I Played 300 Days of Stardew Valley 1.6

our stardew Valley 1.6 Adventure must come to an end but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be any less chaotic okay first I broke my goat now I’ve broken my baby oh my goodness the parrot sits on my shoulder that’s so cool take that you stupid Monsters and that and that if you are enjoying the series then leaving a like on the video and subscribing to the channel is a big help but without further Ado for the final time this series let’s get back to the midd land Farm the snow covered Valley is where we ended last time so it’s only fitting that it’s exactly where we kick off the beginning of the end there’s no time to be said though we’ve got a lot to accomplish in the next 100 days and that starts with greeting my wonderful pits midnight my cat Lola my dog and new addition cookie my trusty Noble Steed as I did my daily rounds of the farm reconnecting with the layout and all the bets and Bobs I’d set up I thought of all the tasks I’d have to take off for Perfection there was a lot to do but I knew I’d just have to take it all one step at a time so you’d think that my first day back would be spent doing something productive right wrong it’s me so of course I didn’t I took cookie on a wild goose chase around the valley to find another pretty Prismatic butterfly although I did see Haley overhearing a conversation with peny and the kids they were sad they couldn’t afford new school books well most of them were never to mind I’m already moving on so I can’t dwell on it I said my good mornings to Larry Harry Nar Zary actually I’m just going to say the goats I don’t want to have to list them all every time I P them because I do that every day to make up for the lack of productivity yesterday I rolled up my sleeves and worked down the shipping collection the hoarder Within Me finally paid its dues today I went around the farm rans sacking every chest for one of each material resource product crop and any miscellaneous items the shipping collection needed some spare fairy dust helped me to collect missing jellies and mayos I needed too I have to say I made quite the dent yesterday but I still had a few things to ship off as we go along in my daily rounds I collected Mystic syrup picked up some raisins and dried purple mushrooms and I got together a round of starfruit wine left over from last time yes I will be continuing to utilize my star fruit crop as well as starting that goat cheese side hustle I mentioned in the last video I’ve still got two obelisks and a golden clock to save up for Caroline was celebrating a birthday today so I gave her a summer spangle and a spare star drop tea to boost up those friendship points afterwards I popped by the raccoons to finish another fetch Quest I got a green bean which I later found out that the Fitch quests can give items that you haven’t ticked off from the shipping collection yes I forgot to grow a green bean I don’t want to talk about it the wife’s shop expanded too allowing me to trade in regular mystery boxes for Golden ones and to trade golden mystery boxes for magic rock candies back on the farm along with the raisins I shipped off a few things that I had missed yesterday actually I shipped off a few lures along with them too to round the day off I got a head start in the Mysterious Mr key quest which had me take a battery to the Box inside the road tunnel a Rainbow Shell to the Box up by the railroad and beats into Lewis’s fridge but for some reason it wasn’t leading me I thought because LS was there it wouldn’t let me so I just gave up and I called it a night you may be shocked to know that this single giant powder melon is the first giant crop that I’ve ever had wow even 1,000 hours in and I’m still encountering things for the first time it should be to no surprise that I had some winter crops to take care of I quickly realized that Louis’s was locked up today since the Ice Festival was taking place beside man’s Ranch strange because I walk into people’s unoccupied houses every other day actually maybe don’t tell them that with nothing much else on my plate I thought I might as well go and check it out safe to say I absolutely smoked the competition and even my wife Haley got some stunning shots of her husband’s [Music] Triumph I gave my sailor’s hat over to cookie the next morning and now all of my animals have hats that is just freaking adorable it had been a hot minute since I had last done a star fruit Harvest so instead of seeing Sandy for the seeds first I I went straight to Ginger Island first then I had to backtrack to the desert for seeds after harvesting the fruit then go all the way back to plant them down but hey we got them planted and that’s what matters I got to seed up another ancient fruit I had to clear up some of the weeds and fix up the paths too and I planted some pineapple just to grow for the shipping collection on the way home I once again tried to do the same thing with the beets hoping for a different outcome we all know how that ended so fed up I headed home for the night luckily I did forget to keg the star fruit but I almost did and around off the day I added a bunch of cheese makers to the goat’s Barn unfortunately you can’t just age goat milk and CK you kind of have to turn it into cheese first I won’t lie this beat Quest was starting to get up my goat as it were for those unfamiliar with that phrase I’ll put it simply it was peeving me off to cool off I took a ride through the wintery air up to Robins where I purchased a workbench and a couple of mini fridges prepping my fridges full of crops and products was the perfect distraction the cooking collection was looking a bit dismal at the moment but filling these fridges would make taking off recipes of Breeze in the future in the middle of all of this Haley made a request to me to bring a chocolate cake to the Town Square where the dependent so of course I said yes not to mention today was also Sebastian’s birthday so it was back to Robins to hand him aoid egg circling down to Pi I popped in to purchase a few cooking things that I could take back to the farm and later that night I made a realization that would make Mr Bean look like the next Albert Einstein I was trying to put rubab in Louis’s fridge not beats well uh that’s a that’s a real low point for me anyway to take my mind off the pure disappointment cing through my body I used today to make a start on another collection this time it was the crafting collection Perfection makes you craft at least one of everything and I’ve learned in the past that not using a workbench sucks so with one of them between a few of my main chests I was able to craft with efficiency unseen by the likes of well me I guess most of the things I trashed because I didn’t need it but a few I kept like these signs you can ride on I managed to craft quite a lot however the lack of hardwood made it a bit tricky towards the end of the day it caught me a little off guard this morning when I saw the squid fist was on today so I quickly changed my plans for the day I grabbed my bait maker and headed down to the beach one of my side goals was to find all of the Power books added in the update and Squid fist hands out one of them as a prize in order to get it I need to fish up eight squid but armed with the bait maker I don’t think I was going to have many problems I wasn’t wrong because just as the afternoon rolled around I caught the last squid I needed I passed by the tent to collect up my prizes and I added another book to the collection this one giving me a 25% chance for crab pots to yield a double catch afterwards I popped into Louis’s house this time with Beats and not rhubarb wow look at that it worked who would have guess the final task was to feed the bones of a dragon a solar Essence out in the desert which led me all the way back home and I picked up the club card from my very own wood pile I’ll be making use of this a little later on for now I made more cheese in Goat Heaven yes that’s what I called it why I I have no idea to be honest I know one thing for sure it beat saying Larry hairy ner Zary wary I was riding cookie into town on day 209 when I stumbled into Haley’s cake roulette happening in the Town Square some people got cakes that sounded very interesting some got cakes that sounded like a fun time and Pam got my chocolate cake the money Haley raised was going towards new school books for Penny and the kids and I just think that is the sweetest thing ever I was on my way to Clint because he’d have the honor of opening a stack of 200 plus Omni geod for me I was paying him to do it so I can’t say it’s Revenge by any means maybe I should pop a rain totem every Thursday so he never has a day off revenge plans aside I spent a while getting the geod cracked open donating any new materials and artifacts to the museum then dumping the remaining stones into my shipping B back on the farm I did this four times total and Gunther was probably having a field day with all the donations coming in when the geodes were all gone I only had three minerals left to find then back on the farm that evening I planted and fertilized a few mahogany tree seeds you know for the lack of hardwood goat hien had produced enough cheese for me to CK my first lot down in the basement of The Farmhouse don’t worry they aren’t gold quality just yet because my goats aren’t producing large milk they just need a little extra love and care first today was also Harvey’s birthday so I paid him a visit in the clinic to stand over a rabbit’s foot close by I found Caroline amongst her Greenhouse out the back of her home and yes I got to see the cut scene you know the one I’m talking about Hi how are you and afterwards I took a bus right out to the desert the club card I had found the other day got me past the bouncer in the Oasis shop out the back is a little Casino ran by the man himself Mr key I was here to gamble so I inhaled a lucky lunch I bought myself some key coins and I hit the slot machines success came in the form of a rainbow trout jackpot which allowed me to get the last rear Crow I needed and I put it back down on the farm with time still left in the day I got a start on the cooking collection I did still have to go out and grab random stuff for some recipes but those fridges I bought were making it so much easier not a lot was going on the next morning just a bunch of winter seed planting and yeah I’m keeping the giant pow melon because I think it looks cool I won’t lie I wanted to craft a deluxe scarecrow I got the recipe in the mail this morning for finding all the rare crows but I had zero fiber so I did have to stop off in the mines for a bit to get some but eventually I got to make it later on the night market was back that night along with a big portrait of my wife that I bought I watched the mermaid show then I used a secret note to get a pearl it’s no longer only the fish that’ll always be watching me it’s always a great start to the day when I get together another round of ancient fruit wine it’s star fruit wine I might not be a millionaire in real life but in the valley I am a tycoon faced with a very good luck day I thought I should spend my time down in the skull Kevin I was down here for materials for the most part however I had monster Slayer goals looming over my head for Perfection anyway so I wasn’t going to pass up on an opportunity to whittle them down a little bit to say it was unsuccessful would be an outrage just look at all that good loot the 17th of winter is magnus’s birthday so I rode cookie down to his Tower so I could drop off a purple mushroom I then got a couple of items together to hand over to the raccoons again I noticed that they gain a raccoon baby every time I completed a quest so I guess I’ll just keep going until they run out of room additionally I got some unmilled rice another crop I can take off for the shipping collection that afternoon I sailed across the gym sea to the island so that I could trade a gorilla one banana for a few golden walnuts and I was going to search the volcano dungeon for walnuts but I quickly realized that I forgot my watering can so was back to the valley for now and off to bed shortly after I had things the right way around this time I purchased the seeds before heading over to Ginger Island and we can all give poxel a round of applause for being competent yay he’s competent woo star fruit harvesting and Seed planting is what followed finished off with star fruit kiing and I had another successful star fruit day under my belt that night I was mooching around the farm knocking off a few things to towards the different collections I used some fairy dust purchased from the raccoons for Mystic syrup to make mayo that was a big help for making more cooking recipes one other aspect of perfection I was close to finishing were the golden walnuts believe it or not I only had two left to find one according to Leo’s bird was in the volcano dungeon treasure chests the other would be revealed in a secret note so I reserved today for the volcano dungeon the good news I managed to get the treasure Walnut no worries the bad news the secret page was nowhere to be found now don’t get too excited but I did clear out the dig site you’ll get your Penning fix soon enough don’t you worry but the note still wasn’t showing up so the next day after chopping down some gr mahogany trees and using some of the hardwood to make treasure totems and then giving Evelyn a birthday gift I didn’t forget this time I used the treasure totems in hopes of finding the note well that sucks no matter what I did or how hard I tried it just wasn’t meant to be so I just bought it that’s right I can pay off the birds to find it for me I still have to find the note at some point but I’ll leave that problem for future poxel for now I guess finding a prismatic butterfly on the way home was some type of compensation and overnight I got to see Morris sitting on a pile of gold while the birds flew around finding the Walnut when in reality I only paid him 10,000 to find one single Walnut so who’s really laughing now Morris which means that technically I can cross off golden walnuts from my list one down many many more to go to begin my day I added a few more cryst aliums to the Jade stone shed which will double the Jade production I then made use of my mini Forge something I crafted at the end of the last video how convenient is it that I can enchant all of my tools from the comfort of my own home the enchants included Crusader for my sword which does 50% more damage to mummies ghosts skeletons and void Spirits Swift for my pickaxe tool use is 33% faster Swift also for my axxe reaching on my hoe increasing charge up capacity for greater area of effect efficient on my watering can no energy drain when using it and the same for my fishing rod with the backpack full of Enchanted tools I headed up to the adventurers Guild to have a quick Gander at the monster Slayer goals I noticed void Spirits needed some work so I popped a monster musk and spent the rest of the day down in the mines slaying the slaying continued onto day 218 the more perceptive of you might have seen I have a magical quiver aiding my crusade that’s because I have a new trinket promptly called the magic quiver this trinket was a great help in completing another monster Slayer goal I didn’t quite get around to it yesterday so this morning was spent sorting another round of winter seeds and finding Leah tucked away in her Cozy home to give her a truffle for her birthday she somehow bit me back home and gave me the sculpture that she was just working on seriously Leah how did you do that I popped her down for some decoration on the farm to fill in the afternoon I traded some Omni geod at the desert Trader I then got Clint to do a big artifact Trove / geod unboxing for me I got a few more donations for the museum which I’m sure Gunther will be pleased with plus I got a new power I read the treasure appraisal guide which will fetch me a better price for selling artifacts but those last three minerals were starting to become quite the Rarity funnily enough I found a stack of more troves back on the farm it was too late to go back though instead I spent the nighttime adding paths under my sprinklers and coming up with a game plan for the remaining artifacts I’m excited to say my goats and goat Heaven are feeling loved enough to produce large milk now this is going to make aging cheese so much quicker as for that artifact plan a couple I got from secret spots around the valley and then it was back to Clint to open the remaining artifact troves a couple more donations followed which you know I can’t complain about the Quest for artifacts took me back out to the desert two treasure totems helped me dig up two more undiscovered relics of the valley one final effort with treasure totems right outside Robin’s Place had me dig up an ancient doll with only two artifacts left to find and three minerals I was honing in on that final star drop pretty quick quickly but before I can get ah hit of myself it’s Santa look it’s Santa you know what that means it means I accused my mother of adultery for kissing Santa underneath the missile toe last night hold on wait a minute no that’s not it no actually it’s the Feast of the winter star my bad and what a treat it was to wake up to starf fruit wine under the Christmas tree this year or maybe under the roof of a king shed but you know same thing I hate to say it but Clint was my secret person this year with had our ups and downs so to reconcile our friendship I gave him a ruby Demetrius on the other hand gave me a blueberry cobbler yeah I’ve received worth I’m looking at you P it was nice to see titty out and about this morning some of you primarily due to the auto captions on the last video thought I named him titty I did not it’s titty like a tiddy bear it’s my kiwi accent okay anyway it’s funny that today is Clint’s birthday so I’m sure he’s feeling all the love right about now I was on my way way to the museum to drop off that strange doll I dug up the other night and afterwards I returned home to gather A random assortment of items Not So Random when I tell you they were for the fch quests I hadn’t looked at in almost 3 years the rest of the day was spent handing out these long overdue items to The Villages of pelicant town I should not that I saw that rat thing again which you have all told me is a possum I broke my goat in the last video and I think I’ve now somehow broken titty That’s my boy father help it seems my little gifting tiate yesterday has made me quite a popular guy just look at all of these cooking recipes the last couple of days I’ve been sneaking into Caroline’s Greenhouse to yoink Tea Leaves which I’ll use for the shipping collection just don’t tell her today was another day spent harvesting and kegging a crop of starf fruit and I could also take pineapple off from the shipping collection day 224 marks the end of another winter season but also the end of my second year in the valley to Mark the occasion I was treated to a basement full of aridium quality goat’s cheese the goat cheese side hustle I’m pleased to say was now in full swing I then popped out to the desert to trade a stack of Jade stone for staircases I’ll be diving into some of Key’s Quest soon and I want to be prepared that afternoon I popped back out to the desert Trader to trade some aridian bars for the desert totem crafting recipe and back on the farm I hooked into the workbench and crafted some more items now that I had the hardwood to do so I I sat a top cookie that evening watching the last glimmers of winter across the farm yet overnight I was visited by the ghost of my grandpa exclaiming how proud he was of me which was certainly a nice way to finish out another year in the [Music] valley thus begins year number three I got to see the candles around Grandpa Shrine all lighted up and upon investigation I got the statue of perfection I did say that I’d be starting to undertake key challenges this year so the very first one I picked up was Keys hungry challenge which tasked me to get level 100 in the skull Kevin without eating also because I grew each and every crop last year you may be wondering what I’ll be doing with the crop fields on my farm this time around uh giant crops is my answer the powder melon inspired me to get all of the giant crops to round out the first day of spring I fished out on the pier I wasn’t in doubt don’t get me wrong we all know what to do when you’re out but I needed to finish demetrius’s biom balance special quest which I did with the help of some spare challenge bait I had completing it gave me one of the few crafting recipes left to find the farm computer today’s mission was to head to the skull Kevin and finish the key Quest getting through it in one day was made very easy with the stack of staircases I brought with me because of this luxury it meant I had time to stop off on mummy floors to slay mummies towards their monster Slayer goal and I mean hey who’s to say no to a bit of aridium am I right eventually I landed on level 100 and the first lot of key gems were all mine and to top it all off I got an auto Pitter this will make a perfect addition to Goat Heaven oh God why did I choose that name there’s no turning back now I guess sorry Larry Harry ner Zary warry I paid a quick visit to Robin this morning so I could get some stone that stone I used to craft some more crystarium and I expanded my jade stone shed by a few more soon afterwards I shipped off tea leaves and green tea to take off the shipping collection and I finished yet another Fitch Quest For the raccoons their family was growing but I think they had more in them so I’ll be back soon Mr and Mrs raccoon over at Louis’s the prize machine gave me a star drop tea always good to have a spear one just in case as for the rest of the day I can’t say too much happened I was just browsing my collections tabs wishing they just magically finished themselves unfortunately a miracle like that is very unlikely some sometimes you got to do the oldfashioned thing like going out there and doing it yourself so I took it upon myself to get things done and I headed to the volcano dungeon for the day the reasons for being here were plenty first of all I needed to rack up magma Sprite numbers towards their monster Slayer goal I needed to find that elusive secret note and some more Dragon Teeth would be nice that being said I’m pleased to say the magma Sprites were slay the secret note was finally found and I traded a book from the dwarf on level five for 10 d diamonds this book makes all stones that are mined by hand have a chance to drop a diamond and I did get one Dragon tooth along the way I have to say not too shabby not too shabby on the other hand day 229 was spent gift giving I was focusing more on the villagers who had next to no hearts or whose birthdays had been and gone in the middle of all the gift giving I dug up that secret not spot for an ostrich egg and after the second half of gift giving was finished I put it into it own special incubator back on the farm with time still left in the day I spent at getting a rare seed from the traveling cart trading Omni geod for artifact troves at the desert Trader taking off a couple more cooking recipes in the kitchen and sitting very very still I always get a lot of comments about how funny it is when I say k shid so for all my American viewers out there I gathered another round of star fruit wine from my keg shed this morning in other news I’m back to hating plint again I gave him aing chances to give me two artifacts I needed he gave me a solid zero in return Thanks For Nothing Clint so I went back to gift giving for the day not to mention I planted green beans restocked my fridge of cooking ingredients and caught fish around the valley so that I could whip up some greatness in the kitchen but before I knew it it was already the next day I was met with more odd jobs this morning like giving our very own mayor Lewis a birthday gift trading another stack of Jade stone with the desert Trader for even more staircases and aging another round of goat cheese down in the basement this time they were all gold quality so it only takes a week to age to aridium using my trademark pop a treasure totem and hope I get the right outa method is exactly how I found one of the final artifacts I needed if it ain’t broke am I right afterwards I popped down to the lower levels of the mines just so I could mine for megma geodes and I ended up stumbling upon a new Trinket called the Golden Spur I did want to continue farming for magma geod however something much more important required my attention that was of course another star fruit Harvest before leaving the island I passed by Key’s Walnut Room where I picked up the extended family quest which basically gets you to catch all five legendary fish again however this was an opportunity for profits and I’ll tell you how when the quest is active you can catch multiple of each legendary fish so if I tried to catch as many Legion two fish from the mountain lake then I could smoke them for massive profits up at the lake I caught my first one and turned it into bait using the bait maker just to see if it would help me to catch more but uh it didn’t really every bit of bait got wasted so I rolled out that option pretty quickly I put my foot to the grindstone the next day and spent it all catching and smoking every fish I caught four of them were Legend twos and I was catching every fish where a c bobber and a trap bobber so if I did hook a legion 2 then I’d have the most chance of catching it on the final day of the quest I went around the valley catching every other legendary fish I thought I might as well since I’ll need the key gems I should also note that I didn’t forget about our little lad Vincent’s birthday plus I smoked all of the other legendary fish for some more cash I kept fishing in hopes of catching a final few Legends but I think they disappear as soon as the quest is finished because I didn’t catch anymore never to mind the grand total for a couple of days of catching and smoking legendary fish was 183,000 gold I think if you manag to get this Quest and utilize all three days purely catching and smoking Legion twos you would easily make half a million gold in 3 days not a bad side hustle if you’re a keen Fisher like myself today it was back to normality I had a few chores around the farm to catch up on having been sucked up into the excitement of Extreme fishing over the last couple of days my ostrich had hatched too so that’s fun in a fun turn of events I was down in the mind’s grinding for more magma geod when all of a sudden a slain void Spirit dropped a RAR disc the final artifact I needed it’s like they heard my complaints about Clint all the way down here that was all the excitement I got though magma geod hunting took up the rest of the day our favorite big ballooned book selling vendor was back in town today I was hoping for a new book but he wasn’t selling any new ones today so from one useless vendor to the next I stopped by Clint with my mega magod and to my surprise I got not one but two of the final three minerals who would have thought so now I have one single mineral left to find and clearly I was super stoked about that since it was on my mind back to the minds I went to gather regular geodes in hopes of one of them would crack open the missing mineral I got a giant cauliflower woohoo and a quick side note the parrot trinket sits on your head and it does a little boogie unfortunately I couldn’t do any more geode related tasks today because it’s egg Festival day showing up in town today I felt like a disgraced hero I’m sure we’re all well aware of what happened last time however it was time to prove myself the eggs were back in their usual places and you bet your sweet tushies I reclaimed my egg hunt title following that redeeming victory was another round of aged goat Che is down in the basement and it seems a meteor has hit my farm once again luckily I wasn’t so close to the animals this time you should know I’m back to Hayden Clint again I gave him 13 chances to give me the last mineral and he disappointed me yet again I’m getting very close to writing that passive aggressive Y review Clint there’s not much else I can do I guess except fill the now empty cropfields with strawberries I had bought yesterday gathered the cauliflower by Judo had picked for me and whip up some jelly and dried coconuts to finish finish off another raccoon fetch Quest I got a star drop tea in return which is always a welcome reward I’m sad to say that the parrot doesn’t perch when you’re on a horse we could have been like a cute totem pole or something I love starting a day with star fruit wine and day 239 was no exception after shipping it off I took a quick trip over to Ginger Island being a new week meant new key quests and I accepted the skull Kevin Invasion Quest the 15th of spring marked the return of the desert Festival last year I got acquainted with it and this year I was going to smash it I got my skull Kevin Challenge from Marin and hid it inside bringing staircases with me was a brilliant idea and as I dive down the Kevin I was not only collecting Calico eggs but I was also slaying monsters for Monster Slayer goals I’m pleased to say that I did take off the mummy monster Slayer goal all the while trying to get to level 100 for the key Quest I won’t lie to you though I was thriving I passed level 100 in no time at all adding on to my pilot key Jims and Calico eggs were being gathered by the dozens I appeared topside again later that night and Gil was so impressed with my work that he gave me 250 Calico eggs on top of the eggs I gathered in the Cavin and answering all the questions to this Scholars quiz it brought my total to 500 eggs for the day the trouble is I had to spin them all now I waited until the afternoon for the two random villager vendors to show up and today we have George and Alex Alex sold me something called magic hair gel it’s a trinket and it makes my hair Prismatic how cool is that the rest of the eggs went towards mystery boxes bows and a few random things from George way later in the day cookie and I took a ride through the downpour to finish the final bundle in the broken down jojamart the missing bundle in a flash of stars and sparkles the final junimo was sent home to the others and a new building would be replacing this one very soon the bows I bought yesterday from the desert Festival when straight to my pets this morning now they all kind of match today was meant to be another starf Fruit Harvest hence the random star fruit in my toolbar but the excitement of the desert Festival still going on meant that Sandy wasn’t working in the Oasis shop today I did get a free Cactus so it felt like I left with at least something I’m back to not hating Clint by the way I gave him so many chances to give me the last mineral and he managed to crack open a single piece of Celestine I ran it back to the museum and filled in the final spot for completing the museum I got the final star drop so I can take that off the Perfection to-do list and just get load of that museum layout God doesn’t that just make your eyes Happy on the way home afterwards I noticed the new building left in place of the old jojamart was a movie theater the following day after handing Pama pet for her birthday I had to make up for that M fruit day yesterday which took up most of the day as it usually does I did notice that I only had two books left to find one I would find hidden outside the fences to the right of clints and the other I’d find in Marlin and Gill’s bedroom of all places the alleyway Buffet gives me a greater chance to find items in the trash and the m and cave systems book gives me a 50% discount to Marlon’s retrieval service having read both books I got a new achievement called well read for reading every book my ostrich had laid her first egg this morning I put it into the shipping bin because I hadn’t shipped one yet and The One and Only Time I’ll be making use of the movie theater is today I took Jazz to see The Brave Little sapling I needed a few extra hearts with jazz and I heard this was her favorite movie plus I got another new achievement two thumbs up for seeing a movie not too sure what to do with the remainder of the day I retired to the volcano dungeon where I collected dragon teeth and gave some magma Sprites a taste of the end of my sword before Hing back again I had a couple of things to do which included gifting Shane a hot pepper for his birthday and dumping goat cheese into my basement full of cks on the way past the island Trader I traded some Cinder shards for a crafting recipe then it was back to magma Sprite slaying it took most of the day but I did slay enough magma Sprites to finish off the monster Slayer goal the two remaining monster Slayer gos were lying down in the skull Kevin with the help of some handy dandy staircases I found a pepper’s infested level which was all I needed to take one of them off then about 20 seconds after that I slayed the final Serpent and got the final final monster Slayer goal which tis off another task from my perfection agenda I caught lonus on the way home and he taught me how to make wild bait weird interactions aside it was Monday so I found myself hitting to Key’s Walnut Room the challenge I picked up this week was the danger in the Deep quest which resets the elevator and the mines and makes you dive through a more dangerous version of the mines staircases however turn this challenge into an absolute Cakewalk I did make sure to grab some radioactive or on the way down I’ll need it for some crafting recipes and the shipping collection soon enough I had made it all the way down to level 120 where I received my 50 key gems and another achievement promptly called danger in the Deep very on brand I had one more achievement to get that night when I went to Chicken on the raccoons I got the good neighbors achievement it seems my raccoon friends had every part of their family and it’s nice to have some friendly neighbors it’s safe to say I did a whole lot of nothing on day 24 47 and there’s not a word of a lie I did a lot of indis garding for things I might have missed but that’s about it I’d make up for that twofold today hold on to your hats folks because we are back at the dig site on Ginger Island for your favorite segment of all time that’s right everybody it’s time for and say it with me now Penning with poxo I must say I am very happy with how season 4 of panning with poal is going I was hoping that I could continue that Trend as the day pushed on I was getting quite unlucky which is ironic because it was a really good luck day and I had inhaled a lucky lunch and a ginger ale for a luck buff but long after the sun had set when I thought it was all over the last Penning spot of the day produced lucky ring number seven and I breathed in a very heavy sigh of relief I kept the good times rolling with a couple of sheds full of star fruit wine this morning over the gyc I popped into Keys wall that room to have a peek at the rewards machine I had crafting recipes to purchase but I needed 180 key gems for all of them just got to keep grinding those challenges for a little while longer later on I wanted to make use of my Anvil you use aridian bars to roll trinkets in hopes that you can get it to the max level or the best stat roll I wanted to try for a Max Level FY and this is about how well it went [Music] and yet still no level five Theory not even a level four I feel scammed day 250 marks the halfway point but if we’ve leared anything then you’ll know the only way to celebrate is through hard work that sweet gimber I bought ages ago had grown to the point of harvest so I dumped that into the shipping bin and believe it or not that was the final item I needed for the shipping collection so I guess I can take that off my list now I might not have managed to forge a Max Level F but one trinket I did have was a Max Level parrot and I had some plans with this bad boy I’d seen that a level four parrot in the dangerous mines can make you some serious profits diving through levels 40 to 50 with a monster musk and the parrot trinket could be a serious money maker so I tried it out for the day and I made just under 50,000 gold even for a late start I think the results speak for themselves heading down to the cindersap forest the next morning I got a cute little cut scene with all the raccoons uh but I don’t record with music so enjoy whatever I decide to put over top of [Music] this I was actually on my way to give Emily some wool for her birthday afterwards my time was once again taken up dealing with another star fruit Harvest it’s getting a little tedious but my wallet was looking very healthy and that’s all thanks to these little suckers right here so I got really complain today is day 252 the end of another wonderful spring season the goat cheese side hustle down in the basement had produced another round of age cheese I made no hesitation to Chuck it into the shipping bin I thought a fun way to finish off this season would be to explore Louis’s basement and fighting off a pair of flying purple shorts yes you just heard me right Lewis has a basement maze dedicated to his purple shorts and yes a pair of purple shorts attack you on the way out God I love goofy things like that to round out the day I cooked a few more dishes so I at least did something productive and sad in the rain with cookie waiting for [Music] summer two seasons worth of successful giant crops gave me the confidence to go for a third so my crop Fields were covered and a whole load of melons fingers crossed that I now get a giant crob I was right to Key’s Walnut Room afterwards new challenges mean new chances for key Jims I decided between the two to pick Key’s Prismatic Grange challenge which tasks me to find 100 items of each color and give them to Mr key and that’s what I tried to do I ran the joa soda machine dry buying 100 joa colas and back on the farm I tried to gather the rest of what I needed the next day started off with aging another lot of goat chees in the basement and handing over the items for Key’s Quest only the maple syrup and speed gr didn’t count as items which is a shame because I had to waste time going back to the valley finding replacements for those items then going all the way back to finish it off but we got there eventually I say wasting time because for the next few days the parrot trinket came back out and levels 40 to 50 in the dangerous mines were the location of some serious money- making on top of the gold I was making monsters had a chance to to drop extra key gems and Galaxy Souls Galaxy Souls were seriously great to get because at meant I didn’t have to buy them from key I’m loving these little side hustles I should also mention I gave Jazz a birthday present too over the course of those 3 days three Galaxy Souls dropped for me which was the perfect amount of souls needed to craft the Infinity Blade one of the most powerful weapons in the game and doing so actually got me the new infinite power achievement and of course I took it for a spin in the mines I couldn’t help myself by the end of this 4-day Crusade I had made just over 257,000 gold total which is double of what my goat cheese makes in a single week but I decided to put the parrot Away by day 258 I done my Dash in the mines for a while I also had another round of starfruit wine to collect up I had gold coming out of my ears by this point all of those extra key gems from my Dangerous Minds Expeditions meant I was able to afford all the crafting recipes from Key’s prize machine as soon as I made it back home I got right onto crafting them all the green rain phenomenon had returned to the valley the next day I made it my mission to gather as much fiber and Moss as I possibly could because I would need the materials for a future project it’s about all I did today but it’ll be worth it I promise as for the day after well after my usual morning rounds on the farm I tended to a star fruit Harvest on the island Farm I accepted another danger in the Deep Quest on behalf of Mr key I passed by the saloon to drop off a birthday gift to Gus utilized my uh how shall I say CAG shads for more starfruit one and hung out with my cutie bootie pets I started this morning down in the basement collecting up a batch of quality goat cheese and after shipping it off I made a pretty big decision I was sick and taking local transport to the island in the desert why even support local when I can just teleport there myself so yes I got the last two obelisks from the Wizard’s book of summoning the island Obelisk and the desert Obelisk afterwards I popped off to the mines for a while to finish up Key’s Quest I picked up yesterday after hitting the bottom I teleported off to the island where I used the key gems to get P’s missing stock list which meant that the following day after handing Maru a birthday present no less that I could hand it over to Pierre unlocking his inventory to be sold all year round I needed this in particular to purchase four specific flower seeds those flower seeds I took back home I used them to craft the tub of flowers and oh wait a minute I thought that was the last recipe I needed hold on a sec let me just go through all the craftables again no no no not that one come on where is it where is it where is where ah there it is I say I forgot to craft wild bait there we are people craft Master is mine and we get to take off another Perfection goal the rest of the day I spent preparing for a decorator’s greatest dream an empty blank canvas of a farmhouse and I purchased the Wizard’s catalog from kobis with everything now in place to decorate I think we better jump to a montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well what a ride that was was and I must say I think this might be my best work yet Beyond content with how my farmhouse came out I spent a day tending to the chores I had neglected over the last few days and I watched the top of my head change color for a while the star fruit wine was attended to this morning and so was the start of another goat cheese aging process he was offering danger in the Deep yet again this week and I took it because it’s easy and it gives the most gy gims so I’m sure you can guess what I did next [Music] the gems I used to purchase the key to the town and a few mushroom tree seeds the seeds I bought because I’m continuing to decorate the rest of the farm The Decorator bug has bitten and I just can’t stop I’ve had this idea for a while now since I saw the junimo catalog sell junimo Huns The junimo Village looks so cool I have my own mini Juno Village on my farm the next morning after handing s a cactus fruit for his birthday I placed the final tough of grass around the village since I ran out last night and I am obsessed Unfortunately The Decorator train had to come to a halt after this profets were a calling and no star fruit weren’t going to harvest themselves let’s hope for an automatic crop collector in a 1.7 update in the future shall we You Can’t Stop The Decorator train for long though let’s roll that mini montage [Music] well now would you look at that that’s one big juicy look melon ride I got over here Demetrius was celebrating his birthday today so I dropped in to give him a strawberry circling down to Piers I bought some blueberry seeds and grass stter and back on the farm I used the grass stter to fill and the rest of the mushroom Forest the blueberries I planted to replace the melons I fixed the pathing between the K sheds and the mushroom Forest this morning it looked a little weird with just grass I kept the decorat train rolling along [Music] today genuinely all I did today was fix up the blue grass and the normal grass mix for this part of the junimo village and I planted a mini Orchard in the corner of the farm I kind of had no idea what to do with it so a little for it is and I moved all the obelisks over by one single tile because even though the golden clock was still on the wish list I wanted to finally do up the Obelisk area and I can’t forget that I gave the dwarf a birthday present but I will admit it does look a little odd to start with but once you put a few details in and you have a little faith in the process it can turn out even better than you imagined to really seal the deal I needed all the secret statues from around the valley so I got Louis’s gold statue from behind his house the stone Judo from behind the community center building the pinky lemon statue from the saloon the hmtgf statue from the hidden box above clints the fog man statue from Vincent’s toy box and I finished up an aridium kobis in front of the sewer grade lining up all of these statues in front of the Obelisk really gave it that little extra bit of zest I strapped two quality Bobbers onto my rod the following day I used him to catch an aridium quality sturgeon what for well it’s Willie’s birthday and he deserves the best really I just needed an aridium quality gift to get him to Full Hearts back on the farm I collected another root and toot and round of starfruit wi to be shipped off and I finished up the day by adding some final details to the soon to be golden clock area the farm needed one final touch that touch was a lick of paint who wants to look at boring vanilla colors when I can make my buildings any color I want I was very happy with the colors I picked except the yellow ew I change that to Orange the next day so please don’t stress I then hit the kitchen and ticked off a few more cooking recipes before tending to one of my bleating sign hustles get get it cuz cuz goats bleed and I’m I’m aging goat cheese down in the basement yeah I’m sorry I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I completely missed Leo’s birthday last year so to make it up to him this year I got him a quality present and a star drop tea which I am happy to say absolutely skyrocketed his friendship points and while I was over here I thought I might as well deal with another starf Fruit Harvest I guess I have to keep making money if I want that golden clock also you can see the orange I picked on the animal buildings no more of that kind of yellow this is not going to be easy for me to say it is with a heavy heart that I tell you that today is the final episode of season 4 of your favorite segment of all time I know I know it’s hard for all of us to accept that this has to come to to an end so for the final time this season this is and say it with me now Penning with p and seeing as this is the final episode I had to end it on a banger of an episode and a banger of an episode is what we got to boost the luck for today I drank a ginger ale and down a lucky lunch and got to work aridium pan in hand I managed to pan up Lucky ring number eight quickly following that we panned up another lucky ring number nine then to bring it all home taking the total up to double digits we got the last one the big 1 o is the final number of Lucky Rings we got over season 4 of Penning with poxel and I have to say what a treat this season has been for us all and you will be missed during the last star fruit Harvest a couple of days ago I forgot to mention I had picked up Keys Prismatic range Quest again and with only one day left in the season I thought I better get on to it and finish fin that off before I lose the opportunity quick side note we also convince Leo to move to the mainland he’ll be joining line us up beside his tent in his very own Treehouse but it wouldn’t be the end of summer without the Moonlight jellies a festival I’m sure that we are all familiar with at this point I’m truly running out of words to describe how beautiful this piece of music is so please enjoy it as much as the dancing cat does [Music] by now it was day 281 and with only 20 days left until the big three o Milestone I’d hit that part of the playthrough where I was just going through the motions to get as close to that juicy 100% as I could it made me happy to see that the parrot does in fact sit on my shoulder when I’m sitting on cookie and Haley and I had our second child we named our girl poppy going through the motions meant giving gifts and slowly checking off the cooking recipes there were a few birthdays left for me to take advantage of and I was still completing key quests for key gems not to mention my two side hustles were in full swing I opted to return to the mines again with my trusty coin parrot beside me as I went the star fruit wine was still as profitable as ever and I got to give aliot a birthday present because farming the dangerous mines gives so many golden mystery boxes I thought to trade them with the raccoons for magic rock candies which made my Expeditions down into the mind’s all that more enjoyable in fact I was doing so many of these mine Crusades that I just decided that when I got back home from the each night I’d just sell everything I was so close to 10 million gold so I was doing everything in my power to get it the side hustles were certainly hustling and I just couldn’t get enough of the mindes but what’s crazy is that all of these money-making schemes were working over the last 10 days I had made 1.5 million gold between the wine the cheese and the parrot now with only 10 days to go it was down to the final stretch I’ll admit a lot of it was giftgiving but I finally got the Horse flute from Key’s prize machine now I can bring cookie with me everywhere I made sure to collect a round of goat cheese because we are inching our way to 10 million and I got a pair of junimo chests from Key’s prize machine I didn’t forget about Abigail’s birthday but man I was doing a lot of gift giving it was tough because some people were half a heart from Max hearts or they were like four away and there was no in between after collecting round of starfruit wine I decided to rumage through my chest and sell quite literally anything I had to spear and I crossed my fingers hoping that it would just be enough on day 296 I cooked the second to last recipe for the cooking collection day 297 I took care of another starf Fruit Harvest on Ginger Island on day 298 I gave man a birthday gift day 299 one day away from the end I was able to purchase myself the fated golden clock and thank you but I can take that one off my perfection list and here we are folks on day 300 as is tradition in all of my 100 Days videos I head up to the spot to reflect on what has been the last 100 days and well it’s been pretty crazy but I wouldn’t have expected anything less we managed to take off so many things on our journey to Perfection I am so happy I got to come up with so many money-making schemes the farm and The Farmhouse look AB absolutely incredible and we got to send off another season of panning with poxel in the best way possible you may be sitting there thinking but pxil you didn’t get Perfection and that is a fair statement I checked the Perfection tracker and I’m currently at 97% now I’m not going to play another 100 days when I only have 3% left and looking at the run time you may have already guessed what’s coming I think it’s time for an [Music] epilogue believe it or not I’m no stranger to epilogues it’s kind of fitting that this Series has one because the very first aru Valley series I ever did had one too long gone now with the days of playing each day out I could now sleep for as long as I wanted to pretty much so I could just wake up and give birthday gifts in between giving out the final presents to villagers for Max friendship I sprinkled in a few starf fruit harvests to get a bit of extra gold what you think because it’s an niog I’m going to stop making money eventually I did get Max friendship with all the Villages of pelicant town but before we could head to the summit I had a few things to do the first was the food beer I always like feeding this big fuzzy guy so he can clean up the valley for me next was a turtle named EJ my wonderful fiance requested that I name a pet after her now you know why I needed the funds it was to purchase the purple turtle worth half a million gold and I think she makes a lovely addition to my farm another item I wanted was the return scepter it’s a staff that can teleport you home anywhere at any time and finally I wanted to get Pam and Penny a community upgrade it always feels nice to see them in their own house and so with my list completed and everything ticked off the sixth of spring year 4 was the day I cooked the final cooking recipe and as I awoke the next day I walked outside to the sight of tropical birds flying past and the sound of a rumble in the distance cookie and I rode up past the railroad onto the path up to the summit who was waiting there for me but Haley we had a chat about all that we had achieved over the last few years and how far we’ve come and the final new achievement popped up called Perfection a very fitting way to conclude this incredible Adventure the credits rolled and I’m happy to say that our journey through staru Valley 1.6 has come to its end all good things must come to an end as they say so let’s look back on the journey that was 300 days Star Valley 1.6 we ended up spending 82 hours total on this playthrough of course we managed to get Perfection and that big 100% completion between all of our money hustles we managed to make 24 million gold total we got all the special items and Powers all of the secret statues and all of the new achievements that came with the update like I said before the farm turned out way better than I could have imagined I’ll link where you can find a proper screenshot of both the farm and The Farmhouse down in the comments below if you did enjoy the 1.6 series then leaving a like on the video and subscribing to the channel would be amazing it really does help me out and it’s weird to think but that’s about all I have left to say except you’re all wonderful people so have a wonderful day and thanks for watching oh [Music]

We are so back! Stardew Valley is now in 1.6 and I thought I should probably make a series on it…If you enjoy the video then don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel, and thanks for watching! 💜

➡️ Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TH6YNGA-2I
➡️ Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9PI_5MU9aQ

➡️ Discord: https://discord.gg/poxial
➡️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PoxialYT
➡️ Music: epidemicsound.com

➡️ UI Info Suite Mod: https://github.com/Annosz/UIInfoSuite2/releases

Channel Badges by Reii


0:00 Intro
0:31 Winter (Year 2)
19:44 Spring (Year 3)
37:46 Summer (Year 3)
50:26 Fall (Year 3)
53:53 Epilogue
55:50 Outro


  1. Poxial wasn;t being recommended to me for a few month then i remembered to check and watch the 100 and 200 days a few days ago. no wait is really nice

  2. Hearing Poxial pronounce "Keg Shed" without the accent felt so wrong. But this upload is just another great thing to add on to an already great day for me. I hope everyone else who watches this video also has a great day.

  3. By “great room” I’m assuming it is the dining room.
    But I love your videos and I’ve been waiting forever for this to release since I can’t play 1.6 yet, im waiting for switch!

  4. I always forget about the deffiend times in the world, so its always a very nice suprice when the video comes out a day before I think it does.😸

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