Stardew Valley The Namek Experience – winter market my beloved

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty let’s get back into some Str I always say that but you know it’s the big TR I’m excited to get back into the saddle to play some funny farming Sim hope everyone’s doing well I’m doing pretty well myself I finally did the funny thumbnail I wanted so yippee I’ve kept a promise uh I’ve been thinking about how to organize this nightmare and the answer is I don’t know I I genuinely am at a loss for now so I I think I have to wait until I get uh either a house expansion or some more chests and I was reminded I do have other seeds here so I should probably find a way to uh put those front and center of my mind so I don’t forget them but anywh who uh today starts the Winter Market which is pretty exciting we’ll be able to go and buy more seeds that we need but I guess we could still use the pumpkins and stuff that we have uh I am trying to think of a way to clear out some of my chests here and uh I nothing’s really coming to mind so I think I’m just going to keep on keeping on as I do I think though luckily our dinosaur should be born soon oh hey thanks Gus biged fish kitty cat actually I have some water I can barely give him some WWA cool okay um I should still continue to smell stuff but let’s go do our random chores I think I might have enough time for these random winter seeds but I’m pretty sure I don’t have enough time for any more random winter melons though so anything I get is everything that I get now uh beyond that our plan I think I will try to find a way to get uh all the way to level 10 with all of my skills that will be nice otherwise we’re just going to keep on keeping on as we do our main objective I feel here in the coming time is getting enough wood and other resources before the end of the year so I can’t spend all of my money on seeds and stuff I will need to spare some for buying a lot of wood and a lot of rock because I know the are somewhat easily harvestable but it’s also going to be a nightmare in the idea that uh you know it’ll become more expensive to subsequent years so I need to make sure I’ve uh secured some resources and crafting materials for myself early on yeah oh just shove an an egg in here yeah the lack of space is definitely a detriment to my constant existence but I guess we’re just going to have to run around as we do keep on smelting things actually I should probably get more tappers going on so let’s uh grab like I don’t know 40 things of copper and some more coal yeah definitely kill a lot more Sprites here in the coming time to get a lot more coal that would be useful I’ll probably run by donate those annoying things and yeah I don’t believe yeah the just run around the skull Cavern effectively all right at least the squids and stuff are going to get out of my inventory so that’s pretty cool uh I still haven’t thought of a way to properly fence off the animals which is unfortunate but we do as we do cuz I think after we hatch our Dyno I’m going to wait until we get another egg I should get a collector so I don’t have to constantly worry about eggs and then we will find a way just to separate out the animals I think I will find a way to get rid of a lot of these regrow ones uh The Cranberries are fine to stay cuz they can give me more uh at least for now until I get ancient fruit cuz ancient fruit just slaps and is unbeat unbeat by anything game yeah okay I wasn’t sure and now I am certain I don’t know if we’ve sold the milk outright so I might just go ahead and sell the idium quality one plus some more money ain’t too bad um but our immediate Ducket I don’t think I got too too much going on I just need to secure some more resources so I definitely have to go visit Robin I should run by the desert once I make a few more tappers and then ultimately just keep on doing as I do I’m going to clean up some of these random uh saplings and twigs and stuff they not really necessary I don’t really want to fuss about those anymore I’m just going to get rid of them simplify things for myself and there we go now I might be a fool maybe I shouldn’t smoke everything so I don’t want to uh in case I needed in the future so yeah we need a lot more wood just for tappers as well so we’re just going to keep cranking through what we got should probably make another Mayo machine down the line yeah not too too much else we can do I already put some other stuff into the geg so I guess I could just get rid of the cavar are it’s not really necessary yeah it’s just going to clog my inventory for now I’m going to promise myself that I won’t uh or I will use it but let’s be honest I probably won’t so let us run by the the town right now I guess we can check and see if there’s there’s any special bounty board or anything on uh the regular bounty board nice actually don’t hate that um see if we can grab anything that’s worth a mystery ticket which will help us out how let me donate some random crap to you that with that this that and I guess I never donated a tier so I guess up here there we go works out for me one day I’ll read throw those books just to get rid of the little icon but uh right now hey there is let’s go ticket and what do we got uh trash and water or upcoming promotion high quality veggies new even with my uh Greenhouse operational that is an impossible task at the minute I’m sorry eventually I will but uh at the moment that’s not really tenable well I may as well just run back and pop those but before I do want to run by the beach get any more random clams and stuff since we aren’t trying to get the uh is it oysters for the raccoon muscles yeah more muscles for the raccoon I need to keep one of those in my inventory to remember ALS I have to remember what the code for that lady is once the siren starts singing and we got another Pearl so that’s pretty cool so I think what that’s three ways to get a pearl in this game now I don’t know if they’re necessarily useful I think you can give them to like your husband/wife where we end up choosing and they like it otherwise I think it’s just a rare pickup and something that sells for a lot wise I don’t think it really has any huge material value hey yo Gus I got some random crap for you to break open real quick random indeed sure okay it has given me tools of creation so I guess we will create uh yeah let’s run by Robins get bunch of wood try to make some tappers and maybe we’ll even run by the desert real quick otherwise we will just continue on as we do I’ll probably fish at my little Pond since it gives me like 100% garbage yeah definitely need the big chest so let’s get pretty much like a full stack here yeah just about okay that gets us to almost 50k so that’s fine definitely took a chunk out my money reserves but that’s fine since we are going to be using it to produce more oh my god well now I’ll have to run back to crack those open but uh yeah it will be useful for more money down the line so I can’t be sad about that too much wow there’s a lot of random artifact spots here aren’t there okay uh so yeah we talked to all our animals all that’s good going to run and do this thing real quick let’s put away some other crafting materials and other into the house if I can that is oh actually I think we might have enough clay for whatever it is I wanted to do earlier I genuinely can’t remember what it was um but I do remember we needed clay for some reason I think it was to craft something I don’t remember what but I know we needed something so we will uh deal with that something here in a bit uh let’s try to make up I don’t know like 24 24 sounds good I pretty much depleted all of our copper so and wood so yeah we need to get back to uh super crafting and super smelting our copper here I always keep that on my hot bar now just to make sure I get it one of these chests had random yeah GEOS and stuff so we’ll crack those open at a different time get one of those boys oh actually before I go I should probably load up some more blueberries and I’ll take those to the dehydrator down below yeah because I should start to buy more as much as I hate to do it I have to buy more wood here soon so then I can go and make more pickling jars start to make kegs start to move things along or I’m just going to have to straight up sell some produce cuz uh it is just taking up too much space but hey we got the big chest recipe so that’s already good and I guess if needed we can start uh using the uh starf fruit seeds that we can buy from Sandy here to get even more money okay so I’ll try to distribute him somewhat evenly all depending on what has grown up here I know it hasn’t been too too long but it seems like some trees have come up so I definitely want to start to make use of whatever is already up and going doesn’t seem like this patch has grown too too much which is fine it’ll have to be and yeah I will need some pinear down the line I think that’s pretty much all I can do right now right uh I do have that Prismatic Shard so I guess I can go and get a Galaxy weapon here yeah let’s head back a quick little venture I think I will run back into the greenhouse and kill all those regrow regrow plants now that I’ve harvested everything at least once so got some use out of it got 13 more tappers to make use of that’ be fine I should probably get also like a huge line of them maybe get six fer ey going on that could probably become very useful okay let us get rid of the Corn I guess I didn’t plant anything there a sadness I do not mean to crush that one I think this was an eggplant this was an eggplant corn an eggplant all right so we got a bunch of these random seeds I want to put them to use just to get them out of my inventory uh do a winter melons cuz why not I gu guess I can put down the wheat and I’ll really need it no you know what I’m going to actually put down some pumpkins or something wheed is cool but I have more than enough um grass growing around I do not need an outside Source oh yeah and we need to start fishing actually community clean up yep so I need to just start fishing in my little hobble here so let’s go ahead and sell one of those guys run inside deal with our horrific chests again I think that’s Prett much it oh yeah I need to run by the dehydrator still take care of that get another egg uh is there anything I can stack no I really should organize this at least try to put more like and like together because this is becoming a bit of a a chore just to look through and be like do I have anything that matches usually the answer seems to be no there it is all right uh put this out of my inventory put this here to remind myself I need to do that have you smelt idium Rod going to take the bait off of it cuz I’m pretty sure we’re not going to catch didly Squad cuz we’re actually after trash we desire of trash Oh The Night Market is up okay trash we’ll have to wait we got an exciting uh monetary Venture coming up so that is to remind myself things are happening so let’s chug a coffee and get down there um I might have to look at the mermaid s puzzle just to get that Pearl what are we after I guess pumpkins are still our highest producing money money thing so I should do that when does uh when does lonus come down is he already there didn’t get me anything I always forget I always miss him because I never am able to check the trash whenever he’s coming down so I don’t know if I’ve really missed him or not if I did that’s fine I’ll just gift him a yam or something it will be fine I’ll check this trash later oh there he is I probably I just missed him didn’t I okay we’ll try to get him on the way on the way back if he uh leaves beforehand okay so they’re just repeatable don’t overdo it ha me overd does it all the time I do like their winter clothes it is really cool that they got a new drip looks so warm uh I don’t like that painting too much to be honest all right do you got anything funny on you refined quartz I would need it but I again of don’t need it for 500 Peach sapling I don’t know if that’s any cheaper a bomb and Patchwork so not very exciting uh okay so this is the spring farmer and Jesus why is that so much okay so I think today is nothing that I want tomorrow I will come back for the uh Whatchamacallit the seeds and then we will probably do the last night actually go to the submarine to fish up what ever we can uh let me just look up I don’t excuse me stardo merid puzzle okay 1 four five 3 two oh [Music] [Music] [Music] wow so magical I don’t know if you can see them more than ones actually up why you not give to me oh it’s cuz they okay or am I just dumb there it is okay the front page of uh elal is Rong and said 14532 but no it’s 15423 so El elal has uh betrayed me it is RW as [ __ ] bald bald oh you hear another pable spot where is the yummy tasty things to pan for actually yeah where where’s lonus Camp down I want to see where homeboy is at so when he actually leaves can try to catch him I don’t think he be out here for some reason but me I’m doubtful of [Music] this where is homeboy I think it by midnight have pretty much run back home anyhow so either I see lius and he’s heading back oh there he [Music] is that’s fair I don’t want to get him out of my sight too too far but I still hear the the Splish Splash I want to try to capitalize on pable spot but I sadly do not see it all right so I guess we’re just going to kind of out with lonus here until he starts to head back because I said I need to fish but I guess we’ll do that later we have seven days for it oh yeah plenty of time we can just do that tomorrow I could probably actually move the copper smelters behind me while I’m fishing I’m just getting a bunch of crap all right line up head on back homie I want you to witness me and dig through the trash I want us to grow closer I’m staring at you Gentle Tip Tap for I move slightly faster than them regrettably no oh well how unfortunate for one that likes the trash one detests it sorry paman that you had to see that I’ll get you a beer later to forget your woes you know what maybe when I go to the desert the next time I’ll just swing by and hand her a a pale L and she could just slam it while driving the bus cuz you know that’s never a bad idea thing I guess we’ll shove in here all right let’s get in a bit too late so uh tomorrow we fish we move the smelters behind us and life continues on there we go cool sleep time wow those squids actually uh barely gave me anything all right lesson learned smoke squid apparently is terrible I know the smoke eel uh the fire eels from the caves is like top Primo best however I have a terrible time trying to get those guys so we will just have to do with what we got and what we got ain’t a lot cool so we got to run by both of them I know I’ve been slacking on the dehydrating of these things but that’s fine get those Harvest them up and say hello to my cat uh sell off Mayo pomeg Gran of wine keep the rest of this stuff for now oh actually I’ll sell this thing too cool I guess um I’m just going to ignore those for a minute I don’t really feel like trying to move them around too too much here actually can I move this one one I can I no longer have to rent to the mushroom keep I could just put it wherever cool I might just sit it outside my house just so I always remember there’s a smoker or not a smoker but a dehydrator I guess just continue to crowd up all the things around my house who cares right and I have way too many common mushrooms those are being sold you’re being sold okay time to run around say hello to my animals actually I’m going to sell this thing too do not have the time nor the patience for that silly thing okay we’re going to fish here so I’m going to set up my fer ey do that running say hello to the chickies hopefully that Dino egg incubates soon that thing’s been vibing there a while right oh I forgot to put the pumpkins in there oopsies my bad my bad fam can’t do nothing about that now that was going to say like a the head box messed up and I guess it was all right so let’s run along fish up some stuff put this back here uh yeah today’s Night Market we got to focus up and go get some pumpkin seeds I know I could probably just spend more money on starf fruit and that probably be a better investment of time and money but pumpkin is slightly cheaper at the moment plus I want to make starf fruit wine and shove a big selection of it down there this is not going to give me any fish is it okay that’s not trash though I need trash I guess I count it as trash but the game might not does that count it does oh there we go Okay cool so we have our mission it is a simple one but a noble one I clean my own property of trash and lus has made Happy wait what I have fish on my property since when okay not news to me I thought it was all just always 100% trash kind of like in the uh ponds that I have so I guess I got to move myself here because I don’t want to run the risk of getting fish and slowing down I want to be on that 100% trash grind your boys is a trashy man I hope this doesn’t catch my field on fire haha come on trash let’s go trash Oh I love me trash it’s the way the best way I Vibe so anyway how are you guys doing keeping warm I or keeping cool I hope at least where I am it is ungodly unfathomably hot so I’m trying to limit my outside exposure as much as I can when I don’t got to be out there drinking water staying hydrated but you know get overheated make sure you get some uh electrolytes and stuff why are you looking the other way character I am totally not looking that that way at all you know sweating too much get some electrolytes back in you don’t want to pass out having that heat stroke ain’t a good time I got to got to be honest with you actually where’s the recycling but I hope it’s somewhere near why is there a fish in here when when when since when okay I guess I’m just going to sell these guys chub yeah game gave me a nice chub thanks for that listen I’m on a trash grind right now you can’t be getting in my way with garbage garbage fish rather I want garbage okay this is this is not what I want you are messing up my flow my flow ain’t about that right now I need to get trash okay game there yeah more of that this is the one time I will request me to get trash the perch and the chubs can uh scadoodle off for a bit uh I got to make sure to give the wizard something tomorrow for his birthday get our best friend status coming up that be pretty cool so maybe he’ll start gifting me stuff back now that I expect really anything of importance from him anymore since we pretty much got everything we need my yeah otherwise big big chinning guys into any current animes I haven’t really watch too too much I did see an interesting one uh where it’s like OG’s son becomes an adventurer so finally a dude in his mid-30s is going to be the protagonist so let’s go it’s always about the young kids and the shownin you know but here it’s just an old Tire dude and he’s like you know what I’m not going to let my dream Escape me I’m going to finally become an adventurer like I always wanted and I respect him for that that’s what I thought Kaiju number eight was going to be about but now it’s like doing the chainsaw man thing where now it’s focusing more on the side characters more than the uh well I do want the amethyst but what do I want to get rid of then I guess the winter route uh the fish I don’t care so let’s hope ojisan becomes an adventur is actually uh more focused on our tired 30 Somey old actually doing cool stuff hembo rise up I am tired of catching fish what are you and why are you so angry okay well now I want to try to catch whatever you are a l of course it’s a link God of course going to be a link listen I’m primarily in that trash grind so if you can leave me alone that’d be cool how far are we now eight okay still got to get more we should probably be able to crank it out through just one day cuz I know the catch rates for this Pond I thought it was 100% trash but I guess concern date changed it so now it’s uh less than 100 I can actually get fish so I guess that’s cool if you want to get fish experience but I actually want trash but any Who anime am I right fellas good old Damon Slayer continues to do things uh my hero Academia the mango at least is like postwar Arc so that’s interesting I think the anime is finally getting into the th of the war Arc perer I have nothing for you go away oh speaking of pikard because that remind me of reard who’s hyped for the Elden ring DLC sorry to suddenly once again tangent the discussion but hey Elden ring that’s another game I’ve debated playing but at this point you know the DLC is uh what like two days away so even if I started to do other side you are considered trash aren’t you probably sorry iron Edge two Edge for me I should probably go clear up my inventory I hate just randomly getting rid of stuff I could possibly be selling that’s the problem of having a small inventory in the my chest’s being utter chaos but what is one to do but yeah anyway Elden bling and it’s DLC big hype big hype I might get it and play it on my own but I feel kind of obligated to uh put things onto the channel so I kind of want to do that but if I do unfortunately I have it on the Xbox so I would need to uh buy an Elgato so then I can shove it into my computer and then play from the Xbox and stream it onto the computer and then stream it onto YouTube so that’s a whole thing about it and then plus the cost of Elgato plus uh Elden Marine DLC and that’s like a 200 and some dollar investment which you know got me thinking like is it worth it because if uh you guys want to watch or something interesting you know maybe I will take the leap of faith and do it but I don’t know we’ll see cuz I do want to be somewhat of a variety streamer I don’t want to just get pigeonholed into only doing one thing and one thing only but also yo-yo in between a lot of different uh potential games I will play it’s also not uh Stell because then uh you know fracture any potential fan base I could have gotten actually get those back oh the woses of being a YouTuber am I right Lads okay I need to keep the trash on me but I need to sell this sell these guys I need to go get some stuff right now so I’m going to put the the away yeah sell all of you keep these until later process egg egg but even if I do play should I just restart from scratch or should I uh just continue on with my current save character I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see I’m always up for any suggestions anyone has since you are giving me your eyes and your attention I feel like you know I should attempt to play what you guys want to see or if you enjoy the random things that I’m doing and just going a vibing having me in the background while I do homework hey you know I appreciate you still having me around how to do peacock what a lone child pushes him into the water all right let’s go get a cup of Alie to get the one B that I just drank to get back here let’s go buy some seeds oh hey the mermaid H but I might skip on that oh my God is the most expensive mushroom [Music] ever iridium bar for 4K that’s actually like not insane yeah I think I will buy it for now uh let’s see oh no this is summer stuff oh cringe okay so I guess tomorrow is when I should come back to get the uh the other stuff well actually while I’m here it is still early enough in a night I could probably make use of this submarine thing to be honest I am not sure when it’s coming consoles I know concern ape is working on it but the timeline for uh it’s release is a little funky since they have a lot more strict rules of uh what needs to be in the game and like needs to be double triple checked so I haven’t checked his Twitter in a while but I could probably do so in a bit and you know let you know what I had 17 of them how did I just use up all of them what okay I guess we’re we’re bitless now yeah it’ll be exciting time when uh comes out for console players as well I know PC mustard race right now is loving living life playing 1 Point six but I hope consoles get it in not too distant future hopefully in the next couple months I think there’s only like three things we can get here right yeah the midnight squid the Blowfish and uh something else I think so I think once we get one of each I’ll uh call it there and then leave unless I could start to get dupes which would be kind of cool put something in an aquarium ah yes there it is spook fish so now we just need the thing that’s been depressurized and annihilated by uh change in atmosphere the blue fish well I got a chest while that so that’s pretty cool this might be it nope midnight squid uh midnight squid let me not knock my water over as much as I want that chest my inventory is pretty full damn I was kind of hoping that was a a higher Rarity catch I guess not seriously every single time I move to like put my water down or something it’s just like oh by the way oh a sea jelly actually I’ll happily take them I definitely need a lot more sea jellies for the eventual uh smokers and other stuff that I’m going to need this might be a a blob fish oh my god well if it is it is it is no more mine it it ran away this might be a spook fish oh my God the erratic movements it’s like it’s easy to predicted she would go up down up down but every single time I move it moves perfectly counter to how I [Music] do more trash Oh rip actually the seaweed is PR fine I can put it in a recycling bin to further the quest so it’s all good okay well as much as I love that I would like to get the blob fish what was that I just [Music] noticed come on blobfish time is running out I need to get home soon prob have to use the warp totem person yeah but like for the next ingame 30 minutes I don’t get anything I’m just going to have to take the L come on game kill me or release me but do not waste my time parasite [Music] okay take me up I ain’t got time for this I got to got to get out of soon as we hit the top I got to hit the warp totem get back home get going man we really going to be cutting the close here huh should do I really need to like drink coffee to get home I really hope not takeing me home let’s go to bed actually before I uh hon sh Mir let’s sell one of both oh cuz I didn’t put the whole stack on there that’s fine cuz we’re still working on getting trash sleep time all right not too bad I suppose recoups our loss for uh diving down using the totem plus a little extra but today is the day we’re going to be spending lots money to get a a lot of winter seeds I really don’t have any more space do I huh um okay sure okay where’s the um recycling bin behind the train platform okay so I need to run there to get rid of some of this crap and boy do I have lots of crap okay first let’s go ahead and get our pickled pumpkins no don’t do not eat I need to pickle this uh I guess I can pickle the row actually let’s get rid of a bunch of this random row that I have lying around as cool as it is I do not need that’s catfish bait I hate how much it looks like row cuz now I’m just getting confused uh you yeah random row yel row I had seaweed in here let’s do that all of these are happy grooving and moving so we got two more things to pickle sure two [Music] melons why was I trying to click on there okay uh where are my cranberries in this God forsaken system that I made egg egg oh it’s such a mess so charm dear Heavens okay let’s sell what we need to sell get rid of you get rid of you need to put you in a chest need to sell those boys uh yeah you pet the cat come over here sell this thing move I guess the squid need to sell that to the adventurers guilt actually you know what I don’t feel like it yeah there we go to the TR uh a hammer iron bar sure Clint I guess I can get you some oron not that I really want to but I guess I could okay so today we need to buy a bunch of pumpkin seeds we need to just keep vibing so let’s go ahead and deal with my animal chores o maple syrup okay we’ll Harvest that by the end of the day if I don’t forget but we need to continue to get uh random trash how we doing in here got no I got some strawberries I guess oh yeah I still need to plant some stuff uh not enough space really to do too much with that let’s do okay um too much stuff once again but I think by this point inside if we get any fish we should be able just to continue on getting random trash hopefully we get everything we need run by the train platform throw it all in Get Enough inventory space for what we need for later I think we’re going to test our luck one more time going down into the sub try to get the blob fish and beyond that I think that’s pretty much it really just keep on vibing I think I guess I got to head up to caves to get some more XP and just some more resources and materials for the coming times if I need to get more um Whatchamacallit KS and all that good stuff and I guess sprinklers when it comes time to expand our farm CU hopefully as soon as summer starts or I guess spring starts our Pig should give us a truffle so we’ll be done with the community center and then we start on Willies Will’s Grand Adventure to fix up the boat go to Ginger Island start getting that red up so yeah we’re going to need a lot of sprinklers we’re going to need a lot of stuff I guess I should pretty much dump almost all of my funds into buying wood and stone and everything else just basic building supplies just so then I can have tons and tons of stuff when it gets into next year since it will be increasing in cost and I don’t want to deal with that so I think most of my tools yeah there steel quality which is is not like fantastic but it’s better than the base so oh was this is going to be a I forget the fish’s name of it oh my God you’re so annoying you know whatever I don’t I don’t care I do not care you’re irritating get out of my way I want trash my goal has always been trash do not get in my way random fish you are unwanted how are we doing by the way favor yeah so we okay five more things five more things we run by the train four more things we run by train uh I guess I should continue to smelt copper since I did chunk through most of my resources oh now I’m thinking about it maybe I should invest in some explosives of ammo big think big think I don’t know we’ll see because it is nice for the desert um desert caves Skull Skull Island the thing Skull Valley of Death Mountain you know whatever this is is easy to get so let’s see what this thing is make our paying worth while I’m going to catch this random lazy fish I don’t want so let’s see what it can give us oh hey actually something like uh genuinely useful right no more so we’ve gained knowledge so yeah chest are still worthwhile to come after that’s pretty good two more things almost lost the uh the mental tabs on how many I had still to go such an exciting thing I know how could I ever not remember what it is I’m doing all right come on one final piece of trash and I’m done I thought the blop was man man I’m just so wired up so ready to be done come on ah fish I don’t want to I want trash okay by 5:00 p.m. we need to be near the beach so we can just immediately run up get seeds and get all that stuff and then we’ll go into the sub I’m just going to insta fail every fish that I get I do not want them there we go cool going to grab these guys put them back near the house oh and there’s mushrooms and stuff to collect okay so yeah we got to run around the property so uh head up get rid of trash I think I had him set up something like that before I don’t know let’s come in here deposit uh these random copper bars that I have have oh yeah my like one iridium so now that makes it five so we I can either upgrade something to an iridium Quality Tool but I think I need iridium for the ship for ginger Island don’t I so I guess I should hold off just for now uh I will come back for those I do not have enough inventory space right now to fuss with it so let’s go ahead and deposit some of this crap now I should probably eat something before I attempt to catch any more blob fish or anything else all right lonus where is this nonsense here it is that what was I missing you really not going to let me deposit my cans I’m putting an ancient curse on you for for making me need to fish up one more piece trash cuz I’m doubtful I kept any of it in my chest I know I’m on like a hoarder extraordinaire but not for trash that is absurd Rock okay one more thing to catch and then uh I guess we’re heading our way down to the beach please just give me one random piece of trash I beg of you just need one Your Grace please something I wish to be free there we go Okay cool so we’re going to toss that in as well so I’ll be Gucci gang but then it makes me wonder like how is it that I counted 20 of them if I only had 19 things to put into it that’s silly okay quick stack everything I have quick stack quick quick stack quick stack quick stack okay so we’re done there oh what can I do here I guess put away you no yeah yeah sure why not put that in there uh consume broccoli maybe consume you I guess I don’t know about you yet chub um I think inventory looks fine then deal with the egg still have a little bit of time so I’m just going to run around eat snacks while it is while I work okay so let’s do that grab our Maple and stuff add some mush oh damn had a lot of mush okay cool run the house need another Brock have some oie right inside put you there think this one had my mushies nope did you have my mushies yeah sure did except the purple ones oh [ __ ] today’s the Wizard’s birthday isn’t it uh is he at the beach I sure hope he is if not I will attempt to run by his house actually real quick give him a void Essence put these guys here sell [Music] those that’s fine if we don’t catch a blobfish you know it’s not the end of the world it is what it is you know sometimes you plan and sometimes your plan falls apart cuz you needed to get one more piece of trash so you know it happens yes I’m I’m working on your request Mr Raccoon you’re just going to have to deal with it I’m sorry the muscles aren’t spawning on the beach and I’m too lazy to use the crab the crab pots cool all right now we run favor for clan bring an iron bar yep Community okay so yeah just just need to finalize that shove the stupid glasses in there and then we’re done Rock cool it went off and did nothing anyway seeds don’t need them at the minute foring XP come on we got to go we burning time here fellas we can’t be stopping and waiting gotta get going all right so yeah we’re gonna buy like a [ __ ] ton of pumpkins I don’t know maybe a hundred maybe maybe that’s too ambitious I don’t know maybe 70 I think 70 should be fine cuz then we have the access to the desert we should be able to get star fruit but then I don’t know it’s the Dilemma cuz pumpkins are good for pickling but I want to save these star fruit for wine making and I don’t currently have a great cat operation up and running just yet you have nothing that I want 50 for sure yeah you know what Vine would that fine yeah 100 why not 100 we’ll commit to the bit 100 pumpkins and we’re going to be putting them inside the greenhouse all right we’re going to run Fades with uh the uh angler once again we’re going to try to get that Blowfish and if it fails then I don’t know next year I guess I’m just going to go up here because it’s easier to cast a rod down with an animations always makes me look Every Which Way that’s way I could just try to attempt to uh not necessarily minmax my fishing abilities but to maximize the ability to fish cool I was get impatient with that animation I’m like I’m here let me fish time’s wasting [Music] kiddo hey and there it is okay so we’re done instantly that’s fine I’ll catch a couple more maybe sell one of them if it goes back down maybe I will I’m tempted by chests what can I say the idea of extra loot it just tantalizes me so oh wow just geod geod tendal what should be our next goal me I think the mines are should be my next Focus because we’re dealing with a bit of fishing right now I don’t know if I’ll get to uh full fishing level Mastery but it would be nice so so then we can start spring or end winter at full level 10 across the [Music] board I definitely need a lot more combat and mining experience so I guess I should run around the lower levels so I can get gold and kill a bunch of the more Angry mobs another one let’s go for [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for for for for all right the friends sometimes a fun little end of the day but I think I’m going to have to call it here we finished up the days of the night markets so big huzzah we got ourselves our ludicrous 100 pumpkin seeds or at least you know it feels ludicrous for we are still but a humble yet small farm and I noticed if it is Big true I don’t know if uh this just reminds you who you’re supposed to have as the Gift Giver let’s see here fertilizer yeah winter star my friend is jod okay yeah so that is cool so when it’s time to give the gift uh in case you forget the game has like a little side notification to be like hey stupid in case you forgot you don’t got to write it down here it is so that’s kind of cool so we continue on I wish it would show you how far along you are but I guess I would need to get the uh experience extender mod once more but he’ll be all right we’re so close to all of them we we’re bound to get him within these next few days at least I hope so but anyhow friends that’s going to do it for now I hope you have enjoyed spending a little bit of time with me today I will be back again tomorrow to continue uh you know the GR grind as we do can’t believe we haven’t even hit the half a m Mark yet I’m I’m slacking usually by this point I’m like damn near 700k in what am I to do I guess I still got to run to Robin and get more um preserving jars and stuff and that’ll really help get money rolling but that’s all right we’ll get there when we get there we’re still enjoying the brand new update and we’re seeing everything that it has for us so anyway friends thank you all for giving me your time I’ll be back again tomorrow so if you miss me until then feel free to check out any other vods or any other videos I have on the channel also feel free to check out the links in the description for both my Twitter and my Discord no pressure to join either or as just you know something if you want to see a little bit outside of YouTubes but anyhow I’m going to get going so hope you’re all doing well staying cool staying dry uh staying hydrated most importantly make sure to take whatever medication you need and all that good stuff I’m going to go I’m going to enjoy some pizza cuz I don’t feel like cooking today it is way too hot so friends thank you all so much I’ll be back again next time so take care and bye-bye

Howdy, after a long long time of playing the challenge run I finally updated the game to 1.6 and plan on checking out all the cool new things. Watch along to see this farm go from humble start to whatever degenerate state we find it in.

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