Terraria vs. The Zombie Horde

welcome to the zombie apocalypse I’ve invited the members of my Discord to join me in this apocalyptic scenario the way it works is simple the moment somebody dies they turn into a zombie and it becomes their job to kill all the remaining survivors and end the run I did this once before with my fellow content creators but today I opened the floodgates to a bunch of my viewers so we’ll have to see who comes out on top when the world is filled with a bunch of randos zombies win if everybody gets zombified and survivors win if the wall of fresh is slain being the host people were already hanging around me and sealing all my wood which isn’t making things easier for my own Survival uh we’re playing on a small world and oh everybody got starting Max Health in Mana just because I didn’t trust my viewers to not uh be massacred 2 seconds after starting so this will hopefully prevent the zombie hord from forming just yet and make it an actual you know event giving people a chance to progress you know oh Crimson oh they’re bringing face monsters over no save them save them hyper no run for your life hyper me and a group decided to not brave the crimson and dug under the dirt to start collecting some materials we made some starting wooden gear and then I did a big brain move by mobilizing our units to creating a tunnel just underneath the surface that’ll allow us to collect some extra wood once zombies starts spawning it can be hard to return to the surface so collecting as much wood as possible now can be a lifesaver in the future I managed to snag a treasure chest out from the noses of my viewers and despite not having many torches to our name one person did find a shine potion and so we have an easier time with mining around the Crimson it was a bit of a mistake mining down in the Crimson though as we had to keep going around the Crimson blocks and the enemies could be an issue if we weren’t careful oh hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up for some reason we decided we still wanted to mine down in the Crimson rather than reset in a different mining location so We snuck our way down and we’re attacked by an unexpected foe oh no dude imagine that one slime clears all of us okay that was a bit of an overreaction between all of us that slime was an easy kill but I had also forgotten we started with 500 health so the Slime really wasn’t much of a threat at all really this was when we hit more Crimson blocks and decided to abandon this cave in favor of one that’s you know not crimson and that’s when we noticed our first casualty a player named Pink had died but apparently they were slain by another player named Mudkip there’s no way it was friendly fire because well it wasn’t bombs you can only hurt yourself with your own bombs and teams are forced so they didn’t do it with a PVP match or anything guess we missed when pink first died and Mudkip had to fend them off this is why I gave everybody 500 health to start I knew it wouldn’t be long before our first zombie appeared and well became a menace by the looks of it there may have been other deaths as well and one of them was somebody who apparently thought they’d join with a hardcore character so they were a ghost and not a zombie not very helpful for this event but okay guess we have a ghost friend now anyways we started mining towards the spawn to hopefully save cinnamon Burger we got to save him but they died soon after at the hands of the vicious zombie pink it would sure seem that there are several zombies wandering around at this point which isn’t great Rescue Mission failed we continued mining into a cave that was just to the left of Spawn this will lead us to a much smoother path into the underground I love if we just were going to have this ghost following us I know it’s it’s F I mean it’s neat I gu chill pretty chill of him to not not try and kill us like normal ghosts do our ghost was a good friend and after the several deaths we’ve seen and I suspect we’ve had I checked the map to see who was still around we got people pretty spread assorted assorted is already in full assorted what if you if you look at the map you can see ass sworded he’s got his full jungle armor that guy jungle that guy is busted he he’s too good at the game how does he have jungle helmets assorted has joined events of mine this guy is basically a speedrunner so zombies are going to want to kill him uh As Dead As soon as possible and survivors are going to want to protect him he he’s the one who’s going to determine who wins our group continued Gathering ores but our friend cinnamon Burger who we had tried to save appeared oh zombie zombie guys zombie zombie zombie zombie get him kill kill kill kill kill kill attack G up on him he’s got a pickaxe no no never mind that’s not one get it there we go all right got him we have survived our first zombie encounter granted they only had a copper pickaxe it would seem kind of sad but this is the group jazab Moses Tac and fire lash well and myself believe it or not we weren’t actually functioning as a team I know it’s rare on the internet now when you have to rush into the cave so early in the game you got to collect anything you can in any way you can including breaking pots for Handy items like glow sticks and bombs there’s plenty of ores to and with a group as large as ours we’re going to need half the world’s resources for armor for any of these precious metal or armors whatever as we mind somebody broke a crimson heart which I thought wasn’t a good sign because the Goin Army can probably spawn now I thought it might have been a foolish Mistake by Survivor seeking early game gear but it’s equally as possible that the zombies broke it with Reckless abandon and that’s exactly who it must have been because the brain spawned soon after oh it was the zombies steing up you want to watch him that makes sense oh no it is zombies it is zombies yeah yep oh guys that is so close close indeed which has me thinking of a rather devious plan if we wanted we could theoretically sneak over there as it gets low on health and then get in a few cheap shots and get some free loot yeah actually I kind of like this idea we could sneak over there they won’t know we’re coming so we start mining our way to the brain see zombies are immune to enemies and so they can kill a boss without even needing to try this is a great strategy for them to get crimtane equipment and well just better gear than the rest of us very early this is an expert mode world too so there will be plenty of treasure bags for them to pick up and the boss should only scale to the number of living players so it won’t necessarily take them well the rest of the entire run to kill the thing but if we can sneak into the Boss Arena or harm the boss in any way then we can snag a treasure bag for ourselves we don’t need to stick around and finish the fight just poke it once run away and later return for our bounty we put in an effort but couldn’t mind nearly fast enough and now we were in earshot of the other zombies so we spoke Softly As We retreated back to where I spotted something that is very helpful guys wait skeleton Merchant skeleton Merchant skeleton Merchant we went around to say hello but turns out the short time we spent with him off screen was enough for the merchant to wander off into the darkness he would have been great for buying torches and other basic supplies that were solely lacking but I guess we’ll have to make do once again we’re about to head deeper but then they started breaking hearts again wait a minute this means that this time maybe we could sneak in and get a hit on the brain this is our chance we rushed to the tunnel we mined and soon enough the brains creepers were attacking me not sure if they count as hitting the boss but that doesn’t matter as I’m almost killed and have to retreat to the surface at night moments later and the zombie Mudkip appears at spawn armed with a rotten Fork I am toast but then he teleports away he didn’t notice me I’m safe but then I decided to wander on over to the Crimson area I was looking to farm some of the enemies because I have a wormhole potion which I can use for a quick escape and the enemies can drop maybe some useful materials I was quickly surrounded by more enemies than I could realistically handle when something truly tragic happened somebody came to the rescue support has arrived might not have been a goodidea idea hey I will come I will die with you oh no I will live and die with you I I’m getting out of here hey assorted does abandoning one of the five make me a bad person maybe he came to help me and I just left Jacob to perish on his own but I never thought anyone would teleport to me I didn’t ask for help it was his own fault heart heavy with a burden of carrying the death on my shoulders I returned to the remaining three our group of five reduced to four We Carry On promising to remember our fallen comrade who must be left behind or at least that was the idea my one and only friend left me for dead I will get revenge oh he’s alive I mean well dead but dead well that’s kind of sad moving on I got a gravitation potion and it’s probably a long shot thinking nobody has looted the sky islands already but I figured I’d give it a shot I’m glad people can bye and so I floated around checking Island after Island but every single one had already been wiped clean truly a sad State of Affair so I guess I’ll return to the group hello hey welcome back um we lost somebody because a zombie had the Crimson sword well the group of five has now been tripped down to three we are doing great we lost Tac and now it’s only me Moses and fire lash so long our fallen comrades we will carry on your legacies by trying to not die and one step towards that goal is mining a bunch of these gems here for the sake of crafting hooks we set up our crafting stations really quick to take advantage of whatever we could and then box a nymph into with dirt for the money that she drops and a metal detector the accessory itself isn’t the most helpful thing in the world but it could have a modifier which would be quite a help I didn’t get the metal detector so I’m not sure if it did have a modifier or not but we moved on to a glowing mushroom biome where I was able to pick up a cloud in a bottle which definitely makes me one of the more mobile people in the world in all likelihood I just need Hermes boot and then I’ll really be moving this glowing mushroom is a little close to the underworld which we don’t think we’re ready for so we headed up a bit but as we did we could hear the sound of somebody mining to our right but nobody on the survivors team was nearby so that means a zombie must be close we fell silent immediately I jump on a lava trap but block it before it pours into the cave and causes a problem we hurry through the stone covered caves with two people mining and one person replacing the blocks behind us to mask our Escape we keep torches to a minimum not placing any of them down and only bringing them out when absolutely necessary after a few minutes of fleeing in the opposite direction of the sounds we can no longer hear anyone mining in the vicinity we breathe a cyber relief we are safe for now I collect and extract anator from a golden chest and Moses trips a lava trap and just sits around while it falls on his head up and so w at the very last second so I guess didn’t hit his head but then he starts building a bridge near it and gets his feet burned off no idea what Moses was thinking but I guess he’s alive so it’s fine we continue mining for quite a long time but while we did that remember assorted the guy who had jungle armor super early in the game well the ice Bond presumably by the zombies and not long after there was a long list of names of players being killed by assorted who apparently had the volcano single-handedly assorted cleared several zombies and the I cthulu died right after this guy he is already way too powerful if he can take out all of those zombies just like that uh we might have this in the bag just because the sorted will carry us to Victory back to what we’re doing though we found the skeleton Merchant again but this time he didn’t despawn on us which allowed us to purchase many of the basic supplies that we were either missing or running quite low on this guy is always so helpful for the more hardcore events if you don’t want to die he’s your best friend yoyo run best friend any other run and you probably couldn’t care less unless you want an artisan loaf now one thing I feel like I should mention is that this mod adds a few custom items that can help either zombies or the survivors like a People Finder for the zombies a special pickaxe and cloak for the survivors whose use I’ll let you find out on your own the only problem is that the People Finder requires rotten chunks and we forgot to add vertebrae as an alternate recipe and so the item was uncraftable in a uh Crimson world and all the Survivor related items require zombie parts that only drop from naturally spawning zombies and since we’re all underground most of the time we didn’t hardly get any of these so there are some interesting items that I think have some fun use cases we just didn’t get any and the zombies were struggling a bit with finding people at this point which would have been easier if the People Finder recipe hadn’t been goofed anyways we had managed to connect with this person called zilly by the looks of it they have next to no gear and from what we heard his entire team was killed earlier in the run and he’s been surviving all on his own we set up a temporary base to help gear zilly up as well as craft a few things for ourselves he did get a snowball launcher though which I guess he’s got that going for him he was also collecting yo-yo accessories and didn’t actually have a yo-yo to go with any of the equipment somehow temporary base suddenly turned into a more full-blown one bed and all I even put down the extract minator for some of that free ore one thing about bases that we were sure to bear in mind while making this thing is that if the room with the bed becomes suitable for whatever reason an NPC might move in and that could expose our base’s location to the entire world so we were sure to prevent it from being suitable to protect our our new home in the Underworld layer of the caverns most of the treasure and what have you is likely a little higher up in the world so we started mining that way but there was a second Reason by the sounds of it assorted and another player with good gear called mini toast are seemingly interested in fighting Skeletron as our base is somewhat near the dungeon we figured we’d mine up to join in the battle but of course mining all the way up the world takes well quite a long time and since I have at least two Wormhole potions on hand when they summoned the boss I figured I’d join them right away to help ensure our Victory and claim my very first boss treasure bag let’s go turns out some Joker also spawned the I cthulu so we have to fight both of these bosses now assorted and mini toast are absolutely decked out with hellstone gear so these two are just busted while I’m over here pitching in as best as I can but I think I helped and didn’t suffer from severe skill issue zilly also joined at the last second he still has zero gear but he survived and was able to claim at least one of the boss treasure bags so good on him I guess but Skeletron fell and so we had access to the dungeon and I thought I’d try to keep up with a sorted sorted how are you so fast this guy is crazy but I more or less kept up with him the entire time and for the first time in forever I found myself actually using the bone glove drop from Skeletron and it’s actually not that bad I probably still wouldn’t use it during a regular run but when you have just about no accessories anything is better than nothing the same also goes for the book of skulls I got from Skeletron this is actually a decent Mage Weapon by but I also hardly ever use it while we’re down here there’s a few things that we’re looking for we want golden keys of course so we can actually open up the lock chest down here a shadow key from these would also be great for accessing the shadow chest in the Underworld which will have some of the strongest weapons available in prehard mode the problem is though that there don’t seem to be any golden keys dropping but perhaps a bigger problem or I guess not a problem as much as a reason for confusion is how none of the zombies have shown up it’s been night for a while so the zombies should be able to travel unhindered but none of them have appeared to interfere with the fight most of the survivors are in the dungeon and it’s pretty clear that we are but we’ve been free to do as we wish which is odd zilly nearly died all on his own and admittedly have come close to uh death several times while down here so perhaps the zombies don’t actually need to interfere to ensure our deaths I managed to procure a golden key and I opened a single locked golden chest with a shadow key and a handgun which isn’t great I don’t think the Arms Dealer has even spawned once in this world and so I have exactly zero bullets not exactly the best loot I could have asked for but one more golden key later and I found myself with a magic Missile perhaps one of the most busted prehard mod weapons where PVP is concerned at this point we’ve gone through just about all the dungeon and some of the others are struggling to get keys but zilly acquired two teleportation potions and shared one with me so I thought it might be fun to use one of them rather than hang around the dungeon where I’m sure zombies will appear at any moment all right where where are we going buddy I’m doing it yo jle okay this might be a good place to be as I could collect some stuff for things like the blade of grass or jungle armor but that could take a little while and I found an explosive trap these things are automatic death traps for those who trip them and I’m looking at it with a devious grin I could remain a Survivor and probably help the group all the way to the wall of fresh and beat the challenge but the zombies have really been struggling now that I have good dungeon gear though and I know the location of the other survivors if I became a there’s a good chance that we could kill a few more of them and maybe just maybe the zombies could turn the tide and win the event so I think it is time to join the zombie horde join me my zombie Brethren to the dungeon and so here I go with my zombie Brethren to the dungeon to slay all the survivors who might be hanging around there how ever we have a problem see zombies are not big fans of sunlight and have a tendency to burn that’s why there’s all this wall here it prevents us from burning in the sunlight but walls hadn’t been built across the entire surface quite yet this slowed us down tremendously and several of our Zombie Brothers well they died to the sunlight as we made our way there sometimes we had to just Brave the sun in order to make some actual progress and despite actually making it to the dungeon it came at such a great cost that the whole journey might not have been worth it um after all Tac one of the original five who died earlier in the challenge managed to get there faster than anyone else and so I wormed hold to him and we set up a campfire and cheris to assist in fast regeneration before heading into the dungeon to finish off the survivors who were still down there we managed to put together a bit of a crew ready to take down the Survivor Menace but we had another problem spikes we were taking damage and dying to the spikes and that thinned our numbers once more but I suppose all the struggling and effort ended up being futile because as we searched and searched we were not able to find a single Survivor my knowledge of their location was now useless it took us so long to get here and now we’ll uh have to find them all on our own instead of well in the dungeon and we’ll have to make sure that we do it before they beat the Wall of fresh that’s the only boss remaining after all and it’s the only one they need to kill to beat the challenge but not all hope is lost we checked the map and the Arms Dealer had moved in to some house underground somebody had made the mistake of making suitable housing we have a location we have a horde and we have the night we made it to the dungeon and sprinted to the location of the house and sure enough we found some survivors oh oh we got one we got one we got two what what the hell get him all right all right get him get okay did they go to spawn I’m going to check all right nope ah dang being able to teleport Away really does make it quite difficult to um kill people we might have to actually find their base or else kill them so fast they don’t have time to respond we almost took down Dr Millie but killing them as they fight the wall might be our only option at this point that way they can’t flee before heading to the underworld however we decided to break a larvae and summon queen bee for some more gear as some of my zombie Brethren are pretty lacking in the gear Department there’s also been a change to the mod to make it so you can’t just summon queen bee at the start and get everybody killed I assume it works though nobody actually tried it surprisingly enough we found our way into the underworld and we were starting to make some preparations and searching for the survivors but to my surprise someone broke a crimson heart and the Brain spawned soon after the brain to the right yep yep brain they’re fighting brain to the right is it has it been summoned yeah it’s been summoned oh it’s that was fast they have good gear yeah they doed I think they might stick around we continued on hoping the survivors might be hanging around the Crimson sorting their gear after having killed the brain they have got to be considering killing the wall and could be distracted so I rushed ahead of the group into the Crimson to see if maybe we finally had them cornered Hello friends hey oh that was fast but that’s okay I didn’t need to win the battle I just needed to confirm that they were there so my zombie horde would also know where to go and sure enough they were ready and the squad went in for the kill I’ve come to exact my is this all of them then I’m me Spar and thin coming for you oh my goodness their defense man and it’s over okay uh so one thing you might not know is that the zombies have zero defense no matter What accessories or armor they have equipped this was done so zombies could easily be killed forcing them to rely more on horde mentality to get a kill either that or a creative usage of traps or different weapons but this is the first time anybody has made so much progress in the game with this mod and we have learned that without any defense fighting people with molten armor even with good weapons is more or less pointless our only hope would be to uh set up an explosive trap or something because it doesn’t matter how many of us are there if we can only deal one damage a piece and they can kill us in two or three shots so that’s unfortunate this is a custom mod I had made so there’s more tweaks that will need to be made including having zombies defense instead of bringing it to zero and allowing zombies to teleport to each other’s locations freely if you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments Below in the meantime the survivors summoned the wall of fresh after killing everybody in the crimson and so we zombies rush to the underworld as fast as possible but in just about exactly 1 minute’s time they had already killed the boss and claim victory over the event well done to the survivors makes me kind of regret choosing to be a zombie cuz now I’m a loser but you can’t always win especially when you’re me thanks for watching this video and if you’d like to see how things went down during the first zombie apocalypse with my fellow content creators you can watch that right here

What happens when you invite your Discord server to an event where whenever somebody dies, they are turned into a zombie and their insatiable hunger for human flesh drives them to kill every other person in the world? Well, it’s like a man hunt and the survivors have to conquer the wall of fresh itself to quell the zombie menace!
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*Terraria Original Soundtrack:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBO2h-GzDvIazWs1jFf0QwzLjKqTW5w5a
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIkIdl6mePBshFxcxazePZxgBNq2oxWo2
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:* https://soundcloud.com/dm-dokuro/sets/the-calamity-mod-ost
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzKXyrhs_w8UC0yQ7p42XTwgAplYw4SnR
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDCZZR-i5z4
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion
#terraria #gaming


  1. Allowing zombies to teleport to each other is a really cool idea but make sure to add a cooldown. This way attacks will have to be more group coordinated. And it would also happen to function like waves of zombie hoards.

    Less sure about this idea but maybe zombies could be a sort of glass cannon build. Not sure if there would be balancing issues tho.

    Also it would be funny if umbrellas kept zombies safe from the sun. Undead Mary poppins hoard

  2. Could make it so Zombies get "mutated" everytime a boss dies, so get some defence but an extra ability, for instance once king slime gets defeated every 50 damage a zombie takes, they spawn a blue slime. Or when Skeletron is defeated, once a Zombie dies they explode into a shower of bones that damages the survivors.

  3. Zombie's defense should increase with boss kill count. Maybe not to match progression, but enough to matter. If the WoF dies, maybe provide a max of 30 defense?

  4. As far as making zombies, a little bit more viable in late hard mode, you could have their defense scale with the number of bosses that have been defeated. Kind of how boss checklist keeps track of which bosses have been killed, using a system like that you could make it automatically reduces the limit on defense or just gives them a set amount of defense, depending on those bosses taken out.

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