1 TV MAN vs 100 YANDERE’S in Minecraft!

wait a second why are there so many yandere girls speaker man is that you oh my gosh speaker man come here come here I just really need to kill you oh and please tell me where TV man is get away from me you freaks get back here stay away come back here bro TV man look at all these girls dude I think they’re in love with me hey hey hey I just say hit me girls what’s going on why stay away oh my goody goodness there’s so many of these y girls everywhere are you serious right now this is so scary what do we do they’re trying to kill us I don’t know man but I’m kind of freaked out there’s T man oh my go steevie man I can’t believe you’re here no no no these yandere girls are everywhere are you serious right now ow ow ow oh no are you serious right now where do we go I don’t know dude I think we need to find cameraman bro bro where’s speaker man though I don’t know what we’re supposed to do man but I think we got to find speaker man dude you’re right we got to find speaker man speaker man where are you dude we got to save you bro oh no I hope you don’t die oh there you guys are oh speaker man oh my goody goodness to eliminate go get away from them girls they ain’t in love with you brother they’re trying to kill you dude get inside the house get inside the house come on come on come on oh oh I just need TV man I don’t need speaker man or whoever you are wait you don’t know who I am no and frankly I don’t care I just want you dead oh what my goody goodness oh no it’s okay let me introduce myself what’s up girls my name is tidle I’m like the greatest black buddies charactery to kill us they’re literally trying to kill us bro why are you ring them up I’m just trying to be polite you know why you mad you’re mad ugly e you don’t think I’m mad ugly do you t m bro stop dude these yundere girls are trying to kill us there’s hundreds of them outside all right all right you’re right you’re right oh I wouldn’t kill you TV man I would never kill you just need you to be my boyfriend and you know give me a hug a kiss you know all in my hands okay okay don’t kill my friend speaker man then can I kill the title or whatever that guy is wait you’re not going to let him kill me are you TV M no no they can’t kill any of my friends are you serious right now okay we just got to get out of here come on boys let’s go where are we going though where’s the way out dude I don’t know I don’t know oh oh no these girls are chasing me come on we got to go get back here oh no are you serious right now they’re trying to kill me too I thought they were trying to love me I don’t know what’s going on here man well you might just have to knock you out okay we should probably go to this building over here maybe this place is good come on here bro it’s closed there’s no escap bro plus it’s pink maybe we need to like find a key or something yeah you’re right maybe we do oh there’s an open house over here let’s go in here where do you think you’re going it’s like okay close it oh my goody goodness okay they can’t get in here good thing uh let’s go on here is this one of the yandere girls’ house uh what did they have a key to their own house St M yeah you’re right but wait guys I just realized how did we even spawn here in the first place good question actually I kind of just woke up here I don’t remember dude me too and there’s all these hundreds yandere girls bro there’s lit hundreds of them and a better question bro what is this place I don’t know man but we’re trapped here we have to find a way out or they’re going to kill us dude that would be so sus if they killed us bro I do not want to die like that dude imagine dying to a yandere girl that actually sounds pretty nice hey Yonder girls come on in what is wrong with what are you doing what dude you want finally I can kill one of them all right whatever bro let’s just get out of here I guess okay we have to find a key so we can find that key to the door uh hey it’s man you’re looking really strong do you like work out or something oh no they’re going to find us man well do you no I think they already see us I think she sees us through the window but she’s too stupid to go through the door cuz her NPCs are too dumb oh hey I’m not that stupid I I’m a little stupid but I’m not that stupid wait do you see that thing over there what’s up there wait what where are we looking at like the wooden stairs over there oh are you serious right now oh there is something over there maybe there’s something at the top but these yandere girls are trying to kill me get away just Juke them man you telling me you can’t run faster than a girl bro are you serious right now boys are literally better than girls because girls do this creepy stuff like this this is so weird I know right and plus we’re faster so come on man just run ow ow ow ow ow hey get away get away where do you think you’re going you belong to me e get away from me you sussy Baka oh my goody goodness get away stop girl guys guys the girls might kill me knock them off the bridge dude knock them off the bridge bro they’re trying to kiss me they’re trying to kiss me are you serious right now oh trying to get a kiss hey girls hey hey you ugly dude follow me over here this is the way up speaker man where speaker man look I’m right here oh wait oh my goody goodness wait you’re right this is the way up come on let’s go oh my goody goodness let’s go this way and oh yo this is so cool wait so uh Where Do We Go From Here speaker man wait there’s a chest over there oh wait there is a chest you’re right let’s go grab that chest here we go going up there’s literally a key T man T man why won’t you just love me uh because you’re trying to kill my friends and you’re also really weird I’m not that weird I mean uh I I’ll buy you the battle pass um I’ll buy you whatever you want oh oh TV man bro you got to go with her she’s bro you’re you’re literally a s dude are you serious right now bro what do you mean she’s offering to buy you the battle pass that’s so free dude dude all right go hang out with the girls then if you want to hang out with them all right bet you think I won’t all right I’m coming e get away ugly oh god oh man that hurt you know what someone needs to teach you some manners oh yeah teach me some manners all right what what does that mean hey yo hey yo what in the sauce what is wrong with that guy man why do we hang out with him dude I don’t know bro he’s actually weird but maybe he’s going to be boot for us so we could like distract them and we could go oh good point maybe we can get into that locked door now you’re right come here oh wait uh Hey tile I want to give you a kiss oh a kiss no way I’m right here for oh my yo what an idiot you’re so dumb hey hey why am I in this cage what’s going on here uh you were obviously you know the bait for the boys duh oh this is a kissing booth a it yeah I got you now hey how delusional can you get man you know what I would never kiss you in fact I think it’d be better if you were dead yo yo what yo hey guys save me bro she got a gun on me right now oh my God please are you serious right now speaker man dude should we actually save him I think we need to dude I mean we could just leave him but I guess he’s our friend dude he’s literally our good friend bro we can’t do that he’s from skiy toilet but we have to go over to that area with the with the uh door so let’s go over there now oh guys I’m back here come on I know yeah we’re working on it man we’re working on it okay here we go we got this door right here and it should open now wait a second this key doesn’t go that door this one needs a lever oh really yeah it must be somewhere else let’s look around oh okay yeah let’s look around we need to get away from these Yonder girls and we can’t make sure they see us if the MP are in our view then they’re going to chase us here we go ah we’re going to go that way come on there might be another door here wait a second oh wait is it over there wait wait where is it speaker man where are you I’m right next to you man I don’t know where it is we have to look around all right bet let’s go up here speaker Man follow me dude so let’s go over here let’s climb these stairs oh my yo kill this one okay perfect oh my goody goodness oh there’s a chest right here and with a water bucket I don’t know what I’d use with that I’m sure we can find a way to use it later bro speaker man I can’t believe these yundere girls literally trapped us here though what is wrong with them we get get up cuz the walls are too high I mean I can believe it they’re crazy man yeah you’re right hey uh I don’t want to alarm so title how do you like your new home it’s really cozy right oh I mean it’s warm but like I’m not a big fan of you know Burning Alive oh you poor thing too bad I don’t care bro are you serious right now what a freak guys get me out of here please speaker man dude where do we go where’s where’s the door wait we haven’t been over here yet maybe there’s something over here wait a second you’re right there might be something over here dude it’s right here put the key in oh my good you guys okay here we go boom okay let’s go come on uh wait a second what’s down here I have no clue I don’t know if we should go down here though this looks really dangerous we don’t have a choice man we got to find a way out do we actually have no choice dude are you serious right now we’re kind of out of ideas and we got to get stuff to rescue Title Here we go come on and wait a second oh there’s creative switchers uh what are we doing here well maybe we can use these somehow excuse me who are you guys I’ve been trapped down here for years no I asked you first who are you wait who is that what in the heck I don’t know they’re not answering they’re kind of sus I don’t know let’s just leave dude we can get out of here come on let’s go no no no no no no hey hey hey hey stop I said I’ve been trapped here for years did you say something weird girl yeah you’re you’re I mean she’s kind of I don’t know she maybe oh no but there’s a yandere in here hi I’m one of the yandere Clones um so right now you kind of shopped but this is a build challenge where you’re going to build the main one a big house is that understood no I don’t want to do that are you serious right now no no no we want to leave we don’t want to be here anymore I’m sorry that is not an option you might want to do what she says or else she might you know pew pew wait she’s going to shoot us are you serious right now I mean she does have a gun man okay fine we’ll do it whatever fine excellent I’ll be waiting over here bro all right here we go I’m going to activate my creative switcher and there we go we are now in creative mode and wait you’ve been here for years girl yeah it’s kind of what I said but yeah wait like so how like what do you mean years like what do you do here um not much much I guess I’m kind of just you know here being held captive I mean I’m fed and whatnot but like I don’t know she probably thought I was a rival or something like that I’m just trying to chill wait so like uh are you okay like you seem sad I’m not sad but can you please stop talking to me I’m kind of trying to just mind my own business what okay I guess so dude just ignore her let’s build okay fine okay whatever oh my go it’s just weird she’s not like a yandere girl like the other ones right I mean I guess but she’s still kind of weird like what’s she doing here yeah I know but like maybe we should like try to be nice to her maybe she’s just in a bad mood or something well she doesn’t want to be nice to us I know but you should always treat people with respect naho all right speaker man dude what do we do now I mean we finish the house basically wait what title what are you doing here oh gosh dude they tried to lure me down here with like more kisses and stuff I thought I was actually going to get one but nope in another cage bro just break through that’s glass dog this is literally reinforced glass I can’t break it dude bro are you serious right now oh my yo the yandere are here too oh yeah man they’re like 80 times more crazy too I don’t know what’s been going on but it feels like torture well probably cuz it is torture you know we don’t like you actually it’s kind of funny how we keep falling for stuff you’re really stupid n you’ll fall from me eventually they all do I don’t know about that one man you got to be kidding me there’s another one of you dorks bro are you serious right now all these all these yies are here uh speaking man let’s just get out of here bro come on hey wait dude the way out is still locked oh bro it is locked are you serious right now what do we do what do we do I don’t know man should we build maybe you rescue your friend tidle TV man we can’t rescue you if there’s literally One Way reinforc Glass you idiot well why don’t you like kill all the girls maybe hey purple hair girl help me girl who are you I’m tile TV man bro are you serious right now all right speaker man dude I have an idea I have an idea we’re going to make a contraption that basically can like explode this whole entire thing okay sounds cool so basically we’re going to get a dispenser and then we’re going to do this and then we’re going to do that and then we’re going to get TNT and we’re going to place it in the dispenser right why don’t we just put down a bunch of TNT then no but this is like this is how you do it I mean whatever you say man and then we’re going to do that and then we’re going to do that and then we’re going to do that a million times uh uhoh like didn’t really work yeah didn’t see that one coming are you really trying to leave you can’t leave as purple she’s been here for like 5 Years bro are you serious right now she’s been here for 5 years purple is that true yeah I’ve been here for 5 years you get used to it after a while bro are you serious right now that’s crazy we are not staying here that long man we got to find a way out of here why do you think you can escape you’re not supposed to ESC escape and thought hey speaker man can you come over here I kind of just need you to step in the cage really quick hey yo oh title you’re out tle you’re out H nah I’m good dude I escaped I escaped and one of the girls they were talking about an exit bro wait what really are you serious right not where’s the exit dude I don’t know but they were talking about it exit what exit there’s no exit he’s just yapping he I we hit him in the head quite a couple of times so that’s why he’s all like Luffy also why would you listen to him he’s quite stupid you know hey I’m not stupid the exit’s this way woo come on we got to go we got to go come on oh there’s iron bars here bro we already looked at this exit are you stup stupid I wasn’t here with you bro I was flirting with the girls oh my God I told you there is no way to Exile if I if there was I would have known okay okay can you please just help us then you’ve been here for so long why can’t you help us get out this could be your one way to get out fine whatever let me just put my book away okay I’ll help you but you guys are not talking to me especially that weird guy over there that one all what did I do yeah what did title do I mean he is pretty annoying hey and you TV man you’re a little weird you’re also you ask a lot of questions you’re kind of annoying bro are you serious right now wait what is that pink one doing over there wait what in the heck oh uh hi uh I was just uh chilling up here cuz you know it’s a good spot to watch you guys build which is a good thing um and oh hey hey hey hey hey hey don’t wait guys guys come on go go go come on is this an exit let’s go y Juke her out go go go come on oh guys I lost my creative Switcher but it’s fine let’s just get out of here dude what did you guys come down here why dude we thought it was a good spot anyway I’m going to use this key right here and open it up again come on here we go we are now up at the surface again are you serious right now come on we got to go I haven’t been up here in ages oh this is so nice oh my oh yeah you’re here now oh be careful the yandere girls are everywhere I’m aware also I said don’t talk to me why were you talking to me well you kind of talking to them but I I thank you for your help TV man I guess like I I I yeah I mean I haven’t I didn’t think I would see the light of day again but yeah it’s cool whatever okay well we need to get away from these girls now and yeah it’s all all good yeah we’re still trapped we got to find a way to get into that building we didn’t find anything down there yeah facts uhoh she’s right here oh uh guys I think this is a good time to tell you uh one of those pink girls dropped a lever in my jail Cale wait really I have a lever too yeah dude take it oh what a coincidence let’s go open some doors bet and I think we only need two levers over here to get into this area right here perfect oh ah there’s zombies There’s zombies There’s zombies let’s go inside oh what the heck e this oh beat him up dude beat him up yeah it’s literally so gross here I don’t know what’s going on bro are you serious right now there’s literally all these zombies in here what do we do we don’t have any weapons or anything I think we just have to run purple her girl help us bro why you just standing there not punching them you want me to I thought you guys were men I thought you could take care of yourself bro you had a sword the whole time yeah you could have helped us out you didn’t help me help me I’m going to die Someone Saved Me Oh fine oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh wait wait purple girl just saved my life yeah it’s nothing I guess oh no are you serious right now come on come on fight these monsters oh no they’re everywhere why are they even zombies dude why are we even fighting them let’s just run past them yeah you’re right we can actually just run past them let’s go come on we’re doing great guys we’re getting through all these levels right now but we to make sure those Yonder girls don’t know where we are they escaped I can’t believe it I thought I finally trapped them especially that purple one she was there for 5 years whatever we’ll just look for them did you manage to put a tracker on title bro are you serious right now uh wait I was supposed to put a tracker I didn’t know I was supposed to put a tracker you got to be kidding me fine if you want anything right you do it yourself oh my good goodness she’s being so moody what in the heck wait a minute she didn’t say she was trying to track me you think she wants to see me again no bro no you idiot she’s trying never mind dude yeah she’s a Yonder girl bro she’s crazy dude she literally loves you oh you’re right she loves me no I me she wants to kill you I meant she loves me bro you can’t play with my feelings like that bro does she love me or not bro she says she’s trying to kill you she doesn’t okay yeah are you stupid or stupid I’ll put that as a maybe then oh my God this guy is hopeless oh my gosh how dense is he okay well we just need to get out of here come on can we just figure that out before like yapping about some stupid stuff come on I think we’re almost at the top you know you know what we’re actually not bad as a team I’m sorry I was kind of like Moody at first you kind of get a little you know um Moody if you’re in like um a prison for 5 years so I mean it’s fine yeah yeah we’re cool we’re cool I guess good job te you’re kind of cute I bet cool W T man I didn’t me say that you said it uh oh oh thanks we have a problem oh no you got to be kidding me what the sigma oh there you guys are I’ve been looking everywhere for you TV man why would you leave me my love I thought you loved me hey yo what in the sussy Baka I don’t even know you like that like who who do you think you are your soulmates a match made in heaven ew I’m getting the ick that’s disgusting in shut up purple no one asked you oh my yo chill what the heck sorry anyo um so I think I’m going to take you and then I’m going to kill your friends and let’s see no don’t kill my friends stop stop stop hey hey no stop it right now don’t do this to me dude why are you just standing there I’m trying to get out I’m trying Hey can you just jump get me out get me out get me out this creepy place right now are you Ser hey hey hey stop it dude are you jumping back in the cage D I feel I’m getting pushed into it for some reason not bro are you serious right now I just got stuck in here something was pushing me into it have you where I want you see look she had a fishing rod on me look yeah right right sure dude I mean yeah man uh I mean he did have a fishing rod on him so bro it would have been so easy to Juke the girls bro they’re actually so stupid but she literally had fish rod on me dude are you stupid oh oh what are you going to do what oh oh see she can’t touch me bro why would I want to touch you you’re disgusting come on she has a point there oh guys come on we got to focus on getting out of here there’s literally hundreds of these Yonder girls out here like we can’t we can’t be doing this right now well you’re the one selling right at the exit man you stood right in the cage bro I did not stand in it they literally were pushing me in yeah yeah whatever man just find a way out okay uh should we discuss our plan in front of you know her ah she can’t hear us anyway yeah tell me every single detail do you think I’m deaf uh I think you’re stupid well say goodbye tidle I’ve had enough of you getting in my way oh oh no oh T Speak oh gosh rip that guy come on oh wait I just got a way out oh my good goodness come on come on come on he didn’t even die he’s fine he’s fine you got to be kidding me wait did title actually die oh we have a problem there H probably not let’s just leave him maybe I don’t know oh oh oh my legs my oh you have legs yeah you you dude hey I feel perfectly fine then woo come on come on come on we got to go we got to fight the rest of these yandes come on where do we go wait there’s a ladder up here wait there’s ladders wait where where where where where H hurry up hurry up we just went up oh my goody goodness come on come on come on here what going to happen oh good they get up the girls cut C cut oh no come on come on we’re almost out of here we just got to go this way wait wait for me wow I can’t believe I’m this close to escaping come on uh where do we go from here oh we could jump into this pool right here come on Wow all right here I go woo yeah baby woo title oh let’s go guys come on what’s wrong ow that hurt my legs oh right I forgot purple girl was with us hey purple girl hey how you doing not the time man oh yeah I’ve kind of been around cuz like you know you guys are cool and whatnot and you know you help me escape so I feel like I owe you one again yeah yeah or maybe cuz you like me in TV man what come on let’s keep going this way come on guys I think we’re finally away from those girls we’ve been running for like miles now finally dude I think you’re going to jinx it no we’re not I’m not going to jinx it what are you talking about let’s just keep going deep in the running do you think she sent her army or whatever no she would have sent in her Army oh my wait oh you mean this Army right here oh what no are you serious right now it’s fine they’re just NPCs they’re probably really dumb at least the real one isn’t here oh they’re dumb hey girls uh I’m super rich and gorgeous and muscular yo stop bro oh my gosh oh my fault my fault TV man I thought you love me I thought we were soulmates why do you keep running away from me I just need you I love you and kill you I will kill anyone get in the way of our love you’re literally so weird okay guys we got to build a house or something to get away from them that’s cringe is that really going to help I don’t think building a house will yeah I agree with well maybe we could build a tree housee I don’t know if they could climb bro they’re literally falling from the trees man one’s on a tree right now bro come on let’s go this way come on come on come on oh there’s an oak forest over here maybe they won’t follow us into the Oak Forest okay um so I have something for you guys I found it on the way uh here you go watch out watch out watch out watch out what are you talking about what do you need what oh oh oh okay here I have something for you guys okay here we go wait a Lucky Sword weapons how did you get those did you have these the whole time no I actually found them on my way wait this is so op are you serious right now we’re going to kill the whole Squad dude we can take out the whole army with these yeah literally uhoh you got to be careful with some lucky swords these are crazy man come on come on kill the rest of these girls are you serious right now thank you so much purple you’re literally coming in clut no problem where do you think you guys are going TV man you will get back here this in instant bro are you serious right now no we have to fight them now oh no the purple girl came in clutch how many of them are there there’s so many of them dude are you serious right now oh bro oh my gosh I’ve only ever seen this many girls in my dreams as long as I’m alive I can spawn so many bro yo they just keep coming at they just keep coming at us oh no no I think we might have to like go in a cave or something and get diamonds or just do something maybe go to the nether I don’t think the girls like the nether I think that might be the only way we could Escape let’s try something this clearly isn’t working or we could try to kill the main one okay yeah you’re right this clearly is not working okay you know what let’s try to go in the nether I know the girls will not go in the nether so I really think that’s the only way we’re going to be able to get out of here all right M well how we’re supposed to get a Nether Portal okay so basically we need to get uh some of this wood right here and then after that we need to make a sword and then we need to make a pickaxe as well because a sword is going to be able to defend ourselves I mean we got these nice lucky swords but I already gave you a sword oh yeah wait you’re right I’m stupid I mean it’s kind of cute that you’re that dumb not like title man dumb but like just a little dumb you know why you are actually like dumb bro are you see right now all right whatever whatever all right I’m going to go over to this mountain over here and break through this mountain so then basically they can’t like come in from under us so it’s going to be better guys come over to this mountain over here we’re going to start mining all right all right I’m coming I’m coming you guys are going anywhere especially you TV man I need to get you so we can plan our wedding together hey yo come on come on come on we got to go this way oh wait you guys are here with us what the heck how’d you get here we were right behind you man um yeah uh they’re not the only people who are here with us no they’re not no no no no no there’s no more people they can’t get through this no way okay if you say so wait where’d you go purple I’m behind I I I lost track oh there we go come on let’s go we got to go we’re going in this cave we need to get diamonds so that we can make a nether portal woo yeah baby let’s get us a nether portal wait okay okay does anyone have a crafting table they can place down for me because I need to mine this so I can make a stone pickaxe and then an iron pickaxe and then a diamond pickaxe why didn’t you take the one you made already I forgot someone give me one I got a craft oh uh here I kind of fell down oh my wait you’re actually so go did you have a crafting table oh bro bro you’re actually yeah I just gave you one yeah no problem I guess come on come on here we go let’s use this we got some iron and all we have to do is get to the nether and I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to get away from those girls I mean did you just hear those girls bro they want to marry you yeah that’s so weird bro why don’t they want to marry you dude I’d rather that I mean yeah me too we both know why why would anyone want yeah I think we all know why wait a minute no offense title are you guys saying there’s something wrong with me yeah not something many something no yeah it it no no title okay I’m sure one day you’ll find a girl who likes and cherishes you I are you talking about you but today is not this day no heck to the no oh so you don’t love and cherish me you’re a very nice friend plus T man’s way better than you even though he’s what what I didn’t say anything bro I’m literally title TV man I’m like one word better than TV man all right anyway I need to get one more STI you’re not you’re not better than me I need one more stick can someone give me a stick right now yeah I got you little bro here take this boom oh there we go bet hey hey speaker man give that to me so now basically I bro that’s not a stick okay so basically now I can make a uh wait what okay okay I need one more stick one more stick bro I just gave you another one do you need I just gave you two give me another one where you putting these things it’s not like I have like an infinite inventory or whatever here we go perfect okay now with these sticks I can make an iron pickaxe and then with that we can mine diamonds and then we can actually make a nether portal so let’s just keep going down okay all right mine come on let’s keep going down wait a second no way there’s already diamonds right here what that’s crazy ah wait oh wait it was a trap that was a trap oh my yo wait wait wait wait did they just come from the Diamonds oh no no no those weren’t actually diamonds man dude that’s crazy that was a trap oh yeah oh we said at the same time wow uh oh they’re following us come on come on come on oh no no no let’s just keep digging down come on come on get in this water over here we need to get diamonds yeah M we got to get them things fast so we can go to the nether yeah facts we need to go to the nether so then we’re away from them forever wait you know what you guys can also do with diamonds you can give someone special ring you know okay that we don’t need to do that right now though okay who cares about that right now oh she wants me to propose to the yandere girls e okay is he okay was he dropped ran past diamonds wait where where where right here bro oh my goody goodness wait how do we know this isn’t another trap it’s not it’s not it’s not okay we need one more thing of diamonds and then we’ll be able to break obsidian yipp come on come on come on come on uh-oh there’s more yandes wait but dude there’s diamonds over here you get back here I’ve had enough trying to Chas face you I just want you to be mine and I won’t settle for anyone less oh my God wait there’s diamonds okay okay hey get away get away all these yers are are surrounding me oh no no no get away get away get away here I got you I got you I got you oh okay okay perfect okay now all I need to do now is basically I need a crafting table who’s got one you didn’t pick it up again man it’s it’s okay I’ll I’ll I have another one you aren’t going anywhere you know what I think you like purple I can see it in your eyes you’re cheating on Meo you guys like aren’t together though yeah facts no we totally are together I said and what I say goes okay okay we need to make obsidian can you just stop talking excuse me you don’t tell me what to do we’re going to the nether so we can go away from you girls forever and I know you’ll never go to the nether I would totally go to the nether if it was for you no you wouldn’t you’d be scared you’d be scared anyway um let’s go over here oh and there’s all this subsidi right here come on come on come on we need just need to get away from these yandere girls all right all right obsidian nice nice looking good don’t you dare even tried to go to another T man you and I were meant to be we’re soulmates don’t you understand that we’re supposed to be married what are you talking me the egg literally T man if you can it’d be really nice if you hurried up the girls are here but we’re I’m trying to defend them but I don’t think I can hold them off for long get back here I want you I need you yo they’re literally right here are you serious right now come on come on break this obsidian I’m trying my best dude can you hurry up there’s so many of them I’m working on it I’m working on it come on come on come on here we go I need like I need like 10 more obsidian can you help me purple here come here okay come on we need to get away from these Yonder girls if we just get to the nether we’ll be able to survive this and we’ll have to get away from this misery of these weird yandry girls hurry up they’re literally trying to kiss me too like this whole time okay and they’re trying to kill us hurry I think kissing is worse I don’t think so tile are you okay e I’m great bro I’m just trying to get out of here man okay there’s one see oh my gosh you’re doing so great purple I love that we’re working together as a team that’s so amazing you love me you oh Sor I what sorry I I’m I misheard I was um can you guys stop flirting while we’re fighting off an army big we’re we’re we’re not flirting oh great another one’s here oh no are you serious right now get away from these girls bro this is literally the worst bro I thought I wanted a bunch of girls on me oh no oh no oh no no you do not kill arrest these girls I have eight T man do you have enough I have eight is that enough uh I don’t know but I dug up some over there if you go back to where the water was you might get a couple oh oh you’re so goed you’re so goed wait wait uh 12 15 I think I only need one more I’m not sure and then we need a flint and steel also oh my gosh did we not think about that before uh no well I wasn’t really sure if we would I Flint we need to find flint and steel and then we’ll be able to get actually get out of here okay come on come on come on um the flint and steel should be somewhere around here don’t you dare go to the nether you’re supposed to be with me come on just just stay with me like I promise I’ll give you anything you want bro all right someone place a foot and steal do you have anything speaker man no but there’s some iron over here oh I had I have some um Flint from when we the TNT blew up oh you give it to me give it to me okay I’ll be able to make a flint and steel okay oh guys I don’t mean to worry you but there is an absolute Army of girls back here come on let’s go I have the Flint steal let’s go let’s go um Tu man just okay they’re not listening good just just so you know if we buy in here or whatever I just want to say that you’re really cool and maybe if like maybe if we survive maybe do you want to like go on a date or something there I said it a date uh uh yeah I guess so I I mean yeah I have a crush on you come on we got to go come on come on oh my goody goodness we are now in the nether oh purple there you are are you okay yeah I’m fine I’m fine sorry it just took me a little longer okay I think we’re good now I don’t think the girls are she’s here oh no well she’s right there get back here oh it burns it burns oh gosh oh is it painful okay you know what you won purple my biggest rival since day one that’s why I locked you in you always got all the guys I got nothing but I swear I’ll get revenge on you I’ll get revenge on all of you up you TV man we Cal call me can you just go already bro are you serious right no I’m not kissing you and I’m never going to love you honestly me and purple are dating now you know that right me and purple are bye-bye okay good oh okay well I guess we are hold on wait a minute what it’s fine I guess she’s cool she you’re telling me TV man gets a girlfriend and I don’t I’ve been trying okay go back go back over to the portal and go hang out with those Yonder bro you don’t want you’re so stupid okay byebye byebye y let’s just go hang out here he is thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe everyone subscribe she broke my heart man she broke my heart no one know you like that told you so idiot what who broke his heart subscribe everybody click a video up on screen

1 TV MAN vs 100 YANDERE’S in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Dash, Omz, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft


  1. You’re so dumb can’t even leave the game like you can just leave the game it’s that easy just leave the game in London game with all of that stuff

  2. Thank God there’s a other version of Tv family aka blocky buddy’s Tv family deleted all there Tv family videos but now I remembered about you now I’m here

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