Chill little game… | Stardew Valley

this loud in my ear I think this is going in case it is hello everybody my name is little man9 I’m back with uh some stardo Valley now I have not streamed or anything in quite a while um yeah it’s been a minute I have been a little busy uh with life lately um I moved uh I still have the same job that I had prior to moving and stuff but I um now have to go into an office in the new town I live in same you know uh there’s just an office here that I now have to go into uh but otherwise it’s just been a lot of busy stuff moving life stuff let me check make sure that there is in fact sound here hey there we go but yeah so when I have had some free time I’ve been playing I’ve been playing some stardew Valley in my free time and I’ve actually have some time to stream today cuz I have the day off and I figured I would take today to uh kind of get back into this hello Lucas but yeah I figured I’d uh take today to be like my initial start back into streaming not sure how super regular it’s going to be like it used to be like every morning for a while there uh probably won’t be anything quite like that I might drop it to like once or twice a week still but I will try to get more into it and then later this year when a few other games that I’m super excited for come out we will pick it back up a little bit uh I know here this weekend I’m super excited for the shadow I was waiting and waiting it was years and years yeah it’s been a while yeah but I uh I am back I’m going to start trying to stream again semi-regularly um some stuff I have been kind of planning on playing is maybe honestly maybe streaming some more of this because I’ve realized I’m still only in the first year in the first year of this game and there’s so much to it um but also the shadow of the UR tree DLC comes out for Elden ring very soon and I know I’m going to want to play that um I already have a character set up on Elden ring who has I’ve fully beaten the game uh Mo included you see how loyal I am I do see how loyal you are Lucas it’s insane I haven’t done this in so long I literally thought nobody was going to come to this stream at all and then out of nowhere poof I saw your name pop up and I was like there’s no way and I appreciate that I really do one thing I’ve missed about streaming so or so far is that uh people who used to people who used to watch me were pretty uh pretty loyal pretty good at coming back for streams but we’re back let’s see what we got going on here got that all watered let’s open this up let our chickens out come on out chickens heyy these are my chickens I have just the four um oh they ate all their hay oh dang excuse me chicken uh yeah also I’m not like have you been playing Dragonball Legends recently no actually I have I don’t really play Legends too much to be honest I did quite a bit uh for like the first like 6 to 8 months after it came out and then I kind of dropped it I’m more of a dokkan uh kind of player honestly um I enjoy I like Legends I love the animations but just uh I don’t play it nearly as much um what was I going to do something I can’t remember what I was doing I haven’t played this in a couple of days so I’m trying to remember what I was doing they have an Annie now and there are lots of events oh really oh I might have to pop into it then if there’s an anniversary going on there’s an Ann what time is it what month is it oh yeah that would make sense what is it now how long has this game been out 5 years 6 years how long has Legends been out is this a six year anniversary ooh is that a walnut or a hazelnut it is a hazelnut hell yeah I need that um but yeah 6 years dang that’s wild I remember when that when the game was coming out and you could pre-order it on the uh app store and I did like so when that game came out it was could someone bring me a hazelnut damn dude there’s no way I just got a hazelnut now you’re asking for one Evelyn I need the hazelnut for my for the community center damn it um but yeah no I was super excited for that game to come out and I and like like I said I played it I played it I say 6 to 8 months but I probably honestly did play the hell out of it for like the first year out but I’ve always just been kind of big more on dokkan maybe it’s just cuz I’ve been playing it longer but um I love dokan but I only have like units that don’t have good animations and I don’t really understand the team system and everything yeah no that’s it’s a it’s a learning curve um I’m on on Reddit I follow or I’m on the uh oh God I’m on a dokkan subreddit on Reddit that I go through oh another Hazel yes um that I go and look at all the time and it’s it’s really good for like if a new unit is coming out people do really good breakdowns of the characters and stuff like that or if you’re struggling on an and people will like show off teams that they’ve used to beat it and you can try to do something similar um but never ask people uh like make sure that you read a lot on there before you like make sure you read what your characters can do before you go asking questions on there because some of those people are hella [Music] mean like I’ve been on that subreddit for um um about a year now I’d say and people on there are just like hella mean to other people you’ll you’ll ask us simple question like why you know you’ll be like oh why did my character crit here and then every comment is oh somebody doesn’t know how to read maybe you should read the kit of your character before using them like stuff like that and I’m always like dude chill which I mean yeah some of them are simple stuff like you can just easily go read and figure it out but I don’t know EVN here you are no I’ll find a another one I’ll find another one it’s early enough in the fall I believe it’s only the fourth day of fall I’ll find another one get out of the way Alex I don’t like you damn it Abigail hey my left hand turned into a gigantic elf does that mean anything might mean you’re slightly crazy girl but that’s okay that uh now in Legends you can summon for Goku and Vegeta that either fuse into SSB Gogeta or ssj Vega and the today they added Legends limited ultimate Gohan and legends limited Super Saiyan God Goku ooh every now and again I’ll watch like a YouTube video about legends about some new units coming out um I don’t do it very often but every now and again I’ll see one that kind of pequs my interest but yeah I think later today I might have to when I have some more free time I might have to hop on there and check out some of these anniversary units I’ve been kind of grinding dokkan lately because I’m trying to oh there’s that damn hazelnut I need I’ve been grinding dokkan because the the on global cuz I play on global the um 9th anniversary is coming up and it is uh it’s the Gogeta blue and broon dokkan that are coming out and I so I want them so badly hey Louis what are you doing here Saloon gets pretty Lively at night I like uh gosh oh I know we’re talking about Legends right now but I also just thought about uh dragon ball sparking zero when that game comes out in October um that’s that’s kind of my plan is to get a schedule back or get back into streaming so that I can kind of get a schedule going again so that here this upcoming like later this week I can do um this weekend I probably won’t be able to the shadow of the UR tree DLC comes out for Elden ring soon shit I used all my Stones a few days ago hey uh you still got a little bit of time cuz I don’t think the anniversary starts until next month so you still got a little bit of time but uh oh h that was funny um I forgot what I was doing oh I remember so yeah no but on uh shadow of the earth tree comes out but it’s my girlfriend’s birthday this weekend so I don’t think I’m going to be able to play it too much this weekend so I might be slightly late to getting to it um but like I said I do have a character set up for it and then in October now that sparking zero is coming out in October and we actually have an official release date I have been doing nothing but watching the game play for that game like comes out 2 days before your birthday dang well hopefully somebody buys it for you as a birthday present I’m I’m so excited I haven’t I haven’t pre-ordered it quite yet but I’m definitely going to pre-order it um I’ve been watching all of the videos that all the people who went to like Summerfest and got to play it play the little early demo um I’ve been watching a lot of those videos seeing the animations and my God that game just looks so beautiful it looks awesome and the the destruction uh like map destruction looks amazing and I’m just so excited for it have any tips on how to Dragon stones and dokkan um one of the best things I did was I started going through um oh what are they called the Super Battle road is that what it is um I started I put like together or started trying to go through that stuff and then also making sure that you actually go and complete the full story of the game cuz you get quite a few doing that um and then every now and again just check missions cuz like here soon with this 9th anniversary coming up there’s missions that you can do to get tickets and you can use those tickets to summon in the nth anniversary when that when that does drop you know I was just going to get on dokkan to check something and now it’s downloading an update of course it is why wouldn’t it be downloading an update right now when I want to go look at it God this ring this glow ring so useful oh I forgot to take the dwarf scroll to Gunther at the Museum I got this from Gunther this little glowing geod looking thing um should I make some mayo I mean I’ve got some but I can make more right let’s grab one and we’ll make some more manise no idea what the actual practical use is but what’s that say you can tell Bandai really loves Dragon Ball that’s cuz uh Bandai makes so much money on all their dragon ball stuff everything Dragon Ball I’m just I uh I’m just excited I’m I’m excited for a new game to come out um I was I mean I played like a bunch of Xenoverse 2 when it first came out you know what 7 years ago at this point 6 years ago whatever [Music] um and like I played the hell out of it and now that it’s got this PS5 update is it raining please tell me it’s raining yes I don’t have to worry about planting on days that a train did I corn grow it did I don’t have to worry about watering on days that it’s raining not planting I also found out corn such a good crop to grow uh at like the beginning of summer because it takes like 13 14 days to grow and then it’ll just uh constantly provide more corn every 4 days 3 days something like that so corn good thing to grow this is more corn I probably shouldn’t have done that I probably should have waited and grown something else but that’s [Music] okay let’s do that sure that’s organized um oh but yeah in dokkan just cuz I’m looking at it now so I can try to help basically I started going through and doing a bunch of the um as many of the Super Battle Ro roads and the extreme Super Battle roads as I could do and then I started going through Z battles the extreme Z battles to like extreme Z awaken characters and I went through and completed every single one that I could and if I’m not mistaken I think I actually did I think I’ve beaten all of them um as far as I remember and then just like I said going through the main story also helps what the hell was that noise anyone hear that thing just went oh I need a new JoJo game to I know that the recent one came out in 2022 and I played it almost every day but I need a new one because I love Jojo h i uh I’ve never really I’ve never actually like watched JoJo or anything um I have been told once or twice that I should try it or try watching it but I I just haven’t um just recently I actually did finish watching all of what’s out anyway on cuz I I got a crunchy roll subscription just to watch uh Black Clover I rewatched Full Metal Alchemist because I love it so much um but I rewatched Full Metal Alchemist and then I also did oh I watched Hunter Hunter um not on crunchy roll though cuz crunchy roll only has it subbed which I don’t mind watching things subbed but I prefer to watch things dubbed and crunchy roll doesn’t have dubbed Hunter Hunter on there so I watched that somewhere else um but yeah loved that Black Clover was actually way better than I thought it was going to end up being um haven’t watched too much else I’ve actually kind of been considering starting watching where am I going I’ve been wanting to start watching One Piece kind of um I have been considering it cuz I keep seeing stuff um and I I remember when I was younger um watching uh watching TV with like my older brother every now and again and I remember like we’d watch uh you know Dragon Ball Z on like uh you know we’d stay up late and like Dragon Ball Z was on like tunami and stuff like that and then every now and again my brother would also watch um one piece on there so like the very first episode of One Piece um I didn’t realize until I was older that I had seen the first episode of One Piece gosh uh 15 times at one point in my life because for whatever reason the first the first episode used to just show all the time or at least we would always like we would just catch it all the time um so I just remember cuz I remember I uh I went and I saw a clip on Tik Tok or something of the first of the first episode and I was like I’ve seen this before few times but that’s about all I’ve seen don’t watch JoJo dubbed I mean the dub is good but the sub is just iconic you know I’ve kind of kind of heard that about the the about JoJo is that uh the sub do something else I have this chicken statue and I kind of want to put it by my chicken can I do that can I just put it like right here heyo looky there um also if any if anyone watches this to see if my gameplay is efficient and good it’s not um this is I don’t know if this is a good setup I’ve literally never watched any scary Thunder I’ve never watched any videos on this game um I keep all this stuff for whatever reason don’t know why uh where’s my fishing there it is um don’t know how useful any of this crap that I have is or will ever be um I don’t know how useful bait is I’ve no idea I know nothing about how to actually be good at this game threw that out so yeah if anyone’s here trying to watch figure out how to play the game don’t I really recommend JoJo this fast pacing and the openings and animations are Majestic I have to think about it cuz like I said I’ve I’ve heard I’ve had people tell me I should maybe watch it but we’ll have to see oh where am I going I also I feel like this right here might have been a mistake I put these these crab things I got three of these for I can’t remember why I got them I got them from doing some job or something and I got those and so far with them here they don’t really do much for me I kind of wish I would have put them in the ocean but by the time I realized that it was already a little too late there it is again though W but yeah I think another anime I kind of wanted to funny enough I wanted to rewatch cuz I watched I think my freshman year of high school now which was much longer ago than I’d like to admit um I watched assassination classroom um forever ago before the second season was even out I think I I had watched it and then had to wait I think a good year for the second season to come out and I love assass classroom I could not tell you the name of the main the blue-haired kid that everyone always thinks is a girl could not tell you his name but I can tell you for sure that I love that show so good I’m just really bad at remembering names of characters in certain things especially back then cuz when I watched it like I said I was I think a freshman in high school so I don’t I I didn’t remember a lot it’s partially the reason I wanted I rewatched uh Full Metal Alchemist as well is because I watched that when I was in high school and I didn’t remember a lot of stuff also the dub messed up the names of the stands in Jojo If you know what it is basically every stand’s name is based off a band or a song and the dub changed it due to copyright I did I did know that that they they based everything off of bands and songs and stuff like that that’s kind of lame that the dub had to change it though I think it would have been pretty cool if they would have kept that stuff in especially when they dubbed it cuz then everybody here would have been like oh you know like that’s a band I used to listen to or whatever fishing in this game is Mo is both peaceful and the most irritating thing in the history of the world cuz the game itself is so very peaceful but sometimes this fishing mini game here is just annoying a walleye heyo I think that’s the first walleye I’ve ever caught whoa and it’s got the little purple star oh I forget what that means but that means it’s like hella rare it’s like extra rare another walleye oh my gosh what is happening right now I don’t know what to do about that what do I do about the ones with the purple stars is there I don’t know I’ve never gotten one oh my [Music] God I like how I said that the fishing in this game is extremely infuriating and now it’s actually being nice to me Largemouth b or smallmouth bass I have been I have not been able to catch lately maybe you can only catch him in the fall and that’s why I haven’t been able to but it’s been bothering me because I keep having people in town in Pelican town be like oh can I get a smallmouth bass but I can’t catch any now I have two and I think the Walley I’ve been needing for um one of the bundles in the community I believe um in here I think it’s in river fish night night fish yep there it is again dude I want to know what that is there’s got to be a better Lake to fish at in the game right like am I crazy or is this it I don’t really know oh what did I get I like how I was complaining that this fishing mini game here can be a pain in the ass and so far it’s been nothing but nice it’s insane Max oh that’s quick a well I’m not going to get a perfect on this one that’s okay though nice all of these have like a decent Rarity is am I only getting these as well as or as good as they are because it’s raining that’s another one with the purple star I forget what that is called I can’t remember every JoJo part is basically a different genre like one part one is a horror based part four is like The Slice of Life genre every part is unique with mostly different cast hm isn’t the whole point of Jojo correct me if I’m wrong on this but isn’t the point of Jojo that every time it goes to like a new part it’s like an ancestor or some kind of cousin or something of the person before like it’s not the same character throughout each part of the story it’s like moving down a generational line or something like that perfect win sick um let’s try to catch one more thing and then we’ll get out of here hey here we go perfect another Walley hell yeah damn I was kind of hoping to get a walleye that wasn’t didn’t have the yellow star the gold star or whatever bro thunderstorms in this game are scary um do I have anyone I need to give a gift to I’ve got quite a few people I haven’t given gifts to but but that’s okay oh my chickens should all be back in their coup better go close it up don’t want any oh I never let them out oh poor chickens I’m so sorry I never let you guys out I’ll let you out tomorrow though damn that’s all that’s my be chickens I can’t believe I didn’t let any of them out dang now I feel bad I always feel bad when I do that to my chickens I don’t mean to okay so let’s put this back this back we’re going to put those in there um actually I need one of you and do I need a smallmouth bass I don’t think so every main character is part of the joar bloodline but it’s not like every generation or something it’s just a different member ah okay okay so they are all related but it’s not it’s not like a generational show got it oh that’s a chub isn’t it yes um The Vault I actually should go in here and get like one of these cheaper bundles cuz I feel like that shouldn’t be very hard to do while I what’s this far right one sturgeon bullheads I don’t know if anyone has actually like ever gone fishing in real life and tried to catch or eat any of these but like karp karp are like a huge like invasive species around where I live and they’re kind of annoying um and no one really eats them a lot of people just catch them and then actually since they’re an evasive species a lot of people catch them and um you know like like leave them out of the water and like in the hopes that they die and um stuff like that and like I’ve seen videos of people going and like saving carp cuz they’ll see them laying on the ground near a lake and they’ll like grab them and throw them in and I’m like no don’t do that that’s not good actually warp totem Beach huh a lightning rod whoa what’s that for I’m assuming to you know attract lightning but like 1,700 gold okay day six of fall I need to remember it for day 13 that day 13 is Abigail’s birthday a this game is so pretty my stuff no don’t eat the eggplant I had a u I was showing this game I was sharing sharing my screen the other day while playing this game I was showing it to a friend and he was like what is This Is It farming simulator meets Pokemon I was like no it’s just an 8 bit farming game like well not 8bit exactly but you know it’s like a you know it’s like an older uh look to it but yeah it’s like a farming game and I was like it’s actually super fun I’ve been trying to get a friend or two to maybe get it and play cuz you can play this game online with people but none of my friends want to oh what did you just say Lucas I was watering uh if you want to look into JoJo before you watch you should watch some of the openings because that really gets you into what JoJo’s like huh all right I might have to look into it a little I’ve also uh crazy enough because of sparking zero coming coming out soon and like all of my excitement with that I’ve been really wanting to go back and watch Dragon Ball Z again um I wanted to buy Euro Truck Simulator but I found out it’s not on Playstation oh it’s not [Music] oh wow but yeah i’ I’ve kind of been wanting to go back and watch Dragon Ball Z I’ve actually been so excited with Dragon Ball Z stuff that I’ve been playing a lot of dokkan and also on my old Game Boy I’ve been playing Dragon Ball Z booze Fury um and I know I’m kind of doing this backwards but I wanted to play booze Fury and then I’m going to go play Legacy of Goku 2 and I would play the original Legacy of Goku but I don’t have it anymore and I don’t know what happened to my cop of it they recently added valerant to PS5 I did not know that actually h o I need to keep one of these yeah I didn’t know that they did that does it like play well on the PS5 I guess I’ve never played valerant um on PC or anything so I don’t really know how it even how it plays really I have I seen gameplay of valent I feel like I have but not much oh remember yesterday I said I would make sure I let my chickens out Boom come on out chickens grab this I should go check my other trees quick and see if they I’ve got two trees down here that also have sa collectors on them whatever get out of the way gosh I keep getting stuck on everything I should just clear a bunch of this stuff out and plant trees properly uh I guess so I mean I haven’t played it but I guess it plays well H speaking of uh well actually funny enough valerant you just reminded me of the Marvel Rivals game that’s coming out whenever I don’t know when it’s coming out but I do know that here I think Within the next couple months or something they’re doing a a beta test on on the PlayStation I believe and I was kind of I was kind of hoping to see if I could get signed up for it but I think you have to and maybe I’ll still try if it’s available but I think you have to join a Discord and take a little quiz or something on this Discord to get into it otherwise it’s not really guaranteed the only way you were guaranteed entry into it is if um the only like guarantee in is if you played the previous beta that they had and or um Alpha that they had and got uh oh this is the foraging and got to level 10 on it I believe was how you had to get it beforehand if I can recommend two openings it really get you into Georgia and that makes you you should watch end of the world H okay okay I had a I had a kick for a while there of uh back when I was like like watching anime again I had not watched any openings and um I used to like not watch any and now I always now I always uh sit through and I I’ll watch the openings at least once or twice you know especially when they changed start this show oh I just thought I was talking about anime that I’ve been watching recently um I can’t believe I forgot uh my hero Academia i’ had gotten behind on my hero I finished season 4 like forever ago um and then never moved on to season five and I just kind of sat at this like not sure like cuz I I liked the show but I was like I don’t know I just wasn’t in the mood to watch it and then one day I needed I needed to watch some you know I just needed to watch something and [Music] um a gold bar 750 gold for a gold bar dude hold on but yeah I really wanted something to watch and you know I I’d uh I went on crunchy roll and was like you know maybe I’ll pick up my hero again and then I started watching it and now I’m uh now I’m completely caught up with the dub and anyway let me see gold ore G dang you know who I need to be friend actually I’m on the chap 7 days a week though I need to befriend Clint cuz I think Clint will give you gifts of like gold and iron and stuff like that sometimes I didn’t watch any openings really before Jojo Jojo openings are so unique special and also I’m using music that I I get that I do get that um do I need crafts room fish tank Boiler Room vaults here didn’t one of these have uh aha maple syrup oh and of course that’s the one thing I don’t have nice a train is passing through the last time this happened I didn’t know what it meant and I didn’t know where to go but now I think I’m supposed to go I mean I guess I still don’t know if like I can actually do anything with it but now I know where the train uh comes I know where it comes through which is up here up this way oh hi lus here it is yeah oh it drops stuff I didn’t know that I just remembered that the last time one came through I didn’t know where this place was does it drop stuff the whole way down or does it just drop stuff back there looks like it just dropped stuff back there wow okay that’s kind of cool actually didn’t know what is this just says question mark okay very strange yeah I didn’t know that was a thing um oh that’s just a bath house I’ve been in there before I just you go in there and you rest in the water and it re-ups your energy yeah been there done that um let me see I want to go talk to Robin quick before her store before she like closes up shot uh no not that so the upgrade is 10k gold oh I’m going to wait on that upgrade but in terms of farm buildings hey yo what is up my main man pig pig piggers piggers Colin trying to decide what would be like the best to say or the simplest I feel like Pig but um ooh I kind of want to do this but I don’t have nearly enough iron or hardwood and it’s also 10,000 refined course aridium bar I don’t have either of [Music] those unlocks Ducks ain’t no freaking way I kind of want to get a barn SE nugs oh man allow you to cut and store grass for feed I think if I got a barn I think I would need a silo as well right so that I could cut and store stuff played stard do Valley one and now I’m thinking I’ll play it again hey you know I played it so I have it on the switch cuz I got it when it was oh hello Abigail do you have any scarecrows on your farm I do actually but um I played it on my switch a little bit and was like yeah this game’s kind of fun I could see myself maybe getting into it and then lately I’ve just been needing something to play on playstation and this game was on sale on Playstation um I can’t even remember how much it was it was pretty cheap uh but I wanted so I decided to give it a shot and how is it so far so far so I am um I don’t know if I can see like how far into it I actually officially am but uh basically you start in the spring of year 1 I’m still on year one but I’m currently into the fall and so far it’s actually it’s just it’s really fun um I like all the little events that you get to do throughout the year that you can go to um you know you can track people’s birthdays stardew Valley Fair that’ll be cool Spirits Spirits Eve oh that must be like a Halloween esque thing but I need to watch out for people’s birthdays cuz you can like you can like date some of the single people in town and stuff so like that’s why these people have more Hearts than the rest is cuz these are some of the people I was trying to date um so far AB these three have been going the best but Abigail’s been better than everyone else um but yeah so I’ve been just I’ve been enjoying this game I’ve been vibing there’s also some weird stuff going on with like you can go into the mines and fight those little slimes or I’m still not sure what the little dudes in the community center are and stuff but this game is actually pretty fun let’s see no let’s see about here that that do I have maple syrup in here I do nice oh click on I recently bought Mortal Kombat 1 but only because it was on sale for $60 for only $60 dang I keep clicking the wrong button I’ve been playing oh my goodness I’ve been playing a little bit of Arc and that keeps that keeps throwing throwing me for a loop every time I go to click a button uh let me make sure all my chickens are in here heyo yes they are and they ate all their hay again dog y’all need to chill stop eating all your hay I remember when games just cost $60 honestly dude games nowaday are hella expensive I need to go buy more hay for money shit luckily hay is kind of cheap but um gosh how much hardwood do I have 25 okay is this work anybody else getting sick of that noise remember when games cost only $40 hey I remember games did used to be hella cheap for a time not cheap but like definitely not you know like nowadays you know PlayStation games are coming out their fuck they’re $70 like absolutely insane imoral that’s IM moral what if I can talk to Demetrius about swapping this stuff away from the mushrooms hello Yogi man I love how sometimes you’ll go near your Yogi and he just does like what normal dogs be doing he’ just be standing there going all right got to get back to work have a good stream thank you you have fun at work if you can oh man this is Aran crops crops I’m not looking for crops I’m looking for this no guess not not there either I bet if anything it would be on the bulletin board trying to figure out what this moral thing is and if any of these guys need it no heard that GTA 6 will be $120 but I think it’s too much I think it’ll be 90 I bet there will be some fancy version of it that is in fact 120 bucks but I bet for just the base game it’ll probably be hopefully 70 cuz that’s what a lot of PS5 games have been coming out at lately but I mean I would not be shocked if they were like well this is GTA 6 so how about 80 or something maybe even 90 but I’d still like to have some hope that it’s going to be not insane to buy oh I should have checked what the weather was going to be like oh wait today now is that means it’s officially Sunday he that means I can start giving gifts yes I was hoping that it would rain but that means I can start giving gifts to people I don’t remember what gifts everyone really likes so sometimes I just grab a bunch of random stuff that I think people will like um I’m also going to grab a couple things that I think Clint might like cuz I want to increase my friendliness with him I mean they got all the money from GTA V back after just 2 just 24 hours after leaves so I don’t think they have anything to worry about yeah no GTA 5 has literally just been raking in money for them since that game came out especially given the fact that it’s just been uh they keep releasing new DLC or new stuff and people keep buying it to uh people keep buying it to or keep buying like Shard cards and stuff like that just to like get all this new stuff that they’re dropping like it’s it’s definitely uh it’s definitely made them quite a bit of money I just remember that I wanted to grab my ax there is actually I should do it this way yeah they released a new trailer for a new update on GTA Online yeah friend of mine told me about that last night that there was some new some new update in GTA coming out soon I was like dude give it up just honestly just just work on GTA 6 it’s it kind of get getting wild at this point that game has been out for let’s see I think it came out in 2013 2012 something like that game’s been out for a while hello Shane a she has a little Halloween decorations cuz it’s fall it’s locked oh probably it’s 7:30 in the morning goodness gracious some in my throat take a drink of water come to me water God dang it’s been raining a couple times now in this game in the past few days it’s like a place I live in in real life right now we’ve had just a bunch of rain I was at work I uh so I work um right now with my with my job since I moved I work um kind of a hybrid uh work from home position so I work from home uh two days of the week and I go to the office 3 days of the week and uh just the other day I was here I was home and I was uh I was here at home and I was sitting here I had my window open and my office I was trying to let some some nice air in cuz you know the weather was pretty nice and out of nowhere I just kind of started sniffing a little and I was like God it kind of smells like it’s going to rain you know like you can just smell the moisture in the air like it smells like it’s going to rain and then out of nowhere the sky got like in a matter of like 5 minutes the sky got super dark bunch of dark clouds come rolling in and then out of nowhere it just started raining and it wasn’t that bad and I was like oh this is okay you know and then it like started like raining sideways like it just really picked up all of a sudden I was like oh my God so like really picked up all of a sudden and the whole time I’m just sitting there like wow this is insane and then I remembered that my window was open and uh window or rain was starting to get onto my window sill and I was like wait no so I had to get up and close the window in the middle of a in the middle of a work meeting by the way this was all going down I was like in a meeting uh listening to someone explain something to me and then I like realized that rain was about to get cuz the window is like right behind my computer so like rain would have started like getting onto my computer had I not you know close the window here you want some quartz I know you like quartz every time I say that I give her that she says thanks um looks delicious and every time it confuses me like like why why why do you think it looks delicious okay now we need to find so I’m going to try something with um okay now forgive me if I say her name wrong it’s either Leah or Leia but I’m going to try to find her and I’m going to try giving hear this green malachite that I have they’re just milking it and it works I think they wouldn’t reveal GTA 6 GTA V would still be on the top 5 years later I no joke I think um they definitely could keep going on GTA on GTA uh 5 they could 100% keep just pushing that game over and over and over and I think people would continue to spend money on it um I don’t know if I would at this point uh cuz I honestly I haven’t spent money on anything in that game in quite a long time now um ah dude I thought you would like that because it said that it was used to make green paint I hate that they gave up on Red Dead online I am pissed that they gave up on Red Dead online and the uh that uh piggers Colin the one who was in here earlier who was talking he he he’s a friend of mine him and I also have talked about how upsetting it is that they just gave up on Red Dead redemptions 2 online because it was it could have been amazing like it literally could have been in my opinion the next step towards like like the next step towards maybe one uping GTA with how GTA 5 was like like I’m just saying I’m not saying it definitely like could have topped it or anything but like it could have easily been a contender for how big GTA 5 online was like they could have added train like I was saying I was saying this I’m like they could have added like train robberies you could go and do if you want to be bad you know or they could uh give you um you could do bank heist you you know which was something I think they were talking about adding and then they never did um you know and then like I like a friend one of my friends even suggested uh Abigail are you playing the flute hold on I know I was talking about something important but or well not important but now this is happening [Music] hello Abigail why are you out here in the rain just doing some work enjoying the weather I’m kind of enjoying the weather yeah I guess you would be one to appreciate this somber Ambiance I came here to spend some time alone oh I can leave if you don’t want me to be here but I don’t mind your company a you’re getting soaked come stand under the tree oh okay your character in this game this is just me in real life I’d be talking to someone standing in the rain and they’d be like why don’t you come stand next to me and the you know cuz it’s raining out there I’d be like oh yeah okay and then I would just stand there in complete utter silence it’s impossible to describe this feeling watching the curtains of rain whisper above a silent hang on let me hang on watching the curtains of rain whisper above a silent Lake I don’t know why I just wanted to read it like that don’t mind me also don’t mind if you can hear this noise it’s like someone mowing outside or something a mini harp my well hold up my character just whips out a mini harp from where where were you carrying that I wasn’t carrying that are we going to make music together oh my God [Music] that was so cool I enjoyed that I enjoyed the hell out of that man I don’t even remember why I was coming up to this area um oh now I do but yeah uh anyways now after that back to uh Red Dead no yeah I I do have to agree with you Lucas they literally did not put any love into red dead it’s like they started and immediately just said you know never mind like which is just so depressing because the game was so cool what I should have done is I should have gone mining this day since it’s raining and then tomorrow went and gave gifts to people after I no cuz tomorrow’s Monday it’s hard to catch certain people on Mondays but yeah like I like I just think that they could have made Red Dead way better all they had to do was kind of give it not even all the same attention I guess that GTA got but just half of it at least like like they you know they added the bounty hunting and stuff like a couple things which was cool but like I don’t know they could have done better it’s all I’m saying mnie do you like this thank you um well you didn’t hate it here kid you want a thing let’s see I need to get marne’s like for me yes get out my way yes cuz I need these yeah God I’ve been seeing those sitting there for a long time and I needed to become her friend so you could go into her room um it is kind of funny that that happened uh give me one second I’m getting a phone call for okay hello I am back sorry I got a phone call wasn’t sure and I I didn’t recognize the number but it looked like it might not be a scam call so I answered but it was in fact I guess not a scam but it was something I wasn’t interested in so um oh gosh LS all right Louis where you at here bud hey it’s uh what’s your name again Emily that’s her I bet Louis is in here he is you found them where oh they there I have no idea how they could have gotten there this stays between you and me got it yeah you got it Louis don’t you worry about it dog I understand even at your age play has got to play Hello never mind there’s a skull-shaped keyhole wonder what that means what’s this back here nothing got it cool you know what I just thought of honestly I should be befriending a lot of people would you like this that’s sweet thank you you do um you know what might cheer you up Emily there you go thanks you’re welcome why not just take my stuff hi Pam hey so I forget how do you say her name is it Leah Leia Leah cuz I’ve been saying Leah but I actually have no idea I almost died at work a few days what few days I was putting a trash big just kidding I didn’t see that ran away mayor shorts 750 gold just for finding that his pants bring Marney one bunch of Amarin reach the bottom of the mine bring pamama pale I don’t know oh no I already have a plum I need a hazelnut but I can’t find a hazelnut hey man that game looks good which game this game this game does look pretty good I do like this game it’s fun it’s pretty chill honestly if you just need like a like a good chill game to play um do we got my mushrooms in here yeah we do I need to remember to come in here and do this every day cuz sometimes I forget bothers me what is this building I wonder how I could fix that I wonder if I need Robin to help me fix that or something yeah should go mining is what I should try to do either tomorrow in this game or something I should try to go mining uh let me go check these I need to find hazelnut that’s the other thing I need to do is I need to forward around for hazelnut but I’m not sure where I would even find any cuz my initial thought was down here oh I I must have check this yeah that was my initial thought was looking around down here but the last time I found some they were up over by like Robin and demetrius’s house and by the bus stop huh did I forget to let you guys out [Music] again all right right man I got to go do shower and I got to sleep early cuz I got to work at 5: a.m. hey I understand that to be honest with you and I appreciate you stopping by Lucas thank you very much oh sorry ke I didn’t realize you were trying to sleep my bad chicken all my chickens out here trying to sleep me walking in there like hey chickens wake [Music] up I’ll be here next time you stream all right I’ll see you um egg put the Wild Plum in there no no no I have those in a different thing up in here boom boom boom I’ve also been keeping a couple things that I planted in previous Seasons um to see if like maybe I could use them for some sort of cooking something or other but I don’t have like a kitchen or anything yet and I’m honestly not sure how to cook in this game so we’ll figure it out eventually oh look at my dog sleeping over by the TV so sweet ah some items were placed in the town lost and found remember to eat healthy or you won’t have enough energy to work hard I’m including one of my favorite recipes make sure to use ripe Tomatoes LS uh thanks it’s Blackberry season right the bushes are full of them and I want to pick some but I lost my basket can you help can I help get you blackberries how many fine lonus is basket oh he wants me to find his basket um I can do that easy actually think I’m going to go before I try to give out more gifts today I’m going to plant everything or water everything I got and then after I water we are going to go mining I like mining in this game it’s like a nice it’s fun it’s fun that this game is like it’s farming and it’s building a community and you know like it’s interacting with people and like there’s a lot of little secret stuff too you know there’s the wizard tower over and I’m sure you can do a lot of cool stuff with the wizard as well and stuff that I haven’t figured out yet but it is kind of fun that there’s also the mining aspect of it it’s like a little just like a little not very challenging combat thing uh you know to include and it’s kind of nice I kind of dig it oh let me check something really quick I was just checking how long I’ve been streaming um also definitely would recommend upgrading the uh the watering can cuz it used to take me forever to do this stuff and now it takes it takes takes so much less time um I almost want to I have some iron bars I literally almost want to take some iron bars to Clint and have him upgrade this again like that’s how much I actually like I I kind of I don’t know how the upgrade from here I don’t know what it does I didn’t even know that this the first upgrade does this where it increases the range up to like three straight out in the line or yeah straight in the line I didn’t even know that there you go puppers yog you’re kind of in my way chickens let’s get rid of that and that um I need something to eat for when I go to the mine honestly let’s bring this one let’s bring these blackberries I am going to run through town I was going to go up and around to see if I could find any hazelnut while I was up over there but I’m going to run this way instead cuz I want to look here and I’m also going to run by the calendar and see if there’s anything interesting coming up soon I don’t think there is in the next couple days or maybe if there’s a red mushroom I really feel like I do I’m going to accept that cuz I do think I have red mushroom somewhere Jody’s birthday is coming up Abigail’s is on this upcoming Saturday mney wait don’t move oh no wait I don’t need to never mind I don’t need to become your friend anymore the only reason I was becoming your friend was so that I could um get the mayor’s shorts out of your room let me check up here for [Music] hazelnut not seeing any okay we’re good to move on one all right now we’ll head towards the mine I’ve made it pretty deep in the mines so far but not very not like too terribly deep or well I’ve made it pretty deep but I don’t know um my next goal is to like make it to the bottom so I’ve made it you know past level 40 but I don’t know I still don’t know how just how far down in the m I don’t know how far the bottom is I guess I made it to 55 so I I made it a pretty good waves H that of Frozen geode yes I needed some of those I meant to swap to my sword before I broke that Crystal by the way cuz you can just break them with a sword yes more Frozen geodes I need one of those for Demetrius in the um at the bulletin board uh the bulletin board in the community center ah I hate when you miss your timing like I miss my timing like one time on these freaking bats and it’s the same thing with those bugs a little higher up that do it you miss your timing like ever so slightly and it just screws up everything oh there’s a lot of the little these things I don’t know what they’re called per se okay I’m going to go this way quick just to see if there’s haha one of these nothing really okay dang kind of sucks another bat h the bats are super [Music] annoying I was trying to get him to an area where I could trap him perfect a dwarf scroll I’ve got a couple of those now I wonder if I can like give them to gifts as people cuz or sell them or something like there’s got to be some kind of use for them I might as well just eat both of these now why not honestly stay up in this corner thank you made my job so easy kill you okay perfect that’s all I wanted I literally just wanted to do that and now we’re going down all right [Music] God these little slimes here are way more annoying than the ones up above were ow did you die God these ghosts are stupid to fight the noise they make when they die though it’s pretty interesting though hey you get away from me get away from me get away from me ow I wonder if there’s a better sword that I could be using I think this is the this sword that I have out right now I think is the sword that I own that does the most damage or can do the most damage per hint o this one’s a slightly different color M aquamarine yeah you suck bat um okay nothing up here oh I had a couple cherry bombs I should have brought them with me dang cuz you can like you can like blow up whole chunks of stuff ooh quartz more quartz and Amethyst heck yeah okay well I was just about to leave anyways [Music] oh God this is usually the thing that happens to me when I got the last time this happened I got bombarded by bats like a lot of them at once can’t go so why is there just this big hole here if I can’t like there’s that’s clearly like a passageway going somewhere but I can’t go into [Music] it G I hate this oh my God I take it back these little slimes are like the most annoying things ever to fight oh a bag last time I found one of these little bags that had a bunch of uh coal in it [Music] yeah oh my God this area up here almost doesn’t seem worth it it’s definitely not worth it okay yep we’re moving on going down a level I mean at level 60 cuz every five levels you get an elevator so at level 60 we should get another elevator which will be nice then go back up if I really need to yeah got him why did that one break and it sounded like a damn explosion oh I forgot to bring my slingshot gosh honestly do I just like skip right here and like just leave I mean like I definitely could like what’s like what is even what is even over here that’s going to be worth that could possibly be worth fighting continuing to fight for okay well there’s already something that’s kind of worth it amethyst more iron okay okay okay and now there’s a closer ladder that I don’t you know I don’t have to go so far anymore oh now there’s an even closer ladder I don’t know to I know I don’t need to destroy that one but I’m going to um oh that’s said wait I just said I just found a Forest sword I already have a forest sword 8 to 18 plus two speed plus one defense 8 to 18 plus two speed plus one yeah it’s literally the exact same sword I already have huh I didn’t I did not know you could get repeat swords okay well let’s go down a level hey what’s this Crystal dagger you received a crystal dagger interesting can I fish down here what’s this do 4 to 10 plus two crit chance plus 50 crit power plus five weight plus five weight what does that mean um I do think I’m going to leave though because it’s basically midnight in the game so yep wow so let’s get back yeah it’s getting late I know I know which means I got to get home or else I’m going to pass out and lus is going to have to save my life again because somebody will be robbing me that’s what happened the last time I passed out I I was literally like like 10 ft away from my house and my guy fell unconscious cuz you fall unconscious at 2:00 and my dude fell unconscious and then I woke up and I had a letter in the mail and it was lonus being like it was lonus being like Oh I uh I found some guy trying to mug you or I found some guy digging around in your pockets I’m not sure how much how much um money he took from you plus one ore per vain chance for gems to appear in Compares I don’t know which of these is better hold on um let’s see and screw we’re going to do a miner I went and tried to look it up a little bit to see if either was that better but like to be honest it like wasn’t really that was like there wasn’t really like one that was way better glad you become part of the community ien Clos a 500 Grand gold check start maybe you can buy some more seeds with it oh okay one week from today we are holding the stardy Valley Fair in the Town Square it’s the biggest event of the Year drawing people from all across the country to our humble town if you’d like you can set up a gra display for the event just bring up to nine items that best showcase your talents you’ll be judged on the quality and diversity of your display the fair starts at 9:00 a.m. don’t miss out ah oh that means I probably should have been saving stuff that are like yellow yellow starred and stuff like that well I got a couple of these fish that are pretty good man I’m going to need somewhere a bomb what dude that’s crazy okay [Music] um oh I have nowhere for that to go oh dear oh wow that my gosh my chest is full um okay well hopefully yes I was actually just thinking hopefully some of my corn grows or something so that some it’ll come out and gold heck yeah okay so now we just got to take two of my corn put two gold ones up in there give me those dang all the gold things that I had forage foraged for are gone I have any gold eggs heck yeah okay okay we’re we’re slowly being able to put something together that should work for my end goals here give me this um honestly give me this this yes I should have a different chest for these things one for the materials I get and one for yeah what was that noise just went okay there we go I think that definitely helped a little with in terms of clearing it out cuz now we can put the little fish guy in here organize it and then all the foraging based stuff in [Music] here organize it and then we do okay every now and again when you play games like this you got to do okay we’re going to ignore that every now and then when you play games like this you got to do a little bit of resource management you know what I mean why I brought that random geod no idea I’m probably not actually going to go and break it open at least not right now so we’ll put that back but give me this fun I just randomly found a hair in my mouth [Music] um H I know one thing that always gets Leah or whatever her name is however you say her name spice berries she likes spice [Music] berries okay um yeah I think that’s pretty good so far I’m trying to grow in the middle of this I don’t know if you can see it like right right here in front of my character is one of those ancient seeds I wanted to see what would grow out of it but I planted it at kind of a silly time so now it’s just there all the time these aren’t up yet are they still out of order dang man okay so what we’re going to do at the moment is we’re going to take one of these Frozen geodes to the a Wild Plum we’re going to take it to the community center and put it in there for or demetrius’s thing on the bulletin board yeah demetrius’s bundle on the bulletin board and then we are going to ouch go and try to find the people I want to find to give gifts to um it’s oh not die no not this one it’s this one [Music] boom nautilus shell and a okay now I do want to go up here and I think I’m going to put 25g down on this I’m going to buy that chocolate cake bro do I bring a chocolate cake to the to the event to the fair thing that’s going on I think I do also I still haven’t found this bundle here I still haven’t found where to get gold or the other thing what is it gold and then there’s something else um yeah gold and what’s the other item it’s like it looks like quartz but it’s red I need that to finish the Boiler Room um also it’s raining and I still have the rest of the week to give out the gifts that I need to give actually think I might go mining again just because I really want to try and get to the bottom the bottom of the mine um I need food though chickens are the chickens not coming out oh my chickens are going to be upset today cuz they’re not coming out cuz it’s raining but I also don’t have any hay for them and I can’t go buy any cuz mne is I’m just going to close that marne’s closed on Tuesdays her her store is so I think I’m just going to have to dang I think I’m just going to have to accept hazelnut yes heck yeah I’ve been needing that so badly liter the last time there were bushes like this I was curious if that would work in the spring Springtime you can find bushes like that and they have um Whatchamacallit another hazelnut oh my God I’m dying didn’t I say I had a theory that I would find he’s one that’s in the backwood area where I just was oh my God I do not have the hiccups right now oh my God I hate getting the hiccups I don’t know about other people but the hiccups for me are like torture so I have a feeling that these mines go quite a bit further than the point that I have currently [Music] reached you know I could go through and hit everything here but I don’t really care Wood [Music] [Applause] [Music] why is the music that play that’s playing right now makes it sound like some emotional thing is happening like I’m about to [Music] die I kind of like it like I like the music but I don’t like the fact that it’s happening in this moment [Music] um okay wasn’t there a ladder didn’t one pop up somewhere near the end no [Music] I have no idea how to tell where a ladder is going to pop up usually I just hit around till I find one whoa this area is overrun with monsters cool [Music] yeah get messed up get messed up slimes sorry I was quiet there for a second I got focused W these guys hurt a lot I hate that those guys run at like an angle I’m going to eat another one of those just to get some health back I don’t want to eat my big plate of food was that all of them no there’s still like one more down here is there yeah I think if I kill this one I think the ladder should appear the way down has appeared oh okay not going to lie I thought it would appear where he died oh so that area was [Music] okay [Music] interesting H well at least we didn’t die I mean we got attacked by hella slimes and stuff but but we still alive we still kicking mixed seeds [Music] H okay it’s kind of cool wild to think that um so when I initially played this game on my switch I don’t think I ever really made it past like level 20 like going down 20 2 floor is in the mine and now it’s crazy because I’m literally on 64 right now like that’s just insane to think about goodness [Music] gracious o Frozen Geo and now that I already use that one Frozen geod for the bundle for demetrius’s bundle heyo [Music] ding oh he dropped gold ore yeah you stay right right in that corner and let me kill you okay come on where’s the way down you know you want to give me the ladder down come on game just do it come on there it is oh that ghost just like glitched Bo boing boing [Music] o oh he didn’t glitch when they hit you they like Dash away like that interesting they make such interesting noises get out of here I don’t even want to fight you guys I just want to get that thing and go leave me [Music] alone I just wanted to get my iron or and run are is overrun with monsters again how many monsters a okay honestly the Slime these little slime dudes are some of the most annoying things ever to fight especially these like lower like lower floor ones because they won’t just like when you hit them up against a wall they won’t just like stay where they were up against that wall either they like they like go slightly off to the side sometimes and stuff and it causes a lot of problems get out of here you stupid bat yeah yeah you little fuckers better run away a crystal fruit ooh I might need that oh actually I might have used it already I’ll have to check after I this gu nice okay um cuz there’s a chance that I can use that Crystal fruit in here oh no I already did one crocus and a snow yam whatever that means a way down has appeared I know I saw it right in front of me yeah let’s get rid of you get out of here go away ghost ghost be gone G and a bat another little like doorway looking thing that I can’t or like a hallway that I can’t go into Corridor it’s the word I’m looking for um is there anything up here yeah just some dudes oh dang it’s late run get out of the way little Slime Guy I don’t have time to deal with you I got to get going I legitimately didn’t even realize what time it was in game we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go come on run 1250 one oh my God 110 I’m in my house I should count okay nice all attacks deal 10% more damage Critical Strike chance increased by n we’ll do fighter I don’t use the daggers or anything really so boom day 10 haha [Music] [Music] I can take that I can take these and everything else stay [Music] gosh sometimes organizing everything is like semi confusing o I should keep this Hazelnut and use it for the festival coming up I can take this other hazelnut to the oh I missed ah dang remember Alex asked for a red mushroom I literally have one I just I forgot I honestly forgot about the fact that he even requested [Music] there you go little [Music] chickens hopefully they find something to eat because I didn’t have hay for them yesterday but I should be able to go up to Mar’s today and get some hair or down to M today and get some hair for them which should be nice man this game is so peaceful even though I was just down in the mines and having like a panic attack because I was like I didn’t want to fall asleep on the way here still such a nice peaceful [Music] game man and after all this I’m going to go play Ark later and have a not so peaceful time [Music] oh hey you better watch yourself there in my crops I think these ones that I’m growing that I’m watering right now I think these are pumpkins which I’m like so ready to have [Music] they’re upset because they didn’t have food yoi there’s your water buddy don’t worry chickens I got plenty of money I just got to go buy you [Music] food Marney please tell me you’re open oh you should be at nine which is basically right now [Music] go morning hey how going on okay there we go let’s do 30 oh let me text I got to text someone quick sorry I was texting my girlfriend ah just texting my girlfriend her about whatever her and I are doing for uh for lunch here coming [Music] up don’t worry chickens here’s my food I got for you also you all should be able to get grass over there though so you you should be fine boom boom boom boom boom Jesus that took about a minute and a half um in here that goes in there we do that grab this some quartz and this [Music] um yeah I like how I can pull up this little Mount I’m on Playstation I can still pull up this little mouse and stuff but I can’t I can’t access anything oh unless I’m in reach of it then I can’t [Music] how’s that work what do I have to click I don’t know um another hazelnut oh and it’s a per normal one perfect I’d rather give that normal one to uh to the community center [Music] um I’m sending a text message [Music] pick pretty sure I just spelled that girl’s name horribly wrong I was asking my girlfriend what she’s doing for lunch CU she’s supposed to be getting lunch with with a cooworker of hers um and if she’s doing that then I have to figure out something for myself for today uh but if she’s not then I have to go pick her up so we can get lunch cuz her car is currently being worked on um the foraging this is the wrong one I can already tell yep dang it I also like how in that an bundle eggs aren’t a thing like you can’t bring eggs in for anything like lame oh here we go boom Another bundle complete one more bundle and we get the Bridge fall seeds sick love it all I need now is the snow yam and a crocus look at him y look at the little buddy go oh I love these little dudes they’re so cute leg go dude all right now we go try and find people we want to give gifts to starting with I would start with Abigail but I can’t get into Pier shop on Wednesdays she’s probably not there she’s probably off somewhere else doing something but we’re going to go start with Leah Leia Leah um hey I didn’t know that if animals ran into those bushes they would also drop stuff she here she’s not here where would she be there’s a couple places she could be um one that I can think of is down at the beach because ever since I opened up oh that one’s like Dro in the water ever since I opened up this area off to the side here oo I have not been down here in a while and thank God for it because every other time I kept coming back down here there was like a million things or nothing I mean on the ground but now I’m here and there’s a million things I love it sea urchin Coral coral Coral Sea Urchin I think this is a muscle or an oyster oyster ah usually she comes so every now and again leoo whatever she comes down here and [Applause] um starts in like paints while she’s down there there’s a lot of trash in the water why don’t we fish some of it out and make the valley more beautiful number of skeletons in the local caves I made mining dangerous like 50 no um I’ll do this one the community cleanup gather 20 dump the trash and the recycling them behind the train platform I could try to do that all right now let’s actually start looking again for these people that I want to give gifts to can’t find any of them hey there’s one of them this is a super gift thank you you’re welcome Maru would you happen to know where Abigail is I have a gift that she’s going to like even more cuz she likes [Music] amethyst what is this oh that’s where you dump the yep the stuff for the quest so the thing that I found out with those quests it’s kind of annoying is you have to actually go and collect the trash like you have to go and fish it out within that 5 day span which is slightly annoying because when I uh the initial Quest when that bulletin when that bulletin board opened the very first Quest I accepted was to give a 100 bug meat to Willie and I happen to have over a 100 bug meat at my farm so I gave him the 100 bug meat but he wouldn’t take it because I didn’t collect it after accepting the quest which is kind of like I guess yes I get it but at the same time I’m like hold on it’s getting to be late on a Wednesday which means that most of the people I want to look for probably going to be here I don’t know if Abigail is going to be here no she’s not but I think this is where Marty’s [Music] heading there she is y what about Leia Leah how do you say your name hi Penny it’s locked it’s locked I mean she must be home but she locked the door dang okay well that’s fine I guess not really the end of the world chickens y’all up inside usually you get guys all go in at 5:00 so I’m going to assume you are but let me double check yes I see all four of you perfect let’s drop some stuff I might also have to take some of these some basically anything with a yellow star and like these couple fish with the purple I’m basically going to have to take to the um thing the fair thing that’s going on keep that on me I need to I actually should figure out exactly what day that is happening so that I can plan accordingly throw these up in here um okay I think that’s about all I need to do for tonight in this game one more thing I’m going to do actually just before I forget just because I just mentioned it is I should figure out what days things are actually happening here coming up cuz I believe it said in one week’s time a day or two ago is when I got that letter so I need to figure out when it’s happening exactly on the 16th so just yesterday so on the 16th which is next Tuesday Abigail’s birthday is on Saturday does anyone have an extra aquamarine actually Harvey I do and as long as I can complete that Quest within a couple days yeah cuz I don’t think I can get in to talk to you now no uh let’s see who’s all in the saloon [Music] mney Clint [Music] Clint nobody in here [Music] Shane I added an extra Nana in there in the middle of it gosh this game is so fun look at me run with the leaves man also it would get really dark when you when I didn’t have this glow ring it’s kind of insane I don’t remember how I got it I don’t remember if I got it in the mail or what ended up getting it or what I ended up doing to get it but glad I did cuz boy howdy is it useful o oo nice nice thing about that too is that gives me another uh gold gold starred item oh let me go rile my chickens from their slumber [Music] oh wait yeah oh my gosh my corn is grown wow I literally didn’t even realize it right away it’s crazy man look at the chickens [Music] [Music] go man [Music] now hopefully today I’ll be able to find some people that I can uh talk to oh you know what I just thought of is that for the winter time or find the people I want to give gifts to but for the winter time I just remembered that the chickens uh can’t eat grass cuz all your grass like dies like goes away and dies in the winter time so in the winter the chickens are going to need me to buy pay for them like way more more but one nice thing is that um I do already have a heater for them in the winter time so I don’t think that’ll be a problem all right uh let’s go try and one of those there I don’t know what pinear is actually for like I have a feeling that I can use it for something I don’t know what yeah I hear you Yogi calm down I already watered you and the chickens are out you just have to make sure they’re safe don’t kill my chickens Yogi please don’t kill my chickens I will cry if you kill my chickens my grandma in real life has chickens um or well had chickens um and the and she also um had a bunch of cats she lived out on a farm in the middle of nowhere and people would come and they would drop off cats now she um there actually a lot of wild food in this area if you know where to look there you go um but yeah so she had a lot of cats as well cuz people would go out there and they would literally just drop cats in the middle or like out on her farm and be like here you go well um have I really already given her two gifts this week um yeah so we you know she had them out there and I had go like when I was out there every now and again we’d help her take care of the chickens and everything and um I had asked her at one point in time I said what do you I’m like how are you so okay with the chickens being out and stuff um to like wander freely being able to wander freely like they do while there’s still all the uh there’s still all the C C running around and everything I said don’t you worry about the cats getting to the chickens at any point in time and she said oh God no I said why not and she said cuz those chickens are mean she’s like those chickens will mess those cats up if they try to fight them and I was like will they really she said yeah and I didn’t really truly believe her until she then got a turkey and I don’t know if any of you guys know anything about turkeys but the only time I’ve ever encountered a turkey prior to my grandma getting one turkeys are dicks they are not nice creatures okay well my grandma got this turkey super nice thing um but it was kind of like kind of shy as well in terms of like around other animals but it was pretty chill around the chickens for whatever reason it was pretty chill around the chickens but this uh I think the cats like sensed that it wasn’t quite as like like you know it wasn’t quite as ready to fight as the chickens would have been so some of the cats um two specifically this one problem cat that my grandma had and another one that it must have I don’t know roped into helping it or something started like like my grandma and I were out doing something and we watched these cats like go and they started bothering this turkey like the one kind of looked like it was about to attack it and everything and literally in the middle of all this going down we like turn and out of nowhere see like two two or three of the chickens just come flying at the cats like absolutely Balls to the walls like rearing to kill these cats it looked like we were like oh my God and my grandma was like oh dear so we had to really quickly like stop this from happening you know it was kind of funny in the moment cuz we were like oh my God this this these cats are going to die die and they didn’t the cats just ran away but the chickens just came flying over and they were all like freaking out on them flapping their wings trying to scare them and then the turkey must have been like slightly bolstered by the chickens being there so the turkey starts flapping its wings and it’s going you know at the at the cats and everything and it was just like it was really funny to see cuz I was like wow I’m like there’s like a little community of of like you know like quite literally the birds of a feather you know kind of thing that I just witnessed in real time like with my grandma and we were both just like Jesus and she was like she looks at me and she’s like see I told you that there was nothing to worry about with the cats I was like I guess like I just didn’t realize that your cats were or I didn’t realize that your chickens were going to just come around and mess up these poor freaking you know anything else that came and tried to mess with it um so let me see so now I want to plant this apple tree but the thing is is to plant The Apple Tree you have to make sure that you have the six spaces all around them open so I think if we plant it like right here or some or like here I think this should be fine I don’t know if I’m supposed to water these I don’t think you have to I should have read more on it before I I just decided to try it randomly I’ve also just randomly decided that I’ve been noticing a lot of these blackberry bushes around so I’m just going to start selling the blackberries that I find not all of them but a few of them man man man man this is such a fun game I’ll keep saying it over and over it’s just so chill look at my little chickens look at them look at them go age one month torto looks really happy today good sell no I don’t want to sell them also sell for 270 you sell for 258 what’s the difference why do you some of you sell for different prices 258 but like I I paid $ 800 gold for these freaking chickens I ain’t just going to sell them especially for you know way less than what they’re actually worth I’ve been wanting one of those purple mushrooms I needed one for what do I need the purple mushroom for I need it for one of these not that not this not this not this here no oh I already got him one dang it wait pomegranate this is Apples right apples yeah that’s the whole reason by the way that I planted those apple trees uh but the thing is is that apple tree or trees I believe take like for 28 days to grow or something and they only produce um they only produce stuff within certain Seasons so or within like a specific season whatever season they are specific too so I don’t think that Apple I don’t think this apple tree is even going to be grown or ready at all by the time I would need the apple or be able to get the Apple but whatever it’s really not a big deal oh you know what I just remembered two things number one Harvey needs aquamarine number two I’m supposed to be fishing so let’s start with the aquamarine thing and then we’ll do a little [Music] fishing I honestly sometimes don’t bother with the deliveries that are on the bulletin there because some of the deliveries are so me they’re kind of boring um or or you just don’t get get any you don’t get enough gold for what you’re trying to do but I just so happen to have an aquamarine lying around um now I just got to find Harvey Harvey last couple times I’ve been looking I’ve seen you down here and of course you’re not there at the time I need you to be there [Music] oh Harvey where would you be sometimes you’re over here no damn dude of course the time I need to find Harvey so that I can give him something I’m I’m never going to be able to find him hey P I wish there was some way I could just drop drop certain stuff off when I have like you know like if I could just drop off this aquamarine in his mailbox or something Harvey where would you be where would you even be h cuz my thought is that he would be in his house but I can’t get into his house maybe I’m wrong maybe he’ll come to the saloon what if he doesn’t I almost feel like I kind of want to stand here outside his house and wait and see if he shows up well this isn’t ‘s house is it it’s just Harvey’s Clinic no Harvey lives up behind the clinic doesn’t he yeah I think he so dang Harvey where you at man there’s a chance I don’t get to finish this quest for Harvey which would suck cuz it’s such a simple one for 500 gold yeah dang there’s Clint maybe since Clint just got here and it’s 8 it’s like8 right maybe if Clint just got here that means that Harvey might still be out and about meaning if I just kind of wait around here I might still see him right maybe possibly maybe I don’t have a very good feeling about it though dang dude I wish I remembered that sooner I could have just gone to Harvey’s I could have gone to the clinic and just talked to him there H I was looking to see if there was like a secret path or something over there thought I saw a video the other day of someone talking about how there was some kind of secret path along that wall maybe I’m looking at the wrong wall I don’t remember dang dude well that sucks but anyways I think I am going to I’ve never seen that before uh but yeah I do think I’m going to leave it there uh I accomplished some good stuff um some pretty good stuff anyway and I did uh yeah it was fun I’m glad to have streamed again I’ve been uh really wanting to pick it back up again but like I said I’ve been kind of busy and everything so I am glad that I did this though as like an initial step back in so thank you all so much for watching if there’s anything you anyone wants to see particularly leave a comment I’ll think about it um I think next time I stream I might play more of this game or depending on when I do it it might be the shadow of the earth tree but I will try to play this game again on stream cuz I’ve been playing it a lot lately so I might as well do it on stream right but anyways uh for me and Yogi uh thank you all so much for watching and uh I’ll see you next time bye

#ps5 #stardew #stardewvalley #gaming

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