Moonstone Island: ALL Spirits Explained! 🦝🐠👁️ a Pokemon X Stardew Valley game!

♪ Moonstone Island is now on Switch ♪ ♪ And let me tell you this game’s a – ♪ …a really wholesome time! It’s good. What even is that? It’s terrible. It’s a shock value opener. Who wrote this? Oh I did. What is wrong with me? Part Pokemon, Part wholesome farming-sim, like Stardew Valley. Part card battler. Its just such a fun romp! But there’s one thing I always wonder when there’s a new monster tamer or creature collector game: “What are the monsters based on? And why are they named what they are?” WELL! This video will be the answer. THIS! Is every SPIRIT in Moonstone Island explained! Let’s organize them all by type, and start with the Earth Type! Ankylo is too cute for this world, it mixes elements from 2 iconic dinosaurs, an Ankylosaurus and a baby T. rex. Though I guess a Ceratosaurus would be more accurate, since they are theropods with the nose horns. Brickhouse is built like a ♪ BRICK HOUSE ♪ a slang term for having a body like this, only not literal. This spirit will hit you like a ton of bricks! And having the East-Asian-style roofing, brings to mind the Nurikabe, a Japanese spirit or yokai that’s literally a living brick wall monster in some interpretations. Coolslime is your iconic JRPG slime, only its cool because it’s wearing its baseball cap backwards! Plus, I imagine wiping its slime on your skin would cause an Icy-Hot-like cooling effect… Well… its also LITERALLY the Cool Slime from Terraria. Dusty! Its just a lil guy! A little dust bunny, a susuwatari! Little dirty dust spirits! Carrying around a lil pebble cuz its so smol! Fluffox is simply a fluffy and furry fox! Gemlin, a little gremlin, but with gems for hair. Hopstraw is a scarecrow, which are typically stuffed with straw. Being that its up on a stick and has no legs, it’s gotta hop everywhere. “A hop skip and a leap away” is an old saying, now its a hop STRAW and a leap! Could his hat and jacket be made of Hopsack? Longlog is a… long log, like the kind you’d train your martial arts against? Maybe? No…? it’s just a log with a face. Mumbleweed, its a tumbleweed but it’s shy and quiet…it hides its face hiding inside the tumbleweed, it mumbles… cuz, it, uh, doesn’t wanna bring too much attention to itself… Oaken! To be oaken is to be made out of oak wood. Which it is, it’s a little dryad nature spirit with a plywood mask! Pappus is a little dandelion spirit, whose name is the botanical term for the parts of a dandelion that you blow away. The pappus. Punchypot! Better watch yourself, this living potter plant will punch you. Womr, that’s a fun name! Its a worm in an apple, a poisoned apple by the look of it. But the r in worm has been moved to the end of the name, perhaps in reference to various dragons and Wyrms in norse mythology whose names end similarly, like Jormangandr, Fafnir, Niddhoggr, and many lindwurms in general. And Wildwood is the Earth type boss! Its like the Whispy Woods tree boss that’s like the first boss in EVERY Kirby game! Just an innocent happy tree with an innocent and cute widdle face. Destroy it. You monster. Water Type now. Beabeau is a fun way to slur the word “beachball.” But spelling its name this way makes it like the name Beau, which means “handsome.” its also “boyfriend” in French, and its common-ish slang for cool or handsome young men amongst French-Canadians, and in the northeast and midwest of the US. Claudio is a raincloud with rain boots. Perhaps its loud in its thunder-rmaking, high audio. But actually Claudio and Claudia are both common names in western European. Though the name just means “enclosure” or “lame” which is not a very nice thing to name your baby… though interestingly being “lame” means you have no functional legs. Which also describes Claudio even though it has rain boots! It ain’t got no legs to fill ‘em! Dropple! Its just a water dropple-let. Fishbo! … unironically I love this, in a silly sort of way. Its a fishbowl on legs! Flote is an interesting fish, part pufferfish, part Mola Mola sunfish which are notoriously tanky just like this spirit, and part fisherman’s float. Octopup! Of all the things to mix with an octopus, a puppy? With a sailors hat? Is it because a pup is the opposite of a puss? Cat, dog, yeah? Like… a dogfish is a thing, but it’s a shark. Maybe its like how Hungarian sheepdogs? y and similar breeds have fur that bunches up kinda tentacle-y? Maybe its because dumbo octopus look like little puppies with their flappy ears? They just happen to also be octopus! Sandcrashle, it’s a sand elemental in a bucket! And like how waves crash upon the beach, destroying sandcastles, it will crash into its opponents! Snorcko, its a snorkeling leopard gecko! Simple as! Starsee! Get it? Its a seastar, but they flipped the words around and gave it 5 eyes with which to SEE you with? Starsee? Torble! Its a turtle with an igloo-like shell and a windup key or bubble blower on top! Prepare for a torrent of bubbles, from this torble guy! The grassy algae on top could also make it out to be kinda like a baby world turtle. Tidan! The Water Boss! Its a whole oceanic tide! A tidal wave, even! Truly like the Titan elementals of Greek myth. Love the paper boat as a hat, too! P-P-P-Poison Type! Birdbrain, an insult for people who are unintelligent, foolish, or scatterbrained. Its so dumb it poisons itself. Given its royal gown and crown, it is a reference to the numerous nobles and royals who have poisoned others or been poisoned themselves! And then whomever winds up getting the throne after the many poisonings is too dumb and/or greedy to properly rule the kingdom and so it fails… Maybe that’s the reference here? Iots also just kinda like a cartoony emu, ostrich and one of those birds that suck up water.. On your desk… Emoshroom is quite the EMO… shroom, it’s shy with its emotions. The mushroom veil is even like an emo haircut covering one of its eyes. Marsha, its like the name Marsha or Martha, but on a marsh monster, a bog beast, a living elemental made of mud and poisonous plant matter. Common guards for swamp witches. Radlad! Its just like Radlad from Ooblets! What a rad lad! Or a cool boy who’s also a radish. Ribbite is probably the strangest frog thing i’ve seen in a Pokemon-like game, like, ever. Like its a poisonous frog that says ribbit and will bite you, that’s the name. But its just a frog head with a single frog foot!??? Good luck jumping, guess you’re like a pogo stick! Taddle is a MUCH better frog; its like a poisonous frog thats still partially a tadpole, so its got the tadpole tail. Its neurotoxins ADDLE the brains of its foes! Taddle! Toxitoe… uh oh! Stinky! It’s a dirty, rotten sock! So toxically yucky-disgusting that it’s poisonous to sniff it. Given the feet and tail, it’s like a sewer rat trapped in a sock puppet, and I love it! Trunkle is a rotten tree stump taken over by poisonous mushrooms. It trundles along, spreading its fungal spores! Snaplant! It’s a carnivorous plant that will snap at you. Carnivorous plants catch and slowly digest their prey with acidic enzymes and other toxins… And Snapdragon is the Poison boss! Snapdragons are a real plant, though they aren’t poisonous, not even to most pets. But it was still chosen as the name, because as a name it sounds really stinkin’ cool! And because this plant is like an acid-breathing dragon,that SNAPS at you! Electric type already? Armbot, beep boop, your typical cartoony robot with LONG ARMS to help reach things and do chores. Barkbyte, it’s like the iDog, remember those? It’s also like your classic robotic dog toys and cartoon characters. I like how the name refers to the “all bark and no bite” saying, but it’s byte as in computer data. Breadmaus! Oh my god, it’s a robotic toaster, the bread inside has little mouse ears and a face! But the name is also a play on Deadmau5, … one of the biggest names in electronic dance music… uh, at least… a decade ago he was, and also THE biggest from Canada! Bulbot! A hovering UFO/alien/robot that lights up the dark because it’s also a big lightbulb! Burgloon! Finally a non-robotic electric type. And also one of the cutest here! I actually LOVE THIS!! It’s a raccoon burglar, which is…not the most original of ideas but it being electric type is, it’s like the Pikachu clone of the game. Capacibee is a bee with a high capacity capacitor! Able to shoot off LOADS of electricity for its size! Its ability is fitting of its name, as when its hp reaches 0 the first time, it recharges, and an electronic capacitor stores and releases electricity. Like charging. Cumulo is a jolly old fellow, and a cumulonimbus cloud is a thundercloud! It is me! Kiwiwatt! Its like a kilowatt, a measurement of electricity, but it’s a kiwi bird with REALLY long legs. Also all that electricity is going straight to its feathers! Lookit the poof! Snohm, an ohm is another electrical measurement, because this is an electric eel, an animal famous for jolting its prey and predators with electricity. But whats the ‘SN’ in the name then? Oh, well that’s for “snake” cuzl it’s also a SNake. Hence its ability being called “Take Thisss” doing the typical talking ssssnake thing, where the S’s are elongated. Sparky! It’s a little electric spark! A lightning elemental! Ball lightning! An electron with a face! And SparKING is the KING of sparkys! The Electric BOSS! A living ball of pure, electrical plasma! Which brings us to the Fire Type Spirits! Starting with my favorite, Bonefire. Whos a bonfire, but made of bones, because its a skeleton. Who’s on fire! Like Ghost Rider! Skulls on fire is actually a pretty big trope in media… “Get me out of here I’m proving a point!!” Carkey! It’s like a hotrod with the cool flaming paint job, though visually it’s just a generic car. But a wind-up one! The part you wind is called the key. Its like car keys! Flamane is like a flaming Djinni in a bottle, as djinn and genies were originally said to be made entirely of smoke and fire. You can Thank Disney for the more modern interpretation. But rather than just a fiery man in the bottle, its a FURRY in a bottle! A manly lion, with a big firefly lion’s mane! Flambit, a fire spirit through and through, who uses flame as a final gambit perhaps, a strategic move where a player sacrifices something up front for future gain. Like throwing something valuable into the fire, you sacrificed it but now your fire is growing bigger! And BIGGER! AHAHAHAHA! Lucerna is Latin for lantern. And this spirit is a candle with a big fiery face Prikli is a prickly pear cactus. It’s definitely interesting that this guy, who is straight up a plant famous for being filled with water, is not earth or water type. Fire still works though, they live in the HOT HOT desert, but I dunno… So I guess it’s fine that it can spit fire… Sheemp is a fire-breathing sheep with a high body tEMP. Wool is famous for being an extremely warm material to make sweaters out of, afterall. Sinjin is a dragon that singes you! It’s a long dragon, like Chinese dragons, and Jin in Chinese beans bright and beautiful! Which it certainly is. It can also mean gold, which its holo color is! ‘Holo’ being what this game calls its Shinies. It can also be a Genie, or Djinn, sometimes called Efreeti and are sometimes demon or dragon like. Spyreling conspires to set fires and pyres! Pyrelings themselves are small fire elementals already. And this one is also a tiny Spirit! Looks like a little devil that wants to bonk ya! And now for something that’s the opposite, the ICE type spirits! Bandicle is a bandit popsicle that steals coins! It also has a band of pink color across its popsicle eyes, which resemble a bandana disguise! . Bonguin is a little penguin with a layer of frost around its head and chest in the shape of a bonnet, kinda! With the little danglies going down on the chest? Bon is also French for good. It’s a good penguin! Eyesee, get it? It’s ice type and it’s a living ice cream cone, it’s ICY? but in being an icecream cone with eyes, it sees… with its eyes! But I do love that with the tongue, and the eyes, it has big Yokai vibes, and I LOVE that. Honkshoo is too cute! It looks like it’s just a little snowball with a face, but it’s got a nightcap and it sleeps all the time! In old cartoons “honkshoo, honkshoo, mimimi” was a funny way to depict someone snoring. Hygge! How do I even begin to say that!? It’s a polar bear in a BIG warm sweater. And it turns out Hygge is a Scandinavian concept that describes a cozy and contented mood that’s invoked by being super comfy cozy wholesome huggy warmth in your home. Sorbaton! It’s a bowl of living sorbet! And it will whack you with its spoons like they were batons! Whistler, a snowboarding penguin. It whisks by you on its board with speed, but that’s me trying to make its name deeper than it is. It’s named after the biggest ski-resort in North America, Whistler, which is in Canada. Yeeti is a yeti with an extra e! Perhaps that symbolizes the giant snowball that its always carrying and throw– oh, its yeet… yeet as in throw, oh gosh. YEETi! Also it’s got its big FEET out! For FREE, even! Now Psychic type! Beardini is a bunny with a big beard, and given its ability, “disappearing act”, it’s clear that it’s also named after Houdini, famous escape artist and magician. Beardini is like the classic “rabbit in a hat” trick! Lookachoo! Oh that’s clever. Its a classic sheet-ghost looking at you through those holes, but instead of a bedsheet its a handkerchief, what you blow your nose and sneeze into, ACHOO! Bleh… Loonylid! Aah its like the mad hatters hat! Only more of a living witches hat! Lid being slang for hat! Magicat, the magical cat! Minoot. Now wait just a Minoot… an owl with clock hands on its body, it keeps the time, counting the minutes and saying hoot. Minoot. Mystislime, the mystical JRPG slime! And like Coolslime, its also a classic Town Slime from Terraria! Posho is a living magical potion. Perhaps its also posh… but, nah, I think it’s just a magical potion… Rablit is like the silliest thing, it’s a rabbit that lit the room up because it’s also your typical standing floor lamp… like why… why would you mix those? I get that this game is treating psychic almost like a magic type. And possessed or living lamps are common in, like, haunted houses and wizards towers, and such, but… mixed with a rabbit? Its just because of their own magical association? Well, there’s also Taro, your classic spirit deer. Or the classic magical reindeer. Perhaps its also named after tarot cards that supposedly foretell your fate, it starts with the Premonition card afterall. Now… DARK type… Wolfbane is the bane of wolves, and is named after the Wolfsbane plant, which is named so because it is toxic and dogs hate it. In North America, it’s said to be potent at killing werewolves specifically too. Which is likely what happened here, since we’ve got what is, essentially, the ghost of a werewolf. Puppox, or “pupp-oh” it’s a wooden puppet clearly, then the suffix -ox means “having such an appearance” or “It shows exaggeration of an existing [adjective].” As if it says “This is more puppet-y than a puppet”… And also that’s what puppets typically do for shows, they move and appear like a person, but often exaggeratedly so! And they are often seen as creepy, hence their frequent use in horror media. You know what else is terrifying? The pox sickness it spreads. Catsket, ah I get it, it’s a casket, or a coffin, but, but cat themed! Darkoffee… it’s dark roasted coffee, but alive, and nervous because that’s a common side effect of too much caffeine! Arkeya! It’s like an upside-down one-eyed snake. See? The fangs, and then the tail is forked like their tongues, or pike a pitchfork. This is an evil snake. Like Satan himself, who loves the Archaic ways! And mysterious arcana… its also worth noting that its ability is called ”Edrich Toll”… and there’s Arkham, a fictional city in Massachusetts in a LOT of Lovecraft’s original eldritch horror stories. Evileye is a little impish flying eye devil! I immediately think of Keese from Zelda. And really, just how common are evil floating or goopy eyes are in horror media? Especially in an eldritch context. Heck this enemy from Final Fantasy is also called an Evil Eye! Karyote, it’s a bunch of goopy menacing eyes, like what we JUST talked about… The name is curious though: so Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Which is all fine and well… scientific-talk that I TOTALLY understand…! But, really, if you just look at images of them… yeah, they’re spooky looking scientific diagrams of cells that resemble goopy eyes! So it’s a bunch of evil fleshy eye cells! And the Dark type boss? Missingno! … which might be a LITTLE on the nose there…! But: Missingno is short for “missing number”, which all refers back to the original Pokemon games, “missingno” was a glitched Pokemon you could get as a result of… well, a glitch, and it would slowly start to corrupt your game, which led to some nightmare fuel and a bunch of Pokemon creepy-pastas. Honestly, given that this Pokemon-inspired game treats dark as an almost “eldritch” type, I do think that’s a VERY fitting thing to base your big dark boss on. Visually though, it’s just a spooky eyeball in a hand, another common creepy thing in video games games and media and such, but, like, Zelda, especially… y’know Ganon is pretty eldritch when you think about it… But back to our Missingno here, it’s got an eldritch magic summoning circle in there too, and its hand is glitching out as it enters a reality in which it SHOULD NOT BE! There are only 3 spirits left, and they are all “Any Type” Spirits, meaning they are different types depending on the context. They change their type to fit the setting. The first is Overseer, who resembles a die for playing tabletop RPGs, but with a spooky eye on each face… giving it an evil throne or “Biblically-accurate angel” vibe… There’s also (corruption effects) Uh… I mean (corruption effects) who’s name should not be said… but uh, I can write it down. Its just… this…. just this. Yeah. A spooky, perhaps fallen, angel in a robe, with a single eye and glitched out eldritch wings… (corruption effects) Uh… And the very last Spirit is simply named Guardian, because it’s a Guardian spirit! They protect all the dungeons throughout the land from would-be robbers, and invaders, and such! They are like your typical guardian statue/rock elemental/golem creatures, artificial nature spirits. Guards through and through. Resting, perhaps eternally, lest someone come near… Now THAT was Every Spirit in Moonstone Island, as of now! And It definitely has its own vibe! It doesn’t try to take itself too seriously with its monsters, clearly, and I can respect that! Especially Fishbo..! Uh, I love you! Well, which is YOUR favorite? What do you think of the game? Let me know down below! and, hey, why not check out our coverage of all the Cassette Beasts next? Another awesome Pokemon-like game. Look there’s even a link here for you, here, now! But how did… I didn’t put that there… Hang on! What’s going on!?… Uh oh-

Moonstone Island mixes Pokemon with Stardew Valley and a card battler, and now it’s on Nintendo Switch! I’ve been playing it on Steam for a while and can recommend it fully! With it in the news again, I got to wondering: What are each of the Moonstone Island Spirits based on? Why are they named what they are? And why are Bonefire, Fishbo, and Burgloon the best?

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#moonstoneisland #pokemon #pokemonlikegames

00:00 What is Moonstone Island?
00:35 Earth Type Spirits
03:17 Water Type Spirits
05:43 Poison Type Spirits
08:10 Electric Type Spirits
10:19 Fire Type Spirits
12:30 Ice Type Spirits
14:14 Psychic Type Spirits
15:52 Dark Type Spirits
19:30 ANY Type Spirits
20:39 GG! Conclusion!

Gnoggin, hosted by its creator Lockstin, is a show delving into the mysteries of Pokemon! (and other games sometimes too). Explaining everything there is to explain! Why is each Pokemon given the type it has? What are their origins? What is the lore of the Pokemon world and the design inspirations? And what does it all have to do with alchemy? Let’s Go find out!


  1. To note about Arkeya is that like Karyote it’s named after archea another branch of the evolutionary tree and Karyote is made of multiple eyes as opposed to Arkeya’s one eye because eularyotes are the basis of multicellular organisms

  2. I look forward to Lockstin and Knoggin making videos of the monsters and there in origins for Monster Tamers it is just cool to see and gives the devs support for the game a win win!

  3. "Archaea" are also a group of microorganisms similar to but distinct from bacteria. The main feature about them is that they live in extreme environments. Maybe implying that it could survive death itself? 😊 wouldn't that be a neat touch?

  4. A couple things worth mentioning:

    Firstly, similar to Coolslime and Radlad, Spyreling is also from another game! It's from Slay the Spire, specifically the Fat Gremlin enemy.

    Secondly, Pombomb from Cassette Beasts was recently added to the game as a Fire Spirit.

  5. Lockstin sincerely thank you for bringing my attention to these amazing creature collecting games!!! As a creature designer, I live for creature designs 💜💙💚

  6. I knew that you would do an explaining for Moonstone Island and I've been playing that game for a while now (From my pov, it's really cute). I was wondering if you'd also cover Subeta (A Neopets-like) and Kadomon next.

  7. Overseer also resembles the base form of Miracle Matter, the (semi)final boss from Kirby 64 which can change forms to use the same elements Kirby used throughout the game against him.

  8. A couple of these spirits look remarkably similar to bosses from Kirby 64, Tidan looks like Magman but made of water instead of magma, and Overseer is literally just purple Miracle Matter

  9. I can't remember but has Lockstin covered the creatures in monster rancher? And if so, Perhaps he could tackle another blast from the past in Fighting Foodons

  10. About both Missingno and Overseer:

    – Missingno being a hand is funny given the heavy hints towards Gen 1 Pokemon it has, after all, Missingno was usually accompanied by a "Pokemon" called Deadhand.

    – Overseer having the ability to change types makes sense seeing how it is heavily inspired on Zero Two's first form from Kirby 64, a Boss that also could change its "type" at will.

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