Baby Mikey & Baby JJ Survived The Tornado Alone in Minecraft (Maizen)

what in God’s name are those sounds outside kids gather around it looks like it’s about to get really dangerous out here huh what the hell is that this is the first time I’ve ever seen rain like this Mikey it’s not rain it’s a tornado and it’s a super dangerous and scary tornado uh what are we supposed to do it’s going to blow everything in its path right okay be quiet we’ll figure something out I don’t think it’s as bad as it looks everybody running High there’s a super big tornado coming that’s going to blow everything in its path oh no it looks like it’s true that this tornado will blow everything in its path Dad we have to do something yes we do need to do something but we have no choice but to hide in the house because the tornado is getting too close maybe we’ll get lucky and This Disaster will just pass Us by or at least be over quickly really a tornado like this is no joke and could have terrible consequences at the very least it’s capable of demolishing ing people’s buildings how are the villagers going to survive I have no idea how the villagers could survive in this situation because tornadoes are such a serious thing that many times they have had catastrophic consequences like demolishing very large buildings in its path it seems that our heroes today will have to survive such a natural apocalypse oh no it looks like some strong winds are starting to appear here what does that mean we can’t can’t just stand here or we’ll be blown away by the wind so let’s hurry up and go to the building we can’t just stand outside jeez this is just awful what are the chances of us surviving uh you know what JJ I don’t think we shouldn’t panic because maybe you’re right you said that if the tornado somehow miraculously bypasses us maybe things wouldn’t be so bad in this Village yeah I’d like to believe that but listening to what’s happening on the street it’s kind of creepy don’t you think we’ll survive at least I hope so so it helps to keep your head up so do the same well let’s just stand here and wait for this tornado to pass if it passes I love rain and weather like this but after what I’ve heard that’s the kind of wind that blows houses down it’s kind of scary to just stand there and watch it I’ve yet to see a tornado blow down a single house well are we going to get lucky in that case we could use the fortification on this house huh what are you talking about Mikey and I think you’re looking up did the tornado pass is it over oh uh yeah but uh don’t forget we need to fortify the house so grab the resources in the chest and get to work what I don’t get it why would we do that if the tornado is over what’s the point of fortifying the house against what or who uh what if this isn’t the end what what if this is just the beginning and the tornado could come back wa Mikey I don’t think a tornado can come two times in a row that’s kind of uh weird at the very least but I like your idea about fortifying our house house so I guess it’s not going to stop us after all okay I think I have time for now which means I can get to work I guess my whole family’s doing something so I’ll have to set up the reinforcements myself oh come on can’t I do it alone besides it’s not that hard anymore it won’t take me long I’ll get Mikey to do it for me where is he by the way why did he go somewhere else and tell me to do it why am I doing this that’s a good and interesting question hm well at least so that these barricades can’t they make it less likely that our windows will break so I think it’s a great defense for our Windows the wind won’t be able to break them but what’s the wind if it’s a tornado how can some pieces of board stop a tornado from tearing down houses huh that’s ridiculous so yeah I don’t even know why I’m doing these fortifications and even though other kids can’t break our windows by accidentally playing ball in the street so it’s really not such a bad idea anyway oh I got something else here these are these metal bumpers what are they for well at least to create a storm barrier around the house so that the wind can’t lift such pieces of metal I guess I don’t know but anyway adding a little weight to the house wouldn’t be a bad idea so yeah ah I’ve got something else in mind so if I can put more weight on the house then I guess the wind’s going to have a hard time lifting it up huh which means in theory I could just clad the whole house in metal blocks and yeah that would be a good idea but unfortunately we don’t have that many long blocks what are we supposed to do next I mean after I’m done setting up the place this is such a weird mood that torando certainly scared me so badly that I’m still in a kind of shock H that’s so scary I don’t want to talk about it especially since the house is ready so I’m glad I did a little bit of reinforcing yes I actually like what I built here I hope it can really save our lives in some special moments well I don’t know what else to add I think it’s looking pretty good here so I think it’s time to get back to my Jay come here quick I think we’re in trouble huh Mikey is something wrong did something serious happened news turn on the news and listen to what they’re saying I don’t like this at all hm H the situation is getting worse and worse even though the tornado is gone from our area it’s getting bigger and more dangerous and it’s already destroyed hundreds of homes in its path there’s nothing left in the forest the trees are just ripped out by the roots uhoh so if you see a tornado like this I hope you at least have a bunker for that take care and stay in touch oh no it can’t be so what now it’s coming this way oh hell no oh no I can’t even believe in this what’s is that it just keeps getting worse and worse so we need to do something right now what are you going to do Mikey I think we’ve already prepared for this but we don’t have a bunker unfortunately I’m going to barricade the door so the tornado can’t break them down Mikey I don’t think that’s necessary we just need to sit here and hope we’re okay and stay alive uh well it worked out last time so yeah I think we’re going to be okay anyway we don’t have time to do anything because it’s too late the tornado is so fast we’ll start building and it’ll be here so we just sit and wait what’s that noise is it storming again no Dad it’s getting worse it sounds like a tornado is attacking the village again and it’s here oh no oh my God the most important thing is to stay together and stay calm I think we can wait out the Tornado by staying inside oh no it feels like a tornado is tearing the roofs off houses it feels like it’s breaking the houses themselves it’s not going to be any good poor villagers I protected our house and put some reinforcements on it so it won’t be blown away by the tornado let’s hope so I really wish I had built a bunker back in the day we’d be safe now it’s not your fault dad who knew this could happen but after a situation like this you’ll have to think better next time wa what do I see Mikey did you see that too H it looks like a tornado is ripping apart the houses and tearing everything down yeah you were right the tornado is so strong that it just destroys houses uh and looking at all this I have to ask you are you sure our house can withstand it I don’t know but it has to at least I put up a fortification even though I didn’t think it was enough what happens if I go outside at all it seems like the tornado’s gone a little bit well maybe it’s safer out there are you crazy don’t go out there are you trying to end your life JJ told you to stop are you out of your mind stop now come on it’s not so bad out here and it looks like the tornadoes passed hey what do you mean it passed what’s with the rain huh are you serious it does seem a little quieter it’s not normal to be out like this JJ I told you and you should have listened to me what if you were blown away with those houses yeah you’re right it seems like this disaster has caused so much trouble around here it seems like the houses are just they’re destroyed and the villagers I don’t see anyone here it’s like they’ve disappeared too yeah we’re probably lucky to be alive unfortunately the vgar are gone and probably won’t come back the most important thing is that we made it we can rebuild the village but the people it’s a shame what happened but good then maybe we should do something else with our house so we can strengthen it better how about putting some blocks around it yes it would be nice actually but we have a little little problem I don’t have anything with me right now to reinforce the house and the problem JJ is that it’s not safe to be out here anyway so look what I have I’ve got this hook so grab it and stick it in the ground so you can hold on in a tornado okay thank you Mikey hey family let’s go inside oh my god oh no Dad hey guys oh no what the hell is going on Jesus oh my God I’m begging you just stay alive oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no a freaking tornado Mikey pull yourself together we have to get to the house to wait out this storm otherwise we could be blown right into them JJ oh my God why are we being punished like this why do we have to go to so much trouble Mikey get over here now what are you standing there for you need some help or something come on Mikey it seems like it’s too dangerous to be in there because it’s getting worse Jesus I wish this was oh my God what the hell is that Mikey are you okay Jay I have a headache God help me please Mikey wait a minute I’m going to help you but I can’t get the boulder off your head by myself a boulder I have a boulder on my head what is it and how did it get there I’m taking you to the doctor it looks like a boulder somehow landed on your head I’m taking you to the doctor now because I saw that his building was in order uh come on JJ hurry up cuz I’m so so scared and thank you hey doctor hi can you help me I think a rock fell on Mikey wow that’s quite a situation he’s pretty badly injured I’ll help him of course but you need some help don’t you how can I help you everybody needs help now so I’ll help you it’s just the first time I’ve ever seen a boulder on my head like that oh my God it seems like the tornado’s just getting stronger oh no what’s going on oh my God doc look out now I’m supposed to help help your friend so just stay here and stay out of my way okay doc I might be able to go around here and see if I can fix your house I might be able to do something now don’t go too far because I’ll be worried oh my God what kind of monsters are those oh no I think they’re Earth Golems but how did they get here oh my God I don’t need any more problems with golems what am I supposed to do now I can’t just let them go because they’ll probably attack the doctor but I can’t fight them because they’re much stronger than me and there’s just so many of them here ah this is terrible and I don’t like the situation at all because I have to do something to protect Mikey while the doc works on him yeah the situation is getting ugly but it’s kind of controllable because JJ knows what he’s doing or at least pretends to know what to do in a situation like this so I think he can handle these Golems although they’re not going to just disappear on their own even though the tornado brought them here the situation is that JJ is trying to keep the attention of the Golems away from Mikey but the doctor the doctor tries his best to help Mikey and he succeeds that the doctor got struck by lightning and now there’s no one to cure Mikey ah you filthy Golems I’m sick of running away from you so get your stupid head kicked in yeah that’s it yeah that’s good and it looks like I’ve destroyed them all oh well I’m glad I did it I hope the doctor is okay too and that he’s already helped Mikey I have no time I’m waste so much time and I need to check what Doc is doing there I’ll go and see how he’s doing Hey where’s the doc Doc is he somewhere else that’s weird okay I’m going to try to free Mikey myself don’t worry buddy you’re going to be okay JJ I’m so glad I can see everything again thank you so much yeah no problem Mikey I think something’s happened to Doc and I can’t see him here so we’re going to have to leave I’m afraid we can’t stay here too long JJ Bank it looks like that bank is standing and even the tornado didn’t hurt it so let’s get over there now yeah you’re right Mikey it’ll probably be a lot safer than anywhere else ah I’d like to know if there’s any survivors what do you think Mikey wa wow are those people alive JJ and Mikey well we need your help so get over here now uh you know us what do you want I want you to put this box in the middle of the village and turn it on and then it will neutralize the tornado wao yeah what kind of magic is that sounds interesting actually if this thing really works and you’re not lying to us I think we can try it I’d go there myself but now my partners need help because they’re injured so if you’re ready help me out this might be the answer to our problem huh I’d like to believe that’s true what do you say JJ should we go there like we have any other choice yeah I agree so give me that thing I’ll try to set it up in the middle of the village and launch it jakay let’s go together you’re not going to do this alone and you’re going to need help if these people aren’t crazy and they’re telling the truth that would be great because I’m hoping this Cube can help us neutralize the tornado Jesus JJ watch out it seems like it’s gotten worse and the winds are much stronger oh my God Mikey I feel like I’m being carried away all the time ah uh use the hook I gave you use it to hold on to the ground and hold on real tight God I can’t believe this Hook is so good it can hold us through a tornado like this uh what do you have to do just set up the cube and turn it on just like that I wouldn’t say it’s that easy look around it’s just awful we’ve got to hurry we’re not going to be here that long I agree with you but it’s so bad here it’s not so easy to get in and install this Cube so let’s concentrate and get the job done all right I’m really glad we were able to install it does it look like we’ve got it all worked out or not uh JJ you’re supposed to launch that Cube why don’t you look around it and see if you can see any buttons yeah Mikey I can see it so I’m going to start it up Hey listen what is it oh I think the cube worked now what do we do I guess we just stand around and wait for it to go away uh is a tornado just going to disappear that’s just crazy maybe this cube is emitting some kind of waves that can split a tornado or something I have no idea how it works but it looks like it does oh my God JJ look at this it looks like the tornado’s really gone oh my God I can’t believe we did it this is unbelievable I can’t believe it you guys are so great I’m so glad you guys did it we can finally rebuild the village again yeah but let’s just do it without us cuz Mikey and I are just too tired uh-huh yeah so we’re going to take a little break for a while oh my God we’re going to have to fix our house too oh no

Baby Mikey & Baby JJ Survived The Tornado Alone in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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