🗡️Can YOU Help Me Beat TERRARIA???

hey hey y hey hey oh a it’s y hey hey n hey hey a hey M hello oh my God long time no see how you guys been how you guys been hello and welcome to I forced my chat to beat Terraria for me yippee so really quickly I went ahead and updated that guide if you go ahead and check the pinned comment uh I can also just send you the link to it there’s going to be a password there now the way that this is going to work chat is if you are the tier Warrior Maiden member and higher on the channel so that’s tier two and high you are going to be able to join me in Terraria and the goal today people are already joining in the goal today is can we beat Terraria expert mode with uh by kidnapping my viewers and getting them to do it for me so uh yeah basically that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s how it’s going to work uh did I did I make myself clear I’m going to go ahead and switch on over to the game cuz I already see people joining in we’ll switch on over and uh welcome everyone this is Terraria Yi so who is the maid girl who is the maid woman I see you so yes uh basically we are going to be unleashing the maiden members into the world and uh you know just let it let it rip loose uh go ahead and follow the guide I again I sent the link I’m going to make sure I have everyone it’s a little bit annoying I have to man newly add people but I think we’re basically caught up and uh we’re right in time for nighttime now this is a brand new Terraria world you can see that I have not explored any of it by the way chat go ahead and press escape and uh join the red team so we don’t have to like worry about PVP but yes go at dirt box do you like my dirt box I did it so I could set up and not be harassed by creatures all right go ahead and as always give me a game audio check and a me audio check I need I still need a password yes the password is within the guide uh so yes make sure to join the red party looking very good chat the red party also lets me see you uh clearly on the map and also like you can teleport to me using Wormhole potions if that’s something that you want to do uh I will go ahead and explain very quickly Yes red team I have a gift for you you have a gift for me I’m not sure someone else won’t steal it but sure oh my God holy crap we got a kimono let’s go thank thank you thank you that is a vanity item by the way chat so it will not affect any of the stats but so uh essentially if you’ve never played Terraria before it is pretty self-explanatory I’m going to steal your wood Bozo Get Wrecked uh it’s pretty self-explanatory run around collect items and our goal today uh I severely severely doubt that we’re going to beat Terraria unless we have some like incredible speed Runners us um you look exactly like the guid in that is really wait you wait you guys look the exact same that’s going to be a problem uh but yeah basically I severely doubt we’re going to be able to beat the game today so um I think a good little like goal to aim towards is getting to hell and defeating the Wall of Flesh okay uh yes hell is a thing in this game and basically we’re just going to need all hands on deck we’re going to need someone to look for the gear we’re going to need someone to build a base maybe a base for some NPCs we’re going to need someone to make a elevator that goes straight down to Hell and we’re going to need people competent at the game are you guys already fighting each other what is happening watch out for the hell hole all right awesome we already got a hell hole incredible who is this is that Matias hi Matias don’t forget to join red party don’t forget to join all right oh God we’re Crimson uh also a couple things about the world this world is on expert mode are you guys okay over there you guys do not look okay this world is on expert mode which essentially means mob difficulty and health is going to be spiked up significantly I almost put us on Master mode but I was like maybe we should I should at least give you guys a Fighting Chance right so yes the world is on expert mode uh what else what else what else uh I was going to say something else but I don’t remember oh yes I set the world to randomize so a way that Terraria works if you guys don’t know oh no it begins oh it begins look at the dep if you guys don’t know the way the Terraria works is there is a uh there’s not really much of a story but there is an underlying corruption also can we leave the Tombstones cuz it’ll be really funny than by a blue slime Nathan thank you for the too have you played ninja giden Trilogy actually I have played uh Ninja giden one on the channel and I still need to play two and three so if you would be interested in that Nathan I would be down to play Ninja giden 2 and so on but ninja giden one series is available dogs were popped by CA are you guys in the the Crimson yeah okay the Crimson is there so basically uh the way that Trio works is there is like a corruption and it spreads across the world if you don’t fight it and the corruption can be two places it can be either a crimson biome or a uh a purple one which I don’t remember the name too I press randomize and the world that we did get is in fact Crimson crimson is known to be a little bit more complicated so or corruption thank you corruption is the other option so uh but we did not get corruption we got Crimson so it is going to be a little bit more difficult should be fine um so yeah other than that join red team no other rules we are just going to go we’re going to go crazy chat who is Marv actually do I even have to ask that mam thank you for the hilarious mod would have been hilarious you think it’s certainly not why can’t I hear Brian and certainly not for the week chat fun fact if you guys didn’t know thank you for the N9 months of being a master Maiden M play I’m at work luck maybe I’ll play when I’m done you rock as well thank you thank you oh God you guys are dropping like flies holy if you guys didn’t know the week that I debuted as mave um we I cannot see we started a Terraria Master mode playthrough and uh we didn’t get very far are only because like I it just lost priority of the games that we were playing okay that was awkward dude I can’t see there’s too many people also the way that this will work for me at least my character difficulty is set to normal so the world is set to Epic or uh I’m sorry expert but my difficulty is set to normal which which only means that I will not be losing items on death I will just be losing my money on death or portion of my money I think yes okay I like Crimson more because a piss book can be made at Hard Mode a piss book the hell is the piss book what is with the piss theming graveyard at spawn oh God so Chad basically uh everyone is dropping like flies so much so that there is a bunch of there’s a graveyard biome now we’ve created a graveyard biome what I’m going to do is I’m going to try to find the desert and hope that I can find some Cactus armor OG silly waffle you are not looking swell here here you are not looking swell oh God who just got wiped out okay great night time was a really bad time to start this I finally beat a hardcore Master mode after 162 attempts holy hell that’s crazy okay once it’s not night time anymore we can actually get a better start who’s not looking swell me laau dude okay awesome we’re getting a base started thank you so much for the base creation by the way is our world full right now Chad does anyone know how I can check the server list and see how many people are in the server I guess I could count but uh by the way guys don’t forget join red party I see a couple people who have not joined red party it’ll just be easier you can teleport to other people uh you can not kill them all that good stuff yeah yeah awesome all right eight players is Max no so actually in the update 16 players is the max now so this is as hell no it’s really good oh what the freak is that what the freak is the face monster is that new get the hell away from oh it’s the Crimson ah if you guys couldn’t tell I didn’t really play Crimson ever I I’m a corruption girly at heart this is not going to work this is not going to work at night we cannot we cannot go that way okay right side is off limits currently oh hell yeah PE PE book can be made hard mod mode what does the pee pee book do does it just piss on the enemy is it actually good okay so since I’m not going to go to the right side oh my goodness this is this is not going great wait I want that I want that give me that okay why do I have a door in my inventory here you go here’s a door here you go wait eating it’s eating Ma’s ass holy crap it’s real you’re real okay well that’s just well that’s just can it not be night time anymore oh you already went to the desert biome huh death God you know what you’re doing that’s where I’m trying to go hopefully it’s not past the the Crimson biome though all right this will be fine I have no clue what I’m doing have you never played Terraria before it’ll get much easier once it’s not nighttime oh my God don’t worry about it buddy we all start that way you’ll figure it out the thing about Terraria is if you don’t know what the hell you’re doing you’re going to figure it out the golden shower is a piercing yellow stream it’s pretty good the golden shower I really hope that’s what it’s called Terraria is the type of game to call an a weapon the golden shower I hate the starting weapon so bad maybe I should just strip mine I forgot how long Knights are in expert mode and I forgot how easy things kill you in expert mode yeah craft a wooden sword you’re probably right there’s no guys we need to replant trees I honestly didn’t think I’d be dying this much I’m like we need to replant trees stat I’m just going to start planting acorns and if you have a problem with it then it’s better than the copper sword yeah mainly because it’s has a swing animation when the copper sword is just like a stabby oh my God I’m usually just like this right now dude look how okay dude come on what the freak we need better defense it’s almost daytime at least no blood moons yet we just spawned in this is day number one we spawned into the night expert is the best idea good job M swinging the axe would be safer does the axxe do more damage than the pickaxe cuz I’ve been swinging the pickaxe yeah maybe we should just uh here we need some defenses who just died smog I witnessed your murder oh my God don’t let them in mathas do not let them in don’t do it I see what did what did I just say mathas cactus sword was not the way to give to go what do you mean it wasn’t the cactus sword is a great starter weapon I yeah we we might have to move the the Tombstones and we might have to Flat the world plan all the trees that’s probably a good wait it’s becoming daytime I think I can’t really tell because we’re in a graveyard biome yeah we might just just just start Mass producing trees chat just start Mass producing trees with the acorns okay it’s not daytime yet go away go away stay back stay back there’s a ghost too a ghost guys blood crawler what does that mean what does that mean Barby I see you’re pretty far down kaido is even further down actually are you I don’t know you look further down oh there goes kaido kaido is dead dude how long is the night I’m one HP do I have any health potions I guess I did how did I get a health potion thank you if someone gave me a health potion oh my God how long is this night get away stay back get away help rebound help I’m scared I might just have to strip mine help I need my Defense Force I am one HP one HP and a dream actually 29 if you want to be specific all right we lost one of our Defense Force oh no come on no can it be daytime can I slash time that day I Died For You may thank you my God this is terrifying Why is the difficulty so crazy right now I promise I’m actually good at Terraria I promise I’m actually competent at Terraria I got an achievement for traveling a lot hi hi smog bye smog okay all right death God you and me let’s go yes huge it’s daytime all right chat we got a speed run we got a speedrun this daytime we need to pull a mave and lower the difficulty shut up first of all you can’t do that you can’t lower the difficulty second of all we don’t need to smog spine was ripped out by a demon ey barie forgot their happy thought eating made K cue’s ass was torn in half by Blood crawler there’s me there’s Marv lava bread gave up no not the rage quit oh okay there’s a crafting bench over here good shoot this vulture might kill me oh I need this I need this I need this get away from me help help maidens help help help me okay I really need explosives I tried no okay fine freak it uh is it like spiked up cuz there’s so many of us we need to I’m going mining hi Zares I’m coming mining with you I need I need something clearly let’s go let Let’s Travel let’s find something good I believe that one damage is too real dude it’s so bad right now a basic zombie has 90 Health it’s fine guys it’s okay yes ores iron ore sorry I know you’re helping me mine and I’m just stealing all of the ore but it’s okay it’s for a good cause guys we might not be able to function in a graveyard biome we might not be able to function hey look there’s the elevator you guys are doing great holy crap Marv is on a mission Mar what’s Marv doing over there what are he doing over there bar oh jeez these ghosts can suck my nuts incredible who are you hi Levi that’s the guide what is the guide doing down here what did you guys do to him okay we’re going to need o Diamond I can get a grappling hook with this Don’t Mind If I Do hell yeah how deep does this elevator go down we’re going to need rope or something this is going to be annoying to navigate all right I’m going to mine a little bit usually I’m the type to explore but I think at this point kaido help at this point we just need some equipment we need some equip there’s like nine vultures dude I need like a ranged weapon or something this is pretty bad no help I need help yeah we got to make it to the jungle for sure damn okay I I do think that once we kind of start getting some gear we’re going to at least make it to hell we might not be able to defeat Wall of Flesh we might be able to there’s a lot of us I think we’re going to be able to defeat Wall of Flesh today I mean it depends how long we go oh no Marv no Marv I can’t believe this dude this is so much more chaotic that I thought it was going to be it’s actually so funny wait I’m stuck did you get wall climbing boots shoot you know what fine guys we need rope we can’t do the wood platform Strat we really need rope come on there we go good who the hell was responsible for these wooden platforms who the hell was responsible I I need to know cuz this is bad this is really bad this is embarrassingly bad all right freak this sh in advance but you guys are going to have to get it together you guys are going to have to get it together okay I shouldn’t go mining when it’s daytime smogs looking pretty low on health up there who else who else Justin’s looking pretty low over here RJ don’t forget to join red team don’t forget don’t forget yeah okay okay we got to book it is it only members yes Warrior members and hire are able to join but everyone is able to watch just because uh you know I got to I got to entice membership somehow I suppose but yes welcome back Lau I guess you just crashed huh okay we are at the desert I just give me some Cactus armor already a vulture fine okay oh shoot I can’t see the the craf thing here I’m moving my tracking a little bit hold on sorry give me a sec please tracking there we go I’m going to do workbench boom all right if you guys aren’t going to speedrun I’m going to do it for you don’t worry woodsword I’m going to kill my first enemy ow come on holy crap we killed our first enemy let’s freaking go let’s go that’s huge for us CH that’s huge that’s hug huge all right let’s get some armor let’s get some armor it’s fine it’s just wood ew look at how the Hat makes me look so stupid I hate it all right oh wait shoot I don’t want the copper copper I hardly know where I don’t know oh my God why isn’t it letting me hold down oh jeez no no no no no okay come on I having an Saye One V one with this vulture right now get away from why are there so many vultures oh my god get away get away you guys better be still planting trees we’re going to need a crap ton of trees we need all the trees we can get okay hold on I can heal potion in 7 Seconds there’s no more Cactus is there barie died four minutes ago all right I don’t have any more health potions God damn it just run ow there’s a thing in the floor No Way new strategy chat new strategy I actually there’s nowhere to progress we need to go in groups we need to go in groups we need lots of wood and we need to go in groups Cactus has been plundered no crap wait where’s my oh did someone give me armor here newon take some armor I have spare armor TIY TIY TIY cool M aome thank you so much for becoming a warrior maen member go ahead and uh click the link in the pinned comment you’ll be able to see the guide make sure to uh comment your stream your steam friend code and then I can add you and then you can join the server yippee let me uh refresh and make sure I’m caught up to date yes I am awesome oh no Marva is looking like dangerously low over there oh we have a new tree hell yeah more wood okay this works this works this works go go go get the tree get the tree get the tree get the tree get the tree okay go go holy crap we’re killing enemies I find it interesting with the wood sword you can’t hold down to hit you have to manually click yes all right good good good vultures invented minefields dude the vultures are actually so obnoxious and we’re really stuck we’re stuck here until we start getting some better gear so either chat let’s go in a group to the left side so we can uh cross the desert or we have to mine we have to mine for some better stuff I’m trying to M May I’m sorry no it’s okay don’t be sorry we’re all fighting this together we’re fighting the good fight all right mathas and I going on a journey get him no it’s okay back up switch switch twitch I got you I got you bro let’s go nice press on who died here that was me oh my God go keep going we got this we got this okay there’s a cave down there I don’t know if anyone’s been down there yet but let’s just keep going rebound died here Barby died here is this the furthest we’ve made it no RJ’s over here RJ you still got to join red party do you know how Escape in red Escape red right there do it do it okay rebound is this how far you made it go go go insane insane progress insane insane oh good good good okay some pots pots are great to have zie thank you so much for becoming a warrior mated member make sure to click the uh Link in the pinned comment and follow the guide so you can join us hey you have a wormhole potion nice that’s why you joined the red party chat here all right here we go I’m going to go ahead and also get as many trees as possible if you guys uh come with me make sure to get as many trees as possible can this break thank you why did that take so long I think I was lagging a bit there hopefully the world doesn’t lag too much cuz there’s so many of us okay good good incredible progress incredible incredible all right I’m hoping that we get some rare monuments in this world that that would be nice yes don’t forget to uh plant up loot all let’s go I got a chest I got a chest holy crap I’ll mine the chat if you if you uh loot a chest make sure to mine it also I’m going to uh add some more people if I need to newest first I’m going to wait what what the flip I think we’re caught up to date good it’s kind of annoying I have to manually add people but it’s fine okay there is a uh a mine down this way if you want to explore that maybe there’s some more chests to loot in the meantime I think I’m just going to keep moving to the left until it starts getting dark which it is going to get dark in just a moment so that’s a little bit unfortunate BR okay jungle to the left oh hell yeah excellent find Mar excellent find do I have a wormhole I have recall potions damn no Wormhole that’s fine also chat if you can start uh I don’t remember how but if you can figure out how to mass produce Wormhole potions that would be really useful cuz then we can cheese any boss if we have Wormhole potions we can literally cheese any boss this is taking too long okay I’m going to I’m going to just keep running to the left cuz the the jungle is close jungle let’s go how much platinum bars for weapon armor again o good question I don’t I don’t know not a clue oh shoot okay no stupid SL okay go so the jungle is going to be probably the most intense Overworld area so I’m going to try to be super cautious Mor no no oh shoot can I make a little Bridge with my eight pieces of uh mud great all right I’m making a bridge for us chat you get Wormhole by making the merchant happy do we have someone working on of the NPC housing yet do you have someone working on it let’s go let’s go go go go go go okay good jump over we hi duck no I was reading Chad hi duck Lord the color red or navy is better like like my personal preference my favorite color used to be red cuz of the the blood of my enemies now I like pink but if I had to pick between the two probably uh too it’s getting dark you’re likely to be eaten by a grw a grw h do we have a furnace yet yes we do look at these little wizard things how’ you get those okay I’m going to go ahead and craft some stuff really quickly from our mining excavations excavations all right and uh do we have any NPC housing just yet o there’s something oh I see some NPC housing cooking up over there I I see you I see you nice nice how much does the tin broadsword do mine does seven this does 10 probably going to be our best betch let’s get the tin broadsword uh I’m going to drop a wooden sword on the ground here so if someone needs it go ahead and pick it up if you don’t need it drop it to the next person I’ll also get a tin pickaxe no one needs a copper pickaxe we all started with one and then that’s all I can make okay good to know uh with that said I think I’m just going to continue mining since it is night time I’m just going to mine down let’s go ahead and check out how this elevator is coming to together pretty oo pretty good so far I see a a pot in here pots are generally always going to be really good to get because not only do they have Wormhole potions sometimes but they also have torches and just general uh stuff like that that we’re going to need who died here kaido was ganked by a red slime oh a mushroom biome chat oh there goes Mark okay uh so yeah pots are going to contain rope which is really useful um if you can chat let’s try to build with rope from now on for the elevator so we can just easily go up and down okay this is an excellent biome to find here really really lucky biome let go who died here oh the marf it’s so funny I think these glowing mushrooms are also good for potion making if I’m not mistaken I could be wrong but uh we’ll see who kaido are you the who’s making the elevator I don’t know I’m so sad I almost found something got killed by something that isn’t there killed by something that isn’t there what do you mean what do you mean by that bro I think I’m skitso that’s exactly what I was going to say I got like five piranhas on me no the water in the elevator ran out oh is that what you were relying on the water from the elevator blue mushrooms are used to upgrade healing P ah okay gotcha gotcha gotcha I see thank you all right all right yeah it is night time it is night time out there uh is this mother slime going to be able to reach me no it’s stuck in the wall excellent ex all right so huge vein of iron ooh very very nice normally I skip all these basic materials but at this point I think we really need anything we can get especially if we want to try to fight Wall of Flesh today I don’t know if we’re going to be able to I really have no idea if we’re going to be able to is the chat broken you guys are just quiet oh I guess it makes sense cuz most people are playing jail cell design we should Chad put the NPCs in a jail lock them up for their crimes for their sins woo you got a cool looking mace very nice also if you find any interesting statues make sure to grab them because we can spawn things in using Redstone oh my gosh why is this so slow oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh let me go let me go let me go let me go let me go please please go go go go all right go down yeah I’m going to mine down here at least we’re finding stuff now oh a wormhole potion awesome I say chat if you get a wormhole potion try to save it cuz if we’re fighting a boss it’s going to be really useful to be able to TP to each other cuz you can respawn and we can just cheese any boss mam thank you playing R in why don’t you sorry I didn’t mean to rub it in I just I don’t know I here look I’ll insult them for you the the usual yappers are the ones playing the yappers how about yet all right you just who’s Elden ring who is Elden ring someone’s excited for tomorrow holy crap Chad tomorrow Elden ring releases the DLC H I don’t know why I had to like specify the DLC obviously it’s the DLC what else going it be but you know War bution hell yeah okay I’m going to travel this way John Elden ring a ghost I need like some range or something maybe we should nuke the graveyard yard biome chat put it to a vote even if you’re not in this game right now should we nuke the graveyard biome at our base should we do it oh no there’s a spider cave down there probably going to go for guns I don’t really like guns in this game I find them that they don’t really do enough damage to also warrant having to pay for bullets yes sure oh a magical fairy okay chat if you are up top go ahead get rid of the the the graveyard biome just nuke all of the Tombstones up top ew a spider statue there’s not enough resources you look this is a big world we can find resources I believe I did choose a medium World cuz I didn’t want it to lag too much if we were far from each other but um oh my goodness I think there’s still going to be enough I think there’s still going to be enough I’m going to use some rope maybe there we go should I follow the Blue Fairy no I’m going to keep going down I would like the ability to see a little bits I’m wasting rope oh no how far down am I about to go literally cannot see anything wait wait there we holy crap upgraded Health chat upgraded Health upgraded Health upgraded Health this is huge this is huge holy crap a triple a trip oh my God we got a triple chat that’s actually huge for us no I’m not sharing it because uh I’m streamer and I I want to stay alive so sorry holy crap that Health upgrade is going to be so useful to have may leaving us to suffer you know what in the wise words of yourself want one find it yourself hey go on go on the video title is literally going to be I force my viewers to be Terraria for me so yeah I’m going to I’m going to take priority why because I say so should I just keep mining down I mean I’ll try to get as much loot as possible first stream and if I get any extra I can just give it to you guys it’s raining up there oh oh it’s raining on top be careful guys follow the fairy yeah but fine but I have to like dig you know I got to I got to dig I got a Diggy Diggy Hole Diggy Diggy Hole oh man this is why I didn’t want to follow the fairy cuz it’s just going to make me do this someone isn’t my mining chests chat what was the rule if you find a chest and you loot it make sure to mine it get rid of it is it too late to join now did you uh follow the guide in the pinned comment let me see if you are here oh yes yes yes I see you I see you okay I’m going to add you on Steam sorry I know it’s a little inconvenient that I have to do this but it is what it is it is what it is the alternative was making everyone download like a mod so I don’t think people wanted to do that okay I’m adding two more people on Steam and uh yeah if you posted your friend code make sure to check and you should be able to join I don’t know how many slots are left for the game I don’t I I can’t really tell how many people are able to join still I don’t know if we’re in a full Lobby or not I can try to count there’s the guide one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 yeah we still have more slots for sure yeah join in Sammy welcome welcome sh I don’t want to join this fair or follow this fairy steam things yeah it’s a little inconvenient I was hoping that the server would be able to be public but it’s fine just don’t be surprised when I uh unfriend you I’m sorry I have to unfriend everyone after this stream I’m sorry dude I don’t want to follow this fairy it’s probably going to be trash and anyways okay where do I go Blue Fairy where do I go lead lead me no oh my God look at my health three HP in a dream you can’t even see it I got achievement for that dude can I here fine I’m wasting so much time right now Marv died Marv idiot me as I’m literally about to die oh God man where are all my blocks here my mud I’m going to use mud this Blue Fairy better be leading me to the most insane find ever please I know if I don’t follow it chat’s going to be like you need to follow the Blue Fairy where are you going wait come back you little a-hole it left no jerk God damn that sucks oh well oh well the freaking fairy left me you took too long I didn’t know that happened the fairy said I freak this I’m out I’m done she’s too slow I’m so offended by that can I find like an underground chest thing or something please I’m just like not finding anything oh I see the Trap can’t fool me I see the Trap right here there we go no trap today you can’t fool me video game behind do baited nerd no dude it’s so mean why did it leave me I feel betrayed I also would love a faster pickaxe but it’s fine do we have someone still working on the elevator I see right there maybe death God’s working on it let’s go down here and go down here and boom boom well we got some health that’s nice is this just going to be a dead end I wonder if I have any like x-ray potions or whatever they’re called I probably don’t no I don’t is it daytime I need a clock this one make me a clock I’m struggling to get torches I have 13 damn I guess we just got to kill slime okay I’ll try to get platinum for everyone now thank you thank you Sammy We’re going to be carried by Sammy now or is it sawy I thought your name was in Japanese I’m fat figuring every button but the one I want to hit dude I feel you with my long nails oh was that Platinum more silver down there I’m seeing something make a slime farm uh do we need a slime uh freaking statue for that it’s a finish name oh well I see it’s in kanji and uh and got the KH over there so I wasn’t sure okay no what happened to you rebound H not platinum silver that’s fine it’s better than nothing cuz at this point we have nothing I’m rocking the wood armor at the moment oh shoot am I going to be able to reach this oh don’t suffocate from Sand okay go down oh wait I think I see a cave down there am I crazy or do I see a cave down there chat oh my gosh we just have to like race people to find loot we got to find loot desperately it’s not a cave it’s a hole minor time loss it’s okay minor minor time loss someone just died in my ear no no no I think I figured out what killed you I figured out what killed you barie oh my God is it daytime or night time tell me ow I can’t kill this fool let me kill you thank you it’s day it’s day it’s raining oh God damn it it’s raining fine I’m just going to go home look at the base look at you guys should we check our housing okay I’m liking it so far guys good job good job I like your little pool floaty Mark you’re looking great you’re looking excellent if I do sh show myself all right let’s get some better armor if we can any extra I’ll dump on the floor for you guys to disperse and fight for amongst yourselves can I not make anything oh wait Anvil Anvil Anvil uh o I can make a silver broadsword I probably want to do that huh can I make both of these h no we’re going to be sure I need o I need a lot Chad someone make me a silver pickaxe better sword or better pickaxe probably just oh you’re giving me stuff thank you oh thank you thank you thank you okay I can make a platinum SW sword short sword how much is I need eight I need two more Platinum ooh I need two more Platinum let me throw my copper sword I don’t know why I’m holding on to that make the short sword isn’t that bad now short swords short swords are stabby ones not slashy ones I know that’s why I want the the broadsword yo we got the nurse I just burped oh my God excuse me taso I wouldn’t recommend the short sword no no no I know I need the broadsword that’s what I’m talking about you said short sword oh sorry well I meant the broadword what the hell are you why are you the Grim Reaper how how uh okay I’m just going to get a better pickaxe I’m going to drop this on the floor if someone wants that dispers eat amongst yourselves uh I can’t make any armor I can make a tin helmet do I want a tin helmet sure why not tin helmet better than wood dropping a helmet on the floor for you don’t forget to join red party by the way press escape and join the little red button so I can uh find you guys on the map a horrible chill goes down your spine who the hell oh my God Justin is that you with the explosives who the hell is in the Crimson exploding things okay just joined has I of cthulu been killed no it is not been it is not been who the No No guys we are not ready for that boss fight we are not ready for that boss fight it’s going to be bad okay we have a we have a little tag team going to the left to the left to the left everything in the box to the left I’m going to replant trees as well boom boom we just need constant tree Tre rep Planters we need Builders tree repl planters we need a elevator person let’s go boss time no not yet not yet I gave all my stuff to May oh like your ores you didn’t have to do that thank you but you didn’t have to do that there’s a wood helmet on the floor go pick it up yeah you get your get the wood helmet go do it go get that okay so I think we could kill a boss but only by cheesing it as long as no as long as not everyone dies nice the way that it works is the boss despawns if everyone dies however you respawn after a set amount of time so we could just saao switch it you know what I mean okay that’s some decent armor but the rest went to you well thank you ah there’s a thing on the floor Barby and I are holding on for dear life go on Barby go without me go fight on fight on brother hey you got the wood helmet hell yeah nice just fight it at spawn I mean yeah if we’re going to fight a boss we have to do it at spawn except Wall of Flesh that obviously has to be fought in hell I am holding on for dear life with 12 hp okay there goes Barby no bearby no you were so close yet so far dude this is not going well it’s fine we’re going to beat the game today chat I think we can do it I think we can do it jeez has anyone mined down this way yet I wish I could see the map of where everyone’s been is that a setting to turn on where I can see where everyone else has been okay I’m going to heal a little bit at least I got some uh Crystal Hearts whatever they’re called Life Crystals I don’t die instantly now we are making our way towards the jungle yep so uh this might go south very quickly but if I can just go underground in the jungle and stay alive I can hopefully get some Platinum I don’t know where you guys have been finding your platinum but I’m pretty sure it’s there’s a lot in the the jungle right it also be kind of nice if we found the dungeon and other stuff like that it was nice knowing you I’m just waiting for it to say in red that you died yep oh wait that was Marv Marv why whenever I look at chat are you the one dying brother all right go does this world have copper or lead I think lead right I think I’ve only seen lead I don’t think I’ve seen copper ow ow leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone heal heal good yes incredible 10 oh yeah we have 10 we have 10 we do I was going to say I don’t think I’ve ever seen copper all right oh my God why are there so many bats what the hell what are you doing over here Marv Marv welcome back skito what the heck was that I tried to warn you guys why are there so many bats I’ve never seen that many bats before how do I even progress at this point how do I progress what do I do I’m so lost and I’m scared okay I’m going to make a chest oh you guys already have some chests you know what that’s going there this house is looking quite unique I would say this is the house of all time what do I do guys should I just mine underground oh died over there oh you dropped seven copper coins no guys I think we can do this the W spans the entire vertical map the what WF a wall of flesh yeah that’s something I didn’t know so basically wait does that mean we can fight it in spawn technically you didn’t get good but I am good guys I am good at the video game game don’t worry oh no sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah dude I got you bro don’t even worry I got you brother yeah you can’t mine to the left there you are going to be stuck in sand forever good luck with that okay the eyes will probably be mostly focused on the underworld unfortunately oh damn so we can’t cheese it huh okay fine oh shoot uhoh this could be bad okay go go no eating M clck Kitty’s ass no has anyone made it past the crimson yet I wish I could spawn in items I can’t cheat unfortunately there’s no need to be in Hell wait really we can cheese it this is really significant knowledge oh these stupid vultures leave me alone leave me alone go no oh my God I just jumped into that oh that’s crazy that’s crazy I don’t even know how to progress from here chat I don’t even know how to progress let me let me let me let me think let me think let me think what would I do if I was alone mine I’m almost out of what just get good easy but I don’t know where to go oh there’s a merchant here chat anything good a lawn flamingo a fake unicorn horn and a a fedora chat who wants to be the uh the Discord mod with a fedora I’m raging so hard cop see the mold bro what is this what the hell is this you know what I know what to do I know what to do chat I know what to do that’s going to bother me whoever built this clearly does not have uh freak it OCD I hicc up again EXC me exuse me Elden ring has wait had both kidneys stolen rest in peace Elden ring why are you building with Leaf blocks oh that’s going to bother me also what is this I’m going to use it but like why are you over complicating it for yourself just use rope just do this here’s what I’m going to do chat this is my strategy we’re going to go up and uh we do this oh no it’s raining this is a bad time for it to be raining chat is this a good height for sky islands is this a good height or should I go a little bit higher Sky Bridge maybe yeah yeah that’s what I was going to do a bit higher okay all right luckily I have decent amount of platforms but we’re going to need more platforms for sure I’m going to just just go up just go up like this for now it’s fine we can fix it later I’m being gate kept by a bat right now are you stuck is this a good height chat this might be good I think it’s good I think I’m going to try this height and pray that you guys aren’t like no let’s go that’s good okay thank you all right is it raining or is it just a sky Island above me I think it’s just raining yeah it’s raining someone di by an umbrella slime all right all right you’re in a good space okay now we’re just going to Sky Island to the left and right essentially if you don’t know what this means it means uh we’re looking for little Cloud islands and in the cloud Islands they have some good stuff sometimes if they don’t have good stuff or there or if there’s no Sky Island we cry you you guys following I was hoping that I could find a pot with an anti-gravity potion cuz then I could just find Sky Islands by doing that and also like TP across the map super easily we making progress are we is any progress being made be ready to cry what do you mean by that that’s s so for forboding can I still cry if there’s good stuff you can do whatever You’ like Joker you can do whatever you like I made it way past the crimson let’s go let’s go it’s getting night time this is going to be really bad for the Skyland process this is going to be really unfortunate for me I’m just going to use as much wood as possible and just and just go we just got to go chat someone should be doing this to the right side just so we can cover as much ground as possible I would do it but I’m almost out of wood oh this is not great this is not a great situation to be in seriously no Islands yet you’re joking you know what I would like an umbrella oh no they’re coming they’re coming for me chat they’re coming oh I’m getting glow sticks though those are useful to have okay uh basically out of wood I’ll grab this though chat I’m going to need someone to bring me wood if you like me bring me wood never mind I might just die up here it begins I’m making building progress hell yeah nice I think this might be it for me this might be it for me chat I I don’t know shoot I need an umbrella I need an umbrella desperately right now okay up I need wood I need what I need it to not be nighttime anymore oh my God I’m better than these guys I need a grappling hook as well I can make a grappling hook out of diamonds right we’re about to die you know what oh I was going to like jump off and be like you can’t take me alive but it doesn’t work have you ever thought of praying the Holden what’s holding AJ any gems yes or for grappling hook maybe I can get one now look at that little shark oh my gosh Marv you got a little shark friend that’s cute how do you get that that’s a short sword I don’t want that how do I make a grappling hook I need chain right maybe just like this can I make one yet are you guys seeing a grappling hook damn maybe I just don’t have enough diamonds I guess not I thought I got a decent amount of Diamonds though where’ they go I have nine of them how many do I need you need a chain oh and I need a hook oh I forgot found a found skon like Skeletron isn’t that after hard mode holding these knots a Shu you got me so good AJ you got me so good 15 I need 15 diamonds God damn it fine fine okay um I guess get more wood plant more trees get more wood cry a little bit the process I’m going to need something better than a wood uh or a copper Axe can I make one yet can I make a oh I can make a iron axe I will take that should be a little bit faster all right we get the thing and then oh thank you for the platforms I think someone just gave me platforms maybe or maybe I just thank you a spunker glow stick ma needs help from viewers like abam thank you for the to ma needs help from viewers like you thank you Marv Rage Quit bye what the freak is this marf BR marf come on man I’m sorry your businesses haven’t been working out for you but you don’t have to take over mine come on marf what is this don’t thought that fo was gonna come for me all right tree why is he fast why is he so fast that is the fastest man I’ve ever seen I don’t want to waste my one healing potion why did I do got a torch leave me alone welcome back lafu okay um this is okay go we have to fight go why does everything have so much help good and it’s raining so they’re like there’s more of them good I just need wood don’t go in the desert I’m not going in the goddamn desert uh-uh you can’t make me what the freak was that how many bosses have we defeated so far it’s a work in progress look look this entire thing is the boss we killed the Ender Dragon and we win is that what we’re supposed to be doing oh shoot okay but hey look at our NPC house looking pretty good so far chat looking pretty good I’m going to try I want to fight a boss you think we’re ready Elden ring I want you to be honest here do you think we’re ready Chad can someone deliver me two pieces of platinum I I Del I desire a delivery chop chop chop chop just throw bodies at it until a dub is acquired honestly that would work oh look at your Dr before the starts it would save viers like you yeah that’s what I quoted viewers like you thank you that’s what I was quoting I understood I understood the the reference I got you I got you look at this stupid little goldfish look at him okay new idea new idea here’s my idea chat here’s my idea are you ready are you following I’m going to need everyone to understand the game plan I need wood I need wood I need wooden platforms oh thank you that’s nice do you want this ruthless tin sword thank you okay I need wood to make wood platforms oh I gave my sword did you not want to give me that do you want that back here give me my tin sword back here I’m not going to scam you there give me give me that bag thank you I didn’t mean to scam you okay chat wood we need wood we’re going to Sky Island or we’re going to Sky bridge to the left and to the right whoever makes it to one side first we’re going to fish holy crap you’re there rebound you’re incredible are you safe I’m woodless do c can I TP to you are you in a safe spot Island found to the right holy crap this is huge chat basically what we’re going to do is we’re going to try to fish we’re going to fish for riches as soon as we make it to the the the the ocean I am more or less safe okay I don’t know if I trust that maybe we just walk we just have to make it to one side there’s a graveyard biome here there’s a there’s another graveyard biome okay honestly this enclosure wasn’t a bad idea however I don’t know why there’s platforms here smogs dogs were popped e you’re in the dungeon how did you just run there chat do I waste the Wormhole I’mma do it I’m going do it I’mma do it I’m tping you I’m coming I’m a coming rebound oh my god um so basically we’re in danger huh don’t worry I won’t go too deep I won’t go too deep don’t worry don’t go down no I have the strategy watch this don’t worry Wormhole see and I think I can’t really go any deeper than this give me a special book I think if I oh my God I’m safe I think I’m safe give me a special book no it didn’t give me a special book God damn it okay wait would the dungeon guardian kill everyone it would just kill whoever’s in the vicinity right I don’t want to do that we’re we’re very far yeah I’m scared yes it keeps going till everyone is dead guys don’t kill don’t trigger the dungeon guardian don’t do that we got to Gat keep this area rebound we need a guard so some troll doesn’t come in here what do I do I have an idea I need a yo-yo I need a yo-yo and a lot of patience how do I make a yo-yo again I need wood right I need wood and maybe string please don’t get me killed I will not you have my word I will not Venture down uh wooden cobweb didn’t I get cobwebs I have cobweb how make yoyo how yoyo web rope no excuse me I got H at least I can make more torches no I don’t want to waste my wood H I gave you my rope oh thank you that’s very nice of you you had almost 200 oh that’s good but how do I make yo-yo I have cobweb do I need more cobweb h a rolling Cactus what the hell do not turn on PVP chat do not turn that on keep that off the sun oh my God it’s the time I need a godamn yo yo yeah you’re barely off rebound you have several pieces of cobweb I’m actually begging you please turn keep PVP off no turn off PVP do you have any wait do I need one more cobweb I think I need one more cobweb I had two thank you rebound guys turn off PVP we’re moving backwards we’re going backwards okay all right we have to do this we have to fight we have to be brave rebound I can’t afford a yoyo unless Chad does anyone have a wormhole potion that has some cobweb that can donate so we can get a yo-yo backup okay I believe do it do it ooh you have bombs you’re crafty with it damn I didn’t even have to worry oh wait wait I got you careful careful careful I got you I got you bro don’t worry don’t worry okay we go up we go up no knock back okay come on go go go go go go go no rebound no should we continue bridging yes unless someone wants to donate a cobweb so I can get a thing okay that’s fine go kill him kill him this is the most intense fight of my life left or right I started bridging a decent way on the left so if you want to keep following the left side that’s fine we got Carlo the painter though that’s exciting he on the two the m to the housing Chop Chop get to work Chop Chop I’m not paying you anything for nothing God damn it okay I’m brave I’m God’s bravest little warrior holy crap that dude dropped a lot of money no special books okay just go I will continue what rebound could not finish I will get us to the other end of the world I will do what could not be done why is it raining again stop can we just oh my God the harpy feathers oh no oh no oh no can we just have a day of sunshine it’s raining because F you yeah that checks out that that checks out okay okay okay okay at least it’s daytime I will take it all right I’m going to take these pots and we’re just going to go hey my pickaxe is much faster though hi cars we’re playing on XOX are you fool I think we still have some spots left but it’s currently open to Warrior Maiden members and H wait rebound died yeah rebound uh very bravely fought until they could no longer fight they were very brave though I don’t think they’re full right now yeah I don’t think I I don’t think so I think we have about like three more slots open I’m not quite sure though I don’t know no here’s some explosives for safekeeping oh no that’s a sentence you don’t want to hear from this group oh we got the zoologist nice very nice uh I’m going to platform across actually I don’t want to waste my wood boom and boom good CH I’m making pretty good progress here on the right I’m going to personally shoot whoever keeps leaving the tree stumps dude no you and me both that crap pisses me off too that crap pisses me off too I’m just going to platform across a little bit of the way oh my God chat it’s the end of the world we made it we made it we made it and people still aren’t mining chest guys mine the chests I don’t know what you mean by leaving tree stumps so if you don’t mind all the way to the bottom of a tree chat oh coconut it leaves a stump oh the Angler’s over here nice I’ll get that guy in a second see look it leaves a stump you have to get the base of the tree you got to get the base of the tree okay hello sir I got the angler for us chat all right uh I don’t have a fishing rod over here I also need a bug net so I can use it as bait damn well at least we have the beach what the fre Oh I thought he I thought he just like exploded I thought that seagull was not okay a zesty sauce ew you know what I could do chat oh I have some bait ooh I have baits not bad okay here’s what I can do I make campfire and I’m going to start a humble Little Life by the sea we do this we do where’s my fishing rod okay fishing rod can I not make a better fishing rod I guess I need an anvil huh okay and then and then throw that out throw that out throw that out uh we got grenades we probably want to keep the grenades huh probably want to keep those a sky blue flower used to make Sky Blue die pretty trash okay seven worms let’s get something good chat let’s go come on my humble Little Shack by the sea now fishing in this game is pretty simple you just wait for the The lure to Bob and then you’re good to go now the question is do we get lucky and get some good crates I don’t think we will get lucky and get good crates you used to be able to get one of the the best prehard mode pickaxe in the game by fishing but I think they nerfed it they nerfed it it’s still a nice pickaxe to have if we get lucky all right enjoy your anime Ora thanks for stopping by get the water chests yeah I was hoping I could get a potion that’s why I was checking my inventory for so long I was hoping I could find a potion but uh I don’t think I have a water breathing potion so I’m going to have to brute force it going to have to brute force it it’s okay I you guys can save your Wormhole I’ll just chill out here for as long as possible if I get yo-yo I get a yo-yo if I don’t oh well oh well all right hi guys Welcome to My zatu Stream with uh Terraria fishing in the background has anyone set up an arena yet I don’t think so I do not think we’ve set up an arena you can do that if you’d like someone should work on making a nice house we’re busting our balls in the mines while May fishes hey fishing is a respectable p time in Terraria oh The Lure broke I’m building the house one thing at a time please it’s okay we get one person on the house one person on the arena we divide and we conquer terrarians yearn for the mines see you guys are so happy that you’re mining for me you’re so happy I’m a Shogun Lord that’s what they called me back in the day my internet that’s kind of funky feels bad I can’t stay connected on the server have fun sorry Lau I’m sorry that your connection’s been a little wonky hope you at least get to kill the eye of cthulu I thought we’d make more progress hey it’s not over for these slaves sure so complain a lot sure do complain a lot I don’t understand why they get to be graced by my presence why would they complain crate we got a crate chat now we pray to the gacha Lords we pray to the go Lords oh no you you invented gravity holy crap Elden ring invented gravity this is huge all right uh I’m probably not going to use all my bait right now cuz this is taking so long probably cuz it a wooding a wood fishing rod so you know yeah know it’s not it’s not great all right freak this gotcha time you guys ready pray it gave us more bait and iron you know what I’ll I’ll take iron all right now we do part two of the praying I’m going to take an iron Skin Potion to up my defense and just we ball that’s basically the moral of the story We Ball minor improvements to all stats we eat a coconut we take an iron skin and we ball go go go go go go go go go go find a CH chest find a chest find a chest go come on oh my God chest yes yes give it to me loot all we got it boys no water breathing give it to me give it to me get out get out get out oh my God the clutch the clutch goes crazy chat the clutch goes crazy okay we run it back we do it again are you ready take a deep breath okay go go go go go go go go M the chest don’t want to piss off rebound or me we’re not making out of it alive that’s okay we go until we can no longer go what the hell is this ocean it’s been a good run boys it’s been a good run what is this ocean is this new it used to just be flat a life Crystal oh that’s fine we made good progress look at all that huge huge smog was free fall uh this is a normal generation it can turn out this way really I’ve never seen that before well why is the angler over there is he okay Adam are you okay damn look how deep I got though I got deeper than your guys’ elevator I’m kidding you guys are doing good you’re actually much further than I thought you were she carried my legacy I did that was made possible by you thank you P viers like you thank you sorry I’m going to keep quoting that now okay um so if I could get oh I have Platinum Don’t Mind If I Do chat who wants my tin ruthless sword do you want it who wants it5 for. God who wants it B no more fortnite um silver I don’t think there’s anything else I can craft here that’s I’m used to me huh I guess not well I guess not I can make a reinforced fishing pole but I’m not near the ocean so that’ll probably be a waste did someone make a campfire by the way no campfire now who the hell invited the furry who the hell invited the goddamn furry huh was it you who was it all right I’m going to try to continue the the sky platform see what we got he is earning his keep how oh that Raven scared me that Raven was scary quot The Raven dig okay the angler has been placed in the bratty hole what did he do want my platforms yes I would love your platforms sorry I’m running away from you I’m sorry oh I have a little radar thing when do I get a radar I don’t have like anything oh I have climbing CLS I can slide down walls now oh my God I actually have things now good progress good progress chat okay um should I head to the left or to the right let’s go to oh who is using wood chat you get double the platforms why do that you get double platforms if you use platforms who the hell you what the flip is this oh I guess there’s a platform there that’s fine okay you bother me I’m doing this all right fine so that that’s definitely been looted down there I’m assuming ow okay at least you got rid of the chest I salute you for that where are my ropes where are my ropes good okay also wood wood is very important right now oh shoot it’s getting night time is there a graveyard biome up here guys uhoh yeah I don’t want to go out there yeah I don’t want to go out there out there is scary out there is scary guys speedrun we’re trying it’s not working whoever’s leaving tree stumps you will suffer a painful death at the hands of the maid who is leaving tree stumps you guys are mean do we have enough cobweb yet I’m still one cob smog do you have a singular cobweb please thank you for the wood do you also have a singular cobweb nope that’s sucks damnn one second okay rebound cuz we we would we would love a yo-yo at this point we would we would absolutely adore a yo-yo a a man I didn’t mean to use that a yo-yo holy crap we found a yo-yo this is awesome thanks guys I’m going to steal these potions crian bar oh you guys are you guys are doing pretty good I’m going to steal some recall potions I’m going to store that there any diamonds in this chest I wonder Platinum Ore is not bad I’m going to take that out anything else a cactus helmet Don’t Mind If I Do 2 events versus oh never mind the cactus Helm helmet is worse the cactus helmet is worse but I can get a cool rain coat I’m not going to do that cuz I have my my kimono that’s fine anything in here are there explosives on the floor what is this what is that chat we can’t mine it you can’t mine explosives why I’m stealing all of the explosives out of the chest I do not trust you guys and some blocks cuz I need them that’s that’s just for me though someone gave me 100 cobweb thank you for the 109 cobweb or the 101 I dropped webs from May and now they are gone I got them don’t worry I got them I got them I got them thank you I don’t need them anymore cuz I did get the the yo-yo yoyo watch this chat wait hold on watch observe chat I will defend it’s it’s not that great but hey it is some line of defenses it it’s something at at this point go through the whole ah hble up our house wow so cool I don’t I don’t need your sass okay what are you doing to defend us o look at the galaxy hair on New Dawn that looks sick Oh I thought that was a scary it was it was it was just Elden ring guys if you plant the trees too close to each other they won’t grow you got to space them out a little bit more you got you got to space him out I think it’s becoming daytime the house looks great New Dawn you’re doing fantastic thank you so much okay wait crimtan bars ah someone did that nice yeah luckily luckily I don’t think we’ve spawned any any bads yet which is good hi soundbot how you doing welcome welcome I’m not a fake ninja what are you talking about I’m a very real ninja uh I’m going to go to Left more to the left to the left guys we need to start p uh like uh placing campsites around all right now I can actually defend myself this is good yeah so we’re going to need campsites on this platform honestly if no one wants to build a uh Arena we can just fight on the sky platform and just run to the left just run you know what I mean all right here we go I’m going to cry why why no your vital organs were ruptured jeez damn I thought it was becoming oh shoot I thought it was becoming daytime was it just becoming nighttime ooh I want I want my my Dodge Shield ah oh my god when did this become a bullet hell when did this become a bullet H bye Jim thanks for stopping by appreciate you thank you thank you than wh well I would probably benefit from having a ranged weapon at this point I’m not a bow or a gun user but it might become useful oh a spike shackle finally we have something W you just bumped that fool into me I’ll bump it back in you ooh 2% damage increase that’s pretty nice oh I’m about to die whoops I didn’t realize I was so so close to death I can’t use Ninjutsu hand signs uh excuse me just you wait V and Universe season 2 will prove you wrong that’s all I’m going say that’s all I’m going say someone looting my chests I didn’t steal I I I stole seven recall potions and something else that I forgot can it become daytime do I have a grapple hook yet no I need more gems I have nine diamonds mine diamonds na thank you for the five Master ninja of yo-yo true I love yo-yos in this game chat I love them so much they’re my favorite weapon in this game they’re so good oh my gosh where’ that guy come from oh my God the clutch the clutch oh my God good ah ah okay okay that’s fine they’re dropping like flash leave me alone what the hell did you guys hear the Frog cro oh man when is your episode airing I’m going to be so honest I don’t even know I don’t I don’t even know what my own episode in V universe is airing I could like go through the episode list and check but I think it’ll be more fun when I’m surprised you know all right look it people are getting some good loot now look at you guys go hell yeah looking pretty good shall we check the house see what’s popping we got our NPC living damn whoever lives here is living large is it Allison or is she just freeloading damn not bad look at the house with the missing walls all right good enough how is down there are you guys in Hell yet you know what I want to join you I’m going to hell let’s go chat okay okay ow okay well that was just rude wasn’t it well that was just rude by explosives who’s blowing up the house who the hell is blowing up the house check my inventory okay a topass hook thank you thank you yippe thank you I appreciate you thank you Sammy shark bait oh my God look at us eating B CL at Kitty’s ass for matching a so cute so cute all right let’s go we’re making the pilgrimage to Hell careful who are you Bri why the hell Brie in here who is Bri Bri at cookie box my favorite vtuber no way hi ier how you doing hello okay how to get wormholes you find them in pots or you can also craft them by I don’t know oh there’s a dude in there I can’t tell scaries apart from you guys I’m going to need better armor oh careful careful careful careful I’m going to need some better armor but yeah if you find a little pot break it cuz you can find wormholes easiest in those who are you who are you uh you’re going to want to break those spider back walls boring bah thank you wait can I if I break the walls does it stop spawning spiders I didn’t know that that’s kind of cool I didn’t know that I’m too lazy to do it but chat someone get a hammer and start going crazy on these walls oh my god look how big that spider biome is good God why am I here everything okay damn you guys are making awesome progress good job guys now who the hell did that guys you have to be careful of the lava floor you have to be careful of the floor hi Kate or Kao I’ll defend you I’ll defend you I’ll defend you okay good oh my oh my God break the geyser thank you okay okay chat we’re almost in hell what the freak someone got the the sword someone found it in the sky oh my God all right we go we go down join me rebound we mine down let’s go let’s go gang who’s mining with a sword I saw that back to the mines I go is that lava going to hurt us it might hurt us no wait we’re close we’re good we’re good we’re good there’s a couple block clearance there’s one block clearance so we back in the mines who just sorry RJ careful that’s to drop careful don’t go down there oh that lava is going to hurt us for sure there’s no way that lava doesn’t hurt us oh we got we got to move move to the right move to the right boys o oh good okay okay little mini cave here all right and then we go down guys we’re almost in Hell ooh careful wait wait wait guys don’t BR okay I have yo-yo I my yo-yo is too short ow it’s okay it’s okay we’re safe who died no Maas no no Maas I’m at one fall back it’s okay it’s okay if you are struggling to stay alive right now fall back okay there is a mine cart if someone wants to follow it or we can keep going down oh God oh God oh God fall back fall back troops oh no we lost another hell holy crap we made it to Hell wait I’m going to rope down I’m going to rope down okay boys we need Obsidian Skin potions oh no yo yo I’ll protect you guys don’t worry I’ll protect you my queen We need oh my God no Elden ring you our only hope stay alive Elden ring stay alive at all costs Elden ring you have to stay aliveat they you’re the five there treatments I can fix the length of my my yo-yo oh that’s awesome thank you I’m going to waste a wormhole oh jeez I don’t know if we’re Adept for this Whoever has that sword up there we’re going to need you we’re going to need you oh my God the bone serp it oh no this is bad all right let’s go boys let’s go frick frick shoot okay this is fine this is fine thank you you just saved my life you just saved my goddamn life I don’t know who you are but thank you oh my God I’m scared oh my God I don’t want to move oh oh my God they’re dying you know what this is fine for now this is fine if I drop down by the way this thing will set you on fire so don’t just sit on it I’m sitting on platforms now who the hell do you think you are now who the hell do you think you are Mr fire amp that’s crazy that’s crazy who just said that to me the disrespect is crazy the godamn disrespect is absurd I find that very offensive damn how the hell are we gonna do this how the hell are we gonna do this chhat better armor I think better armor is a good is a good start cuz I have wood armor right now that’s probably not very smart oh Platinum how do I get platinum I’ll take it I don’t have enough to make anything but I’ll take it can I make any better armor iron helmet I can I can do that let’s make uh some iron pants here wood pants someone take it okay um what else h I don’t know chat I don’t know I don’t know I’ll make a silver axe I’ll make a silver axe someone take that uh what else I don’t think I can make any more armor we just got a raw Dogg it we got a raw Dogg and hope for some better weapons is someone in hell right now oh my God look at the death no one survived that jeez damn we need more potions chat we need more potions this is this is pretty what is Bree doing down here still anyone made it to the left yet no I made it all the way to the right oh someone’s up there mining yeah we need potions we need like a spelunker potion so we can mine stuff easier oo you got some platinum over there see you’re playing it the way that we should be playing it but I want cool loot that’s my problem with these games I just want cool stuff you know what the hell is that I hear you with the star sword I hear you I got my my wall climbing stuff at least that’s good okay someone is not looting these pots which is good for me cuz I will take them I will take them for myself o down here lots of pots hell yeah uh wait DPS and life form analyzer oo I don’t know how to make a cellon I know what you need like a ton of stuff though but that’s a good find thank you okay let’s uh just keep looking for pots prbe get some potions I got a wormhole potion which is good I got a Mana potion which is not great I see you with the star sword I see you it’s so funny I can just see it across the map is are you the one with it are you the one with it zaro or is it someone else oh my God it’s you I’m so jealous I love those swords so much that’s what I wanted from the sky island that or an umbrella but it’s fine it is fine the wandering Merchant has a katana shut the hell up shut the hell up hi Darius how are you that’s I want a katana how much damage 19 mine does 18 and it’s unpleasant someone get me the katana is it is it really expensive it might be super expensive not like we can make any money because we keep dying 10 gold okay all right progress oh shoot okay here we go good good and then I’m going to go up this way oh my god dude we need more loot we’re going to need more loot oh PL PL I don’t know why I said planium Platinum let’s go platinum is huge Platinum is huge are you stealing by Platinum death God if you are I’m going to be very mad I’m going to be furious we need better armor we just we need a lot at this point we need a lot dude are you stealing my crap no I’m getting it okay freak you all right I guess let’s just go down dude I haven’t found any underground caves or like U I’m sorry chests I have found no underground chests right now it’s kind of ridiculous does anyone know no hot woman statue look chat hot woman statue God damn it that sucks all right I need a chest I need to find a chest don’t say F wait where’s the merchant where’s the traveling Merchant he has a kathana and I want it forgot to give you recall pots no it’s fine I have some I have uh several oh I got a death meter I’ll take it sure it gives me melee speed too not bad okay uh he’s at the left oh you’re right he is at the left nice o gr imunity fire blocks thank you you oh my god thank you plus 3% damage too thank you Sammy oh my God sami’s coming in clutch thank you Katana Katana that’s fine I don’t need it pad tie okay you said you couldn’t find an underground chest there’s one right here but like it’s already looted probably right there’s one right here where you died oh that that well that just rub salt to the wound now doesn’t it yeah just rub salt into the wound huh at least I got Platinum it wasn’t a complete waste of a trip now the question is will that Platinum get me anything I don’t think so I think I’m still too broke to afford anything yeah a sawmill do we have a sawmill yet chat I’m going to make a sawmill for us ooh I look scary I look looks so scary from that obsidian skull at least the skull will make me immune to those fire blocks that’s that’s always useful okay we have a sawmill now which means we can make a bed I think which means we can uh save our spawn point somewhere but I dropped six gold no any problems with the house no it’s looking great so far you’ve expanded very nicely you got houses for all the NPCs it’s looking great good job nice job now we just have to figure out what to do thank you for the gold thank you that’s so nice oh and obsidian spin oh you are clutch you are clutch you are clutch okay I’m going to store the gold here for now I’m going to store it there if you steal it you’re really mean and you make me sad cuz I I let’s try to save money yeah let’s try to save the money okay um so much for being able to store things like that is not going to work out our inventories are forever going to be really fluttered if I could get like a piggy bank that would be great chat when we get a a blood moon someone needs to or not even if we find a statue so we can just Mass produce the little uh the guys the blood moon guys so we can farm for piggy banks or not piggy banks the the the flying piggy banks you guys know what I’m talking about right there’s an item it’s like a little flying piggy bank and it’s like a spare backpack thank you to whoever uh blocked the ground there yeah money trough oh freck I red shot whoops yeah the money trop I imagine somebody finding the enchanted sword I don’t think we have an enchanted sword on this world do we have we gone all the way to the left yet it looks like uh cool is trying to make the pilgrimage over to the left but I’m not sure what is that funky looking thing mobs spawn by a statue Do not drop loot they do they do I’ve done that strategy before I didn’t see that thing there okay oh jeez man oh jeez all right I’m going to need a ranged weapon I’m going to need a ranged weapon for sure if I could find the there’s a demon Scythe sword in the chests down here if I can find it that would be so nice to have do I waste a wormhole did you die RJ join red please RJ I need to TP to you now RJ join red please please a dude RJ freaking hates me guys spam in chat join red join red join red I don’t know what that means press escape and then there’s a little red button to the left of your die stuff press that button join red join red join join join join red please are you in voice colums wait is there a call happening are you guys in call wait I kind of want to check is there a voice call oh you guys are in a voice call that’s so awesome a that makes me so happy you guys are making friends wholesome oh that goes down to Lava okay did RJ join red holy crap RJ joined red holy crap but guys join the vi Discord server and join the voice call they they’re gaming together that’s so awesome that’s so wholesome you guys are cute you guys are cute go kill mother slime kill the expectant mother dead oh where’d the bat go I can’t see it okay Zares I need you to be my meat Shield protect me I’m scared all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go get the pots get the pots good good good give me a chest give me a chest yo yo yo yo get the yo yo ah where are you Sor C please there was another one got no boots you can you’re safe on platforms though you can like jump on the platforms if that’s what you mean okay no we made progress we made progress we made progress okay I’m going to should i h chat what pickaxe power do I need to mine uh freaking hellstone sh what pickaxe power do I need does anyone know Ma yes hi Saro what’s up do you want the dirtiest block is it a dirt block Crim Tain I need Crim Tain I got to go it’s a pet sure I’ll take a pet Crim how much Crim Tain do we need what pickaxe power do I need to mine crimtan the rarest item in the game can I hold it for a minute can you hold it or hold it wait what are you talking about what is it where where what did I how do I drop stuff you you like pick it up and then you press T I’ll consult the wiki thank you I’m guessing meteorite or platinum minimum okay there are only four of those dirt blocks in the whole world wait really what how does that work okay there where holy crap the dirtiest dirt block I have a pet dirt block what the hell CH who wants the fish fish giveaway for Crim T we need Platinum okay I need a platinum pickaxe then oh I can make one I think can’t I make one I can’t Platinum pickaxe all right uh silver pickaxe giveaway there you go people are gathering around for the giveaway that’s so funny to me okay okay huge huge huge huge huge huge huge hug huge feeling good ow who let a monster in the house okay here’s the strategy chat Platinum pickaxe is 59% can I mine crimtane with that can I mine crimtane look at The Little Owl friend look at the little guy okay we’re going to go to the the Crimson biome rebound you look sick as hell with that helmet I see you with that Platinum helmet I see you hell yeah brother hell yeah all right let’s go is it becoming night or becoming day I think it’s becoming day right dude the dirt block is sick that’s so cool all right here we go boys ow he’s a jumper ew it makes a scary sound thank you I need like a bow or something at this point maybe I can get a gun from exploding these things down here okay I can’t see anything help help oh my God look at all the Death there’s so much death I’m running I’m running okay good good good rebound and I got this we got this we are going to make insane progress oh my God look at all this okay let’s go let’s go oh God oh God go go M you’re not really going to find enough TR in the world to get a pick in a good amount of best source is and B bosses yeah that’s probably a good point Chad do we want to try to fight a boss oh gold who died down here Chad do we want to try to find a boss how does it work in in Crimson biomes do are there still little orbs to explode okay we could handle the eye we probably could handle most things just because of the sheer amount of people that we have as long as we don’t all die simultaneously a regeneration potion okay I see this Boulder here and for the sake of you guys I’m going to destroy it there you go no more Boulder that’s a nice boulder okay what is this silver down here silver okay I can use that as armor say no more I have bombs ready is it orbs yet yes okay good good good so then um I guess we should prepare to fight a boss cuz that’ll I’m pretty sure it’s expert mode so we’re all going to get loot bags right that’s the thing that I like about multiplayer and Terraria you get loot bags in expert mode so we’ll all be able to benefit whoever fights the boss here is going to be able to get ores and stuff B is easier than EOC you think brain of cthulu is easier I thought the worm was easier cuz you can just cut out like the limbs at the source and just sit there at the head you know hello lonely Knight how are you I is much easier really oh wait I I mean like the the the the dulu thing uh here I’m going to get uh rope e there’s spiders in this biome oh careful Elden ring I’ll defend you oh my God where are the the things to Bomb Destroyer is far easier the that’s the uh the corruption one right clear out the area is this where we should fight it dude damn you guys are low on health all right we’re going to try to find what we need to fight this thing we’re going to need like we’re going to need Rangers so we’re going to need like guns and bows did someone just die oh mathas oh Maas we need you jeez oh God guys guys I’m in a really bad predicament oh my God the clutch W what I found one all right here we go I don’t know if this is going to summon the boss it might not I don’t know how many people have blown things up cuz you have to blow up three of them I’m going to clear out the way for it I might need a sticky bomb I might need a sticky bomb do it no balls watch me uh I might not need a sticky bomb I can cheese it I can cheese it we can do like this there we go do not break this do not break this jet I will cry okay don’t bounce out good does that break it there’s a ghost all right yes break it I don’t know if this is going to spawn the boss it might and if it does we are kind of screwed because there’s not a lot of people down here chat ah there’s something killing me chat make your way here it it won’t spawn okay chat make your way over here just in case this is risky he’s lying lying as in like it will spawn him Chad Chad Chad Chad you can make the crimtane pickaxe quicker what if it does at all cost get as much flesh as possible how do I get flesh just by killing it you destroy three yeah but I don’t know how many have been destroyed I know at least one has been destroyed all right chat you need to make it down here uh wall yourself in if you need to cuz the spiders cannot go through walls and um let’s let’s just see what we can do stay alive at all costs yep that was it that was it oh crap I’m in a really bad position get in here boys we’re doing a boss fight get in oh no oh no stay alive at all costs what have you done I’m sorry stay alive at all costs stay alive the boss will not despawn as long as we are all still alive just just stay alive are you proud of yourself hey we got to progress somehow it’s coming what the hell just just stay alive at all cost shat get it as much damage but stay alive we can do this I believe in us look hey we’re already getting some chip damage in there just keep making it over over there the Crawlers one shot me it’s okay we can sit here and do this as much as we want we can do it chat I believe the Defense Force is coming this is going to be the longest boss fight ever this is insane don’t worry I’ll even break the tombstones so there’s no okay all right boys where’s it going this is bad we need I need a bow I need to just suck it up and make a bow this is good this is good chat this is good this is no this is fine this is fine guys I need a bow next respawn I’ll make a bow cuz I I can’t get any damage in oh yeah I have a hook I forgot I have a hook this makes it so much easier okay while this is happening someone can make an arena here I’ll start the arena guys don’t worry it’ll be done in no time just keep the boss alive it won’t despawn right like if we’re doing this it despawned have you heard of linear progression nope is this nightmare mode it’s uh expert did I get any flesh I don’t think I got any flesh all right you know what we just we just have to find Crim taine ore we have to find Crim Tain or at this point it’s our only hope Alex thank you for the 20 thumbs up hope you’ve been having a great day I’ve been having a good day I was feeling a little Sicky I still I still feel a little Sicky but oh you know what I like your thinking let’s go let’s do it hell yeah ow oh this is scary oh I got you don’t worry oh you got a flaming vase hell yeah let’s go okay I’ve killed 50 of those things really beat flesh you’re doing watch your flesh oh whoopsies um yeah where’s the Crim Tain we need a pickaxe we need at least one Crim taine pickaxe we have to join together CH how many bars do you need for a crimtane pickaxe does anyone know okay bombs away bombs away eight or 12 if I remember correct we can go fish for a Reaver shark the Reaver sharks were nerfed they were nerfed wait what is that what is that what did I just get a crimson Rod wait what the hell is that someone’s a cloud how do I use it someone’s a cloud to rain blood on your foes how do I use it it’s a magic weapon it’s not working bye elen ring thanks for playing you can’t if you don’t have enough Mana oh okay thank you for the recall potions okay then I’m going to I have to find more fallen stars then huh damn all right fine whatever I’ll deal with that later chat we have to fight at least one boss today we have to we have to fight at least one boss it’s there’s no way we don’t find at least one that’s doable hell even King Slime all we need for King Slime is is slime right we need 99 slime at an alter right we can do it I’m not leaving I’m just done playing okay no worries no worries bro I’m looking like a bombastic idiot right now don’t look at me that worm is going to come for me in a moment don’t break that yet chat actually we can hold on I’m a I want it I want it me I call it I want the item it drops hold on hold on let me let me throw out some grap okay I want this item you got the the the summon oh she’s like a rare find in the crimson Hell yeah nice oh there’s another one down here okay don’t worry this won’t summon the boss again chat we we just can’t break is 62 bar and six Tiss thank you for the five drops to make the Pick 12 bars and six tissue samples so we have to kill the brain right did you get it you stole that from me you rat you rat oh my goodness thanks M get away yeah die by the explosion boo you know what it’s fine I get this one I want it I want it give it I got it loser okay don’t break that don’t break that one down there don’t do it don’t break it because it’ll summon the boss and we’re not ready it’s been a ton of plan playing with you again thanks for doing this even though you’re sick yeah of course thank you for just stopping by I appreciate it oh goodness we’re we’re not making progress guys we got to figure out something wait I have a star for Fury thank you oh my god thank you for the star Fury who gave that to me did I miss that the star sword should be your infantry night thank you are you also getting off well thank you I appreciate it okay I can make progress now chat watch I have a good weapon we’re doing this Boys Life Crystal boom pop it incredible okay now I can use the star Fury to locate caves let’s go oh you’re not leaving okay got you oh is that Crim I want it me me me me bye zaro thanks for stopping bye I appreciate you me me me me me me me yeah nice nice nice nice nice nice nice okay cool I don’t think that’s going to be enough for anything but increases movement speed after taking damage I’ll take that you know what would be nice to have some boots does anyone have like Speedy boots or jumpy boots I need jump boots for increased movement oh a dler this can get us our piggy banks yeah yeah yeah yeah can I get through please okay uh I don’t think there was a chest down there huh no Goblin Army no no no we are not ready for a goddamn Goblin Army we are not ready for a goddamn Goblin Army dude that would actually be foul right now that would be really bad for us okay you know what at this point let’s just hope for the best I’m going to use this to find caves potion ooh Hunter potion that’s something you need a wire source which is like after Skeletron wait really I thought you could get wire sources before that oh maybe I’m mistaken Hunter potion anything else I think I’m going to try to go to hell again I I think I’m going to try to go to hell again at this point it’d be really nice if I break the boulder there we go it’d be really nice if I could get a pickaxe so I can mine hellstone cuz that’s really how we progress hi FR how are you doing welcome oh my no itchy nose itchy what the hell is that freaky sound is that a mine cart oh jez no it’s water a little directionally challenged it’s okay just a little bit dude my nose help okay it’s fine and then I’mma go I’mma go thank you for the grappling hook chat I’ve made more progress just by stealing from you guys pretty fitting okay should we just any other caves oh there’s a cave to the left of us and a boulder so be careful I guess just go to the cave huh go to the cave I’ll make a bow eventually eventually probably maybe if you find a trap and a switch you could probably use it oh good point huh careful the boulder careful careful careful with the boulder wa it’ be kind of funny the boulder doesn’t hurt you okay I guess the boulder is safe all right then fine another cave maybe you need a wrench to mine wire which is from the mechanic oh okay gotcha fine fine fine wait was there an NPC in there isn’t there an NPC found in a cobweb or am I crazy am I crazy I might be I might be crazy are you guys in hell it’s so weird asking people that you guys in Hell casually uh headstone I have so much trash in my inventory dude I got to get I have a magic mirror oh my God thank you wait I should start favoriting some stuff huh okay do someone need an unpleasant Platinum bronze sword I’m going to give it to you okay okay okay Obsidian Skin very nice magic mirror jealous where did I get that did someone give it to me the stylus is found in spider caves do we have her yet I I don’t know wait didn’t we find her isn’t that Brie I think we did find her we do have the stylus okay I wasn’t sure I wasn’t sure H what was that whoa why am I fast oh that’s my charm that I have that’s a really good charm that makes me super fast holy crap God damn that’s a good find huh o careful of that cave bro careful of that cave okay can I place a torch please thank you yeah right now I’m just trying to find enough Crim taine to make a pickaxe but you said I also need flesh so can I not make the pickaxe if we haven’t killed the brain has anyone attempted the trial of the torch God yet actually no that’s a boss we can kill Chad you guys want to kill the torch God we could do that guys we have to at least do one boss today we have to do at least one boss I mean we’ve only been doing this for 2 hours so we’re not super behind okay I wanted to give a peach to eat for the funny no are you guys looting Hell Without Me it’s fine I have a good weapon at least now so there’s a trap down there be careful I’m not being careful right now there we go there’s about to be a lot of spiders but I have this weapon oh my God look at the spiders I didn’t think there’d be that many it’s fine I cheese it I cheese these give me FY spider this is a normal about of spiders in Terraria this is a normal amount jeez that’s so much crap dude there we go good now we go we go boys nice that’s fine I just wanted the live Crystal we got the life crystal that’s all I needed we’re good we’re good okay what is our strategy here hi Joe are we winning um you know we’re doing something I don’t know if that’s something involves me winning but like who turned off the campsite we need that all right I have more Hearts now that’s good uh I need some fallen stars for this uh here weapon I don’t know if you need it but weapon I’m going to sell some things to the merchant can I sell fish I can cuz I have way too much crap in my inventory so I’m just going to sell some of this fish that we have okay I’m a ranger but thank you hey you never know when you need a sword right h I can make Crim okay not very many wait where’s the rest of my Crim Tain didn’t I have more I thought I had more oh I have to steal it first okay I stole it that works that works I can make yo-yo is that a Crim though no I don’t want to waste it I won’t waste it chat I won’t waste it chat how make pickaxe how make crimtane pickaxe is it with flesh can I just not make it I still don’t know what I’m doing you haven’t figured it out at this point oh no who’s letting things inside of the house oh my god I didn’t even realize it’s the blood moon oh my goodness chat we have to find the the money trough it’s my favorite item in the game I love the money trough so much I love it we have to find it boys you know what to do watch this we’re going to go up also I need boots Bo I desperately need jumpy boots okay oh that’s why things we getting in the house oh whoopsies I was just trying to get out I didn’t mean to like let people in six tissue samples flesh and 12 crimon bars so is there a way to get tissue samples without fighting the brain or is that brain only it might be brain only which means we we just have to pray we have to hope and pray huh I’m trying to block it in so the NPCs don’t die brain only I’m afraid damn it damn that sucks I don’t know if we can fight the brain we’re not like we’re not on the same page at this point okay here’s what I’m going to do chat watch this we are just okay this is not as fast as I was hoping it would be this is not as fast as I was hoping I’m going up zombie Banner okay we’re going up so I have enough Crim bars we just need the flesh do we have to do we have to kill the brain to get the flesh or can we get it just by like killing parts of it I don’t know how it works does anybody have five gold to adopt the cat uh there’s five gold in a chest somewhere someone didn’t steal it oh wait hold on let me get this Fallen star this is a good time to grind for fallen stars so I can use my wand okay it’s time to grind for the money Tru it’s time it’s time it’s time so the money trough has like a 0.2% chance of dropping so if anyone is able to get it it’ll literally be a miracle I don’t know if we’re going to be able to but we can hope for the best we can try you get it from like the drippers and the blood zombies I think these guys and the Flying Eyes that aren’t that eye the other Flying Eyes also you get a crap ton of money from the blood moon so you should be uh currently Overworld fighting this Blood Moon at the moment all right I’m going to where are my platforms they there there they go okay I need more blood moon things I need more enemies there we go there’s some oh here comes the hord but you guys aren’t blood moon where are the blood moons oh my gosh you know what at least we we we we’re doing an event right now chat we’re doing an event we’re doing it chat ow I’m going to die okay good oh I can make a Mana Crystal good can I use my wand yet do we think I can look my wand works now it’s it’s just a a a a cloud that doesn’t move and it just you know sprays but it’s fine we take those I got the money trough oh the game audio is broken thank you uh I’m kind of in a tough spot right now I’m sorry it’s really loud I know I know it’s super loud there is it better let me know oh my God I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s the bride hi it’s the bride but holy crap I got the the money trough wait I want the bride I want to kill her oh fre you you rat jumped at the same time as me you rat that was loud I’m sorry is it better now is it better holy crap I got the money trough you don’t understand how rare that is even if you fail to kill it kill enough minions and you’ll get flesh samples okay we need to do that then the he’s in the house let’s go I got the wedding veil oo and a wedding dress chat someone wear the wedding dress I have my kimoto on whoever I dropped that wedding dress to I better see you wearing it you have to put it in the vanity slot right here ow I got the money trough you guys don’t understand how rare this is holy crap this is huge this is massive especially in a world where like I can’t store anything or it’ll get stolen from me okay okay okay uh that can be stored basically the money trough is like a Shuler box in Minecraft but since you don’t die you can’t lose it so it’s a it’s a really great and super rird item to have we got a Drippler statue So eventually we can use that to get more money troughs for everyone but for now that’s what we’re rocking with I’m going to try to make a bow it’s uh not rare what do you mean the drop rates are like 0.2% you’re a liar Okay so Sil bow good for range now I just need arrows I never bow ever Jester is really good though right Jester oh I have arrows there good enough I’m going to need o Hellfire oo I’ll take Hellfire arrows H chat we’re going to need to fight that brain even if we don’t kill it I just need flesh samples cuz if I get flush samples we can make progress who’s with me who’s with me chat who is with me uh it’s rare or common wait it’s te like one of the rare things where you’re given high amounts of time to get it but the drop rate is super low I’m not crazy it’s a rare item look up the drop rates chat look them up Google them if you don’t believe me why do I have all these zombie banners okay I like this Speedy charm thing it’s nice all right all right boys I got a bloody tier isn’t that also rare isn’t that so you can summon uh the blood moon in theory that’s that’s kind of nice to have but also will screw people over wait why can’t I pick that up why I can’t pick it up my inventory is not full minor glitch it’s okay this weapon actually lets me accomplish things now this is huge I’m going to die Burger I just saw someone pick up a burger okay this is fine no this is good this is good guys this is okay I can’t tell who’s an enemy and who isn’t is whoever I dropped the wedding dress to wearing it oh sorry I was trying to kill your ghost I didn’t mean it okay oh I can summon I can summon for us there you go I suon my little Cloud will piss on the enemies for you guys dude we are not going to make any progress here this is bad oh my God they’re coming they are coming oh a heart shark tooth necklace thingy that’s pretty good oh no I don’t know guys oh sorry Maas I was trying to kill you how the hell oh my goodness I don’t know guys I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know all right why are we doing this now I don’t know in my head it was a good idea I just want to make progress we have to mine hellstone guys we need tissue uh oh fascinating just looked it up 05% chance from uh status from uh statue yeah I told you you could get it from status that’s a low drop rate okay there we go making progress come on boys we can do it what is this oh my Arena right okay so we just have to lure the brain up here and then we fight and we win it’s that easy guys it’s that easy it really is that that easy I think we can do it I think we can do it okay and then and then and then you got to make a better Arena shut up it’ll be better it’ll be better don’t worry can we make that jump God damn it don’t worry I am a very competent human being dude this stream is is pure chaos oh my God you still can’t make the jump are you kidding jeez man thought I could make that jump May and competent in the same sentence pipe down all right I don’t see you making any progress I mean you kind of were 1 2 3 four five okay five is the distance 1 2 three oh my God 1 2 3 4 wait I can’t see one two okay I can’t see there’s too many I I also gave my all my stuff to you that okay that’s fair you didn’t have to do that you didn’t have to do that I keep thinking the dirt block is a thing one two 3 4 1 two okay we can go one more there we go I am making a really good Arena right now it’s going to be great we only need a couple layers scorpious The Surly slime what the hell is that what the hell is scorpus the stly Slime who is that all right Arena time oh no we got to Guys Farm the trees we got to farm the trees we got to get rid of them good good good good it’s is fine I’m so locked in right now we have to defeat this brain we don’t have to defeat it we just have to like you know all right there we go I say we make at least five layers of this Arena right look they can’t jump high enough we’re safe except from these idiots where is everyone guys we need our defense force can we even still fight it there I don’t know I think so I think we can fight it I I I ow what happened to you not be able to jump high enough you freaking liar you couldn’t jump high enough before what are you doing now okay okay this is ow oh crap get away get away get away get away get away from me youo get away from me dude I need some like movement boots or something this is bad this is fine this Serena is a good thing chat 1 2 3 4 5 and then and then boom boom boom boom boom okay maybe we don’t need that many layers mainly because I’m tired of building the arena we going to fight we need to battle all right oh my God you are fast you are a fast man oh my God I’m going to die good good good okay campsite campsite boom in the middle of the Arena so now we regen chat we need to get rid of the graveyard there’s a graveyard biome here and it’s not going to work out okay not a bad Arena it’s a little bit small but two three four five you have a better idea I’m all your oh my God it’s daytime it now is the prime time to fight this everyone gather meat at the arena meet at the arena I think we can do it it might need to be a little bit bigger I’m going to expand it a little bit okay I will I’m going to I’m going to find a thing to summon it and then I’m going to lure it up into the arena and then we just have to we just have to get flesh that’s all we have to do we don’t have to kill it we just need the flashh that’s all that’s all we need chat I need need all of you all hands on deck yeah I’ll get rid of the graveyard too I’ll help let me just finish this real quick good okay graveyard be gone we we can’t we can’t do the boss fight in the graveyard I think it’s gone right yeah much nicer look at that chat isn’t that lovely Isn’t She Lovely increases armor penetration do I want that I guess I can remove my my flippers that’s not my flippers there okay uh sure zombie Banner The Vicious mushroom I don’t think I want that okay I must just trash crimtan ore is that’s what we need all right all right chat I will find him I’m pretty sure there was one around here right a little orb yeah there’s an orb here okay it’s going to we might have built too low I think if we go too high the brain might despawn right if you guys want to keep expanding the arena you can I’m going to go uh find him wait I need bombs hold on hold on hold on my inv hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on bombs good flipper I’m just going to Chuck stuff I’m just going to Chuck stuff okay now I will make the journey all we you have to do is just explode the Crimson heart that’s down here and then I will lure lure lure lure lure okay so everyone go to the arena go you can expand it if you want but uh go oh man this sucks this really sucks all right it’s fine good the sword is really helping though thank thank you zarach I appreciate you little stupid worm man okay there it is there it is boys okay I’m going to wall myself in and I make sticky bombs and regular bombs and we bombs away maybe not that close to me that’s not going to go where I wanted to that’s fine that’s fine minor issue that’s okay I’m going do that and then I’mma Chuck it like right there is that going to go where I want it to a little bit kind of it’s it’s unfortunate that we can’t mine this block yet but that’s why I’m going through all this effort Minecraft Souls like dude this game is the Dark Souls of souls legs come on this stupid bat is coming for me get away stay back there’s a worm where’ my bomb go why’ my bomb go all the way down there I hear the worm guys it’s coming in a second I better see all of you on that platform ready to fight the boss do you understand it’s coming any second now this is the one chat are you ready oh wait it’s coming from up here why is it coming from up there okay good that’s fine it’s coming up to you guys be ready be ready be ready be ready at the arena it is coming and it has less Health it only has 59k instead of 62 so get the flesh we just need like 12 flesh yes you guys are doing it oh my God you guys are doing it stay alive stay alive stay alive stay alive don’t die don’t die I see oh no they’re dropping like flies oh no no no no no no stay alive at all cost this isn’t going to work we just need the flesh we don’t need to actually kill him we just need the flesh okay go oh you have boots how’d you get those I want those you got lucky huh okay but the cells have several thousand HP that’s okay we just need to be lucky several times I didn’t know they had that much HP it’s fine it’s fine chat we’re here we are here and we will succeed I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know it’s okay it’s okay what the hell where go okay yes yes we’re fighting him we’re doing it and if you get flesh we’ll we’ll talk in a minute don’t say brb we’re kind of in the middle of something where is he well that’s just not fair well that’s just not fair you gave me a flower a thank you an happy flower thank you oh it’s a summon oh thank you hell yeah that’s very nice of you Sammy thank you do you understand how the tissue samples work nope I thought you just had to kill the cells I thought we just had to get lucky with one cell each cell has a chance of dropping one to three the boss despawns when it goes out of the biome this is still the biome does have to be underground Crimson did someone lure it outside of the biome we need like 12 and they have several thousand Health new plan we we don’t do that a cloud in a bottle who gave me that I love you oh my God I love you thank you oh my God you’re incredible cloud in a bottle thank you oh my goodness that’s incredible caves are the same biome so then why did it whatever it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we need to kill four of them at least and maybe 12 and that would equal around the same amount as the health of the boss I underestimated how much health they had to be to be honest fine new plan graveyard is a different biome it became a graveyard biome oh good point that’s fine that no that’s that’s fine I’m going back to Hell the problem with Terraria multiplayer especially when there’s so many people is it’s so hard to get loot it’s so hard cuz we all have to share the same world’s loot we would need like multiple worlds it’s fine I’m in hell now and hell is also a graveyard biome I think I think I think hell is a graveyard biome now that’s fine hey that that’s fine look at this look at this chat I do this and then oh what are you doing down here and then we can go down here we go down here we go down here why is it a graveyard biome okay damn I really can’t mind hellstone can I nope shoot I need a key for that stupid chest no no you know what give me a better weapon and I’ll be happy just give me a better weapon and I will be happy where is King Slime we can definitely Fight King Slime at this point I’m going to wait enemies aren’t really spawning is it cuz it’s a graveyard biome uh we need to kill the eye of cthulu and we need 20 lenses to craft that that’s very doable I’m I’m sure I even have 20 lenses in my inventory I have three I lied but King Slime is only 99 slime and it’s easier isn’t it okay go go go go go all right I’m just going to explore hell I guess we need the Platinum Crown as well isn’t isn’t that what you make or am I misremembering I could be misremembering I don’t know oh I shot I don’t know it’s fine it’s fine because I’m making progress in my own way you know what I mean and I’m also making the platform for wall of flesh you make the slimy crown that takes 99 Slim in a platinum Crown oh how do you get the Platinum Crown oh shoot you are in danger I shall help you brother don’t you worry it’s only 20 slime now oh wow oh my God I I looked away for a second and it stopped building hey the summon does pretty good damage thank you Sammy thank you again please don’t tell me I need a key for this I need a key you get keys from killing things right okay well you know what some progress is better than no progress I will take it we have to start somewhere we oh a hell Forge I can’t get the hell Forge yet can I bomb it maybe I can bomb it okay the bomb went down there I thought I could get the hell Forge oh a wormhole potion not bad woo okay seriously there’s nothing oh shoot oh my God the lava was killing me I don’t think there’s anything down here is there there’s a lot of stuff or it goes pretty deep I mean but no stuff damn unfortunate it’s fine it’s fine it’s some progress is better than no progress right guys blood zombie is there a blood moon again dog IE of cthulu oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I um just just just just just go where is cthulu where is he he’s over there everyone gather it is time bye silly waffle thank you for stopping by thank you thank you all right where’s the eye where’d the eye go where is he where are you going oh my God sami’s soloing it Sammy is soling it you know what forget I’m here Sammy I’m here I’m here Sammy I’m here oh my God it’s fine hey my Arena’s working out can’t you hold down I thought you could hold down trap okay we fight it boys we fight it this is this is a good one because it might give us the shield and the shield gives us dodging eye frames it actually doesn’t give us eye frames it just gives us the ability to dodge we need everyone all hands on deck all hands on deck why am I so slow oh my thing wore off damn it all hands on deck come on boys the bow class sucks is this easy mode or hard mode this is expert mode so all no not all hands on dick I mean it can be there if you like but as long as you can fight the boss as long as you can keep fighting the boss you know it’s doable guys it’s doable it’s fine we could do as long we have to kill it before night ends though oh shoot I’m going to die oh my God I need to pay attention to my health where is it down there go go go go go go kill it go oh my God we do like no damage chat it’s fine night lasts longer because it’s a Blood Moon jeez no no we do like no damage there’s like 16 of us oh jeez careful careful careful careful chill bro chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill no oh my God how do we do like such where did you come from freaking face monster oh oh my God maybe because it has 40K Health but like but guys there’s so many of us a full set of lead armor for good damage reduction I didn’t know lead armor had damage introduction that’s pretty good I’m still using a silver bow I also only have a silver bow I mean I was using my star Fury but I’m coming back I’m coming back Chad I’m getting hungry this is going to be a long boss fight I don’t think we’re beating it King Slime is easier isn’t it we just have to find it bring it home I I yeah yeah bring it home bring it home bring it home let’s go let’s go bring the boss home so we don’t have to do this walk back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay just bring it home this is fine guys this is okay just oh my God I’m so slow this is okay this is okay guys this is the strategy where is it going where is it going who is luring it away where is it going come back oh my God I don’t think we’re killing this chat why does it have so much health is it Buck oh my God phase two I don’t know how it’s in phase two we’ve barely done any damage um okay it’s been a lot a minute since I’ve played last okay I oh shoot I think I broke my chat chat can you guys spam I’m to make sure I didn’t break it I might have broken it oh my God the graveyard biome guys if you see a tombstone break it oh it’s in the house oh no it’s in the house oh the NPCs are so dead okay yes thank you chat is working thank you thank you thank you good good good the health is buff due to multiplayer is it scaled for however many people are in the game dude I’m soloing this guy right now I soloing him my stars even do a lot of damage go back to the B oh the stupid little mini eye it’s fine we’re at the house little break little mini break the hell is buff depending on the amount of players oh no hey it’s almost half HP not really it’s kind of far from half HP this is going to be a long fight I need I need a snack break I have cereal m y hey look the furry is still alive oh yeah go this is this is something watch we’re going to get it super low and then the night’s going to end and it’ll be all for not ow I can’t even tell what’s hitting me there’s so much happening on screen I do not recommend Terraria multiplayer with 16 people I don’t recommend it this is not I didn’t know that Health would be buffed so much I I didn’t think the the health would be so high I’m out of health potions oh no oh no get the blade of grass how do you get that o I’m I’m about to die dude I’m about to die I have no health potions that’s bad do we have a campsite hold on the boss can wait campsite boom I do it for you guys I do it for the fans do it for the fans oh my God I did all right phase three begins boys oh no or phase two I guess hey hey at least we got it to half health I mean it’s kind of impossible for us not to cuz there’s so many of us we just keep respawning can you imagine how much health Moon Lord would have oh my God where’d he go come back what it’s just leaving the fight can’t do that guys it’s almost half HP you just have to outmaneuver him that’s all I don’t have any health okay there goes my out maneuvering we think we got enough time for this I don’t think we do I don’t think we have enough time I’m going to kill this dribbler over here I can’t even kill it oh that was targeted that was targeted bro the blade of grass is cable weapon that needs Stinger jungle scores and jungle vines well that’s not that hard to that’s fairly easy easily that’s fairly easy to get does the loot also increase I don’t know if the loot also increases I’m not sure the boss got bored bro that’s over it’s over the boss just dips how are we supposed to get that much damage output I’m in mental distress feel you there buddy feel you there how are we supposed to get that much damage output the license teleports away to the cat delivery service what the hell what is that what does that mean by being good I don’t think it’s a steill issue at this point I think it’s just we don’t do enough damage the only way I can think of getting more damage output is um hell I that’s the only thing I can think of elato I got us a kitty you got us a cat mathas oh my gosh this is epic this is a certified epic gamer mode more damage output is called getting good loot but how get good loot when when no way get good loot you could have decent armor but I’m still earning Cactus I’m still wearing Cactus pants yeah I’m also wearing wood armor I I I need to probably get that situated as well if you’re dead you’re not doing damage but we get one shot it’s hard not to be dead I hear someone in a mine cart up there bunk and then I go and then and then no no get away okay here we go he found the problem fighting an eyeball wearing paper mâché nah surely that’s not the problem nah I was trying to get us a hell Forge but I guess we just can’t until we have the the things that we need and the freaking how are we ever going to get a good enough pickaxe I mean we can pray that a meteor spawns but that’s just luck of the draw you know that’s just praying we get lucky damn if I could get get a goddamn weapon that would be fantastic like a better weapon you know like a like a better weapon I’m pretty sure the demon Scythe dudes drop a decent weapon that does like 50 or I could be misremembering I don’t I don’t know oh what just hit me I don’t know what just hit me but I’m scared whoa It’s that guy wait where’s why is he just a disembodied head that’s not supposed to happen that’s not supposed to happen that’s a glitch well that’s not fair no it’s glitched it doesn’t even have a health bar well that’s unfortunate I guess I’m just going to be harassed by that now look it’s not fair a man a shs oh he’s back so now you decide to spawn in so you decide to spawn in then any boss after the ey allows for meteors woof woof well whip yeah the game was trolling that was not fair that was not a skill issue that was a game issue damn this is a little bit hotter than I thought it would be and I’m decent at terrarium how do we get a platinum Crown if we can get a platinum Crown then I think we can honestly I think we can do King Slime King Slime shouldn’t have that much health what corruption did you guys get corruption or I’m sorry Crimson Crimson the bone serpent returns oh my God I killed him I Avenged you don’t worry I got you I got you King okay dude I really wish we didn’t get Crimson Crimson is not working out in our favor right now if we got corruption I think we would have been fine we’re literally in a graveyard biome right now it’s kind of funny leave me alone leave me I squeaked uh we need the platinum armor or platinum for armor so we can’t make the crown oh damn it that’s unfortunate that’s unfortunate bro kill him I wish my scroll wheel wasn’t broken that’d be nice oh my God this is bad timing for this oh my God these freaking bone serpents whoa BR kill him please oh my God all right kill him hey good I think Crimson is easy not when there’s 16 people I have the I have this I have the rod did you think this through no I didn’t know the boss Health scaled I didn’t know it scaled I didn’t know the first boss would have 62,000 health I didn’t know chat I thought it would be fun you got to me it’s kind of funny though you got to admit it is a little bit funny oh a thing oh my God there’s a thing over there look I mean don’t look it’s mine I’m getting it I can get in the hole go go go go go go bad timing for the bone serpent leave me alone dude could this be any slower could this could this pickaxe be literally any slower break this bombs away can my scroll wheel work bombs away boom and then boom and then boom BL this is still going to take forever isn’t it it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine Chad it’s so fun my goal today was to beat Wall of Flesh I just didn’t know the boss’s scale I just I just didn’t know you know now I know but I didn’t know before new goal survive for more than 3 minutes honestly at this point yeah how much HP is the Wall of Flesh going to have do we want to know at this point do we even want to know I I I have no idea probably at least 200,000 which is ridiculous when our damage output individually is minus 27 that’s on the high higher end of things I think most people are rocking with about like 18 damage I I don’t even want to think about the math I I I I I I can’t even conceptualize the map here chat oh the stupid little worms leave me alone okay fine the mines the mines be in we deal we deal we live last and we love chat everywhere is becoming a graveyard biome what the heck are do someone living down here someone got a little base down here who has the little base down here who’s setting up shop down here that’s kind of funny oh my God man what the hell we going to do is that platinum or silver this is probably silver huh hey you know what I’ll take silver armor I thought I needed hammer for a crystal oh gotcha you’re good were you trying to steal the Crystal from me is that what you were doing just destroy the graves when I remember I do but I usually forget okay good enough ow yeah dropped me in the one block of lava I saw that you saw nothing you saw actually nothing you are blind you do not perceive me new plan I actually don’t have a plan I actually don’t have a plan new plan we go back to hell hey I’m getting more Health now that’s a good thing that’s a good thing at least I I mean I’m still going to be dying basic basically instantly but you know what it’s better than what we’ve had it’s better than what we’ve been rocking with oh my goodness how the hell are we going to do this how the hell do we progress at this point I don’t know okay I see people in the jungle that’s at least some progression how to exit mine car oh I think you can like right click the status effect on the top left of the screen I think or press R I guess is the easier way of doing that I I think that’s probably the easier way man we need like a proper elevator so I don’t have to run around here all right here we go I’m down here with someone I don’t know who Samy’s coming with me hi Sammy dud my scroll wheel is freaking broken hi Sammy let’s go let’s go Sammy you and me we win these oh God shy oh thank you for the heart Crystal that was so nice of you thank you four of them oh that’s huge shammy you’re my favorite shammy’s my favorite thank you holy crap up all right we keep going oh and a fishing rod nice thank you Sammy okay all right there we go hey you know what even if we no Sammy no I was going to say even if we died trying at least we have a platform to fight the Wall of Flesh eventually maybe hopefully but Samy no oh my goodness Sammy I can’t believe I’m sorry I failed you you came to help me and I failed you woo care does that kill me down there it does not okay I have an obsidian door for us chat anyone want an obsidian door for the house I think it would be good I hate this game dude is fine it’s a good game guys we’re having a fun time this is a good bonding experience holy crap I didn’t know the game scaled this much for multiplayer I guess it it makes sense that it does but still it doesn’t make it any more bearable oh God jeez man it’s a good bondage experience take that back and it ain’t even that good that makes it sound like you’re very familiar with never mind you know what you do your thing you have fun you live your life girl boss and that stuff I said what I said all right you tell them you tell them I’m going to make progress in my own way in my own way I make progress is it the correct way of making progress no but it’s something and we take any small victory we can sorry if I Saed a ramp for a while just been playing solo for almost two years and seeing people who enjoy the game I played Terraria for the first timee I think I want to say like five years ago like I love Terraria I’m just not like super oh I got a gravitational potion I’m not super knowledgeable on like ideal bu builds and stuff you know what I mean I don’t I don’t know how to get keys even oh jeez I just kind of like speedrun the game I actually have never beat like a vanilla version of Terraria I I have never beat Moon Lord I just always get bored by that time cuz that’s when you start have you have to like Nash Google banana 422 of just life goes on everything is always going to be terrible good luck also don’t die or your Square as a FL Square as a flannel jacket what the hell is that insult I don’t know what kind of insult that is welcome back Sammy welcome back I’ve missed you let’s continue you and me I’ll do a better job at defending you this time maybe go let’s go we get the loot dude I haven’t found a single chest that I can open aren’t there usually some chests that you can open without a key or am I just like super unlucky or am I misremembering ow stupid worm no there’s no chest that you can open without a key did they change that I swear there used to be chests they’re always just Shadow chests damn it I mean at least I’m getting pots that’s good at least pots are always nice I’ll let you loot the rest of this place you want to loot it you can loot it if you want oh there’s wait there’s nothing down there I’m sorry I thought I was being nice but in fact there was just nothing to loot dude usually you get like good weapon drops from this area ooh damn people are no Sammy no no I can’t believe this has happened oh my go you know what we ball freak it we ball for the second time today oh my God it’s fine it’s okay guys we’re going to beat the video game today oh a platinum chest plate oh my God I don’t know who gave me that probably Sammy but thank you thank you thank you okay this is huge this is huge okay money trough boom let’s just store crap just just store crap um um um um um um um who are you get away get away get away get away kill him where are you going come back you coward fight me like a man okay yes even though I’m not exactly fighting you like a man because I’m also hiding while I fight you but you know what it’s fine okay hey I’ve explored more of Hell than I have the Overworld how do I get keys do I get them from the dungeon you’re telling me I can’t get anything in Hell yet jeez this is bad give me a weapon give me a weapon we got the book we got a book I think that’s a good book too I think it’s an okay weapon let me see let me see where is it 38 damage 38 damage 30 out oh but it cost Mana I don’t have any Mana oh Mana but God damn it dude we need a better pickaxe so we can get hellstone we need hellstone I can use it if you don’t want it I want it I just can’t use it I’ve survived for so long down here it can’t be over it can’t be over yet it’s over hey hey we made huge progress underground it was in fact over hey we made good progress though okay listen here chat listen here listen here look I can get some silver bars boom and then I can maybe do something else think and thank you for your help today thank you so much the house is looking oh my God look at you go holy crap newon damn the secret MVP of the stream holy crap you have been oh where has all the wood come from damn thank you can we get a round of applause can we get a goddamn Round of Applause for newon thank you so much look at the silly little guy look at the silly little slime man we found the de forestation problem you know what it’s fine if it gets the job done it gets the job done I’ll I’ll take any win I can a can we at least Fight King Slime oh what you give me oh I have that already but thank you thank you bye New Dawn bye-bye thanks for stopping by okay I have to be able to make some armor right some armor any armor I can’t make any armor dude I have 14 silver that doesn’t make anything or do I need a better anvil that’s so garbage bye newon enjoy your movie if you plan to finish the game today how long are you going to stream guys I’m going to be honest I like your top hat I don’t I don’t think I don’t think we beaten this game today what do I do 14 is one less than I would need are you kidding that’s so upsetting I need 15 for even like a helmet I’m throwing out the obsidian doors actually no I lied how do I whatever obsidian door there I’ve contributed to the house CH do you like my contribution isn’t it great so we might need one more stre to beat the game can we at least beat one boss I think I would be happy with one boss but I don’t even know can we fores spawn a boss we need a platinum Crown can I make a crown I would need a ruby huh let me see if I can find a ruby oh piggy bank what the hell is in this lots of money I will rep put the money in there don’t worry don’t worry I I I redistributed the money the question is oh wait this is mine this is mine never mind I didn’t know the piggy bank was linked to the Money Shop oh whoops silly me silly me you know what oh you gave me a ruby where loal you give me a ruby do I see it am I blind Ruby go King Slime is the easiest boss yeah that’s why I’m trying to summon him where where do Ruby at are you sure you gave it to me cuz I can’t make the thing anyways no it’s for summoning King Slime yeah that’s what I’m trying to do do you have platinum or gold I have Platinum I have four is that enough for a crown I can make silver armor oh thank you that’s very nice of you thank you thank you um I’m going to make iron or tin I’m going to make a helmet thank you I look terrifying here mathas take a better helmet Roo still has the cactus stuff you’re wearing the crown we needed that show it to the NPC ow my eyes burning wait show what show the the Platinum the NC the boss spawner it’s just the the thing the uh the the alars in the Crimson biome right uh I can give you my Platinum I mean we should fight the boss we should fight a boss today chat and like actually succeed we should do it so if you have the platinum and the Ruby to give me I will take it I will I will take it oh there the chest I was thinking maybe there was a ruby in here we have sworders except that that one’s a little messy that one’s a little bit mess thank you thank you thank you it’s not much thank you it ain’t much but it’s Hest work and I respect you for that we need a Luby am I supposed to know about the Life Crystal stash in here should I not say anything I already said something no one SE all that those no no one steal those I’m going to keep the chest open so you can’t steal them I have a slime Crown spawn it in spawn it in baby let’s do it spawn it in it’s daytime do it now do it now can someone spare me gold I have no gold to spare you brother spawn it in spawn it in spawn it in oh well that was pointless I’ll give you the Platinum back if you want it how much did you give me ready yes do it let’s go let’s go imagine our first King Slime gets a slime Mount the Slime mounts are kind of trash though they’re very slow I mean you can use it to cheese bosses I know that but all right let’s go let’s go let’s go we can do this the outcome of mining for two hours it’s okay I’ll give you I’ll give you the Platinum back I just don’t want to accidentally give it to the wrong person 26k for the slime man it’s fine chat let’s do it kill them boys it’s now or never let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go we’re doing damage holy crap we’re doing actual damage it’s doable it’s doable guys I think we can do it I didn’t think you would have almost 30k Health but the numbers are going down the numbers are going down our our fighting numbers are also dropping but you know what it’s okay that’s okay that’s fine I’ll even hit him with my my demon SI look at that look at me contributing oh God I need Abigail all right Abigail help me all here all right go go go go go go almost half Health we can do this I believe hi Matthew how are you hello cloro hello let’s go try fighting with a sword I’m trying to do range right now so I don’t die oh there’s gold gold who need a gold I got some for you mark think you needed it all right o someone died rebound died no it’s fine I think we can do it here I’m going to get rid of Tombstone so it doesn’t become graveyard I got you guys I got you guys don’t worry don’t worry swords don’t work this time xer is not possible it is possible guys look look look it’s less than health we just can’t run out of time look our Abigails are fighting besides each other I’m trying to get rid of Tombstone here we go no more graveyard keep going boys we can do it I think we can do it we just can’t run out of time come on guys let’s do it oh shoot it’s fine good good good good good good good I killed it in master mode I think I have as well I forgot where I got to in master mode I think I got past cthulu I don’t remember it’s been a long time I just didn’t have enough time to continue it boys we can do it I think we can do it come on guys stay alive stay alive stay alive we can do it I know mobile Legends I do not is this an ad am I participating in an ad right now where is he going lure him back lure him back but be careful we can do it we can do it we can do it oh I wish I could Dodge I wish I had Dodge roll I know if you kill cthulu you can get a shield that gives you uh Dodge and I really like that Dodge a lot without it the game is very hard I’m going to get rid of more tombstones keep fighting keep fighting keep fighting okay we’re so close boys we can do it we can do it keep fighting it’s graveyard again oh shoot oh no no no no no no no no no hey good good good graveyard okay it’s not graveyard anymore it’s about to be in a second cuz you guys died again it’s fine it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay where is he where is he going It’s the final countdown chat this is it this is it we can do it don’t let him despawn whatever you do do not let him despawn it’s 1,000 HP come on don’t let him despawn boys don’t let him despawn oh my God this is it holy crap chat we beat a boss baby wo we did it that’s incredible did you guys get your loot yes we all get our own loot we all get our own loot holy crap chat I didn’t even die once baby let’s freaking go oh ninja shirt let’s freaking go wait but guys my armor is too good for the ninja shirt here you go Sammy oh everyone’s giving me ninja shirts thank you but my armor is is better than a ninja shirt I’m going do that here we go I will save those forever and ever thank you thank you T yipp just wear the ninja outfit for uh vanity but I have my kimono one I guess there I mean I already have it on it works you know what it’s good it’s good we did it we did it boys it is time to figure out out if we won the gacha are you ready Guys open your loot boxes I’ll take it that’s fine slimes become friendly kind of trash Oh my God we can piss on each other you got the mount nice dude good job hell yeah celebratory piss session Who’s down Who’s down Who’s down this is a good game this is a good game and of course we got a place your 8 million solidifiers I don’t even know where to put them it is like a trophy it doesn’t oh my God this is going to be real Annoying no my spot newon is going to hate us if I angle it just I can catch it in my mouth you’re foul you’re a foul foul man what pants are you wearing I’m wearing uh Ninja pants I wear ninja pants oh yeah CH let’s go we did it Y and you know what as a as a reward I’m going to go on a little journey here I go goodbye here I go boys I’m going on a little side quest I’m going on a little side quest we’re trying to find some islands hold on wait I’m assuming that’s an island over there okay no there was why did someone just mine up like that why did you just on okay do I even freck freck freck freck freck freck freck freck okay nice and then um o that was really disorienting stop it I want this chest let me at the chest give it to me give me give me give me after midnight okay I need this Platinum I need the chest and then we can keep on going with our 2 minutes remaining no I don’t think we’re going to fight another island with our 2 minutes remaining but you know it’s okay oh I got another star Fury for someone 31 damage holy crap Jets holy crap oh my God that’s game changing I will do star fury sword giveaway at spawn in a little bit as soon as my potion Runs Out in 2 minutes I called dibs it’s not how this works in a in a communist Society it’s just communism now by the way Chad one of my favorite things to do is grind the Martian Invasion event can we fight for it like PVP if you want but the bet the best butt kiss wins what the hell dude there’s something wrong with you guys there’s something wrong with you chat oh another one I think it’s just uh yeah it’s a chest one boring boring all right o this could be D dangerous this could be dangerous because in 19 seconds this Runs Out can these birds leave me alone can they leave me alone something no okay that’s fine this guy this isn’t making you guys busy at all right you guys good uhoh how far did I get like basically right where I I’ve died before I thought I made it much further across the map to be honest I thought I made it much further than that damn oh well it’s fine that gravitational potion was uh pretty good usage of my time I think so we got like a much better weapon 31 damage is huge for us right now chat that’s huge how what’s the farthest you guys have made it over here what’s the farthest we’ve gotten I don’t know ra hello Raiders welcome in welcome in hi I’m Ma I’m a ninja uh we’re playing Terraria it’s going very well you just missed it we beat our first boss we actually did it was very surprising we made it that far but where did I go what the hell did I pop an invisibility potion what the hell anyways what were you guys up to today what’ you guys do I saw yesterday Ro was playing Minecraft that was exciting I love my crack gamer sunbe I don’t know where I am right now and I think it might be a glitch but you know it’s fine it works out you beat king slime yes we beat King Slime it went swimmingly oh wait look at all myu no there was a goblin Scout so basically we got halfway through the game yeah basically Chad there was a goblin Scout and I’m scared did I accidentally pop all of my potions what is wrong with me oh it was a gorilla karaoke hell yeah dude Ro has the prettiest singing voice I love Ro’s singing I hope you guys had fun was it was there a theme or was it just like whatever I have a water walking potion what the hell why am I invisible water walking Obsidian Skin but no water breathing really this is fine this is fine this is okay get away get away get away from me get away get away oh I almost died get out get out get out get out oh shoot get out oh oh my God okay wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait idea I have an idea I have an idea hi Sammy hello welcome hi um um um um um um this I don’t know why that that was in my inventory but it’s fine uh money trough boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom uh good enough for now I think did you give me something if you did I I could not tell oh gotic yippee okay okay and now oh wait what I actually wanted to do flipper boom boom and now we can swim what a waste of an Obsidian Skin Potion yeah it’s a little bit triggering I don’t know why I had it equipped I don’t know what I did did I fat finger something by accident do I have any water breathing I don’t know let’s go we look for chest we look for chest I might die down here there’s no more chests where am I I’m stuck that was weird I think my grappling hook caught on by accident oh I’m drowning I’m drowning oh my god oh the clutch go crazy damn there’s nothing on this side of the world then really there’s nothing damn this world kind of stinky poo poo what the hell man kind of sucks a shark fin is that any good I don’t even know man I don’t even know all right New Idea new idea I go back home star Fury giveaway I don’t know why I’m doing giveaways I just find them funny Star Fury giveaway you guys have to find it close your eyes there’s something severely wrong with my my brain like I what is wrong with me okay star Fury go get it who got it it wasn’t me who got it who got it who got it who got it who got it hell yeah yeah you got it nice we got the star Furies hell yeah we probably have the best weapons in This Server Chad does anyone have a better weapon that’s better does anyone have a weapon that’s better than 30 it used to be 31 shark fan is good what is it used for anyone need a silver sword not I not me okay uh oh yeah rebound did you want your platinum back here here rebound here you go I think I had like nine or did I have four I had four I don’t know oh did you give me some wait do you do you want this I don’t know how much you had I only gave you three oh then you can give those back to me thank you thank you appreciate you oh and I can even make some more hell yeah okay Bet um can I make any armor I can only make a helmet why is it so expensive dude woo my boob arm’s making sounds okay um I guess then I should just cry I guess I should just cry is what I should do I mean I can almost have a full set of platinum silver helmet want it I got some Platinum do you I need enough for pants how much do I need for pants cuz then I can have a full set I don’t know what a full set gets me but cuz there’s there’s there’s stats 20 of 20 or that’s how much I need why is the bunny rainbow or it’s like luminescent too bad it’s dead I got a little turtle pet oh wait I want to see I can throw three plat bars in the pot the pot what’s the pot like like a like a I have 18 plat bars I mean I could get enough for a full set do I have the armed to NPC I don’t think we have the armed NP wait we do we do right cuz you guys have guns do we have the armed NPC yet I don’t freaking know man uh Community pot so you can make your pity armor what do you mean by pity armor what do you mean why’ you join a different party you hate me look at the little turtle friend I like your fitment Matas you look great wait Matias do you want the wedding veil so you can match do you want it here no Sammy stole it I think Sammy took it Sammy can you can you give mathas the wedding veil you just got can you or you guys can match that’s cute wait someone was the groom who’s the oh you looking crap inredible Maas you look awesome you look so good Queen wait who’s the groom I think someone’s dressed up as the groom where are they what the freak is that oh they were like glowing weird where’s the groom I could have sworn we had a groom somewhere why is the bunny glowing he scared me he had to die also why do I still have all these potions that was freaking weird how much plat do I have now me or I have three so not enough to make pants unfortunately also I look terrifying I look actually so scary jeez man with the mask and everything I am terrifying I gave you my three back oh thank you you don’t have to do that thank you I need enough for pants now and then we are stacked oh wait I smog I thought you were an NPC I was trying to sell you fish look at our little Siamese cat hi Callie oh my goodness it’s coming together so well chat you guys have done great it looks great uh it’s not like I’m going to get enough to make plat armor anyways I mean there’s enough Platinum somewhere pet her mave where is she where did she go there’s so much happening in this house there we go we pck the kitty cat oh my goodness ryer can’t can’t know ryer can’t know about this all right chat um I think are we at a good stopping point oh we got a we got a a trophy that’s cool are we at a good stopping point I mean we fought a boss what class are you going through for uh I usually just do melee to be honest we can’t do much from this point I mean we can get good but I don’t freaking know how to get better stuff maybe I just go in a different world and I unlock the the pickaxe so we can at least get hellstone maybe hellstone is a good cuz like at this point how do we progress right it’s hard when everything is like 100 K HP yeah it’s a little bit of it’s a little bit of a uh a difficult thing to do it it’s fine it’s fine did you guys have fun moon Lord at 400k when there was two of us so basically since there was like about 16 of us it’s probably going to be about 2 million HP for the moon Lord right that’s crazy that’s a couple mil yeah easily holy crap 2 million how do we even get that much damage is that even possible I mean it has to be but like how oh my God I didn’t know it scaled what the hell are you on Marv what are you what are you on why do you look like that you look so strange easy Molotov strats we just bomb the moon Lord to death we just bomb him that’s the Strat all right guys well I’m getting a little bit tired I have been streaming for a total of like 7 hours today I think so I think uh if we get a chance to do this again we will deaf beat the Wall I think so yeah I I I think we can do it now that we’re actually at least we beat one boss we have some gear now you some of y’all have some mounts I think it’s possible for us to do it at first it was a little bit tricky but we made good progress so yeah talking smack no I was just curious the mount that you had on we got to see at least one Lantern right look at the lanterns chat oh my gosh wait let’s go look at them everyone come with me if you’re still in the game there’s the groom oh my God Matias go get married go get married to Justin go on we C the groom me of the Bride hell yeah yeah we should get a grp photo group photo with the lanterns okay everyone come with me everyone follow me follow me we’re going to go up here where we can get a very nice view of the lanterns follow me we should finish the rest of this rope that’s fine next time wait you can’t see the lanterns oh cuz it’s a graveyard biome ew guys we got to break the the gravestones we got to break them or are we too high for the lanterns it’s daytime well there goes our cute picture with the lanterns that’s so it’s fine everyone gather up here we’re going to take a group photo group photo everyone everyone oh line up Matias get next to Justin with the groom if Justin is not AFK Justin might be AFK gather along GA along boys you have crates for me I’ll take whatever you want to give me okay do you want to no I think we should leave the names on should we leave the names on so we know who’s who I mean you can’t really tell but it’s fine be you look insane all right everyone get up here I think Justin is AFK oh well smog didn’t make it but there there goes death God I didn’t know coming up here for a picture would be this complicated I escaped hello all right are we ready all right smog hurry it up hurry it up spog this is the true uh competency competence the true test if you can make it up here let’s spread out so we can read the names okay good idea here spread out spread out so we can read the names line up like perfectly beside the next name there there we go nice cool you got to move a little bit to the left that’s to your right yeah okay okay Matias move over to the left good good be be you’re in a good spot smog stand right to the right of me okay that that’s fine RJ you got to get a little closer R RJ you got someone’s got to stand right here I don’t smell that bad there you go they right there yes right yep okay space out you guys suck at this okay SM you got to join red party so we can see your name you got to join red so we can see your name hurry hurry hurry you guys suck at this and Justin’s just down there the blue party we can’t see your name you can’t be that unique come on join red rebound rebound found oh my goodness what the you know what I give up I give up you guys are impossible ban them I should ban them I should please no you you got to hurry you got to get up here fast by the time you get up here Justin’s going to be back who let the freaking stare on the thing oh my goodness you guys rest me out there we go okay you know what this is this is Fine hurry rebound come on come on there you go okay every eating May KAG Kitty’s ass I am going to ban you forever dude come on come on please good God you know what it’s fine we got a picture I don’t know what the picture is but it’s a picture hurry hurry come here where are you going hurry come here perfect okay everyone say cheese all right I got it I even got Justin in the bottom there just chilling incredible thank you thank you guys worth all right guys that was a lot of fun I hope you guys had fun did you guys have fun I know some of you are in like a voice call right now and I find that very cute I very cute you guys are calling together I hope you had fun um yeah I definitely want to do it again maybe we can do it we can try to do it maybe like twice a month until we beat the game or do we think we’re beating the game like realistically can we get 2 million damage output I don’t know cuz like good weapons probably do a Max of like 120 damage until you start having to like really craft things so I don’t know we will see we can but it won’t be easy that sounds like a trailer to an intensive movie we can but it won’t be easy next time on I force my viewers to be Terraria for me all right guys all right guys I’m going to go ahead and switch on over everyone say bye the terrarians bye-bye they’re leaving now bye-bye oh my God who even was that guys who even was that literally no names but I’m going to kick you out of the game guys you might want to all save an exit everyone save an exit so you save your progress I’m going to exit out of the game in 5 minutes so if you did not save an exit you will lose your progress so go do that now okay good Justin left okay eating M [ __ ] Kitty’s ass you got to leave you you got to leave you’re going to lose your progress we got to save and exit okay good I think everyone’s gone good incredible okay I hope you guys had fun I will definitely do that again uh don’t go anywhere because we are going to find someone to ra into good good good also just a reminder I will be unfriending everyone from Steam uh so if you see me unfriending you please don’t be offended just you know Cor YouTuber things so um yeah good good Justin left I didn’t mean it like that I meant cuz like I wanted you to I wanted to make sure you saved I wanted to make sure you saved the game I didn’t mean it like oh thank God who was that you know I just never mind um anyways all right guys I think I’m going to go ahead and read into my cute K momy she’s currently doing uh titty breast she’s admiring uh hot anime woman in bunny Garden so we’re going to go ahead and raid into her please be super nice give her all of your money all of your love all of your attention subscriptions all that good stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah again uh I don’t have a a time for when we’re going to do the series again but just be on the lookout just be on the lookout it’ll be a good time regardless dude tomomi hey yo tomomi oh my God tomomi hates me do I not have perms to read tomomi holy crap do I not have perms to read tomomi I’ve read a tomomi before did she end stream tomomi I don’t have perms oh I’m going to have to have a talk with tomomi oh I got to have a talk with her it’s fine we we we we will we’ll pivot we’ll pivot let’s go ahead and raid into Serenity instead we’re going to into Serenity she’s currently playing the vsmp which I need to join very soon I would tonight but I’m so tired dude I’m so tired I will join the bsnp very very soon uh Serenity just ended oh my goodness fine fine we’ll pivot again we’ll we’ll pivot again it’s fine it’s fine let’s R into a Mario Senpai amoria Senpai is currently playing Yakuza three dude I’m going to message toomi right now where’s where’s where’s is this woman where is she hom me I don’t have perms to raid you raw there you go that’ll intimidate her all right guys I’m going to go ahead and send you one over to my Senai amoria she’s amoria she’s currently playing a Yakuza 3 so please be super nice to her give her all of your money all of your love all of your subscriptions and um yeah I think that’s about it guys thank you for watching and supporting and um if you are a member I really appreciate you if you’re not a member I also really appreciate you for just being here and hanging out with me so yeah all right guys our raid message is of course made raid and I will see you all tomorrow at 3 p.m. PST for Elden ring DLC baby Elden ring DLC baby let’s freaking go yipp I’m so excited to I’m so freaking excited I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sleep tonight all right okay see you everyone thank you

Tier 2 Maembers+ GO HERE TO JOIN:
Can the Maeden Maembers band together to help me beat #terraria expert mode???
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fanname: maedens
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3. be kind, be respectful.
4. no trauma-dumping– if i can’t manage my own mental health how could i, yours?
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papa: https://twitter.com/hamsterCrumbs
loading rigging: https://twitter.com/mayusukitako
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  1. Really enjoyed this! Sorry I wasn't there for the whole thing, but I hope everyone had fun and enjoyed the house I built! If we ever do this again, I'll be looking forward to improving it.

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