Decorating My Tea House in Stardew Valley

[Music] welcome everyone I’m so happy to have you here I’m Colby and today we’re going to be working on our tea house I was thinking about doing another area of my uh Farm but then once I saw my tea house I was like I think it’s time we dive into this I do have some stuff in there right now that I have been using to just sort of build up money but now I’m not really making money for anything other than decorating and it doesn’t cost that much to decorate so I think I’m just going to get rid of that that stuff inside the barn and then we’ll have time and space to redecorate and make it like a te- room we already have one thing that looks like a cafe down there I’ve like got three buildings so the first one the cafe is done then the next one we’ll have as the tea shop and then the last one I want to do let me get this the last one that I want to do will be um like a bar I’m hoping all right now before I do anything I have all these seeds in my pocket let me close that again sometimes the animals do actually walk out of there oh then they they’re just everywhere okay so let me put these seeds away it was all of my fall seeds I must have been planting seeds recently let me just put all of these away I have some clay as well but I’m going to worry about that later okay let’s go down to that corner of our farm which we have this ois for super handy woo two naked signs I wonder why they’re naked okay so this is like my stores my store area look how cute it is I love it now this is the one that we have finished right here boom finished the other ones that we need are the one in the middle and and the one all the way on the right as you can see the one on the right totally empty look how big it looks it’s crazy cuz the first one we went in was the same size okay and now this one in the Middle look at that I need that brick I need that brick look at this so full of life and energy but we’re going to destroy all of these plants we’re not going to put up any more of the Hops um but I think because we’re going to go into to the Tea Room we are going to plant some Tea Seeds Tea Seeds is that what you call them no uh green tea leaves I think that’s what I plant H maybe I have to put them in a seed maker I don’t actually remember how to get the green tea leaves maybe it’s in my pocket like something I craft should we check really quick let me just check cuz there are some seeds that I can craft here’s some fertilizers there are a few seeds there oh here it is yes a tea sapling wild seeds of any sort fiber and wood H wonder if I just have some already not sure okay now I’m going to go ahead and destroy everything look at that it’s so fast they take so long to grow though so it’s kind of annoying how easy it is to just destroy cuz you could do it on accident but then I suppose you could restart your day if you really wanted to but I do not want to okay this room is about to look humongous already it’s looking big in this corner I think what I’m going to do is put some stuff in the back corner like a few sea areas that just Overlook the entire store should I call this a store I don’t know um but I do have to put some flooring down flooring is always important something that is kind of nice that I haven’t utilized too much is um putting some floor that’s like you know the one like a wallpaper or it does the entire floor and then also overlaying some that I craft cuz then you can have like two floor textures and then if you add carpets it just really adds so much to it I don’t have the 1.6 update yet so if I put some carpets down then I do have a high chance of um picking up the carpet when I’m trying to rearrange other Furniture which will kind of suck but we’re going to have to take some risks here with some carpets okay we’ve done half of this room we still have to do all of these um which are the Hops and I’m not sure what I’m going to do with oh these are not hops what am I thinking these are Coffee Bean Trees coffee bean trees or bushes I don’t know I guess I think of them as trees mini trees okay do I do have some stuff in here oh my gosh too many coffee beans so I definitely have an overflux of garden pots now but I might end up using that for something else later so I don’t know I’m not going to get rid of them probably keep them in my house all right and this is the Clean Slate we’re starting with now what I’m going to do is go back home I’m going to empty out my pockets I’m going to sell a few things also oh wait let me go this way I’m going to sell a few things make some more room in my pockets for other stuff and then when we meet back I’ll be in my barn and I’ll be able to decorate a lot better because um I’m going to have my furniture cataloges and other things with me as well so I’m just going to go ahead and gather all of that stuff and then we’ll meet back in our corner with all of our stores okay I think I have plenty of items to start with this so we’ve got our furniture catalog and our wallpaper and that’s going to get us going with all of this so let me just place them here they go and start with some wallpaper now we should probably have this be like a lighter theme right place it here ooh not like that we want it light and cozy a wood painl might be nice too this is more like a desert not bad that means we might have to have like a pinkish sort of theme though okay wow there’s so many to go through and we have some flooring in here that we could look at too I do like the pink though I do like the pink okay this is kind of nice too these two these three why don’t I just get a few cuz I’m kind of looking through like this oh my gosh these ones might be the vibe these might be the vibe okay I got a nice brick wall oh my gosh there’s too many to go through oh my gosh okay okay the flooring now we’re at the flooring so not bad actually we’re going to have to keep that one in mind cuz once we place it it overlays with the rest no this one might be good for the bar though I like that no not that one okay we have a few more over here now I’m leaning towards no not this but these two one’s a more White theme and one’s a more orangey theme more white more orangey I don’t know I’m kind of feeling that green one towards the beginning okay let me find that green one again cuz I think that is actually going to be the most fitting this one I like it a lot I don’t know why do I no I don’t know anymore okay whatever let’s just play some other things now I know I’m going to need a good flooring too but I think first of all I’m going to worry about a few couches and a few chairs now I want everything to be cushy cozy and something that’s good about this place is la la la la um a good thing about this place is it’s indoors so I can actually place a lot of these couches and things now I’m loving the brown couches I don’t know why I’m always loving the brown [Music] goues maybe I’ll have them lean towards the sides so actually I don’t know what I’m doing o but I could have some nice plants surrounding it and some lamps and I should get some carpets why don’t I get those few things out of here some carpets some lamps what else did I say I don’t know but I always do like a red sort of theme but I do have the green behind me so maybe I’ll get get some green ones I’ll just do a regular size with the blossoms let’s see how big it is oh that’s a large rug now it might look good though I want it all the way in the corner though so let me use my mouse my mouse my controller just in a different way okay and I was thinking like that again that might look good I am thinking about mirroring both sides so why don’t I just do one side and then come back for the other side now I was thinking also a painting might look good above this yeah I do love that I do love that and maybe even two oh not that close maybe even two then I can have the same thing on this side yeah and then even like a light maybe okay I should get some lights oh there’s quite a variety isn’t there I think an ordinate lamp you know I said I was going to do one side and then do the other later but I am starting to do both sides at the same time aren’t I a totem I don’t know do I need a totem okay let me focus on some of the other plants a little bit later just going to place no okay this is why I have to use my mouse isn’t it cuz now I got to pick up this couch you see should have thought things through a little bit more okay pick up the couch come on girl you got it oh don’t sit on it you know what you know what maybe I just need to go to an empty part of my pocket like this fine fine figured it out okay now now I can put the carpet back the rug then the lamp looks like I’m going to have to place everything like this otherwise I’m going to risk picking up that rug again okay and then the couch here oh my gosh it’s coming together beautifully is it is this how I want my t- room looking okay the carpet might be a little bit large but if I put sort of a wall in between these which I could do with this fence post like this I could just do that for now um I don’t know if I’m going to love that why don’t I lock myself in let me pick these up okay so I am mirroring both sides right same thing same thing okay yeah lock myself in and break the middle one here cuz that’s where I walk through okay sure so I’ve got this back like sitting area I don’t know I kind of like that and then I can make something in the middle like I don’t know maybe where I buy food okay so I have a sign I could do something with the sign you know what I should also get a bookshelf how don’t I get that now and I forgot about the floor so I might leave the back flooring like this then because I already placed some stuff okay let me just leave all that for now I’m going to get what was it a bookshelf did I pass it already oh my gosh and I have other paintings I could put that’s where I got this flower one the needle point flower maybe I could do dancing grass instead I like the upright one okay I’m getting sidetracked I don’t want any leaves oh my gosh wait another flower oh my gosh do I like this okay uh there’s too many things what’s that a lock panel I don’t remember for these sorry what’s happening um what am I getting oh a bookshelf oo some plants all right we have approached the bookshelves you know none of them are giving the aesthetic I want let me try the artist and the luxury one see which one’s better I’m nervous so okay maybe there no I don’t like it on the carpet how do I pick up there we go I guess it has to go there h no I hate it no what about the other color [Music] one um I guess it’s too into the wall no I need it over more but then my flower painting is it in the right spot okay here’s what I think I need to do I think I need to pick up the flower painting okay here we go picking up the flower painting and then I could place the bookshelf I’m going to I’m going to put the flower painting over one no that’s so ugly though no I don’t like them side by side but what if I take this one put it all the way over over there no it’s not good either is it no I need a little space okay this is good here nope wrong one you know what’s hard to do grab the right objects and one more over to the side maybe the bookshelves don’t look good I need a thinner bookshelf though oh something happened oh I don’t have any Windows maybe some windows are what I need instead of the bookshelves or maybe both okay why don’t I just place this one here see how it looks [Music] I don’t know I think I’m just am I going to leave it no I’m going to try over one more even though it goes on the rug maybe it’ll look fine when everything is mirrored when I add more plants around okay so maybe the first thing I should do is get more plants do I need any more lamps I don’t think so but I want to overload it with some foliage I think no I don’t want a trash can okay I can’t fit any more objects oh it it it stopped me from getting more that’s nice that’s lovely all right how about this one here yeah a different different texture of a plant now do I want more can I can I place grass inside I would love that yes I can I remember I can oh no but it’s brown no I want to keep everything green and Lush um no that’s the worst you know what I’m going to do this side instead fine you’ve elevated you’ve elevated okay here’s my painting do I have another bookshelf I do have this other side although it’s a totally different color and I could put it there okay you I’m over it I’m over it who cares about who cares about picking up things on accident not me not me all right what else what else can I gather from here ah more lamps should I have everything be exactly the same maybe I should do a white lamp instead why not and even some different plants oh I think I have too much stuff in my pocket though oh no I have a little bit more room okay but I don’t want to pick that up but can so H H oh it’s getting kind of late oh yeah I wanted some some windows maybe I should put big one in the middle in the back where do I get Windows in here oh that’s more paintings I don’t want that I don’t think I want any more paintings I already have four okay so I have these windows a calendar how about should you do small or basic I don’t know why that made me giggle okay how about a normal one in the middle ah it’s kind of scary and I could do some wall sconces on the outside of it right maybe they’re over here some lamps where are my oh here they are my wall sconces which size do I want a little hanging one I’ve never had the hanging ones before I do like the ones that are just on the wall though why don’t I try some hanging ones just for the fun of it is that fun I think that actually might look good on the ends so let’s move it over here great and I didn’t have to fit my whole body over in that corner okay and one more on this side nice all right I do think I could get some small windows do I want them right next to this why can I not oh no no no no no although I do think that looks better than this one in the middle okay we’re out with the basic we’re in with the minis and we only have a couple hours left of today then we have to oh I think I’m actually going this one then we have to fall asleep and continue this journey tomorrow sometimes it’s kind of fun though coming in seeing um what what was done for the day okay so what else did I need oh wait how come it’s not showing me everything where do I go for the I think it’s in this one right the windows yeah um no I wanted more small ones okay I wonder you know I’m starting to wonder if my switch was updated because some things are happening different than I remember um I do I do kind of like how this is turning out I think I want do I want more windows two more or maybe I should do them like this and let’s see can I place that while this is in the way nice one more oh I’m I’m starting to get too sleepy and then did I want some wall sconces still maybe how about two little ones they’re going to be in the country lamps I think so I think they’re going to be in this lamp category how far do I go here they are okay I want two of these I’m going to put one here yep and then one on the left as well and too bad we picked up that rug you know but I think I’m just going to pick up oh I’m going to pick up these plants put them on the other side maybe cuz I have the rug over here oh my gosh I’m so nervous I’m going to pick it up again I got to say 1240 we’re cutting it on time okay I’m going down here why do I have that lamp you know what I think we’re just going to go home because it’s 1:00 a.m. this is what we’ve done so far I kind of like it but it’s you know it’s kind of looking a little chaotic now that I got a second look okay go to sleep for the night yes let’s go to sleep so I think our goal is going to be put some more plants down some flooring down maybe some Pathways I don’t know I need something to divide up the the floor in the room a little bit more I could put some fireplac down too but oh it’s raining I don’t know if a fireplace will be the vibe we’ll see okay let’s zip on over have a lot of stuff in our pockets don’t we do I have a brick floor I really need to replace this one up inside should I just make a little bit here we go brick floor this one here has been driving me crazy yes fixed it all right and in here we could even do some more floors so first things first put the cataloges down it’s another day and we’re going to look at the flooring would happen ah no okay back to the floors back to the floors I chose wrong okay what else could I do though something light nah I think I’m using that in another room though oh wrong catalog okay let’s see if I have that up top kind of like a green wallpaper you know I still don’t know if I’m going to keep that wallpaper wow there’s so much flooring should I do a tile rocks oh you know that might work okay why don’t I leave that for now and then what kind of flooring is this going to look like over top nah but I could put something like wood in the back that might look nice I’m coming up with ideas guys coming up with ideas okay it is looking a little bit chaotic in the back I got to say is it the bookshelves I think it’s the bookshelves I’m just going to get rid of them although the height did look nice okay maybe I just need a fireplace instead so I’m just going to get rid of some stuff in my pockets that I know I’m not using this lamp as well I don’t know why I have another one of that and then this last piece okay H do I like it I don’t know okay let me get some of these out of the way the windows are throwing me off I think I hate them yeah that looks better already all right I’m going to put some more plants out I’m going to get more plants for my pockets and then I’m also going to get a fireplace I think so let’s see some quite some small plants I haven’t gotten any of these Colors oh I’m out of pocket space gosh I think what I need to do is place this down and then put some stuff that I’m not really using right now in here but can use to make other things later like I’m not using much of this the brick okay that’s better now let me go back to the plants and then back to the fireplace as well just basically getting one of each plant as long as they’re not too ugly house plant okay a china cabinet no I don’t want a china cabinet all right here are the fireplaces maybe a stone one because I’m doing a little Stone Vibe now all of a sudden and I could put it right in the middle or not because cuz it’s always going to be crooked but what if I do two fireplaces I’m getting ambitious but I could I could do too and it’s on the carpet do we like that probably not can’t place on wall I knew that I don’t know what do I do what do I do is I put my other plants down now I got to be careful of the rug so annoying isn’t it I think I have to put a bigger plant here yeah like this one cuz it’s hiding behind the couch a bit sure we’ll do another one of these and then you know this area could use a table maybe over here and then another plant there to seal it in maybe this one okay let me go see if there’s a good you know I’m also wondering if I don’t like the brown chairs oh maybe the tables are over here I I need a small one like a little side table not these big ones I do like the grandma end tables let me try a white winter one though let’s just see oh that would be too crisp but what did I pick up oh that plant okay let me get this table I don’t think that’s working out but if I get a good table then I could place another little plant on it right another little tiny plant okay where do I go tables I do think the little ones were looking good this will match the couch pretty thoroughly pretty well why don’t I just try that although remember I am questioning the couch now okay how was that you know what’s funny is I’m doing all this and I am thinking about putting a different flooring down here anyways let me see what what the flooring would look like is that too bright is that too bright because the alternative would be this weathered floor oh I don’t have enough of it okay let me get some wood I got to make some more got to make some more of the withered floor oh wait yeah here it is okay there we go let me just hold and that’s enough for now okay how is this coming together is it good I can’t tell anymore oh no oh no okay um I think I do like the stone though on the ground but I’m also not sure about this wall wallpaper let me focus on this floor right now though see if this is what I want back here it doesn’t look comfy cozy though and that’s kind of the vibe I want to give off is that I’m cozy maybe that’s maybe I don’t do any floor then like at all uh but I wanted something maybe I just need way more carpets I don’t know maybe the Green carpet is what’s throwing me off maybe I need a different color carpet it’s probably the couch though let’s be real too much Brown okay so I think I’m going to try a different couch first cuz I am kind of liking the rest let me sell these windows it’s taking up a lot of real estate in my pocket don’t think I ended up liking the windows this is going to be a windowless room okay no I’ll keep the carpet I’ll change the couch so I have quite oh foret that the catalog kind of ends if you don’t do the main one all right so I do think I like the size of the couch so I won’t deviate too far but I’m going to try the red and maybe even the blue I never picked the blue that’d be crazy no keep the plant pick up the couch wait is the blue the move oh my goodness here’ be the red purple wait I kind of like it no way do I need to change the carpet though I don’t know there’s a nighttime painting okay what do I do now ah o all right I think I just need to make some commitments so the rest of this area I’m thinking down here to be totally different than this part up here and I actually don’t like this fence that’s right here it’s just kind of to divide this top area from the bottom area but I don’t like it I’d rather have like a plant wall I don’t know what I should do instead woo I do think I could put room dividers on the ground though okay so first things first I’m going to get a carpet I’m going to see if I want a different color on the other side this what I did for now I did the blossom no there’s going to be no other carpet I like no I don’t think there’s going to be another one no no no no no okay I think I got to do Blossom again but maybe I should do slightly different colors on the other side I don’t know Blossom large green old wor let me just try the old wor it’s a lot smaller that’s very interesting isn’t it I thought it would be bigger NOP we’re going to just do the same one forget it forget it we’re going with Blossom again okay here we go oh I already had a blossom in my pocket go figure and then I was thinking of doing a different lamp right then we could do a different order of plants as well so how about we have another tall tall plant maybe this one it’s kind of tall is it yeah not bad then how about this plant actually and now this one okay we’re probably going to need a blue couch but what if I do a red couch instead not that one the red although I do like the blue it’s so cute I I thought it would be really ugly and it was beautiful and it might be my favorite part of this now all right even more plants yes load it up load it up okay and we can even do a little table I wonder if I can layer carpet on carpet probably not probably not oh my gosh what if I do a different flooring just in the middle here or another carpet or or new flooring and another carpet although I don’t know if any of this flooring is good I do have some more Crystal floor I don’t think I have stone floor I think I just had the stone walkway yeah this is stone walkway why don’t I make a little bit of the stone floor to see what that looks like wow why don’t I have any does it look bad or something H um I don’t know if I want that there but it’s not bad okay that’s my pickaxe my pickaxe goes so fast so fast all right can’t decide if I want to trade that couch for blue as well over here I do want a little desk though little one for that side where are they oh down farther um I could do a little bit lighter wood just to throw things off a little cuz I like it mirrored but also not at the same time all right what were we thinking about though over here the flooring I could do a light wood color or I could do more medium wood or a darker wood I’m going to try the darker wood I think okay and then see if I could put a carpet over it did I go too far up I mean far down we better like this o maybe maybe all right and then let me get another little carpet something red Maybe This Time Cottage rug I think that one’s going to be too small maybe this large red rug let’s see how large it is not bad but I hate that it’s crooked gosh maybe it’ll look good though when I have the fireplace here and then maybe I should put something else right there too H or maybe I should do two smaller rugs cuz sometimes you can do that I could do like two little red rugs like this one oh it would kind of be crooked too it’ be like something left in the middle let me just try here’s one rug ew I hate it but there is one one other rug I think that could look good um this Red Cottage I think that’d be it okay where is it here and then I could do this one like um this direction is that cool I don’t know maybe I need a different one there like this one okay not that rug but maybe another one like that see the the layering of the rug it is cool but it is a little tricky burlap maybe two of these ah a I am not doing well with this I think I can only do one like that the one’s not going to fit how does that look though not good I think I like that large red one the best all right where is it this one no this one okay I think that’s going to be our rug then we’ll place the fireplace I could get another fireplace all right and maybe I just put two logs right here in such a place that you’re like won’t that catch on fire no that looks really bad oh I picked up the flooring on accident I forgot that would happen let me put that back wow our day is slowly coming to an end isn’t it um now I think I have to put like a little desk there there cuz I was thinking about somebody that’s selling beverages right so is a dresser going to look good dining table coffee table maybe how big is it though I’m standing too close to the catalog maybe that would look good should I get two of them it’s a little small isn’t it it’ll be bigger okay I’ll get two no big deal no big deal okay o I kind of like it although do I need the china cabinet in the back you know this is ending up a lot more crowded than I thought it would be but I am liking it I was thinking I need a chair over here too should I get a red one red dining chair or a Stumpy a stool I don’t know or a bench I was thinking like here no let me pick it up just in case don’t want to do it with my um my body only just in case it flips out on the carpet maybe over here instead that’s where I was thinking the china cabinet could go so I don’t I don’t know if I want a chair there actually maybe I could go here like they’re talking to each other you know that’s not bad and then I think if I get some more like another light it’s getting so crowded over here in this corner maybe a candle lamp candle lamp and put it right there oh yes I love that okay now what we’re going to do is the the left side I did a the lighter wood now I’ll do the darker wood and I think another candle lamp cuz I just kind of like the candle lamp Vibe yeah now my chair is facing the correct way correct direction and a candle lamp what’s cool as my candle lamps are lamping right now you know what I don’t know if I actually want that on the carpet actually you know what you can stay um I should put something in front of it more plants I could do more plants I could do plants and pots and garden pots like this I can even do a fifth one right there why not I kind of want to put some stuff on the counter though right oh goodness wow it is looking lovely though oh my gosh I’m loving it you know I think I might only end up doing this back area and then being like you know that’s good for now because this has taken quite a while for me to get to this point so let’s see I’m just going to put a few more things in here and then we might end pretty soon cuz I don’t know I I do have some more ideas though but it it it’s just taking quite a while so I have all of these wall decorat ideas um I am thinking of the china cabinet but I kind of want to put some more stuff on the table so I do have coffee decorative Bowl right have a table plant a bear decorative Bowl decorative Lantern let me just try these three things first see how that goes okay I can’t put that plant down there put it elsewhere but the table plant I can do there and I have a bear I can put that there I think it’d be better no no ah no but I’m out of time now I got to pick all this stuff up no I’m out of time though my inventory is full oh gosh this is turning turned into quite a chaotic ending hasn’t it oh a sign I’ve not used that sign yet more rugs that’s what’s taking up all the space all the rugs I got that I’m not using wow I really got a lot didn’t I that that one red one I’m using though can’t forget it I love a rug wish we could put more rugs outside okay I’m just taking too long to do all of this forget that get this last piece I think I have to get the fireplace too oh my gosh what if I picked up that other rug on the right side I would have cried putting all these plants back down okay now we have one table two table and then I have all my plants to plant which I have not done yet ah you’ve got to be kidding me okay no way I have the update if it if it keeps doing that cuz I believe it should stop me from picking all that freaking stuff up right if I have a carpet down I’m so sad why did it do it twice okay where’s my other table not even excited anymore and I’m falling asleep I didn’t finish guys although it’s looking Lovely isn’t it all right I’m just going to touch up a few more things today inside of there and then we might end and finalize a bit more of it in another video cuz there’s a lot going on look at all that stuff over there that one wine bottle means the stuff at my quy is ready oh my gosh look I could get my first harvest you know I haven’t I haven’t gone and said hi to everybody in a while hey everybody oh I should have got some seeds oh well okay let’s go back into our barn of Wonders yes um all right let’s see if we can play a couple of these things now I was thinking this plant this table plant and this coffee mug there we go now I also have this fireplace which I love and get my hand out of there I’m so nervous what else did I want to do in here um I need to pick up all this nonsense on the bottom okay so I need to plant a few plants and then I’m might do like another I don’t know I was thinking like a big plant wall over here to kind of divide the room but I think it’s pretty divided already with the carpet so I think I’m fine with that all right just going to pick up this stuff I have enough room okay all right I’m going to go gather a few seeds put some stuff that’s in my pockets away that I know I’m not going to be using and then I’ll meet us back over here at our tea house in order to finish this all right then we have this totem we can use and I don’t have too much Deluxe retaining soil left so I can only use the little bit that I have oh I need my watering can I don’t have that so we’re going to put some fertilizer in all of these and then the fairy seeds then all of these plants will grow as just regular flowers and then I think what I’m going to do is put some of these other Garden pots around like the border of this so that I get tea leaves something like that and then maybe I need to put a few kegs in here too so we’re going to save that for another time I’m going to water these I’m going to do um maybe a little bit more planning but I don’t think I’m going to do any more decorating today um but I am going to go around and say hi to all of my animals finally because it’s been a while and I need to start getting some of that stuff so thank you so much for visiting my channel and staying until the end of the video I hope that you enjoyed watching as much as I enjoyed playing and I’ll see you on Tuesday or Friday for my next video [Music]

Welcome everyone!

My teahouse has been sitting there.
But with the cafe done,
I don’t think that’s fair.

It’s time for us to renovate,
By destroying what’s inside ,
then to decorate.

Let’s make a teahouse super cute,
By giving our shed,
a major reboot.


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Stardew Valley for Nintendo Switch
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Starting Fall Year 7 in Stardew Valley:
Truffles Gone Wild in Stardew Valley:

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