This Minecraft Video Will Confuse You

these are the most confusing Minecraft Tik toks I’ve ever seen and my goal is to find the most cursed one starting with a man crafting ender crystals okay so far I’m not too confused because you can craft these is he going to throw them into the portal or is just like he’s going to eat that’s why my only goal in this video is to find the most cursed one and this is did he just expand the crafting table with pistons so why is he getting a bunch of diamonds just because you have a big crafting table doesn’t mean that you can make a giant see you know what I’m talking about are these Tik toks not the most confusing thing you’ve ever seen oh no that it gets worse what he’s mining the entire chunk that might be the most cursed clip I’m putting that one at the top that was insanely cursed I mean how do you beat that how do you what is this I mean uh what are you doing the pig what you can’t make the pig ride you and I love how instead of a carrot on his stick it’s a diamond on his stick I never thought that something could be cursed and confusing at the same time well today I’m being proved so wrong um hello sir you are very hungry you might need to look for some some some food scoodles oh but you’re in the desert you’re not going to find any food over here or will he only time will tell no I hate this video no I actually like I hate this video you know I thought that the giant pickaxe was cursed this is now the most cursed eating your arm please like this video if you agree I mean you can dislike it if if you don’t agree but that’s just insane wait this is normal see I just want to see regular Minecraft perfect he’s making some boots um okay wait why are they stacking boots should not be stackable they should be no please don’t do anything weird man please please don’t do it don’t I I hate this cuz I can never see it coming I like this is like the stiletto high heels that my wife wears and she still doesn’t even get past 56 oh thank God a normal clip a normal clip tell me it’s just a normal end portal and nothing confusing is going to happen you know he’s just going to have fun right yeah with the Axel as the boss instead of the uh inner dragon no no no next clip oh yes yes oh beautiful it’s regular now why are we building a minecart system to go into the water are we trying to make us what are you doing with that ax buddy hey hey hey no no no now this man’s evil oh no you know it’s going to be a confusing curse clip whenever you see two people playing Minecraft together hey guys just play it cool oh it’s Bo jiden he says let’s build here uh now that was just funny hey but I can’t pick it as my top clip because it wasn’t cursed it was just hilarious all right now what are we doing over here with the Hoppers huh this guy’s a hydro homie I respect it hey if you drink at least 64 ounces of water a day put the juice box emoji in the comments um yeah you know semi cursed but not that cursed we’re moving on it’s a dog hello oh no wait is it showing oh it’s showing like time passing oh no the house there’s cobwebs now wait so this owner just left this poor dog alone you can’t do that you can’t just leave this innocent wait don’t tell me you’re do do not eat his flesh do no no this is so close I want to put this as more cursed than the eating the arm but I can’t I mean it is so wrong in so many don’t tell me you’re going to leave again and do the same I now that guy’s criminal that is actually criminal Behavior I need to retitle this video Minecraft clips that are illegal cuz that was awful oh wait the dynamic duo was back it’s dumb and dumber and we’re just we’re mining bedrock with a a wooden pickaxe huh [Music] what I thought he was going to die wait you can’t build below you can’t build below now okay this is normal now we’re just shearing our where we we must be in Scotland cuz there’s sheep everywhere oh and there’s chickens [Music] well oh not the cows okay okay no no dude seeing the cows without their hot that is oh my gosh you heard the man please like And subscribe for more epicness let me let me fix that me uh doing a little erasing all right fix that for you like And subscribe for more confusion wa this is the best texture pack I’ve ever seen that is the worst texture pack I’ve ever seen what is wrong with this oh my gosh it’s like it’s so grainy and like distorted wait pixel block oh wait I kind of like this wait no this is actually kind of cool like I wouldn’t say this is cursed this is like unique I let you lay eggs in Minecraft bro my parents are watching my videos and this guy just lays an egg you’ll be able to lay in no this is beating the hands this is this is the most cursed clip this is beating the guy eating himself if you lay an egg while you have it’ll just get stuck in the p leg until you sit on something it’s stuck in your pants to reveal your beautiful half half human baby oh no no no I knew it I knew we did right when we made this the most cursed clip if you don’t want please stop end it here you could also place it in this new blender we’re going to blend our baby a redstone signal to make scrambled eggs now this guy’s lost it somebody yeah it cops yeah call 911 and lock this guy away this guy needs to be locked away share this video to blck this man away forever he’s a menace wait cursed Minecraft mods okay no Cube mod is sick do you guys remember this this is so nostalgic I made a video on this like years ago the part of mining them dude where did they go I got to say dude this is like one of the weirdest things I’ve ever done in Minecraft how do people play like this wait this is sick wait I actually want this a legal building wait this is like this isn’t even a legal building this is like anti-gravity oh you can place half blocks n see the gravity one’s sick this one’s cool but it like actually makes me sick looking at it the mega parrot okay so I just want this in my world I also want this in okay now that’s weird this looks like one of those optical illusions wait the this is the best one yet the thick torch mod yeah now this is the that that that’s amazing that’s not cursed that’s amazing oh pause you know it’s getting cursed and confusing when we’re in Minecraft Ohio part 10 I feel like I don’t know what to say like I genuinely don’t even know what to say like I can you predict what is going to happen next breaking news I just made four brand new shirts and they’re available only for limited time at firem no I’ll wait I’ll wait what do you think is going to happen with the Frog huh put in the comments now let’s see if your predictions came true you ain’t no way you there’s no way you knew unless you saw that clip is no way and now we’re in the back rooms I hate this I do I I want to scream I want to just you know like I just sounded like I wanted to take a dump but I don’t I just I’ve I’ve achieved maximum brain rotation like I’ve never had like I’ve been playing this game for 13 years and the things that you’re doing right now are legal I want it to end I want it to end I want it to be over I just I don’t even want to look at it you know it’s like a it’s like a it’s like a kissing scene in a movie and you’re watching it with your parents and you just want to look away cuz it’s awkward that’s how I feel thank you Jesus this guy has like one of those terrible Xbox mics I’m stuck I mean I don’t got nothing to help me wait you can get unck man you can’t he just mine it wait they’re not even alive for and what are we looking at I just need a moment to process what just happened we just mined bedrock with a stick broke a creeper looked at our mushroom cow named fando and then ate Bedrock I feel like why am I getting so angry like my blood pressure and my heart rate is like through the roof right now and it shouldn’t be I mean it’s just it’s it’s a video game I could just turn my monitor off but like I just I I just can’t whenever I’m seeing this but is this might be enough Minecraft for the day no I take that back this might be enough Minecraft for the summer I hate it because like I know this guy in real life and I wish I didn’t now I really do George I’m sorry but this is this is diabolical you triggered me I made Minecraft but not as bad as this guy the original Minecraft is super iconic because everything is a cube so of course in Minecraft 2 everything from the landscape to the it to the end oh dud I’m so temped this might be more cursed than the poop egg Stone this is nowe and you’ll break it to get Cobble and I hate that he puts so much time and effort into this all the caves in Minecraft 2 are like two I feel sick oh my gosh I know a good therapist inventory would be full after caving but in Minecraft 2 it’s shaped my eyes so there’s way more slots for everything we don’t care Minecraft’s pixel art items asked you to do this man but for Minecraft I’ve replaced every single Pixel with a number two I’m adding Minecraft 2’s Redstone next time follow no no don’t don’t please in the clip thank you I was losing it man I I like I was literally losing it like is the TW more cursed than the poop SL egg mod guy I just I don’t think so but it’s so close okay I can handle these I feel like the texture packs I’m better at handling like yeah this is this is bad but I feel like it’s just nothing compared to what we have seen huh like we have seen so much worse today that now this just feels like I’m walking through a blissful you know Lush cave in Minecraft and I got my Bros with me and ah all is right with the world and this guy’s going to ruin it oh that was so close my God oh my gosh this is like this is trying not to get anxiety dude oh my diamonds calm down yes no oh my go bro try not to get freaking anxiety oh my gosh okay oh please oh please dude it it doesn’t pH me anymore I mean this is definitely bad this [Music] chicken [Music] um you can’t pick up Shuler projectiles where did this guy come from the steam guy just literally came from you okay I’m I’m not going to do it I’m not going to do it this might be like a try not the rage challenge if I’m being completely honest with you huh yeah not cool de man this clip was not cool cuz it’s making me want to walk off a cliff oh he’s not even done like this man just keeps cooking and nobody asked him to cook what is this the world’s largest bed [Music] press it is just a game please Iron Golem can you just kill these guys kill Dumb and Dumber our one chance at yes this is salvation please kill them please kill both of them right now just pick each other up and throw each other at each other or he’s just going to reach into the Sun and grab it and H please when does it end when will it end I mean I I I actually like I’m dude I mean I just went from Albert Einstein IQ to kais senette who by the way I’m trying to beat for a Nickelodeon’s kid choice award and if you don’t go vote for me I’m going to lose to a guy who’s like 5’2 please go vote for me as your favorite gamer so I can beat this 52 man anyways back to the club sorry I just I I I don’t want to lose to Ka the guys 52 the Link’s in the description you can go vote for me as your favorite gamer and I can finally win the Orange blimp oh please I feel like I’m in a fever dream I might be sick I might have a disease no I I I think I’ve contracted [Music] Ebola how long is this clip it’s a movie this thing’s been going for like 3 minutes [Music] straight that was so anticlimactic but wait it might not be over yet you killed Steve I knew it I knew it wasn’t going to be over of course of course of course it can’t be over why would it be I mean that would just be I man I hate this guy dude I hate him so much you know I hope he lives a wonderful life where he never makes another Minecraft video again no no no no no we all no no no Minecraft in Ohio I physically cannot handle it like I can’t I feel like my my my organs are just going to leak out of my mouth if I keep watching this I know that was a very descriptive explanation but that is just how else do I explain how I’m feeling does anybody else just get the ick you know I never thought I had an ick until I I watch these clips and now I realize I have an Nick okay and it’s not you know a man who’s under 6 feet tall my ick is these Minecraft Tik toks it’s just so clear as day like I’m literally sinking into my chair I feel like I need to go to church that’s how this makes me feel I mean I should do that anyways but I end it end it end it please yes we’re at the end of dragon this means it could be over please end it yeah it just gets worse it it keeps getting worse guys no no no no please stop getting bad get better oh just yes both of you die yes yes oh thank God thank you thank you Minecraft but normal you know that’s fine this is fine this is literally nothing compared to what we’ve seen today the things that we have witnessed no this is the most cursed that that that that’s the most cursed I’m not say nothing else is no further explanation needed this is the most cursed clip oh no here I was thinking that these were actually going to be tamame Clips oh buddy I need I need to breathe I’m like I’m trying to deep breathe like you ever heard of box breathing it’s when you breathe in for 4 seconds hold it for 4 seconds exhale for 4 seconds hold for 4 seconds inhale for 4 seconds repeat that’s box breathing and that’s what I feel like I have to do because I feel like have no oxygens in my lungs oh now we’re on part 13 of Minecraft in Ohio buddy it was bad enough being on part8 we didn’t need to see part 8 10 13 15 I’m checking my heart rate right now what like genuinely what’s my heart rate I’m keeping the clip playing no no I’m actually checking my my heart rate I need to see what this is okay it’s it’s measuring right now I mean this thing is going to be literally off the oh wow this is like this pickable how hard my heart rate is it was 121 beats per minute I’m sitting in a chair watching Minecraft Tik toks and I’m at 120 beats per minute my resting heart rate is like 60 okay sometimes in the 50s I’m a fit individual except for when I watch this stuff it’s 123 now it’s all it’s 25 it gets worse it’s 125 I’m going to die by watching Minecraft Tik toks from Ohio man that would be the worst thing you’re going to see the obituary which if you know that is that’s when you die and it’s in the newspapers Preston famous YouTuber dies of a heart attack of watching Minecraft in Ohio over and over again okay I got to maintain we we just went to 126 wa went to 126 I mean this is unreal I mean if you don’t believe me look at this 125 125 1 minute ago I mean you no no no we don’t need to see Part 12 I mean nothing in here though I mean that is that that that is that that is that that yeah that that’s just that I can’t even speak anymore I’m so freaking mad like frustration nation is upon us what am I even doing in my hands what’s wrong with me I I like can’t control myself I’ve lost control of my body I’ve lost control of my soul oh my God please please go over just stop stop stop just end it dude it’s specifically Minecraft Ohio clps I I think this is my weakness like if Superman has Kryptonite as his weakness I have Minecraft Ohio and just any form of these clips is my actual Kryptonite if you ever meet me person don’t show me these I swear I’ll just like fall to my knees and I just won’t be able to move for like 30 minutes oh God I can breathe oh it’s a tree oh than you know what he deserves that yeah Dumb and Dumber now the tree did not deserve that treatment huh you put that you plant that tree back right now you put that wood back where it came from or so help [Music] me yeah yeah you deserve that huh you deserve that no dude I hate it here I I I like I my algorithm is now forever going to be this on Tik Tok will I see really cool you know pastors talking on Tik Tok or just really funny clips no I’m going to see this this is going to be my Tik Tok feed for the rest of my life do you know the pain the things the suffering I’ve gone through for you guys huh I please kill him no no I’m actually rooting for the Iron Golems um oh yeah please please end them end them right here right now do not let these guys get away no don’t ride him don’t oh please yes yes Iron Golems kill him kill him kill him please you can do it no don’t let them get away they can’t keep getting away with this instead of building a bridge just throw the Iron Golems at each other I need them to channel their inner cursed energy come on what are you doing no you can’t make a portal like that you can’t that doesn’t that doesn’t work you you’re not allowed to put water in in the the nether no now they’re going to spawn trap the Iron Golems no don’t do it don’t I know they’re going to spawn trap them I know they’re going to spawn trap him I freaking what did I say huh I’m like the Oracle of this stuff maybe send in one person you know or throw the red rose down that you always hold and then just see if it’s safe I know I’m I’m I’m I’m going to report these Tik I’m reporting this Tik Tok who made this one who made this one huh yeah this guy not safe buddy you are you this guy’s on my naughty list okay I know you put a lot of effort into these but you’re you’re done you are cooked you are so cooked I have achieved maximum brain rot but I can’t stop watching oh my gosh dude oh no the brain rots here yeah yeah yeah it’s full rot it’s full rot it’s full full it’s literally full rot but if these guys like have everything like they’re like superheroes mixed with Transformers mixed with like Jujitsu kaen Gojo I I don’t know how to explain it they must have just like infinite cursed energy and they know the reverse curse technique so even if they take damage they’re just going to heal it back you probably don’t even know what that means unless you watch Jiu-Jitsu kaon but you know what I’m saying huh oh wardens Ming for the wardens please no I mean if the wardens can’t there’s 20 if 20 wardens can’t kill them the Iron Golem stand no chance I mean this is the strongest mob in Minecraft and clearly not the smartest please oh Enderman Ender do it do it do it kill him kill him kill him yeah yeah yeah no [Music] no I I have half a mind to put this as the most Coss Club just because the fact that he I don’t know why I stuff gets me it just does there’s I can’t do the eye stuff man I can’t I like can barely put my contacts in that’s why I’m wearing glasses oh yeah yes yes Revenge baby Revenge please just do it do it Shaggy get them wet don’t let them get away man if you let them get away they’re never going to stop if they never stop we’re going to have to keep watching these please please for the love of everything that is so good and so holy you just end them right here right now they’re they’re not going to win are they Dumb and Dumber are going to Prov Veil like literally Dumb and Dumber are going to win [Music] huh I give up no I actually think I actually think I don’t have any more hope like there’s no hope that they will die there is nothing that can kill them the wardens the Iron Golems I mean the Endermen that they just take their eyes and they have this pet frog that’s basically the strongest thing in the world oh wait it’s turning on them oh please wait I might I might have given hope too soon yes yes please tell me oh oh unless this is like Jonah and the whale it is like Jonah in the whale you you need to kill them like like squish them with your mouth hole squish them with your you had them you had them why didn’t you finish them where is your stomach acid they call his channel he calls his channel not safe because none of his content is safe to watch let’s Go 1 million I’m no I’m happy for you buddy thank you so much for watching please click here to see another video I’m going to go to church or something or maybe just lay down I got d bramage


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