Testing SCARY Minecraft GLITCHES to see if they’re FAKE!!

Minecraft is full of Horrors but these myths are by far the scariest the question is are they real well we’re about to find out starting with the drowned jockey this myth comes from our Discord where one of our members claims that something stole their skeleton horse on this seed but the craziest part was that the horse was Underwater All right so we have just joined the seed and I have no idea what to expect everything looks pretty normal so far right did I just hear a skeleton horse already did you guys hear that I definitely heard it in my ear did it come from the town over here the village it might have been in that direction I don’t know okay is it normal for there to be thunder and lightning in the middle of the day with no storm I don’t really think so let’s take a look at this Village everything looks pretty normal though that I’m seeing I mean interesting floor plan like the house is I don’t know I actually like the itic of this Village it’s well decorated they have a nice Farm they have a waterfall like they are thriving in this Village except this is interesting there’s actually a lightning rod right here is that in most Villages I don’t really think so well that was interesting to see because obviously you need lightning to spawn a skeleton horse but remember part of the lore of the drowned jockey is that their horse was underwater well what’s that mean we’re going to go go underwater and create a beautiful underwater house we’re just going to make something glorious ladies and gentlemen I don’t mean to brag but this is definitely the most amazing house I’ve ever made in my entire life and I’m not kidding I have never really made a cool underwater house I had to drain the water and everything that’s a lot of work I just heard a in my ear I think there could be a drown outside now that I’ve made my amazing underwater house I think we should go investigate the noise let’s see oh it’s just a normal little guy I don’t really enjoy drown zombies but in this case I feel like this is normal there’s there’s not like a jockey involved it’s just a a drown let’s just go back to the house I’m losing my mind was there a pumpkin in front of my house earlier y’ I do not believe that this was here guys let me know in the comments if you saw this but I know for a fact I did not place that down okay very strange but we are missing one of the most important items to test this myth obviously we don’t have a skeleton horse like how are we going to test this myth without it so I’m going to set the weather to start storming and guys this could take a while for the skeleton horse to spawn so we’re going to test a few other myths and then at the end of this video come back and see if the drowned jockey is real I’m a little nervous the Red Enderman according to Minecraft creepy pasta.com red Endermen Are Enderman with spooky red eyes that invaded the seed and somehow caused the Creator to go blind I better grab my glasses for this one all right guys let’s check out the evidence of this Red Enderman it’s hard for me to believe that this actually exists all right so this is the seed I guess that we’re going to have to join I can’t believe I do this for you guys okay we’re loading in I feel like we’re going to get a jump scare here like it’s just going to as soon as we we go onto the Overworld but who knows all right so here’s a player big chilling everything looks normal some flowers some water I want to know what is happening in this player’s head they’re just hanging out they’re acting like they’re uncomfortable like they feel like something is watching them no okay we’re good they’re just going to start building that’s the first thing you do in Minecraft you hit a tree that is just how it starts seriously this looks totally normal so far something definitely is going to go wrong here soon because that’s why I was given this evidence that is a lot of furnaces why did you have to kill so many sheep that seems unnecessary oh my goodness guys pause look everything seemed so normal and then look it’s right there not only does it have sus eyes it’s red and this player didn’t notice I guess at the time they were playing he’s just eating those breads up and then not even you got to pay attention to your environment that’s what I’ve learned is this some sort of ritual area that’s what I’m assuming so we have a lot of gold blocks uh some obsidian easy I feel like I’ve done this before for some reason it’s nice this is almost like a building tutorial for me I don’t have to like guess how to make it I know exactly how okay so we have end crystals interesting oh I have a bad feeling this is going to summon something bad we already saw the Red Enderman what else could this bring flint and steel we’re just going to light that on fire and then now what what happens from here what’s going on wa my gosh what what was that the lighting totally CH it was like Minecraft is glitching or something are the colors changing on the seed his hand is like changing colors now it’s just dark and they died oh my gosh why am I testing this out this does not look like it ended well for them okay well let’s go to the seed ourselves and investigate all right so we’re here on the seed where that beautiful player did not do so well uh I hope our fate is better than than his was we have to build that ritual all right so I tried to find the spot that looked exactly like where the player made their ritual so I’m going to do it right about here I know they were in survival I’m going to be in Creative because I’m just trying to make things easy for us let me just grab all the items that I believe we’re going to need one of these bunch of these let’s see if I can do this here’s my question like how do these people find out how to make these kinds of rituals do they just like test a bunch of stuff out so are obsidian has been placed then we had a lot of redstone Madness and it got kind of confusing I I think it was like like this maybe don’t judge me if I’m doing it wrong this is my first time and then there was like a creepy Circle all around the obsidian like this hopefully I’m doing this right ooh I think things are looking pretty good now uh let’s add the end crystals this feels wrong but I’m pretty sure this is exactly what the other player did and then then they lit this and run I’m holding my breath is everything okay guys I for sure built this right didn’t I I watched the tutorial wait hold on let [Music] me that’s okay everything’s fine everything’s fine I barely messed up my build we’re just going to um I found out what I think went wrong when the player did the ritual it was nighttime so let me just so let me just do time set night now things should get more interesting once it gets super dark we’re going to light this and I hope I survive I I kind of been regretting this but I know this is what we have to do it’s for science right also the Red Enderman was kind of cute like if the player hadn’t died I would have been excited to meet it but okay the sun has fully set now we something’s going to happen for sure I can tell I can feel it okay literally nothing happened I promised I watched the tutorial it’s night time and everything what did I forget oh my goodness okay that looked like weird magma that fell down from the sky the end crystals are gone do you think that means something’s in the sky I don’t want to look up I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t oh my gosh have you ever seen a blood moon in Minecraft because I have not that is a red moon oh my gosh uh I feel like something might have been there in front of me um was I seeing anything guys rewind let me know I just I definitely think something was right in front of me when I started to look back down okay um I I really think that I saw some sort of Enderman in front of me go where did he go I don’t think that’s the one that was in front of me but I’m going to follow this one instead buddy hey were you were you a Red Enderman just a second ago uh could could we talk hey it’s lovely you can teleport and all but like I’m just going to follow you where didd he go he’s really trying to get away from me this Enderman knows something that’s for sure he knows something he doesn’t want me to know I’m just going to follow you I really feel like the Enderman that popped up in front of me though was was a Red Enderman it wasn’t this kind it wasn’t a normal one it looks like he’s heading towards the nether port doesn’t it oh my gosh guys did it eyes turn red I think that it had red eyes a second ago I just saw follow that Enderman so just look at me in the eye pleas okay well I guess we’re going to have to go in the nether all right so we’re here in the Nether and I literally see nothing like there’s no mobs or anything where else can I find an du let’s go back to the let’s go back to the Overworld and try to find a stronghold easy okay I’m going to follow this and let it take me to the nearest stronghold all right I think I found the spot there should be a stronghold under here hopefully there is a Red Enderman on the other side of that end portal oh guys we did it I thought I got lost but I think the stronghold must be just right over here somewhere I hope it’s nearby I don’t know wait did you see something down this hallway it’s gone of course it’s gone are you kidding me I swear there was like an Enderman with red eyes or something down this way okay we’ve got to be getting close right it’s got to be near yes now we’ve got to add these two light the portal it’s time to find a Red Enderman let’s go uh do I see a glowing Enderman with red eyes in front of me of course it just disappeared of course that’s how this goes isn’t it there’s literally like no mobs here I see no Enderman I see no Ender Dragon there’s not even a dragon egg what is this place this is not the end that I [Music] know I just heard the dragon but I don’t see it I don’t see anything anywhere do you I don’t even see like the normal end crystals or anything guys I don’t know I I thought I saw a Red Enderman but I don’t have any proof this is creepy but there’s really nothing to make me believe that this is an actual real myth I’m sorry what is that why is the whole end turning red ew ew what is this is disgusting Make It Stop is this Blood this is not what I want to what’s going to happen is this whole thing going to turn red in front of us what’s coming from over there I I don’t feel safe okay so this entire end is pretty much red and now there’s a ton of red no please don’t kill me please don’t kill me why am I in survival mode all of a sudden no no okay Red Enderman are real and they will kill you it literally says slain by Red Enderman do not join the seed y’all that was terrifying anti null this Discord user claims that they have found some altered version of null that lives in the nether feeding on The Souls of Minecraft players specifically on this seed let’s see if they’re telling the truth all right let’s watch our evidence to this antinol character all right this person has a lot of gear so I’m going to try to suit up too very interesting got diamond and iron going on okay so I’m assuming we’re about to make another portal that’s the only thing I could assume right by his house too which is kind of smart also has a pretty nice looking house I won’t lie all right so the player’s going to go into The Nether and is everything going to look normal things look normal to me although this player doesn’t seem like he’s so convinced this player feels like he sees something right he’s he’s going off in the distance why did we just ignite a TNT and go back through the portal did you see anything I don’t think I saw anything okay so then we’re going to shoot an arrow at the portal or the guy’s just paranoid I can’t decide oh we okay I guess I’ll remember to do this I I feel like that might be important so now he’s just going to go to sleep what’s he going to do when he wakes up nothing happened overnight he even slept with this door open I feel like that was not the smartest idea are we going back to the nether are we doing it we are all right wonderful I don’t know what he thinks is going to have changed this time but what did you see something Flash in front of him and the portal looks like it’s broken I think I saw like character flashing on screen look right in front of him oh that’s terrifying and he can’t leave cuz the portal looks like it broke how is he going to get home did this player die he’s in a cage oh gosh this is a bad way to end he’s in a cage surrounded by fire in the nether in darkness this is like my new found worst fear in Minecraft error no do I really have to test this one this one looks really scary okay guys so we are here on the seed and obviously we have to get our gear they had a bunch of diamond stuff like we had like a sword like a pickaxe and stuff I’m pretty sure and then he only had boots and a helmet that were diamond and then he had an iron chest plate and pants I don’t know I’m trying to be as close to the real thing as possible put these on then he also had a bow get some arrows and then a flint and steel now we got to make a portal oh he also had TNT remember that was really weird he randomly decided to like explode it next to the portal I almost forgot that so let’s make this hey Royals my new summer merch drop is here designs that add Sparkle to your life with royal colors that are extra comfy get one now in Rain Supreme okay this is where he went to the nether yay everything’s going to be fine right tell me everything’s going to be fine so immediately when he got out things looked normal to me but I could definitely tell the player felt on edge I think the player could tell there was something watching him maybe wait guys there’s something over there I saw something look follow me this way I know for a fact I saw a character flashing right over here I swear I saw something flashing over here but now it just looks like a regular wither skeleton and a ghast no wait no this was definitely something not normal what just happened okay well I feel like the first time this player went into the Nether on this seed he had a bit of a similar experience so what I’m going to do is exactly what he did I’m going to get a TNT weirdly light it and then hop through the portal we’re back and I remember the guy went like this one two was it two or three I think it was just two and then he took a nap which I would like to do um so we’re just going to I’m going to make little little Hut this is not going to be my best work but that’s not what this video is about why did I make such a tall house all right just need to put in a door all right this should be this should be fine all I need to do is go to sleep and might as well just keep my door open cuz that guy did I don’t want to go back there guys I know for a fact there was some weird player in the nether but I’m ready to take on the day let’s go back to the nether all right here’s my portal I’m not afraid to to use it guys hit that subscribe button cuz I’m scared let’s go I I see my arrow that I threw I weirdly feel like I heard the sound of this portal breaking but everything looks fine and who are you literally there was something right over there guys you know I’m not lying you saw it too rewind and check it out there was some sort of entity on top of this building and now there’s a ton of mob drops like a bunch of piglins or something just die oh things did not turn out well for them I hope it turns out better for me okay if I remember correctly remember the player fell and was in some sort of cage it looks like it was in this direction like look at this fire did that have something to do with is this where the player died no shot but it looks kind of like we’re heading in that direction have you ever seen smoke like this coming from the lava in the nether cuz I haven’t no way guys this is it this is exactly where that player was in a cage and things did not end too well for them although the cage is missing and actually I feel like things are looking pretty good for us guys I don’t know I think we’re fine I don’t believe in this whole null business this myth is definitely false blood brine according to this user on Discord this glitched version of here Brian is not always hostile but it can’t take over your entire PC if you make it Angry so Let’s test its patience I don’t know why this is not the setting I expected for blood brine to be I just didn’t I thought it’d be somewhere scarier but we’re just like chilling in the desert by a temple and why is there a torch there that’s not normal I I don’t feel like I’ve ever seen that just happen naturally they broke it I don’t know I I don’t think I would break things over here okay dude you know how this typically goes right I hopefully you get something good in a chest down there sir it’s going to be okay right oh no he died that was sad not Pizza Master Okay well he respawned he’s feeling good is he going to go back to the temple where is he going feel like he’s searching for something did you see that in the distance I definitely feel like I could have seen blood brine by that that Cactus right there did you see it I 100% saw it I I don’t know if I’m ready to see it in person though do I have to test this myself I mean I literally just saw footage right here of this player next to blood Brine and he didn’t even know he’s just going on his merry way he really didn’t see it are you kidding me this is probably how y’all feel when you watch me not find scary things oh my gosh it crashed his PC oh no okay well I’m here on the seed and I’m already next to the same Temple the lovely pizza man did not survive so we’re going to go investigate it I feel really cool right now because I’m facing a big fear oh my goodness I think this is the exact act same Temple we’re on the same seed I spawned really close to it and there’s the torch there’s a torch right here that is not normal but it did happen to did it just turn to Soul flame for a second did you see that too or was that just me was that a zombie that kind of sounded like a zombie died or something but I don’t see anything out there this is exactly what the temple had looked like for that guy and then he just dug straight down so I guess that’s what we’re going to do this did not end well for the other player so why am I recreating this I don’t quite know but calabanga wait guys did you see something up there guys rewind and tell me I think there might have been a blood brine in that cave when I was falling I am barely hanging on for dear life and all of these weird torches are spawning around me and I see blood there is a blood trail it’s disappearing in front of me do you see these torches and I’m following the blood trail really quietly but it just keeps disappearing I hello what is that oh the blood trail went this way I’ve never seen a cave with like a blood swirl in it or something I don’t know if I can go any further guys did you just see something right over here I think what was that one second I have to check my door uh guys we have a problem this myth is actually affecting me in real life I I heard a knock I swore it was here in real life at my door and it wasn’t nobody’s there this is too scary this is going to be the first myth I cannot complete this if you want to test it please be my guest but I got to check on my skeleton horse I’m too scared and we are back on this rainy seene we have a lot of lightning I don’t know I feel wait is a skeleton horse spawning over there I think I’m getting my hopes up I really want this to happen we have to test the myth I see it look right here let me get a lead and we’re going to bring him next to our house you’re going to be my new best friend we’re going to make sure you’re safe and sound and no one tries to hurt you oh no I uh excuse me that was an accident you’re on fire and I was trying to help you come back I’m sorry we’re off to a rough start sir all right let’s just we’re going underwater easy peasy I have never driven a horse underwater but it is it is kind of working he’s slowly sinking down here’s what I’m going to do actually I’m going to leave him like right outside and grab something from my uh creative menu I’m going to leave you safe and sound I don’t believe anything is going to hurt him he’s going to be totally fine 100% but if something does happen luckily I have a wall of glass we will know exactly what happened all right so let’s go and grab yes right now I am in creative mode but we don’t know what’s going to happen while I’m testing this myth so I’m going to grab a couple water breathing potions just so we have our bases covered we’re safe we’re good and honestly I think that’s all we need what the heck I see my horse and something over there something is taking my horse did you see that it’s literally gone and some strange man was pulling it all I have to do is follow it in that direction until I get to the skeleton horse this me the drowned jockey is real we got to keep exploring all right I definitely think I see something over there there’s something moving like through the kelp and stuff we’re going to go over in that direction I might see my skeleton horse it’s definitely being brought through this by something hello hello could you please nicely give me back my my skeleton horse I feel like I see something through here I hear something that’s for sure oh gosh I don’t know which way is up and which way is down do you hear all these scary noises I saw something in front of me something literally crossed my path I’m getting lost in here this is terrifying I’m hoping my skeleton horse is on the other side of this it’s not but and I did see something scary in there but now we are in front of a bunch of shipwrecks which this looks kind of strange this is not like the normal shipwreck that I’ve seen before for it kind of looks like a zombie face or something I don’t know this has got to be the direction that my skeleton horse went though I can tell I’m following right in the path that the creepy thing took it we have multiple boats that are all like wrecked near each other why what happened in the ocean I’m pretty sure I just saw something very strange in one of them too can you rewind and let me know I was just looking over here and I’m pretty sure there could have been something creepy on this boat let me know in the comments if you saw anything I think it’s gone let me let me just double check cuz I am tough I’m strong I can do this get no I’m not seeing anything let’s continue in this direction wa is that a just big pit in the floor of the ocean this is very strange no way oh my gosh guys this is actually kind of wholesome big news the skeleton horse did not get taken by a drowned jockey no it just escaped to be with this family it’s totally safe here there are no such things as drowned jockeys we are good guys click one of these next videos and I’m pretty sure you’re going to enjoy it just like I love my skeleton horse it’s doing just fine

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