THE MYSTERY BOXES! – Stardew Valley 1.6 Full Playthrough [Ep.22]

oh my love my love it’s quiet oh still here in the afternoon God I think of you tell me is it true so quiet I can hear my heart be everywhere knocking on my CH would you put my mind to rest [Music] [Applause] I’m [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] asking [Music] for Where We Belong [Music] so when you feel like like you are G [Music] up in the Stars Love Will Keep Us strong I can’t do this without love you we can’t do this love you me peace and comfort when all my f takes home when I lose control will you come lift me up and now I’m closer to [Applause] [Music] with you yeah it’s where I’ve [Applause] [Applause] [Music] been I’m closer [Applause] to is you oh you you that I love [Music] you it’s you you better you you yeah you better [Music] [Applause] you that I [Music] love hello everyone welcome back to another episode of the 1.6 playthrough here in stardy Valley with Walter he has just spent 1 hour in the game here just tidying up because you’ve seen from that intro there he kind of had a rough night and he’s even broke his TV with which yes we cannot use until we get it fixed up so yep he’s having a rough time obviously dealing with grief losing his wife he’s all alone he’s having a very very bad time and um being on his own having a few drinks is not really going to help the matter by the way I do just want to say quickly as well if the intro was a little bit touchy and kind of hit home and it relates to a few of you just know that you know you’re not alone and please do ask for help and speak to people you know I never create these intros to try and hit people people on a real I am just creating a story in stard Valley but I do understand that some of these little intros and stories that I do can be relatable to real life and maybe a little bit upsetting and hard to see and hard to watch yeah if that is the case and then please reach out to me personally or reach out to the professionals and there’s lots of people out there who are willing to help I don’t want to upset anybody with these intros or this playthrough that I’m doing you know this is meant to be fun and enjoyable but I am creating a nice deep story to make it feel more immersive with Walter here and I want you guys to kind of just feel for him and understand him on a a deeper level than just playing stardy Valley I just wasn’t too sure about that intro I didn’t want it to be too sensitive or anything like that so I do apologize if I’ve upset anybody with it or it’s hitome right okay so it is the 28th of autumn which means it is winter tomorrow this is the last day of autumn so anything that we need to do we’ve got to get done look this is going to be the last day of the honey look at this just in time and this also means I am going to harvest all of the flowers as well because otherwise they will die tomorrow so we can at least sell these or give them as gifts which is perfect we’ve got quite a lot here there’s still a few flowers that actually haven’t even grown looks like some of the fairy Rose I don’t know what I was thinking why did I plant those the bee houses are going to stay there because in Spring after winter they should start coming out of their big sleep and starting to make more honey again and we’ve just got our first dried apples we put those in in the last episode and that is worth 1,000 gold 1,85 which is incredible now we do our five Chantell which means we can dry those nice so want to make sure we get everything done today I don’t know what else we can actually do travel ladies here which we definitely got to do obviously a lot of this stuff that we need to do for the CC is winter base now other than the rabbit foot which we do need to try and find in the travel lady or I’m going to buy a cou in this episode get one built and start getting some rabbits but that’s about it a lot of that we can do in Winter if we get a rabbit’s foot today that would be insane right we get this apple as well so let’s eat this a nut let’s have a little snack get our energy back up and I’ll start taking out this milk to put into the cheese makers and we’re probably going to have to buy some animal food or at least Cel of this today if the silos is looking a bit empty because animal food in winter is going to be a problem move out the way Oreo oh my goodness 208 that might last for the winter season I’ll start getting rid of this grass I can’t remember if I’ve actually installed the winter grass mod which means we still might be able to get that in Winter right the last mushroom from the mushroom Tapper I’m pretty sure you can’t get those in Winter as well the ancient fruit is looking good not a lot for us to do this still got to wait for a long time for them to grow right let’s go and ship some things and get all organized because the inventure is pretty wild oh the eggs we got 8 Days oh yeah I’ve got to put the 24 eggs into never mind we’ve still got them that’s good so we got a few flowers that I can use for gifts we’ve got some sunflower silver quality and silver quality fairy Rose which is going to be good we got some more bait we can put on the rod oh yeah we got the rarecrow from the last episode from the spirits Eve so I might replace this one in the middle push with that one nice and we do already have two more down here as well this one the the little raccoon and this like mask but of course completely forgot we got our cranber the last Harvest of cranber it looks like the last Harvest of all the crops all these are going to disappear in the morning and we’re not going to be able to do any farming in Winter other than the winter forage and the new powder melons which I’m excited about we’ve actually got a winter crop in the game that is not a winter forage so maybe we’ll just do a massive Harvest of that but we’re going to need as many of those as possible maybe we’ll use the seed maker and just try and dupe and get loads of those we’ve only found two so far which is not very good we’re going to have to go to the travel lady pretty pretty fast so I’m actually going to keep hold of the cran that’s going to get us through winter I’m just going to sell these gold quality here I’m going to keep Winston on the farm with lady today they can hang out together we’ve not got much to do over than the travel lady so they can kind of hang out here but soon we’re going to have some lovely winter walks Walter and Winston going for a lovely walk in the snow nothing better than that but please lady please give me a rabbit’s foot oh oh we need one so bad a Rainbow Shell some cheese milk chowder truffle wow wood skip look at that one of the books The Bait and Bubba for 6,000 to get some fishing XP that’s actually quite cheap I’m sure that’s 10,000 right what fishing level are we we’re maxed out never mind I’m going to clear these trees and gather some hardwood whilst I’m here cuz I’m going to need this like I said I would like to actually get a coupe I have upgraded so I can get a rabbit in it but I also want to buy a new one come on slimy hiding away in in the bush [Music] there oh there’s another one here too I can’t believe today’s gone pretty fast obviously Walter spent a little bit of time cleaning up the room it was a mess there’s Abigail H what should I do tonight I was thinking about dyeing my hair again what do you think dye it black why not blonde how about bubblegum pink I like here just the way it is of course that’s what you’d say oh she didn’t like that she wanted to die it again see Walter’s not he’s not with the kids he’s not with the teens in town doesn’t understand how they how they work he’s just being kind and polite and she’s like oh what you’d say that wouldn’t you whatever Abigail this gold axe is amazing it’s so much faster at Gathering wood I can’t wait to start getting iridium tools but we have repaired the bus to get to the school cab but I don’t think we’ve gone down to the bottom of the mines yet we’re pretty close though to get the key so that’s what we do maybe tomorrow let’s go and get the school cabin key and start Gathering lots of gold and aridium down in the school cabin which is going to be so exciting to start advancing and upgrading all of our tools getting aridium sprinklers for our new layout even for the green house it’s going to be so good so I think what the plan is we’re going to build another Coupe over on where the Grandpa’s Shrine is because I want that to be like a rabbit Island so what I’ll do is the new Coupe I won’t build in this location I’ll build over here where the old one is and move the upgraded Coupe that we’ve currently got over to this side because that one will allow us to get the rabbits in I don’t know if we’ve fully upgraded or we need to do one more look at all these trees losing the leaves in Autumn so cool such a nice touch you know winter is coming so a lot of these trees are yeah just dying down the leaves are dying right let’s close these doors to make them happy it’s going to be freezing tomorrow the snow is going to be here yeah we need to upgrade this Cooper again right I think we sleep we’ll sell the cheese and mayonnaise that we’ve made today we gathered another 570 wood very very nice what does that put us on in total oh look we’ve got nearly two stacks of 999 Stone could do with more yeah the hardwood of course is not not too great load of sap and look how many tree seeds we’ve got we could make some field snacks to be honest great food source I’m actually going to make like 30 of these we got so many now field snacks aren’t the best you 45 energy there’s better things than that like the salad that you can buy but this is literally stuff gathered from the farm this is homegrown food right here so why the hell not uh I completely forgot to continue the progress with the Search Command we’ve got 20 treats so let’s do that let’s learn some new things today nice we got 80 treats left so we can do that again in the morning it’s going to be close to be able to search for things guys that is so exciting I wonder what he’s going to find us but we do have level 9 for and we’ve nearly maxed this out now rain totem recipe unlocked and look at this money perfect for winter this is just from the cheese and the milk a few Cranberries the gold qualities that we sold but we’re making so much money on the farm now and now it begins the cold winter season it’s it’s going to be nice for a couple of days but then soon it’s going to get a little bit frustrating because there’s not a lot we can do but I am excited about farming for the new crops let’s get that fire on Walter I think you need some warmer clothes on let’s put this jacket on get these proper boots on there we go something a little bit more substantial than oh a thin dunger shirt we can’t check the TV so I have no idea about weather and look until we get it fixed we’ve got to go to Robin and buy a new one to replace it I think that’s what we’re going to have to do so here we go good morning lady good morning Winston you found me some Stone all right there’s your drinks so let’s use the dog treats someone suggested in the last one I was mentioning why we couldn’t learn lady any tricks and give her any treats that’s because she’ve got to get Max Hearts first I’m pretty sure once you’ve got Max Hearts you can start learning tricks and giving treats so we’re a long way off of that with lady but you know she’s still a up she is the new dog so let’s we’re 50% progress with search this is going to cost 30 treats to get it to 7 5% let’s do it and let’s give us 49 treats left I might have to buy a few more of those but you know what we’re going to the mines today now if we had the command hunt he’ actually be able to fight enemies in the mines with us Winston will be able to do that but right now we can’t he doesn’t know how to do that so I don’t want to bring him to the mines because that wouldn’t be very fair on him he doesn’t know how to defend himself but look at all the crops oh no they’ve all disappeared it’s looking empty and soon this is going to be filled with a r sprinklers to be more efficient I can’t wait right is this finished so what I’m going to do is once all this is done I’m going to get one of the Kegs and put it outside so I know when they’re ready the fruit trees are coming on we got some wormies over here of course we’re going to need all of this winter forage we’ve already got the winter root we just need the snow yam the crocus and the Holly and we can finish that off to get the bridge repair done which of course is for the Quarry oh the copper pan can we reach this oh we can copper and coal so we got to remember we’ve got the copper pan now we got this in the last episode so that means we can start searching for things in the water and Gathering lots of goodies hopefully the lucky ring so I’m going to keep my eyes peeled for that but look how nice this looks we’ve got all the winter grass so the mod is actually in the game dried chanells nice so I think with this mod I don’t think it’s just visual I’m pretty sure we can actually scth this and get animal food yes we can yeah look at this another pan spot in the corner can we make this in time gold or wow what a find I definitely want to upgrade this copper pan it’s currently copper I think we should maybe get this to steal why not that’s going to be exciting right we’ve got a lot to do today so let’s pet all the animals cows the goats they’re looking good they’ve got food let me get all of their milk right that’s all them done I need some more cheese presses oh the mushrooms can still give you mushrooms in Winter really of course we got all the winter fish to catch as well and I do already see is this the perch which we’ve never caught for the collection we don’t need it for any bundles but I do want it for the collection so for a first catch let’s do it and there it is first catch perch nice that was easy enough yeah I see the Pike in the water but we do already have that one I don’t think there’s anything else that we can catch around here the sturgeon looking good look at that they can still populate to five let’s get this bait we could put this gold or straight in there cuz we found one coal as well so we do have some iron let me upgrade this um this copper pan let’s do it I do also want to upgrade the hoe though but I might do that next cuz we need to get this to the Copper stage first but we’re running low on copper anyway definitely got to do a mine run today now to upgrade the coupe to the deluxe Coupe we need 500 wood which is no problem and 200 Stone which is also no problem we do just have enough for that but we also need 20K and that’s going to allow us to get the rabbits so we’ve got to do it we need the rabbit’s foot I want to do it in this season I’m going to take 100 stone with me and I’m going to purchase another 100 from the actual shop um so I can keep some here for crafting and things that we need and also what we’ll do is we’ll now finish the egg Quest that we can do uh for gust the famous omelet which need to put these into his fridge so that’s another thing that we can do oh I’ve just Le another pan spot let me go and try and find it come on could it could be in the river it could be in the ponds it could be anywhere guys it looks like it’s going to be in that small pond again oh no it’s down in this one look at this the mini mini Pond oh we got an amethy wow what a great find that’s incredible the pan is going to be amazing definitely want to upgrade this we could find so much good stuff and I think it’s important the pan never used to really be beneficial before 1.6 Ian it was still kind of fun and good to get the lucky ring and a few good items but the fact that you can now upgrade this and make it more powerful and even put enchantments on it it’s insane it just makes it so much better right we got some wormies there’s another winter route we need snow yam that’s what want so first of all we’re going to buy 100 Stone cuz we are running low on it and I don’t want to use all the stuff that we’ve got at home now we do need to buy the TV um for the one that we had before it’s going to be 700 gold we can’t even get the better one so there’s no plasma TV here I need to see the weather and the look so I’m going to go ahead and do that and Walter is no longer going to punch the TV he’s going to control himself I think it’s onwards and upwards from here you know the first year is always going to be tough and I think he’s going to find it a little bit easier as we go on you know time is one of the greatest healers I I swear by it although you may never be fully healed time does definitely help so let’s construct a Farm building and there’s the deluxe Coupe we can unlock rabbits oh auto feed system as well oh this is amazing guys so actually what I want to do first of all is move a building because this one is actually going to be upgraded and this is the one that’s going to have the actual rabbits in it I’m just going to put a normal coue there so let’s move this over to this direction there we go and we’re going to upgrade that to the big one to get the rabbits once that’s done I’m going to build another one to be here to go back into this area so let’s build the deluxe coup yeah I think that’s going to be a lovely area I’ll start working on your Coupe upgrade first thing tomorrow yes right let’s try and swing by to Clint quickly and upgrade this hopefully we can make it and then we’ll go to Gus the saloon now sadly we had quite a lot of stuff to do today so I can’t really make the minds but we can do that tomorrow granny Evelyn’s here I’m going to quickly give her this um sunflower oh my it looks wonderful it’s very kind of you I’m also going to give one to jod and Caroline thank you this makes my day special for me this is such a thoughtful gift thank you there we go Walter is making all the ladies happy doing what he does best got to quickly hurry up but let’s just check this juicy bugs and Cave Patrol so the number of bats we need to slay 5050 of them or 100 pieces of bug meat let’s do the 50 bats because we are going to go to the mines tomorrow and I think we might be able to do that okay here we go buddy let’s upgrade our steel pan 5K yeah that’s fine with me this has a bigger and better yield than a copper pan it also has a small chance to immed immediately cause another one to appear another spot so that’s going to be super super beneficial and obviously we can still use the shop now I do need a little bit of coal although this is expensive I’m going to go down to 20K or just under 45 pieces you know what we’ve got an Amish should we give it to Clint I know he loves them yes exactly what I’ve been looking for no worries mate we eventually want to get hearts with everybody right and be super friendly so there’s going to be some winter fish that we actually need to catch as well and we don’t have the lingard which is actually in the water here let’s get it I think this is it just got to get it in come on Walter yes we got it first ever catch link let’s go I’ve got to go to the saloon put these in the fridge the eggs cuz they’re taking up a lot of space just thought I’d get that fish first while I spotted it so here we go it’s looking very Christmasy I love it everyone’s in the winter outfits such a nice touch to 1.6 as well there we go Quest done we got the achievement as well oops 3,000 gold come on that is amazing I might go up to the mines now and spend a few hours just slaying some bats hello Willie good old buddy old Bal I need a little warm you up to be ready for another cold night on the ocean oh I bet it is super cold I’m going to buy him a drink but Walter’s not having one guys don’t worry just going to get one for Willie our friend this looks great thank you he’s going to have a cold night well actually a cold winter in that little old fishing Hut it’s not cranberry sauuce oh it was stuffing I knew there was something we needed for the winter star it was like a Christmas dish and it was plump uding and stuffing damn it I really thought we needed that that would have been so amazing all right let’s quickly head straight up to the mines and have just even if it’s two three hours down there I’ve got my weapon on me we’ve got a good sword let’s just slay some bats I’m not going to focus on any or gathering that’s going to be tomorrow’s job or like progressing down the mines I just want to get bats although I don’t know what the best floor is for bats really I think they kind of just come and go whenever they like maybe the the like the frost floors there seems to be a lot of those bats all right there’s one over here look oh another one nice yeah I think these floors are going to be the best and I do notice a lot more bats on these kind of floors oh look at that there’s two over there now I did say I don’t want to get iron but wow I’m seeing quite a lot on here so itd kind of be silly not to take this if there’s a lot on a floor like that I’ve got to I’m not just going to get one or two though right come on bat he’s coming over nice we’re already making good progress here there’s another batle up here come on oh there’s two more as well three together so how many bats did we we need to slay 50 50 BS we already slayed eight nice definitely looks like these floors are going to be the best we might be able to get this done tomorrow if we have a full day in the mines it looks like we got to get out of here though it’s kind of late I do see a bat on the bottom so I’m just going to slay that hiding the way down here and don’t forget the amethy we’ll take that let’s quickly use the mine cart let’s get back to the bus stop pushing it here we are pushing it 110 but we’re fine I’m quickly going to put some of these fish in the smoker so it’s done maybe in the morning we got the link Cod the perch and a tiger trout let’s try that all this stuff’s done oh no we’re going to make it quick quick quick quick yes just in time first day of winter done you know made 2.6k a lot I don’t think we even sold the mayonnaise and all of the the cheese and stuff like that so look guys we’re going to fix this Telly up we’re going to get rid of this one and we’re going to put our new one down and now it actually works yes it’s going to be an extra few inches of snow tomorrow and we have a great look day perfect for the mines come on let’s get rid of this broken television we no longer need that let’s also check the calendar what’s going on any birthdays lonus oh friend’s birthday tomorrow yes yes okay which will be able to do in this episode so we got 500 from the mayor Gus gave us a mini fridge for doing that Quest nice Robin wants to tell us about the wood chipper willly gave us a quest for the squid which I also do need to catch for Walter’s first ever time so yeah we’ll go and get a few of those let’s do the pet manual we’re going to get 40 treats to get it to one 100% search he’s now learned search guys oh my goodness let’s give you a treat we can’t give you one you want a drink there we go right hold on follow me guys let’s see what I can find if we go down to this bit here we go search so when you press search around it will actually follow you as well and I’m and I’m guessing it will end up finding something along the way I don’t know how often he’s going to do this I don’t really understand but we’ll we’ll see we’ll see how it goes so he’s just going to come on the journey and every now and then will he just drop an item or do we have to go and speak to him look at all these mushrooms so we still get these in Winter wow these are kind of op four purple mushrooms from that one and that means we’ve got five purple mushroom to dry oh yes right come on Winston I want you to find something for us right you got to wait here but it because we are going inside there’s all the cheese got to feed these every day we cannot forget to do this oh yeah the ceop’s no longer there I completely forgot oh what did he do he went in the bush does he search bu bushes right we’ve got to put some things away hold on we got no space we got a diamond as well look at him searching all the PES what have you found buddy what did you find he found a mystery box oh what a good boy so he searches the bushes so he kind of want to go what did he find some Fiber so he searches all the bushes okay that makes sense look at him I’s found nothing in those ones though wow what a good boy a mystery box is kind of good right we got a lot of pickle didn’t we need one of these or did we end up doing must have ended up doing it yeah we did right we got some more copper that’s all that done and let’s get some more fish smoked cuz this is great money actually got to go over to obviously the chickens in a second but there we go we’ve got two of the powder melons in the ground they’re watered as well already which is nice and I will use the seed maker once we’ve got a bit more of that all right come on there might be some bushes up here that you can search I don’t think there is this is getting upgraded oh oh Winston stay outside oh my God he nearly went in oh there’s Robin these need feeding as well let’s do all the duck eggs CU we got plenty of these oh my God so many eggs we’ll do all this today let’s get some food in here I can’t wait for bits after what I’m going to do is this is eventually going to be filled with oh there’s a hand spot oh we’re upgrading it no I forgot this is going to eventually be filled with rabbits so I’m going to move all the ducks in fact I might even keep the Ducks over here they can go in the river so this is going to be half Ducks half rabbits I think six of each and then I’ll move the chickens that’s in there over to the the other C that we’re going to get right come on boy um stop waiting I do want to go to the mines we’ got to finish that back Quest and reach the bottom of the mine that’s what I want to do today okay so right I’m going to put all the Cranberries in there got a lot of stuff still got some pumpkins left over too I don’t I’m going to sell those silver cranberries we’ve got plenty of normal here this is looking good we’ve got plenty of stuff for winter and the smoke fish is done too we’re going to sell this hello lady look at her bless she’s so cute right we’re heading to the mines I’m going to walk up there and Winston might be able to find us some stuff along the way because there’s bushes and stuff around there so this is exciting let’s see see what happens right come on have a look around look at [Music] him oh he’s found something a winter rout you know that’s not bad oh something else too a cranberry that’s incredible so I’m guessing you can only search the bush once a snow yam we need the snow yam let’s go right there’s nothing else keep going buddy keep going over here nothing over here did you do these little ones yeah so we can only check the bush once per day there he is he’s found something a crystal fruit nice find this is so cool oh my God I love it two more cranberries so it’s like winter related items I’m guessing they’re all seasonal so in spring and summer you you know you’ll find different things I’m just lost like right now I want to go to the mines guys and I’m just enjoying watching Winston searching the bushes this is crazy he not finding much now though but there’s so much that you can search Come On Come search Lance’s bushes over here you normally forages here but there’s nothing here right now out of season but Winston can actually get right inside the bush and dig out whatever’s in there he’s found something let’s go two pine cones see that’s so that’s just amazing oh my God he’s searching every single single bush Okay looks like we’re not going to the mines today I’m getting distracted oh you’re a good boy now I love that it’s balanced quite well you know it’s not exactly he’s not finding so much stuff to the point where it’s overpowered oh there’s Holly we need the Holly so we’ve also got the snow yam and the Holly now we just need a crocus there’s Maru oh he’s found something another mystery box they are amazing that’s such a good fine boy oh my god oh he’s found something over here two more cranberries there’s the crocus we’ve got all winter forage guys done but look at this Walter and Winston he’s got his hat on going for a winter walk just searching things in the bushes he’s found something winter route nice this is the best ever I love this this mod is incredible let’s take these winter trees down let’s get some wood they’ll grow back in Spring I’m going to go down to 110 and kind of just work my way down we only need 10 floors we should be able to do this kind of easy there’s the ladder I think that’s a diamond down there though so I do want to get this if I can get to 115 I’ll be happy let’s go quickly oh there’s the bats I do want to slay these where’s another bat oh small easy floor this should be pretty easy to find the ladder hopefully another Diamond this is incredible two diamonds already looks like we’ve just leveled up a mining as well two diamonds might do that for you we got one straight away now I don’t think there’s anything on here so let’s just go and there we go 115 done already guys can we actually get to the bottom today could we do it 120 even though we came to the mines kind of late I had a feeling the ladder was going to be at the front I should have just started mining there first yeah there it is I spent way too long on that floor I don’t think we’re going to do this not today but we know that we can come tomorrow just get five levels down and that is done easy at least I made a little bit progress today oh this means there’s going to be a lot of bats just before we leave we can slay a lot of these oh we’re not going to have enough time I can’t really not slay these though I might have to pass out on the farm I can use the mine carts although is is the dog still going to be here oh no okay let’s go leave stop waiting mine carts bus stop will he be here yes he came with us he came in the he’s searching don’t be searching buddy We’ve Got No Time come on come over here yeah we passed out on the farm that’s fine it is what it is but there’s the crystarium I wanted this so bad but again I think we need a ridium for that right make some good money today 12K and we got one more day to play through and it’s Linus’s birthday and a steel pans done nice so let’s hopefully give him something that he loves got a mini fridge which I’m going to put down here we don’t really have the room for it cuz our house is kind of tiny so I’m going to come back and sort that out in a second because I’ve got stuff that I want to ship in here in fact what we need to do first of all is put away the winter forage that we’re going to go and donate today because we’ll finish it it’s all done but I want to put away all of this stuff six diamonds so if we get six crystarium boom we are sorted I’m going to get some gold smelted for the day let’s check the letter I think this is for passing out yeah we’ve got build a thousand uh it’s all good right let’s give these to a drink they’re crazy dogs and don’t we need a battery for the crystarium as well yeah so we need two aridium bars for this wow that’s going to be really hard we could make some monster mosque guys and bring out the bats that might be a bit easy for us I’m going to try one of those to finish off that bat Quest I’ve also crafted one more keg I’m going to place this one outside so I know that they’re going to sink up in fact we can actually make quite a lot of this so I’m going to make as much as we can also I believe that this is going to be actually ready yeah oh some of it it’s in Parts okay cauliflower juice I’m going to wait for all this to finish so we can sink it up together but look at this guys we can now start coming onto the left side oh that’s so good there a lot of kegs in here now look at that cauliflower juice 3,850 gold wow I think these are pumpkins the ones that are in there so we’re going to wait and we’ll sink all that together let’s go and get our dried purple mushrooms today look at this stuff 2,600 gold wow we do have the chantells as well so let’s put some of those in there I do really want some of these um dehydrators I think the recipe was it 10,000 or 20,000 I might have go and picked that up today but let’s sort these animals out and then we’ll go to the mines and kind of finish off the back Quest and also get to the bottom of the mines today I can’t wait for the auto feeders I think that’s going to be crucial it’s going to save us a lot of time definitely need two more cheese makers but I didn’t want to waste the hardwood and should I just make the two cheese presses now should I just do it yeah let’s do it why not it’s going to make my life easier I can literally take whatever’s in here and fill them all out so it’s perfect but let’s go and say hello to the chickens oh yeah I’ve crafted another seed maker because when the uh powder melons are done we could put one in here one in here it’s going to speed things up a little bit and uh yeah yeah hopefully we can just keep getting lots of them crops but look at this oh my God guys it’s finished we can get rabbits should we go to should we go to man and get our first few oh yeah I did craft a chest here as well because all of the eggs we’ve got no Auto Grabber in here which I might be tempted to buy one I’m going to need more main a machines as well this is crazy right look at the auto feeder working in here that’s so good and you know what we can actually make our own chickens with our eggs I’m going to put one in here let’s incubate our own chicks instead of buying them obviously I’m going to move them all over to the new coup eventually cuz I want rabbits in there but let’s at least go and get two rabbits maybe oh wormies nice ooh two mystery boxes we’re finding so many of these right now I should have brought the dog out but I I ain’t got time today cuz I want to go to the mines and everything the steel pan it’s l is B day oh of course the May’s here again 25k for a ver a grab I’m not going to do that yet that would be silly I do want more treats though and of course we want to purchase animal the rabbit’s AK so I’m just going to get two for now now we get different varieties we don’t know which ones we’re going to get there’s quite a few available so we’re going to get floppy and hoppy hoppy and floppy 16k I could get more but I don’t want to do that yet two rabbits is going to be fine we just we only need one rabbits for anyway so uh um it’s all good what can we actually give lonus for his birthday here we’ve not found anything that he loves I know he loves a cactus fruit but maybe we can go and sneakily find one in the desert we have got the bus repair a coconut or a cactus fruit if we can find one of those before the day ends and go and give one to him that is perfect but I’ve got to get this pan first there’s so much to do there’s the prize TI keep for finishing that as well let go it makes them just a little bit more rewarding to do because before I I mentioned this um before the 1.6 update got released the fact that the uh The Help Wanted and the bulletin board for me wasn’t kind of worth it I never really did them because the reward just wasn’t great enough you know you got a little bit of cash but at that point you’re making so much money anyway that 1,000 gold is really nothing to you at that point so these prize tickets are great because yeah you just get random rewards and they’re quite good Rewards as well it makes them really worth it right what else did I want to do today um okay let’s head over and get something for lonus before it’s too late and then we’ve just got to make our way down five floors in the mines which I feel like we’re still not going to do because there’s so much to do it’s been so busy but here’s Pam at the bus stop oh lots of wor me see and there we go there’s a cactus fruit and a coconut right there there oh there’s plenty oh there’s a copper pan spot there and we’ve just got a pan back and they disappeared I knew they disappear why did they do that every single time that happens so often you’d get there and they just disappear but there we go we got some Lost Books there’s the cactus fruit I’m going to give him the best quality that we find right there’s just two over here and then we’ll get out of here quickly right let’s see did we get any gold or ridium quality we did get a gold cactus fruit that’s perfect that’s what we’re going to give him then that’s going to be the best one for his birthday the rest we can ship because yep like I said we’ve never actually shipped them so that’s good for us so let’s get the bus stop straight up to the mines and let’s find Linus first and there is another pan spot and guess what it’s disappeared why does it do that it doesn’t make sense oh I hate that so much are you going to be geten cuz it’s cold no lonus where are you buddy I ain’t got time for this right I’ve just heard another pan spot I’m going to be quicker with this one where is it where is it where is it where is it it’s up top it’s up top oh it’s on this side I’ve got to go this way it’s probably going to disappear cuz it’s so far away oh we made it thank god oh another mystery box and seven copper another one’s popped up it worked we got the chance copper great right no more oh loners come on man I want to go to the mines but I also don’t want to miss him on his birthday where is he is he going to be here he could be taking shelter in the bath house obviously it’s free to use for the community oh my God more mystery boxes uh it’s a good way for him to keep warm just using the bath house it’s quite handy for him ideal that this is here there he is my old friend the glimmering boulder has moved on it may not seem like an important event but to me it’s a big change I’m happy for the old rock to see more of the world though a you’re making friends with the stones even someone like me needs to warm up indoors now and then yep see that’s why he’s here right happy birthday buddy there’s a gold quality cactus fruit a birthday gift that’s very kind of you I love it look at that eight Arts oh my God so lonus is our best friend basically in terms of friendship points so Willie is no longer our best best friend he is level with George but these three are our good old buddies and of course Evelyn this is our top five right here Robin Evelyn Willie George and Linus that’s who Walter likes the most I love it I thought Pam would be up there I thought Pam would be over Robin but for some reason no why is Robin so high I don’t get that did I maybe I gave her a birthday gift maybe I did oh there’s a pan spot over there but I’m not going to it guys I just I need to get these mines done and everything is just trying to stop me the distractions are insane it really does not want me to do this so we’re going to go straight over to5 and this might sound crazy but I’m also going to use the monster musk on these horrible floors just to try and draw out more monsters so I can find bats there’s the ladder let’s go down any bats here no okay here’s the monsters I already see some bats ooh dwarf scroll blue not the one we need though there is a crab there we woke him up okay I do see some more bats over here as well I’ve got to be careful though cuz I could easily die with all these enemies there’s quite a lot it’s all well and good drawing them out but if I can’t handle them another mystery box how many of these have we found in this episode another one all right there’s the bat I need you a perch frenzy is in the forest ah good way to get a lot of perch cuz then we can smoke them but we ain’t got time again another distraction it’s trying its best to stop me from doing what I want to do I’ve got to still try and find these ladders there we go one’s a back up let’s just see if there’s any bats over here oh my God there’s a ton of of gold get that speed boost from the Joi Cola there’s the bat right let’s try and find this ladder before we start clearing out the floor take that coal oh there’s the bats one two and I think this was a crab yeah there he is and a good old bomb right guys we need one more floor I do think we’ve got enough time oh there’s the bat let’s keep trying to find it there it is so we know we guaranteed that so I’m just going to slay the monsters and gather whatever’s on here and we are done another mystery box insane we got a squid ink but there we go let’s get out of here we have done we’ve got to the bottom of the mine and here is the skull Cavern key finally we’ve did it this took us all year to get to the bottom of here what the hell but it’s all good I did take my time with it there was no rush right we’ve got a soggy newspaper can we try and get cloth we still need the cloth please there’s all the gold bars I don’t if I’m going to make getting all the mayonnaise I’ll grab the cheese today we’ll have to get the mayonnaise in the next one there’s so much to do right now it’s crazy but there we go good night doggos and there’s the money rolling in let’s go but that is it guys that is the end of this episode it’s going to be the fourth of winter in the next one still so much more to do I can’t believe we’re in the winter season already if you enjoyed another episode to Walter’s Journey please smash that like button and subscribe to see more I know you guys really enjoy this but please do be patient on the episodes because they do take a very long time for me to make especially when I create a nice little intro for you guys I’ve got a busy schedule at the moment so many videos I’ve got planned to release and some that I’ve already released and they do take a lot of time to edit so yeah I’m going to aim for one or two episodes a week minimum so I hope you enjoy that thank you all so much for the love and support though I’ll see you on the next one guys stay safe and stay cozy

🐔 Welcome to new beginnings. A brand new Stardew Valley playthrough for the 1.6 update. Join me and Walter on this new adventure as we go back in time to re-live the cozy farmers life, all while exploring the new content!

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  1. Yay! Another episode! Hey sharky, I had a thought. I don't know how others feel, but personally I'd prefer you not edit this series. Just load the entire session play thru. From what I understand Editing is a lot of work and we love Walter so much an extended video would be most welcome. I'm watching another creator who does a full week at a time. Or do whatever.

  2. I believe the 1.6 update has the winter grass. I play vanilla and I had grass during winter! Also absolutely love the intros. I did not realize how much grief Walter had, he seemed to be doing great on the farm. Thank you for these videos. I love them and enjoy watching them when you put them out! Keep up the good work!

  3. I appreciate the warning, but having a specific trigger warning would be better. Just something to keep in mind if you include sensitive subjects like that again in the future!

  4. Walter's story arc is deep and important. I look forward to seeing how you take his character. Will he work his way through things? Grief is a difficult thing and everyone works through it in a different way.

  5. The intro was fantastic. I'm sure many of us have experienced what Walter is going through. I have enjoyed the exploring Stardew with Walter.

  6. Sharkybarky, my good ol' buddy. Ask yourself, why do you rush to get back from the mines, instead of just passing out? 😀

    Work smarter, not harder! 😀 You know how to cook an egg! Get that energy, brah!

  7. Absolutely heartbreaking!! Don't stop! Loving someone that much is so relatable. I love the pet mod with the search command, makes Winston digging through bushes absolutely adorable!! I'd never get anything done!

  8. Thank you for continuing this series, Sharky. I enjoy them, whenever you are able to upload them. It's nice seeing that Walter's pet family is growing. Welcome to Floppy and Hoppy. 😂🐰

  9. Thank you for all your hard work on this series! ❤ I feel like that dog mod really captures what it’s like to walk with a dog when they want to stop and sniff every little thing! 😂

  10. I've started staying in both mines until I fall asleep. It just costs 1,000g and, in my 4th year, the money isn't a problem. I also have planty of food so can top up my energy in the morning. You don't waste time running home and you don't lose anything from your inventory. Also a lot of time, either Linus or the explorer guy finds you and there is no charge at all.

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