JJ and Mikey Escape From MEGALODON in Minecraft ! (Maizen)

hey Mikey did you see that something big in the water oh no Mikey a Megalodon it’s enormous stay calm JJ we need a plan maybe we can scare it or outsmart it where am I what happened the boat it’s wrecked I’m on a beach Mikey where are you I hope he’s okay I need to find him the forest looks dense maybe he’s in there or on the other side I need to keep searching my leg hurts but I have to keep moving Mikey needs me I won’t give up there are footprints here they look fresh maybe they’re Mikes I’ll follow them a small house it looks like a fishing cabin maybe Mikey found shelter I hope he’s inside I’m almost there please be okay Mikey I can’t do this alone we have to stick together there you are Mikey I was so worried are you hurt can you walk JJ I’m so glad glad to see you I’m a bit bruised but I’ll be fine thank goodness Mikey we’re safe for now this cabin is a good shelter we need to rest you’re right JJ we need to recover then plan our next move we can’t stay here forever let’s check inside Mikey this place looks abandoned but it might have supplies or clues about where we are be careful JJ we don’t know what’s in there it looks old and spooky but we have no choice it’s so dark in here here Mikey look at all this dust no one’s been here for ages wait what’s that on the floor oh no JJ it’s a body someone didn’t make it this is creepy poor guy Mikey I wonder what happened maybe he was stranded too it’s so sad look JJ a note it’s in his table I’ll read it it might tell us something important what does it say Mikey is it a clue or a warning I’m getting nervous it says he was attacked by a giant shark a Megalodon just like we saw so it wasn’t a dream Mikey the Megalodon is real and dangerous we need to be careful he tried to fight it JJ but he couldn’t he left this note as a warning for anyone who found it we need to stay alert Mikey the Megalodon could come back we need to find a way to protect ourselves and get off this island let’s rest for now JJ we’ll need our strength there’s a second floor it might be safer up there good idea Mikey we can barricade the door and get some sleep we’ll figure out a plan in the morning I’ll help you with the barricade JJ we should take turns keeping watch just in case we can’t let our guard down you’re right JJ I’ll take the first watch you get some sleep we need to stay strong thanks Mikey the sun is rising I should check outside maybe things look different in the daylight let’s see what’s out there oh no it’s the mega Adon right by the shore it’s huge and terrifying I need to be quiet I hope it doesn’t see me what is it doing so close this is bad I need to get a better look it’s moving away now back into the water I can’t believe I just saw that I need to find out more it’s safe to go outside now the Megalodon is gone but it might come back I need to prepare I have to get a better look but I can’t let it Notice Me quietly now I’ll just peek out a bit if it’s so massive up close its teeth are terrifying how did it get so close to shore I need to warn Mikey the coast looks clear but I better stay alert it could come back any moment I need to move quickly there’s nothing here now maybe it swam away or is hiding underwater I need to find something to help us let’s check inside again there might be useful items we missed something last night let’s see what we can find I should head to the attic it’s the highest point I might see something from there let’s go up I there might be more hidden here I’ll search the attic thoroughly every detail matters this could be the key to surviving these stairs are so creaky I hope they hold almost there just a few more steps I’ll set it up here it’s sturdy enough up we go I hope there’s something helpful the attic is Dusty but it’s sturdy I can see the whole Shoreline from here time to use the binoculars it’s dusty up here here looks like no one’s been here in years but there are some boxes wait what’s that in the corner an old photograph it looks important I should take a closer look this is incredible it’s a picture of the megalodon someone knew about it me they documented it the photo is faded but you can still see the shark it’s huge just like I saw Mikey where are you you weren’t in the Attic maybe you’re downstairs who what’s that over there it looks like oh no bodies what happened here maybe he went outside I should check the yard he might be looking for food or exploring the area these poor people they must have been attacked the Megalodon is ruthless it didn’t spare anyone there are bite marks everywhere this is horrible we need to get out of here before it comes back I can’t find Mikey anywhere I hope he’s okay maybe he’s hiding or looking for help I need to stay calm panicking won’t help think JJ think where would Mikey go I should search the perimeter he might be nearby but I need to be careful the Megalodon could still be around these tracks lead to the beach but they end here no sign of Mikey just more chaos what if the Madan took him no I can’t think that way he’s strong and smart he’ll find a way I need to keep searching I won’t give up on him he’s my best friend we’ll get through this together I’ll search every corner I won’t stop until I find you hang in there Mikey I’m coming for you it’s an axe a good sturdy one this will be useful I feel a bit safer now what’s this next to the axe a diving suit this could be perfect I can use it to explore underwater it’s my lucky day this suit might save my life and help me escape I need to put it on I should check the rest of the cave there might be more useful things I can’t leave anything behind every tool is important I feel more confident now with this Axe and suit I can face the Megalodon and find Mikey the suit fits perfectly now I’m ready for anything I can even go underwater this will help a lot I need to stay strong for both of us we’ll get out of here and beat this monster I won’t let these people’s deaths be in vain I’ll use what I found to survive and protect Mikey we will escape I need all the help I can get the water is cold but this suit keeps me warm I can breathe easily this is amazing but I need to stay focused the temple should be around here somewhere I need to keep an eye out and stay alert for any danger there it is I can see the temple it’s huge and ancient I wonder what Secrets it holds I’m getting closer the entrance looks eerie but I have to go in Mikey could be in there inside the temple now it’s so quiet just the sound of water and my own breathing look at these carvings they’re so detailed this place is incredible I wonder who built it I need to find Clues something to help us maybe there’s treasure or tools we can use I’ll explore a bit more there might be more chests or hidden rooms I can’t miss anything this place is like a maze so many tunnels I’ll keep going for a bit there’s still time I need to be thorough every clue counts this Temple is amazing but I need to hurry Mikey is waiting for me and we need to get home all right I’m in the basement this place gives me the creeps it’s so dark and damp I need to stay focused wait what’s that a cage oh no it’s Mikey he’s inside and unconscious Mikey wake up can you hear me he’s not responding I need to get him out of there the cage has a keypad it needs a code to open there must be a clue around here I need to find it quickly Mikey hang on I’ll get you out just stay with me I need to solve this there’s a riddle here it looks like a math puzzle I need to figure it out it’s the only way to open the cage think JJ think I can do this the answer must be here somewhere I just need to stay calm okay let’s break it down the step by step I’ve solved puzzles before this one is no different numbers and symbols it’s starting to make sense I think I’ve got part of it just a little more the clues are here somewhere I have to solve this quickly Mikey’s counting on me I can’t fail him now these symbols they must mean something I need to decipher their meaning time is running out I think I’m close just a few more steps Mikey hang in there buddy I’ll get you out soon this puzzle is tricky but I won’t give up Mikey needs me and I won’t let him down I need to concentrate clear my mind focus on the solution I can do this I need to use logic and maybe a bit of luck this puzzle won’t beat me Mikey I’m coming for you there’s a sequence here I need to crack it one step at a time I can do this okay let’s try this combination cross your fingers Mikey here goes nothing did it work I think I have it Mikey you’re free let’s get you out come on buddy wake up please he’s still unconscious but he’s breathing I need to carry him out we need to get to safety I’ll take it slow we need to get back to the boat or find a safe place what’s that coming is that a Megalodon Mikey we got to get out of here Mikey wake up where are we it’s moist and cramped I think we’re inside something Y what inside what it’s so dark and slimy oh no are we in the Megalodon I think so Mikey I can hear its heartbeat it’s like we’re in its stomach this is insane how do we get out of here it’s like a nightmare we can’t stay here we need to find an exit the walls are so slick climbing seems impossible we need another plan any ideas Mikey I feel so claustrophobic but we have to keep going for both our sakes watch out for the stomach acid it’s eating through everything we have to be quick hurry Mikey Mikey we need to get out of here fast let’s craft some TNT it might blast us out grab anything we can use good idea JJ I’ll look for materials we need sulfur gunpowder and something to ignite it hurry Mikey the longer we stay the riskier it gets I’ll start setting up the crafting table find those ingredients I found sulfur and gunpowder Now where’s the sand we can’t make TNT without it keep looking Mikey I’ll set the crafting recipe we’re so close we can do this found the sand let’s craft that TNT here’s the gunpowder and the sulfur no more underwater adventures for us I’ve had enough excitement let’s stick to dry land and safety thanks for sticking with me Mikey we make a good team even when we’re inside a giant shark we do JJ and we’re stronger for it no more underwater temples for us perfect Mikey now let’s ignite it stand back This Might Get Loud ready AJ light it up back away here goes nothing boom it worked the Megalodon won’t forget that let’s get out of here we made it out alive Mikey I can’t believe it that was the craziest thing ever let’s get back to shore I’m still shaking JJ that was too close I thought we were done for let’s never go near water again look at the sun it feels good to see it again home is just ahead we’re almost there Mikey I’m so glad to see land Solid Ground never looked better let’s get out of these wet clothes and never speak of this again remember when we thought it was just a big fish turns out it was a giant shark never again we’re sticking to land Adventures from now on I’ll take hiking over swimming any day no more underwater temples or sharks I’m with you JJ let’s stay on dry land at least we have a crazy story to tell who else can say they were inside a Megalodon let’s just hope it never happens again JJ and let’s never speak of the Megalodon again our next adventure will be much calmer I hope thanks for sticking with me home sweet home Mikey wake up Megalodon is back we have to get out of here it’s too dangerous to stay here where where am I it’s so dark and quiet and I can’t move an inch what happened to us wait I’m trapped here underwater and struggling I need to find a way out Mikey where are you hiding okay stay calm JJ think clearly and act smart there must be a tool nearby ah there’s a pickaxe right there the water is so cold and unforgiving but I have to keep pushing Mikey can you hear me calling out I’ll search this way first Mikey must be close to here hang in there my friend I’m on my way to you now what’s that over there I see a cave entrance maybe Mikey could be found inside there I need to investigate it carefully this pickaxe will certainly be useful let’s Venture deeper into this cave Mikey where could you be hiding answer me if you can hear me I hope I’m headed in the right direction Mikey please be safe and sound wherever you are there you are Mikey oh thank goodness you’re all right I finally found you let’s work on getting out of here together now I was so incredibly worried about you we need to figure out a way back to the surface let’s stick closely together we’ll make it out of here somehow we made it back on Solid Ground once more I can hardly believe it Mikey together we did it let’s promise to never do anything like this again I’m sticking close to you JJ I feel safer with you let’s find cover stay focused Mikey we’re not safe yet let’s keep moving deeper into the forest we need to find a secure hiding spot Mikey look what I found smoke grenades these could really help help us Escape let’s take as many as we can carry great idea JJ let’s grab them quickly we need to get out of here fast the forest should provide cover let’s head in that direction Mikey stay low and move quietly we don’t want to attract attention follow me closely I’m right behind you JJ lead the way I trust your instincts let’s find safety in the trees throw a smoke grenade now Mikey quickly it’ll create a diversion let’s go into the forest smart move JJ keep moving we can’t afford to stop Mikey we need to signal for help let’s arrange these rocks SOS should do it help should arrive soon good idea JJ let’s make it big and clear the helicopter will spot it we need to get out of here arrange the Rocks like this Mikey SOS it’s an international distress signal keep an eye out for the helicopter got it JJ it’s visible from above we need to be patient now help us on the way stay hopeful Mikey someone will see it just a little longer we’ll be rescued soon I hear something is that the helicopter it’s coming closer JJ I think they see us stay calm Mikey they’ve spotted us we’re going to be okay help is here thank goodness let’s wave to them they’re coming down we’re saved JJ hold on Mikey they’re lowering a rope

JJ and Mikey Escape From MEGALODON in Minecraft ! (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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