11 Incredible Stardew Valley 1.6 Tips You Need Yesterday!!

11 interesting maybe even strange things that you don’t really need to know about this game but here they are anyway number one the annual desert Festival is way more important than you may know every day during the festival two different villages will be at the festival and will sell some very unique items and an absolute bargain some of the villages have garbage and some are absolutely worth it like Alex for example with magic hair gel for 100 Calico coins Maru has two ridden bars for sale for only 50 Calico coins JZ will have the ultra rare Magic rock candy for very expensive 300 Calico coins expensive but worth it if you’re tight on cash but rich on Calico coins Robin will sell the furnisher catalog for 1,000 Calico coins effectively saving you 200,000 gold as you might know staircases are really expensive well you can get 10 for only 30 Calico coins each when Kent is behind the store Prismatic shards are slightly more rare after this update so it’s pretty good that Emily will now sell one for 500 Calico coins Leah oh Leah this is an amazing deal 100 hardwood for only three Calico coins each that’s way too cheap and finally George he has five treasure troves up for grabs for only 10 Calico coins each most definitely worth it number two fora bles are interesting you will mainly get fora bles by exploring the value of sty Valley and finding them in your adventures of course you can also grow some seasonal seeds and yes they will indeed grow into fbl now the sad thing is that these are not going to make you a lot of money at all well that may have changed in this latest update that’s right you can now drop all of these new items into a cost to turn them into juice and into a preserve jar to turn them into pickles now the truth of the matter is that this will only increase the value of these by a tiny amount almost negligible since chargeables are not worth that much to make the most use preserve jars instead of cegs it’ll be ever so slightly more efficient number three here’s a very random little tip that you will most likely not use as you know bee houses will produce honey and if they’re within the range of a flower they will produce flower honey which sells for considerably more money naturally bee houses will not be creating you any honey during winter and if you just leave your bee houses over winter then for some reason you will get your first harvest of Honey on the 5th of spring beeh housers are supposed to give you honey every 4 days so what’s the deal well it turns out if you pick up your bee house and immediately drop them down again on the very last day of winter well then you’ll get your first serving of Honey on the fourth of spring effectively giving you an entire extra Harvest number four the new squid Fest yearly Festival is interesting head to the beach during the 12th and 13th of winter catch as many squid on the beach as you can and get some great rewards now if you catch more than 10 fish on the 13th of winter you’ll get the art of clubbing book sefam pudding and even a horrible squid hat if you have already received these rewards then try your best to catch seven squid and no more this is because you’ll be rewarded with a treasure chest a lovely little 5,000 gold for your pocket and if you catch five squid on the 12th of winter you’ll get a pearl a universally loved gift number five here is something interesting it might even be interesting enough to convince you to get the really odd Wilderness Farm you know the farm that causes a couple easy monsters to appear at night that you can defeat for basically No Loot yeah well when you reach level 9 combat there’s a chance that a new and improved unique monster will appear the iridium Golem these guys are interesting first they’re actually quite tough and hard to take down and then if you defeat them between the 24th of spring and the 20th of Summer they have a very high chance of dropping summer squash seeds and between the 21st and the 20th of winter you can get powder melon seeds as you know these new seeds cannot be purchased so this very well could be a reliable way of obtaining these listen here you you absolutely want to hit subscribe on this video right now got an awesome miniseries coming up that you do not want to miss I appreciate you dearly number six in Willie store there is a machine that allows you the opportunity to change the style of your fishing bobber I only saw this recently since I always play on my main Farm but you do not get all of these by default instead you will unlock one new style for every two unique fish you have caught and you will only gain access to a random option once you have caught every fish in the game including those lovely legendary fish so yeah another reason to fin finish your collection number seven call this a bug or call this a feature but this is just absolutely weird and I love it if you hold down the use key on both your hoe and on your watering can you can now strafe to reposition if you might have missed when watering well if you constantly hold down two movement keys at the same time you can hop around the world of sa Valley and look like an absolute Maniac I never knew I needed this until I got it this is so much fun number eight as you might know we can have more pets in this game now just pet your pet every day and once you have reached maximum hearts with that pet money will sell you a pet license that you can use to get extra pets it is important to befriend these to maximum Hots as well if you pet a pet that has maximum Hots they can give you a gift now most of the gifts are quite insignificant but turtles have a chance to give you seafoam pudding dogs have a chance to give you a dinosaur egg cats have a chance to give you a rabbit’s foot it seems that cats got the short end of the stick here it is important to note that Robin will sell a pet Bowl but these are not actually required to have multiple pets but if you do not have enough of these then the pet sleeping on the cold hard grass will lose friendship points with you every single day number nine Keys crop is an interesting Quest you will need to find key beans throughout your adventures in stardy Valley you will then need to plant these and sell at least 500 key fruit to successfully complete this Quest side note these can now turn into giant crops that look kind of like Mr key but only on your main farm and not on Ginger Island keep that in mind one of the best ways to get many key beans is farming for fishing treasure chest with magnets and the various treasure bonuses however if you find yourself in a very sticky situation and need many key beans quickly then craft up these impressive treasure totems these are expensive to crop but just look at how effective they are at finding key beans this is the most expensive method of finding these but it is no doubt effective number 10 okay hear me out this one is kind of weird but kind of incredible at the book seller you can buy the price catalog book this book will show you the value of items in your inventory quite useful but why can we buy multiple of these from the book seller if they have no use and cannot be traded in for anything useful well that’s where this gets interesting you can actually use this book as a gift and most of the t’s people absolutely dislike this book however Penny and Pier for some reason just absolutely love it this is indeed a loved book for them if you have enough money to to spare you can buy enough of these to get them to the maximum friendship level easily ooh bonus tip okay you have heard of these incredible golden animal crackers right give these to your animals to double their production of animal products best use on goats as goat M really does sell for a ton however that you know that you can drop an animal cracker into a fish pond first it will make the Chum Bucket all gold which is cool but most importantly it will double the amount of fish row that the fish can produce naturally you should only use this on the fish that will make the most money so lava eels all the way this can actually turn the fish pond into a very decent extra source of income yeah this video here has 15 things that you absolutely did not know about this glorious 1.6 update thanks for watching I appreciate you more than you know you’re my gateway to semi social interactions subscribe but for now I will see you in the next video [Music]

In this Stardew Valley 1.6 Video, I will show you eleven of the most insteresting and maybe even absurd tips that you either absolutly need or most definitely do not! Either way, this should be a fun little stardew video to help you pass the time. The valley awaits.
Watch These!
23 Things You Missed in 1.6: https://youtu.be/E7WT57XyBmA
Do these 20 Things First in 1.6: https://youtu.be/fuWi1PMEDd4
8 ways To Get Rich In 1.6: https://youtu.be/z3z4gpJSIio
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