Mikey Family TINY vs JJ Family GIANT One Block Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

what a huge block of land I can build a whole house here and I’m not as happy as you are JJ my family and I are about to fall if I don’t find a way to expand this block I’m sure there are advantages in your position too how about we switch blocks what’s that sound like something’s what it’s not fair why you have the biggest and best my tree is more like a toothpick and what do I do with this tree if I’m honest it’s more like a back scratcher it’s not fair give me some of your tree you’ve got plenty of it yeah Mikey you’re right your tree really looks like a toothpick but you can make a little pickaxe and an axe you want me to give you my tree H the only way I’ll agree is if you give me your block of land I can have one h no if I give you a block of land I lose what an unusual place is there some secret passage in this tree I wonder what is at the very top I’m sure there’s a secret passageway in Mikey’s tree too but there’s only a squirrel there so this will be our base we have to be careful soon Mikey will attack us usually Mikey attacks the very first in the very beginning what it’s that big why is it so big stop running after us H honestly it’s more like an elephant than a pig get out there are no carrots go and sleep somewhere H sooner or later you’ll get bored and you’ll leave I’m patient and I’ll wait you’re not going to make it into the aisle anyway so you better give up now you’re not going to make it well go somewhere and don’t bother us if I’m honest I’ve never seen such big pigs before she seems to have decided to sleep a little now we are not in danger H it looks like the pig has fallen asleep it is no longer dangerous to us what what’s that in Mikey’s hands it’s like a little pig if I’m honest it’s more like a toy hm it’s not funny JJ it’s not because of that pig trying to attack me or running after me it would be funny how you ran away from such a small Pig H well we’ll go we still have things to do there is a big carrot now we can make carrot soup well or we can tame the pig although what will we do H what why is it so abruptly dark it has just been a day what is this huge skeleton it was not there a second ago how could this happen it is necessary to hide in the house it is safe H what are we going to do now JJ this skeleton is on our blog what are we going to do now I don’t understand why the skeleton is so big H I think the skeleton went to the pig now we have to wait for him to leave well or the dawn will come it seems the skeleton is going somewhere H what should we do now I wonder how Mikey’s doing he seems to be doing well why is the skeleton only on my territory what is it is it a small skeleton it’s more like a little toy yep good luck flying the skeleton now I’m safe come on outside I think the skeleton’s gone H what’s that did the skeleton shoot a pig great now we have food we can make steak with little blood great now we have plenty of food we can eat at any time is anyone getting hungry yes if I’m honest I’m a little hungry I haven’t eaten all day how good of a skeleton to kill a pig now we can make up for it we just have to eat H while there’s time to cook all these pork steaks who knows maybe we won’t have time to cook food soon the day will come so we will need a lot of strength H remember our main goal is to develop on this block huh oh the first to develop the most wins okay so we have to develop more than Mikey it seems like nothing complicated what are we going to do now we need to search this block although we are on the same block but it is very big maybe somewhere in the depths of this block we can find some useful resources what is it there’s a door it’s a giant creeper why is it so big the same creepers just don’t happen h we have to be very careful if he sees us he’ll blow up and the whole block will be destroyed great I found some gold I think I figured out it’s a test H if we can secretly take all the resources we’ll win it seems that everything is not as complicated as I thought you just need not to catch his eye fine these are diamonds now we can make diamond armor before you go you need to take all the resources they they all may need me H I need to move very quietly I have not yet taken all the resources I cannot yet leave I do not want to come here a second time so I need to take all the resources great this is redstone I needed it to build traps notice me I have to run who are you how dare you steal my resources wait a minute I didn’t let you run away well I got out of there alive honestly when the creeper saw me I thought I was going to die but I can escape and now I have a lot of useful resources logically you can consider that I have already defeated Mikey H by the way where is Mikey why is he not on his Island why do I have a bad feeling hi stand up we stole your trees if you try to attack us you will wish for it JJ must be careful I knew you were going to attack us great now now this tree belongs to me while you were in the mine I can get into your house and break part of the wall there but now I have a tree now I can expand my base or I can make a weapon I will break the bridge I built so you can’t reach me do you think this will help you I can still get to you you will regret that you decided to attack me this is your biggest mistake H now my block is bigger now we can walk normally now it’s time to eat and what will will you eat grass from the ground or will you eat the sun H you have no food here I have plenty of food what it can’t be you didn’t steal a tree you stole my food why should I eat grass when I can eat a delicious pork that I stole from you while you were in the mine I took a lot of things now I have as much food as you have how dare you do that well anyway you can’t develop to my level you have no normal resources and you have a small base what how did you manage when you planted the trees and made a farm of Little Pigs H at this point JJ I’m divorced better than you although you have a lot of territory but you’re not settling it what are you going to do next come on Mikey I’ll show you which of us has evolved better I was just about to start building a new base that’s not the problem I will build the most awesome base in the world World jokes are over now I will win I also went to the mine and extracted a huge amount of all sorts of useful resources so I can make myself a diamond armor great I made enough furnace now I can swim all the resources I wanted we’ll need to put another craft table it’s a good thing I have some coal I don’t want to use logs instead of coal I still need wood h oh great now I have to wait for all the resources to melt H another little bit I will have the best armor I will be like a knight in diamond armor now Mikey can’t get on my eyland you say that very narcissistically do you really think you can beat me even when you have diamond armor you can’t beat me can you hear me JJ when you’re distracted I attack you immediately you can say whatever you want but I think you know you can’t beat me hm this time I’m going to protect the base a lot harder so you can’t even sneak up on a block if I can find a pumpkin I’ll make a Golem and it will stand and guard my house H although I think I can hardly find a pumpkin anywhere all right stop talking it’s time to get to work what are you up to JJ I’m sure you want to destroy my base but you’re not going to make it don’t forget I have a sword so if you try to attack me I will fight back what will you do next I’ll make a fence out of Pistons how good I found resources in the cave what do you say Mikey if you want to give up now if you surrender I won’t destroy your house fine you won’t get through that fence don’t make me laugh JJ you think some weird fence can leave me behind you can’t beat me you do realize that JJ of course you are Mikey I actually have a super plan and so far it’s all going my way I promise you JJ you’re going to lose you’ll see what’s that strange fence you’re doing so you’re saying everything’s going your way and don’t you know what I’m building I know you don’t have any plan you can’t even choose which ice cream to eat so your empty manipulations are ridiculous H especially you will not be long during this time I should have transported diamonds so now I will make myself a full set of armor let’s see how you feel about that it’s not fair how I fight someone with a full set of diamond armor you know what it doesn’t matter it still won’t interfere with my plan honestly I knew you’d make yourself a diamond armor so you’re doing what I thought trust me JJ you’re about to lose what are you doing are you really making a fence I thought you were doing a super weapon you know the fence can be used as a weapon huh you can’t exactly beat me you remember it and that’s why you’re making up that you have a super plan especially when I finish building the fence my house will be safe H sure you can beat the fence but to do that you’re going to need more time and resources you think I didn’t see that coming I prepared myself and took the bow oh I have an idea can’t the competition be interesting the loser fulfills the wish of the winner what do you say then the competition will be more interesting I agree because I know that I was able to win you think that some kind of OU bow will be able to leave me ouch you built a fence but he couldn’t leave me either no one can stop me at all if you want JJ you can give up right now then I won’t make a wish for you and stop stealing apples from my tree you’re a little thief you have your own tree there are also growing apples although they are more like berries was that your master plan did you want to steal my apples H did you steal my apples to feed your little pigs how dare you steal from me do you think I’ll let you do that H you actually did me a favor by turning a couple apples I didn’t want to fly into a tree to get an Apple now I can make myself golden apples that restore Health h and all because you decided to attack me and steal my resources although I don’t have enough gold yet I can make one Golden Apple woohoo but until I do I need to figure out how to get back at Mikey although first I need to break the wooden staircase that Mikey built this staircase is blocking me and especially with this ladder Mikey can get to the island h all right now I’m going to destroy the only way to My Island H in general I need to make more chests so I can put resources there so now we have to break the ladder that Mikey built I don’t know but I somehow have a bad feeling I think something bad is about to happen maybe Mikey will attack again H I think here the chest will be completely safe H how good was the house in this tree I think Mikey has something in mind H I don’t know what yet he said he had some kind of Super Plan maybe he wasn’t lying and he was telling the truth I don’t understand anything H I need to break the structure that Mikey climbed into my territory great now he can’t do it I think what’s going to happen now it’s the Cal before the storm but like Mikey does nothing H or is that his plan oh no uh-oh where did this creeper come from is he going to get out of the mine if he explodes he will destroy everything we must defeat him before he explodes H it looks like it’s going to explode so what do I do uh-oh I can’t kill it it’s too big H I must try to kill this creeper I need to hit him right what Mikey where is it from uhoh what should I do you saved me I can’t believe it happened H but why did you do it yes I saved you well the creeper was too close to my base H so if it exploded it would destroy not only your base but mine that’s why I decided to save you I understood that if I saved you you would thank me and give me the resources yes you’re right Mikey woohoo thank you for saving me if it wasn’t for you but everything I built would have been destroyed well then let’s be allies now this bridge will connect our blocks listen Mikey let’s go to the cave y I had a cave under the base there was a cave with resources oh by the way it was here that the creeper I guess I didn’t lock the door tight and he got out you have to be careful just imagine if you could blow up the creeper you’re lucky I got there in time to stop it of course you You Are Mikey H you just imagine what would happen if I did not have time to pour the water huh by the way this cave has a lot of resources you’re lucky your Island had such a Mine by the way JJ I wanted to ask maybe then we’ll trade H yes I like your idea wo I don’t mind sooner or later I’ll run out of food and you just have pigs yep I’d just like it if you and I traded so we’re allies now and we survive together yep I also need to make a furnace and craft table great I’m so glad we’re allies now if I’m honest I don’t want to serve with you you’re just a very difficult Ally together we’ll figure out a way out of here you have such a cool Garden I like little pigs so much they are very cute and I like your Forest I would buy some pigs from you I’d like to build a farm too I like your house in the village it looks very unusual and beautiful I would like to live here with the taba then can we do another floor what do you think of course you are mikeey

Mikey Family TINY vs JJ Family GIANT One Block Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Gummy Bear vs. Security – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-HMNSmSCs


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