today me and my friends are having a speedrun challenge in Minecraft what they don’t know is that I’m going to be cheating and turning really really small all right check this out W look how small I just became I’m literally 100th of this block this is so small all right now let me turn myself back big this is going to be so easy to win this Speed Run make sure to watch until the end to see my friends reactions guys are we ready to have this speedrun in Minecraft I’m ready I’m so ready for this you’re going to lose loser no I’m not I’m literally going to win it’s going to be so easy no you’re not going to be able to beat all challenges wait there’s challenges hold on I didn’t know about these oh yeah each of us wrote a challenge in this book and you need to read it and complete it read it and complete it all right let me read this in order to escape you must complete these three challenges and go through The Hobbit portal wait a hobbit portal guys I’m not going through a hobbit portal oh well looks like we win Johnny did you read the challenges yet come on no dad I didn’t even read them yet okay well you don’t have to read anymore because guess what my challenges you need to get iron armor and get a diamond sword I don’t think you could do that what iron armor and diamond sword oh my goodness that’s going to be so hard yeah no Daisy and my challenge is you have to make a cake oh I have to make a cake from scratch oh my goodness that’s actually impossible exactly you can’t do it o yeah and if you thought that one you’re going to really have a hard time with my challenge what’s your challenge you’re going to have to build a rocket to the moon what I can’t do that in Minecraft he’s lying his challenge was you have to go to the Nether and get a blaze rod oh I could do that yeah they said it was see we change it to that all right so I got three different challenges and then I got to go through a portal easy peasy what we’re going to come CH you and want to kill you you’re not going to be able to kill me Gooby you want to know why why cuz I’m faster than the speed of life back the poop out of me go go go go go you’re not going to be able to get me I’ll see you guys later go go go go we’re coming for you how are you I’d probably just give up like right now right now just give up well you’re going to die right now oh gosh I don’t want to die Daddy but we want to win this challenge hey get away from me what the heck was that all right just going to collect this thank you very much hey get away from me I gotat upat up are you kidding me you stole my crafting bench I want to craft wait we need weapons there’s so much bread no no he’s getting stuff what Gooby you need to get stuff too I need to stop him from getting stuff oo more bread hey Gooby ow what the heck you actually do a lot of damage you need to chill yes yes yes that’s going to be a good amount of food that I just got right there o I just found so much blood oh you guys sto chasing me wow we’re getting resources wait are you guys getting any weapons of course oh no oh no I need to get a sword right now getting all these hay bales oh yeah I’m eating all this bread Gooby get away from me I’m coming I think it’s time to use my superpowers all right Gooby are you going to come get me yeah all right I’m just going to go in this direction wait where would you go Gooby where are you what he was right here Johnny he must have gone in this cave oh yeah Gooby I definitely went to The Cave Run This Way run this way see you later Gooby doesn’t make any sense where’ he go that works so well let’s go all right time to start making some weapons ooh there’s Stone over there that I could mine okay I definitely need to get that stone I see him no you don’t Daddy he’s a water how do you know that he played the uh the old uh fake around trick D you’re weird you’re stalking me oh there’s a pink sheep this is the rarest animal in Minecraft no it’s not Daddy yes it is oh my gosh wait Daddy can I see the pink sheep real quick yeah it’s right across the river for you it’s actually rare everyone pause no killing in the speedrun no pause pause pause killing there’s no PA the speed Speed Run is this yeah let me see this pink sheep I’m going to kill him the pink sheep is rare no he has the wall now I have to kill you now you just killed the pink man you you killed the pink sheep see you later Daddy no PA in the that’s one and you’re just hitting me I’m propelling you into them yeah but it’s hurting you guys suck oh gosh Daddy get away from me get away from me I’m better at parkour than you I got a sword you don’t you suck yeah well I got someone help me out oh God oh God oh God ow this is not fair oh you look like a little fish where you going hey hey hey hey hey hey you can’t go down there wait do you want to play mermaids no one wants to play mermaids that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life we’re swimming I just had to go through that whole cave to get you oh did you gooby yes so now come over here and just let me beat you up hey no I’m not going to let you beat me up I’ll trade you I’ll trade you I think I’m just going to go into this cave over here I have an egg for you I have an egg for you you need it for a cake where’d you go hold on a sec where the heck did you go it just swimm down go go go go go yes yes yes oh my God he’s above us see you guys later how did you just do that he’s like a ninja he’s a cheating kid oh my goodness I need to collect a bunch of these things I got to start working on making a cake I got to start getting iron and diamonds you guys need to stop chasing me so I have some time to do things no I mean seriously I will kill you guys I’m going to boost you I’m going to boost you I’m not going to die we’re ninjas hey I’m coming too ow there’s one no no no St there’s two come here Gooby fall over no no you know what Gooby I just got to finish you I know you have like one heart no no I’ll kill you instead yeah yeah got him I got all of you you all died haha let’s go I killed all of them now I actually have some time to get some better weapons and maybe find some iron all right now I got a bunch of awesome stone tools so I’m going to start mining ooh is there a little cave over here gooy what the heck I’m getting almost up and I’m Wai to fight you what the heck how you come back here Gooby die no Take that no die Gooby ow okay you do a lot of damage back up yes I poop armor I’m immune to your attacks how do you have that armor on that is actually not fair are you cheating I found some poop on the floor and I made it into armor that’s leather armor that’s not poop okay well I got a poop sword that’s wood that’s not poop Gooby yes yes yes come on you need to get up come on Gooby follow me top of this mountain fight me fine I’ll fight you no no ow no all right he just instantly died he sucks I need to find a cave somewhere I need to read these challenges again okay full iron diamond oh The Blaze Rod oh my goodness I’m going to have to go to the nether it’s going to take me forever oh wait I found another Village yes yes yes this could be really good there could be a lot of loot at this Village ooh yes a bunch more crops oh none of them are grown though oh wait over here over here yes I have unlimited bread ooh and I got a bunch of carrots o I think if I break this hay I could actually turn it into bread all right so I’m just going to break all this all right we’re just going to put this in my inventory there we go before I craft this into bread I’m going to search around and see if there’s any chests any chests in here no nothing this Village freaking sucks Johnny daddy where are you I’m nowhere where are you daddy I’m like a snake in the grass I’m behind you are you daddy where are you where are you where the heck did you go daddy where’d you go where’ you go what are you talking about I sure you eating I’m not eating what the heck I just saw you no you didn’t yes I I you were mining that hay bale over there Ed are you by the village yeah I’m by a village oh I’m way past the village Daddy I was there but now I’m not what do you mean my compass is telling me to go this way is it daddy that’s so weird oh there’s ha bals over here I’m just going to steal those oh gosh Daddy I’m In The Floor I’m mining in the floor right there I see you above me this makes no sense bye daddy hey you mining away from me yep I’m mining away from you see you later I’m going to get you all right just going to continue mining these hay barels hey Daddy what are you doing down there hey you up there hey what the heck why am I down here bye daddy oh no oh no you don’t I tricked you get tricked yeah well guess what I’m getting out of here I need to go I need to go John we can make a trade hey kooby what are you doing over here now get away you just keep spawning in in front of me I think something’s wrong with my bed just a cave a cave a cave ooh it’s a big Ravine any iron nope let me just catch you and throw you in the volcano over here what the heck volcano you’ll be a big sacrifice I do not want to go there daddy oh Johnny come here all right come here Gooby go get him Gooby go get him I’m trying I’m trying don’t push me hey wait come here Gooby where take that I’m getting H I think he’s invisible no he’s not you hit me I hope you drowned down there hey hey Daddy come here no no no no no no you can’t hit me let’s go I’m the best speedrunner ever how’ you do that can’t tell you Daddy it’s a secret I got the best weapons in the game I need to find one cave so I can get some iron and then I’ll really be able to beat you guys yeah well how how you doing on the cake um I haven’t started yet exactly that’s a tough one that was a good one Daisy all well guys I have like pretty much unlimited food now so I could do whatever I want oh really you can do whatever you want do whatever I want guess I’m going to kill you right now then it’s not going to matter all right daddy we’ll see what happens oh looks like you found a cave yes yes yes yes yes let me go over here go over here guess what Daddy I got one piece of iron how did you get iron I don’t know where you went ow oh da you just died in front of me I didn’t know it was that far oh my goodness there’s a lot of Monsters ohoh the zombies oh yeah Daddy you’re going to die oh no oh no oh no the oh the gooby died get out of here go get him daddy go get him oh my God there’s so many zombies oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God these are the most zombies I’ve ever seen in Minecraft ever this is actually insane all right I’m just going to collect my iron please zombies get away from me okay I need to make a bunch more bread with this wheat there we go and now I also need to make a furnace so I can start cooking up this iron Daisy I need help help me Daisy w why there so many zombies I don’t know help me kill them I don’t have a sword I need to find more iron or coal somewhere stupid zombies get out of my way oh god there skeletons oh I found iron oh yeah I’ll take that from you no it’s for me um I don’t think it’s for you um I think it is no oh yeah go get him Daisy go get him all right just going to go over here collect some of this coal there we go you have fun with all those zombies Daisy yeah but I got the iron I have way more iron than you I doubt it oh yeah Daisy get him get him Daisy good job you’re doing really good bye Daisy bye come on I need to kill all these monsters so I can collect more iron o maybe I can find some diamonds right now ooh I’m going to go super down deep into this cave o and look there’s lava here all right I’m going to use these buckets to make the cake cuz I need a bunch of milk but for now they’re going to hold lava wa what is this a bunch of mushrooms over here oh my goodness this is so weird ooh there’s like 100 pieces right here let’s go I need to make an iron pickaxe and also a full suit of iron armor all right there we go we have 16 pieces cooking up and then I’m just going to do this and then I’m going to make an iron pickaxe make one for me Gooby no hey Gooby do you have a bow and arrow what are you doing I found a super good bow all right well good luck coming in here when there’s lava right in front of your face no no there no Lava all right let me just make that wait what are you doing hey go me back up lava on your face it’s it burs yep it that’s what lava does supposed to burn all right now that we just killed Gooby I just need a little bit more iron to complete my iron set I’m getting so close and also I have an iron pickaxe now so I can find diamonds all right found some more iron over here my first challenge is almost completed there we go I now have a full suit of iron okay now I just need to find some diamonds and then I can finally get out of this cave let’s see any diamonds down here no no h what’s over here oh oh diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds give me giveme giveme giveme giveme well that was way too easy all right let me just get all this iron as well I’m going to have to probably make another bucket or two for the cake so I need a bunch more iron let’s go all right now I need to make a diamond sword no I don’t have enough Sticks no no no no I got to go back to the surface okay I just got to find my way outside of this cave hopefully no one tries to come and kill me either yes I found it yes I see the sky all right there we go we made it up now I just got to get some more wood oo wait until my daddy and my friends see me with a diamond sword he going to be so cool Johnny I finally found you where are you daddy where are you get away from me come here oh daddy oh you want to mess with me now oh I got diamond sword look you completed the first challenge yep now I’m going to kill you you let’s go that was way too easy with my diamond sword all right now that the first challenge is completed for my second challenge I need to make a cake oh gosh I need a lot of different resources Gooby is that you laughing Gooby where are you go Gooby where’d you go Gooby where’ you go Gooby where are you you just here Gooby I I’m literally right underneath you I dug down dug down yes I I see you I literally see you gooby you’re above me I’m in the I’m in the floor Dig Down Gooby Dig Down down I don’t even have a pickaxe oh no come on Gooby just dig down what’s happeny Gooby I was underneath you what happened oh man oh that sucks Gooby all right so some things I need to make a cake is sugar so I need to get a bunch of this sugar cane all right just going to break all this okay what do I do with it oh sugar boom that was so easy then I need wheat and I also need three buckets of milk all right so this lava is going to have to get abandoned right there now I just got to find some cows all right come here cows I need to milk you get milked wait the one last thing I need to make a cake is an egg oh my goodness I need to find a chicken oh chickens okay I just need to run around this area until I find some chickens this shouldn’t be too hard yes yes I found a chicken yes all right Mr Chicken you’re going to stay right here I’m just going to stay right next to you until you poop out an egg hey Daisy what the heck are you doing here oh God oh God Daisy what are you doing I’m supposed to stop you get away from me I’m trying to get an egg okay so you’re ruining it you can’t make a cake oh an egg where hey oh I got it I got it no no no I got the egg I got the egg now I got to kill you you can’t kill me oh yeah you have literally the worst weapon what are you even hitting me with you just hit me with a flower well anyways I got the egg let’s go okay so now I need to put the milk on top put the wheat on the bottom sugar sugar and then an egg yeah I did it I actually did it oh my goodness let’s go I made a the cake all right that’s two challenges done the last challenge is I need to get a blaze rod from the nether so now I need to get nether portal great how do I even make or find another portal o sometimes I think they spawn on top of the surface so I think I’m just going to run around till I find one or I need a big lava pit ooh check it out there’s like a volcano biome there’s so much lava here I could use to make a portal ha I have to high CL no back up back up go be hey don’t shoot me I also The High Ground hey guys back up okay why are two of you here at the same time M this is my High Ground go find your own Daddy get away for me I’ll mess you up we’re going to Corner you oh sure you are daddy a go you hit me you idiot oops oops I didn’t mean to why are you still shooting why would you still shoot trying to sh Johnny over there is he right there where the heck did he go I ran away daddy this makes no sense go it’s all your fault he got to be there m look hard I’m looking I’m looking for a name tag I don’t see a name tag Daddy I went down the mountain did you just pee right there he spawned in front of me come here Daddy come here no I’m on that butt Daddy come here hey Gooby why you hit me with arrows I got you oh my gosh a nether portal yes yes yes you’re supposed to be the one running from us what are you talking about daddy oh I see you I see you I’m going to kill you right now come on what do I need oh I need some more obsidian hey guys back up oh no come here Daddy you want some of this oh no you guys were kind of wild running together oh yeah you like that you like that you’re on fire ow ow ow ow ow that hurt I got to eat bread eat bread no you don’t have enough time to eat bread sorry Gooby but you’re dead let’s go I found another portal but it looks like it’s missing a few blocks wait I don’t think it needs these Corner blocks okay I’m just going to break this obsidian and then place it on the ones that are missing in the middle yes yes yes this is going to be so easy okay there’s one block there we go place that right there I got to watch out for Daisy I haven’t seen her in a little bit so I’m kind of getting scared all right I just got to break this last obsidian block come on hurry up hurry up hurry up ah where’d it go yes I got it all right yes the Portal’s open let’s go let’s go wait no you can’t go in there oh bye Daisy looks like I just missed you what the heck wait what biome am I in right now this is so weird looking oh hey Daisy wait this is pretty I want to look at it no bye Daisy all right now what I need to do is find the nether fortress that’s where blazes spawn oh gosh I cannot get lost I need to make sure the portal is right there and I don’t forget it oh gosh I am really lost right now this is not good oh another Fortress please be super close where are you this is so hard trying to find another Fortress I’m literally just digging into random spots until I find one oo gold here wait I could actually convert this into gold that’s so cool all right let’s just dig in this direction now come on please find something oh my God God wait what are the actual chances of that let’s go we’re in another Fortress these are the blocks in another Fortress okay I just got to run all the way down here all I need to do is find one Blaze and then get a blaze rod and then get the heck out of here this should be super easy Daddy what are you doing here Gooby you’re here too I’m not trying to get the Blaze Rod so you can’t we the defend those oh my goodness hey Daddy stop that I’mma come right through this yeah well we’re going to kill you how about that if you die F all right all right all right calm down I have an idea all right just going to go up here guys are you sure you’re not going to let me through no I can see fire arrows take that hey stop shooting fire arrows I do not want to get set on fire Gooby I know that’s why I’m doing it guys I just want to get to the nether fortress I hear breaking oh I hear blazes I hear blazes uhoh uh-oh blazes are coming ah shoot me be careful of the blazes guys oh I got shot help what am I supposed to do ah it’s a zaa coming from the ceiling what the heck what’s going on Daddy looks like you’re the last one here come on Daddy come into the lava no I’m not going to the lava no more it’s really fun Daddy come on Daddy where are you I’m no I’m nowhere yeah Daddy go on fire oh yeah you can go on fire Daddy see you later let’s go I just killed everyone and look there’s some blazes oh God hey chill oh my God chill actually chill okay I need to be super careful these blazes they will mess me up oh gosh this is really not good I just fell into lava and I almost just died there’s like a billion blazes above me okay I’m going to have to go from underneath them oh blazes I just want to be your friends oh my gosh there’s so many of them oh gosh die die die yeah you guys can’t shoot underneath you you stupid idiots oh God yes they can oh God yes they can that was a close one die die oh take that yes I killed one I killed one there could potentially be a blaze rod up there no I need to clear all this fire it’s burning all the loot oh heck no yes I got one I got one yes yes yes yes yes oh my gosh I actually did it get me the heck out of here stupid Blaze get away from me I did it I got the Blaze Rod okay now I just got to find my way out of this stupid place I think I went this way to go back to my portal oh gosh this is going to be a long journey back home yes I made it back to this yellow biome my portal is around here somewhere wait what the heck is that oh my gosh they’re making a base going around the portal oh heck no all three of them are there 1 2 three 4 we can’t have Johnny in this portal anymore a gooby we not do that chance 1 2 3 4 we can’t let Johnny in this portal anymore oh guys guys are you going to come out of that castle or not no we’re protecting it guys come on Johnny you’re not getting in this portal um what if I want it though what if I want to put me if you want to come on guys it’s not fair who placed that fire wasn’t me I don’t know it seems like it was Gooby trying to light me on fire what why would I do that I want to get Johnny there’s another fire guys come on let me in in no you have to stay outside we can make a deal with you how about that we’ll make a deal make a deal yeah let’s make a deal for your life all right what’s the deal daddy gosh I need a deal I need a deal he can eat all the chocolate cake that he wants all the chocolate cake that I want really go go go go go what are these blocks right there what blocks what block what block he hey he’s right there he’s little something I did it I did it where’d he go go in the portal go to the portal now oh yeah thanks Gooby you should have killed him come on guys come on out it’s really fun ah ouch ouch ouch go in the water I’m burning bye guys see you later I got everything I need to win get back here he can’t get to that portal where’d he go oh my gosh Daisy why are you losing him why did you lose him how did you lose them oh I didn’t know that he can turn into a little ant so he has ant Powers oh guys where are you going this is so weird guys just keep going the wrong way I just don’t get it bye guys see you later I’m right next to you oh yeah Daddy yeah I’m Legit right behind you want some lava yeah you you want some of that I can’t do that ow okay now I just got to find where this portal is once I find this portal then it’s over and I’m the winner guys you guys are still chasing me just give up no just fight us all right bet I’ll fight you oh why are you burning me all right that was too easy I’m going to kill you right now give me you got Daisy like that burn her alive I’m going to shoot outs at you come here Daddy I’m going to mess you up you’re a little stupid ass come here Daddy oh now I’m big again take that take that oh gosh oh gosh I’m one heart oh Gooby you just shot me in the head wrong person I thought you were him oh no oh my gosh Gooby You’re So Bad come back here come here Gooby you want something to smoke this come here Gooby I’m down here oh oh get destroyed all right finally they’re all dead now all I need to do is go right here that’s where the portal is all right I just need to climb this mountain and then I win but I think my friends and my daddy are catching on that I’m going super super small I have a feeling they’re going to prepare a lot of defenses for me oh gosh wait what the heck what the heck they do not look normal oh my gosh look how big my daddy is compared to those blocks oh no guys what happened to your Minecraft bodies oh uh we’re not really big and and hunky oh my goodness wait do you guys do a lot more damage now oh yeah yeah come here hey no no back away from me I need to get into that house oh my God oh my God why are you so fast oh my God no no no this is really not fair stop it oh my God I got to go small oh God wait w this backfired I can’t I can’t hit him no he’s doing the thing again yes yes yes you guys suck he smold in the chicken come on guys go on fire you like that no get away you’re like hurting us he’s just setting I’m self on fire he’s like biting our feet what if we just lock him in a pison oh good idea now I’m big again no come here oh you can’t hit me we got to lock him up lock him up lock him up ah come here Gooby come here ow ow back from the dead come on you guys want to go in this hey Daddy ow oh yeah you’re on fire now daddy you like that I’m not on fire yes you are now he’s going for the bortle go go go go go go go get him out him out let him out yeah oh no oh no we too big to fit it now I can’t fit I can’t fit good like coming in here come on guys we to break it here go on fire yes yes yes I made it inside okay what do I need to do wait is this the portal I can’t tell yes there’s a portal under here hurry break the walls I’m breaking oh my God they’re getting in they’re getting in the only way to get into the portal is if I go super small here I go no bye guys I’m about to win I’ll see you guys later no [Music] byee well guys it looks like I did it I’m the winner may you cheated yeah hey hey hey you guys cheated too you went super big at the end well it’s only cuz you cheated first this is not fair guys just face it I’m the best speedrunner ever and you guys are terrible I guess so I don’t like this game well if you made it to the end of this video and want to watch another one then click a video on your screen right now also make sure to leave a like And subscribe bye

Today, Johnny is shrunk down and has to survive being chased by his friends! Will he be able to escape them? Or will he be caught? Watch to the end to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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