🔴LIVE – Terraria Death Master Mode but stars are my only damage.

okay look it ain’t a yard stream if I’m not linked okay that’s how you know if I’m a Doppel ganger or not all right if I’m on time then I’m fake right uh okay hello we’re live right someone say something we’re live right come on let me set up my chat come on I clicked go live how come no one saying hi it’s over what the heck oh quick give me give me a character name go go go go come on character name go character name character name go come on hey paa butter hey abismal hey bone Reaper hey pink boy or bye pink boy hey wind I already say hey Uka hey Santos run double bicep uh I might look bad in this lighting [ __ ] dog [ __ ] ass Lighting in my room it’s so over no top down lighting the [ __ ] dog [ __ ] monitor Stardust is actually a good one it actually oh Stardust goes well okay Stardust nice uh front double bicep oh talking about the name thought you asking a God damn it I got [ __ ] scammed I gave a free front double for no reason hey j7 how you doing brother hope you’re celebrating right now [ __ ] in for Num Boss Rush no hit ah yeah be Eno in this run sure why [ __ ] it why not yo it’s the glasses guy is that who I am now hey plastic hope you’re all just doing amazing myself I’m okay oh I’m a fusion of CJ and woozy I think I’m the wrong complexion you’re the happiest person alive right now yes it’s [ __ ] awesome so we’re just going to be Eno sure I mean I think he’s a little lighter in the skin because you know Eno do be uh not going outside he got no tan how big is my bed it’s a king size right I forgot I don’t remember I got a [ __ ] big juicy bed though I’m be real let me fix my monitor [ __ ] and oh I got my timer going off all right stardus um let’s just get through it yeah [ __ ] uh why do I have a character called raw dog what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is raw dog you got a tiny ass twins siiz bed I got a tiny ass twin siiz bed b in college so so I can kind of relate oh world name come on world name go go super balloons all right go with super balloons never mind master death mode correct star Citadel of Stars For Old name oh sure okay never mind we can do that I like that boom super balloons super balloons is fire it is fire maybe oh we’ll save that world name for the future not going to spoil what I’m talking about but playing Far Glam mirium what does that mean far goes I say that in well what’s that game mode Santos what is that and will corruption bro doesn’t stop the pain it’s not going to be too bad CIT it’s not going to be too bad copy The Fish Tree Anvil from Soul Society uh not sure if I’ll do it for this run we’ll do that for the only big runs cuz this Run’s going to be like two streams long that’s a plan can’t be too bad he said clueless true you feeling it will be a [ __ ] nice glasses looks good thank you random guy zero Fargo Souls plus Calamity plus dorium and Wrath of the Gods that’s a lot of content that is and remember chat stay hydrated please come on we got to be healthy I feel way better than I did um last stream last stream I was just gone I’m going be real oh yeah so we got a couple agendas what’s it called for this run um I want to test out PP prisma’s PP least obvious yarders all account at he random guy zero evil yard stay unhydrated seems pretty easy overall thanks to far glamity just being broken true far gamium sounds like a disease contracted by eating too many foods H come on Marco you know I don’t glaze myself how could that be my Al Hey s hope you’re doing well congrats on the revengeance Providence no hit by the way pay chatter I would pay people to slander me let’s be real um let me [ __ ] star to Stars P Jesse wonder what that with this and there we have it let’s just enter y’s getting freaky for today what do you mean artist is the one who glazes not the one who gets glazed Mr Toast knows he knows Mr Toast is an OG he [ __ ] knows or gamium Souls DLC raft the gods it’s the full [ __ ] uh what’s it called thingy H all right well uh what do you mean b Reaper the artist say slander King confirm well it’s a big titted [ __ ] goth mommy then what’s in here nothing oh [ __ ] delete all the weapons all right we should be good God it’s so [ __ ] bright is it bright for you guys too Jesus Christ you’re going to remove the artist from The Game Bone Reaper uh oh by all enemy drops the reason go them hey that’s one of the reasons why I have the mod I need to beat this play through in two streams so so uh you know I’m not going to be [ __ ] taking it too seriously so I full setting at least yeah Jesus Christ why is this have a dark glow around it it’s the uh it’s cuz I have [ __ ] can you like leave I can’t hit you oh [ __ ] sardo thank you for joining the Dollar Tree Le me bab brother almost called you something else that’s the wrong word to use in this situation that word is reserve for hype moments oh we already got the Lumberjack sick oh yeah I love money thank you for the 70 us70 cents it will uh go towards my coffee fund or something God is my like how [ __ ] bright is it to oh my God my camera is like this Pure White from how bright my screen is God damn sorry I had to check so am I going to like use star cannon Until the End uh no clamity mod there a whole star cannon Tree Line we know it goes to super star shooter and vanilla but now we have Starfleet starmada or star going get it just goes up to that so there’s two upgrades after the star Fleet oh yeah never mind C that’s what you already said and then my other damage is um from fallen stars how much do I think the Lumberjack and bench well since you can sell an infinite amount of um should it be permanent night for the run that might make it more interesting hey bird uh should be that bad if I get of course not uh um definitely not bad at all this Run’s going to be easier than what we’ve been doing s Canon is Dam just crazy yeah it is no this is just a [ __ ] playthrough it’s not like a challenge or anything just a regular ass run cuz I need to get some content out before I go on break cuz I’m going to be gone forever you beat poter by the way sheesh congrats 10 times HP bter God damn thought you were going to use base fallen stars oh that’d be horrible doable though um I think uh can’t you fight every oh [ __ ] how would you fight Wall of Flesh though I don’t know about that can can fallen stars go to underworld I would have to like mine out like a [ __ ] chunk dog going to be free for sure we are not being e just falling stars it might be doable any boss that’s on the surface should be doable um and like uh uh never mind that’s thought they jump higher I’m just stupid the star Veil counts a star thingy yeah but I’m only use star cannon stuff you don’t get it are we using only star guns or we relying fallen stars you don’t get it uh both simple you can also check description if you get confused I have all the rules there OD star oh [ __ ] that’d be horrible falling the star Duke only would be [ __ ] villainous oh I have [ __ ] quad compendium oh yeah I just want to part of the agenda is I want to check if um I’m insane well not really this play through should be fine thank you team M though cuz I’m allowed to use Star Guns not just fallen stars Stars One Shot you by the way I know that they should do like at least onek to me yeah but part of the agenda of this playthrough is I want to test out prisma’s PP pause the mod um and to see how it holds up uh to my other quality Life mods Stars don’t do damage to the player don’t worry they do now which is going to be the uh first evil boss IR worm what do you mean IR worm eyes on evil boss Oh you mean just boss um I might just do worm first I’m going try to do worm first just right away can to do [ __ ] see you s though what am I doing by the way why do I have infinite Buffs on okay whatever who cares got a fall in Star mod [ __ ] yeah it was updated in um what’s it called uh February to make it uh do damage to players wait I’m trolling right now how do you play early game again I don’t remember thing is even normally as you do D get Al table you can do Mana potions get infinite Stars though that normally takes a least a bit of time so don’t use infinite star ammo just be a man oh no I’m not going to I’m playing I have 500 times star drop rate I’m probably not going to buy any stars actually let’s just go collect them ourselves yeah [ __ ] yeah B same page by the what’s the point what’s the point bro that just R like just kind of ruins the whole play through I’m already abusing quality life and off if I abuse the whole premise too I’m just I’m lame I mean I’m pretty lame already but then I’d be like uber lame [ __ ] yeah dude oh yeah but um I’m going to abuse a shadow quality life for this run so if you don’t like that probably should clip click away your eyes are going to droids like artist you’re not playing terrari anymore it’s true I got to finish the sh in two days though so make a whole conveyor Bell to collect falling stars holy [ __ ] that’d be kind of crazy wonder what will kill Yards More bosses or stars um who knows once get past W you can use loot man to collect Stars very fast but doubt on any stars after W fles probably true oxy oh yeah [ __ ] quality compendium how much is my star multiplier 500 it’s maxed this to be used true you know n tell says massive mode but I’m only a master please whoops so for the regular clamity mod no Qui life impossible play how rare is it for each to get killed by falling star it’s going to be really really common for star cam weapons power is the fact that ammo is limited and rare So I really dis likee infinite ammo for stars Master expert master thought I said five times 500 times Cosmic sh all the Sho Stars you include that along with star cannons it’s actually in my list but I don’t know if I want to I’ll test it out does it only shoot star well you’re not going to stab him with it I don’t know I kind of want to do only star Canon variants but Wadd yeah you’re right cuz I was looking through I’m Auto piloting right now I was looking through every single star item that shoots star on the Wei there’s a lot there’s like too many like low key that’s a good spawn and um you know feel like we would have too much diversity and weapons I will suffer a lot like a [ __ ] ton oh God dwelling through the we get paid off I don’t know yet um I can Recon it I don’t mind at all so claim loans are actually really hard without quality life [ __ ] dead ass thought I joking about completing in two streams but maybe it’s happening I want to because well I got to go on vacation and don’t want to I want to go vacation and then we start the next run right after oh it’s a [ __ ] gnome how will I dodge the Star Wars I don’t know we’ll see I have to make something work oh magic mirror let’s see oh angel statue oh wait what’s the guy’s name uh we got to keep track of that Cody that’s someone that’s a friend’s name well the Stars will damage me too yes I haven’t they will just one shot me I believe so this I think this run is actually interesting while it should not be too hard death Master mode shouldn’t take more than three streams Max I don’t have three three streams worth of time so hopefully I can just win right away I don’t know we’ll see there’s a way I can stream on the 21st but I will be leaving that day so you’ll be Dodge the Stars if you activate Infinity compl that is just that’s just true I just build a roof of my character for I cthulu at least yeah you can literally just build a three block High platform and not die to any stars I’m pretty sure I was thinking of adding a Ru not to build like for [ __ ] roof or coverage but that might be too too cancer what day is freedom time right now we’re on the 19th how far am I getting in one stream I don’t know we’ll see I’m just autopilot mining right now I’m not like [ __ ] sweating my ass off so who knows M plus d bosses were heavily revamped here yes vanilla though right there only five weapons that actually use stars and ammo there were six but nor fleet was removed to not use ammo in the last big update oh okay that’s weird you try to watch this all oh thank you random guy I appreciate you um what time is it for you for me it’s uh almost 11:00 a.m. so got plenty of time to stream I got to leave at like 4:30 or something my time though so I only have like was it five hours left no it’s going to be a shorter stream then tomorrow though I’m going to try to stream until I fall but another one wait do I have pris PP enabled I do okay should be breaking chest I don’t know why not I’m I getting copper I’m I’m so autopilot bro you need to Gobind Roblox princess tycoon what the [ __ ] I no copper is good well actually no plus two damage to a star cannon his dog [ __ ] never mind I don’t know proba better good question what I need is silver right oh my God I’m stupid oh is it night time um let me like add a spawn point flattened area also moveed expert if I make any progress in hard mode you kill all claim Master mode Max with only star cannon to get my X upgrade well they’ll be getting hit by fallen stars I’m not sure how much still how strong it be I mean if I give up like actually I don’t know who knows what we do I don’t really want to give up from Master then again it’s not real master run uh it should be like trivialized from here we go oh my God here we go here we go you want to see me die here I’ll show you guys real quick uh kill me kill me come on dude kill me 6,000 damage yep there there’s no uh there’s no take in that if you make Arena so the Stars don’t hit you they will not hit the boss either well I can do this right the bosses usually don’t not on the same eye level as me so I think there’s hope we’ll see I don’t know think it’s a run uh we’re all kind of just no idea what’s happening I [ __ ] infinite potions on to turned off oh assume it’s not 6K to bosses it’s probably 1K right why is it running Stars why not use a barracuda I think that’s in the game you cannot stand on one level with masterm bosses oh [ __ ] we’ll see what happens the Stars espa to the Limit yeah we need to make a magnet ASAP um how do we make the magnet again from oh have to go down the tree 12 iron bars okay this is the ideal star Farm yeah but this is going to be the uh presence presence premise of the play through oh God I don’t know I’m still blind technically on Master Death Mode kind of not really blind but I haven’t done my own run yet so this is a fake run too this is going to be my first exposure to master death mode and then I don’t know one day I’ll do a real run probably torch God practice run dead ass preparing me for torch God uh prob three shot ey do not doubt it [ __ ] zombies yeah I love how you see it despawn did I do any legendary death mod run not on my channel no you’re going crazy over new boss in Discord if I was paying attention to that I was I mean I watched prisma’s [ __ ] death Master uh what’s it called oh [ __ ] there zombie there [ __ ] hardcore doing Calamity as well of course I almost always play Calamity to many people’s dismay I’m a Calamity addict so what am I doing right now I’m AFK we got 116 Stars oh [ __ ] uh can you like jump up there bro oh [ __ ] he only Jed me oh it does 1k you see that God Dam yeah s Cav is like the complete opposite run with the flare gun only s CFE is crazy that [ __ ] is built different I’m not it’s hard to play without Calamity after playing Calamity for sure blame Calamity for upgra and making this mod harder in a good way fly dag at full speed twin hyper Dash my ass so i’ be flying dashing constantly uhoh destroy might be doable Stars the Stars do 1K each though we’ll see what happens I don’t know let’s get building houses probably dig underground for houses this run right do I have insta houses I have Faro mod on right oh I think I do s show sweeps all Terraria bosses yeah we’ll see what happens oh yeah quality of life baby feel free to CHP off my balls I’m aware that there are are quality life non- enjoyers I’m a super quality life enjoyer myself gfbs I like a good quality life detox it’s could to be horrible I 25 iron I can make that magnet oh thank you I was just not paying attention they have stone though should have stone right [ __ ] yeah I do I sounds a little too loud still have magic storage installed [ __ ] bone Reaper pill um oops let’s make all the main stations you’re falling down a deep well and you’re about to hit the ground can’t you just Parry the floor true why not okay well do I have my mag oh open my my thing there it is boom suck time oh [Music] yeah the Stars Pier so they fall from the sky I’m pretty sure they pierce yeah I’ve seen them hit a boss more than once before so what instead of clam it’s called okay okay wad are you super or is it not Calamity what do you mean how much do those sell for I have no idea well I have the world token bone Raper uh I I have Faro on so if I get [ __ ] we don’t need to make a new world so if I get [ __ ] by uh Prime I’ll just turn it down I’ll put the out F too sure it’s all better than why spe defa ain’t it it should be you focus on the stars or bosses I don’t know we’ll see what happens I haven’t fought a boss yet how would I know this is one the main this is one of the most useful things to oh I have toies as well I have every [ __ ] quality Life mod is is the new moneymaking method now the clamity patch Golden Delight no idea also I can’t stop burping sorry I want to fix these [ __ ] uh ground so want show you where his AOS three shots you oh God oh God H actually honestly yeah um looking at the star rate right now if they yeah if [ __ ] has 100K HP the Stars won’t be contributing that much I’m I’m supposed to be building houses by the way die oh my God oh my God bro actually no I can I can move freely up here I just have to [ __ ] can dodge the Stars it’s that simple it’s like too players dodging rain dodging their shower God damn can you guys help me out please help what if I just oh my God jump up [ __ ] I thought zombies got hops come on pull up pull up bro okay I’m going to stand right here come on what the [ __ ] are the [ __ ] doing huh I mean oh n it’s free though just over orator till you can star Farm DS wa you’re right oh [ __ ] yeah no infinite money is easy good AI yeah what the [ __ ] are these guys doing I mean I One Time zombies don’t jump yeah can they jump come on they I think they know about the Stars oh [ __ ] oh jump bro jump okay whatever excavate the dirt I don’t know about that one can’t use B the M tres bized actually I can’t I can’t copy the ball the mouth slime [ __ ] barrier [ __ ] should be D be a terrar event where you need to dodge Stars be funny zombies don’t jump on flat ground really the more you know I don’t know [ __ ] about this game apparently welcome back your boy Al what am I doing right now we got to build houses [ __ ] you’re griefing but you’re right yeah they they don’t jump the H oh okay never mind not unless you try to jump over them I see I see okay I’m learning so okay so I’m I’m beyond oh we can Max our Mana right now why not oh my God okay I’m not going to talk about that they read your jump input oh okay that’s what I thought they kind of did I’m too stupid for my strats so this is the power 500 times stars who would have guessed okay well let’s start building houses I got a lot of MPCs on dude [ __ ] 11 insta houses should suffice [ __ ] insta house is always so troll oh never mind this is good I thought they were instant I know he had to place them like that am I stupid hi key yo wait this is this this is awesome oh you’re right butt Reaper okay yeah no uh I would probably not use the magnet if I was doing like a like a slow like a what’s it called a true like actual run uh but this run just I’m trying to speedrun that [ __ ] yes sir we got the pris my PP [ __ ] what’s up Falcon no wait oh we already got the pylon give me that I have no money uh D D yep okay well we have money now is the merchant can he [Music] moving hey hello ero Ernesto how you doing um we can make more houses hey we got Lumberjack we can buy [ __ ] now let’s let’s let’s do a base upgrade can you can you ask me a question now the Stars ammo slots with gel oh yeah [ __ ] I forgot you can do that I know gel I I do that for gel usually I can grab scraps too F do I even have scraps but what day do you want to finish this play through tomorrow let’s go as fast as I can because um I have to go on vacation Sala so why have so much ore oh ore exavator cheats on I do okay so let’s make more houses we more houses yeah I was buying wood oh is Merchant here by the way also I’m failing to jump through these [ __ ] wait oh I was going to ask why the houses were different but it seems like oh it looks like inst houses are weird when you have a platform above them how does that work it’s weird I saw it wasn’t matching now it’s matching you see that no those strange right M move during the rain if I want milons uh we’ll see I think um the PO MFS have no respond requirement except for Ballad house yeah for Prisma PP I have a quality life compendium so I can get pons whenever why the NP live good lives when you make them live bad lives okay sorry I’m getting distracted we got to [ __ ] play the video game um Merchant’s here okay oh I don’t have uh I just wasted all my money to eat that sorry my interive thoughts got me make W from digging Turtles for mining they’re very fun to use and more legit than inst elevators yeah [ __ ] I don’t like hint elevators at all forgot they’re on the packs oh yeah we’re going to be uh we’re going to be goddamn Eno for this play there where is he there he is the god him shyy sorcerer do I need motivation for this play through I don’t think I do let’s be honest do I require it h why I eat that room again I don’t know why my interest of thoughts one [ __ ] where am I now nostalgic shroom hey basil how you doing brother it’s my favorite NPC uh dryad if you can buy W from scrap oh uh [ __ ] the huntress should where is she the guy God damn Prisma MPC is she here am out of houses I think I’m out of houses need more houses can’t take a break after that difficult challenge you can disable the effect I can oh my potions aren’t working in piggy bank oh I think it’s because oh okay okay yeah to keep them in my inventory to at 30 [ __ ] I’m such a cheater bro God damn you don’t know why dry is my favorite good tach allows you to get all the stars you want so just ALC it’s so it’s techically a quality Life mod true true there’s not a false statement there you want to see what my stars look like with [Music] shrooms okay when uh Cirrus pulls up we’ll look at it see ASA thank thanks for stopping by brother hope you sleep well I even make like 11 more 13 yeah but let’s [ __ ] finish this [ __ ] ASAP so yeah oh it’s it’s weird what the [ __ ] basil unrelated you only learned the other day you can favorite stuff in void back like regular inventory wait did I take off I’m stupid sorry I forgot to pack I took it off oh my God thank goodness oh forgot to put it higher thought you where my top true should name the painter NPC to yis at some point what the freak them inventory since you for for the cheaty crippling my inventory you know what B Reaper let’s do that let’s [ __ ] do that honestly let’s do that just to balance it slightly yeah [ __ ] it punishment for abusing the [ __ ] out of this qu life we will get King Slime within the 24-hour Mark that’s not a false naming either not at all um we can to start making the houses on another level down here too oh will this break anything it’s fine right yeah it’s fine this house always confused me I don’t know why am I just stupid possibly is the star launcher post Skeletron you mean the star cannon no it’s post worm or brain no platforms between the floors we can put two each here H finding b inventory fitt potions you forgot the bch uhoh yeah the leaveing 45 so I can pause the content for two hours so I you don’t miss it nope Omega good luck good luck bro you’re on your own oh we can what’s it called I mean I can start duplicating money start needs me Min shark and stars yep okay so let’s start playing the game uh we can go to the right now go to the corruption actually I don’t know where the corruption is get gun by mini shark yeah so we have to we have to explore more what we have to do we need to find bombs and whatever else in order to um get demolitionist so I can blow up stuff yeah bombs let’s keep getting gunned by mini shark I can’t do that I got no arms dealer best thing to do is dig until lead or platinum lead is better overall for me and go to your pickax or horseshoe and get some HP then just get to one of the bosses kill the Stars okay I think I agree that sounds good I got bombs for St bag did I use them oh no I think it’s in my chest I [ __ ] my inventory is crippled my eyes are bleeding okay yeah they’re right there no we can go straight to the evil then get hell fores in hell and throw them Shimmer for 10 hell Stone bars each you can do that what the [ __ ] oh let’s go H well you don’t need any more bombs let’s go explore the surface I’m trolling don’t worry everyone’s eyes bleed is normal you hope say chees your first run I don’t think I need that extra help right now a [ __ ] wolf from [ __ ] send him M Clash round to get arms dealer oh okay you’re right you can do that [ __ ] flying fish come on trying I’m just trying to explore the surface Brother come on you got be pulling up like that oh I can bre in the water sick gills potion op no [ __ ] flying fish I’m just trying to find I’m just trying to find the thing oh let me cheat real quick let me grab a sunflower thank you now I’m running like the wind [ __ ] oh my God doam me is so good I’m such a [ __ ] cheater well it looks like uh there is no corruption on the right you need sand grenades for the rounds okay let’s grab some sand let me just dig randomly it never meant to make make my daughter cry bro may may dude I saw nothing uh don’t no don’t squir on me bro no don’t squir on me bro I’m not into that vulture oh yeah God Dam get me out of here [ __ ] these dumbass flying fish I hate you go to underground desert I don’t need that many right oh there we go okay uh do I have rope I probably have rope right also I’m placing so [ __ ] fast cuz the qualif compendium okay of course this a dog [ __ ] ass it’s a [ __ ] hole welcome back Lon is it rage meter from moving speed you can’t do that oh it’s an interesting fact random guy oh yeah we can do this now we don’t die to [ __ ] Thorns anymore God bless real info High key real info God I love call life you can’t do this normally I’m dead St just thought they could fly sorry I apologize oh God good player by the way Jesus Christ 69 gold dying with qu life mon stalled yep that’s the first death right no it’s not I died to a star already holy [ __ ] [ __ ] do damage almost night time by the way I want to go speedrun to the corruption oh God damn it [ __ ] my life wait that’ be funny as [ __ ] rage effect increases fishing power I might be cooked possible wait it doesn’t matter if I go to the crop right now I don’t care SARS yeah it’s about be about to be night time I mean just grab more sand [ __ ] that c is going to bother me we don’t need that much for 4 S Surly enough you you only need like a little bit for glass for Flash [Music] rounds yeah I need three glass I’m good I’m might exactly get metor right for the star cannon kill the worm with stars you’re lost regarding how uh the fallen stars will come Al why am I here again I don’t need to be here I mean I can grab I can just grab him oh this is a [ __ ] hole dumb ass we are doomed what do you mean we’re doomed how we doomed bwn Stars dropping yep you’ll see when it hits Knight what I’m talking about should spend time farming fallen stars during the day but instead I died to explore corruption [ __ ] you mean true basil should go on ground for furnace to make Flash oh yeah we can do that early meteorite would be good I’m dead Jesus Christ I’m going to die I’m just trolling I went here for no reason I’m going to die again fall damage like a [ __ ] dumb ass it’s going to happen there’s a [ __ ] corruption there’s a slime there um just grab these two oh I don’t be worried about uh drowning you’re always thinking a head of course of course of course of course I would never not think AE am I stupid no yeah a little bit we got our uh we don’t need to make flash rounds anymore but now we’re getting gate kept we got the arms either Xavier how you doing brother oh [ __ ] um that should have went right we’re not going to talk about that what the hul Jesus Christ so much [ __ ] chat in the chat God ray of light but he died to fall damage it’s true play the entire star can line on the recipe browser sure and his own bomb yep why I type res browser and then we can go like that oh yep we’re collecting Stars right now and means fav both of them there we go that’s good star Fury uh I mean it would be allowed but I don’t know if I want to use it I might just commit to only um only star cannon line yeah just for uh what’s it called continuity purposes well now yeah we have this now we see 20 bars it would be quite convenient yeah if we just um what’s it called God damn it I can’t think straight can I everything oh I think gay true sorry I’m triing balls kill Scout only with the damage of falling stars I mean with this many stars are probably doable maybe well I want to do it though no it would be more fun to see me cown me with the star cannon hi key oh God this going to be an adventure God I’m burping so I was buying rope what’s PA’s doing God damn it oh let me store my gold I don’t know why I have I’m holding all my money am I stupid yeah who swing the star wrath uh my my buddy who’s in end game right now of course obviously cheated in or his his endgame character no I forgot I place that fast Jesus Christ oh wait uh wolf from we can grab wolf from can we just try the thing where whatever the thing is called yeah wait no can’t get Maggie yet CL claws are useful though thank you Falcon I’m just looking there was inro sorry oh my God look at this [ __ ] oh give me that vital jelly God damn this is so [ __ ] nice giant shell I don’t have a dash that’s good rubber Drive is actually kind of good low key I mean count I me why not just get R Drive okay thank you for the accessories brother not convenient a I need to use B Block oh yeah I don’t know we’ll see what I do we can totally do that but Jesus Christ we have to do some weird [ __ ] going buy the montier uh but you’re right you’re right I’m cool with that bone Reaper we can only we can keep the claming claws no I’m cool with that I’m cool with that true I can’t get any of these legit right now is the mod public yeah of course uh just search up prisma’s pristine potions actually you don’t search it up if you just go to the front of Team mod loader you can find prisma’s mod just right there it’s on the front page it’s number one or something also I was supposed to buy [ __ ] wolf from scrap actually well I can’t buy them I technically can’t get them never mind we’ll we’ll be digging normally until we get meteor right never mind or after yeah after we kill the worm jellyfish dropped them well I can’t kill enemies right now so we’re going to it’s off tier technically for this run how I’m going to kill them with bombs that’s not a star with NPCs well they’re not underground with falling stars well we’re on the surface uh what B Reaper said we’re technically off to here right yeah makes sense right yeah no that’s actually guess a good idea we’re already cheating enough we might as well like make it like not that stupid make all makes sense I have like [ __ ] 100 cheat mods on God damn it feels so weird to be playing a early game again though little chest down they’re sick so is it lava layer chests you can find meteorite is that how it works I have no idea I’ve never played this game before it’s my first time it feels like it sometimes if I be real [ __ ] I’m just so dog [ __ ] I feel like I don’t know anything about this gameo Don’t Mind If I Do Don’t not mind if I do where’s my elevator by the way where the [ __ ] is it I got to I can’t be got to make sure I Don’t Stray off my path use a mod called craftable Calamity items let’s you craft all those drops but it still need to go kill enemies for more comat materials so you still need kill enemies we don’t need gr for all the luck in the world sick hey kale good find [ __ ] yeah yeah I think it’s a good balance for me I’m just [ __ ] the laziest [ __ ] in the universe so here we are we’re cheaters I’m a cheater oh what the oh you didn’t do damage for a second [ __ ] [ __ ] off I forgot I forgot enemies are are thing oh I did damage run valid run inv valid just kill me I deserve to die there it’s over man holy [ __ ] okay we have to restart the run now hey Liam hope you’re doing well brother start the Run yep got it now it’s over for for me I’m a fraud a should I just go make a pickaxe upgrade just to save a little bit of time nah whatever all this one work everything is in the description there’s like three main rules Life Crystals by the way let’s go grab that rest start the stream and then run oh God damn it I should have emptied my inventory when I died no worries not like Al I can’t see [ __ ] I should probably Place torches Molly the nurse hey hey nurse huh nurse I was going to say something but I got lost jelly exess need a bottle of water glow sticks and related potions to make the three items so you need to kill jellyfish for them wait that’s a good mod You artist smelling flus you need to restart reset this run this instant uh oh what the the devil my mother uhoh I think he is is it over for me I think it’s over ah okay do we wait have we seen [ __ ] seen [ __ ] the Slime left me alone SI uh gold or what oh is that plan is it a planum world I can’t see have we seen that tier yet of uh or what’s the difference between the Dollar Tree membership and the 499 one read it bro there’s a little something there can I hit the enemy with the mine cart it’s not a star so no is there a star mine cart if so I can do that you lose more money correct Neville is correct oh it’s a gold world for no reason yeah you want to support me more but um just you guys being here supporting me through chatting that’s more important to me oh it’s a fairy uh my inventory is fricked by the way what is all this should I go back to base why am I not using hard crystals I’m not going here I’m going here for the topaz yeah we can make a hook let’s make an end with this toaz Hook’s like barely better right also why am I not grabbing the gold we need to spend more money so yous can finally get some gloves I have like 40 [ __ ] uh of these tank tops that’s nice that’s all I wear not really only at home uh it’s it’s kind of in bad taste to go out in uh this type of tank top unless you’re like just [ __ ] it’s really hot or something I used that fashion I used to then everything fell apart and just stopped caring I’m just going to leave see I dud going buy me a Lamborghini he doesn’t need to have a car you broke his [ __ ] need money H probably right I just quick stack everything I mean we just throw all the garbage I don’t need my inventory raincoat sh um this sorry I have to think for a second I need that keep bombs okay inventory could be better but best we can do right now another mod craft vanilla weapon all vanill weapon since Calamity needs some of the very very rare ones like ter or devil Sunrise so you get faster too [ __ ] world Hing for hours actually who needs money really just momentum capacitor what do you mean who needs momentum C huh bu orders bars from the black market dealer with Fallen star money I want to avoid using the black market dealer I want to see how useful uh Prisma pristine potions is compared to my traditional quality Life mods so I’m trying to I’m trying to avoid these guys let me disable them actually that’s part of the run I just want to see how uh how practical is for someone like me see if I can uh I don’t have super cancer oh well they already moved in I have to kill them later uh cuz I am a resident extreme quality of life super user so I want to see how useful um something pretty Bare Bones but it’s very strong still like prismas for potions is it’s the um it’s the new alch MC light mod pretty much without all the weird [ __ ] in it no blo T anything do I need anything else Ian I misclicked that [ __ ] God damn it not that it matters but God damn it it’s a broken [ __ ] sword too it’s fitting okay you typ using spee attacks really fun fact if I break the rules and do you need to delete all the D money on this spot this includes pickaxe damage I’m cool with that sure sure sure we can do that right now I mean just do it right now we already did that before I’m cool with that sure sure added cancer so I I have to avoid uh doing damage with anything sure bone Raper I’m cool I’m cool with that I like these I like these I like these these additions you’re giv me I like them yeah keeping me grounded bro thank you bro oh uh I like that a lot okay I’m dead I’m freaking freed I’m going die to a blue slime never mind I have um uh qual life cheat mod on thank you God I love cheating in Terraria oh mining is so much better now make feather Evergreens and a lucky horseshoe oh yeah you’re right you have all the materials for that [ __ ] now or this one yeah I I don’t need rope anymore then yeah this intended game design what do I mean true Reaper is keeping me grounded is that ironic or fitt maybe a little bit but also what’s with these copper patches I’ve never seen something like that look so funny they’re so deep and I just see [ __ ] four copper patches the [ __ ] five are we in Copper City right now where the hell are we we not that deep are we yeah never mind I’m just tripping water chest anything in a water chest I need not really no I’m not going to crap that [ __ ] have a Prisma Prine potions if you gather 100 copper ores you can craft one silver ore real why the Silver’s copper everywhere what the [ __ ] almost exited the entire area can I reach that far thank you quality left compendium Aiden the traveling Merchant water Walker moves for terce spark oh I delete all my money oh my god do I even have money I don’t have money delete all my stars instead sure H cuz that’s my money right now they make gold armor now I like the balance change I drowned I did no way that’s crazy can’t believe I drowned with gills potion it’s imagining do I have a want gold can I change it to platinum I mean let’s make this first or shoe yeah and then we make a fella a fella of the El grain uh make platinum armor too though oh can I afford it no I can’t uh what do I have silver on me tripping is it here yeah it’s there I don’t think I need silver for anything else right now okay look at schnazzy okay back exploring put the rest of browser next to the rage so don’t get in the way wait you’re right oh my god that’s way better [ __ ] bro I dude this mod is so good what’s special about the F of the Evergreens I don’t know it’s the fella of the Evergreens K is ores via demon alter I already did though have uh too many cheat mods on oh yeah um man that feels weird to see all those Stars deleted yep so we’ll delete all stars and all money every time I do any damage that’s not star damage uh AAL is better uh isn’t it harder to get it’s like yeah it’s harder to get of course it’s better okay so oh how do you make Eno drip what does that again oh I can oh okay so that’s a shyy I mean [ __ ] uh oh is this I mean oh buy from the clot the air oh it’s post Skelly Okay C the air fire sorry what do you mean sorry it’s balanced you can’t be dripped out this early in the game early wood you can Orcs fad living trees for wood oh yeah you can it’s [Music] true [ __ ] the ghee is kind of good wait I’m broke can I pawn anything off sake too I don’t want this it’s useless for to me party girl candy sick I’m not melee it has jump speed might be useful for now think p some off some ores I can Pawn these accessories off the ones I cheated in technically has has 10 jump speed whatever it’s called any for PoGo oh yeah we can get pogo uh how much 18 gold damn okay whatever I mean uh we’ll get a lot of money from the Stars later why sake pronounce sake not sake that’s some nice movement speed for now yeah just a random [ __ ] this to play the yard are cheating of course the [ __ ] it’s not yardis if I’m not cheating in the game oh I don’t have to worry about [ __ ] rope anymore get the [ __ ] out of here probably block everything off huh whatever it’s a fat gold vein do I want it yeah low key do don’t she B on oh I wonder how she’s doing how’s he cheating it’s a it’s just a meme kind of if you think qual if he’s cheating then I’m cheating if he don’t then I’m not cheating make the scr St and sell them 12 is silver just no oh yeah I remember he told me about that I mean we always have fallen stars in other dupes so I think it’s fine fine for now too lazy Godly Trident wow she on Donan actually [ __ ] that bck if she didn’t let me one shot her I’d be [ __ ] so I had to be grateful for her no I I would never cheat on anyone so I’m okay no cheating chat you got to be loyal it’s not cheating for not relationship though I’m so single so I can’t cheat it just doesn’t work like that hey we need jum will that kill me no forg how Boulder [ __ ] works aorn and freak thank God I got a hook almost died when Acorn s for nothing so infinite profit margins wait that’s just facts we have full platinum armor now I bought the ghee just for this [ __ ] trip pretty much it’s 10 Sapphire nice oh [ __ ] for need to use horse more often he pull up brother get back here let me trap you in come on what the [ __ ] what why is he so fast the hell you see that he like [ __ ] had that like [ __ ] uh I don’t know what I’m going to say you got to place more torches more often can I reach that oops almost [ __ ] everything up thank you quality life compendium get the blocks under the boulder then your Shimmer oh that’s interesting oh careful not to do damage I throw away all my money then I might just leave actually I don’t have much money anyways I’m come on pickaxe damage oh there’s so many gems there I don’t want to die yet need to collect more silver I don’t know why I’m not grabbing it [ __ ] this hug do you like reverse Mohawks what the [ __ ] J your boy you you say some crazy stuff bro what the [ __ ] I just read um we can do that I don’t know do I care I’m not sure if I want to grab the boulder blocks I already lost where it was did I do damage to them I did okay goodbye money uh where you at Goodbye Aiden a menace not going to lie uh I don’t think Menace is the word I think weirdo is better stard do star feury allowed it would be allowed but um I’m Banning everything that’s not star cannon just to make it like more interesting maybe I don’t know cuz there’s too many star weapons having a moral warm that deals sking damage pre- boss kill it be funny it would be funny peace out you can start Cannon against the eron one of these I got to try both of them these are all the star cannon weapons am I my house is full yet the bustling they make more uh thing is you that was L just a SE you’re only run that you just typed out yep hey Marco how’s the how’s the Run oh it’s a run sorry Canon [ __ ] many sharks allowed Now read the title okay this is why you don’t read chat while he play these [ __ ] that toi NBC it is just leave it it’s too late already already fixed it what you mean oh no oh my God oh my I would have taken mental damage the whole run did a nice start bit hard to tell I don’t think it did yet no way it did right [ __ ] god actually this do three block gaps my dumb ass can’t fit fit into two for some reason so it should be Terraria death master I can only shoot Stars no the title is so accurate what do you mean why would I why would it me why would it make it more specific M Stars can go through blocks Jesus Christ the title is perfectly fine what’s the title again I I don’t remember what my title even is I’m speaking too fast what the [ __ ] is my title I got to go to my own channel for that but stars are my yeah what why would I change it isn’t that just perfectly fitting yeah what why would I change it isn’t that just perfectly fitting it is sorry I was allowed then read the rules man have rules in the description man it would be allowed but I’m only doing star Canon only just to make it more interesting I mean we can still use it cuz it’s an accessory not a weapon but weapons are limiting to only star cannon variant slash upgrades rules are meant to be broken you play stel bro God damn h okay you can start quick murder is a good idea it is all right uh oh we have the active stone blocks going try to block s the door I did I did we know I got caught in 4k why do I have this we’re fighting eer a brain we have a corruption world are true melee weapons allow maybe you must go goodbye see a random guy say damaging arm accessories should be fine as long as they do more than your weapon so no Omega blue or slag splitter yeah something like that as long as it ain’t to yeah like Omega blue is like [ __ ] off hell no everything else probably fine should be fine either it’ll be easier with stars not going to lie good choice or RNG well I only I’ve played corruption or Crimson in every world I think so I switch it up that’s the bigger reason why well we can go surely we can fight [ __ ] now right surely oh we can buy hard crystals for sure right oh I’m trolling the Neville Ching got me oh wait I’m just trolling I’m just trolling what am I doing sorry Jesus Christ there we go I was trying to click this Crimson Superior evil to play I think yeah but I think Shadow Armor is too good yeah now I switch to platinum God I’m just so stupid does have shade range Shield rsing them is not a smart idea yeah we’re playing Master Death Mode after all so the rules will be very lenient okay put something extra thorium little more challenge you got thorian boss’s rework and unofficial thorium mod interesting well Rich again that’s good let me go sell this [ __ ] oh we can grab potions now what do I want first wait it’s so cheap Dam I mean we only need well actually we already have infinite whatever oh she doesn’t stack maggot anymore oh we can try it out I should put one block on a platform for no reason and not until the Run ends why all those your favorite quotequote evil God damn it um I don’t care about potions right now right I mean we can just juice up yeah we can just juice up let me order potions that I’ll keep on for the rest of the run pretty much where the [ __ ] did I get this from did Fallen star like enter a cave or something what since I have potion inventory just get one of each yeah Obsidian Skin is the best oh Obsidian Skin is [ __ ] fantastic what will I keep forever pretty much I’ll keep those All Forever kind of calming potion I’m just useful okay can’t have no iron skin that’s weird grab these from while way over here blue mushroom FL oh yeah that makes sense that makes sense hard reaching Thorns are oh Thorns aren’t Stars wait the Thorns potion is in the shape of a star [ __ ] yeah I’m using it God damn I like that okay well our inventory is now [ __ ] it’s the it’s the retribution we must face Jesus Christ what the hell my eyes I mean once you get void bag we’ll be fine but Jesus Christ okay Bounty potion my dear you love eating blue mushrooms Neville nice make my eyes better sort than my color not too lazy don’t use void bag you must pay some price for a [Laughter] convenience we’ll think about it oops I [ __ ] [ __ ] it up we good did I need anything in there I don’t think I did we’ll see I kind of I do want want to use it because of the texture pack but how do you get Auto pick up Stars wait what did I just store quality life companion magnet very convenient what was here we got Su Sapphire let’s make a [ __ ] hook what oh was it bounding there we go I feel so smooth now okay we can get Life Crystal right why do I have healing you’re right now you’re right you’re right bone Reaper the [ __ ] I got to switch that out I mean we can make or whatever who cares I forgot teleportation potions true Zeal true 35 is crazy just came here yep it is crazy I’m trying to beat this [ __ ] in like two days so I’m abusing the [ __ ] out [ __ ] out of um Quality life oh Black Market dealer sells them okay well if Black Market dealer dies I’m not using him ever again so let’s abuse him while we have him is he here oh lord they’re expensive what lot of money now so oh god oh they cause juice oh my God they do go 300 HP you don’t need all the HP right no no we’re in master [ __ ] Death Mode no you’re right M Ripper oh it’s too late already bought them all all right well uh we can prepare for worm now oh I have boss checklist on right yeah I do oh I still have that bound let me unbind some [ __ ] there we go seems a bit cheap considering how to go underground anyways true oh it’s too late I already used uhoh uh oh whoopsy Daisy brain’s too hard no idea wait now I can afford my Pogo gra Pogo what am I doing reset I’m okay I’m not going to reset I got two days to do this run probably should have stored my money oh [ __ ] up my elevator of course I did just arrow is kind of stars well Jester Arrow has an arrow and the arrow itself isn’t a star so no holy arrows also have an arrow H clown of bottle sck what the [ __ ] POG isn’t slime out true oh that did I do damage them I did oh good by money got jump scared man let’s block off everything we should probably block off all the walls I’m too lazy eventually we can disable spawns anyway pretty much with battle cry and [ __ ] let’s go like that call it a day oops so so uh you find meteorite in the lava area lava level it’s interesting I mean I just make a watch right now get d turtles just show them off use them for the funny sure so how the [ __ ] I never used them before okay easy to get wait no one sells gel in the prism MoDOT I mean I guess but where’s the hress at hello lava later oh okay so like just right before hell oh hund doesn’t move in yet maybe well I guess we still use the quality life compendium NPCs what the frick oh wa I’m out of money I just had to do damage huh I mean I don’t need that really I don’t need my [ __ ] I don’t need anything here something like any the follow you oh interesting oh detonate how many can you have at once I mean I’ll just make a couple I mean we can spend all our money on scraps it’s fine need like 40 to make a full elevator how do they work I mean we’ll figure it out and then how I get gel Black Market wait I’m out of money well gel should be cheap damn damn oh my God is not cheap poon hey poon hope you’re doing well uh do I have gel in my [ __ ] storage God damn it oh looks like we’re not nor Turtles today spamming them into walls thr them right now and they’ll follow me I don’t have them right now I’m [ __ ] jail how do I get gel I can’t kill anything oh God have I tried the trick you mentioned with the architect if he’s alive I don’t have Alchemist NPC let make the squirrels and sell them oh you’re right we can do that we have plenty of wood well we can also wood dupe to worst Cas where’s my acorns am I blind help do I do I have acorns I do top my ball falls off God damn it this sucks okay stabs bro I’m so blind holy [ __ ] oh my God they’re cheap holy [ __ ] they’re cheap wait I can throw them on the ground is it t yeah it’s t wa I should not throw them on the ground here can I talk to di trador from here oh I have magnet we’re good never mind oper glitch I think a lot of the glitches are patched I think Calamity makes you like price match selling now or something we try to break a lot of or do [ __ ] dupes now uh money dupes with selling does not seem to work out any well I mean work out well anymore I can’t speak it’s over for me wait am I trashing that [Music] happened this is G professional play who need F oh my God there’s no way bro there’s no way just chot my balls off bro I don’t deserve I don’t deserve to play this video game why am I just so [ __ ] stupid forgot double jump by the way God damn it man I can’t [ __ ] believe it God [ __ ] damn it why am I I just the worst Sun acorns yeah wa now I now I got plenty of acorns it’s fine you got to repeat it I can’t chop my balls off it’s melee damage you’re right I need to I need to shoot them off with stars why did I laugh why you mean why to laugh do I need a reason to laugh I don’t need a reason to laugh man I laugh cuz I’m stupid that’s why I can’t make infinite profit correctly oh man it’s true God damn it man that [ __ ] I’m off of the star probably the clean cut at least true it will uh what’s the word cauterize wait what am I making right now [ __ ] I wol from control welcome to the Y stream I just wasted all my scrap oh at least he sell for money I mean I didn’t lose I ran Acorn is true I did God damn at least we have money now God damn it bro is the 500 times stars and player damage going to be on the entire run yeah oh my God bro just just killed me man do I deserve to live anymore this is tragic it is tragic okay all right let’s buy some more scrap just grab like nine yeah I’m actually I can grab a good amount 21 sure we just waiting toight time at this point actually I just my god dude my gel now man gel is so expensive okay we got Turtles now so you throw them on the ground you [ __ ] you have a luure you must lurk have fun P this on who told me that was a basil so that’s how they work God damn it okay so that’s how they work now we know we’re going to leave the hole there for now it’s going to be called the basil hole no they follow me like a summon so actually well played well played I believed you it wasn’t you no way H you can spam them while throwing them a slight different just mine fast how interesting wasted like 10 minutes for these [ __ ] Turtles instead of Ming normally by the way yeah more than 10 minutes right I’ve wasted like 100 years and like 20 Decades of my life man I’m so sad ah it’s not every day your landlord drills an occupied house yeah true man dude I God damn it is it over for me any different angles how these work I me just threw all of them I [ __ ] it up by the way my elevator is not even this because you did pix damage and lost my money not the tur’s fault true you never lie to me again I don’t believe that I see I see the hard crystals okay well turs are cool I can see the PE I far go I insta elevator I can but I don’t want to I don’t like insta elevators it’s one of the few things I don’t cheat part of the journey in the video game is to make a hellevator on your own I don’t know I’m just weird like that yeah is it these kind of chests meteorite no meteorite wait I thought [ __ ] Obsidian Skin hey do I need two oh I need two potions they are good yeah I think they are good for sure demon what the [ __ ] is a demon oh I know what they are need Shadow key [ __ ] you me shadow key are we good now yeah I need to I’m out of money okay whatever making a hellevator into our experience of Dante’s infernal journey to hell yes indeed ah so close to the top of Hell okay oh we can go we can go deep in here now H God damn okay I got 4 hours and 30 minutes of streaming time left God I’m [ __ ] gassy as [ __ ] it’s over not every day he to run f with a bootleg Jackhammer pogus stick true well this killed them thank you lava I love lava it’s very convenient to have this um nice to have this mushroom biome here think can fight grabon pretty smoothly well this count as this is lava layer still oh hey beautiful I mean why am i trash than that [ __ ] my inventory is [ __ ] oh goodness oh I strategically use lava to kill my Ops poverty enter no this is this the natural course of the world I should probably just go home [Music] bro my inventory is [ __ ] let’s just go home yeah let’s go home L damage not star damage true it’s true that’s true luckily I had no money had mud dirt and Clay box to rep Place well too late make a bed make a watch true no quick trash mod no trash Money Pawn take damage from a nonar source I’m okay with that one shees kick Auto trash [ __ ] Auto trash I got to deal with the pain itself Inventory management I have to do it you feel an evil presence watching you all right well here we go here we go Lads pull up Brother come on the first boss fight let’s get it all right let’s see how good the uh star is stars are what the [ __ ] these zombies I’m going just stick by my house okay I me make a campfire real quick just for purposes can you jump jump I’m jumping right now jump zombies oh my God okay what okay never mind I can’t break fast enough we still got a weapon it’s okay we don’t need no weapon PC damage run inv valid true okay what if I just drag them [ __ ] these dumbass Zombies bro that totally hit you come on come on pull up pull up pull up there we go a like another layer I could oh yeah it’s probably smart whatever I could do his b pull up so it’s fine yeah okay oh man it’s so [ __ ] bright in my room feels weird Okay drink some water first boss fight of this run he also get dous stars of course [Music] yis I have no weapon but would I lose Stars nah I’d fall true ready for hyper Dash I uh oh am I am I [ __ ] I can make a heart Lantern right now to boost my regen where’s my D where the [ __ ] is that all right bro where is he where is he wa’s no joke is he going to pull up or do I have boss like spawns disabled please tell me I didn’t have him disabled swe I have them on no no he’s not going to come tonight no no why is that a thing no the first boss fight this guy on God this guy bro I’m going to cry I’m going to cry bro can I buy lens at least we got to make fun for that away from MC’s and get nice to die it’s okay we can buy we can buy Six lenss never mind okay yeah we can just [ __ ] stand here I can sleep for another chance oh yeah true add another layer of juice now will zombies jump and die now hello I can just avoid them now huh BR buy from Nintendo game mechanic the dealer okay true what the [ __ ] is going on with the fallen stars who knows L that [ __ ] I me just go like this all the innocent fireflies getting Evis by Falling Stars true get the bastards get oh yeah you’re right that’s why this layer’s good okay it’s good enough for now hey star you just join stream uh why not why not um fall Stars okay so we have money now that’s the let spend it while we can so what am I buying get this turtle out of my inventory lens while we’re here can buy much gel we’re always sh gel oh man anything else I need just Ram stuff not really [Music] no oh well we can just buy the boss spawner stuff or how much is it 25 the worm food it’s 10 why I think it was 25 am I stupid can you buy voms now they here blind I’m going blind shot I grab this it’s just five God I [ __ ] hate this game I mean to hate myself on this game I’m just so dumb like it’s I’m anymore do I have mushrooms here line jump if one you go from their level to another level to jump over them or two if you are higher than them and they encounter a change in the block height the blocks they stand on like a small pit or a hill that’s interesting god let’s just start let’s start doing some um what’s it called storage garbage let’s get a lot of turtles now a turtle mine with PhD and Terraria it’s true Bam Bam Bam okay well time [Music] to get our [ __ ] storage [ __ ] ready iron did I sell my iron [ __ ] probably yeah I’m stupid yeah no I got iron there he’s silver and iron right yeah silver iron gems diamonds wait Black Market dealer oh my brother forgot the homie is the homie of all homies to make dirty Turtles okay sure I’m out of wood Lumberjack feel good to have money soon would never have to worry about losing all my money ever again let’s get our medic storage done instead of 12 is that what I usually do 14 am I stupid yes yes I am admittedly so now we need chests and diamonds okay God damn it why did I make eight did I just lose my Asian card on accident yeah oh well bro what a homie three diamonds that’s all you need [ __ ] god damnn it there we go there we [Music] go I have extra chests yep wait huh oh am I silver God bro am I out of silver no I got or Goin Army oh I didn’t need the to cloth has it killed either worlds yet not yet POA but I’ve been griefing classic GST you know man wait no I wasn’t stupid was I stupid the world will never know this a poor void that has no good way to deal with goblins at all night time right I’ll be fine you because St get it fast uh oh H [ __ ] uh wait true uh can I how do I want to do the storage go like this make a vertical chunk this time not vertical horizontal vertical is what I usually do God dang I don’t even know to [ __ ] up from down oh mother Freer oh mother Freer it’s go it’s go over it’s so doomed what do I do what do I do what do I do just leave home go underground I’m go underground um they’re just like zombies oh hey guys bye guys it’s yard over oh we need the turtles well we can unfavorite this stuff now or whatever do the Army qu NPCs can’t handle a couple goblins this with thorns potion ow true I could bro the skeleton’s a [ __ ] op dude [ __ ] off uh hey babe thank you for healing me back to the underground I go man I should have stored everything first [ __ ] is his inventory yeah we’re making progress chat we are kind of maybe perhaps copium oh my God Diamond craw oh Sick Star damage yeah but I don’t want to I don’t want to use anything that’s not a star cannon I see that chest you can buy one more each I need to do that thank you oxy having them worly take up space yet worth this right now actually not a lava charm I me I just go back home right now just real real quick pause it everything nice and then uh can I where is The Elixir IST oh she right there uh let’s like block ourselves in oh I can’t no she’s going to die um oh um okay I have to go under ground bro I’m too weak for this [ __ ] Auto pause [ __ ] Auto pause call are better than mirror they are better it’s too to save them right now okay well I can’t I can’t be up there did she move back in already [Music] no ah that was a level charm chest yeah just go before I lose my money from a pickax it hey I’m not it’s not going to happen trust me me when I lie then we’ll move back in until the Goblins are defeated oh [ __ ] he make the golden plot nah n I’d win should moving during an invasion of course of course ah so how was everyone’s day mine’s going fantastic am I too low I should be a little higher right thus y artist made his getaway leaving his tenants to face the goblin horde on their Collective alone so why I trash the stars have a hidden rule if I do any damage that’s not star damage I have to delete all my stars and delete um all my money oh Papyrus undertale no way I need to buy your stuff but I’m broke but I’m broke I can’t it’s over do I can like buy actually can I like I don’t need diamonds [Music] anymore okay I don’t need uh the thing anymore calcium this is useful I can’t buy it I’m too broke ah oh the pain oh the misery can I I don’t have a net with me it’s too late now I can’t even deal with the goblin with the star cannon no ammo goodness dragon skeleton Merchant with me H wish I could I think bug net you can buget him with Fargos but I don’t have a bug net with me didn’t think I needed it okay where’s my meteorite chests I mean what time is it we just go back check what time it is it’s the Glorious daytime okay so what’s the plan the plan okay so here’s here’s my here’s my game plan let’s get let’s K let just kill this [ __ ] worm ah leave me alone bro uh [ __ ] chunk where my chunks at bro are they in a chest I forgot I move everything it’s over I’m dead where is it it’s right there right there okay all right grab my chunks go grab 20 vile powder from the actually I haven’t checked the left side yet maybe it’s a closer corruption left side sorry not going a bug net 1.33 seconds after mer kind of M skill issue Mr White God damn it he’s not going help at all well I can grab the uh the meteorite naturally then no where am I tripping I need to kill him eventually anyways think can be the first boss oops can I just make the arms star cannon what do you mean it’s soft tier you need is it’s technically post evil one go hey well that’s useful we grab the heavy workbench well looks like my corruption is far on the right you stop dying kill scall already true God damn it dude oops this is a nice snow biome this sucks I suck okay true equally valid take a [ __ ] fat ass Mountain tanking no platforms since there block Stars while race on doesn’t sound like a better in mine chest uh-oh it rages on the surface oh [ __ ] not like this please be good [ __ ] I have my bombs that’s fine you also suck B but I see it why am I going down there even oh what the freak man just [ __ ] making out with me okay uh do I have scraps still I have gel now didn’t I waste all my scraps can I access it nice so can I I can access that it’s go down in mine it’s naturally sure I can do that I wanted I wanted Turtles but it’s fine worm food worm food indeed this stream doesn’t have a good outlook on two stream playr stocks never want to be e Soul so bad Jesus [Music] Christ range on serves you have dangerous Evon stone walls behind you Christ my Discord chat made even worse my Discord chat is crazy my Discord is crazy in general I never knew it it would evolve into what it is now not bad chest I need 20 [ __ ] meteorite 20 C for beds you’re right probably should do that easy to get to watch this m oh the satisfaction 20 metor one chest that’d be [ __ ] sex what was that mini artist I have no idea block off the path behind me good idea okay that should be a good height to Traverse now speed up time until my T was full meteor you have to kill the evil boss first dite for Maggie true this have a or excavator duping should get me enough don’t want anyone coming from behind pause 94 yep good old dupe I love cheating on video games so fun 36 okay we leave a little more than that IIT and terraria’s money wish I could say the same look it’s not my fault if he walks into the lava on his own okay not that much to Del anyways oh he’s about the bat’s about to go behind me do some devious activities think a furnace hunt now and make the oh yeah we can do that I get your drift oh yeah oh you can feel that right away truffle worms the Truffle worm thing thing is patched unfortunately oh it’s a chest please have juice please have the juice let’s have these and these we go to Sky Islands now man demon kn I already have enough 94 right it’s more than enough is there still any other way to buy and sell for more expensive [ __ ] no no longer sells it for ggs nope I think they price matched everything in the code or something like uh just you can’t do it anymore it doesn’t work I think someone said there’s like a way with placing down stations or something I don’t know and like refreshes the price I have no idea how it works oh I’m going to die at Sil isn’t one shotting me anymore nice Sky also works if you place and break it ah okay it’s good to know let me know if I missed chest by the way your streamer is the most blind streamer wait I missed cake wait there’s a party going on oh my God I missed cake and more fragile Gojo party I like the way he put that that’s [ __ ] funny there’s a crazy method called getting your money legit that’s pretty crazy no lie at all now [ __ ] this magic do I need this for anything is this is the most useless [ __ ] in the world yeah what the [ __ ] do I need this [ __ ] for get out of my inventory bro oh H so B here he’s a little stupid though he’s not killing me is he a homie he’s dick he’s [ __ ] chunked it’s over it is over don’t forget to buy potions if I haven’t already well uh the Goin still going on oh this sucks I think the play through gets way better soon as we got our first weapon though a where the chests at where’s my meteorite oh I’m going to cry damn what’s with all these bats p that makes pwns work everywhere so you have a good fast travel system and since you need to get place place save travel time um yeah um that’s a good mod I should probably be using that huh for my lazy ass I know I don’t already you’re right bro I think got use quality compendium which is like 1% is good you can get pylons anytime from NPCs hey gonus met the golden dog and I mean the English or Spanish what does that mean pretty sure no it’s built into qu competi I think it is I never tried it though you model this later so I look oh thanks fun Reaper that’d be nice cuz the the next real big run is coming up soon so that’ll probably be very helpful [ __ ] get in there am I missing chests I’m the blindest streamer of all time we already know this though ah it’s over okay just take me don’t give up yet well if I mine I lose a gold it’s not bad okay I should almost leave wait on pull up Brothers come on surely surely they pull up come on pull up oh my god do I excavate the platforms what did I do come on jump jump reach me okay so what I can do is like have like an area oh my God it’s so scary go underground no we can kill them with these Stars it’s dodging Time come on go no hit the Stars oh baby come on come on pull up brother pull up pull up pull up okay God damn oh this is this why I trained in infernum for oh my god oh goodness gracious goodness gracious come on oh God we like ly moving damn God damn oh my come on come on come on ah the range [ __ ] aren getting smacked no this is so stressful thank you if frames oh my God Le at least we’re thick imagine we weren’t thick come on get out of here just die already man 30% only it’s so doomed yo Prisma how you doing brother G my ass beat oh my God it’s so doomed oh go underground wa you’re right we can do that am I stupid hi key God damn it okay wait I just fine if I do wait no I’m going to die to the Summoner or not Summoner know I I I don’t do damage if I just mine the thing come on all right oh [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] little dumbass oops all right H I can go to the bathroom no I’ll die what time is it I need can I make have inventory oh wait I can make a uh St I can surely make a watch with this stuff right oh [ __ ] okay oh I have to go like this I don’t die to the [ __ ] purple [ __ ] I’m not doing damage oh uh uh uh [ __ ] rage buff go need a wire for a watch you need a wire like my fade thank you it was bald though I had a penis head I always got roasted back in the day cuz that’s how I usually cut my hair okay the armor makes me more thick oh yeah knock back imunity oh [ __ ] I stopped mining you know why oh yeah I thought just a chain thank goodness bro yeah about to say I was like what the [ __ ] a wire yeah I like huh chain and gold thank goodness okay I know my Terraria knowledge sucks [ __ ] but no I’m cooked I’m dead do I have a better weapon for this to clear out the [ __ ] purple boys wait I I use my potion oh this is better for sure right I don’t have iron Su chain no yeah well I couldn’t craft one anyways can [ __ ] die you need the grand design for the watch true you just fell down Stone stairs in real life are you okay pink boy that us a pickax is cheating here no the title says damage right I’m not doing damage right now the balls are enemies not projectiles but there’s no damage number right there’s no damage number right where is the damage number see there’s no damage number I’m not doing damage come on man star fa count I don’t want to use start I it technically it should count but I see no damage number bro I see there’s no damage number oh [ __ ] I’m going to die come on we’re almost done stars please help me man also who cares uh I don’t know it’s the who car cares plus I don’t see a number yes we survived just kill me now oh my God that was [ __ ] horrible God damn it ah the Abominations here nice yeah I want to do St can9 on uh tag Le star would work but there’s a sword there too so it just gets bothersome can you like die M get him please hey it’s not no I it’s not my damage it’s their damage trust me damn damn this [ __ ] jacked get him get him bro oh my God oh my God bro okay are we freed we’re done no more [ __ ] Goblin sex wait what that was horrible not really all right so light armor makes you thick what boss I’m at and King Slime I haven’t done [ __ ] I’m getting [ __ ] that’s all I’ve been doing I just been getting backshot it let me move all my [ __ ] that’s something I should have done a 100 years ago whoops am I just stupid yeah dude I actually need my balls chopped off I don’t think I deserve them okay now we can grab our Buffs now Jesus Christ so going to M no way to kill falling stars that one shot me we’ll try anyways am I going to disable fallen stars when I get star Canon no part of the playr is going to be the Stars I go by boss order no I’m not going by boss order I usually do but in runs like this no um there’s like three main rules star damage only star cannon fallen stars and then whatever else better Zoom mod oh true are the stars hostile yeah they are they do 6,000 damage to me so I can’t even tank them if I tried fun it is fun it’s interesting it’s different it’s uh kind of unique maybe it’s all right what am I doing again I do something lead armor did did I sell my lead oh I don’t have my crafting [ __ ] in there [ __ ] dumbass D let’s make our watch 22 Watch 2 two plus dog weapon I have all of them right here he does curse then e wory beit probably yeah let’s do the worms first let me uh get jacked first make that lead armor I have iron armor have iron make it into lead what the difference by the way or just Scourge un loock Scourge to kill scourge I mean Bon lead though so we’ll make lead oops I don’t know the dam I don’t know the armor difference is there’s no difference the same iron isn’t good knock back immunity baby what what the set wanted to do I just throw the I can throw it in the Bandy my inventory is [ __ ] okay let’s [Music] um I it’s worse than light okay you R be smart well I was going to be doing that but um we’re in death Master mode so it might be harder than we think okay so let’s [ __ ] fix this now I need two of each to get infinite Buffs Godus isn’t a 30 you’re cheating yeah where’s my night owl oh chem sells it okay okay [ __ ] Mr White full game tanks set up you can make the stars do like 5,000 damage instead of 6,000 sounds about right wait is there potion return here I’m not seeing it I could be blind rer luck I can’t afford it oh wait AB give me that luck bro oh yeah I not sure how infinite luck works it’s on second page oh okay what else do I need building potion oh we can buy healing potions very useful that’s way too many I can sell back for the proper gold right the requires either world/ BR okay rip then my inventory is even worse now my God I need to buy bounding po potion teleporting potions ah okay yeah a telor potion makes sense okay grab my bounding there we go now we should be jacked oh yeah I’ll got out of Buffs it’ be the same that’s what I thought whoops oh wait we’re so [ __ ] juicy now I can feel the power God my inventory is so [ __ ] on oh let’s make a watch take one CH that’s for luck yeah okay that’s what I assumed but have money anyways it’s fine I have any wood in here oh have tables already what not both okay watch there we go nice there we go okay at least we’re [ __ ] juicy now we’re not weak yeah yeah holy [ __ ] so hideous in my inventory okay so I do want to try either vs out Goblin we can get Goblin but actually Goblin would be nice but do I really want to look for him I don’t know no too lazy no we should be mining down there anyways I mean too lazy faked a stroke in live chat people believe in this interesting thank you for having a stroke probably not typing the heck that’s interesting it will auto Mo things to qu like compendium I don’t have it on I think it’s too cheap I cheat anyways but like something that’s what you’re saying there oh Wonder sh save me from 6,000 damage stars true okay so we’re here for voms give me that I need to get the worm food see ASAP so you just need four four shrooms I think I probably miss some shrooms right your boy is blind well anyone believe anything in he for God’s sake who knows have three fun clam the ideas for a run this run where mus shrooms at surely have missed one oh yeah they’re right there okay um dang it if I had a potion in return life would be pretty easy it’s fine let like a quick room come back with the bed later and I should be chilling spooky corruption thing banging actually massive damage means nothing on E world since star needs to hit each segment oh [ __ ] I just want to try it out see what happens if I get butt [ __ ] by eater so be it so be it oh well Calamity but you call do damage to weapons oh goodness sounds hard h God I for how [ __ ] fast he plays compendium okay you don’t need a torch for your own room all right let’s go back home make a big hole Yeah they can have money right let’s buy a bunch of let’s buy a [ __ ] ton of dynamite where’s the demo at am I blind is he dead oh he’s right there he’s getting covered by toi yeah I was doing that earlier Dr Universe man use bomb for the Reena bombs oh yeah wait so it’s based off of just the background walls you’re in that’s interesting wait I have [ __ ] shurikens oh hey sweet baby let’s [ __ ] cheat what the [ __ ] the super fraud item give me that [ __ ] Turtles nah I got this bro I’m a cheater you forget I’m a cheater [ __ ] the turtles bro the Turles are cool it’s too late now I already bought everything do a base Calamity way I’m already not doing that b of Calamity what the [ __ ] is that oh don’t do damage either well they do never mind oh let me get fricked God holy [ __ ] I’m such a cheater what the freck oh my God it’s so broken oh my god oh I feel horrible but if if I feel so like horribly good oh my God it feels like I’m an end game right now what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I’m a fraud the fraud mining I don’t think fraud us ever left us chat holy [ __ ] what is this okay this is little too broken huh oh well I need to beat this game in two days I have to bomb the arena from above and only destroy blocks we got am I missing chests can’t tell let’s grab a forge I don’t know why I’m not doing that yeah my inventory is [ __ ] on what my what I trash we need this I need to St my inventory out God meteor right I did metor right if you can do you’re bone Reaper bro I’m yardis what the [ __ ] oh who who whoa don’t compare me to you I can’t remember what to craft half the time bro I got the yard is a debuff bro it’s so over where’s my meteorite it’s totally possible to have no meteorite cheat chest Jesus Christ this is so broken this feels [ __ ] illegal oh my God am I missing chests probably maybe possibly knowing me I am see the items you me last night oh the mirrors right I think I did CH is really low yeah it’s [ __ ] rare isn’t it oh my God it’s so doomed it’s so doomed tell about the mirrors right Prisma I think that’s like that’s a good bloat maybe I don’t know the curs clock oh yeah the yeah I did see that I think oh ah man for someone like me though probably be always running Faro so I have no idea have I seen any chest yet is it over for me I think it’s over for me bro oh it’s nighttime right now um I mean I can make worm food fight eater right now you can just take a look at him cuz I’m curious how long Ys for chea on a weapon [ __ ] never what I don’t go that far missing out bombs oh I should be high rip small brain moment can I graft a worm can I craft it here probably not yeah I can’t make any demon alter Provence yet okay uh can I Traverse there I didn’t plan this out [ __ ] the meteor strategy mean meteorite early meteorite strategy I don’t think it’s going to work for me should I just [ __ ] it we ball wait I don’t have a bed do I have a loom think I have a loom no I don’t there saw no uh bed mushroom bed sure four beds I need that many but they’ll come in handy later just lock in making St to I already have it already all right [ __ ] we allall all right I’m not saying any St oh is the pl is our plan to is protecting me I have no idea why am I so safe should I me getting [ __ ] this s Stars one’s going to St me watch Jesus Christ that guy’s [ __ ] zooming man I’m supposed to rehat right now but I can’t God that could have sniped me okay go go God why we put my house so far okay thank goodness thank [ __ ] goodness uh so let’s make the warm food I I see an alter can I of course not I can’t do that that uh I need Dynamite for that don’t hold the tools so you lose all the stars you’re right I would enjoy the day after leg cuz you going to look at like a full walk around with ch toes for so long you get used to it eventually hey TS how you doing I mean we just try and rage [ __ ] there’s no stars though it’s like none oh I see why am I lagging so bad I see now I know now now I know why now now I know what the [ __ ] is this boss that’s Thorn’s damage by the way ah okay no wonder BN warn me okay okay wait it’s taking forever how was that so laggy no stars what the [ __ ] yeah where all my stars at I think Planet toids are blocking them N I think I can RNG it I can get away with RNG I believe in myself next night n that’s doable I can feel it probably an island above me yeah where’s my money I to delete my money too L everything just [ __ ] let full commit now Jesus Christ why is it so laggy why am I lagging so oh prob say a million stars okay let’s fix some things let me delete my money real quick oh my God can’t wait for me to get my first [ __ ] weapon man didn’t I have grab wait don’t I have them I have gra yeah I do have them Lo limit let’s sleep in a bed I mean isn’t there like a uh Co compendium what item I can make change daytime cuz I got to beat the game in two days and I’m not good at the game I can’t bone Reaper and speedrun in 20 hours I can’t do it better Zoom mod then look for chest get p mod to I make digging checkpoints sure why not what was that thing called though there’s an item I know let me check the Qui life [ __ ] I look for this first I know what it looks like do I know what it looks like am I stupid yeah yeah I’m a little stupid no no okay better is lame tph yeah I know if I want to use it it’s worth the price ah that must be five hours I’m doing amazing man I don’t know what do I want to do low key I just want to I low key just want to [ __ ] what’s it called just just ball ball eater worlds I think I’m tired of doing this [ __ ] I think it’s doable I think it’s actually just genuinely doable wait for the next night build an quick long Arena doesn’t look that bad yeah it doesn’t look that bad at all it was completely I just had no Arena yeah okay I’m glad we’re on the same page pris it did not look that horrible if I just get really lucky after clearing out whatever’s above this I should be fine you got to let Prisma stream on my channel while I’m gone give him my stream key he just gets my [ __ ] terminated it was all elaborate plan to get close to me I can do this now one of these M death bosses anyways I could feel it looks like if you have a good Arena you’re fine boom Shar In The Sky Islands yeah we can boom Shar in them o I think I’m Excavating but that works too God [ __ ] Jesus Christ I’m going to die on the way there aren’t I die I’m glad I didn’t hesitate if I if I juk back I died there for sure oh my God God it’s [ __ ] okay okay we got a couple more seconds before the hell stops are we good are we good are we good okay we lived Jesus Christ okay hey Kon you’re on the bus of school so have fun with this [ __ ] yeah so there was an island here oh that’s useful as [ __ ] I’m not going to get rid of the Walls by the way wait aial light just don’t get hit that’s what I’m saying I’m not taking it they just boss fighted it up go to spot very or oh yeah you’re right it’s that simple did that do damage no that was Thorns right I swear that was Thorns right yeah just Thorns just can’t use Thorns it’s because of the star shap potion baby that’s my dog [ __ ] ass [ __ ] reasoning I just think it’s funny I think it’ll be funny cuz I might make this a video someday for fun it’ be funny free engagement too like um let’s not uh let’s not damage from Stars I hit it for two damage wait huh how come the hary’s not killing me oh they contact damage anymore okay I guess I’m deleting my money though now trust the bone Reaper word yeah I forgot they remove contact damage it’s weird du no well I have one star anyways I’m going to keep one my inventory I’m not going to Del that one star okay whatever I’ll be inside of me [ __ ] yeah okay I mean build my yeah build my Arena like an area like this jealous I mean what huh what indeed flipper nice I already had to delete everything so I don’t care about [ __ ] doing damage to the heartbeats whatever uh hav’t defeated fell off I never I was never up just a it’s just a side piece fing take over my stream okay [ __ ] all right dude Ling Ral jelly Maggie I can make Maggie I forgot I mean since he’s already enraging I don’t need to fight him in the corruption facts Giga facts doesn’t remove the planetoids oh sick teram no chant sword oh I need those need those too so I really I don’t need this [ __ ] I need this random shits you might just leave you leave the Bome oh you’re right okay it’s going to be canc are seeing the backgrounds in the map for now maybe go deeper okay I’m going to move this and then go more to the right we’re too far left right now the no conic damage is so [ __ ] trippy to me three damage okay I have to delete all my [ __ ] items or money um okay yeah let’s go back you make light them you’re going to make a hammer oh goodness gracious thank you Prisma yeah this was that eh whatever am I going to finish the big tree with a fish crushed by an anvil imprisoning the angler and uh my far goes run that’s coming up oh hello there that’s where I’ll copy and paste the world and continue building that [ __ ] I’m cheating so hard right now man Jesus Christ I need that I need that I need that I need that one topass I can’t leave that there I can’t prob is going to be heinous yeah it’s going to be a long con for sure there we go bro it’s so go over [Music] man wait I keep I keep thinking they do contact damage that’s why I’m running so much they’re so weak now is that good enough yeah I think actually I want get rid of that one just for athetics might as well I already got rid of the other ones I don’t need any of this dog [ __ ] in here what’s worse oh it’s way worse the r the run I planned is going to be [ __ ] horrible oh it’s going to be [ __ ] horrible I leaked it to Prisma a while ago that’s how be knowest kill yeah kill me harpies oh yeah thought I heard something in my house probably did bro what can I just like not suck at [ __ ] get him damn it crap I didn’t do it fast enough the magnet is so funny let unfavorite so I can drop off all the items here actually whatever where did I that there okay kill 10 har kill haries for 10 f for the wings I can buy them cuz technically it’s not it’s not a progression skipping because they can die to Stars pretty easily I could go fledging for fledging true huh [ __ ] oh yeah it’s juicy is there anything star base pre- boss yeah star Fury and hey little FR hope you’re doing well brother wait can I just buy them from [ __ ] toi oh no you can’t s is technically pre-ot it is actually technically pre boss yeah star wrath true doing good how about me I’m might never like popping off oh I have to sell all my money oh I have no money good sell all my money gr for finishing last play through thank you brother kind of miss it already ledging vital Maggie Yellow Balloon oh yeah we can make Maggie right now red Boss Rush that shit’s so ass such a waste of my time why do I I mean to miss it I miss uh I don’t know I just miss infernum likeing love infernum wa we can oh we can look for the goblin tanker while we’re here I know it was fun let’s fun I only playing T only fny bosses it’s true this thing it’s uh it’s favoring with see how I can favorite stuff just recipe browser want the fun of digging but there’s another way to get meteor I mean it’s up to you to tell me thank you no wor no worries Goblin time where is he oh we have this I can cheat forgot I can cheat oh man I love I love just [ __ ] not playing Terraria oh God tell them if you see him I’m blind as [ __ ] it’s so doomed I might as well you can spawn anywhere right they j7 clear be [ __ ] yeah I did hey ah how you doing first time chatter here awesome I into the dungeon archives you get a guaranteed Shadow key then go for shadow chest for me the meteorite yo I like that let’s do that let sounds like fun sounds like fun H Shenanigans now [ __ ] yeah wait no it’s almost night time never mind we’ll do that um we’re going to try out I tonight that be faster yeah plus this this’s a small chance I don’t have a single meteorite chest in the whole world uh where’s Lumberjack that can totally happen right why can’t it not happen wait I’m broke forgot I’m poor as [ __ ] I get the oh yeah I can do that uh yeah can I sell anything I would like some wood that’s a lot of gold oh I did the wrong one I don’t need that much gold I don’t I said I could do said your worlds you think sounds like me me right in the gold chest in your hell anyways it’s it’s rare it’s rare feels cheap for a run like this you don’t want to make a thing to do but now that you’re CH of mind so you don’t commit to it about time you just let me know thank you BN Raper I’m not a real terrario player I’m not sorry I was buying I was buying wood yeah damn let’s buy more wood bro will do anything except for mine for 3 hours yeah I’d rather fight Scout for 12 hours straight without food or water dude I’m such a [ __ ] weird player bro f is this oh it’s great look my four inventory oh let’s craft the king of slim spawner over here CH the [ __ ] out progression says I’m not no hitting anymore [Music] true I can play the game how I want now I have no rubies my final challenge go mining mind oh no oh man like this way they go a dunge dash oh true okay these are natural fling Stars yeah [ __ ] off oh My Lens okay let’s uh make it our way over there couldn’t be Prisma on God couldn’t be Prisma Prisma would never mind nope God damn I’m such a [ __ ] cringe [ __ ] player maybe I really am just a no hitter shot I’ve just always been one it just took me like [ __ ] years to finally do it become a like a real one I was a I was a fraud in every C category before that all just teleport my inventory that tripped me out I fin have an identity no grinding is cringe and cheating is sp I think uh maybe it comes down to self- awareness really the game is so calming for real perhaps oh here comes starmageddon is that is that the pun they use that’s their pun isn’t it oh it is God damn it you said you know with zero quality of life you changed your mind it just bro like you and I we’re content creators we can’t just [ __ ] play the game as intended forever we’re never we’ll never make it then don’t be [ __ ] also why am I down here here to craft spawners let’s be honest bro we’ll never we’ll be [ __ ] if we every time we did the full process every time I think his last is make tank kill that way last oh fall Dam oh okay I know what you mean I don’t if I want to do that though are stars falling properly here yes they are weit have weit I have gravity potions I can just [ __ ] yolo bolo this uh I’m fighting this [ __ ] in slow mode too I’m going to die I’m [ __ ] dead no this is so doable couple attempts this oh my God the Stars oh oh see attempts that’s so doable under kill time wait it shows all that now that’s so doable bro go got to be ready just got to get lucky as [ __ ] oh oh wait we found the strategy we found the strategy holy [ __ ] God just drag him up and down oh my God you see that beginning woo they only Liv because of like damage immunity right from worms is that why they lived God Dam God Dam oh my goodness gracious oh my God I’m going to die can I just get a weapon already come on can you guys [ __ ] oh my God how their AI work I’m so confused what if I just fall up damn it think it was on kill time you think so no it’s so doable okay why I just follow up bro I just pray Jesus is this the move look wait for some hear screaming sounds like a yard stream wait um can I make them instant despawn with micros come on bro on death to despawn fall guys yeah reverse fall God okay I mean it fails cuz I eat a star in the to the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] goodness gracious [ __ ] grab potion movement is so trippy when it’s your first time yeah dang it worm spawn Dr why is the anti-un I we just wait before I fall up I’m dead Jesus Freak Jesus freck the star Dam damage I mean this play there would be trivialized if the stars didn’t do damage so it’s a prime mechanic [ __ ] how about we only grab if I need to oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] try tab for moving with grab pot what do you mean tab tab I think I just need I just need to not suck or get lucky damn damn God damn God so [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh my goodness gracious me oh my okay oh B spit [ __ ] a [ __ ] wait they’re so fast oh they’re in Rage you got to remember that I have M I have Maggie I think it’s my cam covering I can go like this now it’s okay oh you talking about this I that’s super awful suck for Content yeah it looks like [ __ ] unfortunately oh I was reading Marco’s death prediction no this is doable [ __ ] though it just uh damn they’re [ __ ] F oh okay they don’t do damage right away they’re really [ __ ] fast how come I took no damage there am I cheating am I hacker oh my God that just scrape my booty oh [ __ ] God they’re so [ __ ] fast I think they accelerate maybe I’m dead dude why oh my enraged eater is fast here let me uh zoom out for Min map uh we can do e we can do [ __ ] uh we get the ULU other bosses this should be way better it’s a real boss oh [ __ ] what is this boss even can I star hit him this sucks I can’t wait to get a [ __ ] weapon ah God this one is weird why am I learning how to grab gravity potion movement so [ __ ] up for my brain he an aulu I think it is yeah I think we need the star cannon I think every night we try either world based on their speed so might not be moving oh okay that’s weird it’s always like that I I thought they just always had contact damage [ __ ] me oh my God bro oh my God this so weird dude okay well now we know [ __ ] enrage death Master mode e world is speed goodness oh God it sucks wa we’re out of the Arena whatever faster and the slow turn angle it’s true yeah good old double speed dog man why the [ __ ] other the four of them is that four yeah just like like [ __ ] uh Prisma said just wannab be infernum I actually like infernum eater he’s like kind of cool that’s a lot of stars this sucks ATT 13 oh my God damn that would have [ __ ] shreked them oh low key this climbing Claw is [ __ ] me take that [ __ ] off let’s replace that something else later okay let’s just pay attention dude oh [ __ ] oh what the hell they dop it’s a four eater worlds feel like an RNG check I think it is an RNG check yeah n [ __ ] okay got one we got one more good attempt in I think Master death was weird I already missing ferum no dude [ __ ] this movement so [ __ ] gravity potion movement oh my God you need to worry about the Stars this is so [ __ ] weird is it come on come on come on come on wait uh I’m stupid come on wait I’m trolling no no no I should just stay on top of the platform damn it it it was It came it came daytime anyways damn it yeah daytime [ __ ] it whatever rip Where’s My Money okay no that’s so doable I’m just going to sleep through the the day Rusty be okay sleep yeah wait oh I going do that too move can I pee break oh I totally PE break first PE break like ever in the new house why do it look like this by the way the lighting in this [ __ ] house is so weird just chatting Stream True all right be right back you dang need CH huh oh it’s [ __ ] it’s the wrong one there we go oh it’s all caps no has to be lowcase there we go that’s for later 51 seconds not bad should probably be tabed into the game I have them backwards this sh stream I wasn’t [ __ ] though yeah unfortunately forgot I change it to that yeah um I’m not even playing death Master legit and I can see how horrible it this before I even like playing I missing ferum already I haven’t even made it to the the cancer cancer boss yeah I don’t know it does not look fun at all got take the webcam to the bathroom eventually I think I’m okay I think I’d rather not I’ll do it on Hardcore H yeah I think I’d rather to quit quit Terraria I don’t think I’d want I don’t think I enjoy that even for a second like genuinely I already I misin firm so much my house is messing up messing me up a bunch it actually is I think it is we can break the whole thing High key make it underground we can do that right now do I have any materials I can make an insta house instead do don’t have torches I only need one anyways whoops and then my where’s my bed at there we go and then now we can uh back to the roulette I need to break stuff oh well I already did what I did I think I think I won to be honest on the other attempt [ __ ] I’m getting [ __ ] uh when I better have a flat line of blocks there L okay whatever chill lazy to make the arena better I just went let just went H classic dead exper hardcore is way more fun yeah I think Master mode sucks kind of missing when just that blo I’m not even playing the real deal right now I’m [ __ ] doing some troll run now imagine I to do the real deal on Hardcore rather cze castrate myself oh man that oh my God that lineup God damn [ __ ] low taper fade on either worlds God I keep falling into the holes I should probably put blocks there ooh if I had to dash this is a viable run oh goodness no I stop I got to stop falling in holes okay we’re getting a hang of that bullsh height though where’s my platforms I need to cover these [ __ ] dumb ass holes I keep falling into and then we should be pretty juicy I just wasted a potion it’s fine I don’t need that potion there [ __ ] attempt anyways H yeah I keep dropping into holes and it trolls me cuz I’m stupid might I might have to lower the star frequency eventually though unless uh when I max out the magnet it doesn’t lag anymore I don’t know oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] damn damn damn huh H I should be dead right didn’t I touch me oh what the [ __ ] oh yeah oh they’re so [ __ ] fast oh how many times I suffered a lot of time spent just for till to make it better and how many times it saved me time no idea and death is fine without star that murder you true who knows B Reaper this just the yards method the worst method ooh hey Delta how’s it going brother been a minute oh damn oh oh sweet Jesus it’s fine nothing can save me from [ __ ] like that my clogs are popped by falling star oh [ __ ] could have been bad [ __ ] this worm immunity bro I get it why it’s there but like I hate it so anti fun Imagine I can just spawn kill him but Fallen [ __ ] it’s interesting took out every single hair on me earlier Stars damag me it’s because of the uh what’s it called mod Fargo’s fallen stars you can customize it to always do damage to you without any special seeds I think uh Shield cthulu would help me out but I think they have to be the first boss so we get the star cannon holy [ __ ] oh I saw it coming col and Duke are hard too [ __ ] oh my colus is going to be hell he’s so many how’s he get hit by stars did I just on semi- spawn I did hey Clement how you doing oh [ __ ] no I griefed so I’m not liking this run okay guys cuz we don’t have a weapon yet once we get the star cannon everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine oh my God goodness gracious have Mercy on my soul please they God they so they get so [ __ ] fast [ __ ] God default Dash ain’t cutting it okay is it no when I do I for dash cuz small and St andon needed yep ah fill the sky with rail I don’t need it for this boss we get so close every time but then I get hit by a wall of fallen stars and it’s just GG well played it’s my fault for being there I guess wait I for you can double jump in anti-grav mode or reverse gravity mode oh my God the lineup Was Juicy but I got [ __ ] oh my God there’s so [ __ ] speed oh I forgot they’re coming down on my dick God [ __ ] worms in my [ __ ] bro die oh my God they’re just in my booty oh my God no I Dash wrong way oh God bun Reaper facts I should get that checked out probably should and they normal probably not I was going to try to argue with you but probably not oh my God sounds [ __ ] bro [ __ ] damn if the one attempt from the last night if I just didn’t have that house there I think I would have won but it’s fine or if earlier I didn’t get [ __ ] RNG held it’s okay it’s easier than no hitting this is better than Boss Rush it’s more way more fun than Boss Rush Oh my God see I toldt God damn I can feel my balls just going inside my body bro I’m not I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I can feel myself getting inverted right now no no my God stop the Cod J hey din how you doing makes it sound like I was doing this boss actually lowy okay well we got one more good attempt right 1 minute yeah surely and then back to bed bed snooze disc we go oh damn that’s some good luck will I make use of it though no me make use of good RNG a Jesus Christ cheesecake okay bro all right well back to uh labotomy go oh my God I’m rich Let’s go back home can I like get upgrades roof for [Music] platforms taking hit cuz of it uh yeah I probably should do that you’re right we’ll do that much oh I need to store [ __ ] I oh we can fight other bosses yeah maybe next night I have Maggie yeah I’ll get wings and vital jelly sure don’t I have a here yeah I do oh climbing claws are dog [ __ ] can use starf yeah but I don’t want to technically it coincide with my rules but I added the rule of star cannon only like the whole line it’s all right here okay so Wings what Yep this R challenge thought I bought 10 feathers I mean my my brother sells them so all good oh I had no money I remember need more feathers I can craft Sandstorm too right of course I can ah what’s up my brother yep T TI star cannon too lazy this the cannon the title’s correct no nothing wrong with the title what’s wrong with me everything oh guarding that’s nice way better than wild wild the M uh Fletch your cat’s on you awesome yeah they work together uh you need you need the evils TF pretty sure we have to kill the evil first okay uh let’s prepare wait [ __ ] how do you make the oh the portable Som Enchanted sundal [ __ ] what’s the sky Mill okay thank you [ __ ] quad compendium save me remember we have to beat the game I can’t be here forever can’t be here forever so we going to be cheating the whole [ __ ] run and is the reality of it nice so sick there’s other star weapons yeah but like there’s no other real pure pure star weapons right I mean there is like the Mage one like Starfall but [ __ ] like Star Fury has a sword has a sword a sword’s not a star I feel so [ __ ] fast now holy [ __ ] God damn this should help a lot pretty much only using fallen stars yet Canon is not a star you can’t do damage with the cannon though the star does the damage okay so yeah hello where my stars at should I make it like a different time there they are damn I’m [ __ ] so fast now what the [ __ ] is this God damn I forgot Mobility Jesus Christ Mobility is so good bro what the [ __ ] who would have guessed oh my God who would have guessed who would have [ __ ] just who would have would guessed not me not me oh not me not me apparently I got [ __ ] adrenaline baby I popped it for no reason I just lost my Dr God damn oh I [ __ ] it up can any [ __ ] stop it they’re so they’re they’re faster than I am H worse drown uses ever we’ve seen worse so a full play through yep some trolling yeah but uh we should get it soon now that we can move la la looks like falling is really good in this run cuz you’re like the same speed as the Stars so it’s pretty easy to control [ __ ] [ __ ] that pit that pit has [ __ ] me 100 times I just blocked that [ __ ] off wait we’re supposed to upgrade the platforms let’s do that there’s no case where people use Dr exive for Dr they’ve done it before I have oh my god do we do it I mean there’s just no point I mean we just put a platform there it’s fine all right that’s good enough good enough for me it’s so laggy when they first spawn oh I don’t know why I did that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I got comboed by the purple oh [ __ ] the spit got me why am I not using my gravity H oh joint CH is here it’s [ __ ] like 4:00 for you you’re late brother made the current platform to blocks move house then make another platform I think you’re right right I think it’s good definitely that’s probably way better uh I mean whatever I don’t need to move the house how high do I want the platform to be probably high enough to to just to be able to that’s probably good enough let’s be real I need be that crazy three blocks is too low all right I think this is good and then we just make like uh right here platforms for me to enter and exit I’m low low HP I don’t have a potion but what if I have going okay okay it’s trippy now that that’s rud okay I got to get used to the new Arena but it’s better cuz now I can control my movement better I don’t get [ __ ] by random holes anymore random holes God damn I slipped right in huh you what oh my God oh my God I did oh they spit everywhere oops H 200 wait that’s interesting that’s interesting run okay all right so that didn’t fit I got scared of the zombie that’s a thing feels so weird without Dash movement I’m like a dashed connoisseur God damn they’re so [ __ ] fast when they’re enraged what the hell no [ __ ] man this is a good run too damn it you again summon summons that you summon so you lose a slot permanently if you summon something that’s interesting as [ __ ] wait it’s this okay okay that was a fantastic uh first run man this sucks oh [ __ ] I forgot it get in I think I’m trolling with the gravity movement no I was going to say well if it’s not good I think it’s definitely good let me get around like that better so I still got smoked damn that debuff [ __ ] Hurts by the way oh there’s more God damn it I miss INF ferum I miss infernum I doo this [ __ ] [ __ ] fled wings are not [ __ ] at all actually how like weak they are in terms of other wings but you can get them as soon as you spawn in so dude I’m so garbage okay so let’s move the bed like right here there we go it’s better God damn it oh almost died oh my God my balls just fell off they they’re falling off bro I don’t have balls anymore did I ever though did I ever holy smokes but come up for me no thanks yeah I reject your offer what the [ __ ] did I just read about pregnant [Laughter] woman God damn godamn what the [ __ ] bun Reaper that’s super fact oh my god oh zombies they cucked me what the what what the [ __ ] why are they moving like that cuz I suck true oh baby oh my God oh my God I suck massive oh my God that was a good run until I just sucked I mean the final stretch is hard as [ __ ] cuz like the the brother do be pee size and he just he’s just dodging and weaving every Star meanwhile I’m not well I’m not bro [ __ ] dude I miss I miss perfectly balanced Inferno mode I miss it I miss having real patterns now I’m I’m going through RNG hell with the fallen stars oh God damnn it it’s my fault though I made this run this is the this is a yardis crafted run but has yards ever made any good runs no [ __ ] me side Spectre boost makes it so much better definitely definitely we did would I mean definitely would the flight fledging is sex is sexy but having some extra flight be nice oh my God let not have this my inventory by the way just in case you do pickaxe damage is invalidated invalidated [ __ ] oh God damn that lineup [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God the little baby boys they’re so Speedy we won let’s go let’s go baby for free God damn that was horrible okay GG’s Jesus Christ I that [ __ ] daytime now [ __ ] yeah we won God damn first try easy Kev say on God Andre check clear GG actually okay there we go now sleep for meteor okay good idea sleep in the rain why not sleepy time shleep deposit [Music] all we can fight the other the bosses too holy [ __ ] we got so many stars how exciting oh yeah what do you mean post e World siiz brain CL I should not be using it what the [ __ ] do you mean did we not kill him to he’s trolling me now the Run begins yes finally have a [ __ ] weapon use Mony World J on get fixed boy three hour stream for us weapon it’s beautiful not bad oh wait it landed instantly TMF you’re right what the [ __ ] my bad let me go cancel the rain I can’t see SH damn so how what would what would it be when it 12:00 a.m. [Music] oh that not causes just times 500 you’re right not my kill I didn’t do that no I know I know I’ve played this game before chat trust okay media right time where could it be it could be down there right technically do be on a ram two wide hole [ __ ] off hey Q how you doing it’s not about killing it it’s about dying true sick well the awesome the star is still Happ to be extra big true dude it feels so like right now like uh I have one HP in firm PTSD so I’m looking on my screen right now for slimes and and spikes and but I can just run through them now I’m freed watch it be one of these [ __ ] corruption holes I’ll be I’ll be in tears the Zer the chance is actually not that [ __ ] low it’s not that low oh my God the totally it’s totally in a hole huh no Marco cursed me you know Planet toids avoid Cloud box but not the UND side of Planet toids oh man oh man it’s totally Jank area oh my God it’s so [ __ ] it’s in a hole I think it’s in a hole Skeletron God damn it should grab the water candle I don’t care we’re already way too far out I’m still coping Mion no might as well visit the abys don’t think you be get fixed boy I believe in you why not land UND side of the under of the pl for Jesus Christ you know what while we’re here we going to set up hyons just to save some [ __ ] time what is this oh slimy decree oh wait they changed the uh oh it changes to the suspicious spawn thingies interesting more you know h where do I want this it shouldn’t matter that much I can’t place on the door whatever there we go I don’t think it matters who I throw in here CU I have uh [ __ ] whatever it’s called pylon cheats this water in this house why am I lagging so bad take side before rort topair yeah and they should sell it yep sulur pylon sick I have right click teleport on let me turn that off so [ __ ] accidentally abuse it gu what other mod does that is that coties there we go it changed fleshy doll and match kit it was the moment you is in the same gaml 13 oh God they’re consumable don’t craft from yeah I’m aware far goes spawners okay please and we’re getting old huh we’re all so old now it’s over it’s so [ __ ] bright whatever man I’m tired no I’m not that’s a lie so how the [ __ ] am I supposed to beat the game tomorrow haven’t looked in at the Terraria board game at all I’ve heard of it that’s about it also where are how come no enemies are spawning they’re not disabled oh they’s rare I have calming potions oh my God it’s so doomed I don’t think meteors are real oh hey jungle oh my God it’s [ __ ] oh wait here there wait is it wait where is it I hear the I hear the song am I blind you guys heard the meteor music right oh it’s in the tree it’s in the tree really hoping I was I would miss it [ __ ] oh it’s right there yeah that’s what I thought thank [ __ ] ah thank goodness we we’ve done it chat I’m going clean that up later let me go grab my [ __ ] weapon oh my God here we go where’s the arms brother it have been in a worst spot for sure we finally have a [ __ ] weapon let’s [ __ ] go [Music] man let me see the hype about King Slime heard this guy’s hard as [ __ ] I want to see what he’s like but we’re going to have bit of a good weapon do slightly good it’s like slightly broken uh I mean I have stars in there don’t [Music] I God damn he’s not hard as [ __ ] oh he’s thick he’s thick as [ __ ] I can I can give you that yeah he’s fast I can see it I mean I have a pretty boss movement right now this is the first non-falling star boss wait what is that oh it’s a green gem what the [ __ ] is that thing that’s janky what the [ __ ] is that thing what the hell this boss is wonk what the [ __ ] what the hell am I going to lose am I lose no no you have to stay away from the red one I’m dead no my leony Arena got me killed it’s over this a Nerf version too okay well H it’s over for me chat I lost the King Slime it’s over you get ried by all three gems at once interesting H okay now now we know what he does he’s all spawn at once interesting now was easy I can see I can see it God his spawns are kind of cancer though I think I was jumping too much much I got to make use of my also my Arena sucks uh I got to make use of my Sandstorm oh I’m not also was I aiming I feel like I wasn’t aiming I think I was panicking oh what the [ __ ] psize boy little pee PE man oh what the [ __ ] I got jump scared I lost I I died because of that my guy uh no talking to my grandma oh [ __ ] I’m dead I can’t aim am I going to sell thank goodness a sell okay there we go oh hey eek it’s been a long time that’s a weird boss need a rush ball flesh now go yeah he’s [ __ ] Mini Big Boss sign it’s kind of fun but this is weird next yeah we do I we do we can do I with stars got make interesting what the heck he’s fast I’m so bad at aiming this gun here’s a mage set yep indeed we’re not going to talk about that can the stars get them come on I’m so bad at aiming with this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] now you know why I don’t play Ranger I can’t aim it’s so I’m cooked [Music] B oh they got him right that was a burst of damage oh what the hell is this red guy who was that red dude he was touching me bad Oh eye Fram thank you oh o stars stars get them Stars oh [ __ ] I suck this boss is strange oh some many stars farming yeah it’s s Stars mod you need any Hard Mode get done tomorrow then I need to go fast skip around yeah I don’t need to do every boss for sure I’m not going to do every boss glorious send that is an option no I’m only doing star cannon wind okay uh let me nurse up let’s try again do I have I do have what am I talking about do I then slime God then wall FL TB sure no Skelly oh do you skip Skelly Skelly too jacked he’s going to [ __ ] me okay probably oh my God my God he got he got melted oh [ __ ] this Ary run is so weird yeah but I’m going to try to fight most bosses at night with the Stars but I don’t know if I will do that for end game cuz holy smokes is going to be [ __ ] Al I don’t understand this I don’t know this boss yet use Skelly later true try Skeletron so I can see what it’s hard yeah sure I’m curious I haven’t tried the bosses yet is he nerfed by the way he probably is right for sure by now right also I need to get new armor I have a full tank set up right now or tank Mobility any need more damage I’m damage pilled after the uh no hit run Jesus Christ this guy got [ __ ] by the stars but I’m getting [ __ ] by him what the hell he’s so fast you’re right oh he’s dead he died at stars they did the Nerf did almost nothing oh okay blood letting Min I mean is that ruin the oh okay yeah no I see I can see this boss being a little trouble hello can’t read that your name sorry so oh we got the aviators no way damn okay we do Skelly now right no maybe they move a few attacks later phase the last phase so was still very unfair at the times it used to be unfair okay make no hitting eye way more cancer death Master no hit sound horrible God damn juicy don’t need that anymore okay um lowy cancer too many [ __ ] stars wait I’m stupid got qual compendium oh there we go there go are we good H do I restart it is that what happened sorry H is it because [Music] favorite my game see problem get done and just kill w stag okay yeah we’ll try Skeletron like one or two attempts to see why he’s hard it’s CL really that hard even outside in Fr him death Master is cuz uh the new one sucks okay maybe I just have to restart my game whatever everything else should be fine is I’m so I got so many [ __ ] stars all right uh okay uh set up pylon [ __ ] hate death Master it looks horrible it does not look like fun at all oh it’s toxic down toxic r i I don’t really need to do it cuz I have uh I can buy the materials not going to lie this this this weapon is nerfed right in Calamity pretty sure it is oh also we need to find Goblin actually it might just abuse qu compendium make Goblin movement on his [Laughter] own oh yes of course oh no my hand slipped is m in Calamity is it nerfed or just cuz it’s just bad in Calamity whoa oh I just got a bunch of weird NPCs so strange what the heck what the heck that’s so strange 55 to 25 no wonder okay I was pretty sure it felt weak so makes sense okay thank you for the clarification yeah TMF so weird what happened so strange S Bus and vanilla yeah it’s like [ __ ] broken broken what am I doing right now by the way making Arena I need to kill Master death max with it [ __ ] wait oh [ __ ] a weak can progression skip Black Market dealer got me you never too hard tph maybe think D guard is probably easier than death Master Skeletron wouldn’t doubt it I’m going to cheat this whole [ __ ] run though I need to speed run this let’s do the Prisma cheese technique I know all about that I don’t think I’ll put a time into doing that though seems [ __ ] too lengthy for me I feel like doing that I’m using light armor oh just for no knock no knock back J off clim pression just kill destroy for the bars yeah it’s a mechanic is that cheating Maybe it’s in base cow do full aim anti yeah I’m just doing this for uh [ __ ] lunatic ctist too eventually I don’t like cheese Twins or something that’s not my style cheese I don’t cheese bosses except for like gear maybe turn for hard mode so doing the no config before you forget sure is it uh progression there it is 12 Dr oh yeah yeah is that 13 that’s 13 3 three three four H am I tripping though no I’m not tripping yep that’s what I do team I just got done no hitting all of infernum bro I’m assuming you’re uh new to the Stream I don’t play terrari man I just fight bosses that’s what I do I’m a fake terrari player why am I still doing this this for fun kind of Join one one of the last and finish rooms oh okay well there you have it then that’s what I usually do stuff like that um can’t be [ __ ] to play the same early game for 100 years PL second best G armor you don’t need a fancy arena for this got to go sleepy time see you brother thanks for stopping by I don’t know I don’t need like a fancy Arena good night good luck thank you okay is he beatable with stars he got [ __ ] Four Hands how does he work was that like teleport did he teleport there thought he teleports there what happened oh I should have if I had a diamond hook [ __ ] I forgot I forgot to upgrade my [ __ ] h I don’t have my shield to cthulu I don’t have any upgrades I’m doing this straight up with just star this is my star cannon this is my king slime build he’s 11k HP damn oh what’s he do now oh okay that was luck by the way we can tell right okay I can see his hype oh if I shoot K would not have died there sh culu fighting to get my favorite accessory oh yeah I’m I’m getting I’m getting gapped by my no my lack of Shield Kulu I think he’s beatable unless he gets crazy at the end but he does that’s not I activate the top part of the dungeon I probably should do that yeah Omega get my shield where’s my bag at where’s my bags oh mening okay let me make a diamond hook too and make it look easy I didn’t get the hard part yeah star killed like the second set hands for me true no but he seems completely from what I just saw I didn’t get to the hard part yet um anything weird I can get don’t need that [ __ ] let’s get super Juiced this spe just got to learn it yet for sure beatable oh I was going to say I can make bundle balloons now but oh you can make The Yellow Balloon make obsidian obsidian Terrace spk P boots yep uh anything I need here no no oh whoa fairy boots later stress bills I’m too dog [ __ ] don’t anything else right wait can you make that one can you make the wait you want Grand jelatin again it’s hard mod though yeah sand Storm’s good enough yeah um oh we can do this now sick oh yeah I did yeah I technically didn’t kill either worlds we can go kill him again cuz I do gr I didn’t do a gram of damage to him right no I did I have no idea how it worked what’s not worth at [Music] all okay where’s Goblin there he is tanker Workshop need that that’s best slot Buffs me rocket boats uh throw this in there pause it all make a [ __ ] stop finally get the kill car stuck off the bag yeah try Skelly then move SG then wall flash that’s the vibe Spectre [Music] boots h oh I didn’t put it in there [ __ ] dumbass oh it’s favorite [ __ ] dumbass oh my god dude Terra not Terra spark Frost spark bro just [ __ ] chop off my sack just do it I deserve it now Terra God I can’t spell it right right [Music] uh dryad my beloved oh I mean I can get that too do I have the scales thank goodness wait I should make Shadow Armor huh nah no knockbacks op you know it for now true we said Frost spk be lazy dang that’s [ __ ] nasty uh Yellow Balloon and then yeah that’s my load out like this yep let just re everything te speed anyways okay that’s no point oh okay full menacing no I think waring’s best for this run do I have my RNG off think I do Forge Cannon oh yeah lucky maning doesn’t matter which better not Bing with a sheld what do you mean Go full quick no balls well my balls fell off remember I think I oh I have no money I got to sell some stars did I turn off reforge Ary why yeah oh my God if far goo why did he go by that what the heck who the [ __ ] is faru it does damage that Ain a star uh OT called me his star so I guess I am a star the say just saying massive copper sorcery guessing it probably was that it probably was that what am I doing reforge yeah much better I don’t care about that uh God d i don’t oh my God I’m sorry why don’t I have a [ __ ] auto reforger I wonder know why I don’t have that mod us to be broken there for a bit it’s probably why oh I don’t know slowly getting a little tired we got two more hours of streaming and then I’ll be gone for Tom till tomorrow oh I kind of want to try the new Crimson armor I can uh I can swap between them right I can [ __ ] change the stuff it’s so good now yeah that’s I was think thinking is it like how do you oh yeah I can just change him like that get the brain bag kill oh okay well uh did like this no idea what mod does that what does it do regen and damage damn is that eight what the [ __ ] 18% oh wait what okay yeah let’s go kill the dude but what wait what I don’t seem correct hey I want to kind of uh star can upgrade for stream and is easy I think maybe I don’t know it’s crazy good now that’s what it looks like oh I think there’s evil pylons yeah uh in this mod you can put a pylon in the corruption too for ease of access right now see buy a potion return [ __ ] forgot go like this and then inst the house okay [ __ ] who can go in here Rick and faru got you guys welcome back plastic not evil pons yep thank you chif compendium there we go baby nice oh I need to yeah I need to grab a spawner warm food all right let’s grab some kill credits sem my spawn I’m probably going to die a couple times think M Max s bottle for the funny oh yeah thing you do is was it how many is it 13 blocks what was it oh my God the lag is horrible oh my God what is this oh my goodness gracious [ __ ] slowmo oh my god oh give me that oh yeah give me that damage boom Oh [ __ ] damn damn bro damn this just nerfed to the ground oh Mr start team block Gap WA night just laging extra risk I think it’s funnier but we need the kill credit so maybe we won’t do it I think it’s funnier just going keep doing it I mean I’m stronger now cuz I have my Bastion ah oh I don’t have my grab potions that’s probably why I can’t gravity Dodge anymore dr’s auto win this sucks I mean technically I don’t need to do damage quite yet damn imagine I drowning that [ __ ] instant bust oh [ __ ] oh thank you for the money brother hope you’re doing well s Misa been a while oh [ __ ] I died take it but leave your family alone at least I I haven’t been ammo bro can I get some W’s W’s for suisa thank you ging me a lot maybe I can afford food now [ __ ] nighttime this fight enraged dude oh wait it’s not yeah no the lag is all from uh Mr Stars makes sense I can’t see anything now though ather pylon [Music] true oh wait it feels so weird not woring about about stars wait can I just do that damn okay GG and [ __ ] our boy prisma’s correct $3 $3 is nice bro might be Ling at that I love money oh any money’s good to money amen toy worm oh yeah there we go now we got the [ __ ] double worm okay oh we have pylons oh that b this boss exppress for a fraud that was the enraged version too do I have anything I can’t get on tier on tier on tier everything here is on tier that’s on tier movement except my armor okay well yeah well this is technically pre boss uh brain bag I get a Dodge now do I want to use Dodges though I don’t know wrong character by the way who where is it Huntress there she isy wait what did they not killed them there must be some sort of bug I did every ounce of damage there this is why I’ve told these on to [ __ ] bug fix anything I want here and Walter Jesse my bad anything I want here oh yeah it’s not your M’s fault definitely not what what if it is though always it’s possible okay we can fight Skeletron like once or twice more and then uh call it any upgrades I need no we’re Juiced up now right oh [ __ ] yeah veryy juicy say no restri on accessories yeah pretty much uh I’m not restricting anything except my main weapon pretty much besides Omega blue is a little crazy juicy Hey Jo sure should really get to at least hard mode today I got two hours um I’m going to do skeleton for fun real quick uh call it oh I feel so much better with the dash o Bonk oh I’m stupid oh is this is this the case of site read is the best run it might be happens all the time oh my God almost died cuz of the Bonk maybe Bonk is bad oh [ __ ] I the hands aren’t instant dying this time I think I I think I fluked last time maybe whoa boss is funky ow I’m thick as [ __ ] now though so I don’t really die to him a little worried about uh Stars damn okay they killed his they’re killing his arms thank you Bonk well I needed my diamond hook oh I saw that but I guess I didn’t oh what the [ __ ] was that what is that okay oh okay now I see why he’s [ __ ] weird that’s a weird [Music] attack oh they curve in what the [ __ ] is this whoa okay I catch I’m catching your drift now what the [ __ ] okay I understand hello 1% ah no that’s doable we can run it back if I just aim slightly better I won [Laughter] Amber hook oh I should probably get it there’s no way it was that easy this easy I don’t know it could be a yard’s case what’s it called uh oh yeah this guy sells hooks for whatever reason I mean we look at the stats here I forgot I oh yeah the real back is well yeah you’re right slightly faster it’s worth and better y slightly oh it’s oh yeah I mean I was I have [ __ ] Fallen star help then again help is not the word maybe I’m not allowed to dodging is scary I’m always worried about start eating my ass okay but no I understand it I understand why this guy is Infamous I’m off tier two if I had bundle maybe I could pop off better this is technically an early fight then again I have [ __ ] 10,000 damage Stars helping me they’re going to be real real mini map is useless here what the freak I think my platform’s slightly too high should make it lower for stars to hit a star in hand spawn it’s interesting friend health bar true no right click teleport bit of luck yeah if I was just luckier in the second attempt we would have killed him I’m going try like one once or twice more but uh I understand why if he was even worse before he would [ __ ] up a lot of people this especially uh less experienced no hitting him seems [ __ ] really [ __ ] though not going to lie okay I’m I’m too scared to jump I’m just so scared of fall in Stars oh my God for good reason you see that [ __ ] fallen stars cause a good amount of lag I have to disable them eventually unfortunately I mean eventually I can just build a [ __ ] roof to tralize it so disabling it I’ll disable it when I do that oh [ __ ] I was not paying attention Bon is so good with Skeletron head God it I died there oh so now probably I mean for sure I don’t know the one the fallen stars have a much higher spawn rate around me the Fargo Fallen star mod okay one more time just one more time and then we do slam God or whatever uh cuz I’m not going to take the time to fight him cuz well I’m not we’re trying to beat this game pretty fast actually might be better for a video though if I kill him cuz everyone hates him never mind I have to beat him no one likes this guy I just convinced myself I have to beat him now what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh why didn’t I Dash I think I think I had the sight read buff earlier now I’m just lost in the sauce [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my sight read buff sight read buff is real n bashed it’s over it’s over oh okay I understand that that skull pattern it goes in this a zombie there I have to do two streams joint I have to do two streams I was going to stream for a long while probably not dang this J guy’s a hater bro what the [ __ ] I me see how it is okay dang maybe maybe he’s not the number one Farm fan after all bro why do why do uh fallen stars hard meates too uh fire G okay I’m already bored do I want to do this this sucks let’s be real this kind of sucks no we have to beat the game no we have to beat the game we have to beat the game true we have to beat the game yeah wait why do I care about killing okay how H let’s just do slime God that was a sign to do slime God no ha you’re doubting bro you’re doubting joint sh I see how it is acate the dungeon for [ __ ] sake I don’t want to [Music] Bro all right so uh can I buy gel over just slge probably easier oh most likely oh thank you Huntress where am I what do you mean where am I like in in real life I’m with my parents I’m tired of this [ __ ] sound hress my bad en neighor wa Arena mod for us sure why not I don’t have it I can get it wait is it just in Nightmare fuel Prisma I have nightmare fuel downloaded she get it true Fu I’m I’m griefing right now Hess sorry well there we go vanilla separate mod okay I’ll look into it it’d be worth it after you kill slime good uhad it demon alter can I get get wait what oh I don’t have Demonite bars I’m stupid anyone’s better it’s a SE mod okay well it gives you an arena where you can do wall flash now probably all right how how hard is this boss is he free where the [ __ ] is this boss I don’t remember this boss can I just run away I’m just running in a straight line right now what is this [ __ ] doing oh wait there’s [ __ ] come balls after me what the heck maybe I should do this at night I feel like uh I think I think Stars would [ __ ] them as she’s free look pretty fine to me yeah I’m just trolling I’m just trolling my dick off that’s per usual they just yeah this this just just this is just slime God should I do hive mine for aite I kind of want to do I don’t need it though I’m trolling m w slash so fast might have the DPS to kill in the large World uhoh make the arena around 10 think slime’s harder than slime God yeah I think so I’m reading chat right now so that’s a sign I was not reading chat for [ __ ] knock I have just no damage I just can’t aim this projectile is too [ __ ] for me I’m just too dog [ __ ] I slept second platform bro man who needs that greatest adrenaline ever okay it fixed itself oh now they split I do more damage yo what the [ __ ] I can barely see eonian he’s hard to seey why was he hard to see earlier what yeah but this boss is easy I can feel it man this song is so good pun sure they Nerf s quite hard [ __ ] the Platforms in my houses by the way they’re griefing me whoa he dumped me oh the jump oh [ __ ] no I don’t want to die don’t want to choke now you can see that though I’m just stupid am I out of potions no I’m not okay I’m doing this with one real platform this is so awkward God there’s too [ __ ] Tiny from me ah what the hell there’s a spawn God I did no [ __ ] damage I have to kill him in like 3 minutes otherwise I’m going to get [ __ ] killed by stars can I do a th000 damage what does the core do by the way do you fight the core I don’t remember anything about this boss I only remember Inferno I’m stupid you not get touched by the little boy don’t get away from me oh but you don’t do it huh wait they’re so [ __ ] free what the hell there’s no corfas the [ __ ] me why you get blindfolds I was a little boy bro he was chasing after me was that not correct boss Tre T A and D Keys yep what a good time horrible boring boss why have B blindfolds this boss three on your hardcore route yeah it makes sense whoa like a star weapon you drop blindfolds why about easy as [ __ ] yeah the hell was that [ __ ] I was free as hell you like the flow it’s kind of fun when they start like teleporting you you just jump over and dash through it’s kind of fun uh I need hellstone right yeah wait do you still need hellstone am I trolling no you that’s old it’s got [ __ ] old head God damn it this fun but too easy yeah we can go with that and else I need to craft o well old this actually welcome back j7 oh yeah minmax Sandstorm Tech I forgot to do that well he was just too easy okay uh now let’s anything else I need to craft let’s go grab the Prisma mod what’s it called it’s called stronger re foress what the [ __ ] is that M can I sech up Prisma a does that work by Prisma prisma’s waer righta W one month ago you Dr blindfolds yeah what why why does that happen where’s my Wolf mod [Music] huh why do they drop blindfolds though what’s the purpose what’s the joke is there a joke there the baby slime blindfolds why okay how do you use this W Arena the bottom spawns are your cursor oh I can buy them I as Jon a w Arena mod yep he does sorry what am I doing right now uh we’re buying bars [ __ ] I’m such a cheater bro what the hell it feels so cringe I’m not going to lie I think I’m I’m slowly becoming a purist I would normally I I would bad an I but now I’m sitting here like why am I buying bars okay so and then we need oh he [ __ ] favored it Dynamite where’s my [ __ ] bald dwarf man did I put him in the house no where is he B dwarf man thank you Ash blocks Black Market dealer my [ __ ] goat make sure to get a hell Forge before I use the aren is there anything else I need I have a hell Forge right think I already have one y uh blocks natural blocks Ash blocks this helps it didn’t he that’s nice not anything else nice uh Stone in that to make sure pretty much holding arst what MC is that the black market dealer my goat from quality life compendium just if I want it but not worth this one makes sense uh what the [ __ ] is this item called Hellfire Arena whoops most fraudulent NPC ever dead ass uh once um probably not going to use it for a long I’m probably going to only use Fargo’s prisma’s PP I think that’s my meta combo after after this run I get two gs to do exactly thank you for the Forgiveness so where do I uh drop this by the way factories now oh should I start the generation you’re right what we can do you waing oh hey Piper how you doing hell yeah we’re waing uh wait can I buy [Laughter] cells I need that [ __ ] A my goat what’s up brother oh no we’re chilling you need like 10K or something 8K it’s like 8K oh well we’ll buy him later my [ __ ] hero did you still do it why there’s no point anymore h man what’s the plan right now beat the game in two streams uh we’re doing like a fallen Star based run you’ll see it in action when we get to hard mode so where do you spawn this you spawn at the bottom of the hell where do I spawn at but this help M I click on the lava somewhere do I want it deep this good not bottom okay like right here right you’re good just the middle it’s middle enough I deeply AP olizee for your ears below the hell Forge game just ripped ass and died yep Jesus Christ oh my God my ears the game farted in both my ears too much that get a better CPU I need a better CPU funny enough okay uh well let me uh I push the turn nice why am I not using this they get a hell for yeah you probably find St here anyways oh welcome back to the Dollar Tree Le me Piper oh yeah 70 cents USD the gains big arena yeah this is good enough oh we can use this for Sigma and brim too well brim’s un needed CH you spare brim is it funny you do all your clim stuff on game top hasn’t crashed all toward the com Shades fun uh might I think I’ll order them when I’m on vacation it’ll be fitting for the thing did I get a haircut oh why yeah I usually just shave my head bald like on the sides I just I I people call me penis head but oh well it’s comfortable oh what the it’s not to the end it’s not at the end why them make bosses through this Arena why I’m penis head yeah recommend Vin mining the ceiling for Prov and signus then go to the end is that big enough I like thre it here oh it’s like medium size roll something the cags in the temple oh okay makes sense well designed did I put it in the middle I forgot where I threw it was it like there oh it was like here or something yeah I mined up so I threw it there so it’s was like oh okay so it’s like over okay smart fell not forart smell on God doesn’t matter where you click oh did what do you mean yeah welcome back Saro I think I was was 1/3 or 2/3 oh okay so so I can unfavor this prisma’s [ __ ] off Arena before he steals all my personal information this B I think summmer is the best Calamity class I think it’s the best climbing class only height matters oh okay uh let just set my spawn I have Toasties why am I [ __ ] doing this to legit you go Destroyer then go for ravager ravager Destroyer into uh get score and P to get full score for the rest hard mode then go to day as soon as you can do after oh interesting okay wait God damn it so wait no I can’t take no we not going to uh what’s it called no don’t use Toasties this guy actually uh it would can’t do you can’t do it it’s [ __ ] up it [ __ ] your thing up if you don’t have right click teleport let’s go make a quick house how didn’t get the r summer post one back boss well you just need the uh you can H through is that what we’re done Boulders drop lizard brick Oh So what’s the this boss clueless it Piper is so [ __ ] trippy not having going to lie to be um not noting anymore like it’s actually like crazy trippy oh we got a Voodoo Demon let me grab some obsidian it’s on the wheel oh God oh God back to no hitting I go I mean right now it feels so awkward to be playing like regular gameplay almost like there’s only one unique mechanic and it’s the [ __ ] fallen stars soccer tees what the [ __ ] what’s up brother how you doing man got jump scared by the check mark I got a big doll in here goddamn celebrity I have ad going to be coming up coming in clutch later maybe uh I plan on only using star Canon stuff though I don’t know just joined awesome check Mar jump scare actually every time a big dog comes in like what the [ __ ] damn what if police came here socer is pretty much police oh yeah I need to what’s it called throw a bed down here man oh damn we got an hour 30 left to stream [ __ ] I’m getting oh getting I’m out of it already so so sad they nerfed the hide that was the true melee thing right throw bin looks like that the SH now too actually wor not true melee yours has hell in the reflection of his glasses oh god oh let me settle all the liquids too yeah let’s do that let me set up my quick insta house thank you quality life I will never forget you or never what I can’t think is it over for me start randomly is that good enough that’s good enough oh there we go shout out to when thran’s new vid had a type on the title glad I got the notification the thumbnail yeah it was funny H I haven’t used it since last night probably not worth it nowadays you say oh I’m i d I wish I might [ __ ] revert my game Into the previous version if I ever do a [ __ ] true melee run TR melee looks so lame now zck is here [ __ ] yeah he is the sock jump scare all right like with a settle um good I mean okay first [ __ ] time fighting death Master W oh what the heck what the heck okay so that’s what he does sar Canon sucks massive dong No Lie how come is there’s like not like four eyes to jump over what is this boss only play Inferno mode oh I got hit I suck true ah there’s a there’s a [ __ ] old Lord’s Claymore on me should we use the Calamity health bar do you guys like the health bar I don’t really like it damn this damage sucks [ __ ] [ __ ] is this game play by the way oh my God I’m used to having knockback immunity just don’t get hit then what the [ __ ] being the brain is probably smart my gear kind of sucks what I I hit by I can’t see nothing the red on red is hurting my eyes he the default one yeah all right damn my damage is bad am I is my is this Arena big enough I might be cooked this all the fight is by the way just the cross lasers oh jumping oh you don’t want me to jump can you just run oh my God you can just run what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this oh what now oh jump sometime what is that wait what do this Inferno WABE [ __ ] what the hell what the [ __ ] oh my God I’m getting cooked oh my God I got sniped if I just moving a wave I think I’m going to restand the arena soon what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I sniped oh if you run across the floor and misses okay how how [ __ ] far were we that’s the end the arena isn’t [Music] it oh [ __ ] my mouse it’s goofy this is weird it’s like shitty infernum you say I’ll probably need more DPS [Music] probably I’m not using my double jump anymore actually am I still using the balloon speed not really okay combat accessories what do I have in Fr wall from Walmart pretty much okay hey you brother is this worth it [ __ ] shark tooth is that worth it what do I have available man oh yeah man is lucky I forgot warding oh God damn I think the I think it’s better to go Ming maybe missile aimul to the dash shark too okay this SL how you get oh can you get that from [ __ ] toi yes you can are we good on that then turn off this [ __ ] oh it’s a party girl give me my cake your cake wait what thank you what mean I just dodge one he’s a l perpetuated by the media maybe see why your Mod’s better than how PC gigaa oh I see meing uh do I need vital jelly let’s be real I don’t think I need vital jelly I mean we’ll keep it it’s run full lucky lately don’t know it’s op PR mode though I have no idea I heard it’s really close right didn’t uh [ __ ] I didn’t watch the full sorbet Cafe video sorry [ __ ] it I’m trolling I got to re I’m supposed to be reforging right now where am I I’m forgetting where I am it’s a bad sign [Music] oh I got it for H trying to rehat full lucky and full maning are the same they’re the same oh okay lucky looks cooler though when you have 100% crit you just see all orange numbers come on we’re skipping menacing uh what am I missing B jelly is better cuz you should be using minions and minions don’t crit oh yeah optimal out you don’t you always use minions silly little guy just says why why me why me chat when reforging is so stupid why did I do that [ __ ] okay I don’t need this [ __ ] [ __ ] anymore all right wait oh did I wait how did I get back here did it not set my spawn oh my God how do I recall wait why am I here how’ I get home again it’s going to be overtaken by m scal yeah my has popped off want to do a journey play through who knows was an honor to lose to Mid scow bro sour just check the workshop man it’s right there if you saw Prisma mod it’s right there Myra’s made scow is right there too you found it yeah it’s actually so high effort I did a fantastic job okay I guess we’re running across hell again did I wait how did I recall do you guys remember God damn it I’m so [ __ ] lost menacing menacing menacing menacing mening iooked [ __ ] yeah what’s the mod and the music mod and what what do you mean what mod is the music mod I’m using just vanilla Calamity music it’s Calamity music and then vanilla Calamity music% damage come most effective the higher it is whereas crit is constant could be wrong but you read it on the Calamity Wei I think I think it’s that’s what I think too sock um because it’s diminishing returns right the more more maning you have the more percent damage you have and whereas crit is a separate modifier so yeah that’s the way I see it too that’s how I always handle it hopefully we’re correct cuz that’s why I do too late game I uh prioritize they’re both additive I have no idea how it works cuz in other games that’s how it works you don’t want too much perc damage ever and hey J caliber so can you just really run the floor what the [ __ ] man who he dashes at you what is this boss you’re telling me I was doing just way more effort you get a Miss return on crate rate too that’s so weird that’s not how it usually works in other games that’s just so strange I’m just reading chat right now but what the [ __ ] is this maybe aim at those guys oh really what is this death Master mode fight is that is this an entire fight by the way there’s no way right does this change when he uh separates his eyeballs okay do we start paying attention yet because of probability oh it’s cuz there’s no [ __ ] crit damage in this game that’s why it’s weird no way there’s no way there’s no way this is the boss fight there’s no way there’s no way there got be someone else there’s no way there’s no way there’s [ __ ] no [ __ ] way I refuse to believe it there’s no way there’s no [ __ ] way there’s no shot am I going to no hit by pressing D I mean a attack the Eyes [ __ ] the eyes bro I’m just going to hold one button down okay whoops I I I grief the no hit chat it’s over it’s over there’s no way it was this shouldn’t have stopped there’s a fireball after me but then it despawn so I shouldn’t have stopped it right hey Scout been a minute hope you’re doing doing great brother easy what the [ __ ] dude I miss infernum what was that does a follow all just Dash left well if a you know for a timeout yeah whatever who cares I missed my no hit though can’t aim what the [ __ ] dude was that really that boss F that’s the funnest dumbest thing I ever saw death Master mode by the way huh Pig boss design it wasn’t like this before right did they make him easier not try skeleton Prime [ __ ] um was that M&L who knows what the [ __ ] dude there’s no shots I don’t need that I can’t use any of this shot we got this now though almost lucky sick uh we what do we take off I don’t think we need vital jelly to be real and need better Wings then I guess see how truly balanced this mode is oh [ __ ] Prime Prime oh God okay uh what is toi selling now nothing really new right I forgot what upgrades I can get when last time I was in hard mode not time time for early Golem isn’t how’s Golem again how he is in this what am I looking for wings com is very very hard a [ __ ] hey let me grab a bullet hell [ __ ] fairy boots how I get fairy boots again is that simple yeah it’s that simple that’s soul light or after oh Prisma typo defeat d f e a t i n g Prisma Prisma unplayable it’s unplayable what’s the ne Fair boots they make you thick uh they’re better than Terra spark okay so distracted right now mind a grammatical eror kill him actually it’s over Prisma [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we got to kill souro now the irony your life in danger no we uh now we now we attex sardo oh wait we can just make uh spawners and [ __ ] oh yeah so uh [ __ ] what’s it called mechanical [ __ ] we can buy Souls right oh yeah we’re cheating I forgot we’re cheating dumbass I I get that [ __ ] legit [ __ ] oh whoops wrong button I’m a dumbass go here materials I thought I was going to play the game you think I I play the game with smash Alters wait do I need a smash Alters no oh God damn it bro [ __ ] shoot me man shoot me bro fairy wings yeah I will get Fair Wings this [ __ ] I hate I hate myself bro God damn it God [ __ ] quality life compendium man this goddamn mod get iore turn off hard my I if I haven’t I think I already did get iore what I need iore for what the hell do I need that for I’ll buy it the money you can buy God mod trust wait [Music] true what was I buying here I’m cheating and I can’t even cheat correctly possible cord man is always useful maybe is that true [ __ ] I was doing something Fair pixie dust for fairy wings correct it’s 99 right am I [ __ ] failing my memory no all right deposit all fairy wings hello my dear menacing too is just meant to be let’s get the uh fairy boots too can I craft these [ __ ] yeah I can too L to go buy them God damn wait I have to buy these anyways okay just top off top off my balls dude God damn it I’m [ __ ] dumb I just wasted materials for no reason lucky he’s better in hard mode since the armors they give you more damage crit and you want them more equal eh probably slightly better maybe he’ll fix it later I don’t know Min maxing do I do that buy the [ __ ] fairy boots too wait combat brother sells it toi sells them got cool gambling weaponized you’re going to cook up sheesh where is it is it MK it is thank you prismas Prisma pristin potions are the best mod yeah but so far um I think [ __ ] can you get out of here bro oh can I click the you oh I can’t never mind my bad I I was about to kill you but seems like we’re chill oh I was going to say something whatevering are we good on gear now you guys didn’t see the gear right yeah you guys didn’t see the gear perfectly wait what yeah okay I was here before grab potions what was here before Vis useless what do I want this for NPCs are programmed to stand in front of mic stor terminals every time too [ __ ] real brother is significant though since OB be Destroyer I want a in Max DPS a bit true uh charm of the myths oh yeah sure okay thrand uh Forge make a world size Forge Forge I think I’m good add a man make sure I was crafing the right run I was worked for a second do I even need a pickaxe I just make a pickaxe axe right and then grab charm of myths they can make a better potions now maybe a rig to stand in front of stor and on top of each other you believe is your heart heart and soul just higher the Stars will hit a lot needs to be wide okay I don’t know we’ll figure it out I was going to do something else battle battle charm of oh our flash Knuckles are they good wa phillow Stone My Boy the Black Market dealer you never fail me oh my God the cheating the cheating is immaculate oh my goodness gracious it’s so [ __ ] freezing today for you it’s so hot for me bro you forget to add fillow Stone it seems like it yeah one of the what’s it called um goals of this play through is to test your run compared to my usual not test your mod God I can’t speak um in comparison to uh my current [ __ ] abuse see if I can do without it and it seems like yeah prison PP faros Theory crafting to be enough more than enough Shield’s good for all the lasers so no knock back oh yeah true we can do that right now this pris what he probably oh my oh my God honeydew oh yeah honeydew is good God Dam give me that [ __ ] and then is honey just clamy right [ __ ] how do you make honey do again no I kill queen bee oh I haven’t killed queen bee yet pis mod the Prisma mod the goat yeah let me go kill let me go grab Obsidian Shield real quick welcome back Ernesto hope you’re doing well let’s go kill Skeletron Now by life forces correct Elixir wrist where are you babe hey syia h [ __ ] two there we go anything else I need know right no not really CFT the Cobalt sh oh you can craft it [ __ ] it I’m stupid probably did that no have Cobalt War to two oh yeah for cryogen wait what do we want for work on the wheel currently and ID for toi chat bot AI decid load out one me use Teragon armor for cryogen oh hell no sorry I’m I’m [ __ ] trolling right now get some worth [ __ ] Elixir IST you need to okay my inventory is so [ __ ] can’t wait to get my void bag oh my god oh yeah does uh do they sell food Prisma do they sell food not sure if you want them to sell food or not you can add food there’s a whole food tab of every food I mean it’s up to you I don’t think it’s qu it’s like [ __ ] required but always nice cuz I have to go talk to my boy get some golden delight right now or bacon just grab bacon I think it only sells Golden Delight actually this [ __ ] there a [Music] food no yeah your head out good luck with the stream thanks sock for all the support brother thank you for stopping by um hope you have a good one brother I’m talking too fast yeah thank you for stopping by that was [ __ ] awesome to see you uh bye these luck sure I don’t need that [ __ ] that’s another big content creator actually the [ __ ] chear scared me yeah T3 F the shop awesome inventory is fine ASL isn’t it awesome oh yeah uh Cobalt for Cobalt Shield but I kind of want to kill Skeletron anyway let’s go kill schron your’s getting big I hope so watch Shi be coming here next waffle time was already what the [ __ ] if chippy pulls up that’s like huh huh you feel me sorry um I’m so distracted Cobalt I’m cheating I can’t do it right what the [ __ ] dude it’s like midnight for Chippy ain’t stopping him just go queen bee and buy the call ball okay Queen B baby an obsidian skull get big but please stay Natty no guarantees brother it’s a childhood dream to hop on the sauce I’m just messing by the way uh probably very unlikely I don’t need this [ __ ] go I don’t need this anymore right it’s the worst weak link yeah has to be the weak link five pen bro at this stage in game I’m out of money I have more stars in my banking C right I mean worst case I wait for night yeah bro it’s not messing the DI would be busted for destroy destroyed with a ramp oh yeah we can oh yeah it’s not infernum giant clam and I don’t have to no hit him either doable oh my God tell me I don’t have the no hit giant [ __ ] clam with the pistol am not be good for the debuff it’s outdated now I was we used it for uh W right yeah we did got to kill DS oh yeah we hav killed de scourge uh I don’t have any medall how do I here let’s favorite some spawn spawners uh skeleton yesterday congrats yeah P scon Prime Inferno that’s a night and day difference spre in Inferno versus Prime and DM oh my God bination by man of hress Awesome is’s he on Mech yeah he’s goofy goofy little brother only have regular mandes huh she doesn’t sell land mandibles it’s so over it’s so over over bro it’s so over you may have to actually play the game oversight all good no but yeah [ __ ] did I say already one of the agendas or plans I mean for this run is also to yeah I res said it see uh Prisma mod in action uh yeah I said I’m just [ __ ] tripping bro still not used to waking up I wake up way too [ __ ] [Music] early okay honey blocks hives honey I mean I think can does anyone I don’t think anyone sells honey what the [ __ ] see that much I have The Stingers wait why do have so many stingers in my my thing by the way let me just grab a bottle go to [ __ ] honey oh hey hey infir dog how you doing you know how you’re going to do pre World evil with this challenge or did how did I what do you mean oh I can show you I got you dog how you been hope you’ve been quite well just go get bottles and next yeah of course that’s been the premise of um all of the game I have 500 times spawn stars on but the the catches they one shot me so it it it’s like maybe bounced yep but I’m abusing quality Life mods so as usual so things are trivial or trivialized not trivial it’s still hard okay uh we can get rid of the do [ __ ] Arena now it was just L just that oh St up 6 a.m. Sleepless chatting records all night that’s funny sounds like a Vibe 6 a.m. dang that’s relatable ah [ __ ] every time my buddy comes over I see this guy like once every couple months we’re just talking about the craziest [ __ ] the most normal [ __ ] too for hours and hours tired of inside out too you you watch that [ __ ] God I heard the movie was dog [ __ ] was it with like God damn if I hear movies dog [ __ ] I’m not going to touch it at all post an edible wheel thing on Discord if he wants to look at it sick CU I just see the piper wheel also where’s the tree at don’t do too much Destroyer using star can might want to replace it with honeydew okay we’ll look into it um I like damage so you know how it is that’s kind of valid for him dog that’s funny that’s too much honey do I need to come back here uh for Queen be uh or I can just set up pylons right now [ __ ] it why not sorry I’m trying to look at my screen what or [Music] what falling stars on my damage not my weapon yeah exactly I has the larva I’m not going to fight it it doesn’t matter where I fight her and ra outside the underr jungle [ __ ] would have been a lot more worth your time sad you wasted it it’s okay one hour that’s fine to waste wait I don’t need an arena or anything why am I treating like I’m about get my ass beat the [ __ ] why am I making a spawner the hell actually fun too bad I’m off tier now though I’m too jacked right Hey where’s her baby at we going to spawn kill her baby huh dle P next to theal passes meow oh yeah pass I heard all the houses work right you’s got to put a torch in them where the [ __ ] is our Lara [Music] Lara am I tripping I mean you can always just check the other quadrants where’s my tree at what’s happening hey ban well we’re hitting it with the what we done preparing for Mech there we go and honey you saw in Honey [ __ ] wait we didn’t fight the B no I’m skiing bosses no it’s really in the honey I hate the way generate sometimes am I going activate it no damn it I going to shoot that’s true wait oh there’s a quadrant here quadrant am I calling it quadrant oh watch her kill my ass oh uh there we we go I don’t want to kill I don’t want to fight multiple of you oh she hurts she hurts don’t troll don’t troll what the [ __ ] she a [ __ ] she wait oh [ __ ] me that’s what I didn’t want to happen this is why I wanted to have a spawner it’s so go over I’m going die to queen bee with hard mode gear is it over for me it is over for me it’s so over like where am I I don’t have a dash oh my God no wonder it’s all over bro I’m leaving do they despawn or they chase after me this ones look different actually they totally come after me huh hey Chase I’m cooked what have I what have I done what do you what have I done they chase they chase tell you are dead yeah I figured I um watched um relog I kind of want to tease him or kill yeah wait no come on pull up pull to the crib yeah they’re so [ __ ] slow bro I’m a Dr just win yeah I’m not going to Rel log oh that was my uh magnet that was in that one slot I put away okay okay there we go I was above the kill I’m the greatest the greatest s hit if I did not get hit you know can she just die bro just die can the star hit you okay bro she’s just dodging every Star oh my God it’s over I can’t aim by the way is over for me damn damn she got she’s like [ __ ] in The Matrix or something hello damn what the [ __ ] there we [Music] go then true FM Dog True preeg Duke why would I do that can you do that do blood worms and unlock how do you oh oh I was thinking of Old Duke look I’m stupid ah all right I make Hy do and then maybe get the deep [Music] diver n [ __ ] deep Di is fine oh man okay yeah I Pi the honey do call it switch out Maggie for the dash Maggie come on we know the rule on the artist Channel you don’t switch out Maggie [ __ ] my bag I with the bags only have one bag huh I killed two right whatever n would promise me the typ person to kill a horse and rabbit to call herself a necro Prancer oh bone Reaper thank you un ironically you RP yesterday where Providence killed the horse and revived as a profaned one did they deposit the bag I just opened it weird I have one back okay well I’m got to do post any Mech wait why does this post Mech wait what mod St accessories magg the only [Laughter] wheel H I don’t think I I tried to use two before it’s not yeah why is this say this you got toasty CH tips U I can’t tell what I have too many stars in my inventory tting my brain let’s make it [ __ ] it can we get one menacing hello hello hello okay [ __ ] it it’s the Stars did they remove anything from the game thank you all right that just broken lucky is better oh ah you’re right look at my stats screen what about it where we looking at we can just yellow mechanical bosses right now see whichever I get first oh sorry the vibe H say weing waves no I’m okay need 4% crit I have 45 why 34 it’s so optimal okay oh well we’ll switch we’ll switch we’ll switch after we get Starfleet not Starfleet super star shooter kill all my Ms right now go who needs an arena I do I need an arena it’s so laggy with all the stars bro 34 % more okay Jesus Christ [ __ ] Famous Last Words every time this Prime yeah low key we we can look at him holy [ __ ] it’s so worm bosses plus the uh fallen stars is horrible okay at least I get to play in slow-mo God damn it I’m tucking time warping rest in peace my NPCs oh God but don’t have deep diver are we cooked are we deep fried oh can I just run through his body wait does it do does he do one damage does his body do one damage oh rails in the sky now maybe it does one damage right am I tripping turn Fram SK would be so funny that would be pretty funny damn this [ __ ] weapon blows massive [ __ ] okay we can turn we can Fram skip it as a meme oh God okay you guys want to win this greatness oh yeah this is why I’ve used frame skip or settle okay let so [ __ ] hit it with the Beautiful actually sayit it with the uh we look at spre no I want kind of want start I kind of want to give him like a real attempt I me we just look at him never mind I’m stupid my arena is so dog [ __ ] we should probably fix it I don’t have bones I expect it to be good in this stage nope I don’t okay well we have to go kill Skelly right think prob like 30 bucks above probably be smart who would have guessed having 500 times fallen stars would be uh so so bad for meeter would have guessed damn all right any he’s go dra do you have a d no it’s default Dash I’m going get deep diver uh for I replace like honeydew or something I don’t know what the [ __ ] are you doing oh yeah where is he go default Dash is so good and have Mobility for this guy’s broken guys I do [ __ ] [ __ ] damage I don’t want to go up there though holy [ __ ] those Stars oh my God almost died oh my God he hurts no I’m going to die Skeletron again yeah my Arena sucks ass the body me Arena yardis wait go up there please no go back up there come on what the [ __ ] are you doing this guyy such a weirdo bro what the hell he’s so uncomfortable what is this I understand everyone’s hate for him oh he’s dead nice ah 30 blocks might be too high I’m be real oh what the oh yeah let me do big damage D that is ass get life fruits faking slime I need I life fruits that was all the cursed oh okay it’s insane oh okay what the [ __ ] did you just typ dog what the [ __ ] oh the what God damn fing I got I got stun locked critical hit it that’s a sentence it is a sentence what the [ __ ] I aim he birthday oh well you’re right sorry you’re correct nah my uh my womb eviction day anniversary already passed did I stream that day I think I streamed that day I think all I did was stream no I slept all day I don’t remember no I streamed into that day yeah I remember it was one my DJ days my boom eviction days is uh not very important to me I already had enough of those your favorite new sentence don’t tell last was his birthday nope I did not I just don’t care about my birthday I’m one of those weirdos who says we should celebrate our mother instead we be retired by the time it’s your birthday [ __ ] does that mean Piper to me birthday should be Mother Day part two it’s like what the [ __ ] what did I do I was born when I celebrate both E I don’t know I did nothing I just spawned in night or celebration sorry I’m getting distracted what was I doing again oh I needed bones I mean we can buy bones now right I’ll be Christmas break most likely oh okay sick December huh everyone deserves celebrating yeah we can go with that for me my own celebrations though I had to earn them asteris does not include people that are bad we need to celebr our father nine months before bday and then our brother’s on our bday scon he draws bones oh [ __ ] do I have bones huh I didn’t get them oh wait treasure bag he a bag doesn’t he huh that’s funny Piper uh 100 sell them it’s fine I type bones no way dude I think I’m cooked I mean it’s not there anyways and then mechanical eye technically y just drives his bones that’s correct I just need three lens it’s deviant girl uh that’s some BB’s what do you mean h hey what am I doing lens they both put it put BB first God damn it they both put in work just at different times for me to born in this world also get AAL oh you’re right oh Sirus is here yeah no that’s true okay we got the spots oh my God my inventory is so [ __ ] amazing you see this [ __ ] man tired oh my God oh my God [ __ ] is this [ __ ] God [ __ ] damn it FB Soul what the [ __ ] oh yeah we got candles uh which is the best if I’m a weightless enjoyer chem baguettes oh sh put exploration into the piggy oh no I can get void bag now it’s so cute it’s interesting ah oh I’m a rum enjoyer damage of flight time mess candle op wall cutting you convinced me get the mushroom I’m okay red wine baguettes the healing combo okay damn uh and then grab a baguette from uh chemist [ __ ] Jesse where you at brother man I’m getting tired also by the couch I have the couch Jesus Christ that’s a couch okay still get the right one what a good inventory I love this inventory it’s so [ __ ] Peak all right wait I can cheat right wait are we going to cheat with all candles I think we can do that let me check if it still works I’m not going to use it I just want to see if it works I’m pretty sure it works with infinite Buffs yep you can still do that I place the candle I mean I place it when I have my inventory we need the best inventory ever Mining splunker and gills in the piggy and we’ll fix it later uh I need to fix it right now maybe tomorrow calcium oh Cal’s useless oh well all right um all right let’s fight Destroyer again lag my game again actually I need to make a better Arena what am I doing I think 30 blocks is way too H you need aloh inventory don’t you wait what the [ __ ] how come it’s not yeah why AR why aren’t they giving me the Buffs I think it’s faros I think faros was you’re fine no I need 30 that’s why that’s why I’m stupid we have faros wait no wrong one my boy rum and then buy 20 baguettes I use his Buffs away and have them on maybe too lazy right now I’m [ __ ] dying where am I Jesus Christ where’s the where’s [ __ ] Jesse we have the cook uh I’m so funny wait no this is the best inventory ever we’re going to do this oh yeah oh I tapped Out whoops okay worm time it’s laggy time some to a mod one day yeah not bad I’ll take it and then DM is only uh quotequote hard in uh until [ __ ] PML right me no longer hard PM PML I’m going to die by the way where am I right now holy [ __ ] I’m tired when I died to oh I died to a star oh Arena yeah you’re right I have map overly on I do what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I do God I’m I’m [ __ ] cold is the final boss okay D they’re ready to spawn Camp me oh my God shot every stream makes you feel makes you like one one pack more I’ll get it later I’ll get it next stream okay so oh my God so bright I think 30 blocks is way too high it has to be like like the like [ __ ] how many blocks even 15 is a lot is it 20 20 for the nice number hey THS hope uh you’re doing well dirty dirty is too much man how the [ __ ] am I get stars on him let me level out my floor too my floor is [ __ ] is huge but you’re right a I’m just stupid believe in bone Reaper man think it’s soit is f oh [ __ ] dude damn taking some [ __ ] damage [ __ ] man just shut up you artist map Zoom it out it’s already pretty zoomed out wait oh you can do that they jumping down works for this one too like another BL for at 30 done I mean yeah we just do that that’s the easiest fix huh to break not then sure there we go it’s amazone same same time zone yeah Terraria mobile play through [ __ ] that [ __ ] zoom out yeah no I know it’s already zoomed out I’m just saying what the [ __ ] you can page up and down also what the hell oh should I go kill High m this so I can get Stars no it’s whatever h mean star Stars yeah stars from killing the plan the the island cuz I need to M the area like there we go that’s what I [ __ ] meant God damn you know hard change her F times your funniest thing ever yeah I saw that that’s what he said too I remember he said that too that’s funny man oh hollowed for that thing was a thing the [ __ ] yard stream is just that important schedule a whole day for the artist stream God damn it it’s still better cuz you’re just in the same time zone valid as [ __ ] you just do the math in oh okay I can’t do that [ __ ] I’m too stupid if I was hurt I’d probably do the same thing if uh I watch a streamer this much you should mind sharp offsetting Dimension down the line wait [ __ ] maybe I should do more math I think it’s over for me I think it’s already affecting me is it not make an Addam mined pickaxe what do I need that for you can make a pickaxe ax right after you got to wake up in six hours I got 30ish minutes left of streaming surely we win by then right why the [ __ ] I overloaded Sledge manory no one no one commented about that what the [ __ ] is that doing [Music] there [ __ ] man God I’m tired no Bon is correct 30 is [ __ ] just fine I should grab deep diver I’m getting [ __ ] coiled body does it does like 28 damage or so holy [ __ ] I’m lagging so bad the [ __ ] 500 times fallen stars against this guy any worm boss that’s horrible God God damn just walk I I’mma grab I’m going grab the Deep B can should just dude ravager after Destroyer you can now Rod of Rod core it’s true but will I do it nah when is join CH going to change his time zone speaking of uh [ __ ] the big dog fans yeah I know Vicki Vicki works at this time I think no VII F it’s already changed F [ __ ] you’re the king oh [ __ ] is that the new is that the new artist meta the you new artist uh fan meta you just change your time zone to mine what the [ __ ] man no top platform by like 20 blocks the T platform this one members soon you’ll know where I am IRL uh it would it wouldn’t really it’ be interesting it’s a bit too high yeah I me do the 20 block one call it die oh [ __ ] not much you can do if you knew where I was unfortunately man it’s not a good it’s not a good place and they not it’s just not a good place you stalkers well be in shambles probably get shot H it’s kind of scary stay safe out there everyone America it’s okay anything for me thank you Jer but that’s a lie blatant lie anyone who says that is lying you’ll take the bullet why all right so only love she trust is motherly love in that kind of situation all right so let’s fight the B let’s get deep [Music] diver let’s do that oh ho it’s gonna take a 100 years to kill giant clam right I key hi key whatever make a [ __ ] day time damn it times too funny deep di instead of Maggie [ __ ] no damn it might take off the potion charm myths hey why why am I using menacing again why am I not why am I using menacing I do no [ __ ] damage them oh that didn’t kill me wow can I meet Prisma for you sure how long 5 minutes 10 seconds I got you ‘s for wall flesh okay why am I not using [ __ ] uh wng you’re welome times what just happened flashbacks when I banned prism on accident [ __ ] it deleted every comment he ever made on my channel h damn it okay I be careful from on one God’s name is happening is that Obama hey Obama I when God name is happening oh talking about the timeouts he what the [ __ ] man tired how long got to dig I should have add a Manti pickaxe lck for DBS aage and warning for now maybe go t melee armor for defense wait hi key why am I using Ranger armor I’m weak as [ __ ] Obama can’t comprehend normal Terraria visuals that’s accurate wait can you make a [ __ ] giant clam spawner is that a is that that’s an aerum feature right yeah or [ __ ] whatever it’s called right oh my God look at my damage holy [ __ ] oh my goodness just natural DS okay it’s Inferno damn it prism back prisma’s back this a tree have no idea what’s going on you B potions I could yeah let me fix up my inventory too Jesus Christ my inventory is [ __ ] or he SM SM cabs yep God damn it void Back Time [ __ ] what is it called [ __ ] curse inventory curse there it is hdden inventory [ __ ] dumbass of course it is Neville sio Shard baby the God himself self need Spore and Bones Huntress hello prism expert Prisma providing useful facts per usual true to kill oh the [ __ ] did I just read I didn’t read that part God damn it seeing Prisma typ back shots is so jarring to me okay go like this whoops oh yeah how does this work now oh you need the [ __ ] uh the void bag there we go I CLA after the wrong thing oh jarring very jarring oh there we go there we go our boy oh yeah oh yeah our boy look at him we got [ __ ] four worms now so go in from the back is more effective on Prisma write that down yardis okay I’m writing it down right now H it’s etched into my brain okay so oh [ __ ] I’m tired [ __ ] God damn battle potions right yeah B oh my God [ __ ] dude I can’t stand streaming or waking up early bro I’m dying utility oh I got Zer oh we can make battlecry now true why don’t we just make Battle Cry the [ __ ] oh man it’s small Clan For Us giant clan for spawns okay then don’t wake up early problem is solv facts combat expert sells these oh let’s go man [ __ ] I’m tired uh pause it all deposit all yeah wait what did I [ __ ] deposit here could haveen been important he’s goated on God I wonder who [ __ ] made him battlecry bam my poor [ __ ] inventory my poor hidden inventory I don’t have the stream just take accountability when my father start having symptoms of deprivation start hallucinating G us and everything we see after day six oh good luck I put calming potions away from the slot thank you B Reaper my [ __ ] hero bro yeah okay all right it’s time God there we go my boy my young man my little brother my son that’s my son F confusing where is the big juicy what the [ __ ] man why is this serpent kissing me where are the clams at oh right there though oh my God the clam is thick no I just do no damage true little bro spans reference [Music] true probably a bumbass made the mod but hey you cooked uh spam show up uh he got a girlfriend so if he doesn’t show up I’m happy that means he’s actually doing something productive not doing yard stream yard stream yst stream is productive okay true holy [ __ ] the lag is so bad I know what your soul is thinking and it refuses to listen when advice is given true hey Robert I hope you’re doing well how much a deep di she probably [ __ ] favored it uh need five oh it’s collaps need three wait uh giant clam where are they bro I got [ __ ] Battle Cry for days this say 13 for you nice favorite [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you can what am I doing right now I’m falling asleep holy [Music] [ __ ] other clams does a [ __ ] potion of return save when you leave the world how come there’s no clam spawning I screams keep you awake during lectures yeah I’m glad poer Chon perhaps there is a use used to the stream then in the walls I’m looking am I blind [ __ ] yeah I’m blind I’m looking I’m staring down God damn it does not persist if you need to reverse bonds just [ __ ] return bot dead ass High key hi key oh it’s cuz [ __ ] is it cuz it’s night time there we go did that help my lag oh that fixed my lag instantly who would have guessed I can’t wait to get the [ __ ] upgrades to these weapons tired of this dog [ __ ] ass damn it I got no molusk wait I’m not even aiming oh my God bro I’m so [ __ ] tired GIS when are you not tired I couldn’t tell you what am I doing right now join sh your [ __ ] [Laughter] mom uh in game it was a joke aage St you should turn off 5 times Stars unless the boss is fought at night I’ll try to keep it on for as long as possible because it’s one of the main premises of the play through is that enough is that five six I can’t even count ah man unless a boss is fought at night never mind bu roer I can’t I can’t [ __ ] read man I think you’re right I can’t read I can’t reading is hard I didn’t get C prism so I’m glad I [ __ ] return potted home time CR is only relevant if the boss is alive yeah I just didn’t [ __ ] read your [ __ ] I just didn’t read it I can’t read oh God you can turn it off for now yeah actually can’t turn it off about to fight a boss deep diver oh yeah let’s go boarding by the way you stock now bye-bye what [ __ ] you mean stalk [ __ ] are you stalking don’t stalk it’s not good it’s not good so Maggie is worth it no it’s not I can’t take off Maggie bro it’s a legal and CH off my balls in real life if I do God you always watch off them off your balls I do it’s true I do say that a lot it’s illegal bro I have to quit terrari if I don’t have Maggie on just let it go already Pro Maggie isn’t a fraud yeah exactly so I have to keep using the best accessory you have my pair huh God damn I walked right into that huh okay so Jesus Christ it’s time for [Music] worm goodby BCS hope the stars come and GG well played it’s laggy now wa you props have [ __ ] contact damage or no I think they do yeah ow it’s go over it’s I’m getting probed it’s so go J over bro it’s go J over it’s so laggy ah B through to the type bite them off they they don’t have contact oh you’re right they don’t what the heck look I’m going be real bro I’m take off the top platform I don’t think this is good that’s what I thought in the beginning to let me [ __ ] rejoin the game so I gu stop dying up [ __ ] probe spawn camping me Cu uh I can’t kill the probes try spre [ __ ] okay um that reach to the end okay SEC [ __ ] it why not I forgot all right easiest boss right what the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is this why do you look like that I’m dead by the way why he look like that bro [ __ ] this guy this guy’s been meeing he’s been mewing like a little too much I’m going to die I got fisted by him y skeleton Prime begin searching for its next victim what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you mean by that no I’m [ __ ] trolling how about like I just play like a wait I need to change the titanium melee so I have thickness so I got volume to my booty it’s for now I don’t have a real weapon [ __ ] the star cannon outdated as [ __ ] [ __ ] is this [ __ ] they’re so close this is not this is not I’m uncomfortable they’re [ __ ] being weird oh [ __ ] me bro this this the first major hurdle if we had to do it in order Jesus Christ what am I watching right now who the [ __ ] are these guys they’re so ugly [ __ ] why is that purple guy smiling at me like that bro what the [ __ ] why do you look like that big dog why you why you look like that like huh [ __ ] are hideous oh [ __ ] I’m tired can’t run one layer on this fight yep why is the spinning broken it’s broken what’s broken okay TN time oh [ __ ] whoa they look normal they’re not ugly what the heck I’m dead by the way fall star suck I suck true true true true true true true true true Beyond true oh I forgot they got contact contact ah stars are so scary man God damn it God I’m getting [ __ ] cooked deep fried my ass beaten licked wait I think I think it’s over for me chat it’s been for me right [ __ ] these stars do no damage cuz they’re not hitting them I just went inside of the eyeballs can’t run twins at alls fallen stars are cancer this run is worse than I thought I think we downgrade expert now did we do it I think it’s time if I want to beat the game I can’t be doing Masters it’s actually hard how low did I get them 88% in 39 seconds commit cheating a [ __ ] but paon says so I can’t downgrade it’s over you have to keep going aable stars or Swit to expert TBH oh maybe I’ll do that yeah disable Stars cuz it’s not breaking the Run technically wait no all I do wait all I have to do is just turn off player damage true [ __ ] is this going to turn into like a master Death Mode but have [ __ ] weapons [ __ ] weapons that’s not accurate how come there’s no stars oh there’s a flying Island above me let me just fight in the flying Island area then [ __ ] God damn it God damn it this weapon is so [ __ ] you want me at the start my work will be rewarded maybe oh a polar CH reward that’s a worth it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] you close your eyes mhum DM star cannon I just say expert is far better than Master expert especially as Master expert you mean death expert better than death Master you find the most random challeng is impossible impossible don’t use that word if me brother especially yeah all the master mode cow bosses are just stat blow now oh it’s too late okay so how do we do this I got to figure it out this is way worse than I thought oh no no no I’m stupid we’re not stuck I got to kill just this guy what am I do redu arount no we’re not going to do that we don’t need to [ __ ] out what the [ __ ] wait why are we trying to kill those guys we killed this guy and then we have a weapon the [ __ ] it’s that simple okay so sorry I’m dying let’s get titanium [Music] Armor Man AR to beat the game though [ __ ] that’s the one thing baring me nether Master AI for doing the challenge run nah [ __ ] we ball bro or just kill rabbit or [ __ ] Cannon can I [ __ ] them with the Stars I feel like stars would be okay stars are [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah the Slowdown is so Peak oh yeah oh I got killed by star oh it’s so much better oh [ __ ] probes don’t despawn on death man Nikos you’re failing me do we do we mini map it or what’s it called [ __ ] me oh my God my booty hole is tickled wait what embassies God it sucks the lag is so unwatchable what the freak what the hell we’re lagging and that fast bro what the [ __ ] if I wasn’t if I wasn’t lagging GG well played huh God damn there’s so many [ __ ] laser beams are are we cooked we’re cooked we cooked wait he’s live live yis ah whoops despawn the uh things no so I was correct you want to have the small platform which is better I think every boss is RG check wa some [ __ ] uh keep uh it’s it’s beginning of No it’s it’s almost end of night time oh wait wait what what am we doing we can turn to Eno now [ __ ] we have [ __ ] no vanity debuff where’s chippy gaming is he dead Graham gr how do you say that word Graham there we go Graham Graham Cracker there we go [ __ ] I’m stupid s’mores you ever used s’more before arst where the [ __ ] is he God damn it dude uh Sally the mechanic where’s the Eno drip during an NBC birthday party well fortunately we got flos wait where’s the a bomb no way a bomb died AB bomb can’t die he’s [ __ ] Immortal he died everyone [ __ ] died huh how the [ __ ] did abomb die is he he’s not here right doesn’t aom have like a million HP have’t done an event of course no we’ve done Goblin he was here can abomb even spawn no he was here should I make more houses [Music] uh hey Randy I’m cool be able to play in master mode I’m doing a troll challenge though it’s not a real run should check out my friend Prisma Ace he did Death Master hardcore there he is the brother doof hey doof he [ __ ] died how much no we got to check his HP bro 250 I swear it was like 50k Party Center I mean it’s too late oh it’s vanity sick oh yeah oh yeah we got [ __ ] we we’re dripped out ready to pull up beat some [ __ ] wait we got [ __ ] double worm [ __ ] yeah we do hey Neville Flex goober it’s a lie uh yeah but this [ __ ] Prisma Ace guy death Master hardcore not just death Master hardcore I summon Neville he’s always here okay so um damn it that’s uh Victory now Victory Royale we’re dripped out so we’ll win what else I was doing I swear I was doing something else thought it was good mypcs oh yeah I love RNG boss fight nah it’s actually I don’t think it’s RNG at all during uh it’s this slow cuz you can see the stars coming oh what the [ __ ] dude why is he so [ __ ] fast we’re lagging by the way oh my God Jesus Frick he yeah we’re so dead look at all those laser beams this sucks oh I got sniped we’re dead oh see yous thank you for stopping by as usual that Master hardcore it’s cool and all but you’ve also done it twice you’d argue that it’s cooler than once I think it’s a sound argument Falls lag the hell out of the game especially during worm bosses yep I think they’re fine outside of worm bosses that’s how it’s been right oh my god oh I got sniped but it’ll be better once we get the Superstar shooter yes oh God damn oh yeah [ __ ] freck lag underwater too oh yeah true that’s weird you’re right I forgot about that okay run a b run a b run a b run a b run a B I probably run more often I got sniped my no myap this just zoomed out God damn bro what the freak man man so many [ __ ] lasers okay okay okay yeah [ __ ] these probes we’re out of the Arena by the way I don’t know what I’m doing God damn it impossible I I eye Fram through a star har Madison oh my goodness gracious we’re getting sniped we’re dead this is so ass um safety quickly is a RIS safely and quickly oh know it’s a type of skill it’s hard to say oh yeah [ __ ] I was trying to re chat bro I’m sorry for um okay well I always apologize for the ear rape but like huh I just continue to scream into my mic am I truly sorry I actually speak louder than words so I just just stop [ __ ] burping in the mic too hey bookshelf hope you’re doing well God [ __ ] this [ __ ] why am I so goddamn laggy man cuz it’s 500 times spawn stars [Music] true God damn it where’s this [ __ ] at he right there what the hell duh what did so much damage to me did he kiss me God damn oh we have a very defensive build and he’s still freaking my booty straight up back shot side shots everything God damn it I hate this game how come he like he got smoked that one run he like took like a trillion damage did he like get [ __ ] by 100 stars and it’s like he’s like [ __ ] oh my God I should be dead wait where is he now where is oh he’s up there okay I see him oh my God oh my God I’m sick uh visible boss segment some map mod I’m okay with the opacity oh is it [ __ ] oh it was [ __ ] yo we won no way okay so that’s uh one hurdle down now that we have a weapon upgrade it should be a lot smoother possibly hopefully oh let’s grab a DPS meter bro I’m curious how dog [ __ ] the DPS has been let’s talk to [ __ ] uh our hidden inventory what’s up okay now we got the [ __ ] Cannon upgrade oh let’s try out let make a super [ __ ] D SP that’s easy as [ __ ] craft it’s 10 wires go for ravager I might stop really soon though I have to go by five latest I got to do some [ __ ] did they spawn with the cannon or gr out legit we got legit only cheating we’ve done is quality life to cells PDA what do I need PDA for oh [ __ ] just chop off my sack bro I forgot what a PDA was what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude you you ever played terrari before yis clearly not [ __ ] damn it public de display of affection obviously no but of course but of course uh I get rid of everything else no FU oh my God where am I okay now uh dummy I need straw yeah have dummy thank you SP Reaper God dang it I can’t wait for me to finally be cleansed and restore my brain Have I Ever Had a Brain though I don’t think so so I’m assuming our boy the black market dealer is he here is he dead does he exist I’m looking for him no is he dead oh he’s disabled can you Shimmer butet uh and I know I’m going get a sickle [ __ ] do you get what do you get out of the theet oh oh [ __ ] H I’m so stupid I’m so [ __ ] dumb just end me already let’s try shimmering bagett that’s [Music] um let me go to the calculator Shimmer calculate [ __ ] Terraria I remember the Shimmer name it was Cody so bad by go why do do the Long Way well I want Shimmer anyways eventually 6.7 or 3,000 [ __ ] 6700 six who Prisma that’s what I’m saying I know why I said wow name jump scare yep uh uh I want Shimmer anyways I forgot why but I want it like Shimmer we have [Music] the position I can buy all the things there’s no point in it at this point my uh Black Market dealer died he’s gone he’s vanished just reenable him what’s wrong with me bro just re reenable him why I disable him again who knows God damn it just [ __ ] kill me I need sweet release what was what God damn it they pull up come on oh they did black [ __ ] Frank there you are brother do you sell hey you tely do right yeah [ __ ] yeah you do we just buy a sickle and make the damn dummy I gu do that God I [ __ ] I I need to chop off my balls I do I just need to I have to I don’t deserve balls anymore okay so with this [ __ ] oh let’s change loadouts and a man side you curation stream when good as ages go yep I could have I could have but look at me I’m just [ __ ] stupid you know it could be worse 300o it could be worse No Superstar almost trashed my [ __ ] oh my God it’s got to be like a 100 times better right I’m I’m expecting 100K DPS do you have an upgrade star shooter what do you mean what am I doing lucky well we got we got to test with this real quick oh the DPS be too jarring get four times four times more three to four times more got to get the star cloak for the extra damage okay lucky time let me [ __ ] clean my inventory out I need these throw them into toi worm actually let’s go like this deposit all we’ll fix the inventory eventually oh my God skip lucky is over oh my God I’m skipping lucky it’s over okay so I want to order this properly there we go okay toi worm actually look at him look at him so [ __ ] cute man look at him okay sorry all right so hey how come is not much better what the [ __ ] am I tripping or is this lucky build dog [ __ ] oh this is the same DPS as warding wasn’t it take 100 more DPS maybe can Superstar sh his ass no what no way his ass what are the poor Target amies ever did to you it’s their [ __ ] job man what do you mean 10 20% more damage is that worth it to lose warning I don’t think so actually I’m too lazy to [ __ ] go back bro whatever who cares whatever bro so how do you get ravager bro uh what time is it 43 it is a go for ravager the blob how do you find these guys why can S one kill stuff okay oh let me do this this yes sir yes sir ski to raver yep we’re skipping around bosses okay so lens on hi there we go okay so where the [ __ ] is my temple it’s right here we’ll do ravage tomorrow I got to leave truly a Prisma enjoyer of course I am we’ll grab the death whistle I got to go and then next stream we’ll just bre we’ll casually win okay if I not win I’ll cry sorry no way this problem is great bro has to be good that has to be good [Music] man bro it’s obvious this the best weapon ever man I’m lagging so bad [ __ ] there we go ah might just be the summer heat maybe my computer’s too hot wait what am I doing just right there okay make a [ __ ] anim Manti pickax you [ __ ] tool yeah the day drop is it this one yeah this thing yep okay so uh bedtime bedtime no bed time I to do something what about to do again I don’t remember oh my god oh yeah let’s get Max HP what’s the I mean I saw the life ruit what’s the requirement to get life ruit Black Market dealer the homie okay that’s truly a name oh PL ter what’s with the Enemy spawns oh that’s what’s with the Enemy spawns So that’s fast I do three four times normally okay okay watch him be my op I get pieced up by ravager sounds like a artist thingy trust okay we can try to beat him while while I’m still here and then tomorrow what’s the what’s the route after that you get the handick to do what what do you do with that did I bring platforms to Ho yep in my hot bar my scoria oh okay oh my God wait that’s strong and let me try to kill DUS [ __ ] I’m stupid go like this I just trying to [ __ ] unlock it you know why oh I’m dead do I care about the cells we’ll grab the cells too I’m here grab this thing too okay we’re ready oh man need enemies here what is happening oh I need the bricks so so that means drop the bricks oh my God go a mirror I forgot about the bricks I might end stream right there then bro have to go God [ __ ] damn it am I just stupid bro what do I even have a mirror to begin with I forgot infinite uh infinite recalls infinite return potions true which is better right that’s [Music] true the same function but you can take it back yeah let me check something real quick I have to do something um yeah whatever who cares I that do [ __ ] and this sucks yeah why do I even have mirror bro there’s no point they’re the same thing but one of them opens a portal oh my God bro oh you and pris the same thoughts are do something dumb yeah sounds about sounds about right God damn it man God [ __ ] damn it oh my God wrong area bro bro it’s so over man oh going F’s dead ass [ __ ] [ __ ] so tired oh my God it is very funny we’ll take that I’ll take that is it early or late so early it’s it’s only 5:00 p.m. what would Ys be without you guys cheating harder but I’ve been up since 7 a.m. I wake up at 6:00 a.m. every or no what I’m supposed to wake up at 6:00 a.m. but I I woke up at 7 7 a.m. [ __ ] where am I who am I why am I yeah you know you know the drill uh then [ __ ] pattle cry let fine oh Boulder right there no I can’t get them n this one’s op bro what the [ __ ] it got to be op right it got to be op bro this weapon is so good trust me bro die one the pressure plates nah nah i’ win you know I’m going to die to the enemies bro where’s the boulders at though you know how my bricks ler dra enough oh let’s make it to the [ __ ] Golem where’s the boulders at bro getting jumped how do we get here you have like a 10 minute meeting maybe how do get here uh we killed planta what else bro where’s the boulders I’m getting jumped can we just keep going one below me okay yeah how do we can get there [ __ ] God damn it down below okay hopefully don’t despawn on me oh it’s a boulder did they drop any bricks I don’t think they dropped any bricks oh they did okay wait you know what I’m about to do chat wait no you need 20 to [ __ ] dupe never mind God damn it bro I’m [ __ ] a little whiny baby [ __ ] now dude it’s over okay Bas pull up come on I have no time for ravager I think I think R to to just do this and leave yep so prepar to say your goodbyes to me do I couldn’t find them oh my God just killed me you sh the statues in the bricks I have no idea can you like can I Shimmer this furniture this why I should have got the Shimmer earlier [ __ ] Boulders dude can they pull up God damn bro oh I need I have caling on [ __ ] dumbass [ __ ] dumbass okay see Boulders this too oh we’re good right that’s surely enough oh yeah we’re we’re being chilling now God damn oh my God we’re [ __ ] Rich all right we got the death whistle death whistle Sur I got time to kill one right surely surely surely surely I already died I died to [ __ ] I I died a ravager I died to ravager it’s over for me I died to ravager oh my God I died he’s the hardest boss in the game I’m dead I died I did I’m [ __ ] I’m cooked oh my goodness gracious what is that penis thing following me to the right what is that Ravid dilda ravager de oh it’s over it’s all over it’s so [ __ ] over bro it’s so [ __ ] over why night for stars man it’s funny I’m I’m not going to delete my premise unless I literally can’t do it bro it’s taking [ __ ] for we won bro bruh bro that’s just ravager bro okay not going to lie this damage is [ __ ] dog [ __ ] let’s keep it a buck it War me just despawned I don’t nowhere oh my God [ __ ] his ravager is ravaging me what why does it look like that who the [ __ ] designed that I don’t like it oh my God he kissed me but I don’t like this guy oh my God I got multiple I got a whole collection oh my goodness what the [ __ ] dude why what the hell dude what is this boss even I’m just walking slowly oh he just punched me bro it’s so over over it’s so [ __ ] over bro he punched me again it’s so over the [ __ ] is his peanis oh it’s a rocket that’s his [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s a ravager [ __ ] you can’t tell me otherwise Jesus Christ it’s [ __ ] ginormous bro I can’t take that’s bigger than me it’s bigger than my whole [ __ ] body what the [ __ ] can you die already oh my God I should not have went for an attempt if we die here I’m just going to I’m leaving I have to go at the rage oh yeah true and [ __ ] this [ __ ] just fight him let’s just fight him on top bro maybe the Stars will kill him oh he’s going to despawn on my ass true God it’s so [ __ ] laggy Gus just turn off Stars no man it’s my playing through man I’m not going to remove half the play through oh my God yet it’s like we haven’t hit a brick wall yet because of it oh my God this fight is 100 decades 100 decades at least 100 decades what the [ __ ] oh my God meat pillared okay good night guys kill the face you to kill the face oh whoops all right I’m out of here had to go the guy I have to go have to go we’ll fight him tomorrow all right peace out everyone I’m I’m going going to bed I have to do other [ __ ] I can’t even go to bed it’s not an option all right goodbye everyone I was I’m talking about turn out Stars no I never would what what the

Simple run with Fargo’s Fallen Stars and using the Star Cannon weapon tree only. Just thought it’d be fun and interesting, you’ll see what I mean.

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📝 Playthrough Rules:

– Death Master Mode
– Fargo’s Fallen Stars, 500x spawn rate and damage to players enabled.
– Star Cannon and its upgrades are our only weapons.


🔌 Modlist:

Boss Checklist
Calamity Mod
Calamity Mod Music
Echo Dye
Fargo’s Fallen Stars
Fargo’ Mutant Mod
Lights and Shadows
Magic Storage
Maid Supreme Calamitas
Nycro’s Nohit Efficiency Mod
Ore Excavator
Prisma’s Pristine Potions
Quality of Life Compendium
Recipe Browser
Toasty’s QoL: Calamity
Toasty’s QoL Mod
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music
absoluteAquarian Utilities


#terraria #calamity #moddedterraria


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