Extreme Minecraft Tic-Tac-Toe

everyone knows how to play tic tac toe you get three in a row and you win but what if we turn this simple game into a race where everything is allowed and to claim your spot on the board you need to obtain the item corresponding to that spot then I invited booster to play against me and it all starts when I run this command yeah yeah what the hell do I see anything I see a b i see a b whose turn is it going to be oh it’s my turn it’s obviously going to be your turn it’s random it’s literally random no no no it’s boost for Bobble if it goes off Bally yours is a you know you’re just making that up no I’m not oh shoot you went that way you think you’re funny you think you’re funny huh how do you think fall you think you’re funny huh I do I do I do well you think you’re funny huh yeah I do oh that 3 plus one was crazy yo where did you come from you’re getting water what the hell yes I am you think you think you’re cool huh well I’m in the water now so go get that water buddy you need it more than me you know you’re dead do I where you at buddy no no come back here I’m long gone buddy oh there’s an easy one of course there is bro there’s so many easy ones on there n not many just one the middle one is kind of hard actually the Wich can be insane so um what are you going to go for yes oh my god dude why were you there were you waiting I thought you were going to jump me immediately so I sat there waiting for like a minute he almost killed me on three that’s so stupid bro n game is game what do you mean I I actually almost died there and if you kill me you skip my turn so that would not be good I didn’t know you were this good at the game bro you’re not K you’re not kidding me you’re dead meat you’re dead meat I’m stupid oh it’s my turn okay I don’t have food bro if I jump you right now I’m dead so what are you trying to get uh nothing really nothing really all right well looks like I’m going to come kill you now no please don’t I just had to get some food to get my health back up but wait what you’re this way H I actually have no clue where you are wait you’re in this cave this water cave you’re in the water cave okay I’m not okay well I just pissed myself so I’m going to come kill you now you act so confident you you don’t have anything you don’t have a shield probably unless actually you definitely easily could have a shield by now but I don’t bro why would I have a shield man cuz that’s the first thing you made in the first minute of the video when you running away shut up okay what are you doing down there bro fine I’ll make this oh you know what I’m making cuz the stupid advancement yeah whatever hope you’re not F3 aing to completely cheat like you usually cheating I’m allowed to I I haven’t done that yet but I’m definitely allowed to no bro no okay then I’m allowed to as well f3a yeah let’s just not let’s just not f3a let’s just not f3a bro why are you so scared of it so if I was constantly F3 aing how are you going to be able to set up a trap how am I supposed to be able to set up a trap you know like isn’t that important for uh Minecraft [Music] Gameplay oh oh yeah yeah you’re getting two stacked buddy you got nothing on me bro so where are you bro yo what’s up bro yo booster what’s up man oh creeper oh my God yes oh and there’s lava here oh diamond pickaxe yo booster what’s wrong man are you good did that creeper do any damage to you only be like one heart I don’t know if that’s your question why you make slabs no I have a plan I have a plan don’t know if I believe you I just realized I could have crafted something yeah I know what you realized but I will be crafting instead oh you better get that red nethera wall can’t even make armor to come kill you with I’m just like screwed oh wait I can make this though some little booties so are you in a good position right now you’re uh on the comeback oh yeah I have so many so many things at my disposal right now you don’t even know bro 100% I’m losing 100% you say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah honestly I believe you if you’re that confident I I believe that you have a plan that’s going to destroy me wait what yeah well I’m not allowed to be supportive or bro since when bro I’m always supportive what the hell you’re kind of lucky that youing stuck me in a cave because not only am I getting distracted by stupid it’s going to take me 6 years to mine out a lot of nether stuff damn four nether things TT mine cart you could potentially get if you find a shipwreck do you hear the sound of the cobwebs now in the update they make sound yeah they make a new sound since one do cobwebs make sound dude they added it new why would they add the sounds to cobwebs yeah it’s like you mean like when you mine them like when you walk in them or like yeah mind them can’t walk in cobweb dude what is wrong with you man next time I talk to you I guess I’ll get on my knee and kiss your hand too before addressing you as my that’s what I thought Rob yeah what the f you’re going to enter the nether you’re going to get something and then when I enter you’re going to kill me steal my turn get something else and then you’re going to win how’ you know bro CU I foresee it in my vision right now holy what I just what am I finding here you don’t even know what I’m looking at right now is this a double vein of eight bro you’re in cave is that a double vein of diamonds bro that’s insane cover me with diamonds dude you’re already more stacked than me and you’ve been in a cave for less time how do you do this stupid man that’s insane more Diamond veins okay give stop stop diamond armor I guess like I don’t I don’t know man like am I hacking or am I hacking you know like you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying oh two Diamond Ms never mind fine bro yeah I’ll take you’re bluffing man I don’t even care anymore you’re bluffing so hard you’re literally bluffing so I am I am I am I am you are because there’s no way you have that many diamonds bro I don’t believe it I am actually definitely don’t have boots and chest plate diamonds you know like yeah you don’t oh no imagine this is a a as well oh that would be crazy bro stop you don’t have you literally don’t have you literally don’t have I’m nervous to go near you now why do you get good how and also I should have killed those creepers for the gunpowder and instead of letting them blow up on [Music] you yes that’s what I needed that oh there’s more diamonds there’s more stop there’s a deep dark as well maybe I’ll find an ancient city you know like no you did not find that I’m not even xring by the way like you can check my footage it’s fine I literally have to come kill you to set you back okay well I’m coming to you anyways either way I need to kill you doesn’t matter if um it’s my turn you need to be killed if I if I lose this fight that’s fine I deserve to be um in the slums after I’ve had a pretty successful run so far you know successful I would say scummy uhum is cheating what the hacker I never even used 3A I found your stupid little hole oh wait I could get I could get this wait okay that’s for later I guess my name Boer and I’m a dumb ass what the Bro oh more diamonds okay well I mean I was just strip mining so I don’t know oh okay so there’s the helmet that’s great oh my god of course hot stuff I’m going to come get that hot stuff from you you know what I mean well well well my boy well well well oh no what are we going to do what it’s my turn so I don’t know what you’re doing in the nether we so what is your plan wait it’s actually I didn’t even okay well thank you so much I guess like wait what worry about Diamonds oh my God I can make like maybe something wait I can make boots oh yeah you’re uh you’re screwed now I can make boots buddy bear cover me diamonds you definitely made a chest plate by the way I just just yeah this is the worst nether spawn in I think that’s insane and there’s no Fortress inside that’s amazing rip your Nether Bricks I guess let’s go I can just run really far and find it I don’t know why you’re acting like I can’t do that you want my diamond armor don’t you I do yeah you want it you want it bad I do you’re right it’s so bad I do bro bro I genuinely care had a lava pool this nether sucks letting you know right now by way bro again like it sucks for you someone like me could handle it so I don’t know why you keep yapping about it like it’s by the way if you enjoy unique and refreshing ideas like this then make sure you subscribe I can actually see how many subscribers I gain on specific videos and if this one is a higher amount than usual then I’ll know to make more like it so how many toes did you suck last night four how did you know wait I mean zero zero this year oh that’s horrible Lu finding me in the nether bro this is insane man so what what item are you going to get the right now I’m just trying to find anything that can actually give me an item cuz I I forgot to get logs for the campfire I could win two ways right now you see that oh oh yeah buddy I need to come find you but I don’t know how to get to the nether I’m so serious there’s no Lava anywhere I need to find you right now while I have a compass I need to find you oh no way I think I have something no you don’t bro I hate mobs bro oh my God Bastion you boo you got to chill out man you’re sweating o you don’t get oh you get kill the black stone no bro now I can’t track you bro I could have mind Obby I have a diamond pickaxe from me Jesus Christ I literally run portal earlier wait how do you grow Nether Ward can you speed up nether W growth no wait are you in the nether no you’re not oh my God what the script did you just find something yeah ooh is that a bridge Bastion can it give me anything good what did you just find nothing it’s my turn I can quickly maybe get something you’re trading okay course am bro these piglins are going crazy oo huge now where are you since you got into The Nether right you didn’t not yet okay yeah about that oh yeah baby where are you is the question oh my goodness this boot is too close to comfort bro give me a War biome please now where are you bro bro I don’t know I I don’t know how far you are I don’t have anywhere to track you right now no way you’re looking for the chambers bro okay butd he not that I’m in the nether bro you’re not oh you are wait oh goodness goodness gracious that is not good is not good for me why you NE what is this girlo saying they’re actually nasty oh wait are you back in that fashion could I just kill you now where it came from oh no like that’s that’s a housing Bas that’s the housing Bastion ancient debris yeah you’re in the housing Bastion okay where are the good biomes bro o my turn Okay huge I need this boom look at the bottom row bro better start looking for the trial chamber buddy oh my God bro you better start looking for those trial Chambers buddy you ain’t got nothing on me bro oh yeah you you have to get it to you have to get it too um oh wait you’re right the only way you can win is if you find a chamber actually yeah same for me actually no if I get the red nether brick the red nether brick wall right now how am I going to get this though it’s not getting it I’m so sorry to say this but yes found it found what I needed huge I need to find one more thing as well and then we are good to go where you going oh another Bastion M Ooh La La bro ooh you like that what are you going to do it’s not even your turn don’t worry buddy I’m not going to leave any to you buddy I know you can’t get red nether BRS and if I secure red Nether Bricks in my inventory that means you can’t win by the top row which means you will have to put in some more effort Immortal boo ooh I see a warped Forest right there and I see the buddy I see the person that I want to be yo no you just po it up on me oh that’s a strength spot right there oh my god oh that didn’t work what is that okay that didn’t work what did you just explode on me was that a TNT Minecart TNT minecart on my back pocket for a little while I want to use it holy I mean it didn’t do much oh there’s a fortress oh my God chill with the lava how’s it going buddy need to protect this for one more minute no way oh my God bro a yes and look look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this boom it’s your turn now buddy oh my God bro you know you know I’m just going to wait for you cuz I know you can’t get anything cuz I already have my next item in my inory you know what if I just come hunt you right now you know what do it yeah it’s so sad you didn’t have an extra Diamond I could have Enchanted damn it bro the lava is so good bro I was just screwed a did I I didn’t even get you low or anything I don’t think I just like oh my God I got perfectly two obsidian from the from the piglins that is insane that is incredible back to the Overworld we go are you ready yeah you’re lucky I don’t know how to pyate for tri chamers buddy I don’t know how to either yeah you do wait no wait you’re lying I remember you exclusively being able to do that n you’re lying you’re lying you’re lying how do you even get a wind charge isn’t that hard like don’t you need to get keys and stuff yes oh my God hey buddy okay so you’re dying yes okay that’s not good oh my God and now it’s just the wind charge left oh my God it actually is it’s just a race ooh so it’s here oh my God they’re spawning mobs on me pearls pearls how can you get pearls out of a chest I need to make something honeycomb what do I need that for perfect said beds for me already okay now where are you I see that name tag no way I vented no way you vented bro no that’s disgusting oh you’re not even stacked come back here buddy I should get a wind charge that’s all I need to do oh my God come back here wind sh what is that why is there a slime there’s a slime there’s more slimes okay this baby zom is messing me up bro chill out man chill out with the crossbow barely you have any loot so how do you get a wind charge please tell me I don’t know wait is this a key thing oh my God what yeah those wax things are dangerous oh I got a key wait how do I get a wind charge I want a wind charge where’s the key things okay I’m using a key oh Golden Apple there’s a crossbow as well what did that crossbow do oh you came back get away oh hold on I missed I I’m back here ow dude these zombies are messing me up bro I know I got so low earlier oh my God what I vented oh there’s the thing there’s the wind thing come back here can I even hit it can I even hit it no I can’t hit it no oh wait how do I kill it you you can’t hit it oh God that’s not good wait you’re back oh my goodness what is this trial chamber thing bro are you almost dead as well no give me the Apple dude I’m getting what is happening oh no wait did I just burn all your stuff no okay well it seems like I need the keys to get the thing right you I need to kill all these monsters you keep dying dude this too much bro troll chamers is my ass bro die bro I am okay I’m unlocking it okay what do I get from the thing I dude I I use the key man wait you grabb it what did you get no I didn’t what you get I I blocked it off I couldn’t see I think there was like bricks n what did you get okay any more keys how do I get keys can you explain to me how you get keys dude I don’t know how to get keys I’m a Noob dude I have so many arrows in me bro how do I kill this guy bro I’m not even any closeth buddy just just run away man just run away just run away bro just run away yeah yeah yeah good boy good boy dude stop dude there’s just two how do I actually get okay I’m going to I think I got keys from breaking the prob just tell me how to get keys I can’t tell you I don’t know how how are you supposed to kill the blaze looking thingy he’s Immortal I don’t know how to kill you killed it no oh actually hit it I need to hit it from behind oh my God it didn’t draw a wind charge bro wait did you just throw a wind charge no you just threw a wind charge at me there’s a key oh my god dude I wasn’t looking at my health I wasn’t looking at my health no way no way okay wait where did you get a wind sh you got it from The Vault and I put it in a decorated pot and I HD them away dude I actually so the the the items you stole from me were you covered up with the what was yes the wind charge dude us not knowing how this update works is the only reason why I won if you enjoyed the video maybe you should join my Discord I’m pretty active in there and you’ll get notifications on when I go live or upload or if I show off a sneak peek for a future video bye everyone

Extreme Minecraft Tic-Tac-Toe, this was a ton of fun!

Featuring: @Boosfer

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Edited by SquareApple

#Minecraft #Baablu


  1. The thing I don’t get is how Boosfer is so much better than baablu and yet he still always loses to him in these challenges. It’s obviously scripted, right?

  2. A great trick you should try not sure if it works but throw a enderpearl before you go into the end so you spawn back in the over world and they see you went in and won't be expecting you to be there

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