I Survived 100 Days on an ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore

in this video I’ll be attempting to survive a 100 days on this moderately sized Island and in fact it’s the only land in this entire world on top of surviving I’ll also be aiming to completely transform this entire Island into my personal self-sustaining Paradise let’s get started so I awoke on day one stranded on an island with the clothes on my back tattered and wind blowing through my hair I hastily made my way to the trees to begin my journey I faed my first oak tree the first of many and began constructing my first set of wooden tools I used those tools to chop down a second tree and then I noticed an apple on the ground this is when I started realizing that food was going to be a huge issue starting off and uh this is definitely not foreshadowing I then decided to start a little mine to gather some Cobblestone for better tools and possibly create a starter underground base I cleared out a small area plunked down my crafting table and upgraded my tools I left my hole ate the apple that I collected previously and then decided on my first big project create the perfect Beachside survival base this would need a lot of wood so I spent the next couple of minutes chopping down a bunch of oak trees I then decided on finding a location for my base so I set off to the right side of the island and found this awesome spot and marked it with a piece of wood on my way back I realized I should probably start farming due to my lack of food so I started Gathering some seeds I returned back to my cowardly hole deciding to leave changed my mind and started mining instead I wow I actually I changed my mind again and ended up leaving I headed back to my area and spotted something that relieved me greatly a sheep hopefully it had a friend and after some scouting it turns out there was actually a whole herd which was perfect we could easily make a bed and we’d have a great food source speaking of food I ate the last piece of it to my name and decided on starting a second mine instead of starting a farm for an unknown reason a little ways down I breached into a cave found some coal of which I started Mining and then started feeling extremely vulnerable I had no armor no food and a stone sword as my defense ignoring these warning signs I crafted a torch which gave me some confidence and continued exploring the cave after reaching a dead end I returned to the mine noticed it was nighttime and just decided on continuing mining shortly after I finally found my first piece of iron which turned out to be many along with a bunch more coal and some lapers too I continued Mining and began hearing mob noises which basically means there’s a cave nearby which would hopefully be my savior in finding some useful items after digging towards the noises I breached into a cave to discover a skeleton I attempted to lure him towards me smoked his ass and he of course didn’t drop any bones which was quite unfortunate with the bogey down I was free to roam the cave discovering all types of minerals and thankfully found more iron along with that there were a few more bogeys blocking my path which I skillfully dispatched using this epic technique I just discovered and uh of course still no bones I decided on returning back to the initial cave I discovered to set up my new temporary base I started smelting up the iron I’d found and used it to craft some shears and a bucket this would make sense shortly to rust me I decided to try heading up to the surface and was greeted by multiple skeletons so I quickly ran back to the mine and and waited it out until a daytime with it now being day two I had hoped all the mobs burn to a crisp so I jumped out and was greeted by a skeleton and upon trying to get rid of him he put two well-placed arrows into me sending me into a panic one more arrow and weed of Co it Gamers I risky made a little trap to lure him down and get him and wow he uh he actually dropped nothing I tried leaving again to find a second skeleton I also tried luring him over with no luck and realized I was pretty much stuck down here I couldn’t risk luring him over because if I took one more Arrow I was that I was a goner I decided the best course of action was to start a small underground farm so I went back down to where I’d found water I also had the idea to eat the rotten flesh I’d found which thankfully gave me some health back I returned home and started clearing out an area for the farm until I heard the worst thing another skeleton I spotted him just standing there menacingly so I tried to lure him into a trap which I fumbled to the greatest degree I took a hit and luckily managed to trap myself in and quickly killed the Skelly my heart was racing here dude it was a crazy moment and for my troubles he thankfully dropped two bones which I was grateful for I finished constructing the farm bone Meed some seeds got only two wheat of course and just decided to try heading to the surface again thankfully the coast was clear so I decided to put my two wheat to good use and lure the nearby sheep into a hole I bred two of them sheared them as well and then decided on starting a second Farm on the ground up here I harvested some seeds and planted a decent Siz farm and then decided on chopping down some trees in hopes of getting some apples to solve my low health issue thankfully I’d found two apples so I gobbled them up and gained a few Hearts I still didn’t want to take my chances with the next night so I crafted a bed and awoke on day three this was when I discovered there was a pumpkin patch nearby and hopes that you could just make pumpkin pie with that and uh I was greatly disappointed I hadn’t seen any nearby chickens or sugarcane for that matter so I decided on exploring my Island a little bit more I ended up discovering something even better a herd of cows there were heaps so I found the fattest one and put him out of his misery to satiate my immediate hunger issues he graced us with three beautiful steaks so I cooked them up perfectly ate them and finally saw a full health bar which put my worries at ease for the time being I then finally got started on my Basse design which needed a slight bit of terraforming I ended up also moving my farm over here as it was right in the way of where I wanted to build then I just got straight into building with our layout being quite large I was planning on a rectangular shape with three stories in total I quickly ran out of wood so I added some farms at the front of the base and constantly kept going between chopping trees and building I added an oak slab walkway to the entrance of the base decided on Burge for the wall block and continued chopping and building along with adding a balcony it was now the night of day four and I was out of food so I tried my hand at getting some more bones this first Skelly had a zombie guard I took him out with ease and engag the Skelly only taking one hit I’d earned two bones for my troubles and was happy with that just over the hill I saw four zombies and a Skelly spawn in I took another hit with the zombies and decided to escape with my life with more zombies on my tail I sprinted to the mine I passed the Skelly missing an arrow and blocking up the entrance I got greedy and tried to trap him taking another arrow putting me on one heart and I let the greed get the better of me and took the Skelly down getting one more bone I returned to my underground farm to discover some more grown crops of which I harvested and resisted the urge to make some bread instead opting for some succulent rotten flesh I returned to my sheep farm on day five read two together and killed one to get one piece of meat there was an Enderman nearby which I almost looked at which certainly would have ended me but I continued on to cook up the meat and restore a bit of Health I then continued working on my house wanting a safe space to stay out that isn’t underground so I finished off the balcony and the first floor pillars I spent the rest of day five working on the house firstly adding more details to the front walls along with adding in the door until I ran out of Burge wood so I worked on Gathering a bunch more of which I used to fill out the rest of all of the first floor walls and uh yeah we finally had a safe space to stay at I hit the hay and awoke on the next day with a plan to construct a place to put my sheep uh sorry that was awful I made a cute little Panic with some fences bone Meed some wheat and lured the sheep from their sad little hle to their brand new awesome home I was also very hungry so it was someone’s unlucky day on the outside I built a nice little furnace area in my brand new base and cooked in perfectly I then planted out the rest of my Farms again resisted the urge to make some bread and instead put it into a barrel next to the farm I then had the idea to also lure the nearby herd of cows so I did just that and lured them all inside it was again someone else’s unlucky day and now with a decent stockpile of food I wanted to continue building my house so I started chopping down some more trees I ended up going a bit crazy and spent the rest of day six and seven dropping down almost the entire Forest now on day eight I had a good stockpile of wood apples and meat and I actually decided on heading back down to the mine in hopes of getting some iron for Tool upgrades I found a new cave which was guarded by a zombie and discovered something I didn’t think I’d find diamonds I still didn’t have an iron pickaxe so I harvested some iron smelted it up crafted one and mined out all of the diamonds getting five in total I continued exploring until I found another skeleton and decided to take him on which ended up being a very bad idea luckily I had just narrowly escaped with the water holding the skell at Bay which was just insanely lucky I returned to my furnace to gear up because I was fed up with being pushed around I crafted a helmet and a chest plate along with a sparkly diamond pickaxe and sword in a matter of seconds I transformed from the little weasel kid and into the bully um well maybe the sentiment wasn’t truly accurate because I came close to death again but uh yeah I then found an underwater cave dived in and found a bunch of diamonds which I was very very happy with I used the old door trick to mine them up and we ended up with another six which was perfect I then heard a lot of zombies nearby so I went to investigate discovering a zombie spawner I torched it up slayed all the zombies and looted both of the chests I then realized I was actually in a m shaft and began exploring there was a suspicious amount of skeletons nearby and once again came very close to death but luckily I prevailed until I saw another one and got greedy again I now had two skellies on my tail and was confident so I tried taking them out they got a bunch of lucky hits on me and I did something I hate doing I paused the game only for a second though because I knew I could place a door which saved me I then realized I was completely stuck so I opted to eat up heal up and try taking out this Skelly guarding me which got me to half a heart I killed him and figured the only way I was going to make it out of here was to make a run for it I healed up close to full and made my break for it narrowly avoiding all of the skellies and decided that was enough close calls for the day time to head back to the surface I took stock of my haul happy with the results and reflected on my prior greediness in close calls with some light gardening tending to my livestock killing multiple as their children watched and rounded it off with some cooking I then spent the next 5 days building the rest of my base and there it is I think it was 5 days is well spent wasting no time it was now time to start the next big project which was some massive sprawling Farms I was sick and tired of using the tiny ones in front of my base so it was time to get some massive ones established I opted for an interesting diagonal shape instead of the standard rectangle just to change it up a bit too with the shape established and all the land tilled I planted all of the seeds to my name and headed back home to upgrade the rest of my tools that’s right by day 15 I had full diamond tools and almost a full iron armor set for the rest of day 15 I continued gardening tending to my livestock once again killing them some more cooking and finally expanding my new Farm a little bit more I headed to bed and awoke on day 16 with the desire to continue exploring the M shaft I’d found and after making it back to where I’d made it previously I discovered the source of the skeletons yet another spawner I pillaged the single chest which was kind of crap and continued my exploration Mission shortly after I discovered some more diamonds and yet another spawner this time a spider one after some continued exploring I discovered another spider spawner and some more diamonds as well thankfully just more than one this time I’d soon encounter a fully suited Skelly which for some reason I tried to take down with with a lava bucket which almost ended up costing me my life once again I healed to fall and decided enough was enough it’s time to get out so I made a break for it and ended up making it back to the surface safely I then emerged on a rainy day 17 and decided on expanding my wheat farm so I went around and harvested all of the grown crops in this little Farm Patch and in front of my base and now with a couple more seeds I worked on expanding my big farm over here because I wanted this to take up quite a large portion of the area and so with that expansion kind of done I realized I actually wanted a carrot Farm beside this as well and we had no way of obtaining them except there actually is a way to get them from a zombie that’s right I was going to make a zombie spawner I hit the hay awoke on day 18 with a bunch of supplies ready to go let’s go make a zombie spawner so I returned to the spawner I’d found earlier and began working on the design it was to be a rather simple setup zombies flow down and into the chamber where I’d you know smack them to death and zombies actually have a very rare chance to drop potatoes and parent so I was hoping to get one early on and this definitely isn’t foreshadowing again with the spawner all complete I emerged on day 20 with plans to once again expand my wheight farm it still wasn’t quite as big as I wanted it to be so I expanded it planted more seeds and continued in that pattern until I was happy with the size for now next I wanted to turn my attention to my base interior uh it was definitely in need of some Renovations starting with the storage area all I did for this was simply add in a whole bunch more chests completely filling out the wall and that was all done next I uh went to bed and emerged on day 21 with a plan to make a brand new bedroom I removed the furnaces and placed the bed in its place and decided one bed simply wasn’t enough so I added in two more now I wasn’t really a fan of the ladder and instead wanted a staircase so I played around with trying to fit it in had a skeleton drop out of absolutely nowhere and scare the crap out of me and after I changed my pants the stairs and bedroom were all done turning my attention over to the final wall which was to be the smelting area I placed in a whole bunch of furnaces along with some barrels along the top I added some some torches to brighten it up and it’s day 22 and I wanted some carpet so I sheared my sheep dyed some wool red and placed in a checkered carpet in the smelting area I decided I wanted the same thing for my bedroom so I went out to get some more roses got attacked by a flaming zombie returned home and finalized the bedroom along with the storage area I then decided I wanted to expand my wheat farm again for the final time thankfully so I’ll save you all the boring and there’s the expansion done except for of course all of the wheat which I was waiting on growing and I thought now was probably the best best time to try and get a carrot so it’s time to start the grind so I locked myself in and called in the zombies praying for a carrot soon it’s a 2.5% chance for a zombie to drop either a carrot or a potato and I mean both would definitely be nice and so after 2 days passing by with no signs of a cultivated crop drop I was losing hope until on day 25 I got not one not two not three not four but five potatoes where’s the carrots man and so thankfully very shortly after I received my first carrot thank God for that so I returned home Victorious but also swordless so I crafted my replacement diamond sword and got to work creating two more new Farms one for carrots and one for spuds having such a large amount of crops is great because we’ll quite literally never run out of food and mainly it looks nice uh once it’s all grown in I’d expedite the growing process with all of the bone meal I had to get it set up as quickly as possible and eventually had both Farms completely set up just simply waiting on the growth of the crops now with all the weed I just harvested I decided Ed to start a new generation of my farm animals and it was getting quite crowded so it was time for a lot of unlucky days I cooked up all the juicy steaks I’d harvested and then decided to go Searching for Sugar Cane finally I had a lot of leather and it would be great if we could start making bookshelves for enchanting but after an extensive search of the entire perimeter of the island no sugarcane was found unfortunately I did however decide to take a look in the water for the first time and notice some weird underwater structures I’d honestly never seen before I scared home to make some doors for air pockets under the water and headed back back to check the structures out upon getting closer I noticed they were ruined structures by the looks of it and after placing a door to get some air I noticed a chest I honestly kind of hoped it would have sugarcane in it but upon searching I was a bit disappointed and just found basically a bunch of random crap most of the other structures also had chests with similar garbage so I searched them all and headed back home I had a sleep and awoke on day 33 with plans for my next project upgrade the mine right now it’s literally just a hole in the ground and I wanted to make it a pretty hole in the ground so I ended up spending a lot of day 33 Gathering materials like Stone and wood along with clearing out the grass to replace it with some Stone next I worked on making the hole into more of a mound as if we’d started digging into the side of it and I tried making it look as organic as possible I then added a wooden style entrance to the front to give it some more detail so it wasn’t just a big old Mound after finishing up the details I smoothed off the mound using stairs and slabs to make it feel less blocky I then worked on replacing the ground with some Stone lightly textured with andesite mainly because I only had like eight pieces of it and once that was done I started a pathway that had lead off to my my base next it was time to add a big old crane in the empty space i’ made and I decided on using pretty much only wood for this to give a more handmade feel to it now to finish the crane I’d needed chains and I had no iron left I made my way down to the mine and ended up finding diamonds first sweet I’d also found a few pieces of iron this should be quick uh I was thinking soon after I’d find one piece of iron and like eight diamonds which was insane later on I’d found more diamonds uh okay I get it please give me some iron okay it’s literally just a joke at this point I’d so search what felt like the entire M shaft and still found barely any iron and just way too many diamonds the next day I found some iron and wow it was only one piece I was literally in tears at this very moment I then spent 2 days searching the M shaft and adjoining caves to find no iron until I remembered an underwater cave I dug into and decided to explore that instead at first it was looking Grim until iron yes thank God man I mined every last drop of it out and thankfully ended up finding a lot more iron in this underwater cave as well so I just decided to get all of it returning home Victorious with 60 pieces of iron I smelted it all up finally crafted the chains i’ needed along with some iron legs my only missing armor piece I then headed back to the crane and finally added those chains in next I added some signs around our little palette to finish it off and there we have it the build was done and this part right here was my favorite I did actually just lie I added a few more finishing touches around the place like some barrels and some chests just to add little decorations I then worked on connecting my pathway up from my base to the mine entrance to complete the entire thing and after taking a look at my entrance I had an idea for something that would fit in perfectly and make the whole area look way nicer I had to get a little bit of landscaping done and you might be able to tell what I’m building yep it’s of course a pond with a little waterfall leading into it I then grabbed some bone meal the three I had left and used it to add some grass and seagrass to the pond I then borrowed some leaves from a nearby tree and used them to add a bunch of bushes to the pond which just really completed the whole thing and made it way more Lush I added some lights in front of my base and leading to the mine and also just kind of admired the mine for a second I then spent the rest of day 40 and into 41 Gathering wood for my next big project I wanted to add a bit of a story to this island and first I was going to build a dock I found the perfect spot to build our first platform that had house one building a workspace for the dock people I worked on adding the building which was to be the largest of all the dock buildings I’d add along the shore I made it into an upside down t- shape and designed some interesting rofes along with adding in the walls out of birch I then added added some details like Birch fences some lighting and also some barrels and chests of course next it was on to adding a staircase that had lead down to the main sprawling dock that was to span almost the entire front area of the island I added supports to the dock all the way along and then began working on the next building that would connect to the dock this building was to be smaller than the first and might be housing of sorts I also opted for a simple rectangular shape with a simple slab roof as I thought it fit in well after finishing up the details I then worked on connecting it up to our dock with a staircase and once that was done I thought a little platform would fit perfectly here so naturally I added one in with a bunch of details I had also completely run out of wood at this point and our forest had completely regrown so it was time to once again destroy the entire environment of the island now with an entire forest in my back pocket it was time to complete the last of the dock buildings with two more in this area these were also to be more housing also not situated on a platform like the others just to add some variance to all the builds I connected them up to a pathway leading to the dock along with adding some lighting I also connected this path up to my base with a nice Loop around the pond I then felt the shoreline could use some bushes for that extra lushness Factor so I of course added them in scattered everywhere I added a path connecting our first and second builds together and added docking areas along the entire length of the dock I added supports and lights at the end of all of those and added a little diagonal ship design that I don’t really like once I completed the ugly boat I sprinkled more regular boats around the place in the water and on the dock itself and there we have it the dock is all completed and well it’s day 53 I started getting worried at this point because I had a lot more PL for this island and it was taking a lot longer than expected to build everything for this next project I needed more Stone along with Anders side as well so I mined as much as I needed with my pockets now full of Juicy building materials I set off to find the perfect location for our brand new Lighthouse build I ended up settling on this location here and terraformed the landscape to fit in our Lighthouse with the land now prepped I got to establishing the foundation of the lighthouse using some stone bricks and stone for what was to be the inner walls I added a cute little bridge that would lead to the entrance along with filling in the first floor I and began building the entrance out of wood plunked in our door and added in a nice Arch on the outside with some accenting Oak trap doors I then turned my attention to one of the side walls raising them up to a height where I wanted to add in a window I opted for the same Arch design to the entrance except turning it into a full circle shape along with that inset wood design which just looks awesome I lowered the front entrance a bit as I felt it was too high and also added in some fences along the corners of the walls I then worked on repeating that same wall design around each side along with the details like the fences I added an intricate design to the top portion which was to house the main functional part of the lighthouse the light I built a neat little roof design right on top and finished up the lighthouse with some finishing details I then began prepping the area beside it to begin building the light Keeper’s House I went with a similar design to the dock buildings but changed up the block pallet slightly with non-stripped Oak pillars and Oak plank walls I built a cool little area under the house to be a storage slw work area of sorts and then connected the lighthouse and Lighthouse Keeper house to the Dock’s pathway I then worked on adding some giant rocks jutting out of the ocean you know the whole reason why the lighthouse would have been created in the first place during these builds I’d also completed planting all of the Farms which was why it was now day 60 and while our Lighthouse was all done except you know the main part the light and to get that item we needed to go to the nether my least favorite place in the world so with a water bucket in hand I made my way down the mine into a lava source I knew of flooded it and began slowly mining 10 obsidian God I wish I could enchant my tools with the 10 obsidian finally obtained I figured I should probably make a proper design for the portal instead of just hiding it underground and better yet why not integrate it into the Island’s story so meet the dark portal nestled deep within what used to be the dense forest of the island a mysterious creation discovered by the native Settlers of the island their campsite is yet to be built uh we’ll get to it and the bravest of those settlers decided to take their chances and step into the portal to discover an unknown hellscape after a brief exploration a giant flying ghost wiped out all but one of the natives with the Survivor returning home and sealing the portal shut years later the the portals casing had deteriorated revealing the entrance to the hellscape uh yeah maybe I went a bit overboard with the story but um I thought it was cool okay and so with our portal design all completed it was time to step into The Nether and pray we could find our item easily and well thankfully our item was literally two steps away a shroom light we needed three in total so I quickly grabbed all of them and went back home this is an island survival after all and I feel like even this short trip to the nether is breaking the rules so that’s all I did upon my return I continued the discrete pathway that had lead from our portal and back to the mine and then I made my way over to the lighthouse after getting to the top I realized my door was facing the ocean instead of where it should be facing the island I fixed that up and added some glass into the windows along with our shroom lights behind to warn Sailors of the island I dove off the lighthouse and made a boat traversed out into the ocean and had a look at our Lighthouse as day 61 was coming to a close it looked perfect I returned to the dock and had a sleep under the stars and awoke on day 62 with a plan to upgrade the potato farm as you can see uh I accidentally made it way too skinny so time to thicken up so all I did was simply add some more Rose to it to make it more in line with the sizes of the other [Music] Farms with that done I began harvesting more wood for my next big project of the island the farming Village nestled on the left side of the Island right beside our sprawling crop farms was to be the farming Village a few houses clustered together that had hous the Farm Workers of the island I wanted these buildings to be slightly different from all the others on the island so I opted for a deep slate trim roof along with a stair design for them too I also went with some slightly different shapes for the builds along with adding chimneys to the roofs for a more established feel another thing that makes these houses feel more established compared to the others is a subtle touch using glass panes instead of fences for the windows next I moved on to connecting our village up to the main pathway transitioning it into Cobble deep slate as we entered the Village’s perimeter with that done I found the perfect spot to build a village well which would also serve as an infinite water source for me for actually the next project we’ll be working on I built a lamp design adding a few more of them throughout the village and then added the finishing touches grass decorations leav to the houses and bushes throughout the village too now on Day 70 I had a quick walk through our new farming Village and enjoyed the cedy and then I realized it’s Day 70 and I have more builds to do this next one was going to be made of predominantly wood so I gathered a bunch of it on day 71 I found the perfect spot to start our new build the water treatment Tower the island was severely lacking in fresh water and the inhabitants came up with this uh theoretical design to process sea water into drinking water so to begin I did a slight bit of terraforming and went straight into laying out the pillars of the to with some oak wood once they’re at a height I was happy with I connected them together and then added even more pillars that would form the top of the tower I then started on a roof design opting for Birch for the trim and I went for my signature curve style roof that I love using on pretty much everything I also filled out the main part of the roof with oak wood with the roof design done we needed a way to reach the top portion of the Tower and I accomplished that with a simple staircase design I then decided on adding only two walls to the top of the tower here and made them out of strips of Oak and Birchwood for an interesting look I added some nice arched designs into the corner corners of the open walls and also filled in the floor with some Oak slabs now it was onto the way the water would be treated so I built a little tub out of stone on the second floor here and filled it up with water I felt it was lacking a little bit of detail so I slapped some Oak signs around all of the sides of it too and now was on to how the water would actually get up here and I decided on some pipes with this being the end that would pour into the processing tub and now for the rest of the pipe I steadily placed in our polished deep slate blocks adding several bends until we reached the ocean which was obviously where it would pump from as for how this would actually pump water uh don’t worry about it I then added some safety railings to the top of the tower here and then jumped down to add some supports underneath the top floor as well and now it was time to create the bottom water catchment that had collect all of the processed water from above and I opted for Birch trap doors for this one I’d have loved to use Spruce trap doors as they’d have looked perfect for this but obviously we didn’t quite have that luxury out here on the island so uh Birch it was I replaced the ground of the water catchment with stone to keep the water clean and then placed in all of the water I then worked on connecting the pathway up to our new structure and marveled in its Bey now alongside this I did want to add a bunch of rain catches which would have been the primary source of water before the inhabitants came up with the water purifying Tower so I sprinkled a bunch of these all around the area making sure to add plenty of them and so there’s all of our water collection builds done for the island and I’m really happy with how they turned out for my next project I needed a lot of wool so I headed for my animal farm and began shearing I also CED a lot of the cow population to make room for a new generation of sheeps so I could get more wool of course I had also of course ran out of wood again so while I waited for my sheep to regrow their wool I harvested more wood and so now with a bunch of materials I got started building a campsite and not just any campsite this was the very first homes of the settlers of our Island here I was going to say they sailed from a land far away but uh this is actually the only land in this entire world so uh maybe they came from underground I don’t know but upon arriving at this island they established their campsite and began their exploration of the land and also started their own small farms until eventually moving them to the center of the island they also eventually broke into two different Villages the farming Village and the dock village with the former choosing farming for food and the latter opting for fish instead and on day 76 the campsite was fully completed I then just went straight into building the final Farm as I felt this spot would be perfect for one more so I spent the rest of day 76 and all of 77 building that last Farm on day 78 I saw the first wondering Trader and prayed he had sugarcane for sale upon seeing what he had to offer I was greatly disappointed and punched him right in the head his alpaca llama thing started Hawking lugies at me so I had to put him down but apart from that little scuffle our final Farm was all completed and once it all grows in it should look awesome now up to this point every single house I’ve built has had no interior not even a floor and I wanted you guys to have a decent Island to explore so it was time to add Interiors to every single house so I got to harvesting some Stone and also wood so we could add those interiors and yeah that’s right this island will actually be up for download on my patreon along with the day one version so you guys can play on the same island as me and see how far you can get also instead of doing just houses I decided on making this one into a a bit of a boat shop of sorts which I thought was pretty cool I then wanted this next building to be a sort of mixed juice one so I decided on adding a bedroom to this top floor here and then made a bit of a workpace at the bottom with plenty of storage furnaces and a crafting table now heading into the farming village with these houses being a slightly more lavish variant I wanted to keep that theme on the inside too so I added things like a cool Leaf design above the bed a nice spacious layout and even some indoor plants too and now on day 80 all of our Interiors were done now onto my next project which had some certain items that requireed a lot of iron something I’d struggled with finding previously on this God forsaken Island at first I decided on delaying the Pain by gathering the wood I’d needed instead but then begrudgingly made my way down the mine to start the mental pain I was about to endure and then I got an arrow in the head which gave me some physical pain to go along with it too I spent the rest of day 81 and into 82 exploring the underground cave which thankfully had a lot more areas that had some coal and iron both of which I needed a lot of and once that cave was exhausted of materials I opted for mining in a random Direction until I finally hit a cave and thankfully it had a lot more coal and actually only a little bit of iron which kind of sucked I returned home on the night of day 83 and smelted up the 54 pieces of iron I’d found and prayed I wouldn’t have to get any more anytime soon now on day 84 it was finally time to get started on the next project the blacksmith which was to go in this spot right next to my base and I’ve actually made a lot of blacksmiths before and in many different ways either using reference or just designing straight from my head and this time I decided I wanted to try making a direct replica of this awesome some Lego blacksmith I found and after getting all of the front of the house sorted out I moved on to filling out the pillars and the walls of the back of the blacksmith after that I built the rest of the pillars for the house and then moved on to tackling the roof of the house it was quite difficult getting it close to the reference and I did end up tweaking it shortly after this however I did actually start filling out the main roof with some deep slate tiles I added a little Dormer on the right side here continued filling out the roof and then realized it was way too tall and ended fixing it up which made this look way better I then filled out the left side of the roof here with some more deep slay Tes and then added the wall design to the front of the roof area which I think ended up looking pretty close to the original after repeating that exact same design on the back I moved on to adding some general detail work with some fence gates and stairs along with adding in all of the walls to all of the second floor of the blacksmith with those walls done I headed over to the chimney and added some touch-ups along with figuring out this little roof section that joins it to the chimney which took a couple revisions I then added some final details and that was pretty much it for the exterior of our brand new blacksmith building now on day 89 it was time to put all of that iron and I had harvested to good use and make two anvils that we’d never use uh at least they look good I also crafted some Birch trap doors for a cool design I had planned and then grabbed the two lava sources I’d put in the entrance to the mine on like day 15 as I thought I’d eventually need them now back at the blacksmith with a bunch of materials it was time to start off with the floor design I opted for an outline of stone that had extend out to the entrances and then filled the main section with some deep slate tiles which I thought would give a good blacksmith Vibe I added some lanterns to the ceiling as our light source and then started designing the for Forge which had actually connected the big chimney of the building I took a chunk out of the chimney added some polished anide as our lava holder and then plunked in our two lava sources and also added in a bit of a rang Hood to collect smok and stuff next I added a sprawling table along the entire back of the blacksmith and placed in our two anvils which I changed my mind on and moved because I wanted to add two dunking buckets adjacent to these this would be where they’d you know dunk the Hot Tools in water to cool them off uh yeah you know what I’m talking about I placed in some armor stands along the table and then worked on the storage for the blacksmith with some barrels on the left wall here I added a cool shell for this and thought under them would be the perfect spot for some furnaces I then remembered I’d made smithing tables and decided on destroying half of the table to place those in instead above these I also added a tool holding rack SL display thing finally putting all that leather I had to good use and now with the workplace area of the blacksmith all done it was time to move to the living quarters first of which I added a ceiling to to make it feel a little bit more cozy I then added our light source again some lanterns and decided on a spot for the bed moving on to the which was also connected to the chimney I placed two furnaces for this along with a range hood above to collect the smoke for a bit of storage I added this wine Celler style setup with barrels that I think looks pretty cool I also added this little tinkerers table thing along with some bedside tables to our bed and some chests for some storage back to the tinkering table I thought some more tools and item frames would work well as a great little detail for this along with adding some extinguished campfires to the kitchen and with that the interior was all done meaning the entire blacksmith was completed and we were now on day 90 taking a look around there’s a lot of spots without grass which was greatly pissing me off and I had no easy way of getting bones except there was a skeleton spawner I’d found earlier so it was of course time to make a skeleton grinder I returned to the spawner and began clearing out an area for the spawner to be more efficient and I mean this spawner will be pretty much the exact same as the zombie one I’d made previously so I’m going to give my voice a break and leave you with some peaceful RuneScape music [Applause] [Music] with the spawner done it did have a bit of an issue where the skeletons weren’t coming down sometimes so I went to take a look almost died because of course there was still skeletons spawning there I figured out the problem and got it all fixed up returned to where the skeletons collected and opens it up to see better now you might already see how much of an idiot I am yep there It Is Well I swear I’m actually brain dead sometimes eh I returned home with a grand total of 26 bones because it was day 92 and I had one more big project to get done so I smelted all of the Cobblestone I had left to my name and got to chopping down a metric ton of trees and for this one I actually had no idea what to build and decided on asking my wife and she instantly said make a windmill and so that’s exactly what I did situated just behind our expansive crop Fields this would be the perfect building to process the wheat into bread for the Island’s inhabitants I opted to mainly use stone bricks and oak wood for this mainly because it’s all I really had available and decided on making a sturdy base out of stone bricks along with the wooden tower on top that had house the actual sale of of the windmill once I’d figured out the proportions and got to the height I was happy with I began on the roof once again using my signature curve Style with a trim of stone and filled out with oak wood now when it comes to Windmill sales I suck absolute bull sack so I borrowed from this design I found online and thankfully there are way better Builders out there than I that can actually do Windmill saes more interesting than this piece of crap and so with the saale all done I turned my attention to the interior which was where the windmill’s power was converted into crushing wheat into flour and finally I finished it off by adding in various decorations now on day 98 I headed to bed and awoke on the final day day 99 and I still had a lot more to do I actually started freaking out at this point because I had just realized how much more I wanted to add to the island and only had one day left so let’s see if I could do it after crafting up most of the things I needed I hastily chopped down some more trees and got to work upgrading some of our light posts that were currently just a torch on a fence so I added a nice sturdy base followed by a stone wall Oak fence another stone wall and topped off with a slab two trap doors and two lanterns this is honestly the perfect lampost design and I don’t think I’ll ever build it in any other way so after adding two of those in front of my base I headed towards the mine and quickly built another one there I then found a bunch more spots to add in the rest of all the lamp posts I could I couldn’t really add these everywhere because I just simply didn’t have enough time left so I just opted for some strategic locations I thought could use them best with the lampost done I turned the 29 bones I had left into bone Mill and prayed that was enough I then made my way throughout the entire Island placing grass in places I deemed necessary which was basically everywhere it just adds so much life and visual interest to the previously boring areas and just makes the whole island feel way more Lush which I love and so with the final grass bone me and it turning tonight I I actually saw an Enderman and decided not to risk it and headed to bed and awoke on day 100 we did it Gamers all right and so with the uh whole challenge basically completed let’s get into a bit of a quick tour around the entire island starting with my base interior here so yeah but pretty basic obviously I didn’t have a lot of time in this series and I wanted to get a lot of builds done I also uh yeah didn’t get to the second floor which kind of stinks but uh but oh well I’m overall pretty happy with the exterior of this base which uh it turned out yeah it turned out a lot better than I thought it would I’m very happy with this turning our attention over to the back here well we have my very overcrowded Animal Farm over here and then we have the blacksmith that I basically recreated directly from reference I realized that actually wow I completely forgot to add a uh ceiling to this area but yeah upstairs pretty nice uh we used the materials we had available to us pretty well and downstairs I absolutely love this little workstation I think this is one of the best I’ve built so far for a blacksmith heading back out this way we have the old uh water processing Tower which I think was a pretty cool idea I just wish we had freaking you know Spruce trap doors to use for this it would look way better especially for these little water catching barrels as well but I think the idea as a whole is really cool I tried adding a water bucket here as if it’s coming out of the pipe but uh it just does this and I couldn’t think of a way to fix it which kind of sucks but yeah you know what can you do following the path over this way it leads us to the dock Village which I think turned out really nice again this this boat um yeah still very not happy with it but it just adds a little extra life to this dock which I think it definitely needs all of the houses I love they turned out really nice especially this one over here definitely my favorite of the dock houses very cool layout over here we have the massive sprawling crop farms which yeah just adds so much life and lushness to the island definitely needed that and I helped a lot with our food situation dude this freaking Enderman has been bothering me for like ages man he needs to piss off again taking the path over this way we have the lighthouse which I’m very happy with as well and then we have the Lighthouse Keeper house as well which I thought was a pretty cool layout having you know a bit of a workspace SL storage underneath and a simple little uh bedroom interior up here that leads us down to where this oh I’m going to kill him man I’m done with him imagine this is the guy that kills me on the last don’t do it to me don’t do oh holy man I actually got full Goosebumps across my entire body that prick got me a two hearts man holy I mean it wouldn’t have mattered if we died but Jesus Christ man yeah as was saying this is the like Island Founders kind of original campsite which I thought was pretty cool I love these tent designs these ones especially are my favorite and heading over here we have the uh you know the farming Village which turned out awesome I love these house designs and yeah just taking a run through the field we have the final build which is the windmill very happy with this design I think it turned out awesome especially thanks to the reference I used for the windmill sale which I just yeah literally if I hadn’t used that it would have just been from here it would have just been wo down and then wo wool wo that’s it like a straight line of wool I just can’t do sales man I just suck at them okay this interior though I came up with this on my own I love this it’s like you know the main pole here is turning and crushing wheat in this little thing and stuff you know what I’m saying the nether portal not too crazy but uh I think it’s a nice little design if you couldn’t tell these were meant to be like kind of the boards that were going across this and eventually just kind of broke out and that of course also leads over to our mine which I believe is the final build of the uh the island well the final build that we’re looking at in the tour yeah I’m really happy with how this turned out as well I did actually want to add Minecart rails to this that would come in out somewhere here and go down the mine and I wanted to of course make this three blocks wide but I just kind of deemed all of that stuff a little bit unnecessary because I wanted to get more of the stuff outside done you know what I’m saying and so yeah that’s basically going to do it for every single build we got done in 100 days on this island if you want to download This Island for yourself either the completed version that I’ve got here or just the base version on day one with none of my Builds on this be sure to check out my patreon as I’ll have both of those worlds up for download over there thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next video video

I Survived 100 Days on an Island in Hardcore Minecraft! In those 100 days I built a self-sustaining island paradise complete with sprawling docks, massive crop fields, a farming village, beachside mansion and much more!

🌎World download: https://www.patreon.com/disruptivebuilds

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— m u s i c —

All music is from Old School Runescape

#Minecraft​ #100days #minecraft100days


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