Stardew Valley Platinum Playthrough Part 3 (PS5) – #LunarlightJourneys

[Music] hey what’s up guys this is K from lunar light games and thanks for dropping back in hello and welcome to our Channel if you are new make sure you guys hit that like And subscribe button help us keep growing our Channel anyway we are finally back with more stardew Valley let me go ahead and get set up here and then we’ll roll with our stream tonight okay so last time we were on this where did we leave off oh great it’s raining you know what I haven’t really been doing with this on Wednesdays I need to check out the queen of sauce Let’s see we can learn new recipes this week’s dish is klaa M cabbage delicious cabbage with vinegar and mayonnaise oh cool now we learn how to cook klaw is there anything new or is it just repeated yeah it’s definitely repeated you know what since it’s raining today let’s go hit up the the mines new items are in stock a fishing pole and bait cool um we have no money right now so uh we’ll pick that up later we can build Wells now of course well looks like we can leave this alone so a bit of an update over what’s been happening the last week sorry guys um been a lot going on since Father’s Day lot of hanging out with family members I haven’t really had the time to get back on so that’s why we haven’t been on as of late but we’ll gradually get back into the swing of things soon hope you guys had a fantastic Father’s Day and now I sure did spent the day out at the lake that was pretty fun though lot of fishing grilling cooking all sorts of stuff oh hey at least we got the ladder on the first try there let’s see how much ore we can get the first time [Music] around this one’s new I don’t think I’ve ever picked up the amethyst before [Music] nice all right so which rock has the ladder [Music] by the way did any of you guys check out the new Nintendo Direct this morning some pretty awesome stuff there’s a ladder besides the usual Nintendo releases this thing isn’t working back you that’s cool how are you enjoying the [Music] game oh crap these slimes are pretty aggressive back you oh crap I’m being poison back away that’s awesome to hear [Applause] most definitely for seven bucks you can’t go wrong there cool uh now we have quartz so yeah um in addition to your usual stuff there are some pretty exciting games that I’m Hing to check out later stuff like Dragon Quest that new Mario and Luigi RPG game there’s a ladder Metroid 4 I could probably go without I guess we can stunlock him here I haven’t played a Metroid Prime game since around Metroid Prime 1 wasn’t a big fan of Metroid Prime 2 though so I never got around to Metroid Prime 3 since I was on the Wii and then what else there’s a new Zelda game starring Zelda pretty awesome I [Music] think and then what else those new two 3D or HD 2D Dragon Quest games are going to be [Music] interesting I’ve always been a big fan of dragon quests but never got the time to actually play them perhaps I should though even with Dragon Quest 11 out by the way isn’t that the ladder that we should probably go in yeah let’s go in [Music] here so does this mean we can go up yeah that’s what it means um let’s head back to our our farm we got a full inventory we’ll drop everything back over [Music] there I suppose one of these days I’ll give Star Ocean First departure a shot too I haven’t had the chance to get on to it because uh I just don’t have any room on the PS5 I was downloading Diablo 4 again to drop that back on so we can try out the the new season man I think I have a few things in here that are in the wrong spot everything that’s not green let’s take out [Music] yeah yeah as an older game it shouldn’t be that much even so a bunch of the games I’ve been download loading um usually 50 gigs or more Diablo 4 however takes up like nearly 95 gigs it’s absolutely terrible but wait what the heck monster loot can I toss that in here yeah sure why not a little hard to sort everything out [Music] here there we go and I guess that’s food we’ll hold on to that actually crap I have enough time to go back and go do some more questing so let’s go [Music] fishing but yeah between Father’s day and being so busy with family I just haven’t had the time to sit down and I actually got around to playing something even earlier I was trying to play through a little bit of Resident Evil 4 with whatever time I had left I didn’t realize I left the game running I meant to get off and then probably the button didn’t register when I press it so the game just kept streaming for like an hour afterwards and I was like oh this thing’s still on sometimes I’ll just leave my PS5 running for no reason if only because I think I’ll get back to it afterwards and then you know things happen it’s way too easy to get caught up with other responsibilities kind of like stardew Valley it’s important to manage your time wisely come on fishies oops come on up and at him there we go [Music] so another great announcement made today if you’re a fighting game fan you should definitely be on the lookout for the new Marvel versus Capcom fighting game collection well that one got released quickly definitely be on the lookout for those games because they are amazing even if they are rather old not to mention with the way that Marvel games typically go if you don’t pick them up now they’ll likely be delisted once the license goes goes bad in like maybe a couple years [Music] so regardless it’s a pretty good investment I think I mean the last time Marvel versus Capcom 2 was available I didn’t pick it up it was only like what 10 bucks I was thinking you know what I could probably pick that up on a sale whenever I want to and then before I knew it it got delisted never had another opportunity to pick it up crap this time though I am not falling for that so I’m going to probably pick up a physical copy and just hold on to it forever never I did the same thing with Marvel versus Capcom 3 when it was released for the PS4 I held on to that one and it only cost me like 25 bucks at the time of release nowadays if you check on eBay just to see how high the prices are an unopen copy can easily sell for 200 bucks so yeah 25 bucks this was around sometime in 2015 or so I think yeah in the span of 10 years that thing is worth like 200 bucks so you know if you want to hold on to a game that will probably never go down in value pick up a Marvel versus Capcom game What’s even crazier though is um back on the PS3 they had that same game but since it was digital only they had like a a sort of unique case they didn’t even have the disc in inside or anything or anything like that all it did was just all it did have was just an online uh voucher and having that case itself was like over 100 bucks all right we’ve been exploring the old mine you’ve got the adventure Spirit if you can slay 10 slimes you have earn your place well you know what we’re doing [Music] now I’m going to pop these in here and then we’ll be on our way back to the mines going move this over here and we don’t need that right now for I’m really surprised that Mario and Luigi got a new jpg I thought for sure the Developers for Mario and Luigi those RPGs um I thought the developer had probably gone out of business already [Music] at least that was the the thinking before stay away I should probably stun lock that guy those things are a menace okay slimes we need to Corner them it’s best if you Corner them and don’t let them attack you cuz if you sunlock them they’ll be Loop into that animation and then they won’t be able to attack you just like that this doesn’t look like a strawberry to me but I guess I’ll just eat it more mining time oh hey the next ladder I’m grateful this game doesn’t have too much that we need to do cuz I never quite know if I’m going to have to jump off any enemies down here no I don’t see any cool all right let’s see here I think this is flooor number seven I think there’s somewhere around 100 floors down here and yeah we’re going to have to go all the way down to the very end this is very similar to Rune Factory for those of you not in the know Rune Factory is Harvest Moon but with a Dungeon Crawler twist there’s less of an emphasis on Farming and it’s more about the dungeon crawling mainly the combat and the jrpg aspects are the main draw farming is stripped down quite a bit I mean you still get the the marriage system and the farming system but it’s not as intensive as it would be in a regular harvis Moon game or I should say story of Seasons game instead you do essentially the same test as you do here you just fight floor after floor after floor and eventually you’ll get down to the later floors and find more treasure and different enemies stay away oh crap not good okay that’s good enough let’s head back up we no longer need to stay down here about to pass out anyway by the way what did we accomplish reached level 40 in the mines okay Enter the adventurers Guild no furnace yet so let’s go check out the adventurers Guild I think this is [Music] it what up friend [Music] we can now buy new equipment but hang on the monster eradication goals help us keep the valley [Music] safe if I read correctly in order to get the Platinum you need to follow these goals yeah this is going to be a while come back when you’ve got something to show [Music] me no one here is helpful at [Music] all I mean I got inside the The Guild but there’s nothing for us here [Music] is there anything that we can do with this ring slightly increases your radius for collecting items so let’s equip [Music] this [Music] nice I don’t know what else we can do with some of these [Music] oh this is cool instead of having to go straight to the community [Music] center we can just open up the menu here and drop these items off as we need to that’s [Music] cool sure be’s having to back track can do all [Music] this don’t see anything here so let’s head out I am let’s go check out the fishing store man the control scheme for this game is heavily geared towards PC players it feels very awkward to play this game with a controller at least when it comes to s switching around your equipment crap I forgot in order to get to the other side we got to go all the way around oh by the way well shoot whose birthday was it today Pam’s birthday no well we’re not going to be able to help up Pam then that’s okay well shoot the store is closed and me without my fishing rod by the way what’s in the sewer of course it’s locked why wouldn’t it be someday this is going to be ours not right now though but someday I’m just going to collect these things you never know when they’re going to be helpful I should really get around to selling some of my stuff hang on here ah the cherries don’t I have something here no not these that’s a cherry bomb I keep mixing these things up everything that’s not green should be taken out [Music] this is where I need to [Music] go just need to reorganize some of the stuff I’ll keep the strawberries on hand by the way we need to make that furnace I got just enough copper ore and just enough Stone all right our furnace is going to go right about here can I put it right here no hang on um now that you’ve built a furnace you can smel some metal by the way where did I put it never mind here you go didn’t mean to do that heck wait what you mean we can’t just put it right here um perhaps we can dig this out yeah I sort of remember that so what the heck we can’t just put the smelter like right over there never mind I just put it out here requires one coal okay then where’s our coal requires five ore how long does this take to work there we go all right we did the coupe well actually no we haven’t built the CPE yet H oh so far so good let’s head inside now it’s getting rather late crap we’re going to need a lot of [Music] coal so what’s our luck today it’s neutral [Music] I have a request for you I need fresh cauliflower for a recipe I want to make sure if I can just if I can get some [Music] cauliflower we’ll get some cauliflower soon you know what I think I probably I think I can probably grow [Music] it let me go get the seeds for the cauliflower [Music] hopefully our scarecrow seems to be doing the job I haven’t seen any crows lately what’s today Help Wanted I’m looking for someone to bring me 20 copper ore to see if any rare gems are hidden inside cool I don’t have enough right [Music] now is this timed yeah we got two days that’s all right it barely has any range shoot might have to make another [Music] one wait wasting a lot of valuable time here what up buddy don’t you have work to do yeah don’t you have someplace to be that guy is so rude [Music] come on come on come on where is there you go open [Music] up welcome to Pier how can I help you who the heck is [Music] that it is Morris a [Music] hem who the heck is moris Come and Get It folks coupons for 50% off your purchase at jojamart Costco never seems to offer a 50% off well any takers dang the manager at Costco has so many benefits but I can’t match those prices I’d be selling at a loss Pier’s got to learn how to set a loss leader it must be so difficult for you to lose your loyal customers like that why does Morris look like Harry Potter if Harry Potter were to work at Costco but can you blame them joa Corporation is clearly the superior choice I know right do they have the hot dogs for $150 and the $5 rotisserie chickens well soon the whole town will realize that those Bargain Bin prices all right just for jod I think we’ll oh crap I don’t think it’s G to do we have enough time for the cauliflower 12 [Music] Days 12 days so today is the 19th that’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 crap we won’t have enough time to plan [Music] it I’ll just have to hold off on that [Music] sadly I haven’t liked Costco pizza since they got rid of the [Music] combo that was like the best option that they had at the time [Music] well I guess we’re not using the stone we make one more of [Music] [Music] these so [Music] but yeah sometimes the Costco pizza can be hit or [Music] miss if you can get a good one they can be [Music] amazing but get a bad one and then it’s not worth eating at all no wait hang on I need to water my [Music] plants where is my watering can there we [Music] [Music] go oh hey there’s never mind there is one awesome so we have a random cauliflower we don’t even have to plant it [Music] so I bought that cauliflower seed for no [Music] reason I need another [Music] refill I think a few of these are from random seeds that we planted [Music] take [Music] that we definitely need to make the sprinkler hang on how much is it to make a sprinkler [Music] one copper bar and one iron bar we haven’t got the iron [Music] yet boo I guess that’ll have to wait right now let’s spend all of our time watering riveting stuff [Music] here on the bright side the music’s not too bad though to me it doesn’t sound very iconic your mileage may vary though and just these last two and of course ran out water on the very last one by the way let me go clear away some of these weeds that is not the hoe can you not Target there we go just in case one day these things will grow even bigger we’re going to get rid of them we don’t need them growing around our plants do we just get free clay oh that’s awesome now if I remember right never mind I’m trying to figure out what else we can do in the meantime um let’s go find Haley I don’t think we need to grow any giant plants but we do need to pick at least one of every crop and fish one of everything and basically do all the collectibles in the game it’s very intensive let me see if there’s anything we can do about Haley right now basically every collectible in the game we got to get at least once okay here we go now hilly where are you trying to find the the heck trying to find the the list here for all the NPCs on what sort of gifts we have to give to everyone but I’m not seeing where the list is hang on here aha here we go haly like sunflowers and coconuts do I have any sunflowers only daffodils and we can’t go about making cake yet what have to be so complicated same thing goes for Leah Leah is just as complicated if not worse basically you have to get almost every single thing in the game for example you have to catch at least well not at least you have to catch every single fish in the game at least once most gems are good for gifts well for us it’s going to be super unlucky because we have to avoid giving Prismatic shards that’s lovely H we have an extra cauliflower here let’s drop this over here or can I not drop this here nope guess not we probably have to be in inside the the community center to drop these off instead let’s go find Jodie where is Jodie Emily and Haley jod and Kent cool let’s go find her um any hints about what the prison prism shards do oh hey there’s Haley Haley is ignoring you a come on bro have a strawberry on [Music] us h such a stupid gift well then Haley you’re rude too and to think that we’re going to have to romance her how about if we speak to what’s her face over [Music] here it’s simpler to be friends with the trees they don’t have much to [Music] say oh hey see Haley likes our gift [Music] see Haley is stuck up she doesn’t want strawberries or maybe she’s allergic to [Music] them I mean come on Leah seem to like them [Music] now where the heck is Jody oh Jody’s house is on the other [Music] side where is jod is that jod no it’s Barney [Music] I need to go two houses [Music] down where is [Music] everyone gotcha I’ll remember to do that the food at joja Mart might not be the healthiest for my family but with such low prices you’d be crazy to shop anywhere else boo support your [Music] locals oh that looks so delicious thank you this is just what I wanted it’s going to be perfect for my yellow curry cool awesome we get 350 G totally worth it all right now what to do I think we can drop off a few things over here let’s go check out the community center real quick not that right here we go we need these four things and then we’ll be done here potato parsnips and green beans let me go check the the shop oh never mind it’s closing time guess we’ll have to wait a little a little bit longer what the why is the dog in our [Music] bed bro that’s not cool [Music] plants are looking [Music] nice before long we’ll be rolling in the money [Music] I hope [Music] anyway oh wait we can already take care of these [Music] then oh crap please don’t cut the other [Music] plants okay thank [Music] goodness for a moment there I thought we were going to end up slicing the rest of our [Music] plants that’s good we can drop those in the Dropbox [Music] I mean so far so [Music] good we’re making [Music] money and I think this thing’s done [Music] the rest of these should be potato [Music] plants that’s the Hope [Music] [Music] anyway I don’t think we’ll be wanting to plant anything else after this because we only have like what 8 days [Music] left yeah 8 days are left in the season and then if I read right if you try to plant anything before the season is over and if they don’t finish growing up by the time the seasons change then well they all die [Music] that is not something you want to have [Music] [Music] happen [Music] anyways that’s all over [Music] I’m going to toss these in same thing here and why [Music] not oh can [Music] they I did see that if you have the greenhouse if you plant anything in the greenhouse then they don’t suffer the same effects let me get these geod completed and then where’s my fishing pole I’m going to go ahead and drop these off as well oh did they going to have to remember that for next time maybe I’ll plan a few kale plans or something something easy that won’t die right then and [Music] there what’s up Haley I’m feeling in urge to go shopping uh I wish there was a mall here Haley seems very high maintenance [Music] and that’s who we’re supposed to [Music] romance she sounds like a joy to be [Music] around I’m here to collect Clint’s business tax oh that’s just nice tax is all over the place is there any difference between the copper trash can when trashing an item you reclaim oh never mind awesome so if we trash items we can at least get some money [Music] back don’t really see the difference between the copper watering can and the regular one but the copper pickaxe will want to pick up I’ll have to grab that next time iron or we need some of this all right buddy you can have [Music] these cool let’s just take these next door and drop them off [Music] we’re just going to donate [Music] this and we’re going to donate these as [Music] well there’s a book missing how are we supposed to find it I’ve yet to figure out Harvey what’s going on [Music] Harvey yeah all these spaces we have to complete that’s [Music] fun h that’s cool I’ll have to keep that in mind next time let’s do some [Music] fishing while on the plus side we’re cleaning at the river no fish though what the [Music] hell yeah that’s weird isn’t it the game offers you a decent upgrade so if you start using that upgrade what is the point of having the previous [Music] one makes very little sense but what do I know was was that bird tickling the other one I feel like I stumbled onto something I shouldn’t have nothing to see here where the heck is Willie he’s probably goofing off somewhere maybe in the bathroom you’d never quite [Music] [Music] know come on fish where are you no fish then by the way where the heck is Willie he’s supposed to be here how are we supposed to go shopping if he’s not here well that really grinds my [Applause] gears a [Music] man I guess you can’t yeah you can’t focus on two without keeping the meter up [Applause] yeah this is a bummer if you don’t focus on the fish and you get the treasure anyway it won’t matter in the end because without the fish you won’t be able to get the treasure [Applause] that’s some awesome game design [Music] I suppose we can spend all afternoon grinding our [Music] [Music] fish H come on fishy fishy fishy [Applause] you know speaking of fishing during this weekend when we stopped by the lake there was a lot of decent fishing going on a lot of largemouth bass [Applause] both large mouth and Smallmouth black bass I didn’t do any of the fishing though but I did get to see a bunch of them getting caught oh wait that one’s new oh wait never mind we’ve caught Hal before now are there any specific locations we haven’t been fishing at stay still fish [Music] a man little too slow in the draw [Applause] there all right after this fish we are heading back you know the last time our character was feeling exhausted we couldn’t even walk or we couldn’t even run I mean we could barely walk I’m glad we don’t have to worry about that any longer I think we’ll do one more day and then I’ll probably switch over to a different game I need to go check up on something anyway hang on here let’s dump in all this fish yeah why not keep the clams nice level three [Music] fishing aesome awesome we got more money [Music] now it’s enough to upgrade our pickaxe I [Music] think let’s gather up all of our potatoes [Music] amazing that’s a pretty decent [Music] Harvest I think those aren’t ready yet [Music] on the plus side though I think that’s nearly everything [Music] by the way with a few of these a few of these coins we could probably plant a new [Music] tree I think I’m going to do at least one tree per season where is our first tree going to go maybe somewhere over here we’ll make a [Music] tree let’s get rid of that and then we’re going to drop these potatoes in [Music] by the way how are how are the skills looking farming is up foraging not so much combat still needs a lot Mining and combat are at their lowest forging though is very good same thing goes with fishing [Music] that [Music] really I will keep that in mind by the way we have a mine over here not sure what this place is for doesn’t seem like there’s much that you can even do around over [Music] here let me go check on my my copper [Music] bars shoot I need one more let me go look around here [Music] maybe we could smash up some of these rocks for ore is there any coal here no coal it seems actually no never mind there’s some coal awesome we’ll have enough to upgrade our our stuff in a bit actually let me go do that first this stuff can wait by the way isn’t this this is a clay pot right mangoes and bananas are the only ones worth it unlucky for us we have to do one of everything let’s drop that off same thing goes for these I’ll be back for this those are coal for now oh yeah that reminds me all that copper I don’t have enough [Music] copper you know I haven’t read that far I know for certain though you need to be able to collect one of everything in the game and you have to complete the entire Community Center as well as doing a separate run where you purchase all the joa corporation [Music] upgrades ENT everything in the game that you see is everything that you’ll [Music] do all the plants [Music] tools yeah I guess so so all right we’re going to upgrade the copper pickaxe ah crap I should have given him the geod before doing that I’ll remember that for next time [Music] well I still got some money and we have a couple days so why don’t [Music] we why don’t we find some new upgrades or something to no I’ll do that Quest let’s pick up some more seeds something that can be planted in 6 days like these potato seeds I’m just going to buy up a whole bunch of these we’re going to go plant [Music] them yeah this is the type of farmer I really wanted to be a potato farmer that might not be for a while instead we’ll have to rely on ourselves what happened to this plot of [Music] land weird I thought this was already cleared away well if you look at this game in another light we’re maxing out our skills at least so so awesome I see So eventually we’ll have to till our Fields again that’s just great I mean for me it’s an easy way to kill some time especially when I want to stream and I don’t want to have to invest myself in some of the more intensive games which is basically what’s been happening this past week no one here likes us no one at all oh well can impress them all I [Music] guess where did my pickaxe go all right I dropped it off I mean what else are we going to do in the meantime [Music] let’s go clear some grass anyway I could have sworn I cleared out a lot more of this area over here I mean a lot more seems like everything grew back in its place after we you know started doing some other stuff not a problem though let me go let me go chop some trees down [Music] just going to chop those down and let’s chop this man maintaining this huge Farm is a lot of work we’re going to have to come back and do this a lot more often anyway we’re out of energy at the moment so this is probably where we’re going to end our session for tonight I’ll be back with another game [Music] but for stardew Valley anyway this is as far as where we’re going to get cool we got a new Trophy and plus we are at level four farming awesome [Music] cool we got a ton of [Music] money right the adventures Guild we’ll have to focus on that next [Music] time all right so how do I get back out of this here we go but yeah I’ll be back in about maybe 10 minutes or so we’ll do another quick session um for now if you guys are currently watching this on YouTube please like the video if you have any comments answer questions please leave them down below if you have missed out on any of the previous play sessions make sure to check out our playlist also share this video out wherever you guys can but of course if you are interested in some of the other games that we play check out our Channel if you’re over on Twitter follow us at light games over there you’ll find deals discounts as well as new stories about the gaming world as well as odd giveaway we run from time to time check out the pin post for more information or hit up our # lunar light Vault we’ve been posting a bunch of giveaways the last couple days so if you are at all interested in Steam gaming or PC gaming in general definitely hit up our Twitter page and if you’d like to sponsor our giveaways you can do so by dropping a donation over at paypal. me/ lunar games the link will be posted down below later but if you don’t have a tip for tip jar don’t worry about it you can support our channel in another ways one of which is just simply by watching our videos or you can just like And subscribe you know any little bit [Music] helps and don’t forget to follow us over at leuner light games hit the notification Bell across all of our platforms to get updates as soon as they’re made available or to catch whenever we go live but yeah that’s going to be all for stardo Valley for tonight I will be back in just a moment so hang tight we will see you guys again next time [Music]

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