COSMIC Speedrunner vs Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

well then let’s get started today we’re playing hide and seek the rules are simple if I can beat the Ender Dragon without dying at all then I win if Mikey can stop me then he wins I love this game if JJ’s Health drops to zero then I win that’s right but there’s one more thing Mikey would you mind if I used my special power huh I guess so what special power Mikey today I’m going to be Galactic I will have space stuff weapons and ammunition I will also be affected by reducing Bo gravity everything will be as usual for you you need to take a bunch of cool guns and that’s it are you ready to get started okay all right 3 2 1 start I’ll get you run away we’re really getting right into it huh check it out I can eat and run oh water yes I’m going to catch you there watch this Mikey uh what you thought you had me cornered at the water’s edge didn’t you but that’s incorrect I can run on water hey no fair how that’s not good that’s not all Mikey fire spread hey another I’ll run away seriously okay my goal is to destroy the stone Idol I need to find diamonds but first wood you won’t get away hi wao you scared me where where are you oh there you are okay I’m running away hey come back hey come on Fireball no way sorry Mikey I didn’t know it was that powerful way too strong well I’ll bake some bread while the coast is clear maybe I should make a pickaxe first I want Stone too I need a cave whoa nice wow Eureka I think I have a while before Mikey finds me so I’m going to make a stone pickaxe and a stone axe he has to be close by yep okay that was Mikey this is bad yes oh run oh I missed I’ll have to fight him where’d he go no way I can get away while Mikey’s dist active o iron JJ wo there you are I’ll get you now yes I can’t get through perfect this wall I have my iron and look I found a village for now I’m only here to gather supplies okay now’s my chance to cook some dinner I’ll turn this hay into wheat and from there I can whip up enough loaves of bread to last me a lifetime great I won’t go hungry again for a long time I’ve done enough cooking so now I should focus on making some torches there we go that should do it I think I’m finally ready to leave this Village it’s time to start hunting for diamonds I better do that before Mikey tracks me down ah when didd you get here no fair slow down I think we need some distance between us Mikey wow I’m going too fast for my own good W I can’t keep up it’s useless oh there Mikey you’re not getting away this time I’m heading to the caves wa huh what the sweet huh cool huh wow I thought it might be a little overpowered you think sorry about that Mikey I’m off to do some spelunking wao I’m under attack let’s try this nice woohoo this is perfect it was so close oh food Villages are great because they have a lot of the supplies I’ll need for my adventure I’ll just take some of these carrots with me don’t mind if I do wow these carrots are delicious ouch huh no no so close huh oh my it’s Mikey I hope you’re ready for this uh what are you doing go W I blew up the whole house hang on what was that huh how did Mikey survive are you strong too oh man I need to make a run for it right now where are you going that was a big explosion that was my special attack but Mikey seems to be pretty strong now I think I’ll use this opportunity to go searching for diamonds to slay the Ander Dragon I need to go to the Nether and to do that I’ll need a diamond pickaxe also there’s water down there so I’ll try to land in it that way I should be able to reach the bottom right away okay here we go oh this is incredible wo that TNT blew out a super deep hole now it’s time to find diamonds I’ve actually been saving a really special way to do that taada I’ll use this TNT okay let’s try it out right away huh I’ll test this TNT out once over here just light it like this now to get [Music] back so as you can see this TNT will help me find ores it actually breaks down pretty much every other block that isn’t an ore so check it out wo there are diamonds up there I already found diamonds there’s lapis Lai and gold too but diamonds are what I want all right I’m going up to where the diamonds are oh here right here yep they’re diamonds now what if I tried one more blast this destroys types of stone so it won’t destroy wood that’s why I’ll stand here while I set off another [Music] explosion take a look at that wao incredible a there are diamonds over there too so now oh there are more over there wao they’re everywhere I’m going to gather all the diamonds I can get my hands on right want to gather them up huh I only just realized this but hold up I don’t have a pickaxe what am I going to mine them with what now oh now that I think about it I could just blow the diamonds up with TNT huh I’ll just detonate it here H then gather the diamonds I should step back if I blow up this TNT will that work well oh man man I need some that are easier to get all right it looks like this will work just put the TNT here well I should be able to harvest the diamonds like this oh hold up the diamond fell H yes I found the diamonds all right I got one so far but I’ll need a few more H let’s gather some more perfect here so far so good yes got it all right H I need one more Diamond are there any more oh there’s one I’ll mine this right [Music] here wo got it yes all righty then I’ve gathered three diamonds now I can use these to craft a diamond pickaxe now first I’ll make some sticks place the three diamonds horizontally and my diamond pickaxe is complete now back to the [Music] surface now I shouldn’t run into Mikey and the others for quite a while so I think I’ll go gather some things while I can all right we’re slowly getting ready Hunters let’s head toward JJ My ultimate hunters will corner you JJ H oh I found some place good h what what H wa this place is pretty big wo I was looking for this what is it all right I’ll try to collect more of that what did you find something really good Mikey I think I’ll get a whole lot more of it before I go a certain somewhere oh there’s more JJ would you maybe happen to be in a cave right now H who can say Mikey all right here we go ouch JJ where are you right now I’m somewhere sort of dangerous right now Mikey h i see H oh how about here all right it connects it leads to where JJ is uh where are you all right okay now that I have this much what are you Gathering we’re almost there okay this leads to the cave JJ is sure to be over this way just a little further I see signs of him here perfect JJ shoot Mikey found me JJ hey you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place gotcha oh he escaped upward way up a they’re on to me oh I need to escape he’s escaping upward ultimate Hunters to me I can hear him climbing up perfect come Hunters this way come on this way this way follow me aim straight up all right here we go head upward okay up through here everyone here we go he must have escaped to the surface it looks like he lost Us in the cave too bad Mikey I’m already long gone seriously okay next up I need to go find something else all right we finally made it out of the that cave go after JJ huh hang on oh we can follow these blocks huh he’s got to be nearby let’s close in on him huh I wonder if Mikey will be able to find me of course I’ll find you we’re the three strongest Hunters there’s not much but I found what I wanted I’ll just gather this up huh all right all right what could that be I want to upgrade my equipment but there’s something I need first H oh I’ll take some of this with me huh and I’ll grab these too now to make one of these okay I’ll put this here and use these like so [Music] if I arrange them all together with this nice now I’ll put these all together like so all right finished now oh here’s some I’ll gather all this [Music] up okay now I’ll put this down down and place these here H let’s go with this nice H now these and these twoo oh I could upgrade these as well all right done now I’ll need obsidian if I want to enter the nether so I plan to make some now for starters to get obsidian you need to mix lava and water directly so for my first step I’ll detonate this TNT I’ll set it down here this blue TNT is water TNT okay W it exploded quickly so I made Water by setting off that water TNT then near that area maybe somewhere around here I’ll set off the other TNT this one is lava TNT I better get far away it’s pretty dang dangerous nice and just like that I can make lava check it out when the lava touches water it makes obsidian let’s set off lots of TNT just like [Music] this not bad it made more obsidian now I could collect the obsidian with my diamond pickaxe I’ll gather it up I’ll need quite a lot of obsidian let’s get to work okay very nice all [Music] right all right that should be more than enough I’ll use this to build a nether portal I’ll start it like this and here that’s right and across here all right my nether portal is complete I’ll light it the usual way activate wo all right now that the nether portal is finished I’m going into the nether to prepare to slay the Ender Dragon okay into The Nether I [Music] go perfect I’ve arrived oh awesome I already found a nether fortress how lucky is that this nether fortress will probably have some blazes oh a wither skeleton it’s no match for me hey a blaze there I need to hunt down and Destroy these blazes so I can collect their blaze rods I probably need to gather about seven of them if I can find seven I can Retreat from the nether I need these if I want to stand a chance against the Ender Dragon oh oh a blaze spawner yes check it out nice I can Farm as many blazes as I want with this H I feel like I’m around it is that you Mikey I don’t think so all right I already found seven blaze rods oh it’s you stay away from me there I have you now I’ve got you got to light it light what that’s not good light faster fine I’m tossing you right between these wither skeletons hold on you’re kidding me oh you okay this is bad put me down H seriously JJ that’s not funny yes oh the lava take that I’m dead all right all right nice take him down this is [Music] easy wo nice and this is what I’m here for this is a blaze rod I need to collect a lot of these to go to the end and fight the Ender Dragon now where can I go next to find huh what who yes hiya it’s Mikey I’m going to take you down stop that I’m running away now Mikey has diamond armor on and he’s pretty tough I’d better not underestimate him you won’t get away JJ I’m running take this no hang on huh it’s a dead end that’s not good H what now ouch Mikey’s got me cornered and there’s a bunch of blazes get JJ my big Blaze Army oh man I need to use my special technique yeah take this no I got them all and there are stacks of blaze rods here wow all thanks to Mikey’s plan I got 24 rods alog together I can use these to go to the end wow still I only have three ender pearls so I should collect more all right I’m back where I was before huh that way JJ might be over this way hang on there are dirt blocks around here JJ’s been here there aren’t any dirt blocks in the nether H where are you Mikey that’s a good [Music] question huh huh maybe over here where did he go oh oh JJ okay Hunters work together to make this plan succeed the plan is to track JJ there all right no way with this ouch did you all fall for your own trap wait wait wait wait wait we can still attack from here all right he got away no way he lost us pH I made it in time that was so dangerous all right did you escape into the lava no way duh you fell into the lava that was close how how are you still alive huh I didn’t expect a cliff behind me I thought we dealt with you we can’t follow him he got away all right okay we’re not giving up oh potions of fire resistance aren’t fa how was that an option I’m sure glad I prepared those oh there’s so many Enderman here huh all right yes huh hang on JJ if you’re fighting Enderman in the nether then you must be gathering ender pearls nice Enderman are dangerous so you can’t let your guard down around them JJ while he’s distracted all of us hunters will head there there’s so many gathered here huh oh hang on KY J’s been here huh JJ came this way does that mean you’re nearby huh of course not I just found something amazing H what’d you find Mikey you must have left this here it’s a crafting table oh hang on I hear the sound of Enderman dying huh huh oh there he is we found JJ hang on where are you oh wait up where’d you go huh where are you you were just here but where did you go huh oh there there you are he’s over here JJ no I see you from up here huh Mikey wow you’re all the way up there JJ oh how do I get down there I guess I’ll run away before Mikey comes here wait up wait up all right get him from below all right I feel confident that I’m going in the right direction now wait Mikey oh it’s him JJ huh I found you now I’ll summon the most powerful creature to stop you it works for me now wait a sec Mikey that’s a Wither no yes now go stop JJ for me it’s extremely powerful if anything can beat you it’s a Wither well there it is I’ll blast it are you serious huh that was pretty easy actually no I won’t let you get away hold on a sec wait run away Jee you’re too strong all right I need to hurry up and slay the Ender Dragon already I’m going to use these blaze rods to craft Eyes of Ender now first I need to break the blaze rods down into blaze powder then I can combine them with ender pearls to make Eyes of Ender then throw them into the air huh where’d it go oh over there if I follow the Eyes of Ender they’ll show me where the end portal is let’s go [Music] yeah whoa H hm it should be around here somewhere and the end portal is down there too once I find it I can reach the Ender Dragon you know I don’t feel like digging around for the portal so I’ll blast my way [Music] down energy blast I’ll use these to dig the hole wao look at that it worked I’ll drop down this to get inside so what do we have here H oh that surprised me but here this is the place I can’t believe it this is the end portal awesome now I just need to fill those spots with Eyes of Ender like this and now the end portal is open perfect I’m definitely going to slay the Ender Dragon and win let’s [Music] go oh wow I’m here at the end and there’s the Ender Dragon let’s go there you are JJ oh it’s Mikey wait I won’t let you win I’ll protect the dragon sheesh that’s going to be tough I need to slay the ender dragon as fast as possible I’ll fight the dragon hand to hand no you can’t kill it I’ll fight it head on oh yes I got a hit on it no and now wait another one yeah yes what I win seriously I beat it woohoo no I did it I beat the Ender Dragon not here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gra

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: COSMIC Speedrunner vs Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

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