we grinned for this 100% view // stardew valley pt. 18

Gus Gus Gus come on Gus come on Gus what are you doing here no Gus why are you talking to me I’m trying to bomb the dock you Louis make sure if you see if Gus is on the island before 6 have we not checked today oh [Music] my we almost missed him we almost we almost didn’t show up I’m going to have a p colada relax a bit anyway I feel like aing so let’s launch and do this thing pogers 175 hours is that real yeah yeah ain’t no shot ain’t no shot I got I got [ __ ] to do Mr key I’m not doing 50k and judal cart cannot be bothered just can’t maybe later maybe later so this this this makes me sad we have level two trinket chat thoughts on displeased okay thoughts on rolling till we get a five and then restarting the day and doing it again and again again I’m like sad that we have a two now we hadit a four and we went down to a two he uses three bars every time cover thank you for the uh two welcome back so we started with 436 aridium let’s see let’s see what this will do [Music] [Music] three what eating something to increase your luck help it I couldn’t find any definitive answer if luck applies to [Music] this did you say fastest draw nope nope day hamster bring it in day hamster you’re so fast thank you sorry I’m [ __ ] at reading that is it sunny on Ginger Island today I don’t know I’ve not been yet [Music] that’s a crazy new [Music] sub uh hamam El burito House of demons welcome back banan flakes thank you for the I love a sunny evening at Star Beach maybe after 8:00 p.m. H 4 Sunny evening at Star beach after 800 PM might got to check that out onise is that how I say it again thank you for the uh gift sub thank you for the tier 2 gift dude list the rat dropping five subs for chat Liss you’re the goat thank you for that thank you for five giftos for chat list good reminder free Palestine feel free to spam watermelon in chat also exclamation daily will get you your daily click link to help out for no cost thanks for always having the best Vibes now back to lurking dink pece watermelon watermelon watermelon watermelon watermelon watermelon watermelon watermelon watermelon watermelon I already want to restart the day it’s so sad watching our idium supply go down if we get to noon we don’t get it we’re restarting what’s up Nate just like the uh Prismatic we left behind those two times that I hit the Anvil yesterday and didn’t check the level before hitting it again I definitely hit level five definitely we’re trying to get this trinket to level five and we’re rrolling basically over and over at the at the Anvil it’s a super low uh percentage that it’ll give us a five see it say level two we’re trying to get five because it heals you better and way more effectively at level five also it’s just like the best one so we would naturally would want it we started with level four and we’ve lost uh 300 aridium Bars trying to gamble so it’s been sad level one someone said prepare this is going to take a while and they were not lying they were not lying I didn’t check that one either damn it [ __ ] it back to one samiria that was you yeah I am all right jeez man back to one we have 10% critical whatever this is cool that it gives you new RNG every single every single day so you can do this restarting Strat had Perfection yesterday on the save I started around the same time as you so so excited to watch you get there let’s go Christa congrats on Perfection starter really said you’re perfect or the music oh wait we didn’t turn it back on is that yeah no the higher level trinkets definitely definitely definitely make a difference yeah yeah like for dogs welcome back dude how are we going to find hazelnuts hold on hazelnuts Forge in the fall all right we have four days till fall that’s fine we can sleep four days I was in a meeting you got the clock we got the clock might might have a little early phone call to Mr Eduardo I’m feeling a little little in need a little anxious today it’s been helping my anxiety a lot actually [Music] [Music] Fox gloves thank you for the TW month resub scrubs B man welcome back Ed’s a good man he’s a good man I’m sucking a strawberry lemonade from Taco Bell could have said that like five different ways interesting choice [Music] though getting the next Edition to my sleeve tomorrow Alysa that is hype that is hype love looking forward to a big tattoo day depending on how quick we get 100 and what we’re feeling like in starter we might also do a v cap so I don’t know we we’ll we’ll play that by year I also have to pack I have not packed yet so I won’t be on super late but I do want to stream for a bit me mentioning Taco Bell has convinced you to get it well I didn’t mention it chat mentioned it I just read it so it’s a trip yeah I go to San Francisco tomorrow yeah it’s um it’s twitch related um twitch is in San Francisco so that makes sense but I don’t think it’s I actually don’t know I have I still haven’t got my itinerary so we’ll see but um I don’t think I’ll be like going there to create content it’s more so like meetings and stuff but um I am excited because um I like San Francisco and it’ be cool to be involved in person in an ambassador capacity so that’s cool I don’t know if chat I approved your time off well that’s why I’m here working overtime on a Wednesday you’re going to be near me I don’t know are you near San Francisco I’m definitely going to hit up the hate hate Ashbury do some thrifting get my steps in I’m coming for that 29k step goal from Tay dude there’s no way I’m going to get it though I love walking in San Francisco it’s really fun what does the golden clock do nothing nothing [ __ ] prevents fence decays that’s it uh Critter girl thank you welcome back for eight months in there once you walked 35k steps in Vegas that has so many steps Shannon lots of love thank you I appreciate that thanks Lind that’s nice of you all right it’s noon T time to reset back to one how do you keep unplanted po oh plots from going away oh they they just go away they just go [Music] [Music] away level three three off rip that’s not bad I would not settle for a four I started with a four I had a level four trinket with 6 like 60 gold or aridian bars and I wasted all of them to try to get a five and now I’m down to like a one so settling for a five nothing less I don’t have an extra fairy now I got rid of all the extra trinkets yes oh my god wow restarting was the move back away from the Anvil we have a level five fairy that is massive lady look whole day ahead of us be home for dinner thanks for the battery [Music] Pam sorry for saying sucking Ulen I can’t control when the Taco Bell hits all right so we got to cook uh Pizza we can cook that today we need eel so let’s figure out where to get eel rainy weather Ocean during spring or fall so if we use magic bait and just go to the ocean we have a chance to catch an eel [Music] [Music] yeah so we can make uh hail broth algae soup we still don’t have this recipe whatever that is dish of the sea wait bro we don’t have hash oh okay we made dish of the sea it’s easy stuffing okay we need hazelnuts for stuffing need a pumpkin oh we’ve cooked that never mind Autumn’s Bounty done fruit salad need our melon that’s growing maple syrup for the maple bar oh we got maple syrup oh we got it you ever put pinear in your in your breakfast maple syrup or pinear that’s disgusting pintar wait what was that again Maple bar does anyone here know what pintar is that didn’t play baseball I’m curious it smells bad and is sticky well it it smelling bad is I think maybe subjective it is sticky though it is very sticky it is the stickiest thing ever it’s um in baseball you would use pinear to rub on the like middle of the bat not the the part where your hands go and not the barrel like in between the two you would rub pinear if it was legal where you were playing you would rub pinear so that’s why sometimes you’ll see someone’s bat their wooden bat is like brown in the middle it’s because they’ve rubbed pinear and so they’ll like in between pitches they’ll just like grip the middle of the bat to get some sticky on their gloves and then it makes the grip easier and uh sometimes people would put it on their helmet and their helmet would go like I don’t know if you remember like back in like 2004 or 2007 when the Red Sox won the world series Manny Ramirez had like the pinear helmet that’s what that was that his helmet was like disgusting looking it was like just like dirty looking but it’s it’s pinard that’s what that is I I I don’t know why it’s in this game though like okay are we balling first time joining live Chloe welcome welcome what up Brian for breakfast all right okay rainbow trout and green algae wait we can make that trout soup it’s in a green Bowl here we go okay that’s done oh we only have a few left Pizza spicy eel fried eel stuffing fruit salad and what is that we’ll find it we’ll figure it out here you go wife don’t spend it all in one [Music] place all right so it’s 8:30 we have time to make some magic bait hi I have to been to stream in a long time but I’m popping by to say I love you you Le and Miss love be back D Breezy thank you for popping in I appreciate you we could Rock a sonar Bob some more magic baits uh where’s the rare one this one curiosity lure wait no no no we can’t use that in magic bait all right let’s go to the ocean an eel can be caught regardless of weather time or season using magic bait so we just got to go to the beach and hope for the best yeah hi friends just spent the few days in the hospital and not feeling very fly Like a G6 right now please send Good Vibes love yall dink love hope everyone is doing good uh travisa dude internet hugs for you I hope you feel better I’m so sorry you had to go through that uh Brian a lot of a lot of this not a lot of this sorry all of this is stuff you can do none of this is mods okay so it consumes the bait even if you don’t pull the fish [Applause] all right let’s cook got our fish buff I mean if it already consumes the bait like who cares you know Tunas are good to have for cooking what up Alexis ready for 100 let’s do it everybody lock in it’s time for 100% e e [Music] got a eel so now do we use the eel to make eel bait no cuz we only need two eel we just need one more ah chill chill chill chill chill yo chill chill chill chill oh my God he’s making me look silly he just ran circles around me mean I’m streaming does he know I’m streaming made me look silly [Music] happy 39 months mate all the way from Iceland less than three Iceland Amman X thank you for the uh big resub shouts out Iceland dude the squad going to the beach 13 bait left we just need one I think we just need one more y [Applause] I’ve never been to Iceland I would love to go to Iceland that would be so cool I’m using a drill today are you proud of me I’m so proud of you okay that’s awesome where the hell are the eel where the [ __ ] are the eel at [Music] ain’t no way Danielle what up welcome what’s that flying above you that’s dinker Bell that’s our level five fairy trinket that heals us in combat [Applause] [Music] what up T try the other side of the dog [Music] two more [Music] like right there we got to go make more magic bait Hannah we’re using magic [Applause] [Music] bait all right okay so we need to make two dishes that require eel and we only have one eel I was thinking we go make oh wait eel bait wouldn’t work because it’s out of season oh okay so we have to we simply just have to make more magic bait okay 15 let’s try 15 just graduated athetics school working on getting license and establishing a business crying face ul and I’m just in SD you should come get a facial we need another fish fridge congrats on graduating aesthetic school that’s awesome holy crap repti that is dope dude good for you popping off let’s rock the sonar Bob and the lead Bob what it’s got to be a it’s got to be a summer a sunny day Ginger Island because everyone’s going to to vacation there we just saw the group so it’s definitely a [Music] [Applause] nice for you can make an eel pond on your farm then they multiply ah so much work there we go all we needed was one and we got it beautiful new record wwww okay so now we can make spicy eel and Fred e okay perfect that in there keep this spicy oel for our uh for our mine Adventures okay put the magic bait away okay those in there I don’t get it are we out of tomato already we have wheat flour what’s the deal here oh we can make pizza okay so now we need a hazelnut and a melon we’re done and then that mystery recipe that we don’t know what it is okay so let’s go to Ginger Island and check on our melons shall [Music] we not ready yet not ready yet for [Music] Skippy Speedo [Music] so we haven’t done that much fishing here on Ginger Island I feel like we can get a few from fishing what should I be doing what should I do during my workout my routine wait hold on during my workout give me a routine give me a routine go go go move around or something I don’t know oh [ __ ] this good deal Bluebird mask that’s cute special trade on last day of the Season just for you bring glowing green bar bars ooh okay on the 28th we’ll come back with our with our bars you would make a great trainer well I’m not a trainer give me a routine what do I look like is this where I got to be at 8:00 P.M you look like a [Music] trainer I don’t actually remember if we fished up five golden walnuts I don’t think we have here [Music] [Music] o for [Music] [Music] is this what you wanted me to do the five blankies the five blankies the five blank is kind of crazy it’s been this long thanks for being you [Music] [Music] we already did this no [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] what we’re going to talk to the [Music] [Music] parrot there it is [Music] okay [Music] need to return sepor IRL it would hurt I feel like let’s go to sleep [Music] think we have more tomatoes to harvest now and we got this so let’s do this really quick and we’ll do tomatoes we’ll go [Music] GI for which mine is your favorite probably the dangerous mines [Music] will the melons be ready yet yes they’re ready fruit salad so we have stuffing and the Mystery one tropical Curry it looks like Ginger Island Resort is where I buy this thing for Raven Queen thank you for the prime sub spooky cat thank you for the three oh God damn kylin B Dusty nugs Camila loot than give for the four it’s been a while hope all is well Ivy welcome back check our work we’re looking good okay um back to the island is Gus going to be there today [Music] nope for [Music] [Music] so we need to cook we need to get the recipe for coconut something we need one Hazelnut and we need to get the recipe for this coconut curry or whatever it is which I think you get on Ginger Island here with from Gus so we got to do that and then we have to find remaining golden walnuts and then we have Perfection then it’s ours so we’re done 230k to find all of them [ __ ] that’s a good deal fall wild seeds can be planted on Ginger Island fall wild seeds h this freak for [Music] we just made some fall wild seeds because we had to make them for we need a we need a hazelnut to make the seeds rip rip it’s actually pretty funny sleep till fall I’m going to sleep till tomorrow in check Jinger Island what and he missed h m mytic syrup uh you can make certain things with it you can also trade it for stuff I believe what were we doing with Mystic STP yesterday we were making something or trading something but it’s super helpful so I’m trying to farm as much as I can nice treasure totems that’s right that’s right oh damn it’s rainy today it’s a bad day on Ginger Island but we can Harvest this I want to get the pressure nozzles and make this Farm a little bit bigger so we need 15 so we would need to buy four 12 four sets of them Mr key cuz they come in packs of four I think I don’t think we have enough gems for that I tell me why I’ve been picking all my crops individually 800 hours in uh because the the Scythe that I’m using is the only Scythe that you can do that with the other scythes you can’t Harvest crops like that I’m pretty sure but that makes grinding for the idium Scythe even better because it’s such a quality of life thing to be able to I normally don’t enjoy making people laugh I will have to make an exception this month though because happy fourth b day to me sh my have nothing funny to say books happy happy fourth dude my goodness happy fourth bday all right real quick let’s check Mr Keys cuz I think the nozzles we need four sets of them I think they’re 20 each or maybe they’re 40 no they got to be 40 real quick though 98 holy so we have 158 pressure nozzle oh we can do it okay wait wait wait wait this is hype this is hype this is hype so we’re going to put pressure nozzles on our aridium sprinklers here and we’re going to increase the size of the farm real quick what up tabot oh this is not o might need to move everything over and down so we can go let me let me just look Al three in each Direction insane yeah we’re going to have to redo this Farm a bit so let’s see one two three okay so if we put one two three if we put one right here we go one two three one two three and then the next one goes here you go one two three one two three next one goes here one two three so okay actually so good thing we checked that so we have to go two down to min max to fully min max what up Bobby chat you look great today no you no you no you all all right so now we got now we can math now we can math so let’s see one two two three so the first sprinkler goes right here first sprinkler goes right here we got one two three one two three so it’s two three second sprinkler CU right here wait wait sorry we got to I lost count I lost count so we’re here one one two three and one two three second sprinkler goes right here one two three four five six second sprinkle goes right here one two three okay I think we’re cooking six between sprinkle yeah yeah so I think I did that right right for my brain is hurting from this I could just pull out valow plant and map it out maybe that’s what I’ll do let’s do that all right uh okay Ginger Island here we go aridium sprinkler with the pressure nozzle okay e okay so all of these look like tillable spots you can toggle tillable spots on the website o oh interesting this is called stardo planner V3 here we go show tillable area why isn’t it working ads go crazy though huh that’s weird I think I can pretty much ID the table spots though the far right is questionable this one right here questionable but I’m okay like if I’m okay if we miss like one row so this looks like mmax to me that looks like mmax to me I think that’s about as good as it gets one more bottom left there we go that’s mid nextx you’re right okay good thing we have 16 CU 3 * 4 is 12 wait 13 or 16 I don’t know we have enough we have enough we bought enough okay so let’s ID these these plot locations so let’s see let’s see put this on my other monitor you know I think I actually should maybe sleep I don’t know this is going to take a while but now we got this let’s see we’re going to need a lot more seeds though that’s for sure for it’s going to look a little less sexy cuz there’s not going to be like past like I had it but I think it’ll be worth I think it’ll be worth cuz we’re going to have so much money that it doesn’t matter and we can do what whatever we want money is sexy plus we’re Min maxing like it’s not it’s a way of life dude what we’re doing here it’s we’re Min maxing all right let’s find these spots now three four five six one two three four five six I think that’s our first sprinkle location so we have one two three yeah that’s our first sprinkler location and so then we’re going to go six to the right for we’re locked in we’re M maxing and we are locked in oh my God the book seller’s in town today nobody cares oh nice rain actually that’s good for us less watering for all right I think we did it sprinkler wise we need one more actually over here we don’t need scarecrows on Ginger Island I can’t be bothered with um speed fertilizer oh full screen sorry chat jeez I’m already like super locked in jeez my bad and that planner website is awesome whoever made that GG’s [Music] [Music] for for oh um okay I think we’re done I’m curious to know how many more ancient seeds we’ll be able to plant here all right so we we have 78 ancient seeds let’s see oh my God we need so much oh my God we need so much let’s go check if we have seeds at home real quick because I think we do have some what am I trying to accomplish with this just Min maxing oh two was that worth coming home for potentially 47 months has flown by I’m so happy to be part of the dink fam okay Global super happy to have you here thank you for the big resub for dude this is we’re we’re literally almost doubling so there’s just going to be so many hent seeds it’s wild almost all my follow channels on Twitch are playing stardo I think I like this little life I I found a stardo Tik Tok on my for you page that made me laugh let me find it I think I legit liked it like never like Tik toks [Music] hold [Music] on I want to show you something come inside wild bait I love this meme format it’s so stupid Hey Demitri I wouldn’t want anything getting in the way for bright future [Music] this is crazy a [Music] wizard yeah the men in this game are really something huh [Music] hello Louis no one ever runs against me when it’s time for an election I like to think that means I’m doing my job well the bus is broken down the mines are broken down the community center is defun oh man no this like actually so funny actually so funny yeah the the Demetrius dialogue is is is awful it’s and not it’s not not awful like it’s B poorly written it’s just he sucks man he really sucks he really sucks for do you still have your septum piercing in yes closeup jump scare just wanted to say thank you to everyone chat mods and Ulan for always providing good and the wonderful Community dink Snoop dink gritty love nose tour okay I think we I think we’ve planted all the new spots I think we’re done so now we just need nozzles oh nope we missed that one okay oh nope that one oh that one oh that okay we missed all those where them nozzles at here we go boom superp power sprinklers they’re beefy nice this is not needed for Perfection by the way we are just wasting our time in maxing because that’s what we like to do and that’s what it’s all about got a in Max all right let’s put the rest of these seeds in here 270 more plots did we really just that’s so insane and you show the stats on your sword yeah right there sorry I have to respond to this message one sec chat for all right yeah uh this this sword is uh it was made by Galaxy Souls what are you drinking a liquid death sparkling water H stard expanded is on my radar absolutely yeah I just um I want to finish this playthrough first I think we can get our crystarium yep yep yep or stair day tomorrow so we’ll check the traveling cart and we’ll get our stairs tomorrow’s also the last day of the season so we got to bring our radioactive bars to the island for deals no we so we removed the Meir we deconstructed the Meir so that the Galaxy Souls wouldn’t delete the Meir so we still have the mamir and we can combine it with this sword if we want for Aesthetics I just haven’t done that yet I think that’s all the batteries I’ll definitely play the game differently now that I’ve played the game because I have so much more knowledge than I did before but um yeah I don’t know I don’t know what uh what my modded playthrough will be like I don’t know what I want it to be like I have to decide like what mods I want are we doing expanded are we not doing expanded what’s the vibe what’s the goal I also don’t necessarily know for sure that I’m going to jump right into expand it after this I know one of the mistakes I made recently with Minecraft was I was so into my hardcore world and then I jumped onto a modded server and I lost interest really fast so I don’t want to push that we’ll see how I’m how I’m feeling like what the vibe is all right let’s go get our stairs [Music] I would recommend the mod that lets you put casks anywhere very handy less grind since you’re super [Music] grinding yeah nuro I think like the the the cycle for me is like I’ll be super into version of the game and then I need to take a break before I decide I want to try another version of the game I.E like Minecraft hardcore or Minecraft modded like I didn’t wait enough time and so we lost I lost interest in modded pretty fast because I was just like Minecrafted out of my mind plus there so many games that I’ve been neglecting for stard which is fine and I’m happy to to do that but um three whole years I want to get other games too thankful for this community [Music] [Music] actually don’t even know if I’m going to buy that because we don’t need Galaxy Souls wait can [Music] you you can only upgrade weapons right not tools with Galaxy Souls [Music] yeah probably not going to buy that then is for holy crap for that’s a terrible spot we’re growing money we are yeah we’re literally growing money money grows on trees and stard do [Music] let’s figure out where to put the preserve jars keg [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for the layout inspo hell yeah dude you doing this [Music] one for [Music] [Music] [Music] mango tree doesn’t make sense anymore here I keep doing that I think we actually have a few more kegs here so that’s we have preserved jars we also don’t need to use them for this project the last 2% that’s missing is uh golden walnuts and tomorrow we can start finding hazelnuts and cook with them [Music] this is in this is insane so real quick we could do like one two one two two three we could do a bunch more actually yeah we’re going to put torches on the sprinklers yep good call on that free Palestine ding CL free Palestine all right tomorrow is hazelnut season [Music] [Music] [Music] this is insane I’m going to wait till these kegs pop to to put all these in at the same time this is I’m excited to wait for like a full Harvest day when everything’s on the same schedule and count how many ancient fruits we’re going to get one yield this is a this is a bank we just made we just made a bank we made a mint let’s put some excess garbage in here I wish there were other options for torches like um items that you can place on items or walk over on the ground when plac on the ground that weren’t torches like nicer that would be cool yo Reed doing dirty thank you for the reubs Scout beans thank you for the 40 C Burgess thank you for the 11 Billy link Katie Lucy welcome back Perfection tracker 98 still so Perfection tracker 98 um we still need to get our recipe from Gus for the curry or whatever and then hazelnuts tomorrow so maybe maybe we’ll go look at the Moonlight jellies you know it’s the last night it’s going to kick me back uh it’s the last night before Perfection let’s go look at the Moonlight jellies um it’s going to be Moonlight Jelly’s time in one sec I’m GNA be right back give me a sec chat all right are we ready see like these guys little candles like that you could place on the floor like like torches that would be so [Applause] sick there we go chat [Applause] [Music] [Music] so pretty this is everyone watching the Northern Lights this week except for me specifically cute the glow of Summer has faded now and the Moonlight jellies carry on towards the great unknown okay Eep time wait hold on we got to harvest these puppies hella hella Tomatoes hella poppies damn we’re rich with poppies nice we are stocked up with ingredients what a great day all right onto the fall we go let’s go find a hazelnut and then we’ll go see Gus hopefully [Music] so left for Perfection are two recipes and some [Music] walnuts my cat started taking anxiety medication and going up to the pharmacist and saying hi I’m here for ghoul birthday 911 is a really interesting experience stop dude stop ELO think of the 51 that was such a silly message dude that’s good I needed that laugh all [Music] right uh Gus your ass better be at Ginger Island I swear to God [Music] I’m here for goal birthday 911 [Music] all right golden Walnut time [Music] [Music] God damn this is a crazy uh look at this dude spoilers you ready chat spoilers [Music] God damn okay I’m just going to slowly work my way through this island and find them oh my God I’m overwhelmed I’m overwhelmed all right I’m good though have you heard of stardude Checker website it’ll tell you exactly what your save files missing well that would have been helpful and thank you for the suggestion uh it would have been helpful a little while ago now we literally can count on one hand what we need how do we get this [ __ ] one right here I’m just going to try wandering somewhere sometimes in this you just got to try going like why did I not have [ __ ] try that you know we’ve gotten that one bro bro wandered wait so how uh um why is this guy so happy we haven’t hit 100 yet between those grasses right here oh baby Gus Gus what time does he get here at like 11: God damn [Music] um we can break a rock there’s a rock we could break me during the summer when I was nine [Music] [Music] thanks Lizzy oh we’ve already got it this rock right here we broke we’ve done this this [ __ ] one right here yep okay what else there we go I’m just getting really lucky today [Music] I’m feeling lucky chat ain’t ain’t no way ain’t no way there’s one up here ain’t no way dude what the hell is that what the hell is that all right real quick since we’re here let’s see how many we have left oh it’s Monday we can get a quest okay this one we haven’t done yet we are 98% done oh we still need to craft something what wait wait what do we need to craft oh it’s something from we need a hazelnut for no warp totem mountains what we haven’t made a mountain warp yet okay Mountain warp is there any anything else so just hardwood oh cuz we were we were completely out of hardwood yesterday I remember that okay we can do that we don’t we can do that that’s fine that’s easy [Music] I think this guy’s dropped one already yeah speaking of hardw let’s play a long time nice nice lock [Music] in oh I didn’t check the Coconuts or the Walnut I didn’t check while I was up there [Music] did we already get that one we must have we must have got that one already what’s this don’t don’t know what that is I just feel like hitting this tree this one specifically oh that’s crazy bana stand there’s always walnuts in the banana stand look at that stand closely oh okay oh it’s a banana stand oh that’s why you said banana stand chat sorry all five of my brain cells I think took the day off I think we’ve done this one but I’m just going to check yeah we’ve done this one okay this one was cool I like I like that little I like that laugh have we dug up between the rocks by the cave entrance maybe I don’t think I would have dug here this is going to be here probably w [Music] [Music] whoa our wine is [ __ ] I’m not the only one who saw that it made a smiley wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what wait where’s Gus this guy man why am I going to the volcano [Music] did you set the resort to open oh you have to do that oh my God the gorilla gave us [Music] walnuts yeah who is that [Music] man no it’s open it’s it’s set to open yeah Gus just ain’t here today he’s just not here today think we’re missing [Music] [Music] one no Gus does have two jobs bro works hard bro works hard I think we’ve gotten this one yeah okay we’ve gotten this one let’s check Mr key grass Square we are 99% done chat wow we still need 13 golden walnuts though 13 golden walnuts and we need to craft one thing and cook one thing okay all right okay yeah we’ve done the bird gem puzzle the lady who wait grass Square what are yall on about with the grass Square mermaid oh we didn’t do the mermaid have to do it in the Rain the mermaid one okay look at this Empire Gras Square where the slimes are you have to do it when it’s raining okay oh I see what you’re saying kill the slimes now and then do the mermaid thing when it’s raining but I think I’ve killed the slimes did I not feel like I got oh right here good shout shat good shout 12 left 12 left a bunch in the volcano usually yeah I wonder how many will be in the volcano I think I did the secret note once then those that one that one pretty sure I did all the secret note at once oh yeah we can ask the bird good call let’s do that Buri near bones dig site okay I think we did uh all of the darts that give you walnuts cuz we played darts we won enough times to where they were like you want to play for Old Time sake so what we we ho the hole the whole thing for nice okay that was cool you kind of had to look at that one in low light to to make out what it was is it one hint per day for did you make the radioactive bait you mean the magic bait we made magic bait is that what you’re talking about yeah we just used it to uh I thought a person was on my couch it’s the dog uh we used it to catch eels cuz we need eels just now chest grow those crops we’re trying we’re trying no we don’t need any more eels we didn’t make an eel pit we just literally went fishing three stuck in Shelly Stones by the shore three stuck in [Music] let’s just randomly try this spot [Music] whoa I’ve gotten that one I get married in three days what’s your best marriage advice PS I’ve been subbed longer than I’ve been in a relationship with my almost husband love you yulen and chat dink love dink love oh my God Jenny congrats and uh enjoy the day just be as present as you can it’s a great day thank you for the 70 all right let’s see how many let’s make sure we’re done crafting and let’s see how many more wall nuts we need no we we we’re not done crafting somehow we need nine walnuts so she gives us five that means we have to find four more we need to find four walnuts and we need to craft [Music] [Music] something okay page one nothing page two mini Forge done sign pot sign text sign cheese press um log okay page two is done page three [Music] ancient [Music] seed oh boy don’t I have one of these hold on and oh and the fall seeds that’s right the fall seeds I think I have one how’d you get all this ancient fruit without making that I think I bought it G if you don’t show your ass up to the beach today I’m going to lose it you’re fired [ __ ] we’ll go back and check if we have an agency before we come back too easy all right let’s find a hazelnut craft some fall seeds once we craft those we need to find four walnuts and do the mermaid thing got to check the weather too maybe we use a rain totem [Music] tomorrow come on hazelnut 99 Julia we’re 9 having an awesome day dink fam dink Pride dink love we’re so close I can taste it we’re so close four walnuts but three are in the muscle rocks Ain’t No Way muscle rocks damn The Rock’s been working out all right let’s check down C snap there’s got to be a hazelnut down here there’s got to be a hazelnut one hazelnut dude one shake maple trees for come on hazelnut just like one just one why is there not one we check the Backwoods sup kobby dink what up check by the community center we haven’t checked there no like actually wild where’s the haze on that for no hazelnuts train we could try train we could try train let’s go look let’s go look for H secret Forest we haven’t tried wait we actually haven’t looked all over our farm yet let’s do that or will there not be any on our farm since we have the golden clock we’re going to go left near the wizard and the secret woods and we’ll find one here we’ll find one for sure there’s a hazel nut waiting for us it’s got her name on it we about to make some Nutella why are there only mushrooms dude Julia I love your uh your e emote I just saw that for the first time that is a great emote oh my God it’s taunting us uh Batcave there wouldn’t be nuts in the Batcave it’s only fruit I thought one thing I have not been doing though is like looting the forge that I am finding which is not smart like I need to be looting them so that new stuff can spawn so let’s do that we checked backwards ain’t nothing there forge resets on Sunday no Sunday is no I know thank you for telling me I can clear debris I know I know Jesse thank you so much I appreciate that and thank you for the big resub 18 months let’s go they wouldn’t spawn on the beach I fall seed from raccoon honestly I might I might just [ __ ] do that it’s just not guaranteed to produce hazel nuts but whatever I doesn’t have one yeah we checked the other side of the bus stop hazelnut you know like that’s the last thing I need for real common Mushroom in the seed maker use speed grow sorry for yelling so you can put a mushroom in the seed maker and it’ll give you fall seeds yeah that’s what we’re learning [Music] the well played well played are we going to get one from eight super helpful to know that putting the mushroom in gives you fall seeds Gamba oh I like gamb Amba all right we planted eight fall seeds will one of them be a hazelnut yes or no I like that I like that should we time to eat I did I put hypers speed grow down do you have any fairy dust to instagra oh I do wait no that doesn’t work on uh crops it only works on equipment like Kegs and stuff it won’t be it won’t be ready today right it be like two days you’re crunchy oh that made that made me remember that I I need to eat [Music] dinner I don’t have dinner today I got to order [Music] it or microwave some frozen [Music] something don’t look [Music] chat I don’t know if you could tell by the the leaves that come out early on but might be spoiler order something yum [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lady look our bets in our bets in all right [Music] [Music] I love gambling me too it’s fun yeah we yeah we have a few Crystal ARS we we just like got carried away once you build a big shed you can’t like not fill it you know it’s got to be full you like Jade yeah I like stairs we need more stairs need more stairs all right [Music] um Gus you get your ass to work oh wait it’s raining that means we could do the the do we need note blocks for this what do we need for this [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are about to serenade this mermaid right now [Music] hey yo all was [Music] cute she likes our song Oh I like the sound it plays when you do it right how was someone supposed to figure that out uh let’s try to figure out the clues okay so the the amount of clicks per block is 21957 so this is two that’s easy how does this mean 11 the big ones are five okay the big ones are worth five 10 11 and then big one plus four is nine and then five and then seven so you just got to the small ones are one and the big ones are five but yeah no that’s insane to just expect someone to figure that out it’s cool that they left you a code at least oh it’s from a secret note well there you go well don’t ignore your secret notes like I did for you tried to fish the mermaid well let her live God forbid a woman lounges on the beach hi dinks you’re looking good today dink T no bait just dink go huh oh we know that we know we have to craft some I had no to no clue what to do with her with do with her is crazy the hell man so wait fall seeds okay okay just fall seeds jeez I did it I got to Perfection you next you next let’s go oh my God everyone’s getting Perfection it’s Perfection day everyone’s perfect today are there any key quests uh I have one active I should be doing this but I don’t care actually cooked the items rather what do you have Jackal Lantern no shot dude no bro no [Music] we might have to sleep through this whole season is he trying to poison himself no that’s for the key Quest we got to ship 100,000 I guess that’s the quickest way to 100,000 food make sure you get your hazelnut first oh we haven’t checked Ginger wait it’s raining on Ginger Island today yeah yeah it is okay EP time okay we did the key Quest nice good call on the bread thank you 100,0 and20 it was good math [Music] [Applause] [Music] you thought I was making a number joke okay gamber we got four hazelnuts clean it up the checks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we made the ancient seed we’re literally missing oh man chat we’re missing like three Co or walnuts and we we don’t have the recipe for Jacko Lantern I never bought that tub of flowers recipe bro I don’t see it I don’t see it we simply don’t have it it’s the flower dance and spring I got to sleep through the whole [Music] winter Gus I’m going to I’m going to lose my mind I have the tub of [Music] flowers uh no oh not the recipe I have the item but I don’t have the recipe God could they have made a less appealing sounding item to buy a recipe for tub of flowers no one’s going to buy that where where wait I have it where is it where Barrel [Music] chat chat stop making fun of me it’s not [Music] here mean middle o middle of P middle of page mean mean chat is the page of the room with us tub tub of flowers second to last page all right the hell are you looking at you crafted the horse brittle isn’t brittle a dessert or Bridal what Bri isn’t that for brides I’m being gasl by everyone oh it’s it’s okay at least we don’t have to sleep for a whole entire year and hilarious here love you dinks thinking I know things thank you for this 59 months appreciate you what the hell [ __ ] am I going to do ah I got to get my treasure Bobbers and smile go break the muscle rocks ooh muscle rocks this is crazy I can’t I can’t get to the muscle rocks I have too much money my money is blocking my way there okay there’s one stop playing where’s the [Music] no I didn’t get a horse chat get over [Music] it you know what what’s the rush what’s even the rush we need a tub of flowers and we need a Jacko Lantern missed one okay I’m just kidding thank you for helping I’m just kidding thank you no thank you I always ask for help when I’m uh kegging items so thank you you just got snapped at for no reason you know I definitely missed one of those before on the right is is that not a word kegging is it only a word with the letter P instead of k Sorry CH don’t look at me dude don’t look at me man I’m playing stardo Valley dude I don’t want to be distracted anymore chat stop stop chill chill chill chat chill where the hell is G two [Music] jars I am so normal and okay right now I I actually am hangry wait I got a fish yeah let’s go fish I don’t think we’ve fished up all of our walnuts it’s Cookie Time CH it cookie time [Music] cookie before food though I haven’t even eaten my my my dinden sweet treat a clock sweet treat a clock yeah we we’ll get the other keg don’t worry yeah yeah don’t yeah yeah don’t worry chat don’t worry we’ll get the keg cookie time oh my God I just got so hungry when I opened this I just ate that cookie like a dog with resource guarding issues I do need to take a walk I didn’t get my walk today wait no I did get my walk today so which kegs 10K steps no this is another thing I can disappoint everyone on today 7,900 that’s not bad m yeah I did J jits but then I just did one little walk with the dogs and it wasn’t enough we’re drawing this last percent out quite a bit this is nice [Music] okay I’m not going to be I’m not being dramatic but if Gus doesn’t show up here tomorrow to work this Hut I’m going to kill him I’m going to go to the saloon and slingshot him with a bomb God that cookie was yum you probably slept through Gus’s Resort day yeah I probably did Gus’s Resort day is hanging out with that Prismatic Shard number nine wish I could hire a little junimo to do this for me we good nice yes navigating those tiny little mini trees is so hard sometimes like why is it like that for why are you getting stressed over this don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t worry do I do I sound stressed you just threaten to kill Gus yeah but like he a little bit deserved to be threatened to be killed I’m just going to say that remember when we thought the greenhouse was good now we have miles of Ancient Ancient fruit miles of it a black belt you should order food what why’d you say that for like am I being grumpy Chad you’re looking out for me I appreciate it you’re looking out for me and I appreciate it it’s time to cook I feel like we’re definitely missing a few right now I think we should start on the bottom next time so it’s easier to see we’re not obscured by the little bottle icon for the top bro am I hyped for Bridgerton tomorrow yes yeah yeah what is that is far left thanks Gus I don’t need a taco I need you to go to your go to work get out me DMS Clint send me gold I don’t want your [ __ ] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don’t care that the last four are going to be gold I’m just going to harvest all these cuz we’re about to go on the hibernation train [Music] [Music] [Music] is this like a game of ice spy for [Music] yall yeah except I can’t see [ __ ] okay [Music] are there any other gold ones this looks like a gold one I we’re good right bottom middle oh yeah yeah good Shout good Shout all right and when we wake up from our hibernation that will be done although we might still Harvest our ancient fruit while we’re hibernating just because of money you know third column on the bottom um funny I crazy gor for sorry chat one sec all right what were we doing got to go check if Gus is here today at Ginger Island yeah we got to get to the uh Halloween festival so we can get uh the Jacko Lantern recipe and then we got to sleep all the way through winter to get to the flower dance so we can buy the tub of flowers recipe why do we need gusa Ginger Island because he works the shop and or the little Hut and it’s one of the things he sells is a recipe the last Curry whatever recipe that we need Island tropical Curry [Music] three wall nuts two crafting when cooking what should we save for the last should it should we should we make the tubo flowers the final one we do cooking last cooking actually might be satisfying to do less like have a a victory bowl of Curry [Music] where is gusy [Music] [Music] dead he’s dead I love how long it takes me to get down to the beach why is my butterfly Hutch not having butterflies I’m playing hell that was right now did you say package acquired delivering democracy I like that game I miss that game I hate you hi Julian I graduated from medical school [Music] today you graduated from Med medical school goth BF oh my God what an incredible achievement congrats dude congrats get to celebrating you know what’s today Jody’s birth don’t care don’t care maybe check if you have pumpkins we made 1.9 million last night uh check if you have pumpkins check if you have pumpkins how many days 13 days to grow good shot good [Music] [Music] shout so how are they not getting how is that not getting wet it’s currently being watered what do you mean oh wait hold on hold on chat is it a possibility that the traveling Trader sells the recipe I’m looking for either of them no yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] can’t see the damn ancient fruit you know there we go that’s [Music] [Music] better for [Music] do you need specific flowers to craft the tub of flowers recipe I should definitely look up that recipe [Music] tulip bulb Jazz seeds poppy seeds spangle seeds [Music] [Music] he [Applause] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I missed the meteor [Music] what the giant blue dude with the sunnies is um it’s Mr key where the trees at the bottom D it is so hard to see through the trees here uh this is from the key Bean Quest oh right here nice got a prizzy all right um yeah this game is crazy depth like there’s just so much more to it than you think no mods for this play through no by the way hope you’re doing well slush [Music] yeah you’re five but soon to be year six because we have to speed sleep through a lot of it now did you get a mini fairy it’s a trinket called a fairy box all right Sunday is Gus going to be there on Sunday bro no there’s no way works on [Music] Sunday let bunny out one [Music] sec want lay there all right yeah thanks for the lurk yeah this game has just consumed me in every way so if he does work starts at 11 [Music] yeah did they show up on the weekends maybe not oh yeah they do I hate him I [ __ ] hate Gus I used to like him hate him I would pay 10 mil to walk faster in this game no just kidding I like the speed I walk at I know that there’s another option and I will never use it whoops burn his house down I’m not going to burn Gus’s house down but I will bomb his place of business if he’s not show up to work today [Music] 10K can fix your problem Oh I don’t have a problem I was uh I was just I was I was on about nothing look at this this is insane when they’re all fully sprouted up G I think we did win except for Gus he’s he’s stream sniping us now he Gus is stream snapping us where the hell is [Music] my for H Whimsy thank you I appreciate that I’m glad you’re glad you’re here he’s nothing to this Farm I I swear we’re going to like go to the saloon and drop a couple bombs I like I he’s just not he’s not he’s not on the team he’s off the [Music] team how many walnuts ah less than three unsing now need house so I need three walnuts don’t we only have two left in the um shells in the [Music] muscles I thought that was it have we uh I did the singing Crystal Cave yeah and we did Simon Says life has given me the old one two this month so I haven’t been able to hang much the progress you have made in the game is absolutely incredible nice work car dink love thank you thank you for the 1 months hey sending you Good Vibes I hope uh you can one two life pack and um have a turn around for you but thank you so much for the resub oh that’s a nice pull but I don’t think I don’t think we have any more walnuts to fish up honestly I think we fished up all the walnuts I think we may need to crack a couple golden coconuts me thinks May maybe we’ll see oh yeah the parrot let’s ask him let’s let let’s let bro speak let him Yap hurry up one grow on the farm to the West what one grow on the farm to the West he says let’s cook let’s lock in there’s got to be [Music] f [Music] [Music] hone okay speed grow you know though like what’s the point if we’re just going to be sleeping but yeah we’ll do it uh let’s see how many golden coconuts four I need to go to bed but I also need to see a to Perfection I need to pick that off pick pick that up off of principal um we’re still probably like at least an hour out out out of perfection at least I don’t know cuz we got to sleep quite a bit hurry up Clint oh we already know what not in these cuz the bird told us it’s on the beach I mean it’s a harvest it’s a harvest nut cuz the other two are going to be in muscles Lenny thank you for the lurk no mods no no no G Gus Gus what the hell where is he I’m Gus now for [Music] look at that counting like that’s amazing that we just did that so I think that should give us a walnut I should give us a war up I know I love the little water in the soil it’s so cute looking on the tarot roots or whatever they’re called sleep a I might okay we’re going to hit 100 which means I can start playing again off stream for my next off stream task I might switch these all all out for diamonds so we can switch the crystall Arian production to diamonds or we could just build a second crystalarium shed but that’s too much harvesting that’s like a lot of time so we’ll just switch these out and that will be my next off stream task okay [Music] [Music] [Music] bro I don’t know what I was doing chat I must have misre redit or something oh no Ginger Island Resort for 2,000 okay so it is there you can buy the curry at Ginger Island Resort for 2,000 let’s see Ginger Island Resort on a random subset of vill a random subset of villagers from pelicant town will arrive at 11 leave at 6 for each non-rating day that is in a festival the player can open and close the resort beginning the following day with the toggle after the after opening the beach resort Gus will run the a bar on the days he visits only on the days he visits so only on the days where he’s here is so he doesn’t come to work he comes to like vacation and then Works while he’s here so we’ll just wait see if it’s a see if it’s a gust day go find walnuts or something bro me or Gus who are you talking to I’m sat sat for Gus ah it’s a fair day did we do what Julia did [Music] [Music] [Music] and then take the shorts on the gold bar to the selling machine what does that what does that make now we’re going to put mayor lewis’ shorts in our display cuz everyone should know what a freak he [Music] [Music] is are there any recipes I haven’t bought here no [Music] all right start judging freak [Music] what [ __ ] say something [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] loser so did we win mayor [Music] [Music] Lewis I can’t even TP home this Fair sucks Louis sucks talk to Mar [Music] purple lettuce y you two need to keep it in your pants like actually just don’t even keep it in your pants just keep it away from me yes I couldn’t leave this place soon enough this place sucks hate it he gold bar is gold bar plus the shorts the move they’re just gold trimmed now I thought it it was going to like change to a different item all right I [ __ ] with it oh I can wear them now you can put them on the go Jesus Christ brother oh yeah yeah and then question mark like what what did I do that’s a crazy thing that you just said God God [Music] [Music] unhinged I would rescue Marne from him or where the hell are our pumpkins at [Music] [Music] Chad you are in need of a new topic you know wow actually I might restart the day I might restart the day because I want all of the ancient fruit to pop on the same [Music] day I started this I started this I just playing stard Valley I just l i I just went to the fair and put some shorts on [Music] [Music] display I’m thinking way too long and hard about this issue that does not matter so I’m just going to not restart cuz I can’t be [ __ ] bothered cuz I think the new the new ancient fruit plants here are still at least like maybe five six days from harvesting cuz they they have like the brown thing and then it’s the blue fruit I think so this is the move chat needs the spray bottle for is this is going to take me the whole day these guys done nope I want try right now Jesus what the hell chat [Music] no Gus no Gus bro hates [Music] us all right uh we got to check the tunnel keg [Music] we forgot all the ancient [Music] fruits honestly now I understand why Gus isn’t showing up he’s scared of [Music] chat right let’s just check to see if the tunnel kegs are done I hope you have been having a good week Julian appreciate all that you do to show up for chat every week less than three thank you Ash I appreciate that you’re very kind thank you for the reub and for being here um to support all the time I really appreciate that for we miss any yeah Gretch I I feel the same way it’s so nice all right I like that we’re harvesting and reing all of our ancient fruit on the same day makes it nice and and neat scheduled orderly jugs of non-chemical variety yep ancient fruit jug got to catch them all we did it done look good to me all right time to sleep [Applause] we just got to keep check checking Ginger Island uh to see if Gus is going to be there that’s the that’s the move right now I [Music] think apparently even if he’s on the island there’s only a chance he’s selling food and not the recipe H I guess still have to see [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] not checking for gust today yeah the Hat’s changing colors yeah yeah yeah he won’t be there till 11: let’s check the tarot we’ll check the muscles there it is that’s the one massive [Music] [Music] now we are not sleeping till 100% I am not I’m not logging off today without hitting 100 so I think the last wut is in the muscle Rock on the beach cuz we have 129 or is we have 128 and we’re waiting for two more all right we have our answer we have our answer holy crap we are getting so close if I don’t hit 100% on today’s stream I have to buy a horse deal I’ll take that deal [Music] [Music] so the game doesn’t end and it’s not it’s not even all the achievements but it’s this one right here and I think it’s called Perfection or something and it’s doing um we have to do that one we have to craft everything we have to yeah those two are the only ones left for Perfection then these two are not part of perfection or these three are not part of perfection [Music] [Music] now everyone’s on team Gus oh yeah yeah no no no do a Gamba so so while while I achieve 100% in this awesome video game everyone’s losing fake money and is upset about it let’s do it everybody down yeah yeah yeah Gamba gima Lizzie do you need do you would you actually even wait for my permission if I said I wasn’t serious no gamma you would run it anyway run that [ __ ] take their money G is in here Jesus Christ what’s the ratio of dink dollars to Golden walnuts uh the same ratio from sh bucks to Stanley nickels okay thought we missed their important birthday but we didn’t end stream now to throw everyone off that’s a great prank straight to the Val cap [Music] [Music] [Music] dude Peach is pawing at me and it’s 8:00 pm for her meds like bro is so smart how how do you know how are you how do you have a timekeeper in there he just started doing this thing it’s been incredible so for a while after her surgery when we were doing like tons of physical therapy just so she could like move her legs and stuff it was it was a lot of just like watching her not be able to walk and then I remember one day and I think I told you about it one day she just walked up the stairs and it like blew our minds and it was like this jump from the prog that we had been seeing day to day just this massive jump all of a sudden and something that she did similar recently was so when she walks up the stairs since her surgery since she’s been able to go up the stairs she goes up one back leg at a time so she’ll go so if this is the stair she’ll go up and get both legs on the on the stair and then she’ll go up and then like that so she’s walking one two one two like that and you know she kind of looks goofy when she does it because it’s like she has to like move her body weird and you know because she doesn’t have the strength lately and it happened literally one time and I like screamed I couldn’t believe it um and it was I think like I initiated it because I I got her excited but she was running up the stairs I was like go Peach go and she instead of walking up one at a time and stopping she was hopping with her back legs literally bouncing upstairs and I was like like almost a year later she’s still making that kind of progress is INS insane it’s insane yeah we’re talking about you baby we’re talking about you yeah yeah baby [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] there’s 6.6 million Channel points on me getting 100% tonight yeah that’s wild what you got those bombs for what bombs oh I’m just waiting for Gus no bombs [Music] don’t you still need a pack for your trip yep mhm happy 78 months dink lovey I think you’ll get it but I wanted to pay I wanted to pay out Gus Gus Gus come on Gus come on Gus what are you doing here Saloon Strat what’s the saloon Strat no G why are you talking to me I’m trying to bomb the dock [ __ ] you Louis [Music] Kent’s on the beach like oh my God oh my God oh that’s [ __ ] up though it’s not funny don’t laugh chat [Music] Kent was facetimeing his therapist there and then so what the saloon Strat is to go to the saloon to see if Gus leaves at 9:30 is that is that what you’re you’re telling me to do me getting re me getting revenge on on LS Kent in the corner oh my God oh my God oh my [ __ ] god so he if he leaves at 9:30 then we’re cooking right that means we’re good otherwise he’ll stay he’ll sit and stay like a good boy I need new water I need more water beb [Music] [Music] wait he’s leaving at 8:30 is today the day he’s going up though he’s going up [Music] still time to go get bombs now what do I need he says [Music] bro they Zoom if you block their path they Zoom beat the recipe out of him that is such a good idea I’m going to do it kill me your GH scrunches up the neckline of his shirt a middle school bully come here oh it’s raining I know you can get the the Leo recipe from the festival in the desert yeah but um desert Festival is unfortunately super [ __ ] far away and I don’t want to sleep till summer so we’re going to try our best to just only sleep till spring and then win the game but if Gus doesn’t want it to happen it’s not going to happen so we get one per week is this it oh desert festivals in Spring I thought that was in summer where the [ __ ] yeah Leo Leo setting up shop at the desert Festival is not a guarantee that’s not a guarantee good point don’t miss the Jacko Lantern we’re not going to it’s the 23rd isn’t the Jacko Lantern isn’t the festival thing on the uh yeah 27th okay we’re good we’re good we’re good [Music] [Music] met a Death Cab for Cutie concert of Portland and waiting for them to start making sure I don’t miss 100 bro Emily I hope you’re having a good time at this show uh all right Saloon Saloon [Music] hello with the Aloo in Saloon [Music] okay this might be it it takes him an hour to go from his bedroom to this [ __ ] bar but that’s a no for Gus on the beach today oh he’s going to the community center I’m going to call the Health Inspectors and plant and plant poison underneath the tables get him shut down he will leave a box on the on at the desk of his bar in pelic town saying I’m tending to the bar and ginger Island oh so there’ll be a box on the bar is that it I’m I’m so excited to see how much we’re going to yield in one Harvest with the ancient fruit okay unas okay kegs are done does that mean it’s harvest day let’s [Music] see yes oh my God this timing is wonderful [Music] it’s one recipe I think I think we’re only down to one recipe yep just one recipe oh God [Music] all right the next Harvest will be the one not this one [Music] [Music] do you have all the stuff to make the tropical Curry that’s a interesting question I think I do hot pepper pineapple coconut yeah we’re good thank you sounds bomb actually I would slurp that Curry up for sure okay it’s refilling time so we’re doing an fruit preserves in The Preserve jars and we’re making ancient fruit wine in the kegs um at this point like it would make more sense to only have kegs but I just have so many preserved jars and I don’t have a deconstructor so I don’t want to like break them down plus it’s like I kind of like having both I think it’s it’s a cute little mix instead of just having one product that can be kind of boring maybe second jar on the left thank you think we’re looking good here didn’t mean to do that preserve dry metal thank you I just read that Hoppers you can buy from key to load your kegs anyone confirm that yeah but the problem is nothing will unload the kegs so it makes the Hoppers kind of useless in my opinion you can use a hopper to unload it can you use a hopper to unload it I don’t think so I think the hopper only puts items into machines and not doesn’t like [Music] Harvest which I don’t get I don’t get like why put a hopper into the game if there’s no way to actually use it cuz like what what would be a practical use for the hopper that wouldn’t drive you nuts Hannah please dude please oh he did it begrudgingly cuz he wants people to interact with stuff oh and not like fully automate everything I [Music] see interesting I respect it [Music] [Music] I use it with a keg as a bonus coffee machine oh that’s really smart that’s really smart bro yeah we’re in the tunnel yes sir are we cooking I don’t think we missed any make sure if you see if Gus is on the island before 6 have we not checked today oh [Music] my we almost missed [Music] him oh that’s stressed me out we almost we almost didn’t show up might have a p kada relax a bit that’s nice that’s real nice H all right fine time to go we’ve even been here today and we didn’t check that’s crazy we almost missed them Pinky’s the goat for that one yeah holy crap that was a close one oh my God the book seller’s in town today no recipe though yeah we bought it we have the recipe now right here I’m going to make this the final thing we do dude genius idea by the way Hopper keg situation genius cuz like do we have coffee beans cuz if you have coffee beans that’s what you got to do that makes so much sense dude so smart I want to do the same thing except with te so we’ll have fresh tea every day fresh tea finally got to see some sleep token live the other night I am so thankful you introduced me to them I did glad you had a good time I didn’t know I did that where’d you see him at could you put both in uh no it’s just one item I think you can put in the hopper the hopper has space for like a lot of [ __ ] but is it because we listen to uh sleep token on stream uh let’s put these guys in here okay good we got to check our silos make sure we have enough hay for the winter so what now we just got to sleep till the 27th get to the Feast of the winter star oh our animals absolutely hate us hate our guts sorry guys oh don’t you have the urge to play The Sims so much right now and just quit stardo I do I do I’m just fighting it cutcenes chane you look unusually happy today mean I’ll don’t say that Shane’s happy Ary I will I’ll I will I’ll have Leah break your kneecaps paltin [Music] [Music] shut the [ __ ] [Music] up oh he got Jazz a gift foney jeweled slippers oh that’s so cute she gave a hug wait me now me now Shane I want slippers these are so expensive how did you afford them got back on expensive habit a lot more spending money bro is Rich oh double double cut scene okay Jazz what up what we got going on here Uncle Shane’s in the barn he said uh I said he tell he wants to show you [Music] something oh I didn’t know you can go to the barn I didn’t know this was an option oh bro’s painting a sign those chickens blue Where Are You [Music] Blue it’s a perfect home for you H what the hell’s happening why is the blue joa chickens they’re joa chickens [Music] I can’t believe we’re wearing Louis’s pants man my special Blue Hens I’ve been raising them in secret for the last few months what I won’t be living here forever I wanted to pass something on a jazz I’ve been teaching her how to care for them I want to feel like I’m not just a leech in the world I want to contribute somehow even some small way like this yeah Kai Kai have a blue chicken Kai please I want wait I can [Music] [Music] new Brown Chicken ain’t no way oh you got to click by and then it’ll say the color I see blue oh my god oh no oh no no no can we put it in our house which one of you [ __ ] going on sale all right chat which one are we selling squeaks oh grubby for sure the [ __ ] out of here man squeaks can stay grubby grubby’s a goner where the hell even is he okay [ __ ] guys move move [ __ ] us trying to talk to grubby there we go later later grubby see a grubby wouldn’t want to be a grubby Brown ah we got to roll again white blue Lac lacu what’s lacu rubby to grubby too SAA satell frany wait is this simus bromo silbert oh jort I like jort can we do jort Cookie Monster would go hard yeah we’ll do Jor [Music] no bro’s an all caps moment he’s an all caps moment oh we got to sleep till the festival what does the gold clock do makes me feel good about my life and the time I’m spending on this game gives me serotonin has an AOE of Serotonin if you stand near it so this shouldn’t be ready for one more day or two more days okay so we’re on schedule let’s sleep and go get this [Music] recipe 10 p.m. look fresh tea in the morning yeah this is a genius idea okay whoever whoever there some good brain cells in chat for sure we wish to view jort please yes you can view jort so confused are we having fun or what do you mean are we having fun I play this game like 12 hours a day I’m I wouldn’t be playing it that much if I was not having fun J where you at where you at Jor door Jor Jord is baby I love him just a man in his jort [Music] he is really cute he is really cute what’s Su brome Stompy [Music] Chris Jesus he looks like the Twitter bird how dare you say that to Jor J is a good man come visit me soon I’m really bored out here no no you chose to live out there I almost slept oh my God I almost slept oh my God could you imagine oh my god [Music] dude all right uh what’s the luck today maybe we just maybe we just go rough it up in the mines [Music] oh oh oh [Music] [Music] what we got to wait till 10: it’s so long we have Angry Spirits you know what’s that all about Walnut check oh yeah yeah that’s a good smart smart play I have not been checking walnuts or um whatever they’re called the muscles check the swole rocks so just one more golden Walnut then we’re done did it we are done with golden walnuts what a great day BB got to go so bat pcks from The Last of Us two filming me too man we’ll check the tracker what what I think is left is one recipe and two crafted items we have the tub of flowers and the Jacko Lantern and we have the tropical Curry that’s what I think is left 99% 100% fish CAU golden walnuts 130 out of 130 All Star drops 25 farmer level 100% great friends yes monster Slayer yes golden clock yes obelisks out of four 100% shipped so we just need to make one food recipe and craft two items give 50 loved gifts in one week two days two days left what’s the Gamba what is the Gamba oh it’s oh it’s it’s the same one I thought it was a new one sorry no I don’t think I think the reason it’s not 99% cooking is because there’s more crafting items than there are food recipes like look just a page and a line of food recipes and crafting items way more so like two out of the crafting items or one item rather for the food is is 2% rather than 1% yeah I don’t know I keep almost sleeping it’s going to be devastating if I do that these are maple trees right Acorn Pine okay all right now yeah maple trees are for maple syrup so what grows maple trees so we have never mind I know I know the answer I know the answer chat I can do this oh I’m afraid I was going to bomb these trees but I’m afraid to hurt my animal animal and even if I don’t hurt my animals I’m going to feel bad bombing my my animals I could wait till they go to sleep and then bomb the trees [Music] come for we have acorns pine cones and maple seeds those are the three non- hardwood trees right what time is Spirits Eve it’s 10 p.m. right yeah no I’m not going to sleep I’m not going to sleep so these down here are the acorn trees okay then we have the pine cone trees for for starts at 10 p.m. in I like the tree organization too satisfying that was not two hours dude that was not two hours how many hours total do you have in this game uh like 180 I don’t know so these were pine cones right okay oh it’s right there oh my God I I thought I couldn’t see it for am I okay hold on I’m not okay okay okay there we go that’s much better jeez that was like way harder than it should have been uh one craft one recipe is left here is now a good time to decorate chat key quests are pissing me off they’re tough man they’re they’re tough don’t be hard on yourself they’re very difficult what are the rewards for key Quest even just a lot more Gold N they’re really good items they’re worth 100% worth for what is he cooking I don’t know I’m just having a little creative moment cuz I just got so sick of having to navigate the trees with the little growing trees so we’re just doing this now anyway it’s uh it’s time to sleep until I can’t sleep anymore what’s that long plant it’s like a tree plant or something his wife good night for the winter that is a funny sentence for please tile behind the one tree that one right there sorry about that no the butterfly Hutch does not work outside but it’s still really pretty and I like how I like looking at it so we’re just going to leave it here for for all right we have one recipe and one craft and here I am building a whatever the [ __ ] this is it’s a farm thing it’ll look cute at night when the trees are in and with some light at night it’ll be nice brutalist Farm is crazy all right is this is the the great sleep happening got to sleep all the way through winter but I do want to still Harvest our greenhouse and ginger Island stuff I think should wait to sell wine at the end of winter all right fine flashbang warning the Winter Music is cold I can’t explain it it’s just cold for [Music] [Music] [Music] today might be Harvest day oh maybe not [Music] Jesus you’re harvesting your ancient fruits on Wednesdays they regrew every seven days oh beautiful thank you thank you thank you all right so tomorrow’s Harvest day just make sure animals have food yeah yeah yeah yeah all right Harvest Time all right I want to do a count though so we’ll empty our inv before we harvest the ginger Island this is going to be the first full minmax Ginger Island ancient fruit Hall so or harvest so let’s go do that oh my God this is so much easier to Traverse now that I’m not walking into little trees they need fertilizers to grow not in the winter though right don’t we wait is [Music] J will be a big boy yeah we got to make sure he’s got food [Music] though for this is this is so insane why not though like this tunnel is literally just sitting here it’s not like a bus has to drive to it okay are the stairs a mod nothing’s a mod nothing’s a mod this is a modess vanilla playthrough all right let’s do the count here we go we have zero in our inventory God damn C [Music] if I didn’t have an aridium Scythe i’ would be here for two weeks picking an ancient fruit all right so somebody do the math 208 plus 138 is 346 plus another 200 it’s 546 plus 80 is 62 6 – 2 624 did I do that right in one Harvest 624 there’s so many fruits we didn’t miss any that’s a big hall right there that’s a big Hall what’s our next big purchase uh probably a golden [Music] clock now this is my only stard Farm can you gift Town’s people golden clocks what if we just farmed 10 golden clocks and put them all around my house or all around the valley maybe maybe we just block Demetrius from ever leaving his house house with a golden clock yeah we have not completed the Juno Kart Quest for all right sleep for a week [Music] lot of sleeping lot of sleeping [Music] [Music] [Music] oh boy all [Music] right time to lock in yeah we got to check our hay that’s right [Music] oh could you put Hoppers behind silos dude machines only I’m going to freak out all right before we sleep for another week I got to get hey don’t let me forget getting 100 or perfection in this game is Just accomplishing accomplishing a very specific list of of in-game achievements that’s it they’re all very you know doing them all takes time but it’s a specific list of achievements once you do all of them you get perfection dude I might skip next week I might sleep two weeks I don’t want to do this again just harvest the fruits [Music] okay we’re not going to keg we’re just going to harvest today water changeed my mind just the case we’ll leave the J guys Mar’s in sleep ant pile raid what’s that breathing oh antpile raid B how how’d it go today welcome antpile thank you so much for the raid B welcome welcome welcome Raiders you grinded 1% progress and one key fruit dude how how about that key Quest dude [ __ ] was wild well I hope you had fun so the percentage starts it like crawls for a while but then it starts to pick up yeah how much time did you get for it I’ll see see yep yep Leo’s the Leo’s the goat do you want to see do you want to see our our new and improved Ginger Island Farm want to see it I saw it at the end and shook my head okay okay we put pressure nozzles on the idium sprinklers he shook his head uh so the only things we have left we have to craft uh a tub of flowers which we don’t have the recipe for so we’re speed sleeping through winter to get to the flower dance tub I’m just going to keep sleeping I don’t care [Music] talk to your wife at least don’t tell me what to do what is the uh the total amount that we counted per y per Harvest it’s 6 40 or [Music] something 624 don’t forget your hay there’s owlink that already there bro they go through 200 hay a week all right we’re not going to we’re not going to harvest anything I just wanted to show B it looks so insane what’s my problem I love I love the sounds that this game makes when you get money dude like looking at that fruit it makes my day easier when I look at that fruit oh yeah the tunnel wine bro knows about the tunnel wine back back to Eep we have nothing to do this winter right oh we skipped all of Night Market we slept through all of Night Market you put a strange bun in Vincent’s Toy Box no ain’t no way I’m doing that before I hit 100% Vincent can wait you can do Cory kegs maybe wait did I get the day wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] when is the flower dance what [Music] day [Music] 24th you walked 10 miles in PJs why did you say that to her man why’ you say why did you say oh my God the girls are fighting let’s check flower dance the 24th desert Festival we’re skipping it [ __ ] it oh oh is J is J big now it’s raining I’m not going to go chase him J’s a big boy yeah I’ll show you my farm on Ginger Island just give me like three weeks they grow up so fast this is the guy who hibernates in his barn like a bear pays no attention to his animals what year are you in I think six you’re six spring six that’s a crazy that’s a crazy proposal Chris I don’t know if anyone’s goingon to take you up on that imagine if I slept through it we’re positive it’s the 24th let’s go check let’s go check yeah that’s tomorrow all right no sleeping till 100% chat that was the last time we were going to sleep before hitting 100 wow what time is the flower dance 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. where is it where do I go where do I go down left who dances at 9: bro that’s too early [Music] if someone looks at me wrong before 10: a.m. I’m eating drywall that’s the that’s the jenzy version of the millennial don’t talk to me till I’ve had my coffee that’s the jenzy version all right can it be 9:00 a.m. already I want to dance said nobody ever in their life not once can we see big jort yeah let’s see big jort where Jord at he jort where my dude jort oh he’s so cute and blue what’s up jort everyone’s so happy they’re getting touched by the auto pet not weird at all just a machine from JoJo touching my animals dra tattoo when we got this chicken 6 seconds ago talk to your wife [Music] no we did it chat we 100% in stardo sorry Leah I ain’t dancing with [Music] you should we have one should we do a [Music] dance nah man nah I’m not dancing man I got to hit [Music] 100 let me out I hate it here I can’t even leave I’m [Music] trapped I can’t leave I don’t want to dance stop holding me a gunpoint to dance with my wife [Music] what she said finally she said [Music] finally Lizzie messaged me that in like five minutes after I hit 100 I want to watch it on stream after I hit [Music] 100 damn I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] it up look at that look at that footwork I’m dancing Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip [ __ ] you Demetrius skip skip SK I didn’t buy the recipe just kidding how many did how many believed me no way we have to wait till tomorrow to build the no way bro I didn’t buy the [Music] stuff tub no no I don’t wanna morning I’m going to stand outside of pier and shriek until he opens [Music] [Music] have you talked to Louis yet whilst wearing his pantaloons [Music] no oh we can go in okay tulip bulb wait what do we need [Music] Jazz seeds poppy seeds spangle [Music] seeds Craftmaster are you ready chat are you ready for this are you ready for this are you you ready for this 100% incoming all we have to do is click this button [Music] okay Gourmet Chef we did it we’re 100 percenters we’re perfect so we going to talk to key we got to go look at it see it say 100% oh my God I’m not going to believe it till I see it on the board [Music] [Music] Chad we did it we did it less than three yes 100% oh my God we did it I feel like I just woke up from the longest nap of my life [Music] Perfection we did it that looks good that looks good he’s cracked 100% congrats dink GG we did it I’m so happy we did it I had so I had so much fun in in this process of both learning stardo falling in love with it and then deciding to go for Perfection it was like it’s just been so good such a good gaming experience now we sleep to get the cut scene shall we quickly let’s look though oh we haven’t gotten it yet all right cut scene time you feel it in your heart somewhere somehow grandpa is beaming with pride the legacy of Rat Ranch Farm is eternal wow the rumbling sound was heard in the distance what’s happening what’s [ __ ] happening follow them guys where are you going slow down oh they’re going to Papa’s statue oh no train tracks oh they went up to the north to the north people with ads okay we’ll wait we’ll wait we’ll wait we’ll wait we’ll wait we’re waiting for ads to end we’re waiting we’re waiting we’re waiting [Music] how much money do we have on hand in wine right now over a mill all right we’ll go to Pierre we’ll sell this wine and then the ad should be over congrats on 100% oh there’s no ads [Music] playing here we go chat [Music] [Music] we can go up here oh my God we’re going up to the podium [Music] oh my God this is so cool she says Hey Julian wait what so beautiful up here we’ve been through a lot together haven’t we we we grind for this View I think we both found what we’re looking for I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here with you a we shared a kiss is that kovis what’s he doing in the sky kovis the dwarf wizard on a flying Magic Carpet that’s his wife the witch Tinker Bell’s [Music] family aliens [Music] damn this is sick [Music] this is so cute this is this is the credits this is so [Music] cute the goat [Music] fish Take a Bow you did great Take a Bow fish [Music] oh now I can get a gold chicken laser fish Jr hey mermaid do this [Music] IRL wait this is actually so sick I’m the Wilderness Golem oh [ __ ] it up shadow people wait why wait why are they why are they [Music] shuffling damn the skeletons are [ __ ] it up too squid kid is freaking out [Music] this a [Music] spider no JoJo Services used damn [Music] bro I’m actually going to cry like what the [Music] [ __ ] like I’m actually going to cry you need to stop [Music] [Music] [Music] you did it and we barely cried damn that was great that was a great end end cut scene we did it chat no man spreading at the summit let me have this moment we did it we did Summit kegs Summit kegs just disrespectful was it worth so like okay this is in my top five favorite video games of all time um was it worth it yes of course and I knew that already I had just The Best Time Ever grinding for perfection in this game every time we played I like loved it even if I hated it I loved it [Music] oh we have like a month [Music] worth go back to the Perfection tracker [Music] no the fact that it it was just as enjoyable for me off stream is is so true like it’s a this is a magical game this this game has like more heart than 99% of the games I’ve ever played in my life just incredible [Music] Jesus [Music] C oh my God we have so much mail to go through oh my God the replay ability is also Wild yeah that makes sense I believe [Music] it wait uh lizy wait one sec did you already do [Music] it all right yeah wait one sec we want to check this wait what was in the mail did we miss it [Music] tomorrow oh Keys room okay [Music] statue of True Perfection holy [Music] wow that’s a flex Jesus look at our statues you can put stuff on your house porch not not oh can I put these that actually looks cute need a statue of endless Fortune still too is that what this is or is that something I don’t have no I don’t Cino got it got it all right so we can get golden chickens we can do more key quests I want to do a bunch of stuff to the farm change stuff around put the pools in a better spot and I want to get another couple of golden clocks so we still have a lot to do still have a lot to do slime Hutch Juno Juno Huts there’s a lot there so much that I still want to do um so now now we play the game we got a lot of cooking to do but we did it we reached 100 and that’s that that’s that [Music]

catch me live on twitch: https://twitch.tv/julien

julien’s amazon storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/jsolo

my instagram: https://instagram.com/juliensolomita

video edited by fluck


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