Calamity Let’s Play | Exploring ALL of the rest of my Terraria world! (Episode 4)

hm two out of three bits of ninja armor huh I think it’s time to change that so Buffs at the ready and King Slime is coming slim Riley the Banners are making a huge difference to my ability to quickly take out all of King slime’s cronies oh this is amazing oh it’s double trouble adrenaline and rage a you got to love it though hey folks a 219 damage so you think I’m going to give up do you nah oh what and now I realized that I didn’t have the sunp staff or the squirrel Squire stuff down why am I so stupid oh for goodness okay no no no I’m not going to get angry wait there’s two pinkies here what the that’s certainly a first for me there ladies and gentlemen I don’t think I’ve ever seen two pinkies at once in a Terraria world that is hilarious so then welcome back my friends to the Calamity let’s play bit of a fail start to the episode but no matter because what we’re going to be doing today is we’re going to hopefully better our gear and just explore our world a little bit more only look at it we’ve barely explored the surface we’ve probably only explored what about 40% of the surface so far we need to see what else we have on our world here now while we make our way over to the unexplored parts of the world I just want to apologize for the lacking of uploads on this channel lately I mean quite honestly my friends I’m not going to try and make any other excuse aside from I just haven’t felt like playing Terraria lately that’s just me being brutally honest sometimes I get burnt out of the video games I play I mean cut me some slack eh I’ve been playing this game for upwards of 13 years and I’m not just tooting my own horn when I say this but I am pretty certain I have done more let’s plays on Terraria here on YouTube than any other person on the platform so yeah while you’re going ahead and hashing down a comment down in the comments area saying that I’m slacking yeah just bear all that in mind a I mean don’t get me wrong I still love this game I truly do it’s like my second most favorite game of all time after Minecraft I’ve just not felt like playing it lately but the fact of the matter is this I always always always come back for all of you guys who have been super patient I just want to thank you you guys are the real MVPs out there and honestly I really appreciate all of the patience and support it truly does me the world to be my friends so here we are in the unexplored part of the world and what do we find a another cluster of ginormous freaking trees talking of which we didn’t even Explore these ones previously we said we were going to do it in a future episode this is a future episode so maybe the time has come maybe we raid every single tree chest there is on this world eh look at it we got two chests down here alone oh my goodness me what do we got in here a boomerang I quite enjoy the fact that these trees here go down to the underground Tundra though that’s pretty cool I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before in Terraria oh very nice all right lots more stuff out of the vases here and still so many more areas to explore now of course my friends if you are still enjoying this series and these videos here on the channel I’d very much appreciate it oh good grief I would very much appreciate it if you’d head down beneath the video and continue dropping likes to show your support hit the Subscribe button of if you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support the 10% discount with Cod python over at python PC has actually been extended all through June of 20204 so if you’re in the market for a brand new gaming PC look no further than pyth slpc so that was just one little conglomeration of trees explored and we’ve already almost got a full inventory oh my goodness oh look at that the chests don’t even stop there we got ourselves a flipper well hello there dungeon it will probably be some time before I get back to this place to take down Skeletron but yep there we are we now know where it is oh very interesting so this time the sulfurous sea is on the left hand side of the world I got to tell you I love the music and The Vibes that come from this place I genuinely do in fact like it’s to the point where probably my second favorite piece of music is the lower tier acid rain theme and that’s after the devour of gods Final Form music you know Universal collapse so yeah those are my top two so that’s the left hand side of the world explored we can now have a little bit of a pit stop here and then we shall get on with exploring the right hand side of the world of which there is a lot more to explore can of worms eh 1 2 3 we got 47 worms total now and I’ve just come to realize we’ve got 32 fallen stars and still only 60 Mana which is a little bit on the crazy side I think it’s time that we increase our Mana so here we are 1 2 3 4 5 six we need what three more Faller stars and we can get ourselves the base maximum Mana of 200 interesting a blood moon is here and that means we should have blooming death we oh good grief I forgot the blood moon is massively buffed in the Calamity mod in terms of how many enemies come on screen no there we are blooming death weed you love to see it anyway the reason I’m out here is because yeah we forgot to explore this little collection of trees eh so let’s see see what we can get now another one of these rooms with some more ones another chest with another radar a guy to plant fiber cordage um yeah I mean I’ll take it and here we are my friends what I believe is the final big tree to explore does this have anything in it for you boy just a few vases by the looks of it so far continue ing down yep there is one chest make that two oh my words warding climbing claws ah I like that anything further down or is that about it no that’s about it all right just check in that there’s no more collection of trees that we haven’t explored no we just got this one over here and then we’re back to unexplored sections of the world all right can I or can I not sleep away the remainder of this blood moon no okay so we actually do have to suffer through it oh good grief can you imagine if we had a blood moon and we used a zerg potion for any of you guys who don’t know what Zerg potion is it basically drastically increases enemy spawn rates by like a 100 times pretty sure that’s not the actual amount it multiplies enemy spawns by but you get the gist right oh yeah blood orbs you can use those bad boys to make whatever po you please although previously I think I recall seeing it requiring an alchemy table which obviously we don’t have just yet because we haven’t explored the dungeon nor taken down Skeletron but again could be wrong with that maybe it’s old knowledge I’m referring to here hey another achievement for your boy unfortunately no achieving the goal of getting ourselves a money trough though but no matter it is what it is ah see that is a healthy amount of coinage we got going on now isn’t it 70 gold coins oh very nice all right let’s go and check out the uh blood orbs here yep as you can see you can make it into literally every single potion that exists in the game even some of the highest end ones like rage potions life force all that kind of stuff so let me just have a bit of a look ah it is indeed an alchemy table you need in order to make these also it turns out you need 10 blood orbs per time that’s kind of crazy but as you can see on the tool tip there it says you can buy the blood orbs from the operator NPC ah some of you guys were saying previously if you capture one of these piggy dudes you can sell them for quite a lot oh wow look at that 11 gold coins as opposed to what two or three gold coins that we got from when we wound up killing these guys over and over wow that’s a great way to make money that’s brilliant appreciate you guys turning my attention to that all righty my friends time to explore the right hand side of the world starting off of course with the little collection of trees oh good grief it’s niton all right uh this guy needs to go oh now stop spurting water my way and get out of here all right it’s tree time again let’s see what we get down here shall we oh wow what the heck is this wow wow uh there is actually something to be had here my friends a new structure well at least a structure that I haven’t ever seen before let’s go down and see what’s going on what do we got in this chest eh the trinket of chi provides 4% damage reduction after not being hit for 5 seconds this is removed when you’re hit plus one Health points per second at life regen for you and everyone on your team I love that we find these little random structures around the world now we didn’t have that in our previous Calamity let’s play did we tree number two doesn’t seem to have a great deal going for it oh no no I changed my mind there is actually some stuff down here uh oh wow some more wands now the chest this one has a blowpipe which I couldn’t loot because there was someone attacking me you son of a gun and this tree seems to go down for what seems like forever oh never mind we just found the bottom okay what have we got over here any chests for your boy not really there is however one just up here with another aglet so here we are my friends the jungly jungle we pretty much just need to clear this place and see what’s on the other side I guess maybe there’s an enchanted sword Shrine maybe there’s another little collection of trees wait what the heck there’s a giant mahogany tree at the surface of the Jungle now that might friends I have not seen before wow I wonder if there’s anything like inside this tree particularly in the leaves part here at the top I don’t know I’m going to assume that maybe there is something to be had down the bottom though only when you find these massive trees underground there’s usually some good stuff to be had only really one way to find out isn’t there my friend and that is to go down see what there is wow this just seems to get wider and wider what the oh wow there’s a freaking beeh hype here that’s really cool there’s also a chest here which has a Nature’s gift dude this world is so badass so is that the whole reason this Rich mahogany tree was here to lead us directly down to a queen beehive only if so that is Prett dang awesome ah here we are my friends the Crimson because we have the Faro Best of Both Worlds mod installed it means we have access to both evils both corruption and Crimson I mean I don’t know about you folks but I genuinely feel like this should generate in vanilla Terraria not just behind a secret seed either you should just have both evils in my opinion then you don’t have to have like m worlds just to get a whole bunch of stuff right and here we are of course my friends the area that goes down to the big old Crimson actually I wonder we had ourselves a little generated structure in the corruption right it makes sense therefore for there to be another structure here right all right so here we are we’re going to test that theory my friends we’re heading down to the underground Crimson in the h that there might be a nice generated structure waiting for us oh looks like we’ve got ourselves a double Crimson anill thingy medo hickey wow this is kind of cool I guess strictly speaking though this alternate evil the Crimson respond in via the Faro’s mod right so there is a possibility there might not be a crimson generated structure down here I think it goes with that saying my friends if the Fargo’s Best of Both Worlds mod was not installed this would have been a corrupt well considering the fact that we’ve still got the little Shadow Demon orbs down here as opposed to Crimson orbs you know some good news we’re picking up some bombs from some of these here vases so I might be able to smash one or two of these orbs and get myself a nice gun yeah and of course by having a gun in our inventory we invite the possibility of the Arms Dealer moving in which of course would be very very useful for this let’s play so yeah let’s get ourselves maybe another one of these things broken there we are we’re going to sell some ball h ah look at all of these beautiful fallen stars they’re all going to be very very useful especially right now let’s get ourselves 200 Mana shall we love to see it all right finally we have cleared the Crimson let’s see what else we have on our world anyone else getting enchanted sword Shrine vibes from around here I mean this would be the sort of location to expect them it’s usually in the outer reaches of the world right so I don’t know maybe if we’re lucky enough we might just have the possibility of there one being nearby and ladies and gentlemen that is a lot of Fallen starts holy guaca moly here we are the ocean all right so any it now we should have the angl spawn in right and then that’s it we’ve got ourselves another MPC to add to our little housing situation back at base that does remind me though we really quite desperately need to get on with adding some more NPC houses in our world hey folks here we are we got miles the angler GE Wiz there are so many fallen stars on this night no complaints though guys check this out there is a wol Summoner set of armor that exists I was just casually checking out some of these here materials seeing what they can make and trying to determine whether I can Chuck them away but yeah this could actually turn out to be quite a nice thing to go for right we’ve been a rogue for a couple of episodes how’s about we switch oh good grief a shark get out of here oh a shark fin that is probably going to be quite useful actually see urchin no not having none of your nonsense there sir all right we’ve got ourselves a chest down here with a trident and well honestly not a great deal of anything else we are about to start taking drowning damage but no matter do we or do we not have another chest here nope we are good to go home fantastic oh good grief I was almost about to die caught it just in time beautiful and opening up all the little grab bags yeah just a nice little top up of various resources all right turns out there are a couple of things we can check out here The Boro her can be transmuted into the rotted Fork via a demon alar or an anvil in a graveyard and then the musket I seem to recall there being like a giant upgrade path for this bad boy uh we’ve got the Nitro Express rifle The Recoil feel strong enough to break your shoulder oh man that doesn’t sound very good now does it but it looks like we can make it at the beginning of hard mode right essence of Havoc essence of sunlight and explosive powder yeah demolition is in hard mode beautiful yep our storage system once again is nearing its capacity oh dear we’ve got so many duplicates going on here like I’m pretty sure we don’t need four raidar let’s get ourselves some money for these shall we or we could see what they can make uh oh The RK okay there’s me thinking I might be able to maybe transmute these into other things via the Shimmer but no I’ve just remembered something my friends we have access to loadouts because this is in 1.4.4 we didn’t have access to load out slots in the 1.4.3 Calamity let’s play did we ooh maybe we need to make ourselves another op fishing load out and another op mining load out at some point eh so as a result it might actually be worthwhile mey keeping behind some duplicate aglets to make a whole load of different lightning boots with different load outs you know so ladies and gentlemen I think on that note we are just about done for today’s episode I wanted to explore the entire rest of the world including all of the different tree settlements that we got going on I can’t believe we’ve got four different tree settlements that is insane isn’t it but I’m here for it I love it I really do so then let’s wrap it up with the comment of the day shall we footy 2427 says big tip that can save time if you have the all excavator mod you can quickly Place platforms by holding the excavate button and then placing a platform it will place lots of Platforms in a line great vid as well hey thank you so much for that footo I appreciate it and yeah I’m absolutely going to go and try that right now only yeah that would be a mive time saer wouldn’t it so in my case it is the tilter key if I was to do this wow wow we my friends have just saved ourselves a Corp ton of time also check this out it actually turns out there’s a sky island up here but you know what I’m going to be a proper meanie and I’m going to make you guys wait for the next episode we will explore that thing my friends don’t worry wait are we even able to uh how many ropes do we have oh we can get up there real easy what about a grab potion oh we actually do have one that’s kind of cool all right so looks like we’ve got plenty of stuff to do in the next episode as well but now though time to wrap up this one thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode of course you’re excited to see more do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like I’d very much appreciate it my friends hit the Subscribe button if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now thank you so much for watching thanks for all of your support and especially your patience I truly do appreciate it a whole deap of a time my friends and yeah I shall see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Calamity Let’s Play – There’s SO much more of our Terraria Calamity world left to explore so in today’s Calamity episode, Python does exactly that, exploring and looting! Enjoy!
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▶ The HUGE Terraria Calamity 2.0.4 update has recently been released, which largely seems to focus on rebalancing the mod, its bosses, its weapons, everything! So I thought a revisit to this mod is in order… so here we are! The focus on this series is just to have fun above all else, meaning boss progression is NOT the sole focus of this new series. We’re doing everything in this Terraria series: Building, exploring, boss battling, and other fun stuff too! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!

This is Episode 4 of my Terraria Calamity Mod Let’s Play series on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariacalamity


  1. It’s said if u have an underground tree that leads to a tundra u find an ice skates chest at the real bottom guaranteed on the wiki

  2. Burnout is a thing and you don't need to be sorry for anything. I'm taking a break kind of I've been playing diablo 4 with my wife and streaming thorium but only a few hours a day. It's kept me from getting burned out and I've only been playing for 3 years. I went hard and got 4k hours in terraria. Please don't be sorry for not wanting to play 13 years is a long time to play one game and it's gonna happen. I'm just excited I get another video from you when you do. We are here for you not your content tbh

  3. I figured that you were having a Terraria burnout. I have the same issue, and my burnout is so bad that I haven't played the game since 2 years now, and it's still going on 😂

    We're humans, bud. We get bored of the same routine, like I am getting bored of my internship, ad it has only been a month!

    We understand, and we're always gere for ya!

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