Why Did Mikey Leave Forever in Minecraft? (Maizen)

all right let’s get started I’ll have to go visit Mikey now whoa what where is Mikey going he has already prepared the car did he decide to go somewhere to rest I don’t understand anything at all JJ I can’t do this anymore I’m leaving the village once and for all Mikey what happened I cannot understand still it was really good in our village no need to leave I can’t do it here without you I’ll be incredibly bored I can’t tell you the reason why I’m leaving it will really be better for for all of us this is really very very important I’m really sorry but it will really be better this way I will have to leave the village and will never return you’ll have to deal with everything on your own Mikey does this mean I won’t see you again let me go with you we’re best friends yes you won’t see me again no JJ you are not coming with me I want to leave alone tell the villagers that I didn’t want all this I can’t believe my best friend is leaving without me he doesn’t give any reasons why is leaving I need to find out this reason as quickly as possible and bring the matter to the very end I really regret that everything turned out this way but apparently this is fate maybe we’ll meet again one day JJ but this is no longer certain okay I was glad to see you are you really walking me on my way I’m really glad I had such a good friend like you Mikey think again don’t rush into your actions we can handle everything that worries you we will truly do our best as I said I have decided everything I won’t change anything everyone will be better off if I just leave I’ll go on a trip and hope we can meet one day oh no friends Mikey really went we need to stop him somehow goodbye JJ farewell my dear friend I really hope that you and the village will not have any problems we’ll see you later sometime I can’t believe it friends Mikey really left the village forever but what happened with Mikey and the villagers I need to find out because the reason must be really very serious the villagers will have to answer my questions or I’ll get really angry and then we’ll do something incredibly terrible I think everyone will agree with this it seems to me that Mikey might not have shared the cookies or emeralds with the Villagers that’s why he decided it was simply a better idea to leave but it’s very strange that he didn’t call to resolve their conflict between each other this is all very strange indeed I hope we can resolve and get to the truth villager do you know what happened to Mikey did you have a fight or something no everything was really good he just became somehow very strange as I was told it’s really very strange because Mikey just up and left the village forever I can’t even say why we can’t tell you because we don’t know what’s in Mikey’s head he simply decided to leave apparently there were definitely no problems it feels like the villagers aren’t telling me something maybe they had a fight with Mikey and now we don’t know how to get him back this is a big problem I’m really going to miss Mikey so much this is my best friend we had the best time with him we’ve been through a lot therefore my main task will be to return Mikey I really hope he agrees to return to the Village each of us must make an effort to make Mikey part of the village again the villagers should be kind to him too JJ we’ll be glad if Mikey comes back but we really don’t know what happened to him maybe he stole something from someone or I don’t know I don’t understand at all what’s going on here my best friend just left me none of the villagers complained that he stole anything you can check the emerald Village Bank I want to bring this matter to an end and of course find out the reason why Mikey left you really need to check the bank what if Mikey stole the emeralds and just ran away from the village of course I don’t have the same opinion about Mikey but anything can happen I really want to follow through and just find out the truth H everything is really in place here the emeralds are in the jar so he didn’t steal anything thing then I have even more questions if he didn’t steal anything there was no quarrel then why did he leave I don’t understand this at all friends but I really hope that everything will be very good with Mikey I hope he finds the right place for himself and we will meet very soon now I won’t find out anything I just want to rest and think about everything that’s happening this was really very unexpected and I want to know why Mikey left but personally I will stay in the village after all she absolutely needs protection from Bandits oh friends this is really unfortunate I completely broke my car I can’t even leave here now this is problem the breakdown is really very serious because my engine is almost on fire I understand absolutely nothing about cars that’s why I’m here for a long time I hope that someone will help me and we can get to the right place I was almost there but this strange situation arose I want to see this through to the very end I can’t even imagine what I should do now I’ll probably have have to wait for someone to come to me and help me fix it because I can’t do anything on my own this is truly the biggest problem I will never do anything like this again in my life I even think maybe I shouldn’t have left I didn’t really tell JJ anything he will think that he is to blame for something this is a really big problem I just want to understand how serious the problem is what kind of sound is this oh look friends apparently someone goes there after all this could be my salvation they will help me repair my car stop there’s some Bandit driving they really have some kind of Camp there at the very end we must go there as quickly as possible and try to find out what is happening there I really hope that I was wrong and these are not Bandits because I will really need help I want to see this through to the very end and just win this battle I want to get to my place and just relax it will be just incredibly cool in my opinion friends I turned out to be completely right this is truly a real Bandit camp but what were they planning I need to EES drop on their conversation and understand what they want to do this could actually be very important because they are close to the Village finally you are all here Bandits our plan is going as planned we will really do all this very soon we will attack the village and seize all the emeralds the villagers are really unaware of all this oh no apparently the bandits really decided to raid the village I’ll have to do something about this I need to come up with some kind of plan to just take and Destroy these Bandits I have an incredibly cool plan I want to see this through to the very end I’ll have to do something incredibly cool you just have to wait for this but friends I promise you when my plan is revealed all the bandits will definitely lose to me and we will stop the attack on the village after all this is the most important thing now I need to run as quickly as possible to my car it will really be safe there so that no one will see me we will have to think through everything down to the smallest detail we can definitely beat all these Bandits because no one has come up with such a cool plan yet I really hope that I will have time to prepare everything and Destroy them if not then I will rely on on JJ and his protection of the village this will be necessary for me too there really are a lot of emeralds in the village that’s why they decided to attack the village I really hope JJ can handle them and attack because my plan will simply completely destroy them they will never be able to do something like this again friends you must believe in me and my strength I was eager to punish all the bandits therefore I will do my best to defeat and Destroy them okay so right now I’ll go get ready for my plan it will take a long time but it will definitely be worth it friends what was that cry I woke up to it let’s see what’s going on with the village oh no someone attacked our village these are Bandits they are destroying it they really surrounded our village and my house I simply have no choice where to run I’m really trapped I need to figure out what to do where to run definitely won’t be able to hide anymore oh some Bandit is coming to my house JJ come out as quickly as possible I know you’re there we have already taken all your villagers hostage you must surrender immediately or we will start destroying everyone you will have to come into the cage with me this is the only way you can save their lives apparently I just have no choice okay I’ll go with you just don’t touch the villagers I am truly responsible for them why are you doing all this we need a bank of emeralds in this Village if you really don’t tell us everything will be very very bad for you we want to get our emeralds and that’s it but I won’t tell you anything if you really take these emeralds The Village will be destroyed very quickly I can’t allow this you’re already inside the cage that’s why I’ll very quickly extract information from you don’t even think about it you will not be able to obtain this information as long as I’m alive I won’t say anything about it you don’t even have to try Bandit it’s very well hidden you won’t find it without me let’s see how you speak speak when we get this information from you I’ll go and try to find this repository myself Bandits look for this Vault it must be somewhere nearby you won’t be able to find it it’s really very well hidden don’t even think about it you can search as much as you like but you can’t destroy us we know too much friends I bought us some time we must think of a plan to escape from here this is really very important to me because this is my only chance to escape if I do something wrong the villagers May suffer I need a 100% option where I specifically destroy the bandits and can save all the villagers what a Pity that Mikey is not around we would definitely come up with something together and be able to save the village this is really very important for me and my business I really hope Mikey comes back to the Village this will be just incredibly cool for Us JJ I’m already in the village behind you just be quiet so they don’t find me Mikey are you back this is really very very very cool the village was attacked by Bandits wait did you decide to wear camouflage but why so that the bandits don’t find me this is truly the safest way to travel I need to get you out somehow this is really important yes you have to get me out this is the only way we can defeat all the bandits somewhere in the village there was my weapon if I take it we can quickly destroy all the bandits JJ don’t you know why the bandits came here maybe we can stop them in another way they want to take over our our bank of emeralds I won’t let them do this if they came for the emeralds then we can just take them from here and hide somewhere safe then I’ll pull you out and we’ll run away somewhere how do you like this plan okay do it Mikey you can easily get there in this camouflage and take all the emeralds remind me where this bank was I completely forgot about him the bank is located in one of the buildings there will be a metal door there you definitely can’t miss it okay JJ sit here I’ll now take all the emeralds hide them and then come for you we will save everyone at once and we will be able to really escape this is our perfect Escape Plan Mikey really created the perfect plan I just have to wait for him if we can hide the emeralds then the bandits will not be able to rob the village we’ll have a really cool Advantage if Mikey still finds a weapon we will definitely be able to defeat all these Bandits and Destroy them it will be really very cool and we will protect the village I just don’t know how long we should wait for him because this is really all very long the bandits surrounded us and did not even give us the opportunity to escape it will be difficult JJ did you think I couldn’t find out where the bank was you are really very very strange we were able to deceive you I don’t understand you at all we outplayed you now Mikey will steal the emeralds and take them to a safe place you won’t be able to stop him oh so you told Mikey about this place indeed this is a big problem Mikey come here what I don’t understand anything at all Mikey do you work for them are you a traiter everything is a little different here we were just able to deceive you and Mikey more precisely with a copy of it but you will understand everything right away I made my Thug turn into Mikey you told him where the vault is are you serious now did you really deceive me to get this information you are real Bandits I will stop you and destroy you all it was easier than I thought I didn’t expect you to tell Mikey about this because everyone in the village should know what’s going on here friends I definitely lost I told the bandits the whole truth about the Vault I really made a big mistake and I’m ready to admit it we need to stop them somehow but I continue to be in prison it’s really very difficult I can’t get out of this cage just like that I need support where is the real Mikey if Mikey were here we could stop them I really really need it but apparently he went very far I won’t be able to catch him much less help the village now everything will be destroyed before our eyes I really hope that we will cope with all the difficulties JJ you give up early I’m back now I will save you and we will defeat them all Mikey are you real or are you just another Bandit I won’t believe you of course I’m real I will save you now and give you a cool weapon I just walked for a very long time because I couldn’t remember where you hid the minigun with this minigun you can destroy all the bandits and save the village we must free her from all these enemies as quickly as possible Mikey we don’t have much time we must run to the storage facility as quickly as possible we will have to destroy them all as quickly as possible and let no one go this is truly the most important thing we will have to do hold it you will have to defeat everyone I’ll go to the storage facility and won’t let them in they won’t be able to get out and we’ll trap them there really is no way out now we must bring this matter to the very end with this minigun I’m ready to destroy all the bandits run as quickly as possible to the Vault I will destroy the bandits and move there we will definitely trap them all and Destroy them very very quickly they won’t even understand what happened this will truly be the best moment we will have to show the bandits that it is better not to joke with us we can really defeat them all and see it through to the very end this is truly the most important thing we must do Bandits surrender as quickly as possible you have no way to stop me with a minigun I will destroy you all much faster you just can’t handle me I’m really ready to just take and destroy you all none of you can stop either me or Mikey we have the perfect plan JJ don’t miss anyone we must Liberate the village 100% no one will have to pass much less escape this is our plan I’m sure we defeated almost everyone either way these Bandits are trapped they won’t be able to get out much less run away we lock them there and they will have to surrender Mikey I defeated all the bandits in the village now we have to finish with these inside do you have any plan yes I have a plan at the top of this house there is a chest containing grenades I’ll give them to you and you can blow everyone up inside just drop them it sounds really dangerous but I agree with it we must show how seriously we fight against Bandits and what we are ready to do to destroy them all Bandits will have to remember this lesson that you can’t attack us we are ready to destroy anyone who attacks The Village because this is the basis for all of us get it you will all be destroyed and will not be able to take the emeralds we will fight you to the end until you are all destroyed JJ let me check how they are doing we must understand whether we won or not cover me Yoohoo we did it we were able to defeat all these Bandits they didn’t even manage to break a single block we were able to protect the village and the emeralds yes friends we did it therefore we will say goodbye to you see you very soon goodbye everybody

Why Did Mikey Leave Forever in Minecraft? (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!

Maizen – @maizenofficial


  1. 9:13 Am 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢. no Mikey 😭😞😭😞😭😞😞😞😭😞😞😭😭😞😞😞😞😞😞😭😞😭😞😞😭😭😭😭😞😞😭😭😭😞😞😞😭😭😭😞

  2. NO. MIKEY. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  3. I sorry for you 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  4. Yay Mikey your back😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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