Investigating Forgotten Minecraft Structures…

what if I told you that throughout Minecraft’s history there are structures you God even exist removed to be hidden forever but today I’m going to be rediscovering them starting with this long forgotten structure in older versions of Minecraft the starting house and rumors say that on specific World settings this structure was not spawned to help you and so here we are on the ancient version of Minecraft where huh what are these options generate new level is this when Worlds were called levels and wo it even says load level is there no multiplayer play tutorial level what I didn’t even know that existed yeah this is when Minecraft was owned by Notch and okay well I guess the only option I really have is to generate a new level which whoa what are these options we got type shape size and theme okay I have literally never seen this before I’m on the official Minecraft Wiki where it says removed stres aha the starter house according to the wiki it says it should spawn anywhere on the Java Edition inev world so in that case we can do whatever we want for the type I don’t even know what this means you know what floating sounds cool shape I don’t know man deep sounds kind of sus kind of creepy if anything and then size uh I don’t know let’s go with small and moving on we have theme what does that even mean theme what what options do we have yo only two normal and then dude I don’t even know if I want to say that hell what does that even mean okay this just got kind of series I’m not going to lie you know what let’s just try normal let’s hit creates and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s going on what is this world wait where am I going what the there’s water okay that’s fine I should what why did the game just kill me like that’s not supposed to happen I mean okay could be a bug right like it’s not like it’s stopping me from trying to find the starting house I didn’t even see it render that’s so weird okay let’s literally just do the same thing cuz I guess I don’t even know should we try out the no we can’t do that yet you know what if the game is not going to make me run this okay create let’s try that again what what who where’s the starting house I don’t see it no oh my gosh I’m going to die again okay that is so weird hold on I have a weird Theory there’s no way it’s almost as if the game is making me choose this other theme no okay dude I swear if this works I’m going to hit create and huh what wh why did that work wh wh why why did it actually work oh no Gamers this looks like we’re inside the starter house wait we actually did it we found this forgotten and removed structure and yet it took us going inside of whatever Dimension this is wait this is an official Minecraft version if you move my big head out of the way it says Minecraft inev on the top left that means in development that means things are in this game that aren’t supposed to be in it literally despite not seeing a hand though it looks like yeah we could break I I didn’t know I could actually break the torch I’m actually going to take one with me dude what is this thing what is this supposed to be it’s just a plock of wood and some Stone wait is there something under it there’s a hole broken right next to it which is so weird and speaking of weird dude I got to turn this brightness up for you guys this looks terrifying everything is like a blood red and then the sun is still there what is that it’s a floating island up there that’s right we chose the floating island thingy maob okay this looks really weird there are trees there’s not a single piece of like green grass it looks like hold on if we look over the edge is that lava I can’t even tell Dude maybe I’ll jump off in a second just to explore but I want to get some tools in order to like see if there’s anything in the basement and who are you kidding me we don’t even get logs we get whatever whatever this is cuz it doesn’t even have a name okay well in that case we got to keep her eyes peeled okay Gamers please let me know if you guys see literally anything around here okay this is back when okay I was going to say something but it was going to be a little corny I’ll say it anyways this is back when Herobrine was like actually potentially a thing I know I know it’s a little cringe but whatever dude all I’m saying is I don’t know what could be in this game’s code I mean this is a literal documented structure in Minecraft that you probably didn’t know existed just like all the other ones that we’re going to find out but here goes nothing let’s explore this thing I really hope this is not some sort of weird thing it it looks like there’s just grass okay just dirt nothing I can’t even Crouch let’s break this Stone over here please please please please please okay I can’t even reach down there it doesn’t look like there’s anything okay yeah I dug a bunch of holes I don’t think there’s literally anything inside of the starter house but what is the point of this thing I mean what could it be protecting you from I’m not going to lie to you I’m pretty terrified cuz like how is anyone supposed to even survive in this thing I’m just grabbing this torch and bringing it everywhere I go there’s no water I mean at least there’s wood but that’s about it I do see some coal I don’t see a single Pig I don’t see a single sign of life at all whoa what just happened what just happened what just happened what just happened oh did I press something dude wait I saw the moon though yo I saw the moon for a second everything just went black really fast and and I could see the moon when everything went really dark but the sun is still out and this the moon was right over there okay I’m not going crazy right guys like you you guys saw that too what oh oh my gosh wait it’s not even holding it’s not even holding anything it’s not even holding anything in his hand what the oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh go inside of here go inside of here is he going to chase me is he going to chase me yo he’s not chasing me I’m on half a heart this structure does it actually protect you what else could be out there the Nether Reactor Core an ominous artifact of forbidden technology pulsing with redstone energy tearing open Rifts from other Realms and so after researching I found a way to convert an old pocket edition world into the newest versions of Minecraft come on please be there please be there single player and wa okay what is this dude the world name completely corrupted and it says it was made in 1270 what 1970s back in my day psych I ain’t old says there’s commands enabled and version 1122 okay this world has no idea what’s going on but let’s go and just load this thing World using wo wo wo what is going on why is it glitching like that dude I’ve never seen this before like I’ve seen the message but never it looking so corrupted it looks like it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s loading like missing whoo okay everything is flashing I swear everything was just flashing do I want to create a backup you know what yeah dude the name those kind of look like eyeballs I’m in okay yes Minecraft I know how to move thank you very much whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is going on what what the heck uh um um did you guys see that what the heck just happened okay okay just be calm Bonk you have one Mission I am literally in my old Pocket Edition world which makes no sense I I don’t remember it being super flat I I I literally I honestly I don’t remember it being anything like this if you guys aren’t familiar with what I mean by Pocket Edition it’s just Minecraft but like on the phone something must have gone wrong with the corruption but anyways hello why’d you why’d you come up to me like that I am keeping my eye on that sus villager bro and yes yes yes despite the freaking Pocket Edition world being completely corrupted it’s here the nether core reactor I placed it near this Village dude this is so epic and wao not the correct pattern that’s right we need to make the correct pattern in order to activate this nether core okay and so this is someone actually building it back in the day and so you need to make this platform with it looks like just four gold blocks in the center hob as the floor yeah there you go not the correct pattern we got the same message it looks like okay you just Place some cobblestone on top of the gold blocks and there you go it should work why is he not doing anything okay it’s my turn okay can we go in creative mode yes we can perfect and can I can I grab this no I can’t what does the game think this is a beacon that is so cool I didn’t even bro according to this ancient structure red obsidian like blood obsidian is supposed to summon if we do things right so let’s get our gold block four gold blocks in the corners bam B boop beep and I think place this over here and we have to make a little cross type of thing and there you go that was so easy are we really about to do this okay okay I’m I’m I’m I’m kind of scared I’m kind of scared this is literally it here goes nothing three two one what not the correct game mode survival mode shut up there you go whatever bro I don’t care I don’t care what happened to me okay why is the Villager right there dude he just turned to all right all right that’s it that’s it that’s it Gamers leave a like if you think I’m going to die and subscribe if you’re new I’m right clicking it boom active wo wo wo wo wo wo I can’t see wa the red obsidian it’s real it’s actually real wait what’s what’s going on what the ow what is that wait what is that a that’s a Zombie Pigman and whoa where are these items coming from this is a lot of process there’s literally the blood obsidian it’s real and whenever I touch it what the heck it hurts me did it just summon more items when I took damage too this is so weird wait those are those are player heads why is there player heads is this supposed to summon player heads where’s it going where’s it going the structure what’s happening to the structure what it’s deleting itself and then so there’s so many mobs there’s so many mobs wo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoa whoo whoo whoo wo no no no no no I just gave myself some torches dude I I need to see I need to see go go go place it place it place it place it place it place it place it place it where did they go these Zombie Pigmen they’re they’re not they’re they’re not Pigman they’re or they are the pigin wait I’m so confused aren’t these the old ones and why are they red we got a ton of really weird loot we got paintings we got all sorts of skulls even Wither Skeleton skulls which weren’t even in Pocket Edition I’m pretty sure as well as the player heads why would we get player heads what okay okay hold on what the heck oh that was so weird I I kind of got scared okay I gave myself some things just you know a diamond sword and some golden apples I want attack these guys because they literally look like they’re already hurt that must be some sort of bug right okay okay I’m going to smack them three two one boom oh they took no damage whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey back up what the what and what is that I just hit respawn no no no no no we’re going into spectator mode dude I don’t even care anymore is this supposed to look like this guys this is genuinely a forgotten structure that I didn’t know would still work and exist standing hundreds of blocks tall the monolith rumored to warp the reality of UN old Minecraft history this right here is one of the most definite proofs I’ve seen it literally says a monolith in an INF death world I generated it says the exact version and it even has a world download dude I don’t know about you guys but that looks so creepy we got to check it out and we’re back here on this version except this one does have single player and multiplayer okay we’re not that ancient let’s go and here we have world one the guys world I don’t know if I should be trusting this but I’m going to load it in and oh my gosh oh my gosh is actually there what dude I didn’t think this was real apparently these things are extremely rare to come across so rare that even if you travel millions of blocks you might not even see one and here we are we’re literally in front of a monolith okay dude this thing looks so weird hello Mr Piggy whoa why do the mobs move so weird I mean I guess this is an old version of Minecraft once again I hate these dudes but then again we were just on the newest version and that wasn’t so much better that was pretty scary I don’t see anything odd in the distance just just this towering monolith honestly we got to get up there let’s grab some wood wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo what is going on what is going on wait what I have I have an x-ray glitch check this out when we look at the monolith wa what what is that is that water guys I have no idea what that is is that like empty space is that water was I just inside of sand yeah I was I’m pretty sure we have enough blocks but that was weird I just discovered an x-ray glitch one that literally lets us see what’s like underneath the monoliths okay we got to try that again 3 2 1 oh my gosh it worked and wao it looks totally different here okay okay this is an old structure so you know we could probably find a lot of things here so there could be a lot of glitches these things are tall but come on not two stacks tall oh perfect wa it’s completely flat up here what okay I was I wasn’t expecting that I thought maybe you know some biom some pigs but no it’s it’s completely dead up here oh is this the sky limit what so here we’re at the sky limit bro the clouds look like wool what is this texture sorry game for roasting you if that’s the case what if I dig myself a little down right here and we keep doing the sand x-ray whoa down there looks so crazy I feel like we might need to check that out and as soon as we’re going to mine straight down it becomes night you can’t make that up why is this patch of what the heck if I step in it does anything happen nope seems good to me do I just should I just mine down oh okay this is scary I’m just going to keep on digging down though don’t mind me saf my editor activate our night vision okay there you go that should be a little better for you guys I’m still a little scared I’m not going to lie we’re going to be able to use the xray at any point that we need because we have the three sand but dude the deeper we’re going the darker it’s getting oh gosh should I try x-ray yeah let’s do it I’m going to try it three two one boom boom okay oh is this that looks like the ground level right there you know what even though you guys could see it a little better I can’t I think I’m going to wait till daytime and while I was waiting this happened what was that what was that hello hello there’s been no sounds in this game this entire time you guys saw that something just literally ran across the screen oh no oh no wao and are those other pillars what okay I I might be seeing things I maybe I am maybe I’m not I have no idea but it looks like there’s literally other pillars that weren’t there before okay just stay calm monolith totally isn’t haunted come on Bon be real okay great it’s daytime and I still can’t see anything come on dude that is such a joke oh wait never mind okay we can it’s just the X-ray that doesn’t really whoa what what the is this what’s under the monoliths do I just keep going down am I going to drown I don’t want to drown I’m going to drown r i hold on if I just keep going though come on come on no luckily I’m back under the monolith dude there is something down there okay and I’m telling you the game just doesn’t want us there it’s not cuz I’m bad or anything honestly it looks like what does that look like you guys see that it looks like kind of like lava am I tripping I’m just going to make a deep di I’m just going to literally go for it go as fast as I can I’m just pointed straight down can we survive it can we make it down into the deep Abyss under the monol I see something is there something it’s just dark what what waa huh how was there lava there’s water and it went dark and then oh no no no no and why is the moon red a relic of a vanished era the brick pyramid its purpose lost to time Whispering the voices of Forgotten civilizations and because it’s extremely tricky to find this thing here is a video that explains it if when you spawn you look 45° to the left and walk straight you should always find the brick pyramid no matter the seed wait what does this even mean this entire video bro is just sprinting and sprinting are we going to need to do this all right all right we’ve seen this before generate new level and okay tons of weird options I’m not loading this one let’s just create it cuz apparently it doesn’t matter it should generate on any seed we we spawned here according to the video we have to look 45° from where we spawn and according to my calculations it is this way hold on just so we don’t lose ourselves boom that’s where we have to go what the heck is this obsidian I have never seen this before is this normal looks like it’s just directional I mean it makes sense to see weird stuff this is an in development version of Minecraft but all right here goes nothing and what the holy cow I just realize our items what I have 9990 freaking planks and then 998 glass I’ve never seen that before okay and so it looks like bro they don’t even have swimming are you kidding me I have to just float my way yeah there you go we’re going we’re going we’re moving fast all right dude this is sick and so according to all the research and the reports we just have to keep on going and growing oh growing one eternity later yo yo oh my gosh I see red I see red I see some red wait what that’s it oh my gosh no that is not it that is not it that is not it we found it it it actually exists it actually exists dude we just found like like this is the equivalent of like the Egyptian pyramid back in the day in real life but in Minecraft something like that I don’t know whatever this is crazy and it goes underwater what gamer this looks awesome we just found a structure literally lost in time no one even knows why this thing was built what it’s supposed to contain at some point this was referred to Minecraft’s rarest structure just because you know it’s hard enough to get on this version he I’m climbing this thing I’m honestly kind of scared we’re we’re going so high up oh my goodness are we at high limit here hold on can I can I place a block I can’t I can’t even place a block so this is the height limit a you can see the entire world that renders from up here this is awesome wo why why is the sky so weird in this version and the Sun is kind of pink okay that’s a little odd is is is it cuz I’m standing directly under the pyramid are we able to make a sign or or something no that’s not even in this game dang it I want to leave like some sort of Mark here okay I I have an idea I’m going to I’m just going to shave off this piece right here is that going to do anything the braking like totally glitched there that was a little weird yo yeah it doesn’t even what the heck stuff is not act what wait why are my blocks not dropping I my pickaxe I was just holding my pickaxe I didn’t do anything uh okay let’s try that again I literally crafted a pickaxe so that I could break this thing and then it just doesn’t bro I’m trying to break into the pyramid why isn’t it letting me is it cuz I’m at height limit I just also realized why are there no mobs in this version is that is that normal this thing is like awfully quiet for it to just be removing my stuff can I can I make a sword hold on I have an idea if I can make a sword okay I have a sword now it it’s not removing all right now let’s try and make a pickaxe for the third time okay okay okay what if I don’t move just don’t move and just mine straight down it’s working it’s working what wait my pickaxe disappeared but then I was able to break a block what the heck what’s going with my with my game oh oh God oh God oh God my game is totally bugging out yo I don’t even know if I’m still recording I might have to shut down my PC dude to stop this

Exploring Minecraft’s Forgotten Structures…

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@Danny Bionic

My Editor:



  1. first one the house:idk if that's real second one nether reactor: it's real but it's supposed to not drop anything it's purpose is to make a mini nether because there is no other dimensions
    third one monolith: it's real mojang use it to smooth the land
    fourth one brick Piramid :is real I don't know what is it do but its an og structure like almost every one know

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