Who Killed Minecraft’s Biggest YouTuber?

W quido I can’t believe we got invited to Mrs BEAST’s boat party all of the biggest creators in the Multiverse are here we’ve got Chester plays just on the other table is defty Ste get off the table have some class oh sorry my bad who else can we see uh oh that’s Le Ma and I recognize that ugly musly back anywhere that’s Paul Lan what’s up guys thank you so much for coming to my save the penguin Gala today I’m going to donate 70 bajillion dollars to our little penguin buddies wow what a great cause Guido wait what was that I think it came from the direction of missing Beast yeah it’s the chandelier weo that light doesn’t look very stable and Mrs Beast is directly under me oh what was that I can’t see I can’t see then get the lights back home quickly Steve do you realize what we just witnessed yep I think I do Guido the biggest Creator in Minecraft was just murdered and it was up to us to find out who did it these are the suspects but can you figure out who killed Mrs bees hey this is an active crime scene you can’t just leave never mind that for now Steve what are you thinking well the first thing is obvious the chandelier fell from the ceiling and crushed Mrs Beast so in reality this could all just be one big accident H I guess Mr Steve there’s something you need to see Guido is left M wait bolts probably from the chandelier I found them on the floor over there just now wait so if they were on the floor then this can’t have been an accident someone must have screwed the chandelier on purpose and someone is a murderer and all the suspects are leaving the BG we have to destroy that bridge to stop them from leaving plus it’s the only thing that keeps the ship tied to land so the murderer will be stuck with us Guido bazooka mode now let’s go destroy that [Music] bridge Nice Shot buddy oh but it didn’t work look and now all of the suspects are getting away oh we really messed up dude actually there are still Suspects on this bat oh yeah all of the other creators and come to think about it Paul Logan was stood awfully close to Mrs beast when she died and he’s a professional wrestler he’d be the only one with the strength to pull the chandelier down that makes a lot of sense there he is Steve man he’s such a jerk who is even posing to now know Guido’s detectives we’ve got to be completely objective so don’t be too nasty hey Logan you big muscle head yeah I’m talking to you beefy I know you’re the killer no way my guy I might love fighting with my huge and impressive muscles but I’m no killer I did see something pretty suspicious though that might help your investigation oh yeah and what’s that come on spit it out no way little man I’m not going to give evidence to a little pipsqueak like you what hip squeak I think I’m pretty tough at least that’s what everyone says everyone is lying to your face well what if I can prove that I’m not a pipsqueak I like your spirit little loser you’re on prove to me you’re a big tough athletic man like me and I’ll tell you what I know show me what you got best out of three okay you’re on what’s the first challenge I choose first uh wrestling [Music] ow told you you don’t stand a chance oh we’ve still got two more challenges to go and it’s my turn to pick I choose uh uh something that I’m going at diving diving you’ve never dove in your life well I guess they say there a first time for everything let me just give this a try okay so far so good and yeah how was that Guido it was certainly something oh great that’s all I wanted but can Paul Logan do better oh here he comes weo then got a her she HD the water so hard that the entire pool train and I call that a disqualification that’s one win each we’ll have to settle this with a tiebreaker you hit this shot and you win what in the multiv do that is not fair this shot has got to be impossible look how far away I am we don’t have another option Steve either you hit the shot or we don’t get PA loan’s evidence unless huh what what is this wait orange paint oh I see where you’re going with this come at you perfect you look exactly like a basketball uh I think you missed the spot but hopefully it’s fine and now I don’t even have to use this basketball at all I can just use you come on quido come on you got this wow that was sick little dude can’t believe I lost yeah well what can I say I’m a pretty good basketball player everyone tells me I should go professional again everyone is lying to your face but you know paulan we had a deal so come on what exactly did you see well it’s simple I arrived to the gala early to do pull-ups nothing gets you buff like pull-ups on a boat when I saw dafty sneaking about Dy why was he sneaking around I don’t know bro but it was mad suspicious he was carrying a toolbox with him a toolbox maybe he used the tools in that toolbox to loosen the Shang leier oh of course then I think we know who our next suspect is Dey uh Steve uh-oh there he is come on Guido let’s move don’t let down with your sides Minecraft but everything is vertical uh Guido did the ship always look like this now where the heck is defty there he is he’s Maring us he’s got to be the killer I just know him now come on Guido W what is going on these are all the tables and chests from the dining room just don’t look down and we will be a okay okay I think all right here we go and wait is that keso hey guys you know which way de you went that way no it was that way what are you talking about it was that way no definitely not I don’t have time for this I’ll just go my own way we just need to keep heading up okay straight up here and bingo well Guido it looks like that fixed the whole vertical thing Minecraft but there’s low gravity oh no Guido did you hear that there low gravity then everything is just floating around my CL yeah like left M wait weo look it’s defty all right we need a big jum here W hey you’re a wanted man defty now tell me what did you do with that toolbox toolbox haven’t got a clue what you’re on about oh that toolbox well here’s the thing about that he’s swimming back outside hurry up If the gravity is still low when he gets to the surface he is going to get away you’ll never catch me oh yeah we’ll see about that hey Paul throw me up there would you [Music] awesome no Minecraft but everything’s normal I finally got you defty I’m sorry all right I’m a criminal I’m a bad person I’m sorry aha a confession you use the tools in that toolbox to leasen the ball and kill Mrs be what what are you talking about I didn’t kill anyone there’s no Tools in there just see for yourself okay i w Wait dark chocolate stack of ham sandwiches cotton candy Grimace what is this I’m sorry all right I came here early to steal some of the tasty food before you all arrived stashed them in my toolbox for later sorry no killer here but hang on what’s that what’s what hey Guido there there is some more evidence right here a piece of paper yeah yeah a piece of paper but it’s what’s on the paper that’s important take a look looks like a letter from the bank yeah and it says that whoever this is addressed to they’ve run out of money Dear Mr Mr who H whoever this mysterious Mister is they must be the killer detective Steve I saw the clue it floated L me in the gallar room and sailed straight out of the window it must have come from in there ah so it must have been dropped by one of the two you can’t be me I love having my name on things never seen that letter before in my life I don’t have that much money but I’m not a mister all right so if it wasn’t one of you three then who does that leave us with there’s cash and Nico maybe they have some money troubles but then why was the message only addressed to one person no no there’s got to be someone that I’m missing easy stream no one’s seen him since the murder ah he’s right oh and he’s the guy who hangs out with all those scary myths H he’s been hiding and he’s friends with Sinister scary myths if he likes those evil guys then he probably doesn’t mind doing evil things like murdering he’s a scary scary man but that doesn’t mean he’s a murderer I’ll be the judge of that laugh M come on e streams cabin and right over here Guido we have easy streams cabin oh be careful Steve Justice waits for no man Guido let’s knock on the door welcome uh thanks quido this is really weird why is Herobrine his but I don’t know sweet pool table though quido this dude literally has the nicest cabin on the entire boat but I’ve got a question for you here O’Brien where is he easy stream is in the main hall holding a banquet for the scary myths wait the banquet hall quo he could be clearing up the evidence I’ll escort you thanks but no thanks Guido if easy stream is in the banquet hall then we may already be too late to stop him uh uhoh this is the spookiest dinner party I’ve ever seen well we found easy stream but how am I supposed to get to him yeah there’s scary Ms everywhere unless Guido wait right here behold my scary myth disguise uh what is that on your head I don’t know this is all I had lying around now come on all right so far we haven’t been attacked by any of these scary myths is that the Slender Man looks like he got to the dinner party early yeah he’s not so slender anymore who else have we got here we’ve got the screaming sheep we’ve got katnip uh skiy toilet is here for some reason this is literally all of the scariest myths this is so scary who sorry about that sir you just call me off guard this is spooky but do you want to know one good thing Guido our disguise worked we made it all the way over to Easy Street all right there Steve mate you’re here about the murder aren’t you oh what how did you know it was me yeah well you may have me easy stream but I know your secret you are running out of money and you killed Mrs Beast so you could use up her place as the top Creator and make more money than anyone else it would be easy to pin it on me I guess but think about it for a second mate what use do I have for money uh behind you [Music] Steve I’ve seen every scary thing in this Dimension and plenty of other dimensions too and I’ve friended them all if I’m hungry if I’m tired I’ve got no reason to kill Mrs beast and even if I did why would I use a chandelier when I could have one of my friends here eat her and hide the evidence oh okay I get it I get it he’s right it doesn’t make any sense well do you or any of your monster friends know anything about the murder that can help with the investigation H there might be one thing fella can you show us the CCTV from earlier today why a second that’s cash where is he going I’ve never seen that part of the ship me neither Guido and if this was earlier today then he’s got to have something to do with the murder why was he sneaking around who knows but there is one question you should be asking first who’s that because it’s not one of my friends it’s another suspect get St oh stop right there criminal scum guo that could be catch the new number one suspect in this case wait a second that’s the same room from the video we almost got him I’m going to fly him come off okay you’ve got this detective guo no no no I don’t got this oh my gosh don’t worry about me Guido just focus on the target what is he doing oh he’s doing a Default Dan I don’t know what that means just stop him no I’m not leaving you no oh worry I’ll be out of here in no time no garbage disposal could stop me okay yeah maybe it can stop me um wait I can use these bols maybe if I throw them just right there yes we can gem the machine that was a close one I’m glad you’re okay Steve I think the target got away but wait what’s there uh not sure Guido let’s go check it out looks like some kind of of oh a tool station and look what’s missing a screwdriver like the one that would have been used to loosen the bolts and drop the chandelier and guess who was the last person we saw entering this engineering room weird guy in the clo no no before that guy it was Cash come on let’s go to his cabin watch where you’re going wait quo it’s Nico hey Nico I don’t suppose you’ve seen k anywhere he’s been gone for ages said he was looking for a phone to call land someone needs to report the murder not just run around playing detective well that was uncalled for listen tensions are just running a little high right now I know that I’m not a professional detective but this letter does it have anything to do with you or cash have you got money issues no actually cash is doing great and I’m doing even better I’m lending him some money so he can start his new business box unboxing video where he unboxes the boxes that box is coming I’m confused later guys well looks like ni was another dead end uh cash left his cabin door unlocked oh yes it was about time we had some good luck if there’s going to be hard evidence that cash did it it’s got to be in this room now let’s see here there’s nothing too out of the ordinary we got a rather large bed TV h no secret messages anywhere nothing in the bathroom at all all maybe it’s another dead end no just keep looking Guido must say that CB looks a little suspicious let’s check it out Guido it’s Cash’s trademark blue onesie and check what else I found in here the missing screwdriver so cash must have been the one that unscrewed the chandelier but why did he leave his clothes here well maybe he was the hooded figure we saw I do that line up no there’s go got to be more to this mystery oh hey what are you doing sneaking through my room oh no quo it’s cash and he’s dressed normally so this was probably just a spare set of clothes this is actually getting super annoying now cash I demand to know why you had this screwdriver in your wardrobe how should I know I’ve not even touched that wardrobe yet I was only here a few minutes before the murder you big fat liar we’ve got video footage of you sneak around the engineering room before the murder happened you guys are nuts I’ve Got My Ticket stamped right here so that was only a couple minutes before everything started he’s right Guido he got his ticket stamped at 7:29 and Mrs Beast was murdered right as the dinner began at 7:30 p.m. that’s right I don’t know who you saw sneaking about but it wasn’t me none of this makes any sense if cash wasn’t here in time to be sneaking around then what was happening in the video how was he there we must still be missing one last piece of evidence yes something that can tie this case together you know what quo I’ve got an idea call everyone to the center of the ship it’s time to solve this mystery once and for all well this is it everyone the final judgment I’ve gathered all of my evidence and now I can conclusively say that one of you is a murderer was it you H Logan bro Oh I thought we were friends and how about you laugh M no one would suspect sweet young innocent laugh M I didn’t do anything and of course our newest freshest suspect Nico how about you not going to say anything huh who is this guy anyway why is he getting to judge everyone he’s a nobody you’re right I think about that’s right compar to you guys I am a nobody which is why I am retiring from detective were wait what you didn’t tell me about this just stay quiet guo this is all part of my plan now I bet you’re wondering who is going to lead the investigation from now on well how about we have a little competition all of you are going to make a video and whoever’s video gets the most likes will prove themselves as the top Creator and they will run the investigation and they’re off each of them are setting up their cameras and sooner or later so they’ll get so desperate for likes that they’ll slip up and reveal what they [Music] know today we’re going to talk about how I know who killed Mrs Beast killed Mrs Beast killed Mrs Beast killed Mrs Beast aha I knew that plan would work how do you know bro uh who is it I can’t say that’s right Nico you don’t have to say anything because thanks to your little confession I have already worked everything out it’s simple really it all comes down to cash what I already told you I didn’t do anything no I mean cash as in money oh right sorry our first clue was the bolt that left M handed to me you’re welcome that’s how I knew that the murderer must have had a screwdriver to unscrew the chandelier before the Gara started then when I went in Cash’s wardrobe I found a screwdriver but I never seen it before correct and we even verified that with your ticket so then the question is how did it get there and why the video evidence indicated that cash had stolen the screwdriver but as I said the timing doesn’t line up so what if it was just someone else who looks a whole lot like cash dressing up to disguise their identity someone like Nico oh yeah remember when we B into Nico in the hall T’s door had been left open because Nico had snuck inside to hide theare clothes and the screwdriver he was dressed as cash I didn’t kill anyone I swear that’s right Nico you didn’t and the answers lie on this Bank letter we’ve all seen that before that’s right you have but what if we approach it from a different angle what if what if the pap was torn in such a way not to hide the name but to hide the gender what if it was Mrs Beast she died in the dining hall and when the letter floated by left ma she was in the dining hall too Mrs Beast ran out of money that’s right so she decided to fake her death and promised that if Nico dropped the chandelier on her she’d be able to give him some of the money from the life insurance well that’s insane bro she’s is super dead we all saw it oh really then tell me where’s the body but if that’s all true where is she now sailing away uh Ste you might want to see this oh boy there she is Mrs beast and she’s getting away with her M oh don’t worry Guido I heard that these waters are shark infested oh

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Today in the Minecraft Dimension, Steve and G.U.I.D.O are investigating the MURDER of Minecraft’s Most Popular YOUTUBER! When Steve and G.U.I.D.O find themselves on a cruise ship with the Most Popular YouTuber dead, they must investigate the YouTubers Nico and Cash, Mr Beast, Aphmau, PrestonPlayz, Eystreem, Craftee, Bionic, Maizen, and others to find out who killed Minecraft’s Most Popular YouTuber! Can Steve use the power of YouTube, subscribers, likes, and YouTubers to investigate who killed the TouYubers, find the culprit, and arrest them? Steve and G.U.I.D.O must explore the Minecraft Dimension, find clues, and solve the murder mystery! This is Who Killed the Minecraft YOUTUBERS in Minecraft!


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~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

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  1. 0:10 Um, did you mean Prestonplays, Craffte, Mr Beast, Aphmau, Eystream, Paul, and Cash and Nico? I am just curious and just want to make sure if you meant the diffrent names for them instead of the actual names, thats all

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