The Best House Renovations – Get These First! Stardew Valley Update 1.6 – KitaDollx Games

Hello friends my name is k doll and welcome to my Channel at some point in every growing Farmer’s Life there comes a time to upgrade their house get married and get their first 50 mushroom logs the spouse and the mushroom logs are obvious choices but which house upgrades and Renovations should you prioritize today I’m going to be comparing the stardew valley Farmhouse renovations to see which upgrades give you the best bang for your buck when it comes to expanding your house if you find this interesting please like And subscribe for more videos like this in the future with that being said let’s get into it with the stard valley 1.6 update there were tons of changes and new additions to the game including a few new options for upgrading your Farmhouse all of the upgrades and Renovations can be purchased through Robin at the carpentry shop to access the renovations you’ll have to start by getting the first and second house upgrades the first upgrade will cost you $10,000 gold and 450 wood the second upgrade is 65,000 gold and 100 hardwood once you have the first two upgrades your options start to Branch out including all of the renovations and the third house upgrade which is the seller this is where the real decisions come into play the renovations have a wide range of room sizes and prices I’m going to include the seller in this comparison since it can be purchased at the same time so what do we pick I’m going to try to rank all of these options based on room size location cost per tile and any specific perks that may be included I generally won’t be including hallways or stairs as additional usable spaces so depending on how aggressively you are placing equipment or Decor your mileage may vary after we get through my rankings I want to compare all of the stats for house upgrades and renovations to the first two house upgrades and the trusty shed so stay tuned if you want to see how those all Stack Up by the Numbers let’s start at the bottom with number nine the dining room this is easily the most expensive renovation at 150,000 gold so it’s already got a high barrier to entry on top of that it isn’t even the biggest addition tile wise at 110 tiles that makes it the least efficient addition as well costing over 1,360 gold per tile it does technically net you an extra 7 tiles in the kitchen by removing the Cabinetry along the wall but that won’t be enough to save this room the shape of the room isn’t bad but by the time you get this one the rest of the house has probably been pretty well established so it may take some rearranging to make good use of it unless you just really need a roomy place to get frisky with your spouse on the dining room table I’d save this for last number seven and number eight open bedroom and open dining room these are kind of meh Renovations they are pretty cheap in the grand scheme at 10,000 gold each but they’ll only net you 12 and 14 tiles respectively the price per tile is not great and removing the walls can actually be a detriment to your interior design I would bet that these two are the renovations that the most stardo Valley players pass on number six the expanded Corner Room the expanded Corner Room is the biggest renovation tile wise at 137 but those don’t come cheap the 100,000 gold price tag puts this in the middle of the pack with about 730 gold per tile I would probably bump it up on the list if the shape wasn’t so awkward it’s kind of long and narrow while also having an odd protrusion out the right side it may take a bit more work than some other rooms to get situated right number five the attic okay so I really like the attic and I wish that I could rank it higher it’s a straight shot up from the front door and it shape is conducive with a lot of options and uninterrupted perimeter I like to throw a bunch of Windows on that north wall and turn it into a little sunro or mini Greenhouse with Garden pots it feels kind of secluded while also not being inaccessible the only downside other than slight asymmetry to the placement of the stairs the price it’s not a huge room at 65 tiles so the 60,000 gold price tag makes this the second least efficient renovation number number four the cubby the cubby is a tiny room located right by the front door it’s super cheap at 10,000 gold and on paper it looks pretty good at 500 gold per tile it’s very convenient for adding things that you want a lot of quick access to since it’s right by the front door unfortunately it’s so small that it kind of behaves a little bit like a hallway where valuable space along the wall is lost when you add on to it I still like to think it’s worthwhile and makes a great place to keep some D use chests and any statues that you want to check in on every morning before you leave such as the statue of endless Fortune the statue of the dwarf king or the statue of endless blessings number three The Corner Room The Corner Room has the second best price per tile of the renovations and is accessible pretty early on at only 20,000 gold it’s a pretty generic rectangular room and the only downsides being some lost usable wall space due to the connecting Hall way and the stairs that downside is actually the main reason this room ranks so high though it connects to the children’s room as well as the main bedroom which means adding this room suddenly makes getting around the house a lot more convenient number two the seller I mentioned this one at the beginning so you may have seen it coming eventually the seller is technically the third house renovation but you can get it at the same time as the rest of the renovations so it makes sense to compare them all as a house upgrade it won’t be an instantaneous construction like the other Renovations but it’s good enough to Warrant the extra few days the seller like the expanded Corner Room is 100,000 gold but at 187 tiles it will net you an additional 50 tiles of space to work with it’s a great space in general but the big benefit of the seller is unlocking casks as processing equipment and getting 33 of them for free casks are maybe not the best use for the face MoneyWise but if you don’t have anything else better to put down there it probably doesn’t hurt to use them at the very least this will allow you to age a few important Artisan Goods that you may want to keep on hand for example you may want a bottle of silver quality wine on hand for the missing bundle it may help get some aridium quality gifts for certain villagers or you may want to stock up on a few items to use in the luow potluck or a stard Valley Fair gr display the seller is a little harder to make pretty since wallpaper doesn’t work and the floor is a little mangled but hey you win some you lose some coming in at the number one spot is the southern room the southern room is a nice symmetrical rectangle with a wide entrance and low price of just 30,000 gold this room has the lowest price per tile at just under 390 gold the room is so economical and so versatile it often ends up as my first edition if you get it early or don’t end up rearranging it will probably be right below your bedroom so it’s convenient to access and makes a great location for equipment with shorter processing times I’ve really grown to like this space as a workshop there’s enough room to set up a workbench with chests loaded up around it and then enough wall space to put in furnaces kils geode Smashers or even an anvil or mini Forge later on it’s a great room for just about any purpose so it kind of comes down to what you prioritize most at the time okay so how do all of these stack up against each other stat-wise and maybe more importantly how do they stack up against other references like the earlier house upgrades and the illustrious shed we put together a little table to hopefully help you see just how far your money goes for each upgrade even if you buy all of the materials from Robin The Sheds beat out all of the renovations easily in the first year on the farm they do use up a little space on the farm and depending on how valuable those 21 tiles are you may still prefer to pay a premium and get the house renovations as money becomes less and less of an obstacle and your priority changes you’ll likely eventually get all or most of these upgrades and maybe even decorate them to look like a proper house or maybe you’ll fill the whole thing with 586 kegs please don’t so what do you guys think is there a certain room you always like to dedicate to something specific which ones do you like to get first if you made it to the end thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video or learned anything new please give it a like And subscribe or come say hello to me on Twitch until next time goodbye

Which Stardew Valley house renovations are the best? I will rank my picks based on cost, space, convenience, and any other perks.


  1. Yay, a new video and such a fun one. Loved the letter from Pam at the beginning šŸ˜…. It's very helpful to think about the renovations like this. And it's nice to get some ideas of what you could do with the different spaces too.

  2. Great video as always! I am going to need that house of kegs layout though, I just built a cabin I plan to upgrade to have as a processing area for five coops and five barns of animals and the extra cellar for cheese while my main house does wineā€¦.

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