fight probably but I did almost die despite doing this so I’m just going to ignore it heading towards a dungeon I stumbled Upon A mediate right I didn’t realize had landed and decided to mine some ore as I do want this because a star cannon is probably the most American item crafting the star cannon I immediately removed it from my hot bar as I would otherwise inevitably waste all the ammo I was saving for my fight with Skeletron now at the dungeon I got to building an arena which should have ample space to dodge all of Skeletron attacks this is good Arena size for an arena going into the fight I didn’t really have a plan other than stay far away and shoot this is American this is what this is is all right we are out of stars is that two damage each time we’ll keep fighting them but this doesn’t seem very winable at the moment I’m not going to lie okay well maybe next time then but I definitely approached that the wrong way holy [ __ ] so clearly all I needed was a mini shark and this fight would go without any issues star waited in the dungeon for night time then summon Skeletron how did I make it out alive at the start of the fight the minig guns seemed to be dealing significantly more damage and I was feeling pretty good those things progressed I realized that with less than half of the night left to go I’d only dealt about a quarter of his health in damage and not too soon after I thought I’d give the big guy a break so went home defeated I’d come too far to just lose to Skeletron like I had so much Destiny to manifest so it was time to employ my last resort this was the only change made to my strategy and yet I was feeling confident though just like my last two attempts initial damage dealt was low and it looked like my time was running out however as the fight progressed the boss’s defense decreased with each hand destroyed things started looking not that terrible and with just under 2 minutes left in the fight I whipped out the mini shark and you know I think this class could be really interesting but in the future i’ definitely want to explore other types of weapons that could be considered American so if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments below and with that let’s go

Sup Gamers, and today I will be embracing my inner USA puppet state by beating Terraria’s MOST Patriotic Challenge…Terraria but I’m an American! In this Terraria challenge, I attempt to beat the game using guns (and some other related items) only – also known as the gunslinger class. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more Terraria content!

▶︎CURSE OF THE DUNGEON (Skeletron) MUSIC- https://youtu.be/QMsYc9qMq7g

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  1. love the style and all and i have no problem with the swearing, but dont add the FUCKING DISCORD SOUND EVERY 5 SECONDS, its annoying.
    everything else good tho 🙂

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