Bedrock Edition Better Animations 1.21! – Let’s Play Minecraft 613

oh it feels so different oh this update changed everything first thing I’m going to test o ooh ah hey welcome back everyone to another episode of the let’s play in Minecraft Bedrock Edition or the this game feels weird playing Java for a month straight I know it’s already been a month since we’ve been on this world so can you enchant this thing oh you can density what the well I got to look up the enchantments prepare yourself I’m trying something what the heck is that a much better version of an armor stand H what I’m just breathing what’s your issue come here why you running away give slime man a hug uh-oh Are you standing come on Rexford get up whoa did you see that so if you’re currently watching my nomatic Survival series you’ll know I have a vanilla tweaking mod on there which makes all animations better what are the chances that this just got released the other day which is a huge animation pack for bedrock and look at these armor stands I love that this begs the question I’m just going to play with it for today and see how it feels this is still vanilla Minecraft but this begs the question should I slowly start adding this type of stuff to this world or keep it 100% vanilla but this is vanilla it’s just a vanilla additive okay my sunflower field is still there someone said theirs popped up mine’s good yeah feels weird having Rockets now oh look at the rocket in my hand I don’t know if I like that anyway if we run to my library here uh you guys saw that enchant that I had that was the only one I really want oh I need to go over here the other two enchantments which is called breach which ignores armor basically and like a wind charge one that makes you fly up after you hit someone I don’t really want those all I really want is density there’s actually a density 5 but I think the only thing I want on this is density and Unbreaking fire aspect what oh gosh okay this might be one component why I don’t use this pack is because I don’t really like 3D items although that does look kind of cool look like a wa oh sweet yo that’s cool what the heck this animation pack is amazing holy crap oh mining looks better wa you hold an axe with two hands that is like the coolest thing ever if you ask me no way look at this wao I jabbed going make me want to play in third person something’s clicking in my world and I don’t know what it is it’s kind of scary I have a 3D mace don’t mess with me all these guys got animations too love it wow you would not make it nomatic survival what is that sound there’s something clicking over here put down the Ender Chest get the toolbox out dang it I missed ow oh my gosh this is hard got him whoa whoa ow oh my God why is he so strong oh my God I’m going to die ah where’s my door what the heck he’s coming upstairs isn’t he heal oh this isn’t Java Minecraft oh my God why is this game 100% harder why am I not healing heal ah how is he tracking me this far oh what the man healing is awful in Bedrock I’m just now realizing that so yes this animation pack will be in the description below it is 100% free super easy to download at least for Windows I don’t know about your phone or your uh consoles like Xbox and Playstation you’ll have to figure that out on your own cuz I don’t know but there’s hundreds of stuff in this pack you have to explore floor oh the city I miss it um it’s pretty phenomenal hi hi Jason bug what what was that oh hey Betty I forgot I had you all tied up here my camel Burger man Burger man it’s been a little bit I know hey no no no come here I’m sorry I’m sorry I left you do we have any cartographers in town do you remember oh it feels so strange being in the city again but uh yeah I’m looking for for a cartographer because we want to get the new trial map of course I already have the mace and all that but there’s new things within the trial Chambers so it would be kind of I don’t think I have a cartographer this is going to be hard not to use I just like it all right you uh need that so get rid of that okay you become a farmer lovely I don’t want you to be that I want you to be this and they all become fishermen these are the issues I’m talking about in Bedrock find jobs in here not out there I’m going to place these everywhere if I have to when you run out of velocity you start oh look at that oh crap I got power lines now who put those up do I have one yet no okay start making babies then I hope they didn’t make an animation pack for breeding okay good well look at that taking big steps just saw him change uh oh okay game was lagging I got to do this fast please do not change oh my gosh it’s slowing down again what is happening Bedrock Edition that’s what’s happening I think I’m slowly going to the Java side there it is a tricky trials map oh that was easy Savannah Village map I find that to be completely useless surprised I even added that to the game oh yeah I forgot I am rich with Emer in My Vault is what’s that block oh so I’m just going to trade what that’s not who I want where did he go give me thean Village map wait that’s not you that’s a nuke autographer okay don’t complain don’t complain I’m going to buy one of these and that’s how much it levels up oh this game hi I am back I got glass for you trial Explorer map oh sweet well um now what begs the question is that looks like very chunky terrain that looks like very messed up terrain is it going to take me to one of the ones I’ve already been to I didn’t even think of that oh no random thought but I’m actually very concerned how that skeleton earlier was absolutely destroying me when I have netherite armor on how was he destroying me so easily is it because I don’t have protection on these I have blast protection I even have projectile protection it worries me going to this I might get destroyed oh okay when we get back I’m playing with paintings I want to update my whole house on the paintings we’re in here because I have a room that’s all I have a room no I have two bows this is the Punisher power five Infinity I think that’s what I want to bring Devil’s roundhouse power four mending okay I want Infinity I have an ebony but oh I put that away in the naughty chest because it has mending on it I need to put that one in there too I’m definitely for oh I need Sher boxes this is going to be a quick trip I’m not going to spend a whole episode there I just want to get the ominous potions probably I guess that’s all I’m really going for oh and there’s new CDs in the game I just hope this is a new updated one because it doesn’t really look like it is does infinity work with poison arrows dang it it doesn’t oh how does a bow look oh Prett cool all right let’s see if we can get some new stuff oh no way oh no this is going to be a glitched one this is very oh no this is going to be oh no maybe hopefully it isn’t glitch terrain over here it doesn’t look too bad right here actually we might be good it’s way closer than I thought it was going to be all right down we go probably should have brought night vision actually I’m going to see how prepared I am in an emergency situation I have no night vision oh potions chest that’s right absolutely I have some in here yes oh look at that it’s a little bottle oh I like how it takes the cork off you better be down here this ain’t looking promising there’s nothing down here are you kidding me the first one I get it leads me to nothing oh interesting theory if you see the X in the bottom right there it’s right on the edge of the map someone said on Twitter I know it’s X now but I still like on it Twitter I said if you zoom it out they’re like too zoomed in right now and they’re like wait how do you zoom it out in my test World here I’ve yet to lay out all of the paintings and take a look at all of the new ones and I love them all so much but I only have one complaint and that is they made too many big ones like that’s the majority of what they added and most of the time I mean look how big these are that’s like taller than most rofs you would make in a Minecraft house so it just seems very unfitting and in my opinion they didn’t add enough new small ones this is what most Minecraft players use right here and we only got one New Vertical one and like one new one by one which is very strange but they’re all cool nonetheless I could find a lot of uses for these especially in my city for like LED screens if I had to pick a few of my favorites they would be obviously this one I love this one because it’s a one by one and I have to say I like these two a lot right here like that man sitting on it looks like a cliff edge and a woman with a skeleton H you see like this is one of the smallest new ones all the 3X3 and that is even too big why are they all so big I am thoroughly surprised about this like I was so excited for all of these paintings and we only got a few small ones like I can just replace the ones I have and I only have like three options but like the that one Minecraft landscape I can’t even find a wall in my house okay this might work like who’s going to find a wall in their house to fit a painting this big there it is that’s the one I was looking forward to most but I think that should be the size of a 3×3 I honestly don’t know where to put this I guess in the Mansion I guess in here yeah oh I forgot this was one that’s a classic got to keep that one up but this one these are the only walls that I own that can fit oh H doesn’t look that good in here maybe that really dark one will look best yeah sure that does the trick oh but we got a bunch of new 3x 3s this is maybe they should have implemented a way to make it easier to place paintings to too the owl sticking its head out of a box in a ball sack I like that one that one’s just interesting if you ask me I don’t know what it is maybe it’s just abstract I’m assuming that doesn’t look like it fits on it oh I like that one the sad person that’s not bad I like melon Golden Apple it’s crazy how much I was looking forward to the heavy core like I even made a whole map about it like I was so excited to have it now that I have it it’s just like heck yeah I have it all right let’s move on why do I get so desensitized to new content so quickly it’s like all right now I have it I’m ready for the next thing but we got to wait a year for the next thing basically I think it’s because I play it with experimental features so I get the features earlier than all of you I think that’s my biggest problem fire poker I’m going to replace you with katana so I’m thinking I’m going to try my absolute best in this next update to just not play anything which I got a feeling I won’t be able to do because as a content creator I benefit from playing with the stuff early yeah I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that I don’t know if I can wait another year and a half for this next update so I was complaining about the paintings earlier and I kind of realized I was being a little what’s the word naive or something but they work well in the city of course I’m still going to mess with these this isn’t final but I’m trying to mess around with how it would look as poster boards because they’re all giant paintings I really love the Villager ones because you could turn that in some sort of advertisement to about getting married or something I don’t know but it just fits here because this whole city is run by villagers and now we have a way to portray villagers in vanilla Minecraft I love this one I don’t know why I’m still where’s my spy glass I’m still trying to figure out what it is just a woman in a is that that’s water right yeah this is they’re like in water a beautiful background with like a sunset kind of overcast day you can see some clouds there’s a dead tree there and that I swear that’s a skeleton right it’s pretty morbid if you think about it I forgot I had a store here to Josh Park put a bunch of paintings up in this one too yeah I really love these ones because they have Minecraft items in it so it would make sense like maybe I painted these I actually really love those two anyway I need to bring a bunch of paper from the looks of it emeralds some compasses and glass and we’re going to go far off to a new Village somewhere get a new cartography map that’s what they’re called because I want this episode to try to get something new it’s crazy the knowledge I have for this world I can look in any direction no matter the degree and tell you like what’s out there well not necessarily T verbatim but I can imagine traveling 3,000 blocks in the things I would see I can do that and almost every direction except a little bit in this angle I know that way and that way but I don’t know that way so I think I’m going to try to head this way for new terrain if you’re curious if I head too far left I’ll eventually hit my in Portal Village if I head a little bit too far right I will hit my Stone Mountain Base that we traveled 30,000 blocks to get to on our but as well I didn’t realize oh my gosh this terrain’s all unloaded over here because I flew above the clouds to get to that point so I wasn’t loading terrain ah we’ll just go this way let’s see the smallest Mangrove bomb you’ve ever seen it’s right there there’s a single tree over there look at that that’s kind of cool for some reason I don’t know why I got a feeling this is far enough but I’m not going to trust it I won’t do it here but I will take their hay bells uhoh oh did you see that death animation ooh a SE corn protection 3 let loser ow uh later losers this kind of makes me miss nomatic survival because I missed just walking on the ground by the way if you haven’t seen that series yet and you’re somewhat new to my Channel or whatever expect a lot of videos from that series because uh I’ve been here because I’m very addicted to my nomatic Series right now just a little advertisement for it on this series uh go check it out give it a chance I have not been to this one wait this this is an old one too always take gunpowder ah bones too okay got another temple on stilts in a village in a tower I probably going to get it from that Village if there’s a cartographer there W did you see that move that was some prole gliding Smite o I’m breaking [Music] two oh Dune armor trims okay no cartographers but I can fix that that someone take this please someone take it fast I don’t know why my game does this does your guys’ game do this I thought it was because I was around a lot of I mean there’s a lot of villagers here but a lot of villagers back at home but it just does it all the time now in my game okay get all the paper glass there he is you goofy get over here that does not oh okay it’s after this trade I think oh I didn’t think of that I don’t I hope I brought enough resources oh I did okay good we can get it yes oh no it’s back from kind of where I came from no it’s that way a bit I came from that way and it’s pointing me that way okay here it is this isn’t on the edge of the map so hopefully I won’t get duped this time I spend money on these Maps I should be able to get what I bought get my water bucket out just in case aha a oh that’s an ominous Vault isn’t it oh that’s the whole reason I’m here is ominous crap why is nothing spawning I’m grateful for it but just give me a second game know what I’m a cheat I’m going to take one of these I have a plan you place that then gather loot from things we’ve already got sneeze and then grab your Shield all right I like how oh God I’m going oh look at that I’m going to have a hard time getting used to this I’m so used to right clicking to block now why don’t they just make it the same oh oh oh God it’s babies what the it’s a tiny um I’m confused is that a normal thing in Minecraft what am I looking at oh no they’re just glitched out babies basically oh I didn’t set my spawn here uhoh I’m not ready where’s all the storage chests I’m not ready go away you want to play okay so this thing is basically kind of useless if you think about it right because you always have to land on them from a certain height like you can’t jump and hit them for any right am I wrong no interesting I actually don’t know if I like the mein because there’s not a whole lot of scenarios where you’re always a couple blocks above an enemy I guess it’s not meant to be used on the regular it’s more meant to plan something out out and kill a big boss easily okay well I’m going to grind this stuff for a bit I just killed my first bogg oh they look so cool look at that I know I have the animation pack on and all but oh wait don’t they poison you I’m kind of worried oh boy I’m getting flashbacks how long this took are there supposed to be empty chests everywhere too I mean all my chests are empty let’s do two at once okay luckily not all chests are empty maybe that’s on purpose but we have Aaron cherof precipice and there’s two other CDs which is crazy well I got the new thing all I really want now is an ominous potion I think I don’t really know how you get those but until I get one I’m staying here I have an emerald block in it what the oh chest ah oh that’s a whole new room I thought it was the same one there’s one sweet what level just a first level I know it goes all the way up to like four easy look at this by the way I got it all cleared out but uh the book is 3D in your hand and when you stop it opens up oh I like that I’m marking this place down because there’s lots of ominous vaults here and these respawn after like 30 minutes so I can just come back I got an ominous two potion by the way so we can drink that do it all again and unlock these vaults I probably could do it now but I’ll probably save that for an adventure for another time I’m not in any hurry to get anything from it I’ve already got my mace so 9 six I might play around here actually and gather some more of this for future builds so I don’t know if I’ll make it home but while we’re here since I probably won’t make it home I want to thank some donors because it has been a month since I’ve been on this world and people have donated I don’t want any of them to ever go unnoticed so uh thank you for all of your continued support while I go on my nomadic Adventure actually I could probably start doing it over there in a book it’s not that hard so oh no is it spawning yet I shouldn’t even be in here what’s that sound oh no they’re activated what should I do I should get this out I should go boom uh wrong one it’s this one bad Omen one oh gosh oh sweet it lasts 99 minutes I’m just kidding I knew that how about this while I attack this with a bat Omen I’ll thank the donors I can’t remember where I left off I know Ryan was it Ryan but Ryan if I didn’t thank you for this one I think I did though thank you so much for that and Blake Jensen with a massive 50 thank you so much for that I I don’t know if I’m doing these I can’t remember leth Nest I think this is where I left off but if not thank thank you so much for that Ryan I mean Blake Jensen I think you’re in the book already but thank you again oh it’s been a while I feel bad leth Ness it’s dark oh no I’ve done that one before this Ryan Browning right here this one massive 100 this one’s for you Ryan right here I don’t like that I need my shield so what’s the difference oh my God oh God what is he wearing what was that that hurt oh I’m not wearing my he had like some sort of jacket on and they have swords that’s just a normal bad Omen what is a bad Omen for I’m scared to see that okay we got to do this ranged but anyway thank you so much for that Ryan continued support even when I’m not even uploading on this series oh no I’m out of arrows why am I out of arrows they can’t climb ladders can they I could not pull back my bow okay here we go what’s that sound okay there’s things I’m not aware of what is that ah ah who did that what is what who is doing that I don’t get that the spider jockey oh my God what the heck give me my ominous Keys what am I doing wrong here well while we thank for that thank you for that again Ryan zebulin comings with a big donation thank you for that Maxwell Salona I’m going to die oh I get it now it was it was diamond armor with a trim but thank you Maxwell Salona and Tyler Tano also David sabrowski back with a massive one okay we got one uh there were some zombies down below but obviously as you can see a few of them are still active I almost don’t want to get rid of this like my first ever ominous key that’s kind of sick I’m going to try to get some more oh gosh D why are they all babies D even the grown ones are babies oh my God I’m going to die why can’t we have Java healing this is so stupid okay I got to put this in a safety box because I don’t want to use this one I want this to go in the museum but thank you once again David zabowski and zebulin cummings thank you for yours as well and another Tyler tomato I want to say tomato so bad oh my gosh guys thank you so much for the support over the time I’ve been uploading nomatic survival I’ll probably bring a book over there so I can thank you guys I don’t like going so long but I’m going to try to balance both of these series a bit where are the dudes for these they’re in full diamond armor just about no no no no no what the heck game Run maybe this animations pack isn’t a good idea it like slows things down quite a bit oh I got another key yes okay we can use one and keep our first one oh even another one uh-oh I spawned all that ominous too there he is get over here almost forgot the comment question of the day from Lost damned Soul wow you made me cuss hey Dallas this is Ryan brownie oh it’s Ryan brownie how about a cursed suit of armor with cursed sword that shouldn’t be touched by any explorers just an idea but if you had other ideas I say go for it you know I’ve actually thought of this and I think I am going to do it because I have such a collection of cursed gear I might as well either make one I don’t know if I would wear it though but I’ll probably put it in the museum like I did my efficiency armor from Woodland Mansions but I can’t end it without doing this at least once oh no what what I get I got something there oh Enchanted Apple wow that’s pretty good gear I’m kind of scared to find out what the other levels of ominous are well I’m actually going to well I got to leave and upload this video but I’m actually going to hang around here for a bit and just see what I can get and then the start of next episode I’ll show you everything I have received from this and I might collect a lot I didn’t bring enough shulker boxes I wrote it down though all right everyone thank you so much for watching uh I’ll see you in the next episode whether it be this or nomadic survival bye-bye [Music] all [Music]

Today we play with the new 1.21 features with a new animation pack installed!

Better Animations –
(This was the link for the pack, but they removed it to add it to the Marketplace soon. I uploaded it to my Google Drive to download instead. )

Donate to help me and my channel! Thanks! –
(Your name and donation will be placed in the chapel. 50+ will get your name placed on the chapel wall and you will be turned into a villager with a random job throughout my world.) Thanks again for supporting my channel!

Linktree –

Second Channel –

Music I use –

Dallas’s Social Media:
Instagram –
Twitter –

Download my skins here! –

World Downloads:
Bedrock –
Java –

World Tours:
Ep.46 –
Ep.100 –
Ep.150 –
Ep.200 –
Ep.250 –
Ep.300 –
Ep.350 –
Ep.400 –
Ep.450 –
Ep.500 –
Ep.550 –
Ep.600 –

World Seed: 1404998407 (After Caves and Cliffs update, this seed is not the same)

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

History of this world:
This survival series started on July 10th 2014 on the MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) App. I had quite a few MCPE videos before this series that I recorded and edited on the iPod 4th Generation. When I finally upgraded to the iPhone 5, this was when I wanted to start a Minecraft series that will last forever! I started this series on the iPhone 5 and eventually upgraded again to the iPhone 6 Plus for more power on Ep.66. MCPE on the iPhone 6 Plus served me well for a long time until the game started updating more and became even slower. This was until I bought myself a gaming laptop (Lenovo Y700) and transferred my ongoing MCPE world to Windows 10 Edition on Ep.154. Till this day, we are still surviving and thriving with builds in this world and plan to do so far into the future!

About me and my world:
Race: Slime
Age: 28
Country: US
World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014)
Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 –
Record With: OBS Studio
Edit With: Shotcut
Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion)
Headset: Astro A10

Thanks for watching!



  1. Hey Dallas, you could use the new painting with the 2 villagers for some small, high up, windows so even if you don't make those rooms it will look like there are villagers in there

  2. you're "desensitized" to "new content" because its not that great of content & not actually new … they've teased & showcased the new features so much to the extent that they allow players to test them out before they even officially launch & what they do add is such superficial exploration type stuff that it never really satisfies the long-term world players (mostly just those who jump back in for 2 weeks every update or haven't touched the game in years). They really need updates that look to benefit players in the "end game" – like better inventory methods, rare accessories that give mobile beacon powers, weapon/armor customization like leather layering or decaling like armor trims for uniqueness, finishing every biome overhaul, better boat options (like sloops or ships), etc.

  3. Hey Dallas. Love the vids! Been watching for a few years. It's sad to see your channel getting less and less engagement, it's a totally undeserved date. I know you've talked about adding a face cam in the past and doing a "face reveal" (which I know is technically not the case cuz of your Instagram etc). But it could be a good idea to at least bring some old viewers back! Just a suggestion. Keep it up 🙂

  4. I think the update feels unsatisfying for you is because minecraft updates aren't really fun to experience in the end game since you'll feel overpowered and the rewards won't be that game changing.

  5. Something cool you could do is maybe do Nomadic Survival and the LP every other video, so that way we still consistently get both since both are awesome series.

  6. Is it a dumb question of the day to ask what, if any sports are you interested in? And if not what’s your main hobby outside of YouTube I guess?

  7. Yes, sometimes bedrock does strange things with the interfaces, every time you try to use one it spits in your face bedrock would be a much better version if they would just fix this

  8. i havent commented in a bit but i just wanted to say I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS and i am so glad every time i see one pop up on my feed 🙂 no matter what series its from its always the best part of my day… there's honestly no other minecraft channel like this out there, your creativity and personality combined makes every video super enjoyable and a must watch for me–so, thank u for making them!! ok that is all

  9. That animation pack looks wild! I had heard all the trial chambers were bugged, glad to see that they aren’t! Now I feel confident to go explore!

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