terraria but the game turned us against eachother..

only one fish a day please go away I will put my pistol directly check out my new weapon watch this fans die die um it’s m huh look down what look to the bottom left oh run all I’m done oh god the guy is shacking up with Swiggity swy wish I could just take this thing life from it wish I could just watch the light leave his eyes he has no idea what I’m saying right now judging by his gay little dance he just did anyway look at this she not ready for this oh oh we are ready for how bad is this kid dude I’m dead I didn’t know the bubbles bounce bubbles do not bounce unrealistic I game that does not count as a death and there goes Harry Madison racist ass Queen slime went directly for the black man uh I got to I got to go we got to go fishing for some potions man why no we don’t uh yes we do dude you and your obsession with potions is starting to get a little creepy all right so we’re supposed to be fighting the mech bosses but itmi for some reason is [ __ ] his britches over it and insists on getting 99 stacks of every potion in the game we dude stinking thank you for the membership dude what’s up or thank you man what’s up man you’re not going to get any of these Potions by the way I don’t want them and you know that just to in inter intrude with your fishing it doesn’t affect me over here Bubba okay Bubba it’s going to no it ain’t how much you want to bet it ain’t going to affect me it’s it’s at home okay douchebag you know that hey God they can’t open doors right thank God they can oh my god what have you started dude okay all right this what we’re going to do this what we’re going to do this what we’re going to do it’s make snap out of it and listen to me craft two buckets now craft two buckets quickly why am I blocked out did you craft two buckets had enough time craft two buckets don’t kill my penguin friend in here I did you craft two buckets no I didn’t grab two buckets how [ __ ] you are the slowest and because I’ve been swinging at your penguin That’s why that is the worst explanation I’ve ever heard what do you mean I’ve been swinging at your penguin like you’ve been doing it for 30 minutes I’ve been swinging my sword come on come on CRA did you craft them no I didn’t craft him yet dude my game is very Frozen holy what the [ __ ] I got him in a way I got him in a way if I die one more time this video is brought to you by manscaped you guys all definitely know manscaped by now I’ve talked about things like their body hair trimmer in the past but today I want to tell you about their facial hair trimmers the handyman and the beard hedger whether you have scraggly face pubes or an afro on your face you want to be able to keep it looking nice and somewhat kept together unlike it’s McCrae this is where these two trimmers coming to help you the beard hedger effortlessly Glides through your facial hair delivering precise and clean cuts it’s like having a bloody barber in your hand at all times no I could tell it was a high quality trimmer when I first noticed that you can adjust the blade into 20 different trimming lengths to get the exact cut you want the other trimmer I recently required is the handyman this facial hair trimmer is a little more compact than the first trimmer it fits perfectly in your hand allowing you to have complete control and navigate your beautiful face with Precision on top of being waterproof just like the beard hedger it’s also airplane and travel friendly just another great trimmer to have in your life you know so upgrade your facial grooming routine today visit manscape.com and use the code CYO at checkout to get 20% off of your purchase of the handyman and the beard hedger back to the video the armor no way I got a coin gun no way how rare that fans how rare that fans I ask you a question how rare that what does my cat say it says and my game just all tabed if I fing die no he is here he is here if I fing die no piece of [ __ ] computer I also got a lucky gold rim no hurry I’m frozen I’m coming I hit him no how did I go through that what so now we just got to sit up here wait for a Wyn or is this C calls him a wavering or something like [Music] that waverings oh [ __ ] how do I have these empty buckets man I threw my entire inventory into yours earlier a shocker how is that a shocker I do that all the time it’s sarcastic does ever happen like you think of something like your belly button and then just cuz you Goosebumps that happens to me own time for whatever reason like if the topic ever comes up like the topic if you if if the topic of the urea ever comes up urea head in the clouds with my gravity sent let’s fight some hollowed mimics let’s fight some hollowed mimics he died I dashed over there what is that hook the hook man let’s go oh my God me and is are still preparing to fight the mech bosses I’m trying to farm for Souls cuz I want to get the stormbow and godamn do these Souls not drop anymore like I got an apple pie before I got a soul cool just go me we are going to build an AFK Farm because I I can’t take it anymore the souls farming is making me feel like I’m playing a Souls game to be quite Frank trying to get rid of the distraction oh my I got distracted by the freaking May of slime Town believe it or not do not die I you cannot Dodge freaking marrow arrows oh my God no spawns in behind me should do not die die no no I’m sorry to be a guest on the podcast dude Mo move to us dude move to us huh oh my God would you quit giving me all this stuff man um and uh I will I will uh uh what am I thinking what am I thinking guys tell him what he’s thinking um quit laughing man you are like absolutely the worst organized I think I’ve ever seen it’s not like I’m trying to organize yeah and that’s the problem you’re the worst organizer ever matter are you jealous of what my Mount your little stupid ass ship that goes I do have a mechanical worm that we’re going to spawn the Destroyer with you ready no we’re not freaking ready for the Destroyer dude I need potions oh don’t use that little p don’t use that p word okay we’re trying to find one of those ice Golem people and then kill it so it’s mccre can make his good armor I’m hit help me no dude that’s okay get over there I was trying to find battle potions he is I’m frozen I what is happening no wait he’ll be there still as long as you’re he’s still there he’s he’s there you asked for this Mr go I’m dead oh he’s right on me hey crap stop he disappeared uh why would he disappear I’m sitting right next to him i’ almost have adamine T I need adamine adamine oh my god dude I’m sick of the pris princess fishing fishes you forgot you forgot what it’s like to play for with an or extractor or extra no Joe’s what do you mean I need Animan type bars why is there a I swear to God if this Rune wizard kills me how does that even hit me I’m dead oh my gosh Josie I’m sorry y’all today is not a good day cyone and I met a long time why are you giving me all this [ __ ] already if I can win this fight I will go down in history well for another 50 seconds and while I’m fighting this thing it’s just the lay in bed with me get in bed with me now that is a waste of time what is sleep laying in bed this is attempt number one at a Mech boss we’re about to see how this goes it’s m all right it Mick doesn’t have High Hopes one got to have high high H for an itm going to shoot all these eyes with that itm it I somehow already get hit by the head oh my God why did the sters come after me all the way at base oh yep and Amy’s dead well we just lost Amy we just lost Amy no you can finish him dead [ __ ] yeah thank God I tell you it’s I tell you we win that’s what we were made to do it’s all right stop wait give me that back give me my coin gun going in the trash give me my coin gun give me my coin gun I don’t have it where’d you put it you better you better get it and hand it to me where’s the coin gun stop giving me [ __ ] out the you better hand to me I’m not handing it back to you just go grab [Music] it come on Sean please just give it to me I don’t want to it’s in the chest I think my coin gun’s in the chest it’s McCrae is not happy but now we need a brand new house just one that’s not so crappy can you hear me yes take the junk down build the wood shoot the bouncy clown needs a drink so I think we should build a beer botle house it’s mcra is cheering up it’s mcra is laughing it’s MC seems all good now let’s try to keep it all right let’s go fight Skeletron real quick three you ready no come on no all right Skeletron Prime attempt oh he’s why is he on fire better not already stop a it’s fine it’s fine I was laughing too hard ball of [ __ ] all right guys we’re going to attempt number two Skeletron here and take sorry who they’re all migrating well guys skeleton’s dead it was very boring and annoying fight but actually managed to kill the twins thank God oh my God I just got a jungle key funky town funky town I made a mushroom biome y’all whoa oh oh oh I can talk trash trash o golden toilet okay fine in Amy’s room I want to see her use that [ __ ] where I also have a golden toil who who else deserves that uh Amy and the Fat Bastard just he doesn’t deserve it he needs it okay um yeah it took me a while to find it hell yeah all all right Chad here we go we’re going to we’re going to try and fight a plant herey plight PL tery two-part question what when does she go monster mode and do you think she’s sexier in monster mode 12,000 health and no heal she’s about to go told you who knows there [ __ ] no there’s a block take it like a woman take it like a woman um you ready to go to the dungeon yeah we can all right this is the piranha gun right yeah it should be oh big booty big booty that’s you itmi oh I was just about to robbing the grave oh I’m fine what they just walked through my bullets I’m going to the I’m going to the temple going to the temple already yeah what’s the hold up what what am I doing with the Power Glove I don’t want to know what you’re doing with the Power Glove okay I’m at the temple I’m at the temple oh are you oh my oh yeah achievement all right let let’s take a chill pill here for no let’s run through this hoe chill pill my ass let’s do it the cipo way see here here we have an example of me being smart and grabbing a danger sense potion hear you I’m too busy shooting and loo you basic you basically just killed me yeah who’s the smart one now okay let me switch weapons man dude what H so we here having an example of me being smart not dying to the pressure plate do anybody want cookie don’t fill up on cookie what you doing for dinner they want a cookie they want a cookie they want a cookie it’s m sitting down here eating cookies in the temple top the very very top very very top dude you want to fight him in that gay way yeah I want to fight him in the gay way cuz it’s easier oh so you think it’s easy being gay huh uh-huh I said I don’t care yeah you would know it’s MCC is cheering up it’s MCC ising it’s MCC seems all good now let’s try to keep him happy

Thanks to Manscaped for sponsoring today’s video! Get 20% Off + Free Shipping with promo code “SIPHO” at http://manscaped.com/sipho

tbh we didnt get a lot of achievements in this episode but i thought sean raging was pretty funny so i hope u guys do too

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#gaming #youtubegaming #terraria


  1. 4:03 1 in 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  2. Hey Sipho, Watching your latest videos and noticing the less dirty jokes then the first time I watched you made me enjoy your content even more. Now me, I’m a person who makes dirty jokes a lot. But seeing you do it more makes me uncomfortable, but I really appreciate that you toned it down a lot 🙏🏽🙏🏽

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