Inherit The Family Farm Stardew Valley Meets Farm Sim – Farmer’s Dynasty 2 – #01 – Gameplay

[Music] hello I’m J pin and welcome to Farmers Dynasty 2 which is a demo available on Steam as always I’ll leave it linked in the description if you want to check it out for yourself wishlisted all that good stuff the release date on this one just says 2024 uh but what is this game if you’re wondering this is Farming Simulator meets Stu Valley and I got to be honest the first game was my guilty pleasure I really like simulators I love Farm Sim uh but most of the Farm Sim games that come out just go hey I’m Farming Simulator but with less vehicles and less gameplay and it’s just like okay or they have a thing of I’ve got less Vehicles I’ve got no mods but you can water the crops and it’s just you know why play them you’re just going to play Farming Simulator you’ve got all the gear you’ve got all the mods uh this didn’t have much equipment the first game but it did have this whole social aspect you inherit a farm you fix it up just like staru Valley you can get get married have kids all that sort of stuff you have to eat and sleep whereas in Farming Simulator you can just Farm all 24/7 and never you never have to sleep or anything whereas there’s a kind of survival aspect to this one um so I really like it the problem is the first one was a little bit underbaked and I really hope that they kind of capitalize on it on this one because I think they’ve got us got something here and the dynasty line of games or Dynasty if you’re on the other side of the pond but we say Dynasty over here um this I believe the farmers one was the first one you’re probably familiar with medieval Dynasty but I that was the kind of breakout hit but Farmers I believe was the first one and I’ve released quite a lot of them since um but anyway let’s kind of get into it and we’ll just go new game and yeah we’ll see how the demo is okay so here we go welcome to the demo of farmers Dynasty 2 this is an early version of the introduction there will be a shortcut scene here in the future uh look at the new Farm as rather run down talk to the lady over there she might tell you more there we go so yeah normally you inherit like your granddad’s Farm or something like that just like you know staru Valley or something let’s come over H you’re the new owner I presume I am indeed and who might you be I am Molly I live here nearby me and my grandfather used to know previous Farm owners well so he asked me to show you around nice to meet you Molly but I’ve been told the farm would be in good condition while this it’s an excellent condition considering the circumstances after the war and economic crisis most folks left the valley and many farms are in even worse shape I see so could you show me the place sure that’s why I’m here follow [Music] me okay yeah the sound the or the sort of voices are a little bit kind of robotic aren’t they and her sort of facial animations both require some repairs but should serve you well when fixed there we go got our farm though as with the first one it’s all kind of busted down and you can eventually build it you can re re renovate them as well let’s just kind of let talk first they will need one Tov the win yep so we got a Cow Shed over there there we are oh that’s like a grain silo wow that’s a bit of a monster is it okay the barn will require some serious work especially that roof you can use scaffolding to climb up there okay pick up the scaffolding so yeah eventually you can fix this up but then you could also replace the boards there was like a builder’s Merchant in the original game and you could you know buy bricks or new wood that sort of thing and kind of renovate it and do it all up so it all looks new but for now I think we’re probably just going to fix it up and uh you know get it so that it’s just workable uh oh the scaffolding there we go if I remember right that you held right yeah right Mouse button was kind of like an engineer site and you can kind of see pretty well much where you can lay all this scaffolding so you put that down there and then I could probably put another one down right there we go and then I think I could put that away there we are and then it wants me to climb up here how’s the view up there all right let’s move on okay not bad Graphics not too bad looks pretty decent follow Molly around the farm oh boy hang on oh can I just jump off you can just jump off in the first one and not yeah there we go I got a broken leg but rough shape but it will be cozy and comfy once properly repaired nice house okay kind of cool looks like maybe a chicken Co or something pretty soon some neighbors might want to sell you their hens so if you want your own source of meat and eggs you should fix your hen house that’s all fine and dandy but where am I supposed to live if the house is an old ruin if you follow this path into the forest you’ll find a small wooden house you can stay there while you fix the farm come with me I’ll show you okay follow Molly into the forest house oh so we got a house that we can oh is this like an oil well oh no it’s a bit of windmill that’s fine oh is that going to generate the power maybe anyway let’s follow Molly she’s probably running off there go where’ she go Molly where’d you go oh up there sorry he’s like running away from me is like nope I’m not waiting hey enjoy the view we’ve got tasks up there on the top left oh Al this is kind of like a whereas before you just slept in the house that the roof was all caved in and everything you just slept in anyway whereas now you got this little cabin you can live here until you renovate the big house you just have to fix the door there should be some old planks lying around what about cooking you will have to chop wood for the fire you shouldn’t have trouble finding it since this whole Forest is yours now you can even sell if you chop too much there’s also a greenhouse here it’s not as big as the one on the farm but it’s in much better condition okay I see you are a skilled Craftsman and have a trained eye use this skill to analyze your surroundings oh I’m way ahead of you love yeah you go so if you hold the engineers site it’ll highlight things you can interact with as well U there we go yeah so the greenhouse that was a good oh got a little Greenhouse up here as well that was a really good source of income in the first game uh we got some seed we got like pumpkins and tomatoes and a bunch of stuff there and then these were where you could put the seed trays down then you did have to water them but there was like a sprinkler system in the other one but maybe we have to hand water them or something I’ll have to fix that place up and then oh oh do we have to oh okay I’ve got like a kind of old timey nail gun all right um oh do we have to is there like a inventory somewhere oh old repair materials aha okay whoa hang on what time period is this what did say after the war didn’t it so you’re got to say it’s the late 40s early 50s I look like some um oh can you change the clothing as well sorry I’m getting a good overall choice in the 60s I kind of look like a 19th century chimney Suite but fair enough let’s go with it uh can I repair hang on how did I get my uh oh there we go looks solid good job oh I repaired it cutting a tree down now okay so you have to pick up materials to be able to repair I kind of like that because before you just went up to it and it magic boards into your hands or or bricks or whatever it was you were repairing roof tiles whatever um to upgrade them you had to go and collect get byy boxes of planks get a truck bring them back and you know pick up the planks and so on but to just do the repairs you just kind of magic them into your hand whereas it looks like you have to pick up material now rubble and use it to repair that’d be kind of cool anyway let’s grab an axe so that’s good because the first game the reason I didn’t buy it they did Lumberjack Dynasty afterwards which was just an asset flip of the first game and I never bought it cuz I’m like nah they should have just made DLC of it and made it so that you could like Farm Sim chop down trees in Farmer’s Dynasty I don’t know where never did that but it looks like they’re kind of doing that here which is kind of cool okay all right animations a little bit off but hey early demo you know hopefully they kind of smooth some of those out but oh then I got to get my firewood ooh get whoo area info owner U size 1.62 hectares and there’s 105 Pine and 993 Spruce there’s 198 trees oh wow oh do I have to cut that down what do I do uh oh I could break the branches okay one swing takes the branches off it’s kind of like Farm Sim though you just walk along it with a with a chainsaw and just do that so you know uh oh drop off the log and then oh I didn’t chop it up and pick it up but okay fair enough all right I got six firewood cook your first oh talk to you hand that Axe really well almost like you’ve done this before here this is for you I’m sure you can put these to good use you will need your strength after all okay Quest introduction use pot tomatoes and firewood to cook soup okay that’s cool so yeah it looks like they’ve kind of combined Lumberjack Dynasty with Farmers Dynasty I hope is what they’ve done CU I always felt that that was something they should have done rather than just make another game um it would have been better as that as DLC and we should have yeah wellfed well slept and then yeah so um yeah it’s kind of some survival aspect which I kind of liked again I say Farm Farm Sim I love Farm Sim don’t get me wrong but you could just sit there and farm 24/7 and never have to worry about um cooking or eating or sleeping or anything like that oh yeah look and then there is picked up some building materials you can now repair buildings to respond to their functionality ah I can repair the door there and then there I think that takes down the materials right oh I’m not sure cardboard boxes count as repair materials but okay all right so I got a guess I got to stay here then let’s just kind of clear up all the crap out of here first there we go so it looking a bit bit NE neater so cook our first meal use cooking pot oh maybe maybe I got to use this fire all right okay I start cooking so oh there we are so I get some firewood some tomatoes and I make tomato puree pretty sure that’s tomato soup but anyway let’s go with that some of the translations a little off as well like the first game yeah smells really nice apparently you have many skills to reveal the power of natural vegetables and one secret ingredient it’s not really holding the cup very well either is he this is for you yeah they got some work on the animations you did great I think you’ll fit here with us nicely it looks like a lot of work ahead but I’m really starting to enjoy it okay yeah I look like some 19th century Chimney Sweep best of luck to you oh yeah so she seems fond if we do that yet she’s got a smiley face above her head you keep talking to her and try and romance her oh what’s going on oh it’s saving I think isn’t it uh let’s extinguish the fire cuz yeah we don’t want to leave that raging in the middle of what the lady over there looks troubled received one social point so yeah you could use social points oh skills and professions oh that’s something new map ow that looks like uh looks like we’re probably just restricted to this area for the demo things like oh they yeah look they sell PL oh so you can sell the planks yeah so they have added Lumberjack Dynasty into farmer Dynasty which is as I say something they should have done but um yeah and then there’s like a general store that like a vehicle shop there place to sell your grain and um planks by looks for it as well that’s a good idea I like that some of the different vehicle stores had different things in um different Vehicles certainly in the other game anyway but yeah it doesn’t look like that and then social points you could use to get money off but you could also use them I think people liked you quicker if you had more social points or something it says repair the barn so does that mean over there or does that mean my bar I guess we’ll just run over there right because at the moment we haven’t got any I sus yeah I suspect if we go over there like the first game if you go over there it’ll probably you’ll probably have to do a job and you’ll get a tractor or a truck or something that’s kind of how you got your vehicles in the first place U and I have to say the farming mechanics in the first one some of them were actually better than Farm Sim in my opinion um they that’s one aspect they did nail was the um kind of um farming aspect some of the things were really good like the plowing for instance it actually plowed ruts into the field whereas in Farm Sim it basically just paints lines on it whereas this actually plowed ruts in and you put your wheel in the Rut and then go up the other side and do it that way and you know you can plow properly on Farm Sim but it basically just paints plow lines on the field um don’t get me wrong I love Farm Sim but I’m just kind of I think this some of the farm mechanics in this game were actually really good at the time let’s come and talk to you hello you look a bit troubled do you need any help well I do actually have you seen my barn as soon as I move in it started falling apart and I can’t afford to have it fixed how come I spent all of my money on this Farm I thought it was a great bargain even if some buildings were a bit rund down guess I’ll have to sell my old tractor repairs did you say tractor I’d gladly fix that Barn for you if I could have that old fella you would that’s wonderful tell you what if you can fix the barn and The Silo it’s all yours I’ll even throw in some food as well sounds like a good deal I better get to work then you’re a real Lifesaver feel free to use any old planks or Rubble you’ll find lying around [Music] Farm oh W oh wow she’s giving me grilled sausages without even oh and M magic beans okay all right she’s given me food drive meat selection I wonder if you can hunt the animals is that something you can do as well oh beer probably non-alcoholic boo there you go so she’s giving me a load of food already repair Emily’s Barn you can find the materials around the place so if we use the engineer site should things should grow red glow red right or have to go inside we have to go inside first maybe okay well things should glow red but I guess they’re not ah here we go ah there we are pick up material yeah there some of the things are slightly off on this but there we are yeah I like that that’s a nice feature that you have to pick up the materials now that’s a that’s a good thing but I like they just kind of magicked into your hand but I think the repairs oh can I use the is there like different types of rubble oh it’s just okay it’s just Collective going to say so you can just use brick to repair wood fair enough oh there we are but yeah you still just hold the button I feel like they could have done something different with that but yeah never mind and then we have to go around and repair that then we have to repair a silo and then oh yeah can I just reach up for that okay all right they haven’t got the sound effect for that in yet either okay what’s that oh is that oh that must be a property or boundary or something there we go oh there we are let’s grab this one yeah so I wonder I wonder if this is the uncle that you or the grandfather you’re going to inherit the farm off maybe maybe this is kind of like a prologue thing or something oh I don’t really know how your uh nail gun is going to fix that but fair enough it’s not question it shall we yeah they’ve not got the sound effect for that in yet can we just climb that H stack and do that there we go and then we got the roof to do think I pretty much got everything else though um but yeah oh no there we go there’s another one as well I say this game kind of a guilty pleasure um you’re if you’re looking for something different I would recommend Farmer’s Dynasty but just don’t spend what that okay oh there we go we got to hold that fair enough uh I would just say buy it on sale cuz um I I don’t think it’s worth the full uh was it 25 quid or whatever they’re asking for oh oh I can’t get in there okay uh uh but yeah I don’t think it’s worth the full asking price but um yeah it it is if you’re looking for a bomb Sim type game it is it is a good alternative uh it’s the roof there we go oh my God I’m bouncing down the roof let’s repair that um oh God yeah the movement’s a little bit off as well come on oh there we go oh there we go now I can do The Silo I’m just putting like plastic sheeting in or something okay repair the out over there okay I’m going to take my uh oh God yeah a lot of work need to be done still there but uh the first one came out into Early Access I don’t know whether this one is coming out to Early Access but hopefully it is uh removed cuz I’m not leaving my scaffolding here my scaffolding taking it with me right let’s put that down I mean let’s let’s just do the whole let’s do the bottom first cuz I’m assuming it’s yeah there’s going to be a lot of repairs and we’re probably going to need to repair from Top somewhere yeah okay um oh do I have to do that further up I guess I have to do that further up huh oh maybe we can just do it from here I’m presumably that is using materials as well yeah 12 I wonder we got 12 I wonder that’s one that going have used 11 yes if each one of those dots represents so four we’ve got 11 yes okay that that’s a good change I like that that’s cool so I could just come over and Rob all your Rubble right and just use it to fix up my house I kind of like that idea there we go and then yeah looks like we got to get up the top somewhere get up there we get out from here flashed up then I could see one on the other side actually yeah look this yeah it’s like the six is although I still maintain a look like a Victorian chimney Suite but yeah there we go oh I can build it from up here oh that’s good I don’t think you could do that in the last one let’s just put it all the way around screw it there we go and then out there we are oh is that it okay all right well can I just remove the scaffolding with me standing on it yes I can okay you got to try these things out for science I’m taking my scaffolding with me although I think I’ve got infinite amounts I’m still taking it with me come on is it Emily your farm is fixed thank you so much I would in the garage I’m glad it’s in good hand hands now yeah your farm is fixed I’m like I don’t think it is somehow collect your reward oh so get the old tractor repair the tractor harvest the field okay well I’m going to take a load of your Rubble cuz I could use that yeah I’m not sure how the cop or boxes pertain to um repairing oh you picked up small yeah there we go tractor is a little rusty and missing a wheel but it looks pretty decent otherwise look around see if you can find a missing wheel but I’m assuming that’s oh on the other side maybe yeah oh there okay and um yeah so we just put that on there out the spare wheel all right that’s slightly different hope we get to do a bit more building and fixing all right let’s see if this baby still works there should be enough fuel in the tank to drive it home um oh can we get any fuel out of that take the tractor home no okay well I’m just going to go around and Nick some of your Rubble cuz um you know we might we’ll probably need that to repair our own house I kind of like that idea oh it’s the greenberry the Jack bear C has gone um because they did use a John Deere but I think they got into trouble with that so they changed it to a Jack bear and whilst the game did not have much in the way of equipment the other one I kind of hope what they do is they do like with GTA and Jack bear C and just we all know it’s a Ferrari or whatever in in GTA but it you know or a Lamborghini but it’s a bassi just do that just you don’t have to have a massive Ferguson just make it a Molly you know Molly Ferguson or something I don’t know you know what I mean the sound effect is exactly the same as the old tractor in the first game oh boy and he still drives with one hand okay all right yeah kind hope they might have done something different with that but this the way I’m supposed to be going yeah I still maintain it look like a 19th century Chimney Sweep I guess I put a chain on him so that uh kind of makes him in the 60s but I wasn’t around in the 60s but I don’t think many people dress like that but I don’t know if you’re if you’re around in the 60s did you dress like that I’m say you didn’t but there you go yeah the sound effect is exactly the same as the old one okay I’m kind of getting worried it’s just an asset flip I I hope not but yeah cuz I’m not even my hands are are they kind of moving yeah it’s moving it one hand drive it one handed he used to do that with the other one yeah hopefully we get one of these pickup trucks I wonder if this is kind of like a prologue let’s go oh sor sorry how did we do cruise control 2 uh this does actually have Gamepad support as well I completely forgot to mention that um I’ll just quickly lean over there we go let’s chuse my game pad so you can play this with a game pad you can play with a keyboard and mouse you can kind of switch between of 2 which of I’m now I’m thinking about is what I normally do in Farm Sim and in this game as well is that I would drive the vehicles with the with the ve with the game pad because I think it’s better than the game pad uh from the sorry from the uh keyboard and then do this sort of stuff with the keyboard and mouse cuz that’s better like you know and that’s sort of thing I did with Farm Sim as well but there you go this tractor is really loud isn’t it barely rust everywhere do you do something in your garage to remove the rust and clean it we do have like an angle grinder but it’s like like oh okay I got to Wi a brush yeah I wonder if this is like a prequel to the first game and this is the Granddad who you inherit the farm off or is this just a just a demo yeah is it going to be set in the 60s interesting that’s a bit different I wasn’t expecting that oh so we got to rub the rust wow okay I guess we don’t care about dust particles and that either just yep inhale all of that rust there we go get that all cleaned off yeah all right let’s get showered in Rust all right do we have to clean that yes we do yeah don’t worry about the particles what are we at oh 75% okay so well the wheel probably needs a bit of a go okay where are we now oh there we are repair that the hitch on the back definitely something we’re going to want to do okay where are we at now 95% okay we’re just missing one thing what is that oh here done your JS is good as new I think that’s just save call a tow truck so there’s an old plow yeah there’s all just kind of rubble everywhere yeah it looks like there’s probably enough stuff to kind of repair your own buildings and then as say you could do it with proper you know if you wanted to replace it with red brick or breeze blocks or whatever you wanted to do new metal on the on here or whatever you could kind of do that oh can we get in here there’s a door I’m going to repair with cardboard really there we go okay yeah so we’ve got this but obviously oh yeah this is really run down isn’t it but we can repair it up yeah there we go that’s cool do we have SE oh we got seeds as well is that the same amount we had in the other place uh but these green houses were good money makers as I remember so uh there was a sprinkler system in the first game but obviously there might not be one in this one might have to hand water it or something all right uh what’s it telling us to do harvest the oh yeah let’s go and do that plow the field all right we got to should we just drive down there feel like we should that tractor sound is so loud isn’t it go that way I’m is this my field who owns this field oh me cuz you could just drive through people’s fields like in Farm Sim if you don’t own a field and even if you got crop destruction on you can just drive through a field whereas in this you’d lose social points um cuz you dve through someone’s field and destroying all their crops which I thought was a kind of a nice touch um right let’s get down there all right let’s go H you could fish as well on a lake I wonder if that’s still the thing oh the exhaust does come out of this oh it’s got an exhaust at the back fair enough getting a little hung hry okay well we might need to uh get some food on the go aha we’ve got our neighbor here let’s go over here and hopefully she’s got like a plow the field I’m assuming she’s got a plow right all right let’s P oh she got a hold Harvester go that way oh then an old trailer as well I wonder if we can get any of that stuff where is she that gate oh it is there we go hello well hello there may I help you well perhaps you could indeed I can’t help but notice that old plow there looks unused and I could use one myself right you are sir we have no use for it really never thought of selling it though perhaps I can work for it truth be told I don’t have much money sounds good see that field over there I need it harvested and since my brother is out for the whole sum I’m afraid it’s going to waste could you do it for me please um not sure like scol no no see that Harvester you can use it it’s just if you’re going to take the plow I’m going to need the field plowed afterwards too think you can do it lady in this case we have a deer I’m off to work yeah the the voice acting the facial animations all needs work as well but the voice acting needs some work as well so if you but won’t you you need the plow the next year or do you not have a tractor oh I wonder if we could scrape that down with all the rust as well that’d be kind of cool who’s this guy all right mate you don’t look creepy at all oo I get to run the Harvester though hello great Fields yeah just um just make up your own brand names I think that’s the best thing to do it works with GTA just do that turn the header on lower the header I use the game pad for this one why not let’s use the game pad it’s the exact same sound effect as well uh you could drive you could drive too fast and oh hello Harvest you you’d start losing the crop I wonder if that’s still a thing maybe this car doesn’t uh car maybe this thing doesn’t do go fast enough but yeah you could drive too fast and lose crop um in the other game which again is something Farm Sim doesn’t do um which I thought was good but the the plowing was really good in it I kind of hope that they’ve still got that going but yeah there we go yeah it’s the same sound effect for the Harvester though but yeah this is probably a guilty pleasure game of mine I probably will end up picking it up at some point I doubt I’ll show it much I’m May stream it a little bit but you know I love simulators but generally they don’t do very well on the channel unfortunately so and I don’t show them that much oh we’re only doing 24 km no no idea what that is in miles an hour but um it’s in funny Euros we don’t do kilometers over here that’s what 15 M an hour maybe something like that I’ll say I’m not too sure yeah it says pretty slow that’s pretty quick actually for a harvester normally I like under 10 so yeah but you know it is an early demo so hopefully this isn’t what the final product is but as I say with the with the last game they kind of abandoned it a bit too early I feel um you know there was like there was two towns in it the one town was populated with people the other town you went down there there was nothing there and it never got populated as far as I’m aware not played it for a few years but but whoa It’s not harvested yet attach the plow there we go need to dump it in your grain silo or anything I guess not how do we switch this thing off uh that and pull that up no oh hang on there we are can’t park it get over here out the way oh boy hang on how do we get out there we go do a bit on the game pad shall we oh we going to need to open that yeah we’re going to need to get the tractor in here now aren’t we yep okay uh how did you run that was it think we go back to the keyboard or Mouse to be honest but there we go it’s kind of hard to spin the pack camera around it’s a bit slow on this isn’t it oh sorry mly yeah let’s go back the camera speed on that spinning around is a bit too slow the keep on the you can probably speed it up cuz I dropped it down because it was it was way too sensitive on me keyboard and mouse but on the game pad you probably want to turn that up a little bit okay and then I’m hoping that it cuts ruts into the field is it just this field hopefully it is remember in the first game when you got to plow it made you m plow a massive field it’s huge uh lower CH Ah that’s a have they got rid of that oh that kind of sucks yeah they’ve got oh that’s a shame yeah the first game it plowed ruts into the field it was really cool uh I’m disappointed on that one no I press the wrong button oh that’s that’s a disappointment uh yeah I’m kind of disappointed on that one that sucks top flits I liked the plowing mechanics in the first one yeah that’s a bit a disappointment yeah but you can’t just back like uh F you just back up with a plow on you it’s like reality there’s no way you’d be able to do that Ah that’s a shame yeah plow like really big ruts in the field I know that doesn’t seem like much but it was just really cool whereas now yeah it’s just it’s just it’s just paint of texture on I guess it’s a lot easier but yeah little at this point of that oh well okay well the job is done so there we go although it’s not quite done but I like Farm Sim you don’t have to actually I think you to get to like 90% or something most these contracts all right all done thank you you can keep the plow as promised I will put it to good use for sure thank you thank you there we go M seems really fond of you again okay hello go home with the with your plow ooh Drive the big one go back to the future what the hell oh maybe this is how we got the plow at the hat I don’t know well I’m I’m hoping I getting a DeLorean in a minute then the hell all right mate I’m just going to pull onto the road oh oh is that it maybe that’s it oh look there’s like a Maverick Massie F looks like a Massie on that picture there yeah you see that’s what they need to do don’t worry about Brands just make tractors and just call it a Maverick there you go looks like a bit like a Massy Ferguson to me oh 50 years later oh that’s a kind of prologue thing I kind of like that huh oh that’s a bit fancier AI is the answer huh the farm still looks is it run down or not what’s going on is this me oh the sound’s kind of cutting in and out a bit travel to the Future achievement new Quest meet William back in your grandfather used to tell us his neighbor okay received one social point right well we’ll just drive there in a tractor then shall we okay cool use the chainsaw store logs do so is the farm all busted up or what all right let’s just drive up here I have no idea how to get in this place stop here let’s jump out oh yeah that looks looks exactly the same as when I repaired it okay hello hello lad I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before who are you I’ve just moved here from the city my grandfather left me that farm with the windmill oh you’re his grandson my grandma Emily told me he helped her save this farm from ruin back when she was young and broke and all he wanted in return was some old piece of junk rusting away in the garage such a kind helpful man yeah that sounds just like him actually I’m looking for some work myself do you need anything done around here as a matter of fact I do there’s a lone Spruce by the road that needs to be cut down and the log stored next to the barn could you help me out with that sure no problem all right here’s the chainsaw and you can use my trailer to transport the logs okay all right so we just got a chainsaw down the tree which is over there where is the trailer to transport the logs I have no idea um I sound exactly like my grandfather as well but there you go uh we can squeeze through here there we go uh where’s the trailer I don’t know where where’s the trailer use the change S St let’s just cut the thing down shall we okay I might want to ease off on the old don’t need to rev it yet uh what how does that work oh there we go I just move it with the mouse fair enough I never played Lumberjack Dynasty I say I just kind of like no I’m out there we go load the logs into the trailer yeah you might not want to just keep this thing going all the time either can we get rid of the cut where the branch is L easier with an ax is it uh where the branches there we go and then how do I yeah I kind of wish I would just got my finger permanently on the uh on the trigger oh did I just cut that tree down yeah I think it did getting dark now as well okay can we cut another one right let’s go over here and try and load those up enjoy roaming around get some sleep ah yeah so oh okay I got to get my tractor over here okay where is it around here somewhere yeah all right we’ll go a little bit long with this one although think we may have to get some sleep sooner rather than later can we kind of get through there yeah we can about kind of wish I could zoom out a little bit further there you go kind of want makes me want to go and put the first one on or you just put some Farm Sim on oh itch there we go that’s good oh no I really hate these in Farm These Grabber claws really don’t want to use that but there we go right yeah I really dislike these things can I like how do we use this thing no I don’t want to call a tow truck how do I use this thing or do I use it from inside the cab oh there we go I just hold oh that’s a lot easier isn’t it and Farm Sim drop pine log oh yeah oh yeah that’s more that’s more like my farm siming there we go I yeah Conant loading Logs with these cranes go that way pick up the log put that in there get a pig zero this but there we go we just grab that one there we are that log yeah that’s cool they’ve added the log oh the trees reappearing and disappearing that’s good they’ve added that that in cuz I say I always thought Lumberjack should have just been a should have just been a DLC there we go store the logs and the designated area do that switch the lights on a little bit man this thing uh it’s a bit more power but there we go yeah I wonder if we can just kind of Tri those over the fence I don’t suppose you’re going to give me this log trailer right pine log drop pine log just kind of okay they’re all just stuck there they’re not going to fall over oh there we go let’s go and talk to William we’re going to need to get some sleep the tree is down and the logs are where you wanted them great job you can keep the chainsaw you’ll need it more than I will appreciated I’ll be sure to put it to good use well I got to go now see you later I hope so bye can I just drive off with this trailer I’m going to I’m going to I don’t know whether I can but I’m going to this is a busy day you need to get some sleep now I think that’s probably it then isn’t it ah no I can’t okay oh boy all right let’s go home and sleep uh do we stay in the cabin or not oh hang on I’m going completely the wrong way well actually like that kind of worked out the lights side I really wish there was a Oh no I can scroll back oh there we go that’s good use the scroll wheel to scroll out a bit further there we are that’s good as the house is do we not get to fix the house up a little bit disappointing but everything’s kind of repaired isn’t it I mean this is just a snapshot so I’m hoping we do get to repair the house up all right how the hell do I get in this place open oh right it’s probably busted up in here then isn’t it uh is that my room in here oh yeah okay don’t want to sleep for a week but you could sleep for a week there we go then obviously get some sleep which I did look into a free day of autum feel free to look around and do whatever you want return to bed when you feel tired yeah I think that’s probably it so yeah there we go uh yeah this still does need a bit of repairing doesn’t it but looks like Grandpa did some of it but he didn’t really get much further than he didn’t really do much on the doors but there’s still a little bit to repair but it’s not as busted as it used to be but you know I don’t know whether that’s going to be the final um sort of start or not but anyway we’ve been going long on this one so I think we’re going to call it here and we will end the episode so if you like that one please give me a thumbs up comment your thoughts down below subscribe for more I really do appreciate it stay safe out there everyone and I’ll catch you next time

An idyllic farm surrounded by picturesque landscapes. Embrace the seasons to build, farm and feel the country life in the open game world of Farmer’s Dynasty 2. Inherit the family farm as the next generation to prosper and create a farming legacy.

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