Mikey vs JJ Kinder Surprise House Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

[Music] you know my surprise Kinder house is bigger and prettier than yours but mine is more useful let’s see which house will last longer in one piece okay let’s then then the house will resolve first and lost and who will lose will fulfill the wish of the winner I think this will be more interesting H look there villagers why did they come watch this Kinder at home they look very tasty I have so long not eaten Kinders Mikey it seems the vill will soon eat your house how they villagers look at the kinder honestly I have a bad feeling H we have to be careful I think the villagers really want to eat my house H and where are the villagers they were just here where did they go did they get tired of looking at our houses and she went to the Village H wait is that a hole they dug up H look Mikey they’re near your Kinder we have to stop them get out of my house don’t you dare touch my house what no way they were run over by a Kinder it looked very funny the villagers are so funny they’ve been betrayed and they’re as thin as a sheet of paper y great you’re lucky Mikey that’s not all we will come back we will come the whole village and eat your Kinder you will regret that you went against the village better give up now well they’re gone now they won’t bother Uso I’m glad they didn’t work out how lucky you are Mikey that the eggs started to swing and crush the villagers we need to dig a hole so they can’t use that hole anymore great now your house is safe it’s almost evening H what is so abruptly dark who is that it’s a horde of zombies why are there so many of them I have a remote with a jet so don’t worry Mikey we’ll be able to stand up against this horde of zombies all right it works just like I plan how nice that I built traps in my house H zombies are still trying to scum to my house but they are constantly being blown away by the jet they are staggering down great look Mikey Zombies Run Away the jet really works I will hide in my house the street is too dangerous I don’t know why but I have a bad feeling I’m safe in here great JJ man to drive out a hord of zombies but then there were other zombies this time I can drive them away I’ll push the Trap button what is it are they broken why is it so wrong don’t come near me get away from my house zombies you know how long I’ve built this house I have to banish zombies the Trap did not work so I have to beat them with my hands why are these zombies so strong how can I fight against them get out of here stop eating my kinder I see your house was attacked by zombies you were able to fight off a zombie attack but your house was badly damaged H didn’t the trigger switch work well your house could have been hurt a lot more H it’s okay your house could have been hurt a lot more we can rebuild so don’t worry I understand that I can rebuild the house but I still feel bad I built it for so long and now it is badly damaged I hope nothing else will happen to my house I don’t understand why we always get into all sorts of trouble listen I have a bad feeling I think something may happen soon do you remember what the villagers said when we sent them away they said they’d get back at us oh no they came again what they want do they want to eat your Kinder again we just came to sunbath we’ll just lie on these louers near your house or do you mind that we rest H I know what you’re up to you’re waiting for us to relax and attack my Kinder house I figured you out from the start I activate the walls now you will not be able to attack my home how good that I made this remote to activate the traps and punctured the protection listen Mikey better watch out for the villagers I’m sure they’ll attack your house so watch your back how could this happen I walked away for just a few minutes come on you know how much money and time I spent to make such a house I warned you Mikey you have to keep your eyes open the V villagers came here to eat your house the chocolate seems to have warmed up and started leaking out use the ice to cool the chocolate I already used the ice as you can see from behind the sun all the chocolate began to melt a little you need to better defend your home if the villagers attack again your house may not survive H it’s not fair while your house is just in perfect condition and my house is on the verge of a permit you can come to my house if you want to H you really wonder that my house has endured so long I built it for a long time and I already had experience especially since I protected my home I built traps oh and if anyone tries to attack my house the traps will activate immediately and by the way as you know it’s very cold in my house I put air conditioners so the chocolate doesn’t melt you have so unusual here I’ve never seen anything like it my my house is so much smaller you have a Kinder Factory and not a house here you have cocoa beans and chicken your house is amazing by the way JJ while you’re at it don’t you want to see my house H all right come on I wonder what kind of house you’ve built it’s a lot worse but it’s not bad either my house is better on the inside than on the outside as you can see here I have a chocolate fountain so I can eat it anytime if I want look I wanted to make a chocolate fountain I love how your house is set up listen Mikey we have to be on our guard remember what the villagers said the last time they attacked our house H they said they would attack the whole village I think they were serious so it is better to be on the lookout I hope our house will not destroy what look Mikey it’s the villagers they’re stealing Kinders from your house oh no the villag also stole Kinders from my house stop there thieves why are you constantly stealing from us get out H wait how could this happen apparently when I was distracted to inspect your house the villagers broke into the house H they chewed a hole in your house and took the West chocolate and what about my house we only left the house for a few minutes it’s not fair why our houses were so badly damaged let’s go to your house H I hope at least your house did not suffer much well like there are holes in it that’s good well nothing has changed on the ground floor let’s go to the second floor and where are all the Kinders did the villagers take everything they stole everything that was in the chest how could they steal so fast okay let’s go to the third floor I hope only the second floor was damaged they killed all the chickens but why they broke almost all the cocoa beans and it crushed the seeds why did they do it they needed the Kinders Mikey we’ll rebuild the houses H why did they kill my chickens and trample my cocoa beans of course it’s a shame that the villagers stole our Kinders and our chocolate but we’ll rebuild yep let’s start with your house H we need to clear the ground fix the fountain and cover the fool in the ceiling thank you for helping me rebuild my my home I suggest that when we are done rebuilding houses Revenge the villagers they should regret that they decided to attack our house H I hope no one breaks my house again H let’s hurry up for some reason I think the villagers will attack our house again H so we must hurry and rebuild our homes as soon as possible we have almost fixed the fountain now we just have to pour the chocolate into the fountain great we fix the fountain great we were able to completely restore your house yep now go to my house I want to rebuild the buildings in my house fine you help me build my house and I will help you oh still because of the villagers my house was badly damaged H good thing they didn’t break the walls yep it’s a shame they stole all the Kinders don’t worry JJ we’ll get the villagers to return all the Kinders I promise you H by the way you said you wanted revenge on the villagers I love that idea oh but first we have to figure out how to get back at the villagers let’s rebuild your house first you’re right Mikey I’m just very angry with the Villagers there used to be chest here we need to do it the way it was great now my house is starting to look a little better you have to fight all the papers off the floor on this floor we finished went to the next hurry up JJ we still have to insert the third floor we should pick up all the cocoa beans from the floor and hang them on the trees to grow them yep I’ll help you JJ we’ll completely rebuild your house we’ve already picked up all the cocoa beans and put them in the trees now we have to wait for them to grow up H now we need to clean the bird cage we need to lift all the feathers I have chicken eggs so I can still grow chickens now I have to wait for the coco beans to grow you have to grow the chickens to lay eggs and then then I can make Kinders again all will be well I was able to fully win after the attack of the villagers H we have rebuilt our homes then let’s get to the trap now we need to protect our homes we need a trap Mikey give me a shovel I have an idea I know that sooner or later the villagers will attack our homes again when they eat all the Kinders they ate so we need to build a trap we choose two big pits okay come on I like your idea if the Villager want to decorate our Kinders they will fall into the pit it’s very simple we must hurry soon the villagers will come y I need to express with a sufficiently large hole that more villagers can fit to be honest I would put spikes at the bottom of the pit but I would rather do differently when the villagers fall into the Trap I call the cops oh and they will arrest all the thieves only you need to pull out not just a long hole you will need to hide it more H I will have to put a thin layer of grass on the pit so that there is no pit to see I’ll have to use the bait I’ll take some chocolate from home I think it’ll be a good bait I see you’ve dug a hole already yep I need to finish my trap listen Mikey you need to use a fake coat of grass to keep your trap from being seen from the outside I know how you see I’m doing it I’m almost done with the Trap you better help me because you’re just standing there talking we’re done what are we going to do now H great we’re both done with traps now we need to hide somewhere but we have to find a good place so we can see everything you think this is a good place of course this is a good place I will build a wall of leaves so that no one can see us but we will see everyone I think the villagers are coming so we should hurry and hide after after that the villagers will fall into our trap we run for the cops then the villagers will definitely go to prison I need to fix this hole and then the villagers can go through it to our house well now our ladies are no longer in danger so now we have to wait for them to come well I can’t wait for the villagers to fall into my trap and they all go to jail for stealing my Kinders the main thing is that the villagers do not understand that it is a trap but what if they do not come at all listen Mikey I forgot about the bait quickly run and arrange chocolate blocks that will lead directly to your house hurry Mikey the villagers can come at any moment how could you forget you yourself said that you would definitely need to play school bait okay it does not matter I hope the villagers don’t come at this moment I hope the traps really work I wonder how many villagers will come for the Kinders thank you Mikey I just got so caught up in the Trap that I forgot about the chocolate bait okay it’s not that important great you just ran now we have to wait for the villagers to come H look Mikey how many villagers there are I think the whole village has come they were swimming in our bait great they are going to bait just a little more great you see this Mikey yep we succeeded our traps worked it was easier than I thought h look how many villagers there are all these villagers are now in prison yep I’m so glad the Trap worked now we have no more stealing Kinders yep let us out now it’s your fault you should have just given us the Kinders now we need to go to the police let’s run to the police station it is near good let’s go to the police station we were able to catch all these villagers now they will be sent to prison and the villagers will sleep for us compens ation hurry Mikey the villagers can get out of the Trap although I think they could not Escape in such a short time I can already see the police station we’re almost there well done hello officers we need your help what happened to you our house has been attacked we built a Kinder house and the villagers are constantly stealing from us Kinders for us to name the criminal he must be at the crime scene did you catch him we built a trap and we caught them all good we will help you take us to your house if there really will be villagers we will really send them follow me and then they can all run away they not only broke and stole from us Kinders they still partially destroyed Mikey’s house now they will be impr prison let’s hurry up here I used a speed potion on you so now we are moving faster we almost got to my house please police hurry up the villagers can get out of the Trap these are the thieves they stole our Kinders from us and destroyed part of Mikey’s house make a fence around them you did well you were able to catch all these thieves now they’re all going to jail let us out now it’s not our fault JJ set us up and we didn’t know we couldn’t take the Kinders nobody told us they lie we constantly tell them to get out of here that’s our house and they keep stealing our Kinders and they broke part of my house H don’t worry Mikey this villagers will not believe we caught them red-handed we caught them trying to steal from us Kinders so no one will believe them they went to prison and pay us a fine so we can just buy all the Kinders that we stole great now we have to make a second cage well it was worth it to steal our resources now you’re going to jail now our house is no longer in danger we were able to put all things in jail

Mikey vs JJ Kinder Surprise House Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Gummy Bear vs. Security – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-HMNSmSCs


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