Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 93 – Another Delve!

hello again everyone welcome back to stardew Valley has been a short time since I uh played last let’s take a look at the uh the calendar we had our stardew Valley Fair yesterday marne’s birthday is tomorrow so I will definitely have to uh get a gift for her together uh let’s check the weather report welcome to kzu 5 your B and sours for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to rain all day tomorrow and our special forecast for the fern Islands region it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow so I could either go out to the island or I could try to go to the skull Caverns again tomorrow if I do I will be missing marne’s birthday I guess the fortune teller will kind of determine what it will be welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future well you’ve come to the right place the spirits are somewhat annoyed today luck will not be on your side yeah uh let’s see I could use some more hay 264 crops 36 crops ready 40 are unwatered 72 are already in the greenhouse 50 machines are ready in the the farm cave is [Music] ready just in case I’ve missed that but I don’t think I have all right anything ready down here no go ahead and get to watering then we’ll uh get all of our crops picked [Music] up there we go got some row that we can gather [Music] doesn’t look like there’s anything else let’s see what do we got dear alond Dre I ordered too much fertilizer for the garden I bet you can put it to some good use take care I probably can all right nothing for [Music] that right I need to put a few things away go ahead and put that [Music] away I got another light green rug so we’ll go ahead and just put it right there it’s fine anything else right there we go [Music] and that should be right there all [Music] [Music] right could do some uh fishing I suppose do I I would probably want more [Music] um more staircases um oh is it Wednesday that the or is it Sunday all right where’s my tab for checking out the shop contents where did I put you I I forget some of these things very very quickly it’s kind of [Music] annoying all right uh staircases are Sundays yeah all right so I can’t get more of those that’s unfortunate that’s fine I feel like like I have bait somewhere don’t I yes I do regular bait right in there I have some super cucumber bait in there I have some other bait somewhere else it’s [Music] fine get those in [Music] there I need to make some more of the these things as well to dry more mushrooms faster all right well we do have quite a bit here we need to plant something else instead where [Music] the all right let’s get everything that we can cuz we’re going to have to come back in here [Music] [Music] okay so what do I want to plant there that is a good [Music] question okay get you in there cranberries in there pumpkins eggplants broccoli I have seven pumpkin seeds that’s not enough seeds oh I do have uh 44 star fruit seeds so I guess we’ll do that 16 there we go all right also as long as I’m here might as well fill that up I don’t know how long it took me to realize that you could fill up right there all right uh I do not see anything else there what I just pick up picked something up didn’t I I do not know what I picked up all right so these are growing slowly let go down and check on our animals we got some more uh of [Music] those empty out my inventory and then we’ll check on our animals right summer squash goes in summer silly me all right let’s see what we got I do need to move all of these as well one of these days [Music] I can actually start selling the cloth now I think and the truffle oil I’ve got a lot of it we got our honey in as well [Music] [Music] all right not much good there unfortunately okay uh aged rainbow trout row I don’t need any of this for anything right cuz we only have the uh the missing bundle left we need either dinosaur mayonnaise or Prismatic Shard so nope there we go so fairy Rose honey can all be sold caviar aged rainbow trout all [Music] right excuse me [Music] [Music] guys guys you’re in the way all right let’s go ahead and make some cheese first and then we got eggs lots of different [Music] eggs nope get it in there thank you okay get you in there get you in there you in there okay and then some row start with the Blobfish row we just see what we can get in [Music] here okay that’s all [Music] done I’ll grab that one yeah why don’t I uh start thinking about where I want [Music] to put the oh boy put those things [Music] um all right I don’t have a whole lot of ancient fruit for more wine but can certainly make some okay what else do we want to make do I have anything else really good do pomegranate I have any uh star fruit I do have star fruit yes there we go and then just take some peaches for Jammer jelly if we need to nope all right do not need to uh the cranberry wine I think we’ll just sell don’t need to AG that so a lot of time spent around the farm already today is there any empty space Yes actually there [Music] is or unused things I should say okay everything else looks like it’s working away there we go hopefully I haven’t missed anything if so we’ll survive all right um is today that a day that I want to visit kobus no is there another fish that I want would today be a good day for fishing I’ve gotten lava eels and I do kind of want to get lava eels as a as a fish pond thingy okay I have not figured out where we can get like where we actually need to fish up goby um I know that it’s it’s at um like the the waterfalls but I’m not positive let’s see oh apparently it is just the just one waterfall all right why don’t we go try to get a GOI then maybe we’ll do uh a little bit of stuff around the um do some fishing down in the uh the mines get a lava eel a look at those guys you’re so cute help us and I’ll give you something nice Frozen geodes and sea urchins okay well I don’t think I have any Frozen geodes I do have sea urchins so I will need to get some uh Frozen geodes grab you [Music] nope I this too far oops I’ll take that new record for tiger trout and we get some tiger trout row and a sonar [Music] bobber nope all right it’s that’s annoying to get to so I don’t I don’t care well okay maybe it’s right here that I can fish up a GOI that’s a bream anytime all right ooh golden chest probably going to be another tiger trout yep and a golden chest gets us 10 wild bait and fish stew probably too far it’s not really far enough maybe it’s down here I’ll take that there’s a chub probably another tiger trout oh that’s a chub there’s a salmon I don’t know if I need to get it like right into the the foam oh it’s right in the phone there’s another salmon so I don’t think I can land it like right on the waterfall itself I don’t think that’s a valid uh place for it another chub dang it stupid chub another Breen yeah so I got it right in the waterfall and that was a failed cast curse you stealing my perfect salmon another salmon all right let me see it does say the bottom of the waterfall so it looks like I am in the right place so there’s not a super high chance of getting them that would still be nice take that golden chest all right what do we get oh boy five whole bait I make anything with that there we go yeah I don’t know I might be uh fishing the wrong place still seems really finicky where uh you can get this and again I just could be unlucky because it is not a lucky day or anything like that there’s the goby First Catch 8 Ines all right minus 112 energy some types of goes can climb up waterfalls all right well I think that is going to be enough to uh get us to go home there’s some forage out here but I’m out of space so we will not be gathering it so if it’s a lucky day we’ll uh we’ll head back to the skull Caverns um if it is not a lucky day we will make our way over to the island I think you know what I should go turn in this prize ticket too all right let’s see what can I do with some things in here I can smoke those smoke those so the tiger trout um this is it’s like the only one that will not increase its uh like if you put them into a fish pond you will need to keep putting them in I don’t know if they come out if they make anything interesting they do make row I don’t know how good the row is what else can I smoke Herring I mean I should really be smoking things that are going to be worth a lot that I don’t necessarily have a whole lot of I mean that that I don’t necessarily want to keep around I have any tiger trout in here I don’t think I do we do the ghostfish just because I’m want to get this other tiger trout in here somehow what do I take out there a lot of fish I can take those out actually and put them someplace else in that case let’s see what I can get in get back in [Music] here yeah we’ll take the sandfish there we go all right so that we can smoke sonar bobber in there that will go into another thing later run down to a town I’m not actually going to be no it’s too late because I I’m not going to be able to go in and get the thing I don’t know why I even thought that I could I’m very silly sometimes well I can go visit the raccoons so we can at least be done with that then I just need to get some there you go need to get some frozen geodes then do I have anything else that I want [Music] to mess with before I go to bed go ahead and get that in there uh I could make some more iron could make some more copper in fact go ahead and do so all right let’s just go to bed now Kitty good Corn Flakes all right let’s go to sleep for the night all right 32,000 very nice 434 for our sandfish and 261 for the sandfish and 73 for the Aged rainbow trout row uh the caviar 700 each fairy Rose honey 18,000 for all of that truffle oil 1491 315 for all the cranberry wine 399 for all the mayonnaise not too shabby 32,990 I don’t remember what I was saving up for something I’m sure but there’s always stuff all right so it’s marne’s birthday today but I don’t know if I will be getting to her we’ll have to find out weather report it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow and it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow on the island living off the land welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another tip for y’all now listen up fish folkus albore this fish can be found in either either early in the morning or at night look forward in the ocean and fall or winter [Music] okay I don’t think I checked uh I did not check uh how lucky we are 49 crops ready 24 crops already in the greenhouse 20 machines ready welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future while you’ve come to the right place the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your side do I try it anyway do I try it anyway might be a good idea to do so let’s think I got a lot of bombs I got 20 three [Music] staircases if I’m not Super Lucky then I’m not going to be worrying too much about things like um Whatchamacallit um like aridium finding aridium if I don’t need to worry about aridium too much that would probably be okay all right let me uh grab these crops the crops that are in the greenhouse not that important for Gathering but those are I could swing over to the the dwarf to buy some things an island totem I do not have any warp totems for the the desert I don’t think I have the recipe that yet no I don’t you know what why don’t we just go you know why don’t we just try it again worst case scenario is that I don’t make it all the way down all right before we do uh I do want to get some more copper going because I’m going to need more um I mean I got a little bit of time because of yeah you know what let’s actually make some bombs how much solar Essence do I have oh I need void Essence as well 28 that’s easy enough to do that’s fine I don’t think I care about the energy tonics I got to wait for Pam to get get there anyway so since I don’t have a desert totem all right grab you grab you grab you don’t need energy tonics don’t need you you you you or you but that’s full don’t care about muscle remedies okay lucky lunch speed to start with stuffing in case uh things go poorly lucky lunch to start well as I get deeper lucky lunch might be a better choice go and take all the stuffing just so that I can get more things in here then again I don’t really have anything for energy so I’ll take these just in case not too worried about energy but you never know and then I need my stairs for okay I don’t remember what time she gets there but let’s go to the minine see what we can buy from our dwarf friend you’re not a spice sent by the shadow people are you I’m keeping my eye on you Waker monsters will avoid you that’s something to consider get more bombs I don’t think I care about the mega bombs like two more of those just so that I have 10 okay oh I can’t uh grab that I guess I’ll just uh check out here see if there’s anything particularly valuable while I wait okay bus stop it’s not here yet should be there in a minute there we go come on please return When a bus driver is present hurry up there you are all right well as long as I am out here Emily is in need of a super cucumber probably not going to do that did I ever I did not get this week’s uh thing 100 pieces of Bone Island ingredients I want to experiment with tropical cooking but it’s hard to find any ingredients someone could ship 100 pineapples um there is no way I can do either of these but I’ll accept this just in case do not have enough time to do either of those for sure hurry up hurry up I wish I could have sped you up there we go would have been better if I had had a uh warp totem but oh well that’s the way it goes do not care about any of that we are just going [Music] there we go not an auspicious start very much not an auspicious start like I want to save my um I want to save my uh good Lord this is so not an auspicious start better four levels drink the life elixir I’ll take you ah yeah this is going poorly there we go nope stop that if I had more stair oh okay pepper Rex pepper Rex is worth uh trying to kill we did not get anything good out of it though rather get a shaft cuz I’m only on level 11 [Applause] there we go still hoping for shafts yeah all right let just do that there we go not getting what I need here all right nope it’s not what I want did we get a shaft we did not all right that is a shaft also uh this is worth blowing up just for some stuff I think also two shafts go ahead jump in six levels better than nothing my inventory is full already good Lord all [Music] [Music] right all right I’ll take that is there any way to actually kill those bugs I don’t think there is [Music] he I was hoping for a shaft and I found none H just take that ow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right I need to get that and take these stairs so it’s 600 p.m. already and I’m only 32 levels down [Applause] crab cakes [Music] um what do I not care about that so plus one speed plus one defense not too shabby yeah I really need to get some shafts there’s a [Applause] shaft do I care about I think I do care about the uh warp totem set levels that’s better than nothing I don’t really care about that I don’t know why I’m fighting all these guys kind of dumb down we go what is that oh caveman shirt um I’ll keep [Music] it all s levels nice accidental block there [Applause] [Music] get you back up here nope I’m just going to go down oh there we go all right what do I want instead of the or what do I want for to get rid of for the emerald probably the broccoli seeds cuz I can get those pretty easily all right down we go yes yes okay um don’t care about that don’t care about the cave man yes we have the dinosaur egg finally all right so that makes it worthwhile um and the fact that I just got that [Music] means I just go let’s just go okay bad idea but go down we [Applause] [Music] go nope down oh [Music] um life Elixir and I do not need the red mushroom what did I get five Mega bombs well all right just down we go okay a purple slime egg I was not planning on doing anything with uh slime incubators but I will keep it just in case [Applause] [Music] all right just go okay I know that there’s going to be a that’s crap okay I don’t have a whole lot of time [Music] there we go let’s see I got 19 how many staircases can I make five all right that’s not great keeping an eye out for any around here okay that is actually good C stellarium better than that can I go fast enough oh crap I hate that oh God NOP I think I’ve screwed it up I have screwed it up yep so close oh man I didn’t sell anything so new day new day and of course I got saved so no uh no ability to redo it but [Music] H I got 50 idium ore out of it I got a dinosaur egg which is exactly like that is something that I absolutely needed um I’ll probably set up another crystalarium for Jade but that’ll all be for uh next time see you then everyone

It’s time to head back to the Skull Caverns and try for getting to Level 100 once again!


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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