Visiting Planets as FAST as possible in Minecraft Create Mod!

we are going to be visiting three different planets today that’s right we’re doing sequence breaking all the way through chapter 6 to chapter 8 cuz I am tired of the moon man no reason to Dilly nor Dias let’s just get right into it we need to make ourselves an orange rocket and I did a stream where we did a ton of mining for dash that’s where this big guy comes from so we’re sitting on more than enough to make a rocket the only material we’re missing is the silica stuff for heat shielding and for that we’re going to need a thermal centrifugal separator which is actually really cheap I’m just going to stick this dude in a corner we just aren’t going to be using it that much I don’t think oh boy that can hold a lot of energy and now it can hold even more oh yeah pretty simply we’re just going to put sand in here toss it in and it will convert it into high-grade sand I think yep that’s what we needed also last episode’s noodles are so useful just have infinite food anyways we’ve got to consume some sulfuric acid in a chemical disillusionment chamber so we have some annoying crafts ahead of us we need to be using an osmium compressor here but I have just ran out of space for machines might be time to extend that second level I I hate these I hate these stop it work no no no this is just insulting okay but that gives us a lot more room to work with and we can start a new line of machines all the way up here and we’re going to power them through the top cuz I think that looks cool well we need a lot more obsidian than this I think but I think it’s an okay start H wishful thinking I suppose well four refined obsidian is what we need to start so at least we can get on to making that disillusion chamber we’re also going going to need a washer oh great well hopefully we don’t need more of these but of course we do because we need a chemical crystallizer well I mined up a little bit of obsidian it better be enough for today I love how fast the advanced stuff works it’s just so cool to watch all this stuff process at once and then I move to this absolute Slowpoke and we have our crystallizer B bam wa okay oh that’s right that’s the last step in or processing huh well we’re not doing or processing maybe later we’re working with this stuff which we actually need to of might have to automate this in fact yeah we’re definitely going to and this should be plenty refined obsidian automating the high-grade sand is really not going to be that big of a deal I mean it’s a sand Farm I’m going to make more of these flux linkage amplifiers in order to really speed up the centrifuging process what are you doing in my house we’re actually going to be doing a decent amount of work in our nuclear area cuz we need that sulfuric acid so into my evil layer I go and I know I built this secret elevator but I just don’t use it oh wait you know what I forgot a source of stress units um Motors make everything so convenient so pretty simply it’s the highgrade sand into sulfuric acid for dirty slurry then we wash that for clean slurry and then we crystallize it for the silica cluster which requires a lot of silica stuff and unfortunately one of these only makes 25 of these not a great ratio hence the passing we’re going to be doing so far this up is pretty simple we’re going to have crushing Wheels going into this chest with a filtered nullifier beneath it excepting only flint and Clay balls I really just don’t need more of those everything else which is the sand will go into here at least that should work that way since this is the closest The Hope otherwise it’ll be standard crushing wheel config and I have some resonant integral components for this guy to make it nice and licky split water and lava and it’s Cobblestone building now I just got to get IO set up here and probably upgrade this guy that definitely helps doesn’t it we do need to bring over our sulfuric just like so and I wouldn’t mind some infinite water mostly cuz I need it for this guy just like so give these guys energy upgrades and we should be able to hook the power in the main just like that bam bit of an oopsie with the crushing Wheels easily fixable awesome and I think the sand is going right into this thing oh sorry that’s the allow list my bad there we go boom Oh that’s fast uhhuh disillusioning yes wash yes crystallize well it’ll take a while oh but isn’t this fantastic I would not mind some speed upgrades here while I’m crushing up this osmium did you know it’s the 10th episode of this series yeah that’s pretty crazy so a bit of a treat I think all my members deserve a little bit of a world download huh so if you’re a supporter on the Discord or the YouTube or my new patreon Link in the description you’ll get a world download of this video well not just this video but like all 10 of them cuz it’s this world ah you get the point anyways thanks for the support on 10 episodes it really means a lot oh we’re about to get our first silica Crystal too that’s pretty sick and these speed upgrades are definitely going to help oh but we get to watch it go through hooray one of six required to make one thermal tile woof go go faster go faster go faster that’s a bit expensive maybe I should put some speed upgrades in this guy I hope our energy grid can support this uh-oh our s for trioxide grid can’t yikes and that gave us a whole one more okay got it more speed upgrades needed but I’m almost out of osmium oh don’t send me on a mining trip one thing I could do here is I don’t really need speed upgrades in this thing to be fair and maybe not even this thing honestly so that should reduce our cost here this needs to go faster uh did I just see an energy deficit happen oh God great now we’re not oxidizing fast enough oh jeez this is a big deal and now we don’t have enough water vapor my machines are falling apart and now I’m not making sulfur fast enough oh jeez if I’m not mistaken our power grid is suffering well actually not that badly though I wouldn’t complain about running another stack of uranium through this whole thing actually I would cuz this thing’s annoying man is that a large buildup of sulfuric acid this is just painfully slow time to take some more drastic measures I think I can turn this into a tier 2 version and then ask it to Auto sort it’s running three at a time which will push a lot more sulfuric dust through I think that’s helping her throughput but now our brine’s running out oh this was meant to be a simple episode and we just have run out of Brun okay but I know what fixs for that I know what fixs for that we can add a device called a resistive heater I think the way he works is if I place him on a valve like this and power it it’ll start producing a number of heat based off of the Fe per tick I Supply so if I say like use a thousand Fe per tick it’ll produce a ton of temperature and it should make this thing heat way up and produce a lot faster oh that was an easy fix maybe then we don’t have to use like 1,000 ah not good enough oh shoot and this is now failing oh wait wait this is filling up now okay okay I’ll take good enough did we just did we just run out of power uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh okay as long as we have enough buffer to make a bit of file fuel yes yes yes okay oh shoot oh so it wasn’t enough we just ran out of power okay well that was a massive kurur fuffle at the end of which I realized I could just put gas upgrades in this machine yep that was pretty silly of me but we do have silica clusters producing ever so slowly maybe I do want to put some speed upgrades in this guy we’ll see what uh two does because that’s the amount that I have okay cool and that looks like it’s already faster than we can input yeah we need six of these per craft so it’s going to take forever to build up hence a passive system which I can turn off with a flick of a lever and we’re even backing up some power perfect looks like this thing is actually too slow now but whatever at least our sulfuric acid’s holding clear and our brine which I’ve upgraded the production of a lot like a lot cuz we’re going to actually be needing more of that later in today’s episode all right this should be enough for like a start on getting that rocket done cuz it’s going to take a while so let’s get started got ourselves a rocket nose and we’re making the little fins just like that we can make our two tanks like so glass of course is easy seat is a bit annoying because you need wool but you can actually use cobwebs and an enrichment chamber to get infinite string bent we already have and I think that’s it for the easy stuff might as well get the rocket ship actually built up or rather the rocket Builder ah I might as well get this thing out of the way all right everything’s crafted and loaded up this better not screw me here we go yeah baby and you know what while we’re waiting for the silica clust ERS might as well make a second one we are going to need it all righty round two are you kidding me it failed I have to craft all that stuff again what a fun mechanic oh I’m out of Shadow steel what I love making these I have to go all the way back to the end which is here hopefully I have enough back tank charged to get to the end from here just a bit more it’s all I need all righty more Shadow steel to the effort you know what I should have made a lot more of that because we need a lot more of that ah dang it still hopefully we can get another guidance mechanism instead of it breaking there that’s much better thank you also got to remember we need a bunch of tier one plating four more no five more of course we still need more Shadow seal so time to do a return trip all right hopefully this should tie us over for a bit please tie us over for a bit and since we keep running out I might as well do a little bit of obsidian mining here all right that’s probably enough obsidian for a while let’s round out that last few platings uh-oh come on there we go now we need to upgrade them which does mean we’re going to need these thermal tiles which is is enrich carbon and silica clusters I should have enough for that oh I made diamonds well okay thank you for that and one two perfect 13 of these 13 of these now we just need 13 blocks of Dash let’s get our heat resistant or tier two plating I mean I guess it is heat resistant right ta that’s a big milestone last thing is the engine and this is why we needed those polonium pellets Boop got to slice it finishing touches Dash engine rocket ship why is it not oh yeah I haven’t powered it M rocket chip oh here it comes yeah baby whoa this is a big boy we also don’t get to complete this Quest cuz I’m not touching Rocket Fuel my Rocket’s orange now oh it looks so cool this might be my favorite I’d also like to be able to come home so we’re going to make a Launchpad easy peasy nope I’ve made it wrong there we go fuel it up suit myself up and we are ready baby time to fly higher than ever before to Mars right after we countdown woo all righty solar system Mars land on it baby a momentous occasion why am I out of it oh my God brightening me every time what oh those like little Suns what whoa oh this is a wild why why is there snow here is there snow on Mars in real life feel like there wouldn’t be okay I’m going to drop our Launchpad here actually maybe I’ll keep it on me but I’m going to mark this area home launch but I will keep it on me just in case we are looking for ore okay there’s a special type of Ora on this planet and that’s all I want but I do want to first check out why there is snow here yeah there’s just snow what why is there snow okay weird we need a cave we need it quick what is that okay that doesn’t look nice I don’t want to play with that okay maybe I want to play with that a little bit what are you ow ow ow okay you hurt you hurt you hurt looked like a Dongo from The Legend of Zelda I mean not really it didn’t all right looks like I might have to do some manual digging here uh or never mind uh-oh more to dongos Ostrum that’s what we’re looking for perfect I should have brought my mining rig with me that would have been smart well I’m going to assume the deeper I go the more of it I get okay okay okay those things hurt they hurt I get it I understand it dang they they can Target you from a while away waa the planet’s core now I will say ustra makes a lot more than just tier three plating so I do want a decent supply of it w there’s diamonds on Mars that’s cool over 100 raw Ostrum I I think I can work with that yeah I think I can stretch that into 300 ingots of Ostrum H but I still have oxygen tanks so a little more wouldn’t hurt would it well okay getting more is hurting a lot cuz of these guys but you get the point okay I think I’ve got enough Ostrum I’m digging the tunnel out of here all righty off we go to home won and we’re out of here baby the Martian sky is pretty pretty actually oh there’s Us in the distance hello Earth speaking of Earth back to you Landing right next to the Launchpad beautiful that’s probably the last time we’re using that rocket because one planet isn’t good enough for me I’ve got my sights on two more but first we’re going to need to process this Ostrum and we can do that a lot better in our nuclear facility now oh we ran out of power oh oh again we ran out of power what God we burned through that so quick we should have had a ton of power stored up all right here’s some more uranium for you buddy what 1 and 1/2 billion Fe isn’t enough for you guess not well anyways in our disillusionment chamber we can actually take blocks of raw Ostrum and distill them into a way better ratio I believe earlier we were tripling this I think is quadrupling if I’m correct or quintupling well 21 blocks go in and 630 crystals come out yep that’s quintupling five times the ore we put in absolutely insane now these actually get ran through our previous War processing setup to turn them into dusts boy this is going to take a while well that’s fine cuz with what we have we can get started you see the next planets we’re going to is Venus and Mercury way too hot for our current space suit we need to upgrade and nothing handles the heat better than netherite so we’re going to be getting ourselves a fancy netherite space suit and we get our Mars globe of course love it now we need some plates of this stuff and Crafters in this orientation and we actually should be able to upgrade most of our current gear into the SPAC suit and for some reason we need orange dyed glass for this keeping it in theme I guess and we can start with the helmet there we go now we need both our netherite back tank and a fresh copper one because we need a new set of oxygen gear then I think it’s Mor Ostrum the netherite back tank and the oxygen gear makes yep the new suit legs are pretty easy just for Ostrum and same thing for my tootsies now that’s an upgrade beating the heat baby and at this point you guys know the deal shiny shiny orange boy and this sords double the oxygen from before nice plenty more Ostrum for the taking now the tier three rocket is a pretty big ask it needs three engines which require super compressed helium and that’s kind of the big craft for it it also needs a bigger rocket Builder woof 15 plating is needed for this absolute monster so I guess we need to make some more bronze all righty tier one plating hey give me that get in there there you feisty boy problem is in addition to needing tier 2 plating silica thermal tiles tier three plating also needs a thermal tile so we need a huge amount of that stuff so more waiting around I guess and I hope this doesn’t run out too soon well here’s the plating but we’re pretty much just waiting on more silica for that so why don’t we turn our attention to Super compressed helium this guy needs helium 3 and liquid tridium trium we’ll deal with in a second it’s not that bad helium 3 however is an absolute pain more chemical disillusion chamber and these lunar crystals which require liquid sulfuric acid and moon sand for a tiny chance at one of these guys one lunar Crystal makes 10 mli buckets of helium 3 you need 1,000 for a single super compressed helium so in order to make the three engines we need for this machine we need like 1,500 moons sand and 15 buckets yeah buckets of sulfuric acid oh boy well I don’t have those moon sand numbers so I guess time to grab them there is a way to farm it but there’s no reason to the moon to the moon to the Moon Moon Moon oh flexing magnet on I guess I should find somewhere not near my home oh I forgot to enchant these with the double jump a I’m stuck to being floaty and it’s real digging hours 4,000 moon sand should be more than enough to tie us over for a while and I’ve just about burnt through my shovel I mean maybe I get it to 5,000 you know that’ll make the numbers nice hold on hold on there we go that’s nicer back home I am using my last four pieces of osmium like this is it in order to make a rotary condensator we need it to get liquid sulfuric acid so hopefully we don’t need more of that today why is there radiation around this house why is there why is there radiation oh oh oh no what you running out of fluoride or radiates are you I ran out of fluorite so there’s radiation now oh am I dying of radiation poisoning is that why my screen looks like this what happened why so if I had to guess we filled up on nuclear waste cuz I ran out of fluorite dust to make into to polonium but now my screen is just like this why why is my screen dark can I make this go away I don’t have a potion effect maybe if I drink milk though it’ll make it go away so if I drink the milk does my screen go back to normal no of course it doesn’t make a hazmat suit I guess maybe that’ll help oh this could be bad please let this fix my screen no even the saving World screen is a radiated what I’m just trying to relog uh nope I just my screen is just like this why did I do that why did I think I had my jetpack on all of my stuff was on that okay I no longer have access to any of my items today is going very poorly for me okay bucket I want my stuff back so I I guess it’s just a radiator over here but if I’m wearing this I’m good that’s stupid ah what a frustrating mechanic well I guess I get to deal with this forever now but hey we have a lot of ponum and enough silica but we’re here to set up a rotary condensor this guy will taking gaseous sulfuric acid and spit out liquid sulfuric acid which of course we’ll have go into a basin and a mixer and for the moon sand honestly we’re just going to go with the basic bin suppose I don’t need this thing to run licky splickety fast so I think I can just run this rotary condens trator at like regular speed like that uh no that actually is pretty slow well actually it might not outpace the mixer All Things Considered just a wee bit of gearbox spam and we can get this 20% chance thing thing going oh hey we got a lum Crystal really quickly look at that a nice we’re getting lucky is and have this spit out onto a drain of all things see cuz it moves it over and honestly for now I’m just going to throw this in a chest it’s probably advisable to automate this whole process but you kind of just don’t need to nice so simple system it goes in there this goes here you know we’re holding still very steady on sulfuric acid as well no issues there love it stupid reactor filling up with stupid radiation ah but such is the life of an evil nuclear scientist isn’t it all in all though patience is paying off as we now have that 100 we need 100 lunar crystals the magic number I should be able to just slap that in there and it will build up helium 3 and not push it in here perfect nice and if I were to take a fluid tank we should be able to transport that wherever we want to uh hopefully isn’t that beautiful and then I think I can do this this this how do I oh wait I know you need a gauge drop oh which has something in it you go in there give beautiful can I put that in the tank I just shift right clicking voids what’s inside of it very funny very funny mechanism that’s fine I’ll just do that again I guess it’s not like I wanted those resources okay this time we uh don’t void it I’ll just leave that there and uh we’ll let this run for a while now in order to process it we need tridium a pressurized reaction chamber then of course our helium also it makes nuclear stuff cuz why not uh how do I get out of here without my Jetpack I guess I have to actually tune a controller ah cool nice okay the real reason to use the little elevator now I guess in the long run the radiation makes us more immersive doesn’t it would this be acid rain uh-oh these guys need osmium I am quite out of that radiation mining trip I should actually probably just start a new mine and mine I did all in all almost 600 raw uranium 100 raw osmium we are so back over a stack of raw uranium blocks is crazy I can’t complain about having to use this this is this is pretty fun we’re sitting on Plenty of silica cluster so I’m going to shut this device off here by just telling it that it can’t output now I can just use this device for or processing all right I’m going to process his osmium and then we’re going to work on tridium while the rest of or processing goes on we are so very close to our goal and so very low on video time I’m sure my editor wouldn’t mind editing a 30,000 hour long video right buddy you guys want to see a magic trick trium Dum TDA I did it off camera it’s nothing you haven’t seen before we get liquid lithium out of the thermal evaporation plant turn it into gaseous lithium solar Neutron activated that into gaseous tridium turn that into liquid tridium and then we have liquid tridium we’re going to be getting a lot more trium and using a lot of it later but not today today it’s janky setup time I can now take our janky made trium we can run down to our nuclear processing area since this reaction does give off some nuclear waste that needs to be taken care of thankfully that wouldn’t be too hard because of this guy I believe we can fill it up oh wait a minute this doesn’t need water well I had a spare gauge dropper goodby this needs the helium and then I could put my trium there and pull it into the device yes and then all I need to do is give it a single fluorite dust and we’re good it doesn’t have any power okay let’s give this guy some power and there we go and for all that is good in the world we finally have one piece of super compressed helium two more to go and our transplantat vacation begins and here we go I was able to make eight super compressed helium with all of the moon sand that we have we are out we are donezo with the moon sand but this should hold us over for a little while also if I’m not mistaken the radiation went away I think did it really oh yep no clickies okay nice I didn’t realiz that was temporary all that’s left to do is to make the spaceship and you’ve already seen me do that in this episode so oh engines are the finishing touches and that’s everything they said it couldn’t be done but two rockets in a single episode let’s see it I built it wrong oh you need structural glass okay they said it couldn’t be done but it could be because I’m DJ of the aome and I’ve got the ruget look at this it’s so big Wham huh what congratulations you’re the 500th contestant to build the tier three rocket let’s take a look at your prize take a trip through the Stars valued at $500 million in all expenses paid trip to the Venetian surface this quaint little hellscape has rolling yellow dunes and pockets of lava For Your Entertainment mingle with the locals but remember what’s theirs is most definitely not yours enjoy expansive Subterranean Caverns full of valuable gold diamonds and cerite get to mining folks and make sure to bring an umbrella titanium one cuz watch out for that acid rain on your way out Venus not hot enough for you well let’s take fun in the sun to a whole another level your vacation includes a complimentary trip to Mercury gaze upon the full magnitude of the sun molten slime and lava and do I see gotcha game mechanics one in every 10,000 Mercury Cobblestone will contain stellarite a rare and valuable material and uh that’s it that’s all you can do on Mercury we hadow some recommend that you leave well that was a relaxing vacation in all seriousness that was an important trip to make calor’s a big deal as it’s the last ingredient we need to reach Carl well not the last but it’s what the plating is made out of and we can make something called the jet suit it’s a little bit pricey but honestly not that bad and I want it it’s an immediate upgrade to our netherite space suit and it pretty much just costs cerite and these cerite tanks and in a lead control circuit really should be an easy craft this is the helmet the chest piece is the pricey one there we go ooh that’s a lot of oxygen and power pants are easy peasy and the tootsie protectors now that that is an upgrade so as normal we can fill this with oxygen but we can also put some power in it and boy does it hold a lot I believe that number is 1 million 1 million Fe coming right up and if I’m not wrong Dawning the suit gives us flight yep a a weird kind of janky flight what is there a hover mode to this I can’t move while I’m going up ow you take fall damage this flight sucks well I guess it’s better than zero g right what I’m really here for is to try to the gotcha mechanics oh man [Music]

In episode 10 Dejojotheawsome attempts to speedrun a vacation to 3 entirely new planets but is he really that fast?

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Edited by: @starburst3r

Create Mekanized is a Minecraft Create Modpack that blends the steampunk charm of the Create Mod with the high text nuclear brutalism of Mekanism into a pack all about pushing technology further and further. Not only will we be inventing insane machines but we’ll be creating amazing builds and building incredible vehicles to explore the land, sky, and stars! Join me as we take this blank world and convert it into a steampunk technological masterpiece!

#moddedminecraft #minecraft #createmod


  1. Fun fact: Venus is actually hotter than Mercury because Venus' atmosphere retains heat MUCH better than Mercury. In fact, the greenhouse gass effect? The thing responsible for global warming? Venus is basically the end result

  2. There is in fact snow on Mars! But irl its only on the poles. If you looks up pictures of Mars, you can even see it on some of them!

  3. "Venus not hot enough for you? Well let's take 'fun in the sun' to a whole new level! Your vacation includes a complimentary trip to Mercury!"
    *Googles "which planet is the hottest"
    Google: Venus

  4. should have used ethylene for energy because ethylene is easy to automate and gives usefull byproducts (it produces substrate which can be turned into polyethylene)

  5. Since you've got the Advanced Solars on top of the brine maker, I think you can add that power to the rest of your setup, or feed it straight into the resistive heater.

  6. this makes me regret not basing my create server off this pack. i added no fe mods and this makes me wish that i did but idk theres already too much progress into the pack

  7. Don't know if it has been said to you but you need gas tanks for mekanism, a lot of machines create gas and not liquids, like the helium-3, just hook a gas tank from mekanism to the machine!
    Greate video btw!

  8. Jet suit has a hover mechanic. It’s like the . Button iirc. Also you can turn the suit off mid air to glide like it’s an elytra and it goes super fast

  9. honestly ive only been watching you since your create series and im VERY impressed by the quality of your content! just wanted to let you know that. 👍

  10. The flight does NOT SUCK!! Holding sprint while flying is like flying with constant flight duration 5 rockets with an elytra. Tier 5 rockets are unobtainable

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