33 Minutes of Terraria’s BEST Content Mods #6 (June 2024)

I’ve played hundreds of different Terraria mods this my top list in a recap of each mod for June 2024 beginning with an underrated mod corai adds new structures bosses but there’s two major things I wanted to Showcase that is Nightmare planta and the new shield subass shield weapons are an extension of melee focusing more on pares and close range combat in order to deal massive damage each Shield will mostly have two functions the left click which throws a Shield towards your cursor and depending on the type of Shield you have will have some special abilities attached to it for example the silver angel will release holy swords on hit as for the right click this allows you to hold up your Shield to block incoming damage this will also have special abilities depending on the weapon used to go with the vast array of weapons we have some accessories to make the class even more unique first are your flying Shields these Grant your Shields to actually be able to block with the right click function and enhances the flying capabilities of each as you progress through the M from from the flying Shield toolbox all the way to the Nano amplifier charms go in conjunction with the flying Shield which allow you to Parry attacks if perfectly timed the frost charm is available pre bosses and releases the little ice blossoms on perfect blocks whil the holy charm unleashes a devastating Shield swi finally are Dash accessories in which double tapping a directional key whilst holding a shield will cause you to charge in a certain direction each accessory has their own special abilities and functions as well which I’ll leave you to explore on your own but let’s put this clut to the test with the final post midl Lord boss nightmare planta to summon her you need to get a nightmare harp and have it be nighttime and one weird last criteria is to have a bed spawn point this will begin the musical tune and begin the fight and as we can see already the spawning animations look sick like she’s entering out of some sort of Rift the first phase of the fight is Rel toity tame as planta will occasionally shoot out these what I’m assuming are withering roses as well as these dark seedlings as 75% HP We Begin the true battle as you can see the atmosphere has drastically changed so we’re in for a battle instead of just hovering around the player nightmare planta will violently Dash around whilst performing different spamming projectile attacks I know some people won’t really enjoy these style of attacks but I find it quite fun one cool Interac at around 50 or 60% HP is where if you collect these fantasy Sparkles that pant releases there’ll be this sort of fantasy card that comes into a sissu in the fight throwing light orbs at her and Finly stabbing the boss before shortly disappearing it’s very reminiscent of the wrath of Gods battle if you remember the interaction where you summon noxus during the nameless fight anyways that was a little teas of the fight I highly recommend you play through the entire mod and get up to the final phase of the fight for a surprise I’m sure I’ve missed some content as other descriptions like the mag guy are mostly in Chinese however a majority of this mod has been translated and hopefully I gave you a good grasp of what the mod has to offer but now let’s move on to everglow you can expect a lot of content to be reworked with a spoiler video by Omni element it’s pretty long with almost 5 minutes worth of awesome spoilers but I’ll just showcase some of my favorites including a potential new biome and what looks like a functional elevator coming to the boss room from on the video we can see this is for the blood task boss and yes it will be bloody furthermore the current Firefly Dimension is getting a rework with some changes showcased to the corrupted moth as for the weapon teased a black red sword that just looks super fun to use some insane looking Spears and speaking of insane Spears we have updated teasers of the lantern ghost King a very bullet Hill style boss and definitely perfectly balanced we also have additional other spoilers of the ad Bur bra and cion armor sets along with some cool looking enemies such as gel balls light bulbs Whispering ghost enemies and warning some insects now I have this section of modded content for not necessarily content mods but just really cool Niche mods that I wanted to review for June beginning with cataclysmic challenge this is just purely a boss fight and takes bullet Hills to the extreme to fight cataclysmic you first need to get him to move in as a town NBC and simply click the challenge option as you may have guessed this is based off fellow YouTuber cataclysmic Armageddon who developed the following due to his crazy no hits and insane boss related challenges so this fight will definitely test your skill as a Terraria player after lasting a minute we begin the eclipse phe the attacks are somewhat similar to the First with now yellow tinted sides but some of my favorite and funniest attacks has to be the Duke fishon section where the boss will use a slimy saddle to bounce off Duke fisheron and release these damaging bubbles I won’t showcase the entire fight so definitely check out the nuke phase or its final desperation attack if you enjoy bullet Hills have a go at this boss and sticking to the theme of epic boss fights we also got to check out the recently released Wrath of the emperess mod a sort of expansion to the wrath of Gods mod that added in noxious and nameless this mod reworks the Empress of BL and one special feature is the different variants based on each Terraria season the Nightfall is the standard difficulty that cast different Moonlight projectiles at you we’ve got giant butterfly Mall raining Prismatic bolts and of course the giant Moon Lord lasers I’ve covered the entire fight for three different phases over on my second Channel but one attack I wanted to highlight in particular is the music sync have a quick [Music] listen I absolutely love mods that do this it make makes the fights feel more like a rhythm game extra bonus points for the Epic Battle Fantasy OSD and next up is Starlight River but not necessarily Starlight River itself but a new DLC of sorts the ever Jade wome you’ll find this naturally generated throughout your Terraria world it contains some unique looking enemies like the giant snail a slow moving Critter that won’t really damage you unless you get too close and also the bullfrog this enemy is out to get you jumping around really fast dealing some decent cont ATT damage apart from the mobs what I really love is the waterfall leading to these beautiful looking Springs it might not be the biggest of mods content wise but just the sheo quality and details of this biome make it really worth covering you got stuff like giant lily pads that sink when you step on them these hanging lanterns with its own chain physics and on top of that you’ll get some of these cool structures that will generate opening the chest we got ourselves the dueling Spirits another yin and yang magic weapon which is a second for this mod recap that shoots a black Spirit while left clicking FES the white spirit it’s obviously not insanely strong as theoretically it’s available pre bosses but a very cool weapon nonetheless you can expect early mode content for all four classes including the gong and ringer for melee which you left click to release a Gong and right click to time it strikes to increase its damage or the HRA suina Sentry where you’re able to move it around with the right click and whip the Sentry to fire a barrage of arrows from your inventory very unique weapons to check out where you can find other early game loot such as the tedi leaf a mov and accessory which allows you to jump higher the faster you run the spring Fountain which right clicking will toggle the water visual effects to be sparkly like the ones in the biome I won’t cover every single item but there’s actually quite a few goodies for such a small mod that will for sure help you through your early game progression this is the definition of just quality in Terraria content and I’ve just really loveed the whole theme of this mod in general and if you want a couple more Niche and recently added mods Jiu-Jitsu Terraria adds a very fun class which rolls around curse techniques libura which adds a wide variety of cool weapons inside from the lus company as well as other recently added class expansions including the dark Guns Plus mod flamethrowers plus the power world Summoner mod and the power friendship mods each drastically expands their respective sub classes with enough content for an entire playthrough definitely show them some love as I’ll link all these mods in the description below the update to the Fargo Soul DLC mod for Calamity brings two new eternity mode bosses with the first being hive mind this fight is heavily focused on the little creepers which shoot projectiles in a straight line there’s also a lot of these scattered throughout the fight and it gets pretty crazy later on when the initial creeper phases down H mind will begin using its minions to block some of the incoming damage so bring a piercing weapon would be ideal here this is cycled with additional attacks such as spawning a bunch of worms or to dash attack which spews vile speit all around blow 50% HP along with its normal horizontal rain clouds eternity also spawns an additional Mega Cloud which tracks the player and shocks them for massive damage other than that it honestly wasn’t that difficult as the attack patterns are pretty easy to learn I will say it’s Final Phase which is indicated by the purple shaders makes the rain clouds more difficult to see the rain of the background along with the damaging rain of the hive min’s clouds is quite Blended in and I would like to see the similar outline of some of the projectiles on the minions as well overall it’s a good rework but is it harder than INF ferm’s hive mind well that’s for you to decide along with hive mind the brimson elemental got a new round of changes within the 1.1 update it’s important to mention the initial rework was released a while back but since I haven’t covered this boss yet let’s just go through the entire rework for eternity mode one important mechanic to remember is that moving too far away from the boss will cause you to burn rapidly losing HP I’m honestly not a fan of this as the boss can sometimes kind of like float away which is kind of annoying within this patch it was also mentioned that there was a new Burning Shader Aura which I thought was going to be similar to vanilla climb this Providence but I couldn’t really tell here as for the fight it keeps its similar bullet hell style of the brimstone Elemental casting different patterns of attacks and also if you haven’t noticed her projectiles in general seem to be way slower I also like how there’s a black outline which makes them much easier to see as for her cocoon phase this shoots out eight rocks around her followed by a tight spread of bromstone glass brim Lings will also spawn to fight additional projectiles at you so you got to be careful for that as well but additionally we get eight new clam Le faros enchantments one for every preh hard mode arm set like other enchantments you need to combine a lot of different themed equipments together and combining these even further you can craft yourself the force of exploration this is available post Providence which gives you all these nice stats feel free to pause to read but with this mod covered for June let’s move move on to the Forgotten evils mod okay so forgotten evils just missed my previous recap being released in April but has been constantly getting changes even as I’m recording this video this mod adds six very unique bosses miscellaneous items as well as a new curse difficulty mode that adds even more of a challenge for experienced players it’s tool T States empowering all prehard mode bosses and the three mechanical bosses giving them completely new attacks and behaviors for example the E of Worlds become sort of like the Wall of Flesh fighting against time where the eater will slowly rise to the top before you forc out of the biome and die curs mode also drops items that would normally be obtained in hard mode for example the tabies when you defeat the cursed ey of cthulu or the putrid scent versus the eat of Worlds this is kind of broken in my opinion and I would much rather see their own take on curs mode exclusive drops I’ve quickly skimmed past a couple bosses because the dcops rework is probably one of my absolute favorit if I’m not mistaken this is like the only actual unique moded dcops I’ve ever seen personally it feels like this boss is always neglected in mods and I’m glad it gets such an epic and maybe slightly scary rework it begins with decls casting a red supernova which doesn’t damage you however spawns in a swarm of servants to make dodging extremely difficult he will also ground slam like vanilla deerclops but the radius and explosion of the debris is much further its next phase summons shadowflame minions and this is accompanied by a giant Moon Lord laser I must say it was quite difficult to dodge and maybe if I had a better Arena I could like grapple over it but it’s also important to mention that there is an invisible border which will spawn Shadow hands preventing you from just running away and shooting the boss from afar but anyways for its last phase it will spotting corruptors instead to shoot vile speit at you and this is in conjunction with a BFF slam attack I know it’s still at preh Hard Mode here but I would love to see some more variation in attacks but overall truly nightmare feel and I quite enjoyed it forgotten evils also brings in heaps of new bosses as well and I love how it sort of expands on the missing biome bosses of vanilla Terraria adding new fights for the granite biome in the granite crab the marble Fortress for the marble biome the sunplate private te for the space biome or what about the desert phantom for the underground desert this was one of the more wacky but fun fights which spawns in this spirit that will possess many different forms throughout the fight such as the block face which will Dash around bouncing off walls or the sun face where Spirit Flames will linger around you or the Jackal which uses it hands to slam on the ground and erupt Spirit Flames yes the style of attacks could vary to make it more interesting to fight but for a pre Skeletron fight you can’t really complain there are even more terrifying reworks that I’ll just leave you to explore on your own feel free to check out portal Mech on YouTube the developer of this mod which showcases every single fight and its development now if you’re a fan of hollow Knight and I wa for silk song to be released I’ve got the perfect mod for you to check out so we begin in a fresh world and you first need to craft the rapid God tuner and left click to spawn you into the so world where you are now the KN but before we get into the battles you got to make sure you set your key bindings to what’s comfortable for you then just simply right click on the alar and Ascend to begin if you played Hol night before four the moves are very similar to the base game you have your slashes dashes and double jumps for a first boss it was pretty easy and gives any new players like myself a chance to get used to the controls so after the king slime’s defeated you notice we get our first of many sigils autofocus allows us to automatically consume 33 souls to recover one hit point but talking about the giant tortoise it’s quite simple to deal with by just double jumping over it when it goes onto its shell and yeah quite straightforward this this gives us the quick slash sigil which you guess that makes us attack faster as you can see this greatly speeds up my kill times and I did get the stupid sticky keys pop up so I had to disable it moving forward our grade mask sigil now turns each Dash into a blink and as you can see I’m absolutely clowning on this guy I will say this boss was definitely one of the harder challenges as the annoying ground slams head with the dark Mage projectiles work quite hard to dodge this leads us into our first mechanic Pogo which is BAS basically repeated attacking the boss from above and bouncing off it for a very consistent chain of damage super super fun and definitely will be abused for some of the later challenges and of course if you’re a noob like I am this Boss Rush also has some checkpoints these areas have no mobs and you’re able to jump into these Hot Springs to replenish all of your HP we’re just going to skip a bit until we reach the I culu well we got to look at the vengeful Spirits spell this new ranged ability deals 2,000 damage per hit easily the most useful for taking out the ice herant and preventing the boss from flooding the arena the fight is very similar to Terraria in which it was simply Dash towards you however this does slightly change in its second phase introducing a rapid Dash attack move where the eye of cthulu will begin going up and down meaning it’s pretty crucial to time your dashes this is followed by even more crazy dashing and the difficulty is starting to ramp up and this has to be the most fun fight so far I don’t want to spoil too much of the fun so what you’ve been patiently waiting for for the final challenge Aurora she has some of the most Bonkers attacks and the she spiking difficulty is absurd instead of just me explaining the fight he’s just one minute of me getting clapped by her enjoy [Music] [Music] so we’ve covered quite a few new and underrated mods this month so what about a mod I’ll surprised to hear from it’s been over 8 years since the juice mod was first released and is notorious for its fun nature with a lot of references to other popular franchises so let’s check out some stuff you can see in this beta patch the most iconic boss is jumbo cacta he is post Moon Lord and runs towards the player whilst firing needle volleys I never fully played through juice in 1.32 modelator but I’m pretty sure the AI is similar to where it is now it runs around and has its needle attack in which he’ll violently shake his arms before unleashing a barrage of spikes this move actually deals an insane amount of damage so it’s best havep of good movement options at hand its other attacks consist of summoning mini cactuses or a volley of giant needles other Pur Moon Lord bosses include savus AKA s-x in phase one it will quickly move towards the player whilst firing ice beams or super missiles it can also occasionally transform into a ball and layer Power Bomb and if you manage to get him to phase two we unleash its mutated form acid spit is a short-range attack that can Splash into droplets inflicting poison missile barrage is the buff version of phase one in which Samus will fire a volley of missiles in a circular motion as for phase three it’s actual True Form This has a protective shell that makes damage doal significantly less so it’s best to aim for the eye which will guarantee Critical Hits and as for the last post Moon Lord boss a pair of demigods Gilgamesh wields his spear attempting to leap and dash towards the player and can even throw long-range tomahawks while in kidu flies around casting a widespread of wind spells when Gila meeses Health drops below zero who’ll transform onto the second phase morphed with weapons and special abilities what’s really funny is that at 90% Health he throws his excal at the player out of anger and then draws a mass immune blade which he can swing with a highp Speed Dash what’s really special about this fight in particular is just the amount of different weapons he can draw from as with each critical threshold yogam mshh will use different weapons such as at 70% Health using a gun blade a b blade at 50% health and a Genji Shield at 30% Health which can actually break projectiles that strike it so for sure one of the sickest Boss Designs in my opinion and considering it was made ages ago it gets my approval along with bosses you can fight hunts are a unique set of quests from the hunt Master NPC each of them can only be fought once with currently nine preh hard mode hunts including pinka Rogue tomato forest’s Vengeance flowering cactoid ICU SPO mother Rock Skeletron demolitionist and the Imp Lord and as for Hard Mode we have one in the storm Weaver along with the unique AIS all hunts have a small chance to drop the stone of evil which in turn is used to craft legendary weapons that gain power as you progress through the mod and with this is a perfect segue to mention all the unique weapon sub classes such as flails weapon sets or throw items scrolling through the 1.3 Wiki there is definitely something for you to enjoy here it’s important to mention as of recording this video the mod is still in a closed beta but I’m so glad I got to share some of the content with you I’m not entirely sure when exactly it will drop but I’ll hit you with a soon shifting away from juice mod on to probably the biggest content update a mod has received is the Luna vils 1.6 green sun update with new additions such as class whopping new bosses boss reworks and so much more beginning with the three new bosses I’ll be going over this relatively fast as there is just so much content I want to show you but do look out for my full playthrough of this mod sometime in the future the Supernova fragment is basically the hard mode variant of the singularity fragment found in the tundra biome this however is spawned using a voidal passageway you will shoot out these balls that can explode after a set duration at around 50% HP Supernova will chain you to an arena in which you will cast these branding bolts and during this time you’re going to hit these little boundaries in order to proceed to the next day I W spoil the entire fight because honestly there’s just so much more content so let’s skip ahead onto the next boss which are post Moon Lord wck is required to be defeated first and has an additional requisite of needing to kill Aradia if you haven’t been keeping up with Luna iria has been reworked this update with her dragon now being more mobile and deadly anyways killing this boss will trigger this event on the map which is where the next boss will be reck is the serpent and she is goth OFA you need to kill the the serpent first and you simply start the fight by just hitting him the serpent is extremely fast so having a Stelly or Dash accessory is key to making sure you counter I know it’s quite hard to see what’s happening because I’m rocking a suar weapon but the giant flaming eyeball is what you want to watch out for as wreck will cause a massive explosion and even form these crystals which shoot moon or lasers as of this version I’m playing on the bosses were slightly weak in my opinion and since have been buffed to make it more difficult I would love some more Vari ation in its attacks however overall it’s a cool worm boss and I love the spite for it and before we fight the final boss we next have nevi which can be challenged by damaging the dragon at the Ura biome found on the right side of your world this is a new biome it consists of a complex spiritual tree system and scaling to the very top she either be sleeping or flying around the Ura biome I’m not sure if it was just me but I felt really bad waking it up anyways this boss is heavily reliant on projectiles to do damage as we can see see by the telegraph points where she unleashes these Cosmic bolts the screen Shake definitely adds some o to the attack and very epic indeed other moves include casting Shadow Bolts from the sky or the circular dragon’s breath move or what about the deadliest nebul explosion you’ve ever seen this boss definitely hits hard and with his projectiles and visuals are just a nice bonus on top but now we come to the final boss of the mod gothilla as mentioned previously you need to defeat wck before you can actually challenge him she’ll summon these two spinning disc that will bounce off each other making for a quite difficult move to Dodge in my opinion I found doing vertical circular motions was best as you couldn’t simply just fly away from it whilst this is happening go theia herself will cast some lasers and also perform her own disc dashing attack the only main critique I have of the fight is that for a first time challenge it can be really hard to tell which move she’s performing as there was just so much going on so being reactive or just learning her II in general will obviously be helpful one cool thing I also picked up on is the background of the fight which kind of reminds me of the Shadows of abidon nyla’s fight I’m not entirely sure if she has a second phase as the main set of attacks mainly stay the same for the current final boss of lunail it is very visually intensive but that’s what you kind of signed up for when playing this mod overall I very much enjoyed it but we’re not done just quite yet some of the existing bosses got some reworks as well such as dreadmire and I’m not sure if the Calamity brain rot is getting to me but he looks very similar to Supreme calamitas one cool thing is just how she spawned requiring you to kill all these little monoliths scattered throughout your world Celia also got a visual and gameplay rework especially during her wall of flesh phase this was some footage I got from a previous recap and this is it now absolutely terrifying and a must fight boss like I said so much content which I’ll leave you to play test on your own and now let’s move on to the realm of relay this mod I covered very briefly in a previous recap but now the blood moon update is live a little warning this mod doesn’t have nearly enough content for full playthrough but anyways let’s take a closer look at some of the content you can expect from this mod beginning near spawn with the abandoned farm this structure contains various early game loot including the carton be allowing you to throw a pint that smashes on impact and right clicking you able to chug the bee to give yourself the Tipsy buff you may also notice even a custom Pyon for easy access to this biome in the future other loot you can expect to see are buried in these little hay stacks and using an ancient key will unlock what’s inside the spike bark Shield damages nearby enemies when they hit you watch to the right the crackshot wheel gun is a pretty cool weapon its right click fires a wagon wheel that rolls on the ground and its left click shoots out a fast bullet if you manage to contact the bullet with the wheel it will explode into fiery shrapnel and I have to say range weapons like this are my absolute favorites in modern Terraria in summary a pretty cool early structure and I must add it’s very reminiscent of the squeaky mod biome we also have a new mini boss of sorts and is the very first boss you will encounter within this mod the possessed Bank sort of flies around dashing at the player it can even charge up for a super flaming attack this does deal quite a bit of damage however however can be easily countered with just a couple platforms it also has this other move which will spawn a giant coin that shatters and rs down money from the sky for AOSS you me to encounter before King Slime it is pretty insane I’ll leave the looted drops for you to explore but before we check out the main reworked blood moon event I got to quickly mention the impact weapon set these are pre-boss weapons that can be crafted by killing these little mechanical Droids on the surface I really don’t want to compare it to Calamity but just think of them as wolf from enemies the impact disc throws a homing projectile that can bounce off enemies multiple times before returning hits inflict enemies with a shock debuff and applying multiple shock stacks on enemies causes them to be struck by a piercing lightning bolt but my favorite is the impact Interceptor this is a magic weapon that releases electrical signals to nearby enemies damaging them repeatedly you may also notice enemies hit I tagged red indicating their loss of ping caused them to lag and stagger in place I know this is just like a simple freeze but making your enemies lag is quite funny I don’t think I’ve ever seen before as for Summoners neglected as always and Ranger weapons are pretty self-explanatory so I’ll just save you some time and use them as background footage whilst I showcase the blood moon event the jumbo eye is probably one of the first new enemies you encounter and he’s basically a beefy version of a normal wandering eye kill it will split it into multiple eyes and this will happen three times until it devolves back into a normal wanding eye the tooth serpent is a worm type enemy and apart from ramming the player we also fire these little daggers and we cannot forget about the mini boss for this Blood Moon The Butcher rat absolutely vile this chainsaw wielding enemy will quickly run at you and throw Cleavers I really suggest some platforms to at least keep away the small enemies whilst you focus on the big rat and once you manag to defeat this boss boss you may get a chance at two unique drops the G chank shotgun fires a heavy burst of bullets watch the vering go ragea RS of a chainsaw that slices enemies using it for too long however activates frenzy mode which will increase the play’s movement speed however will damage you over time that was all the content I wanted to Showcase and now for the stars above mod whereas there’s no in-game content released this month we do have heaps of spoilers of upcoming content you can expect in the next major update this is nam the 2.1 neon star update so let’s go through everything you can expect first our plans for a new armor set intended to be obtained in the neon biome the neop purin armor contains three different helmets as well as two different chest plates with each combination having its own set bonuses so that means a total of six different arm set combinations to try and experiment with there is also sneak peaks of star farer attire which would change its effects based on your selected starer I’ll leave it here for you guys to pause and read but now let’s take a look at a preview of a new Stella noova coming to the stars above mod if you aren’t aware these are ultimate abilities that can be charged up from collecting Nova energy from killing enemies this one teased is called the Firefly Type 4 which states after a short delay your star far will ass you in combat except your f to go with Stellar noas however are of course the plan rework to Stellar prisms currently they are just items that can be applied to Stellar noas in order to gain simple Buffs the rework however will aim to make the Stellar prisms drop out various te based on progression with a randomized selection of one main stat and two substats from the previous it looks like we’re getting much more interesting effects rather than just simple stat Bops which I quite like and finally to top of spoilers we have one new weapon called The Wolves bang striking foes with range blast and explosions and go in for the kill with a powerful slash this weapon can be upgraded twice throughout progression eventually becoming the wolf span awakened look I’ll leave you to read this mini essay but that was all the spoilers for the stars above mod and finally we have calamity’s birthday update which is now actually live and playable while it’s not a major update add a few things which I’ll cover right now The Cauldron is a preh hard mode Mage weapon which obviously holds up a cauldron above the player and lobs of gravity affected lava bombs towards your cursor upon impact the bombs will explode erupting to even smaller bombs and then we have the reite bo a hard mod chainsaw which rapidly fires gravity affected blood it can also heal the player on true melee hits it’s nice to see the OG patreon donors of Calamity getting their weapons but we also got some reworks to the shredder line the shredder obviously the first weapon available at post moonl he fires a barage of energy bolts a bounce off targets with a left click and right click to fire a barrage of normal bolts instead for this demonstration I’m using Holy Fire bullets for the right click as it’s the most common ammo to use against Providence the infinity will be the next upgrade and available post theour of gods using cosmolite bars this time it’s left click finds a more consistent spam of projectiles which instead of just bouncing the target will then redirect the bullets back onto the target for some extra damage its right click function of utilizing normal bullets Remains the Same and God Slayer slogs is probably what you will use with this but in my opinion you’re just better off using the primary fire finally we have the scam the technical an endgame weapon using Shadow spec this is the true definition of bullet frenzy with his left click finding a trinity of energy BBS that not only split into additional beams but will also follow your cursor this weapon is absolutely busted and worthy of a spot next to the contagion bow for Boss Rush but I will say it is extremely laggy so used with caution those are really all the major weapon changes this patch but one significant change I have to mention is the rework to the drunken princess candles normally these are Arena Buffs purchased from the serus NPC and with Arena Buffs moving out of its range will drop the buff requiring you to place more down to make it cover your entire Arena there’s just one problem they are stupid ly expensive however now they act as buff stations that give you a permanent Buff when right clicked however you can only apply one candle at a time I could definitely see how this may be a NERF overall as you no longer have the effects of all four candles however do keep in mind the boss were adjusted to compensate and if you want extra Calamity spoilers including a full 15minute road map check out this video over here and goodbye

This video showcases all the BEST Terraria mods to play! Whether you are bored of Calamity, or want to try something new…this has EVERY SINGLE content mod I’ve personally played and would recommend to you. April – June 2024

Also check out the previous months recaps for mods you may have missed! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRMHR_21-13oOHApGBzXYQBK9iehQ-y5z

0:00 Mod Recap
► Check out the relevant links for each mod down below!

0:08 Coralite Mod
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2926797349

3:13 Everglow
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2906178094
► Credit @user-ic8wp8ou8q (Omnielement) FULL VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVo5Paaesrg

4:13 Cataclymic’s Challenge
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3191256835
► Check out @CataclysmicArmageddon

5:08 Wrath of the Empress
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3257237354
► Also check out Calamity Wrath of Gods (it’s S+ Tier): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2995193002
► Full WoE fights on my second channel @moremura

6:08 Everjade
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3229972786

7:58 Other Class Expansions Mods
► Jujutsu Terraria: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3258675288
► Limbusria: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3252578696
► DartGuns+ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3204841848
► Flamethrower+ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3211527715
► PalMod (Summoner Subclass): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3181134327
► Power of Friendship: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3237786618

8:28 Fargo Souls DLC Calamity
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3044249615

11:59 Forgotten Evils Mod
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3218792285
► Also check out the dev @portalmech4770

13:57 Hollow Knight x Terraria
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236788813

17:22 Joost Mod
► Currently in a closed beta, will be linked here when ready!

20:43 Lunar Veil
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3019925104
► Thanks @lunziestella for helping!

25:11 Realm of R’lyeh
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3023736015
► Blood Moon Update trailer by @realmofrlyeh

28:48 The Stars Above Mod
► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2563862309
► Footage by @PaperLuigi
► Voice Actress @KieraRhodesVA / https://x.com/KRhodesVA

30:53 Calamity Mod
► Do I even need to link it?!?

~ Texture Packs & Mod List ~
► Backgrounds o’ Plenty, Better Collection by JPC, Dragon Fruit Bar, Fancy UI, HD Scenery, NONN’s Buffs and Debuffs Pack, Phantom Hearts Bar, Rainbow Cursor EX, ReaniTerraria, The Calamity Texture Pack, Yet Another Boss Health Bar Style
► ArmamentDisplay, Better Blending, Better Boss Health Bar, Fancy Lighting, Lights and Shadows, True Tooltips, zzp198’s WeaponOut Lite

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~ Social Media and Contact Info ~
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/murasamaOCE
► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@murasama1
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► For business inquiries: murasama1.busness@gmail.com

#terraria #calamity

Play Terraria Now:
Steam (PC) : https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/

Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic. Dig, Fight, Explore, Build: The very world is at your fingertips as you fight for survival, fortune, and glory. Will you delve deep into cavernous expanses in search of treasure and raw materials with which to craft ever-evolving gear, machinery, and aesthetics? Perhaps you will choose instead to seek out ever-greater foes to test your mettle in combat? Maybe you will decide to construct your own city to house the host of mysterious allies you may encounter along your travels?

The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, such as Death mode and revengeance mode five new biomes and new structures, a new class, a new leveling mechanic, more than thirty new songs, over fifty recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

This is not 100 days, 100 days terraria, 100 days minecraft or 100 days calamity mod, silksong waiting room, I hope you enjoy this recap it look a very long time to make and compile 😀


  1. Мне так нравится через тебя узнавать новые патчи и контент,так как я слежу за каламити

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