I’m a FALLEN GODDESS in Minecraft!

you can’t do this to me this isn’t fair I’m sorry a but but what you did you gave me no choice I have to banish you wait I didn’t do anything my wings okay it’s fine I just got to I just got to stick the landing stick The Landing stick the landing and I did not stick that landing at all where am I wait that looks like a shelter uh let’s see how do I get over there it looks pretty easy okay that took forever all right it’s fine just like five steps and I missed them it’s okay is this like a temple or something it’s got a bunch of weeds over it maybe I can make it something that I can live in wait this is a this a statue an angel a goddess o and she’s got like a cool weapon maybe I can use this to defend myself let’s see wait what the whoa whoa whoo I’m finally beautiful oh my gosh I love huh you have become the Fallen goddess collect your powers and return to the heavens I am a goddess why would I want to go back to the Heavens to ooh I could get revenge H wait flight not unable for what wait what I’ve got Wings what the whatever oh oh oh my gosh I killed a moral oh I killed another player that’s not good that’s not what a goddess would do I smited him he did something wrong I’m sure maybe he missed a homework assignment or something there’s Zane all right his house let’s see I think I’ll be able to tell him the whole story and that I was playing an angel and that I’m innocent and then uh I’ll change back into my smaller form so he doesn’t get intimidated there we ooh oh my gosh look at me I went to like Forever 21 or something Zane Zane you here Zane bestie you here come on I want to talk to you oh you got some dust in your house or something w that’s all what is you screaming I’ve been stuck and avoid and wait what did you do to me and what did you do to yourself what is going on oh sh deep breaths deep breaths and I’ll tell you what’s going on I’ll start from the beginning okay if you want me to please okay so Casey and I became angels and we wanted to become Gods however um when we were in the sky god without me of course we can play by ourselves but look we can play together now right and then you could become a God maybe half M okay look look look long story short Casey be would M with power kick me out because I don’t know she mad at me okay for some for no reason okay KY mad with power that’s a funny prank good job uh Zane I’m being serious look Casey would never do something like that she’s good and kind and sweet and what ah terrifying Dragon what a dragon this isn’t the end I mean that could be anything besides it’s just Kim I have my house is on fire uh hold on let’s go check this out oh my goodness that’s a goddess Dragon um a transform transform like what it’s a dragon it doesn’t matter we got to help let’s go fine Kim we’re coming don’t worry I got you is that you never mind out here just help me my house I’m working on it girl just oh my gosh hope she has Insurance okay I’ve got this casy get get out of here sh you’ve gone mad with power woman your fights with me Casey oh my goodness it’s coming I think you’re making it worse oh my goodness all right let’s see oh what the she packs a punch oh my gosh can’t believe this first she takes over the heavens now she takes over my friends all right let’s see what else can I use I need to get some Powers there ooh what is that looks like a glitch let’s see um ooh a whip oh I could tame the dragon I think all right that Dragon will never know what’s coming Dragon I’m back and I got the belt Z kill it kill it oh my God Dragon you deserve po poow no oh did that work wait I don’t think that’s KC I think that’s a minion an oh what’s happening why do you think everything pink is ky well forgive me she kind of has a theme here okay get out of here Dragon shoot oh it’s gone are yall okay H my ears are ringing from all Z screaming but yeah I’m good oh my goodness all right let’s see we got a lot of damage here I at least help you put it out oh gee thanks oh man case is really gone man with power I’ve been saying this neither of you know that’s actually KY see there’s a pink Dragon that’s also an angel what about it isn’t KC yeah that’s true see well I fine we can look into this but I’m not fully convinced that it’s Casey yet I am fine okay I got to find my way back up to the heavens and don’t worry Casey’s not going to go mad with power as long as I’m here the heavens will be ours oh you’re Anarchy and I know just how to do it really all right then let’s make a plan let’s save your house first oh yeah yeah yeah please save my house come on personally I think it’s ruined Beyond repair shut up S sorry um here we are Kim watch your step with getting Casey to stop ah an excellent question my dear a now down here is where you could find lava pearls I need them for a potion if we’re going to kick some Casey Butts oh but um no butts we’re going to hop right into that lava swim right to the bottom and GA them all up um okay fine we’re at least going to try to talk things out with casy maybe maybe um but it doesn’t matter what she says cuz we’re going to get her anyway hold on hold on youon you won’t be able to find them without me so clearly you need to turn me into a fallen angel til oh um otherwise what if you get the wrong thing or you take the wrong turn or I I kind of did it on accident but you just want to be turned on yeah I mean yeah pretty much but the potion is totally real and I can definitely help you all right just get ready okay Ken all right let’s go Angel time is it supposed to hurt ow O she died uh now we wait I guess uh no we jump in got it oh wait wait wait oh fine let’s see um oh oh why do you even have wings if you can’t use them to fly don’t even ask okay see any pearls lava pearls and stuff not a single one maybe I should have waited for Kim actually see hey I thought you guys were going to wait for me also where are we where’s sa get off of me oh sorry now then where are we I just asked that we were asking you that Kim you’re the one who knew this I have no idea I didn’t know there was supposed to be a giant City down here oh my goodness all right we’re in the deep dark and obviously there’s a o a chest you think it can maybe be in that chest over there oh maybe huh is there a reason why they’d be in there cuz it’s not like pearls just a mimic all right uh go go go go go go go oh no no no what’s that oh great I wish I could fly did it eat me am I eating oh it’s eating the crystals I guess it just eats gems and not people I’m sorry I judged you little guy you had the teeth and everything um let’s see what you got ooh a dark star you keep eating your your snack what does this dark star actually do W oh I can eat it oh huh oh I got a power what oh o i can explode casy oh my gosh I mean I don’t believe in violence oh oh let’s see perfect this will be so fun surrounded they’re not my sword’s not doing much oh watch out I think one of the chest SW some pearls we need those oh what uh okay let me take care of these one real quick and uh oh wait which ones are the pearls uh that one over there oh oh oh wo hey nice we got him ja nice okay we got seven pearls now great happy uh definitely yeah all right let’s just get out of here okay come on let’s go all right so we got the lava crystals now we just need to uh go back to your pace right Kim oh Appo oh H there you are wait what are you doing here oh I heard what happened between you and KC oh um how were you and KC playing with him and not me now it’s not the time Z you’re being such a drama queen I mean he is right though we were we were all playing together as friends until athal had to go and ruin it excuse me it was just a game nothing is a game in godhood really seriously Kim Let’s Go to my house we don’t have to play with him all right sounds good hey hey hey hey as look all you have to do is apologize then you can get rid of your little wannabe God friends and come play with us again hey now that’s not going to happen you can tell Casey that she can take her angel and shove it uh to the High Heavens that’s right mhm that’s right all right well if you won’t say you’re sorry I have no choice you’re going to strum threateningly at us uh what what are those say hello to my little friends I can’t believe this there what are these things I oh they’re like they’re like flowers but mean flowers hey hey this thing got me they got me show him the power of a god God my friends excuse me put theong how come these things complain I can’t I don’t know okay we got the wrong end of the game let me see let me think guys um H let’s see uh oh oh hey check this out SN looks like this guy is on my side noise can you tell your friend to help me um now that I think about it I uh sorry can you hear the sound of my wings flapping thanks nice bye Chicken Boy you know you could have been gentler saving me I did fall and hurt myself shut up my goodness all you do is complain all right so we just got to get over to the oh eron eron wait what are you wearing oh no don’t you tell me you’re here to rope me into some of your problems no no no no no I’m here to rope you into some of your problems they’re your problems now so as you can see I’m a fallen goddess goddess and these are Fallen Angels I’m a fallen angel goddess um Casey no and I was playing as God and it got out of control misunderstanding but we’re all good now down my house uh yeah quiet Kim this my story and the Casey G down her house and then’s outfit looks so stupid excuse me well if mine’s stupid then Kim’s is stupid too hey it’s not M I know you both look pretty dumb okay look we’re all stupid I got this cool battle ax thing and there’s a whip and now I can summon fairies it’s really cool looking their off may look really stupid but yours looks really cute on you babe oh thank you you just said our oh come on we’re getting distracted here we supposed to be taking care of Casey oh that’s right uh I thought you wanted to save her though like for real she betrayed me she turned against me and played Gods with that that boy dang Z that’s not some very good Riz there what was that nothing nothing nothing true anyway this reminds me I need to go work on the potion so you guys have fun okay bye C you know I really don’t want to get involved in all this but I was out mining I did see this structure that may have something to do with whatever you guys have going on really what what is it that was this weird trying I’ll show you where it is um Aaron before I do that there’s something I need to take care of well what do you mean hold still well told all right this is it all right cool looks good on you by the way like a new outfit um fallen angels look good saying that well next time when I tell you I don’t no no no no I no surprise okay focus please what about this relates to our goddess problem has he been this cranky the whole time yeah he’s been he’s mad we didn’t play Gods with him I am not mad he is so mad sound a little mad anyways things at the top of this we just have to make it up to parkour there’s like a Halo or something up there oh that should be perfect sounds very goddess likee come on let’s get up there hey I’m the one supposed to be showing the way wait for me and oh you guys are Z come on just jump up jump up jump jump I got you jump jump and trying trying there you go nice all right far oh my gosh why all right wait are these polar bears yeah and they’re angry oh okay don’t worry I got this uh a little help here oh boy might be a little rough don’t put it towards me why you afraid of it got it oh boy um you going to be able to catch up Zane uh it might take me a little bit oh boy yeah we should just leave him come on let’s go me a SP Zan you got this all right here’s the thing oh okay let’s see found I know what it is but I’m not touching it oh you really found the power there huh what you think I was going to lie to you surprised you didn’t grab it I know what it did I think doesn’t look nice I’m here it’s fine all right let’s see um oh dark Halo okay let’s see what this thing do oh wait what w my skin is so beautiful this is awesome wait a new ability you got abilities ooh what does this one do let’s see [Music] um wait I have some AB building now he say do you have Shadow punch skins wait Shadow punch yeah let me try it out hey stand cowed you guys up this is so cool wow pretty good does a little bit of damage not bad let’s see oh you know what I think we can take on the gods and Casey finally we just need to go grab Kim and power her up and then we go all right we got a whole vacation to do let’s go I feel like Kim’s more of an option than a necessity right all right here we are okay this is how we’re going to get up the easy way not the hard way that we did before so I’m going to fairy there we go mhm nice all right so Kim is this platform right here mhm this is actually a little teleporter pad look like most trap doors not oh okay now with these potions we’ll be able to do so M wait wait a second you said it was a Stairway like I said this is a different way all right super easier we didn’t know this till we got up there yeah okay are you sure this is going to work though right mhm all right well here we go all righty oh you really want to do this I don’t think potions work that way oh yeah you want to bet uh yeah absolutely why don’t you prove it with your shoddy little potions I’m going to you just shut up for a second cranky also guys we have a little bit of company up there behind you what oh no what are we looking at Dragon oh there’s a dragon again never mind protect me protect me with your potions oh no I don’t all right careful guys try to use your Shadow punch as best you can oh the crystals Aaron wait what distract the dragon yeah all it all it no go for cam go for cam guys if I right click I can fly me let’s see and uh there we go come onane all right there’s the first you eat Kim she’s got potions it’ll act like marinade I was thinking more like soy sa yeah please just keep focusing on us that’s absolutely what want got it all right let me just uh dragon dragon Casey or Casey Dragon wait is that Casey or come on get down here come on dragon fight come and fight me like a goddess let’s kill it kill it that’s it that’s it wait wa that was Casey I Ted it wait can we ride it or it’s mine I’m in a fallen eagle dragon now Casey’s really going down okay time to take her down Casey help me contr on my fa oh heck this I demand honor KY protect me why are you destroying my Palace I haven’t even started besides you threw me down in the hub yeah only because you cheated oh my goodness it was just a tea party and you can’t even cheat in a tea party okay wait this is all over our tea party look we take tea parties very seriously here okay I just want to put that out there but Casey I played fair by the rules we set no you didn’t yes I did we didn’t set the rules what are you even doing here anyways I kicked you out yeah but I made my way back besides I saw that you were the dragon of finish me off but I made that Dragon into my best friend you took my fairies noi came after me too now we’re going to stop you and Noy yeah and how are you going to stop a goddess they want to stand back well if you really must know I’m going to show you just a fragment of my power oh boy all right uh-oh uh-oh uh that’s right I knocked them all down wait what I think our wings got clipped Casey I don’t man you look kind of oh oh mine mine satisfying all right so now what do we do we live here now or are you kidding me this place is a mess yeah you’re right it’s kind of eh yeah other than the apples I don’t want to stay here I think the poest God thing is a little more fun fun than just playing Gods how about this how about I get you guys back to the hub and we can start building a new Castle listen as long as I’m not riding that Dragon anything sounds better than this okay f f f come on back on the tail so we’ll be fine see you there losers

The most DOWN TO EARTH goddess you’ll ever meet.
💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_

====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg
★ Noi: Michael A. Zekas

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😂hehehaha 🧸📅🖌️🖍️📝❣️🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖤🩶🤍🤎💔💔❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀🤓

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