Terraria’s Most GRINDY Items #terraria #shorts #gaming #gamingshorts

terraria’s most grindy items first off we have the teras spark boots ter spark boots require a ton of accessories to craft so naturally it’d be hard to craft but this is just the tip of the iceberg The angk Shield is also a very grindy item it requires a bunch of different accessories to craft which all drop from different enemies it’s very annoying and it requires a lot of farming next up the Zenith the Zenith is the final male weapon in the game and it’s also to’s strongest weapon so naturally of course it would be grindy you need a lot of other melee swords to craft it like the Terrible mamir and SAR wrath now this might seem like terraria’s most grindy item but there’s just one more that might even top the Zenith the shell phone the shell phone requires an insane amount of items to craft every single item from the shell phone’s crafting tree can take a long time to get so it’s an actual pain to grind for fall for more shorts like these


  1. Zenith requires 14 swords and shellphone 13 items if im correct.
    And for ankh shield its probably easier to get two accessories and turn one into the other in the shimmer

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