NOOB vs PRO: SECRET BED HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

Luke we finally escaped all of the girls today it’s going to be me you and a sleepover come on let’s go jump on my bed and mess around homie yes sir we could do whatever we want cuz the girls are here oh yeah y check this out ly I’m about to do a carwheel off my bed into the sitting area ready 3 two no that was heat your turn do something cool all right I’m about to do the Watch Me Whip hey into a cartwheel hey no you’re him bro you’re actually him this is about to be the most fun sleepover ever ooh ooh ooh let’s sit over here and we can play some board games oh handsome how are you why do I hear Emily’s oh my gosh what how did you find out where I live Emily it’s super duper secret no it’s literally blue this is the M’s house what I guess yeah it is pretty obvious this is my home but why are you in my house what business do you have here we heard we’re having a sleepover we want to have a pillow fight are you serious no we are not having a sleepover but we are having a sleepover so I’m going to politely ask you to leave the premises of the omy poo real estate household see you later Emily have a good day no way you’re here with me forever what what you this is my house I’m not here with you this is where I live Alexa can you take her out of here bro why I even want to be here you don’t even like me like that well I’m actually here for Luke and the girls want to be here so we could be here if we want oh my gosh Luke doesn’t want you here bro he’s a dude and this is a bro sleepover not an AO sus girl sleepover so politely please exit my building excuse me bye Alexa hey hey respectfully if you want us to go then you have to go cuz we’re having our sleep over here whether you like it or not what so you don’t even want to have a sleepover with me you just want my house up yes we’re taking over this place this is girl sleepover now oh my gosh Luke come on bro let’s just leave we could just do a sleepover somewhere else we don’t need to even be here you guys could sleep over here if you want no no no not so fast you’re staying here we’re locking you in what let me out what the hey let me out she can’t are you serious Emily you can’t just do that this is my house you can’t lock me in I don’t want to be here with cooties seriously 6 feet apart bro I don’t want to cat I don’t want to catch it yo Luke she’s trying to touch me bro I don’t want to catch it I don’t want to catch it oh not Emily why you ruin the boys only sleepover yeah dude that’s so annoying we’re going to wait outside until you decide to sleep with us we’re going to close this place up with bedrock are you serious Alexa no Al Lucas are you serious dude they just locked us in here until we’re going to say yeah to a sleepover bro there’s got to be something we could do to get away from them I have an idea ly we could still have our sleepover but it could be secret come over here dude come over here you see my bed check it out if we break the blocks underneath we could have a whole secret room where the real sleepover is and that means the girls will never ever find out check it out ghost blocks wee we go down yes sir now the girls are never find us mhm but oh gosh wait this is my kitchen and it’s loky obvious we need to make it so that the entrance is over here so what we can do Loki is we can make it go down here just like that and then wait I’m just going to make it a one block entrance let’s patch this one up over here break and Boop okay so now it’s a one block entrance so it’s not super sus it’s just a little path that we go down over here then it’s going to lead to our super duper secret bedroom where we can have the most lyia sleepover ever yes sir ski we could do anything we want again I know all right ly help me expand I want to make a super soft sleepover area and the girls are going to have no idea I bet they don’t even know we left the room yet yeah they’re clueless I know right boys uh where did they go oh oh gosh um yeah what’s up Emily sorry I was in bed what’s up oh are you guys back cuz you want to say you want to go back to your house and leave us alone no did you decide are you going to let us stay or are we going to force ourselves in here um I’ll let you know in 5 minutes so I guess wait you’re deciding me leave all right I’ll just leave excuse me girls excuse me hey Alex what are you doing we’re locking you back in you better make up your mind quick all right all right I’ll make up my mind few fluke I just bought us some time quickly quickly we have to build it we have to build it bro build out build out yes sir I’m placing super duper fast W go bro W go okay okay I just set up all the floors you finish putting the bottom and then I could just use the SL wall command so I can get a bunch of walls so I could go all the way up over here what should we make the walls made out of Home Slice make them light blue concrete so it fits right in ooh okay light bluecore concrete swag isn’t that Lit dude it’s literally an attachment on our house ooh fire and boom it’s completely perfect so now we can walk in now we need a cool roof what should we put as a roof should we make a glass or yeah we got to let some sunlights in mhm all right I’m going to set the first pause over cheer and second pause over cheer and what type of glass luky do you want a colored glass or just normal let’s make it green colored glass ooh I’m going to do greencore stained _ blow class we got the green and blue womo combo womo combo yeah we hidden that John all right but now we need some fun stuff to do at the sleepover cuz I’m not going to be bored at the sleepover what if we made our beds actually bounceable we should replace the actual cushions with trampolines yes sir that’s actually going to be so swag I know right okay okay okay okay check it out check it out boop boop boop and then wait we could have the sheets half and half but like you have to sleep on the complete other side of the bed bro if like you touch my leg mids sleep I’m a freak out what is that what is that look this is my sleepover hat and don’t worry about it I won’t be sus all right bro let me see where you going to sleep let’s like pretend like we’re about to go to bed I’m going to stay on this side of the bed now let me see where you’re going to hey hey hey hey hey yo what are you doing what do you mean what okay I guess I’ll go all the way over here so it’s literally impossible for you to come pretend like you’re sleep okay hey yo are you trying to smooch me bro seriously that is super AO dude super AO sorry I was smooching a girl in my dream oh my no bro hey y but wait let’s put the pillows over here now we can do two little monkeys jumping on the bed ly fell off and bumped his head called the doctor and the doctor said where are the boys at I want my ohy oh gosh oh gosh the doctor’s called Luke it’s Emily um rise and shine what happened Emily uh we’re still in here what do you mean where are the boys what’s up are you okay ums what are you doing it looks like it’s empty in here what are you doing uh me and Luke were just sleeping cuz you know it’s a sleepover so we were like like using our brains to connect together and we were thinking if we should allow you in but in like 30 seconds we’ll have an answer so just like um get out get out get out get out hey are you just kicking us out no no no just put the Bedrock we got to consider our options right ly we have to consider our options uh yeah it’s a very hard decision to make yeah close the door Emily right now and all right L come on come on on the door’s closed the door’s closed we’re foolproof inside we we’re back in it ly yeah we on the trampolines again and wait should we break the glass so we can jump even higher yes sir I want to be free and fly oh no blood’s a bird all right ready Luke Oh wait we’re getting air bro we’re getting air oh no we could do tricks yes Siri wait do some tricks do a cartwheel on the Joline oh no he hitting the folks with it you’re him bro no the Hat’s not even moving like the Hat’s midair so you’re catching it in the air bro you’re him bro you’re him yes sir it’s waiting for its king oh no bro a king all right so we have the trampoline bed but H we need some fun sauciness in the sleepover what you trying to do home slice ooh pillow fighting area said it before you could say it pillow fighting area we should give our pillows knock back so we can and then we can knock each other out yeah you’re going to hit me and I’m going go exactly bro check it out I’m about to make like a whole ring for us so like if you get knocked out you literally go onto the street with it oh no Bloods for the streets H boy I know you’re not talking you got like five girlfriends hey yo I’m not talking about that you AO impostor but check it out dude I’m about to make the whole floor have red around it yeah so we know that this is out of bounds so if you get eated by the pillow is going to be cers so let’s go all around over here like this ly and I’m about to put the red I’ll put it right over here so we know where’s the playing area so this is going to be the pillow fight section my brother M now we need to enchant the w block and to do that we need a special command so let me boop and ly look oh my gosh I have a white Wool with knockback three and if I get an anvil I can enchant it to say pillow yes sir double that John up I got you homie Boop let me make it say pillow wait how do you pillow wait I have a better idea ly instead of making it white we should make it our colors so it could be a green pillow or a light blue Pillow oh yeah the green pillow is going to have more power in it uh no it’s not ly wait I could actually customize the of knockback right now it has three how much do you think we should have for this challenge ooh how about like four five five all right bro you bugging bugging but here’s your pillow make sure to make the Anvil have what the like the correct name on it cuz right now it just says wool block we need to say pillow but I’m about to make mine as well and I’m going to make it have light blue instead of green LightCore blue Boop and I’m about to make that JN say OHS pillow of death and I put like four hes on it just so you know it’s serious look at that ly y we got our pillows in check yes sir check out what mine’s called green pillow OHS Destroyer hey yo you are not destroying me Kaden hold up I saw you doing something down here and what the G is this bro I added trampolines to break our fall but I don’t want to make them too big cuz the S is too high oh yeah you’re right cuz oh my dude just that one sends me to Narnia oh my gosh yeah you have to put some dividers in between them so it doesn’t launch Us in the air yeah I’m working on it appreciate you home slice yeah we don’t want to be breaking our ankles out here that would be very painful yeah this is going to save our butt cheeks and our knees I know bro my knees bro my knee k bro I don’t want that John to break but oh yeah wait we should put a divider right there yeah you thinking what I’m thinking ly no caps bro we have the same Minds we could like lowkey be Bros oh no we’re like connected okay but luk let’s test it out I got my ooms pillow of death and you have your pillow OHS Destroyer right is that the name yeah green pillow AKA Destroyer wait wait wait wait I’m about to add cobweb so it can add an extra layer of Awesomeness I’m about to just put it randomly on the map so it could either save you or it could cook you up and you get stucking yeah then you get comboed like n no no you would not want to get comboed in this ly cuz you going to get comboed by me all right Boop I put a ton of cobwebs now I’m about to go and put myself in game mode survival pillow is ready are you ready Lucas yes sir on your marks wait wait you have to stand on that side so it’s fair so each of us could be knocked into the outside three 2 1 go what’s up what’s up now you oh c save hey leave me alone leave me alone back up give me the combo son hey wait the cobweb is opz ow oh gosh oh gosh I almost fell come here come here no you just got saved by the webton dude yes sir they’re actually clutchy come here come here ow ow are you the Bro ah I’m in a bad one leave me alone L don’t do it to me dude don’t do it to me hey back up bro back up I got Escape these cobwebs are saving your life boy we we oh you’re so no no it’s cook for you come here what how are you alive bro are you serious I’m so stuck right now come here Luke come here oh no wait did you break your fall are you okay yeah I landed on the trampoline wait I say instead of knock back five we give this John some serious knock backing sin what about knock back 50 bro do you think that would be crazy yeah let me get some of that all right I got you uh let me make make sure it’s green so it’s your color let’s try knock back 50 now boom here you go Luke now let’s go on our corners and let’s see if this one’s way more crazy I don’t even think the cobwebs can save us from this yeah it’s going to like send us right through it I know come on get Ino this is so embarrassing here I got it nice all right three two one ding ding ding let’s see how ow that actually Hur my come here L come here oh my gosh dude does the cop web still save us let’s try it no blood is Invincible oh no is is your ankles okay luky no I Hear My Butt Talks oh no bro put a trampoline acting like that would save him all right come here Luke I’mma catch you come here come here come on just jump jump to my hands bro jum to jump to my hand jump to my oh I made it above are you seral oh hi actually that’s kind of clutch dude gosh Emily I don’t think SS even wants to date you let’s go check up on him oh no they’re coming Luke ah we’re not in game mode creative fly fly fly fly fly fly f f I’m carrying you look I’m carrying you oh oh that was clutch that was clutch super clutch oh I Alex so what’s up we were just thinking and considering if we wanted you in our sleepover cuz that’s still a thing that we’re doing we’re not yeah yeah so um yeah well are you going to come to like any sort of answers or you just going to sit there forever make us wait outside wait a minute ly we could just hide in the other room we just got to distract them Alexa Luke uh Luke over there it’s U Luke with no shirt on look look over there look over there what really I want to see that’s what really what are you talking about look quickly inside inside inside it’s over here over here Luke now we’re completely hidden all right you can turn back around no way where did these stinky boys go uh we went to na ask me what it is say what’s na say what’s n what’s n none your business oh yeah come on Luke let’s have fun why do I hear you inside the bed I’m not inside the bed Alexa y oh gosh look they I think they might be able to see me stop stop don’t jump on the trampoline don’t jump on the trampoline this is not smart it’s not oh no oh hi I think I found my bab oh gosh Luke hide hide what what we do hide hide hide I’m farting no no not that that’s not a hidden oh my gosh it’s not good it’s not good they’re about to break in they’re about to break in I’m about to just blend in with the blue my handsome hubby where did you go this is not good I have to hide oh gosh it smells just like my umy Baka uh em I left the house I’m heading to Luke’s house what are you talking about you’re right in front of me all right what how did you find me I’m practically invisible over here I’m light blue we heard you inside the bed and then we broke the whole bed and found you in here oh my gosh girls you know what that’s it Alexa come here wait you’re in Creative can you go in survival real quick I need to do something just one second thank you what the Le up be gone I have pillows and you are not allowed to hang out with me and ly we’re having a sleepover uh Hey I’m going to just use the trampolines to get back up oh my luk they’re not leave you’re being a mini patini I’m not being a meanie patini this is a boy sleepover and Alexa why do you want to come to our sleepover it’s because I’m trying to be a w wingman for Emily oh my gosh Emily why do you want to come to the sleepover because I’m trying to show my Tik Tok followers that we’re still dating are you serious you’re just doing this to show that you’re dating me that’s we’re not even dating first of all you know what Emily I’ll give you one chance if you beat me in a game of pillow fight all should be my girlfriend and you could post about it all day long no BSA oh my gosh give me a pillow right now give me one I got you I’m giving you a pink one there you go Luke uh stand on the bed with Alexa but make sure you you could be on your side Alexa you could be on the own side okay okay I got you all right Emily get in your corner and we shall duel and see who’s the top G oh you really want to go I’m going to try so hard because you’re going to be my MCM what does MCM mean I’m not on the internet too much what does that mean that means my man crush Monday really bro Luke have you ever heard of that before dude yeah and then you also get uh to be honest if you like what a oh oh TBH plus like all right TBH plus like star come here you’re in creative mode I’m in creative mode too okay we’re so silly oh my gosh don’t laugh that that was weird three two 1 go what’s up what’s up come here one are you serious how did that even work like that oh yeah yeah that means I’m not your boy friend let’s go and ly bro we got to get out of here dude next adventure time no girls allowed let’s go oh no the T-Rex is trash Alex it’s awesome stop laughing girls babes we’re going to make a way better T-Rex than you what no way Crystal ours is already awesome M this is terrible I know a bad dinosaur and I’m a dinosaur so we can’t use this Roxy you are not a dinosaur you’re just wearing pajamas bu oh go you’re right we do have to make a way better dinosaur and I know a way we can make a better dinosaur we’re going to cheat with SL SL giant what the what does that do it makes any build we make Giants so first we have to make our T-Rex as good as possible and Roxy what color were real T-Rexes since you’re the dinosaur expert real life dinosaurs are brown just like me cuz I’m a dinosaur what the what is Roxy doing Luca scary what oh my go she is not scary but I do know one thing about dinosaurs they walk on two feet so we need a brown block to make them out of and o o o how about Spruce planks Roxy yep according to my professional opinion this is good o let’s go we got the professional’s opinion and Roxy I’m about to make n a T-Rex’s foot how is this looking like so far up D this is looking super accurate wait what are you serious y Luke we’re actually doing so well right now do the same on this side over here all right but it looks kind of complicated W it is not complicated Luke you could do it as long as you have a brain bigger than a 2-year-old my brain is barely bigger than a three-year-old yo Luke don’t say that about yourself silly but okay now we have to fill in the dinosaur’s foot like this and holy gach aoly when we upgrade this bad boy he’s going to be so big right over 10 million blocks what over 10 million blocks that’s bigger than the whole world yes sir ski bu Roxy dinosaurs have nails right cuz they’re super sharp and they slash people in the face yep just like me here Roxy those aren’t even claws those are just little Nubs on your fingers well I’m a real dinosaur and you’re just like a fake dog I am not a fake dog I’m a real blue dog everyone knows that about OHS but let me set it all like this and boy what the what Luke you’re actually doing really good yes sir ski my brain is a little bit smarter than a three-year-old no Luke no no I was just kidding you’re very very smart you’re doing a great job buddy but let me throw it over here like this and let’s fill it in with the poopy Brown yes s SK poopy poop oh yeah yeah and both of the feet are set now we have to make that John go up like this and we could do the same over here and we have to connect our boy’s booty what he’s going to have a butt of course he is Luke every animals have a butt so they could poop out of it what that’s super goofy no it’s not goofy it’s the truth like right now look check this out just stand right there oh no I know you didn’t just poop on me oh no Luke just got farted on Ms I’m going to fart on you too hey Roxy watch your yo I farted yo really bro what I was holding it in my do Roxy literally just farted his entire inventory out b boom this is his booty and and Luke roxs you guys filled in I’m going to work on the tail all right that’s close as F hey yo enough with the butt joke silly but let me make it go up over here and Luke if you think this is big you literally have no idea my boy we’re just trying to make it accurate so when we do do the sl/ giant it’s insanely awesome I can’t wait it’s going to be so awesome the girls are going to be like oh my gosh that’s so cool of you guys yes sir and then Crystal’s going to give me a smooch and then we’re going to live happy happily ever after I didn’t say that what you want the smooch no that’s not true Roxy wants the smooch what I’m not the one who likes Crystal I do not like crystal crystal is just my friend right crystal yes bab’s friends that sm all right that is just not true at all crystal we do not smooch like ever but this tail is looking awesome sauce it’s matad thick yo so the T-Rex could eat you and oh luk you did really good on his butt yep I made his cheeks super big now we got to work on his belly into his neck cuz it literally goes straight from the belly to the neck and then the face of the dinosaur so boys you can make it a little bit random since it is skin so just make it reach the middle over here ly all right I’m going just place it just how you did oh thank you very much my boy and this is where his neck and face is going to be M and now we just need to fill it all in just like this on the sides H yes s ski I’m going to place some more blocks than you boy not possible because I’m about to use the magic wan to help out so let’s set the first two positions over here like this and set it all with some Spruce planks like that Y and look at how much I just filled in Luke look at how much nice that’s some serious progress I know right and with us going crazy all together we going to be done with the booty right about now now we just need to cover up the top over here easy pickings and I’m going to work on the face while you two do that yes sir I love the T-Rex he’s just like me all right Roxy how many times we have to tell you you’re not a real T-Rex you’re just a dude in a little outfit well could a dude in a little outfit make a sound like this I mean um um whatever that that wasn’t even scary right Luke that wasn’t scary at all this one okay all right yo Luke he’s whing he’s whing Luke do something do something here oh my gosh really bro but I’m working on our boy’s jaw like this and I need to make the back of his head over here since dinosaurs have G his heads guys yeah SS you’re doing great thank you Roxie now let me go all the way around over here and set that head just like this oh my gosh the girls are going to be so jealous even with this one the one that’s not upgraded still looks super swag right Luke right you like this right it looks pretty uh pretty good why do you say like it doesn’t actually look pretty good it sounds like you just said that to make me feel good OHS it looks really basic what do I say what hey this looks fire look look look just fill in the head with me and I’m leaving a little bit of room for his mouth so you could see our Boy’s teeth so let’s make the front lip of him just like this going all the way around and the front of our boy’s head and do you guys see it coming together now yeah I think so it’s like the outline of it yes sir ski and look this the front of the face it’s literally coming along it’s literally coming along Roxy is this he or is this he my boy yes it’s getting me excited okay Roxy relax don’t go biting anyone now relax by your buttsy H hey hey hey yo up yo he’s eating my butt Luka you too L You’re Not Safe oh my gosh okay guys relax but check out our boy’s jaw right now o when we upgrade the jaw it’s going to be even scarier than this but let’s go all the way around over here lower the jaw down on this side so it looks like his mouth is super scary like he about to bite your boo and that’s our boy’s jaw oh nice let’s black it out on the inside oh great idea Roxy so from the outside it just looks like the inside of his mouth so let’s fill up all the holes over here nice job dude and we could fill out the bottom of our boy’s jaw and oh my n but we need our boy’s eyes oh yeah and wait Roxy you say you’re a dinosaur right let me see what your face looks like so we can make the dinosaur have good eyes all right take close attention wait a minute Rock we literally have the exact same face hey you copied me Noe but I’m a dinosaur oh my gosh but wait wa wait that means I would have to copy the side of your eyes and hold up that actually looks really good I need to grab gray white and wait do I put the blush over there it looks like you’re blushing cuz you’re next to Lily cuz you have a crush on her h no I don’t you have a crush on crystal no I do not have a crush on crystal right Luke tell him tell him tell him no SS he caught you in 4k what no me and Chris only smooch like what I mean I’m uh oh you just admitted that you Smooch Crystal no no no I admitted that um we’re going to use pink blush right guys let’s put the pink and hold up onar now our boy is looking mad cute no caps involved bro why don’t you give him a smooch how you Smooch Crystal all right yo I do not smooch Crystal that is not true but now we have to make the top of our boy’s head like this and hold up I’m going to use the magical wand cuz I’m super fast with it not before I could place all the blocks boy hey boop did it first did it first did it first then that was on me yo he’s coming along so good all we got to do now is just fill up the side of his body cuz it’s literally Hollow e that’s a job for the dinosaur Rox you are not a dinosaur my boy you are not a dinosaur I am a dinosaur what I thought you were a dog yeah I am a dog but dogs would totally be a dinosaur in a fight right Luke you have to agree with me what dogs are so tiny compared to dinosaurs what but dogs are very loyal and they could boom a dinosaur if they really wanted to but you know what we need in our dinosaur hands what type of dinosaur doesn’t have hands how is supposed to slash the animals he hunts yep it’s it’s a T-Rex it’s like little tiny arms oh yeah just like Roxy for real for real my arms are giant what pill slap to the face hey he just slapped to the face me Luke yo slap to the face Luke Roxy not me I’m chill I’m chill I’m chill all right I’mma slap his butt oh that’s sus that’s actually sus boy just slapped you B whoop R T-Rex is looking ferocious right now I’m actually scared M wait can we have him baiting on a blue dog wait what no why why why do you have that in your head what do you mean why a blue dog no reason Luke why would you want to be biting a blue dog why would you want the dinosaur to bite a blue dog I’m a blue dog yeah he wants to bite you oh my gosh fine Roxy but but but like be gentle please all right I won’t bite it’s just going to be a nibble okay a nibble oh my gosh but to make a very handsome blue dog like myself we have to put him right over here in that boy mouth cuz he’s chomping on him yes sersi he’s getting you cuz you have a really big butt hey and wait wait that’s actually funny I’m going to make him eating my butt right now he’s biting off your butt cheeks hey super sus but wait let me make my little cute doggy face over here and hold up when we use sl/ giant it’s literally going to make my butt giant oh no that’s super sussy I know right and wait since me and Roxy have the same outfit that means I have the same eyes as him so let me put my little eye over here like that and then Boop put my blush next to it then go on the other side Boop put the blush over here then put my little eye just like this that looks so weird BS you’re missing your feet you’re a dog oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re right you’re right let me put one feet over here then one feet over here then one feet over here and one feet over here and I’m about to make my butt cheeks super duper fat so we could be chomping on them Johns dude he’s already chomping all over you yeah I know and then I’m going to put my little tail right over over here cuz I have a tail guys if you didn’t know just don’t look hey don’t look don’t look I’m trying to take a look so I can take a bite oh my gosh Roxy I have a feeling that you think that dinosaur is you and you think this blue dog is me it’s because it is oh my gosh Roxy is bugging but boys are you ready to slash slash giant the dinosaur and blue dog yes I’m so excited all right this is going to be crazy let’s type SL SL Giant and wait what uh uh nothing happened hey our build disappeared turn your booty but around what um why am I turning my booty but around yes look oh my go dude this thing is ginormously awesome I told you guys it’s going to be 10 million blocks I can’t even see this dude all the way and literally can’t see his feet that’s how big he is Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh oh my gosh dad I miss you so so much Roxy that is not your dad my boy is like a bajillion times bigger than you what um how do you think I’m like this R out my door wait a minute waa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s that blue stuff in his mouth that’s super tiny M I think he was eating your butt cheeks so hey ohar is that all that’s left of my booty dude he devoured you oh my gosh but bro look at his little arms they’re not really that little anymore them Johns are literally a thousand of Mees and guys it literally keeps on going and check out his feet luk look it has the three toes that we made but it’s way bigger and awesomer yep he got some grippers what oh no bro is sus but oh my God look at my boy’s belly look at my boy’s belly he’s been eating good but wait what do T-rex is they eat little blue dogs just like you hey Roxy yo yo yo yo do not eat my booty BB oh my gosh this boy’s tail is actually huge he could literally yah ye someone to the face with this thing yeah that’s so cool I know right oh my God I literally think we might have the best build ever made oh my gosh and guys look at how cool his face looks like from this angle the girls are never going to believe us I know right he literally looks like he can Chomp on you yo luk put your face inside it let’s see if he Chomps you what I’m scared it’s not even real Luke just go inside just go inside all right I’m going just going for a bit all right ready and no he’s eating me that look that just me silly he’s not eating you oh F I thought I was going to get eaten like the blue dog really bro I did not get eaten that’s just like blocks Luke that’s not really me oh my bad too soon oh my gosh really but I think it’s now time we show the girls they’re not going to believe us let’s go girls girls blue boy you’re not going to believe how awesome this T-Rex is who this is actually so good girls babes do you really think so come give me a smoo if you do no oh my go don’t you dare don’t you dare W really we are not kissing Roxy we’re not kissing we’re just friends right Christa no babes we smooch so much that my face hurts oh my Nar but waa this looks lit wow this is lit I love him Roxy this is literally you my boy it’s a red dinosaur yep and he goes I no Crystal you hear me scream right you didn’t hear me scream bab you totally just screamed like a little baby I am not a little baby Crystal I am a man Roxy I’m not afraid of your Roars um then why are you running away like a little girl oh my gosh but give us a tour girls show us the cool features about your dinosaur well babes if you take a close look he has his little tiny arms oo that’s super cute just like Roxy for real for real yesy it’s super accurate oh yeah yeah and wait what Crystal give me more give me more babes pull up over here he got a dumb truck uh excuse me oops let me this butt a dumb truck oh my gosh oh my gosh all right wow he does have a pretty big butt though that John is Juicy and ooh look at his feet Yes we made it just like a T-Rex would have its feet oh nice and then that boy’s head looks mad goofy what babes I thought it looked really good what he look so silly he does look silly girls look at his eyes it’s mad gooy B I actually kind of think it’s cute just like you crystal I mean um um oh oh my gosh babes you think I’m cute I’m going to tell everyone he thinks I’m cute oh my gosh oh guys I want to sing it I want to sing it no you you better oh my k i s s i n g are you serious right now but guys we have to rate the dinosaur everyone pull up over here and since boys we you know cheated we’re going to give the girls a really high score a 9.99 cuz I know our build’s going to be a perfect 10 that’s a little risky don’t you think yes sisy but that’s how we roll ro ro girls we give you a 99999999999 out of 10 oh my gosh really that’s super sweet yes serly but um we may have a little trick up our sleev so Crystal Alexa Lily make sure to hold your diapers on what we don’t wear diapers party but no you totally do because when you see this you go poop your pants booom there literally no way you guys bu yes sir ski babes you are literally capping you did not build this it’s like a bajillion blocks big well actually it’s 10 million to be exact I saw when I um C I mean um I saw when we did you just admit that you’re cheating no no no I we placed it right look we counted the 10 million from one yeah yeah we’re being super honest Crystal no need a lot over here zero cap zero caps H wait a minute blue boy is this you being chomped up by Roxy waxy that no I would never get chomped up by Roxy yes sir you did let’s go really um that hey that is no I did not get chomped I don’t know what this is it’s just um random blue and pink stuff but check out how ginormous our boy is look at his hands look at his hands this is crazy it’s a giant dinosaur just like Roxy Lily Roxy I’m not even going to say anything I know you’re going to say that he is cuz you and Roxy have a crush on each other but you two never admit it but but no we’re just like really good friends mhm yeah sure but check out our boy’s dump truck that’s a new word I learned it’s another word for booty Bob yeah the other girls always say it it’s dumpy dumpy yeah our boy has a ginormous dumpy oh yeah and look at how big his tail is it’s literally a bajillion blocks you can’t even see it you have to fly all the way down babes I’m being kind of sussy of you why why are you being sussy of me me Crystal this is a totally legitimate build no cheating was involved I did not use SL SL giant what babe you definitely did you always have tricks up your sleeve no I yo Roxy Roxy always tells the truth let’s see what Roxy has to say about this Roxy did I use any cheats and my boy you got to be honest all right I’m about to be completely honest he did yo yo yo Roxy wink wink cough cough you know we didn’t cheat right what are you talking about literally cheated no no no no girl just just stay over there um Roxy say we didn’t cheat but um Z be capping I can’t C no no no it’s not Roxy just say it please please please L we cheat slap Luke I just slapped our boy you had to do it yeah we have to protect the secrets but yeah Roxy isn’t say anything cuz he knows that it’s legit okay babes but we have to discuss oh my gosh boys we F win this easy peasy Elms is really hot what e not my type really Alexa oh my gosh what’s the score girls hurry up Babes we have your score 10 out of 10 good job let’s go a wof a wof a w yeah yeah we’re going to beat you cuz the next one is a triceratops good luck oh really she thinks she can make a better triy ceratops than us boys pull up I have another cheat to use wo SS what cheats are you talking about we’re going to do slash slash pain and we get all of these awesome items to draw a Triceratops dude that’s going to be so op and with this magical paint canvas it’s literally going to spawn whatever we draw but a bajillion times bigger and when I say A bajillion times bigger I mean like bigger than the entire world yep I believe it cuz the last one was crazy well this is going to be crazier and Roxy Triceratops is are the dinosaurs with the horns right that’s exactly the one oo nice and what color should we make that boy gray gray all right all right I’m doing it Roxy and wait for his face he has like a plate for a face right yep that’s his arm man ooh nice okay okay so let me make the brush very thick so I can fill it all in with that gray boy so let’s go all around over here like that y down on this side throw it here boom perfect and what color is this horns they should be gray oh yeah but a little bit darker and guys look at how ferocious these horns is looking right now wo dude they actually look Wicked I know they look like if you talk any trash about him he going to Boom you yeah he looked like he played no games at all I know right but now we have to make his eyes so how should we make his eyes how about like this oh yeah so that boy looks swagged out what is that he looks mad Goofy hey Roxy I’m trying I’m trying my best okay okay okay how do I make his eyes better make you look swag okay okay okay how about like this so it looks like he’s like happy nope you have to make him look aggressive oh actually you’re right what if I made it like this so he looks like he about to eat your bosom oh no that’s perfect oh yeah yeah now we have to make our boy’s mouth like that and I’m not even working on that that’s the best I got oh my gosh that’s actually kind of silly yes sir now we have to work on his body and what color is his body Roxy line it with light gray and use a dark gray for his body oh really smart Roxy so I’m going to make his booty butt right over here and I’m going to make it extra cheeky oh no boy said cheeky yes zi cuz his bosom has super cheeks then we going to make that JN go all around over here like this and like you said we going to grab the light gray and throw it all down over here like that and wait I’m going to make the brush even thicker so I could do more at the same time oh SS that’s super smart yes sir your boys think it’s smarter not harder so let’s go down over here up this way hit it like this and I have to throw the gray to separate the body from the head now Roxy what about his feet do I do the same outlining technique yeah but don’t forget his Nubs they’re not claws they’re Nubs oh yeah because he’s a vegetarian that’s not vegetarian it’s called herbivore oh well what does herbivore mean that means he’s a vegetarian that’s what I just what oh my go it’s the same exact meaning oh NOS you just got told boy are you serious right now but hold up I’m filling it in and he’s actually coming along super duper superer good right now and don’t worry Roxy I didn’t forget his Nubs let me put a nub over here some Nubs over here H some like that and he has Nubs yes sirs you’re doing perfect thank you and now I’m going to add his tail back over here like this and I’m going to do the same thing that you said with the gray fill it in all the way around just like that oh my gosh boys I’m actually seriously proud of this right now and I’m also going to outline his head just because it’s going to make him look even more ferocious yes sersi Ms we have to make him look amazing so the girls get boomed oh yeah yeah this is easily going to beat the girls so let’s make it go down around here and ho Gat amoi and cheese this John is the John wait wait wait there’s also little Nubs on his crown oh okay I didn’t forget Roxy don’t worry let me grab the gray and does this look good Roxy is the Nubs looking nubbing more Nubs I’m adding more Nubs okay okay how about now is the Nubs nubbing yep they nub for real for real oh awesome sauce and our Triceratops is now officially ready are y’all boys ready to see this yesi spot it in all right I’m spotting it in 3 2 1 Y and hey W uh guys nothing spawned in oh man I think my cheats were bad I’m sorry Rox I know you really like the what’s behind me my G I love it I love it oh my gosh it actually spotted the paint of the oh Triceratops yo Roxy the Nubs the Nubs yeah dude I told you oh my go wait the Nubs actually look so far and the two horns we made and look at his eyes Luke they look ferocious dude this guy plays zero games I know right and bro Roxy the Nubs on his toes the Nubs on his toes yes it got every single detail and oh my look at that boy’s tail it’s literally gigantic wao it’s just like mine what Roxy come here n n n you got me messed up come here Roxy what you have nothing to see I have something to see yo why you running turn around bro turn around and let me see your booty nope I’m looking at you no let me see you don’t have a tail I knew it I knew it oh gosh you got me wao guys look at it up close it’s literally made out of a bunch of normal blocks what how do you do this s because I’m that guy Roxy I’m that guy pal but when you zoom out the blocks start to blend in to a giant dry s R UPS he’s a meat eater right Roxy what no that’s a carnivore oh yeah yeah that means that he’s a vegan no it means he eats me oh wait he eats me oh no he eats plants he’s a herb OFA oh that makes sense and hold up he has a bird beak that must be why he’s not strong enough to fight actual animals like me cuz I’m a dog and I’m f a karate drop to the face 3 2 1 karate OES Roxie I just hurt my head um dogs don’t beat dinosaurs well they totally do I could have beat him if I wanted to oh my gosh she looks huge from here but Luke I don’t think the girls is going to believe this so yes sersi their build’s going to be dookie boy compared to ours I know right and hold up hold up guys we have to hide this cuz onar they’re going to see this and realize that oh we cheated so Luke make a hole over here make a hole all right let’s dig away our evidence yes sir so they never going to find us deeper Luke deeper okay okay all right let’s put it right over here and oh yeah yeah it’s also facing the wall hey look yo yo yo all right we’re good let’s go review are you serious right now oh my gosh but girls we may have a little zum zum babes you’re going to love this and what the W hold up this actually looks really really good it’s a Triceratops yes and it’s green just like me ooh and hold up hold up yo Luke looke stand like right over here on top of this boy’s beak all right what’s up dude oh no that boy literally has your eyes oh my gosh I love him oh my gosh hold up hold up hold up Alexa who worked on the face of this dinosaur oh no one it was me Luke I think Alexa might have a thing for you my boy huh are you being for real for real I think so cuz she made the eyes exactly like you and Triceratops is aren’t even green she has a crush on you score mouth I want to sing it A in a tree first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage oh yeah I know the second part of the song easy pickings you’re embarrassing me yes s she totally has a crush on You Luke wble you R but you guys even added the Bea yes babes and the little Nubs don’t forget ooh yeah you put the Nubs all around it yes let’s go the Nubs oh no Roxy loves the Nubs but you also put the Nubs on his feetza yes babes we couldn’t miss a single detail oh really good and then over here oh you have his tail that get slapped to the face someone awesome sauce and oh you even put some grass on the floor since he is a carnivore no babes it’s vegan see Roxy it’s vegan I told you are crystal doesn’t know what she’s talking about oh my gosh but boys we have to give the girls a score and we’re going to judge it very hard come on boys let’s discuss let’s discuss M me and Alexa going kiss that’s not this oh my gosh all right your final score is an eight out of 10 girls yay we did good again girls let’s go nice job but um you may be in for a little bit of a surprise you ready for this yeah what’s up come follow me over here it’s nothing crazy it’s just all right Lily take a peek oh my gosh girls take a look at this why are you freaking out lilyia I can’t be that my gosh this is crazy Crystal Crystal pull-up sis he what is this our Triceratops you know he’s nothing crazy he’s like a little small me Luke Roxy I think Roxy worked on like the Nubs I did the horns took us like 30 seconds bab you’re seriously capping right now well I am not seriously capping what are you oh my gosh look the hole is literally showing right now oh gosh just cover that here hey hey look emergeny want you cryst you have to explain what this is oh no I’m nothing to see here girls don’t look at this um I’m looking at it and it looks like this drawing kind of what no no it does it SS did you use a drawing cheat command uh no Alexa I would never do that that would be cheating and SS doesn’t cheat that’s like not something I would do all the time no I don’t we got to get rid of this we got to get rid of this I’m putting this here bye okay it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone that was a close one they had no idea Roxy I’m pretty sure they know but um anyways U girls we totally built this and check it out our boy looks awesome right yes he actually looks perfect yes sersi look at his horse and his knbs we spent so much time I like clicked a couple times for that to happen bab hold up only a couple times I mean like a couple bajillion because each knob is like 50 bajillion blocks each H something sus is going on Roxy tell me and I’ll give you a hug hey you can’t I’ll do that with Roxy Luke she’s trying to rob Roxy with a hug nope no no back up Lily back up back up hey I was going to say yeah to that no you’re not Roxy but yeah girls do you like it he even has an awesome beak cuz he’s a herbivore vegan and he eats grass and Ferns and stuff like that yes yes yes I love it oh let’s go so wait give us a score what do you give us okay the girls have to check real quick oh okay Roxy they’re judging they’re judging oh I’m excited we’re totally going to win yes omy is so dreamy what uh what is cryst talking about oh no boy she got a crush on you W Luke she does not have a crush on me I think that like she just thinks like I’m kind of cute or something but let’s hear what they have to say no I want to spooch him right now like s slay I don’t know why say oh my gosh we have your final score it’s a seven out of 10 that means we win the second round what hey what the what how we literally made a giant statue yeah well it’s only one block thick so it’s not that detailed so 6 out of 10 actually what oh my gosh are you serious right now and now time for the tiebreaker you have to make a dinosaur zoo oh my gosh y’all it’s going down cuz we’re going to cheat with slash slash realistic what SS how does that one work it’s going to turn all the dinosaurs to life what we need to make the zo right now quickly quickly quickly but first we have to grab fences so only people who pay can enter inside the Jurassic Park ra dude are you even trying what what do you mean I’m literally roaring let me hear you roar then all right it’s more like this Luke what the hey don’t do that Luke you can’t just copy me with the onas dude the onas is my thing no it’s my thing oh no oh yeah you’d be saying onar I know right I forgot ra y’all Roxy yo relax I thought there was a real dinosaur but speaking of real dinosaur we’re going to have a real dinosaur M it’s going to be lit but let me use the magical wand to finish up the fences all the way over here hello ly Pooky what’s goody my Dy I’m setting the oak fence and did you just call me your duty yeah oh my gosh but here is going to be the entrance to the Jurassic Park and since it’s a Jurassic Park we need Jurassic Park colors so what color is dinosaurs Roxy green o yeah nice choice let me grab some green and oh yeah that’s serious dinosaur Vibes so let me go around like this and we need a sign that says Jurassic Parks oh you’re really going to spell that big of a word yes sir jurass sick oh gosh we’re going to need Roxy to help us spell it out cuz Roxy is the best at spelling yes s ski the first letter was J oh wait what you actually know how to spell it yeah cuz it has to do with Dinosaurs oh yeah yeah Roxy’s a professional with anything that has to do with Dinosaurs so let’s go all around like this and I made that outlining green but we’re going to make the inside out of black so you can see the word really good ooh nice choice Roxy what do we make the Letters Out of red cuz dinosaurs eat oh my gosh but let’s make the J over here like this all right what’s the next letter Roxy you okay let’s put the U then what it’s an R for Roxy ooh nice and wait a minute Roxy did you invent dinosaurs yeah I was around like when they first popped up okay wow that’s awesome but then the next letters a all right got you let’s put the a down just like that a for Alex say AKA loose girlfriend what’s next yes s Sky that’s my babes but then the next letter is s all right let me throw an S down like this and wait the next letter is s after the S right nice dude how do you know because I sounded it out it’s Jurassic it’s so many and then wait wait that means it’s an i after cuz it’s i m and then the last letter is C so now we have Jurassic right over here at guys I don’t think Park is going to fit but I have a good idea yeah what’s the idea we’re just going to put a head over here and make it say park so we have Jurassic Park I heard it too I know right and now welcome to Jurassic Park and we should have like a car that drives around so we can see all of the dinosaurs in their natural habitats yes sir ski and we can say what’s up to our dudes yep and we can make it like it’s a dinosaur Trail so we drive around and we look at all the dinosaurs so in the middle is going to be the path where we drive and first we can go all along this way hit a turn over here like this then we have to turn all the way back around to the front so Luke help a brother out with this I got you my b boy what did you just call me a but boy no I just said B boy you said but boy oh no I heard that Luke I heard that I heard it too really oh my gosh Roxy just confirmed it but boom We Made It Go all the way around and here could be the exit so let’s turn that John like this and make it lead outside so here’s the entrance where we enter to the show and there is the exit but now we need to make the habitats for the real life dinosaurs Mo and the first dinosaur we’re going to do is a Tyrannosaurus Rex that’s going to really spawn in what um no way you can actually do that Roxy don’t worry I’m a professional my boy first we have to put the fences around so he doesn’t escape and fences should keep that boy in then we have to make a T-Rex habitat where do T-Rexes live Roxy they used to live in Jungle areas where they can catch dinosaurs ooh nice so let’s grab some jungle saplings and we’re going to need of course some bone meal to grow them Johns then we’re going to need some grass and boys I’m going to use a magic wand to make the entire floor out of grass blocks like this y then right over here I’m going to throw a ginormous jungle tree and I’ll throw another one right over here just like this and I’m going to put some meat down so the T-Rex wants to eat it o delicious so this is his meal over here raw meat and I really like raw meat cuz I’m a dog so me and dinosaurs have a lot in common so there’s a Ramy now we have to make a mini T-Rex so we could come to life when I use the wand yes s make them green all right I got you my boy so let’s just make a little mini T-Rex like this and we’re already basically professionals at doing it so let’s go around put the boy’s face like that give him a little tail like this and then we need eyes so we can use some butt tons really said but tons of te and here it is once we use the command on this boy he’s going to turn real but let’s put a little block over here with a sign that says T-Rex awesome sauce yes sersi now Roxy what do you want the next dinosaur that comes to life to be Triceratops we’re already professional at making those oh yeah and wait Triceratops is are herbivores I was about to say vegans but it’s herbivores yay um thank you for learning I love dinosaurs ah you’re welcome Roxy anything for you my boy but let’s set the the floor with some grass blocks like that Y and wait since he is a her before we need to make it very grassy Roxy so let’s make him a little Hill over here yeah make his environment so awesome I got you my boy and I’m going to make the hill over here really high so he can’t escape like this and he needs grass right to munch on yep that’s what he be eating o all right uh move um what are you doing oh yo Luke you’re not yo you’re not a Triceratops yeah but grass do be busting oh my no Roxy he bued on the grass but let me throw a bunch over here and we should add a little water puddle for him so we can drink out of it oh that’s actually really smart yes sersi so let’s fill it all up with some water and we need to make a Triceratops Roxy pick a random funny color ew purple trer tops oo that’s actually a very silly color let’s make it out of purple so let’s go around like this make our boy’s booty butt over here his front legs and we have to make his like armor Crown thing on his head it’s called a crown arms and don’t forget the Nubs oh okay Roxy put the Nubs make it gray and I’ll work on our boy’s face cuz he has like a little beak in the front over here like this and then he has his eyes so we can make it white and white and H we can grab some butts oops you did that on purpose yeah I did I got the butts and Roxy throw on the Nubs and he looks so cute right now and let’s throw his tail right over here M this is awesome s yes s see now let’s make this enclosure super big cuz we’re about to put a gigantic dinosaur what do you mean by big well by big I mean he needs a big area to live in so boys we need to fill it all up with some glass and Roxy do you know what I’m making dude yes I know a pterodactyl yes sir ski pterodactyls are a flying dinosaur it literally has wings Luke Wings waa how does Roxy know because roxxy’s a dinosaur still actually he’s not a real dinosaur he’s just like a fake dinosaur but he’s very educated on dinosaurs I am a real dinosaur yeah yeah Roxy sure but let me go over here let’s set some more like that and Luke do your side with class please yesi I’m going to play some more blocks than you for sure that’s not even possible because I already did most of it y yay and wa this is awesome but where do pterodactyls live Roxy up in the trees like in the bird nness ooh that’s really smart Roxy so let’s make a little birdes Nest so first we have to put some grass over here and what tree should we use oh so it’s not that high oh yeah yeah yeah so they still have room to fly around and oop I put an oak tree over here I’m going to put another one over here Roxy so they can fly around yay they’re going to have so much Freedom yes Siri and we need to make them a little Nest so let’s grab some hay blocks and on top over here we’re going to make the family A Nest where they can all hang out together just like that awesome let’s do the same with the floors like this and guys Nest we have a nest oh this is awesome but now let’s make some flying oh all right I want to make them yellow cuz we’ve been using super silly colors so let me make this boy over here flying like that with his two little legs over here like this perfect and we need to give his butt son eyes you’re already doing it on purpose he said butt again no I didn’t e b this is going to look so cool when he comes to life the girls have no idea what we got up right now yes sir we big cooking for real for real but now over here we go make something super swag y’all don’t even know we’re going to make the biggest dinosaur that has ever lived it’s a brosaurus Luke he’s like a bajillion feet tall what that sounds super lit yes sir and we’re going to have to borrow some jungle trees cuz the only way that boy can eat is with leaves that’s super high up because we don’t want his neck to hurt yes SS you got it right yes cersi my boy so first let’s set the ground to All Grass blocks like this y perfect now let me grab some of the Jungle saplings and how many do we need Roxy two should be good all right let me put one down right over here and I’ll put the other one down right over here as well Y and awesome now we have to make this boy gigantic and what color is he Roxy y oh I knew it so let’s make this boy super dup super big I’m literally not playing when I say this Luke I mean Super Duper big and the biggest feature about him is his neck that boy got a gach neck dude when he comes to life he’s going to eat our butts uh no no well not my butt personally and also he’s a a herbivore not a vegetarian I save myself Roxy yeah you’re learning GES thank you no problem now let’s make this boy’s neck super long like that and don’t forget the butt hold it tons dude you held it for extra long OHS yes sersi and oh my n this is perfect now we need our vehicles to drive around and to enjoy the show so guys grab your vehicle of choice I’m going to pick this blue one it’s very swaggy M I’m going to get the red one yes sir my boy now Luke you get the green one yes sir ski my boy we squatted up uhhuh now everyone follow me as you can see here we have a Tyrannosaurus Rex he’s very endangered one of the last of his kind wa he looks very fake yeah hey he’s not fake he’s going to come to life trust me that over here we have the Triceratops he’s very very real and not fake and not just a build yo bro he’s literally not even real is this show even real at all hey it is look there’s literally a pterodactyl flying that’s literally real H um this is looking a little fake not going to cap hey well what about this one what about this one over here mates we have a bronchos surus very very endangered species oh yeah this one looks most real oh really it does arms make it real oh my gosh all right fine I’ll make make it real but first we need to get the girls and girls girls where are you Bab we made a dinosaur giant Research Center a dinosaur giant Research Center Crystal the theme was dinosaur park hm something sus is going on and hey why does the floor look like it was SL SL pasted in Lily what what are you talking about no no it’s fine H okay and hey what the what there’s literally doors on the floor you’re thinking about it too hard all right girls I don’t know and what the doors are destroyed and yo some of these fence posts are glitched bro what are you even trying to say right now uh I don’t know it just seems a little sus that you guys built the wrong thing and it looks like this is pasted like you guys last second went to look something up the paste nuh-uh check it out there’s stuff everywhere H all right let’s see it there’s a sign right here it says not made by Crystal Alexa or lily babes that’s not real it’s right there no it’s not it’s gone why what it was just there luk it was just there right dude I don’t know what you’re talking about Alexa’s never been wrong yeah yeah and dude what the what there’s an upstairs and hot there’s a helicopter area yo this has literally cheated in you guys use SL SL Past St n just admit it Alexa just admit it okay fine it’s just that your builds were so crazy if you think our builds were crazy before check this out we made dinosaurs real huh no you’re lying Luke It’s time we do the command do it all right boom H oh what did you just do nothing oh my gosh oh no it actually worked um everyone welcome to the Jurassic Park du everyone pick a vehicle up Babes I’m helping him with you oh my gosh all right crystal come inside yay all right crystal relax don’t make this weird and check it out there’s real dinosaurs oh my gosh bab I’m in his butt all right really Crystal are you not shocked it’s real wait what they’re actually real ah I thought they were build nah-uh that’s a T-Rex over here is a triceratops yeah I did this Alexa you want to kiss oh okay what the what ew well look okay very impressive and guys it’s literally all the colors we cheated with what was that babes nothing Crystal look at the terod dactyl wait what where’s the pterodactyl I need to see it he’s in the nest Roxy he’s in the nest though hearing him oh my gosh Roxy’s literally holding a dinosaur but wait wait let’s go to the bronchos surus yo he’s gigantic bab this is literally a 10 out of 10 we don’t need to rate it um boys do we reveal our secret to the girls yeah SS I’ve been having too much fun today let’s do it all right girls we have an announcement to make um me Luke and Roxy might have been cheating what are you serious SS yeah sorry but your builds are so cool that it’s okay wait what are you serious yes baby I had so much fun yay oh no step Freddy is trash what hey the Freddy is good really girls oh my gosh so bad no it’s good look at the face we did the eyes and like the mouth and everything why B just stop it looks like a kangaroo it does not look like a kangaroo look at his butt cheeks girl what Lily the butt cheeks are not bad babes we’re going to smoke in this competition come on girls let’s build the best Freddy oh not boys they really think they’re going to beat us with our Freddy and Luke is it really that bad yep dude it’s actually horrible oh go all right all right Luke Roxy destroy destroy destroy I’m destroying it cuz this is trash really bro oh my gosh but boys what do you say we do a little cheating to win in this building competition yes sir but how are we going to do that we’re going to use the cheating command SL SL upgrade what does that do any build we have made is going to get upgraded to be super duper awesome so boys if we first need a build what Freddy looks like so his first color is obviously some brown and he’s an animatronic robot so we’re going to need some iron for the inside o yeah and we can grab some like red for the wires oh great idea Roxy and check it out first let’s set his animatronic feet just like this and then we have to do the exact same on the other side so let’s go here and Roxy help me copy this foot down please all right I got you we have to make the feet perfectly even like this and oh perfect now since he is an animatronic we have to put the robot bits all around his leg just like that boys and Roxy what are you doing I’m adding some Redstone cuz like it’s like wires and stuff oh roxxy’s actually super smart but after the little metal part of his legs is his thighs yes sir we have to make them super juicy juy yeah what in the sus what all right guys we’re not making him have a juicy butt that would be so funny though no that would be super sus with a side of sussy bakan is but check it out boys we have to make the legs connect so we’re going to put one layer that makes the legs go inside one layer like that boom then connect it like this for my boy’s hips huh oh no this boy is looking like poopy what this boy is not looking poopy at all are you serious right now Roxy not a brown hey that’s just how Freddy be like my boy Bo that looks so good but I know what y’all’s is thinking for his waist it needs to also be ironed cuz he’s an animatronic robot Yep this is what controls his every ever movements yes sersi and ooh nice touch with the wires Roxy yes sersi I’m going to make this John realistic so we can crush the girls oh yeah yeah but now it’s time for his body and let’s make our boy a little bit thick now boy go on a side and build up yesi I like him chunky sussy ly but we are going crazy right now oh yeah oh yeah hes you know I built more than you and Roxy combined that is not true Luke I’m literally going bre cuz I placed like five blocks Roxy you literally just placed more than five Luc is not that guy pal but guys you do know that Freddy has a colored tummy o is it like Tana yeah it’s a little bit t and and really Roxy we made this uneven fill out that side please all right I’m on it and ooh Oak planks is actually a perfect block for his belly nice choice Roxy yes I I know exactly how Freddy looks oh yeah yeah so let’s go over here make sure the belly is even and oh my gosh Luke you’re putting in that work filling him up I told you boy I’m a grinder oh nice andit no that’s fire that’s fire karoo really it does not look like a kangaroo are you serious right now but wait wait we have to put his Little Neck area over here like this then another bit of iron and then we have to do the same over here we have to make my boy’s arms Yep this is what makes his arms move yep and I’m better make his arms super jacked cuz he’s my boy and since I’m super muscular he has to be super muscular when was the last time you ever hit the gym what Roxy don’t mean you go to the gym like every day I do look at my Muses I be you oh my God oh gosh Roxy is literally that guy pal but I am way stronger cuz check out my boy’s arms he’s literally just like me for real for real and now Freddy’s not you he is literally me but check it out for his hands we could put another layer of the animatronic then over here we’re going to make his hands with his little fingers to grab you to eat little kids that’s sound like this that’s scary yeah cuz you sound like that Roxy cuz you sound like that what why even sound like that bro sounds exactly like that but come on guys let’s make the end two blocks stick like this so then we can give our boy some fingers yeah so when he catches you he’s going to rip open your butt cheeks hey he’s not ripping anyone’s butt cheeks open it’s me those singer singing let me get another did Roxy just try and eat my butt yo syy boy and bro look at the difference between my hand and ly Pookie’s head though what you mean my looks fire what the C is that but boys our Freddy is looking seriously sauce but let’s make this top part even and now we got to make our boys’s head so let’s go out wide like this and a couple blocks forward like that we got to hit the back over here couple blocks out like this and right over here is going to be our boy’s jaw so let’s put a tooth just like that a to just like this and oh my gosh this is literally looking so good yes sersi I kind of see it but it’s still a glob of poop what it is not still a glob of poop Roxy it’s a work in progress let your boy cook let your boy cook so now we’re going to put another layer of our boy’s mouth just like this and make it slightly in front of the bottom lip over here then go around like that and now we got to do the side of his JW then put his teeth ohar oh no Roxy are you scared what do you mean you’re totally scared dude okay I’m not going to lie he looks a little bit goofy yeah his teeth need to be like more sharp dude no it’s good enough it’s good enough since we’re going to upgrade this Luke we’re literally upgrading it it just needs to be close enough so it knows how to upgrade him so let’s do the back of his mouth over here like that and we’re going to grab some black and put it all black in the back of his throw how does that look like from the outside ly wait it’s actually starting to look vicious oh it is it is it is and Roxy stop putting White everywhere we still have to make his face my boy malfunction malfunction he’s not malfunction really Roxy dude he did not die he’s completely fine I think roxxy’s having a malfunction but let’s throw the wool all around over here like this and his face is starting to come together it’s starting to come together now we have to make his head go inside like a cone like this Luke how are we feeling about this why are we doing this wait no no it’s fine just trust the process together squee squee why are we rubbing our heads together guys it’s cuz it looks like dookie boy oh dude it does not look like dookie boie but um so what about his ears oh yeah that’s what’s missing so let’s put a little bit of that iron over here then we have to make our boy super duper cute ears like that and boom put it right there that looks so good copy The Design Roxy all right so it’s one down like that right yes no no no it doesn’t oh my God going upgrade it oh yeah and he’s about to look oh gosh hopefully a little better than this he looks goofy I’m putting his eyes guys I’m putting his eyes that boy looks M goofy no he doesn’t Rox he’s chilling it’s just cuz he doesn’t have his light blue eyes and oh yeah yeah that’s good that’s good Roy you best be scared cuz you was talking all that trash my boy I’m going toart in his eyes oh my just his eyes BR brv brv are you serious right now Roxy that’s so funny that is not funny at all oh my n now that boy going to have pink eye or something but oh he has blue in his eyes now let’s get a button so we can make his eyeballs hey sus you said balls nothing is sus about that there’s nothing sus about oh he has eyes this is awesome but guys we’re forgetting the most important part about Freddy his hat oh yeah I think it’s like black right yes Siri so let’s throw it all around over here just like this and make the hey Roxy W that’s how he looks no it’s a top hat silly so it’s thick on the bottom but thin on the top and isn’t it even hey it’s supposed to be a little lopsided guys oh my gosh but this is literally good enough o to paste our boy in so we have to get the two coordinates so we can completely upgrade his whole body so let’s upgrade over here then go all the way up to the top of our boy’s ear and are you guys ready to slash slash upgrade our boy yes sersi do it all right I’m doing it yay my god um guys this is crazy oh my God what the this thing looks crazy he’s literally bigger than the wall oh my Nar and boys look at his eyes they’re beautiful dude I love it so much but um guys um there may be a little mistake his stomach is missing quickly everyone we have to put Oak blocks right here fast quick quick time’s almost up oh no oh no why do I hear you boys whing out um no reason Alexa just stay there just stay there and just don’t do anything oh Rox you the magical one nice nice nice you gave us so much Roxy go go go go go go go go go and okay let’s get the bottom part but holy guacamole and cheese this John is literally ginormous he looks so good and wow this is actually how his face is supposed to look like holy smokes it has every little detail I know and look the top hat the top hat that looks so good and it even added a bow tie and a microphone and br br br look at his giant feet ly look it looks like giant poop are you serious right now dinosaur poop it’s my poop cuz I’m a dinosaur you are not a dinosaur Roxy you’re just wearing a dinosaur pajama outfit well watch this the what are you doing that was WR one ready oh my gosh okay that was actually serious yep get away but boys are you ready to show the girls our real non-cheating build remember boys sticking character we can’t tell the girls that we cheated it’s so hard to lie l I need to tell you something stop come back come back come back L grab him come here boy let me get that BT hey L is bad Roxy we have to win the competition and the only way is with this awesomeness all right so promise me you’re not going to tell anything uh why is he saying it like he’s not confident Luke why is he saying it like that he just said okay Roxy if you tell the girls anything you’re done for no no no no no I’m grabbing him Luke you have to slap him to the face right now all right and I’m going to tape his mouth shut here stop to the face stop okay good now he can’t talk all right let’s go girls are you ready but face your build is nowhere near as good as ours what the what is that oh no this is dooky PS are you serious really guys is this the best you come up with oh no like yours can be any better are you serious Crystal you’re in for a surprise a really big upgraded surprise toally Luke don’t don’t spoil don’t spoil hey Roxy stop trying trying to talk hey don’t l boy don’t say anything Roxy oh my gosh yeah what’s up Ro nothing nothing why did Roxy just say poo poo girl oh no all right now BR is actually just saying poopy P wow this the most goofy Freddy I’ve ever seen what do you mean babes his eyes are even shaped like hearts ooh wait a minute I literally see a Luke they’re like sideways Hearts yeah that is kind of cute and his nose is really cute too and his ears are really cute and he even has a little Top Hat yay you have to admit it you really like it I mean it’s all right and you guys put the iron teeth and the animatronic arms with the hand that grabs kids yes and if he gets you he’s going to rip your cheeks apart hey leave my cheeks alone oh my Nar yeah and check out his bow tie it’s super cute oh yeah it is and oh he’s holding his microphone and he has his animatronic legs and that’s it is it time to rate him yes babes rate him all right boys boys pull up we have to discuss we have to discuss ready okay all right we have officially came up wait let me rip your tape off you thinking wait what I was thinking just don’t say anything Roxy stop you forgot you forgot bye girls your final score the boys have agreed on is an eight out of 10 nearly perfect yes there’s no way you’re going to beat that butt faces are you sure about that girls I don’t think they’re ready for this she has no idea let’s go girls follow me what’s going on not build it what do you mean we literally buil it we had like 2 minutes actually we had like three only use like one of the minutes cuz you know it’s kind of small but yeah these are his legs that’s his microphone that’s his belly and it’s all right right there’s literally no way you but faces built this what what do you mean we built this totally Alexa and look at how awesome his face looks he looks like the real goop Freddy and he’s going to munch on your butt cheeks what the what no way no no no I don’t believe this at all what do you mean you don’t believe it Lily this is all cat why it’s only like 500,000 blocks it’s nothing crazy that takes like 30 seconds exactly you couldn’t even build all the way up here in 3 minutes what that is not true Crystal I’m a professional builder right wait a minute this is my bab and he is awesome and everything so it’s probably real li no way it is no crystal said it crystal said it oh my gosh Ain no way Crystal just said that but yeah he’s all right we even have giant dinosaur poop for his toes look at how big that John is what he isn’t just all right this is the best build I’ve ever seen with my eyes yes s SK you know some light some light nothing crazy it’s all right girls let’s discuss we have to talk about the score actually never mind it’s a perfect 10 out of 10 score oh let’s go but that was only one round next up is Chica and the only reason you won this is because Freddy’s a boy what so what well you’re a boy and you built a boy that’s why you won but the girls are going to build the girls come on girls let’s build oh no boys chica is up next but this time we’re going to use another cheetah HS what are you thinking well if we type in this new command SL SL paint we’re going to get a canvas and drawing materials boom and we got a large canvas a pallet and an easel boys you know what we could do with this right oh we’re going to draw Chica and she’s going to come to life yes sir ski so let’s put the canas down and it’s now time to become an artist oh yeah but first we have to make sure that the cheating knows what location we’re at so since our platform is all light blue let’s color it in all light blue of course ooh super smart dude now boys chica is yellow right my boy chica’s as yellow as a banana oh no Shorty’s a banana so I’m going to start with her little face over here and she is a duck yes so she always does a kissy face like like you and Crystal do what are you talking about me and Crystal do not kiss like ever yeah you two do we are love birds what we are not love birds Roxy oh my n but hold up I need to make her beak over here just like that and how is that looking boys how is that looking it’s actually coming together so good I know right now we have to do her eyes and her eyes are black on the outside like this and make it go up like that oh nice now we have to do the white on the inside and oh no Shorty’s looking scary right now it’s just her face how could that be scary already dude it literally looks like eggs wait it actually does no I know right but wait let me go all around over here just like that and oh it’s actually looking so good she kind of looks like she has glasses on but her eyeballs are purple so let’s boop didy boop then boop didy boop like that but she’s still also an animatronic so let’s put the little metal over here and then she has her little bib cuz she’s a baby and she drops food on herself oh no she’s a baby not really I think it’s just a design choice I don’t think she’s actually a baby right shorty is a baby maybe just a little bit but let’s fill it all in with white just like that and we want to make it as accurate as possible so our chica comes out as good as possible and she also has a shirt in yellow that says let’s eat so that’s that’s close enough Let’s uh let let eat okay is that good Luka bro who taught you how to spell no no no that’s good it literally says let’s eat that’s a bunch of Mumbo jumbo no it’s not it’s good enough but now let’s make our hand over here just like that yaters then let’s fill it up all the way oh that looks good she looks like she can fly away just like a real dug but now let’s do the other hand over here just like this then we have to fill out her stomach like this and then fill it all up with the yellow yep you’re doing so good Ms thank you and her feet are also orange boys so let’s make her first foot over here just like this yayi second foot over here just like that awesome sauce and oh oh we forgot something her cupcake friend oh yeah it’s pink just like GL and I like GL what do you have a crush on Lily Roxy no yeah you totally do that no sounded super sus right Luka yep he’s acting sussy oh no Roxy and Lily sitting in a tree k i s s s i first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby and a baby carriage yeah I learned that version I learned it dude where did you learn that I’m not telling but I know about it boy and wait we have to draw my boy’s eyes like that and he has two little buck teeth so Boop and Bo Luke look at how cute he looks a I just want to pinch his cheeks I know right but he’s very dangerous he be eating on people’s heads and we also have to put his little candle on top and finally chica has these little bits of hair on top of her head and boys chica is now ready so let’s spawn her in what the no way oh my God this is crazy dud it’s literally just like the painting but a pul t better I’m literally whing out I’m literally whing out I’m literally whing out I’m literally whing out our boy chica got the orange feet our boy got the legs she even has a baby bib oh n hold up hold up it says let’s eat it kind of says it right Luka y she’s getting ready to eat your cheeks oh no and oh no her big looks perfect she’s doing the smoochi face and you could see the animatronics on the inside wo this is so detailed I know and dude the eyes is exactly how I drew it and look 1 2 3 just like the painting what that’s actually awesome and oh my gosh the pink muffin W it’s so cute but deadly oh yeah super deadly that boy will munch your face up but oh my God I literally think we have the best chica in the universe this is super lit yes sir the girl stand no chance I know right and now that we built a girl they going to be smoked oh girls girls bab no way our chica is awesome she’s sling what what is that what do you read is it a awesome stong oh no shorty looks um a little bit messed up yeah chica’s a bad what Nar wo is that the cupcake yes and it has white purple and yellow that’s literally not how the cupcake is it’s literally a whole creature oh my gosh did you guys even do the studying on the girl chica well I thought it was a cake what oh my n but oh I do like how you did the eyes they’re very very adorable and you got the purple and oh my gosh your lety is better than ours yes cuz you’re going to get smoked wait actually wait l e t it’s not let it’s literally just let eat really bro what are you talking about it’s been here the whole time Alexa you literally just added that you just did that yeah no it’s been there mhm but ooh you also added the animatronic parts for the knees and O the orange for the feet and why is it so uneven don’t even worry about it that’s how Fe are sometimes that is not how Fe ever oh my God Luke look at her arm over here she need to hit the gym for real for real hey let me expand that really quick yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but boys always like yeah sure but boys I’ve seen enough everyone pull up we must discuss the ratings yes let’s have a professional meeting guys uh-huh uh-huh yeah that’s not the sounds we make but girls we have an official rating your chica build you get a 7.3 out of 10 now what this is actually a 10 out of 10 really you want to go with that wait no bab it’s fine Alexa I don’t think it’s really that good yeah it’s kind of made Alexa but ours wasn’t that good either we only had like how long boys like 30 seconds to work on it or like 15 or something like that right yeah we’re humble it’s it’s all right it’s pretty good you girl should check it yeah it’s okay um Alexa Crystal Lily U follow me it’s nothing much don’t make fun of it yeah M you no no no no I don’t believe you anymore what you mean don’t believe me you’re like awesome with you’re my boyfriend but this is just too much I’m not your boyfriend and I am pretty awesome but I’m not your boyfriend and yeah it’s all right uh hold up hold up what is this painting over here oh no boys they found it it’s exactly like this no there’s no painting at what you it’s right here it’s in my hand Alexa literally stole the painting no Alexa put that down put that down H everyone look at it no no there’s no painting there’s no painting there’s literally no painting anywhere you’re holding it in your head no no I’m not I’m not oh my gosh okay I’m Dum yeah yeah okay here you go yeah see it’s just an empty painting nothing nothing to see you switched it uh no but check out R chica shorty is dummy thick there’s so many books there’s no way you guys place this all actually Roxy was kind of like relaxing while me and Luke did all the work so you know it was light work that’s even less believable no no and look it says let’s e and somehow that looks worse than yours bab we can barely read the lets hey it’s good enough it’s good enough but she has her little baby bib we got her arms over here then ooh she’s looking so beautiful with her giant orange beak we got her white and purple eyes and of course her cupcake L like how it’s supposed to be W that looks awesome and pink yes sir and don’t forget the three little hairs that I Drew to cheat I mean that I that I drew you got he said the three little hairs that to cheat no no no no I meant like no I would never cheat you cheated on me with another girl what where did you get that from hey look what are you doing SS I’m changing the subject for you SS and Crystal you better not join my not that very really then comes the baby and a baby carriage wow oh my gosh but girls you may discuss the ratings are you serious there’s no point you guys won again wo whoa whoa wao wao no no no this is worse what what are you talking about Alexa how is this worse than what you guys built up look at the back something happened over here there’s no butt wait what Luke there’s no butt in the back dude we forgot to build the back oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it literally looks like someone magic wand the back Alexa was this you no I don’t know anything about the magic wand but you’re disqualified you’re holding it right now the score is one to one and for the tiebreaker we’re going to build Freddy’s pizzeria come on girls let’s smoke these bad boys no way you guys are not that guy you guys are not that guy but boys I know exactly how to cheat for this one we’re going to use SL SL realistic huh what is that it gives us a oh realistic stick we could transform anything realistic we’re going to make the real FNAF characters in the pizzeria H and it’s going to come to life yes sir ski but first we have to build a stage so let’s set it up just like this down and around over here perfect and this is where all the animatronics look like they’re just normal robots but really when it’s late out night and the kids that are in red walk around they start to get hungry for kids I’m the red kid yes Roxy they going to eat your boms but let’s set the stage right over here like this now we have to put the whole cast of characters so first we’re going to need a Freddy head and oh no that boy’s looking scary and we can grab a brown piece of wool and here o is Freddy oh no that boy’s looking scary BS he looks totally fake yeah well that’s where the realistic stick is going to come in but first let’s put the whole cast and after Freddy is the blue one body she’s the one with the guitar yeah that one’s actually really scary too mhm let me grab the bunny head oh no I’m scared she looks so creepy I know right but next up on the stage is chica yay the yellow one that’s my fave oh no let’s grab chica’s head and oh no she literally looks broken well this is going to be mad scary when they come to life yeah dude if they come to real life they’re going to scare the girls away oh yeah yeah but last but not least Foxy the scarious one hey foxy wait that’s my name no no no no Roxy it’s foxy with an F that he also happens to be red hey you look like a dinosaur I’m going to break you a real like Foxy maybe Roxy no Roxy you’re Roxy what no I’m foxy I’m a dinosaur Ro get out of here Foxy’s literally a fox it’s in bro’s name oh he’s chill then he’s chill oh my God I think Roxy thought he was a little dinosaur but boys now we have to make the outside of the pizzeria yep and we have to make it look super swaggy I know and we can make the pizzeria walls and guys we have to use the classic checkerboard going all around just like this all right let’s do it oh no this is going to be so lit so let’s make sure to go all the way around so the pizzeria is super duper big and don’t do it in the front because the front is actually made out of wood oh that makes so much more sense mhm so you guys work on that and I’m going to work on the front but make sure all the other sides are filled up with the classic checkerboard design all right I got you my boy and I’m actually going to use the magical wand for the front over here and let’s make sure that it’s even all the way down because we want the stage to be in the middle and okay this should be deep enough now let’s set it all to some Oak planks like that and that looks awesome sauce and over here there’s a giant sign that says it’s Freddy fazbears Pizzeria yep so all the people know what’s up and O the people don’t really know what’s up because they’re going to be it for a surprise when the animatronics come Gul to Gul life um you forgot the Gul at the end oh yeah g oh no it’s for real I know right and oop okay now we have a little area for the side and we need to grab that John wao this thing looks awesome and oh wait let me make it even and dude it literally says Freddy Fazbear’s p pizza place oh and God this is scary I know right and I’m going to make the sign look a little bit better by putting a little black outlining around it just like this y make sure it’s totally even like that and there it is that J is looking super duper dripping tin but now let’s put a door so everyone can enter and we’re going to throw it down right over here o perfect and we need to put the floors in ooh you guys did a really good job on the walls yes sersi we put in the nice and of course the floors are checkered so let’s use these awesome checkered tile blocks yes this is making it give the official look I know right I’m about to be first cuz I’m the fastest Placer in the world I’m already done with my row um I’ve been done with my row no no no no no no I’m not actually done with my row I capped I capped I capped wait I’m going I’m going I’m going all the way down and let’s go I finished easy picking what’s up all right how did you guys do that so fast though it’s cuz we ate some sugar before we came here yeah my you guys are whing but remember Freddy fazbears is just a normal pizza place for birthday party so we have to make a birthday table yay what’s the first step to a birthday party literally just putting the birthday table over here guys so let’s make it super big so we can have a ginormous party and have a million kids here and are the animatronics going to eat them boys up yep it’s going to be like their birthday present oh my not really ly but oh gosh this table literally looks like cake and O speaking of cake let’s go grab some cakes and we could throw it around like that and oh we also need to grab pizza since this is a pizza place yeah cersi they got to have that pizza on Deck yes sersi let’s throw the pizza boxes everywhere these John’s bu take me a slice dude really bro J is busing wait what you can actually take out slices dude that’s actually super duper swagalicious boy and oh it’s Freddy’s face but in red that’s a hint to what’s about to happen but up this is really cool I like it a bunch now we need to grab the seats for everybody to sit on yep so they can enjoy my leftovers oh yeah yeah and O look we can put down the party chairs these jws are so cute looking yay someone’s going to be sitting in it they’re going to be like happy birthday to you to OHS happy birthday happy birthday to my butt smell my butt really I’m not smelling your butt Luke but oh okay that looks really really good but we need to add the security room where we could see when the animatronics move wait we’re going to have the cameras yes sir ski but we need to make it a serious wall cuz this is where the seriousness happens so let’s set it down just like that Y and Roxy help us fill up the security room with this block all right I got you my boy let’s go I’m going crazy I’m going crazy I’m going crazy and what’s goody Luke now let’s fill up the top with the same block onar this is where well we see if they’re alive yes Siri we’re going to check up if they’re okay and I don’t think we should be checking if they’re okay we should be checking if we’re okay Luke cuz they’re going to boom us but boom nice we now have the roof but we need to put the security door so people don’t mistake it so let’s grab the employee door and O that looks really cool yep and people know not to go in and oop let me put the door button like this so ooh it activates the door to be unlocked and then when we make it ready it closes the door up awesome so unlock it then let’s go inside pull up LCA all right I’m here nice now let me unlock it to close it then lock it like this but here we need a security area o grab the monitors great idea and we’re going to get the triple monitor set up so let’s put one there one there and one right over here like this wait that one should actually be the middle one cuz it’s the biggest one so let’s put it like that then put it like this and oh perfect we have mad monitors now we need a table oh yes sersi let’s put a little table over here so we can watch the animatronics at all time and we need some worker chairs so let’s grab three so Roxy these are going to be your cameras ly I’m going to be in the and you’re going to be back over here all right all right we got to keep our eyes peeled yes sir ski and wait what else was in the security room we need some decorations duh oh yeah yeah yeah good point we could put some ooh nightmare puff some H stacked pizza boxes like that and oh oh oh I know I know I know extra plates right dude that’s exactly what I was thinking in case people need and oh we could also put some posters oh I want to see if they’re cool all right so first let me put a shelf right over here then we could grab all the posters we need and I’m going to grab the Freddy one gulp the Bonnie one gulp the Chica one and gulp the even scarier Freddy and let’s put it all around wao that’s sick I know right and a little bit scary they look like wanted posters like they’ve done Bad Things N they’re chill bro they’re chill yeah yeah yeah totally but oh we need some fast coins cuz this is how people be getting their game tokens and wait a minute there’s no games in here yeah what are the kids going to do for fun oh my gosh we have to grab some games so let’s see if there’s any arcade machines and dude there’s literally arcade machines let’s throw a bunch down yes sir let’s get to place him boy oh yeah yeah and our arcade is actually looking super duper sauce right now but wait you know what we also have to add we have to add some wall Pizza huh what’s wall Pizza dude it’s pizza that’s been left on the wall duh look at how gross that is and we even have the booger Pizza version as well that’s gross I’m going to try the booger ones Roxy oh my go really bro it’s pretty good oh my n I know bro did not just eat that seriously seriously Luke take a try no way Luke’s going to actually do it Luke is more mature than that let’s see if it’s any good dude did you just literally Munch that whole thing yep the boogers give it a good texture oh my n but let me throw down the pizza all around just like this and boys we need a roof as well so we can make it out of something nice looking how about ooh the party carpet this normally is for the floor but it just looks so good it literally looks like sprinkled it’s making me hungry me too so let’s go all the way around and that’s what you want Luke you want the customers to be hungry so they can buy some pizza and we make some monies yes s Sky W businessman oh yeah yes so let’s go all the way down and around and we have to make sure it’s sealed so no one can hear you screaming but we finished what I’m not questioning I’m not questioning it but oh my God this is literally looking so awesome but wait wait since this is the stage area we have to add curtain so it’s mysterious yep and when they pop out they’re like ah major butts yes s well yeah sure but not direct whatever you know what yeah sure they’re like that yeah just go with it don’t but let’s put the curtains all around over here just like this and Luke help a brother out please all right I got you my boy and okay I did the outlining now we just need to throw down the curtains and ooh these curtains have stars on them yep cuz they’re Stars SS oh yeah cuz they’re performing so that makes them performing Stars but let’s throw the curtain all around like this and let me do this side over here Roxy you got the other side okay yes s let’s throw it all down like that y yeting tin do this side over here and B boo oh I’m done I’m done over here too nice now let’s just open the curtain so you can see the performers like this oh my gosh this is awesome sauce and Boop break all of that now we need to grab some stage lights and pointed at them oh yeah oh my gosh Luke they’re literally so bright right now yep it’s shining on them baby oh yeah yeah and we’re going to put a little dance floor over here because that’s where everyone dances and watches them perform their music yep so we F to get jiggy like this oh yeah oh yeah oh my gosh really bro wait wait we should pretend to be them I’m going to grab some mask Luke who do you want to be I want to be chica oh all right here is your cheek Max Roxy who do you want to be foxy of course oh oh oh I got you let me grab the foxy mask and I’m going to be Bonnie cuz she’s blue and let me put that John on and ohar Luke boo dude you’re super scary oh what was that sound e luk got scared but no no I didn’t dude you totally got scared but dude our Pizzeria is looking lit but you know what’s missing the Dance Floor yes I want to bust a move but the dance floor needs to be super jiggy with it so let’s grab the rainbow red yay really Roxy Roxy red then yellow then green yes s ski followed by Blue o and then Indigo and violet that’s the Rainbow song for you and what are you doing luk I’m getting warmed up for the dance floor he yo the dance floor is where the animatronics lure the kids to look at their butts and then to rip it open and I thought there was going to be ladies on the Dance Floor what ladies what ladies are you talking about Luke the only ladies I be getting is I mean um random girls you never met before H Crystal you got a crush on shorty I don’t yo no no that’s not true me and Crystal are just friends but the dance floor is looking super sparkly my boy let’s go all the way down then we have to reset to Red let’s go I love red yes Roxy we know you love red oh no but now let’s put the orange next make it go all the way down just like that then yellow over here and can anyone help anyone at all sorry I was just trying to figure out the pattern dude but really it’s literally the rainbow um chill not everyone’s a professional oh my gosh but next up is blue then it’s Indigo and violet that’s the Rainbow song for you so Roxy you hit the Indigo and I’ll hit the Violet and let’s go crazy with the teamwork okay and we’re going to stop right here then we got to reset it like that to red again let’s go red again oh my yes Roxy we know you like red at least Luke doesn’t while out when we start putting the green did I just hear you say green oh oh it’s green all right look relax relax relax but then it’s oh blue easy pickings and now the dance floor is complete we F to get jiggy all night long yes sersi now where’s the ladies what there is no ladies Luke oh my God don’t you like have a crush on Alexa or something yeah yeah bring Alexa we could get jiggy oh my Nar oh yeah I’m getting jiggy peep this what the you guys are going crazy right now but du du it’s time for the realistic stick du du they’re going to come to life in you your booty cheeks du Roxy has a really nice butt but now with the realistic stick we shall R and Y and then you have to give them the realistic smooch bro you just kiss foxy that’s basically Roxy E I want to kiss him no what the oh my gosh but wait it didn’t work I think we have to O leave the room for them to come to life chill chill I’m out D too oh goodness gracious oh goodness gracious girls girls yo girls we have officially finished our Five Nights at Freddy’s realistic build what did you say party bud I mean not not realistic I Bean normal build then what the Gata bab welcome to Freddy Faz Bears up hi Crystal this place looks just like a box huh no it doesn’t come inside Luke Roxy I’m not feeling this right now I’m not feeling this huh yeah the outside’s not very visually pleasing I know right and uh uh not going to question it let’s go inside yeah let’s just look outside uh I’m just not going to question it let’s look inside yeah don’t think about it too much just check out the fun games oh gosh Luke I’m not going to lie I’m a little bit nervous there’s so many awesome sauce games in here ah the game just gave me a popup what are you serious right now which one which one Luke which one it’s this one right here let me see I don’t see any popup ly what the all right all right all right who coded that in the game why is it me and Crystal sitting in a drink ass as babes that was me it’s the best game ever right what no no are you yo hold in your laugh are you Ser what’s that behind you luk uh not going to question it anyways oh there’s some pizza around yeah let me get a slice oh my God wait you could actually take slices out and oh that’s super swag not going to question it and O you guys have Wall pizzas wait where’s the ones with the boogers what e oh no yeah our place is kind of awesome do you like it guys h i mean you guys are forgetting the security room and wait a minute H hold the phone yo the animatronics are moving Luka no I thought they were just statues yeah me too but wait a minute they’re not evil they’re mad chill H I think ours is going to be a little bit better cuz we used a realistic stick yes sir they’re going to hunt us and eat our butt cheeks o that sounds awesome but H you know what girls it’s actually pretty lit and I already have a score for you I will give you girls the side’s kind of mid mid mid but I love the inside so an eight out of 10 yay eight out of 10 you boys are not beating that are you sure about that well girls follow us to Freddy fazbears entertainment boy a no way no way you guys built this yes sir it’s lit right I know it’s not too crazy on the outside it’s just all right um ums we have a huge problem what what’s the problem yo Luke where did the animatronics go hold up what the what did they actually come to life wait dude I thought this stick was like a joke um hello animatronics oh no this is not good babes this place is awesome there’s a dance floor let me get jiggy no no we’re not getting jiggy Crystal There’s an actual serious problem o I think the animatronics came to life yeah yeah babes I know you’re trying to prank us come on girls let’s have fun what no this is serious no Alexa do not have fun now yes this is my dcy dance oh my gosh dude guys this serious and where could they be luk do you see them around hes I’ve been winning for this moment in my whole life oh yeah oh yeah what are you do luk I’m dancing with my shorty boy what now slap to the face Luke dude seriously the animatronics are out they’re not over here in the game section and guys everyone to security room we have to check the cameras oh good idea and girls why are you still dancing yes my dance moves go crazy there’s literally animatronics probably out to eat your guys’ butt um girls yeah girl oh my gosh oh my God a crystal what the what Roxy luk get out of the cam what the what just happened did you see that yo my girl just got her cheeks eaten oh my n dud where is he where is he and wait where’s Roxy oh no where is he I’m scared let’s go to the camera C quickly let’s see what’s inside let’s see what’s inside yo who blicked up my girl look oh wow I got to get out of the cams now Luke Luke are you okay oh my no it’s foxy and hold up wait a minute foxy and I haven’t seen Roxy Roxy is that you yeah I just pranked you boy what are you serious right now wait a minute was everyone else in on the prank yes everybody was in it was so funny are you serious right now but girls that was pretty funny what do you guys rate the five nights of Freddy’s Pizza place out of 10 we don’t even need to talk about this this is a 10 out of 10 let’s go I’m Foxy come here everyone our house is now complete look up all right and what the what is this why is our house all pink what do you mean it’s so awesome right are you serious right now where’s all the boy colors that’s what I’m saying dude why is it all pink oh my gosh well maybe the inside has some of our colors right Lily yeah it’s like the whole rainbow inside ooh nice are you serious right now the whole rainbow if it was only pink I know right oh my gosh even the TV is pink don’t worry I made our beds in your colors what Lily this is literally just pink pink pink and pink and pink and pink you just made them different shades wrong you got it wrong it’s magenta and purple and pink and purple and magenta favorite colors Lily oh my goodness gracious well at least the kitchen area has like some blue water oh yeah I better change that to pink water what so you did it on purpose oh my gosh caught in 4k HS hold up what the what is that outside oh my gosh it’s probably going to be more pink whoa what intarnation is that it looks like a cave with o lava around it oh Adventure let’s go check it up I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared Roxy can we just go under the bed and hide yeah I’m scared I’m scared babes no we have to go and explore I’ll hold you what no no no no no I’m not afraid don’t worry and guys there’s a paper over there follow me we must get some Clues and uh Luke what are these boxes that are perfectly sized to fit a person inside does I think those are tombstones what oh no dude there’s a dude in here oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness gracious these are people Roxy what is going on here oh my goodness gracious and what did you just say a dragon head huh oh no foreshadowing what foreshadowing oh go and wait there’s a note over here and it says last people to enter the cave nope they got blicked up bro that’s even more awesome we have to go check it out but now look that is the opposite that is the opposite of what we have to do oh my goodness gracious acious and hold up why is there lava over here and wait another no it says Beware of the elemental oh no Elemental what Elemental why my cheeks are clapping now hey dude are you serious this is serious Luke you can’t be clapping your cheeks like that oh they clapping out of fear oh my goodness gracious P what the what is that is that a skeleton of a giant animal and it looks like there’s Wings what’s a giant animal that has wings a giant bat wa wait wa wait does that make sense no bats aren’t usually this big yeah you’re right Bo another no over here guys and it says he is not a bat Bozo what hey I’m not a bozo you out so funny are you serious guys that’s not funny oh my gosh but oh no oh it looks like there’s even more people here that got burnt guys what’s something that’s giant that can burn people it’s a giant bat it’s a giant bat no no Roxy it says these warriors were burned oh no no should we head inside the giant cave is this smart ly hes we F to end up in one of them tombstones what not me not me I said not it and uh oh no no there’s more skulls yo how many people got blicked up bab there’s like melons in here I know right and there’s some lava so the hints we have so far is we saw a dragon head it had a really big body and fire oh no I know what it is it’s an elemental bat yep I know I know I’m a genius but guys careful the elemental bat could be anywhere and eat our butt cheeks babes are you sure that this is a bat Crystal 100% I’ve never been wrong about anything ever and oh no it goes deep and oh my gosh it’s not a giant bat it’s a fire dragon goes there oh my God Roxy back up back up he’s dangerous don’t worry I can take him I don’t think this is smart Roxy what’s up little bro I’m about to beat your butt oh no he’s bugging he’s bugging okay okay all right Mr Dragon you’re in a cage you’re not scaring us every minute I get stronger what he just got bigger he just got bigger L do something and I will escape and destroy your run everyone run get out of the cave get out of the cave my goodness gracious this guy is serious we’re going to end up like these skulls everyone to the Pig house right now oops we can’t let that happen I know right we have to defend our pink house oh man why are we defending this what do you mean it’s awesome guys oh my gosh but how do we defend ourselves against a giant fire dragon hold up SS it’s fire so it’s weakness is water Roxy’s a genius Roxy’s a genius everyone we have to make a water Mo around so make three blocks of a hole and then place the water down me and Rox are going to be on breaking duties in the front all right I’m going to be on filling duties what what what what’s so funny about it’s are you serious right now that’s not funny guys really oh my gosh Roxy are you even helping me out and oh Luke you’re on my side yep Roxy wanted to go with the girls oh no roxxy’s Rising up Lily right now I think they have a thing for each other that’s what I’m hearing around and okay it’s perfectly even Luke go crazy all right let’s go we’re going to be there before Roxy and the girls cuz we’re that guy we already at what oh my gosh Roxy you are czy chance go go go go no no we finished first we finished first but now everyone we must grab water to fill it all up yeah cuz water is strong against fire yes sir and I’m going to race you guys cuz I’m the fastest in the UN first first one to the middle of the other side wins I’m already at the M what oh my gosh Roxy got there super fast but we now have water all around let’s go and let me patch this up this is perfect there’s no way that he can get over it right other than the fact that he’s a dragon with wings oh no he’s totally going to just fly over oh goodness gracious we need to wait to attack him while he’s flying and I know exactly what since he has the power of fire what do you say We Fight Fire with Fire hes I love it when you talk like that what’s the plan automatic Fireball Shooters you said balls are you serious Roxy nothing’s funny about balls dude balls that’s not funny no one finds you’re not allow to laugh at balls inappropriate inappropriate oh my go wao this is literally one bajillion balls that will be flung in that boy’s face balls face ball balls in your jaws what balls in my no no that’s not at all oh my gosh really guys there so many balls in your jaws no no in the dragon’s Jaws not my jaws s but guys we have to add Redstone behind it like this and while I put the Redstone behind all of the dispensers everyone needs to be on Fireball placing duties Roger that I’m on Fireball duties yes sir ski because when you just have a fireball in your hand you can’t throw it you can just play on the floor but when you put in the dispenser it Ys in ball form yes sir let’s do it nice job so let me set down all the blocks back over here so I could put down the Redstone repeaters just like that awesome now I have to grab some normal redstone dust and throw it behind every single repeater just like that so it should activate this block which is going to activate both dispensers over here now all we need to do is put a red stone torch elevator over here just like this and now if we grab a lever it should be fully functional Luke are all the balls inside yes sir we filled them John’s up oh nice okay okay go inside and flick the lever let’s see if this John is functional my b boy all right boom hey not all the balls are filled only some of them wait wait wait guys well we have a serious problem the balls are going in my jaws but not the top half oh no only half the balls is in your jaws oh goodness gracious this is not good at all but this is a super easy fix all we have to do is go over here and break all of these blocks then grab some Redstone Dust like this and throw it all the way over just like that so when these Redstone repeaters activate they’re going to activate the Redstone right over here on top to activate the dispensers all right Roxy flick the lever please all right 3 2 1 balls in your JW oh not oh that is so many balls but wait a minute Roxy do it one more time I B wait these over here don’t activate the last four let’s see what happens Roxy flick it one time please and up I see why it doesn’t work because the Redstone doesn’t reach but how are you going to extend the signal dude this is easy picking for a professional like your boy all we got to do is set a repeater right there now Roxy let it rip all right by we about to go in our job yes sir I know oh my gosh it works literally perfectly awesome sauce but dude you said you were going to make it automatic oh yeah you’re right and luckily I know how to do that super easily all we have to do is make a cool trick called a hopper signal system it’s like a redstone clock so we put two Hoppers next to each other facing like that then we throw an item so it pushes in and out of each other like this oh constantly feeding each other yes sir ski and if we grab a redstone comparator look it activates it on and off super fast so if we put a repeater right here look outside oh my God this is next level there is so many I heard that Roxy and to stop it all we got to do is Boop break the repeater bab this is literally insane I know right now’s getting past the front wait a minute the front what about the sides oh not if the dragon just flies around to the side well he’s going to Boom us with his fire breath but luckily your boy has the fix we’re going to make the most insane rapid fire TNT Ked ever made it’s going to shoot 1,000 TNTs a second that’s not possible you’re capping zero caps involved everyone follow my lead this is some serious Redstone first we have to do Boop boop boop I know I know this is crazy already yes sir then we have to do Boop then Boop uh-huh uhh hold up hold up hold up you going insane yes sir my boy the next up we’re going to have to do Boop and then boop boop and Boop I cannot even take this anymore yes cersi then we’re going to need to grab some slabs over here for the front and I’m going to make them blue like this then we’re going to need some water so it doesn’t blow itself up over here just like that and throw it down and here it is this is going to be all the dispensers for the Cannons wo this is crazy I know now we have to throw down the Redstone all behind it just like that with one piece on top over here now boys we have to throw TNT on the inside all right babes let’s go and make sure that it’s completely filled cuz when I say that this is going to spam TNT I’m being super serious right now I’m talking about jillion pieces Bo I do not believe you right now Alexa believe it it’s going to be literally crazy but holy moly it’s now all filled now all we have to do is go on the inside over here behind the TV excuse me then throw redstone dust and we’re going to need to make another Hopper clock system just like this so put a hopper over here Hopper here flip it around like that Hopper there compare rator then we’re just going to need a redstone r repeater now if I throw an item and go outside it should oh no oh no oh no um guys it kind of only worked halfway house almost fixed it quickly the dragon is going to come and boom us oh no all right all right everyone fixing house duties oh no oh no going to be come on go go go go this is bad this is bad I did not mean to do that clean up everybody clean up this is not clean up this is serious HS it boosts the team Spirits what are you oh my gosh F clean up clean up everywhere clean up clean up everybody do your share dude we’re going crazy fast oh my gosh what the clean up song actually works clean up clean up everybody everywhere clean up clean up everybody do your shirt clean up clean up Roxy has a big butt clean up clean up everybody look at it a but boy hey I am not a butt boy but nice job everyone we cleaned up super duper fast but um I think I know what the problem was it’s cuz you activated it way too many times yeah I know okay okay so first you have to do three over here then you have to do two here then you have to do one in the F just like that now we’re going to need to grab the slab throw it down like that and Luke put down the TNT in each dispenser please all righty no problem Mo thank you and I’ll the throw down the red stone over here like this then one on top and the reason it blew itself up before is because I think I put this redstone on top a little too early so all we have to do now is go back inside the crib boom Hopper it’s a hopper like that throw in an item throw the comparator and um Luke this might go really bad yep we have to prepare for the worst oh goodness gracious all right is the water in and is the TNT in yep all things are set all right so Boop let it happen a little bit that on top oh gosh oh gosh I’m nervous and come on oh W this is awesome actually works rapid fire TNT is this swag or is this swag it’s perfect cuz it lands where the dragon would be yes sir SK the dragon is going to get boomed and to stop it all we have to do is just stop the STP first and now it should be completely good when I stop it and not boom ourselves please and oh my gosh wo dude this is the most insane explosion ever baby the dragon will never be able to get in from this side yes sir no chance we’re safe now oops what about the back go oh no I didn’t even think about that the back is fully easy pickings to Boom us and he’s going to eat our butt cheeks no from the back back back oh no I like my butt cheeks me too oh no we need to think of something to get a mob that’s flying in this the air I know exactly what we need an anvil drop on his head and it’s going to destroy his wings yes and then he’s not going to be able to fly oh yeah yeah okay okay okay so since he’s going to try and get in from the back over here we need to make sure that this entire area is good and since he’s going to be flying we have to set it up super duper superer high like this so everyone fill up this area please all right I’m going to place the most blocks no way I’ll the most I’m already at 1 billion well I’m already at infinite well I’m at two infinite two infinite right now actually I’m at infinity infinity well I’m at Infinity time 10 Infinity time 10 I place 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 no not Rocky speak for real but I’m going to use the magical wand up over here and let me set it all with some pink concrete just like that y awesome sauce now we have to get rid of all the evidence over here just like that and do the same for this row over here thank you guys and here is where the anvils are going to be placed on top of so we must Place one row of anvils with the magic wand so let’s set the position over there then set the second one over here then set it all to some anvils like that so pretend that you’re the dragon about to break into the house flying underneath the anvils all right I got you I’m really good at this yes sir give me your best impression meow W wo Luke oh my that not the okay you know what you’re done I can’t fly oh yeah yeah that would have boomed him babes we have a problem it’s only able to be used once oh no you’re right it completely disappears unless I do SL SL undo and do it again so that the platform and anvils come back but we need to make it automatic I know exactly how everyone let’s clean up the anvils first all right clean up clean up everybody everybody everywhere clean up clean up everyone’s in my underwear clean up clean up everybody everywhere clean up clean up what how did you do that I use the magic hey cheater cheater pumpkin eater but we should also make the back over here out of glass so we can see the dragon yep that’s actually super smart so we know when to do it yes s ski so let me break all these blocks and Luke you could be on placing glass duties oh no I’ll do my duties all up in your face he are you Ser disgusting L disgusting Ms it’s natural it’s a part of life dude is not a part of life putting your booty butt in my face and doing your duties gross duties all up in your grill oh my not gross but now that we have the window we have to be able to control the Anvil’s drop hoing from inside there’s no way you could do that are you serious right now Luke do you know who you’re talking to you’re talking to omy poo all I got to do is give myself a command block with a command just like this then if I put it right over here all I got to do is grab the coordinates to the pink concrete uh blue boy you’re not going to be able to pull this one off hey Alexa yes I am I’m doing it right now I just got the command to copy it now let’s go to the command block and let’s paste it in and set it all to air like that and Alexa are you ready to be proven wrong well prove me wrong then blue boy all right we bow and oh oh my gosh that was awesome yes s ski the anils rain but oh no how do we reset it automatically Luka I don’t know you’re the Redstone dude oh my gosh and wait a minute that’s actually pretty easy all we have to do is put another command block right over here grab this Command put a repeater behind it then you’re going to change it to Pink concrete what hey how do you know that crystal that’s actually right you just have to copy the command paste it in and then change it to Pink concrete yep I’ve been watching you what like like not in a weird way right like like a normal way in a weird way like every single second every single hour every single day really but wait now it should be filled back up but now we have another problem LC as Pooky is the third there’s no anvils BR then we’re toast uh yeah if we were total newbies but luckily we have SS on the team o all we have to do is put a command block right there put the repeater here and no way chryst is going to know what to do then you’re going to change the coordinate to 11 in Standard Time W all right all right right how did you actually know that that’s like Advanced Redstone yep I watched you oh my gosh but now when we hit the button it should reset it with the anvils oh my gosh Crystal can you hit the button to see if it drops it yep I’ll do it babes all right go all right Bo and oh it drops it and instantly resets it but oops it makes a giant mess in the front I wish there was a way to easily fix it oh wait I also have the solution to that bro how do you know everything it’s super easy all we have to do is go all the way over here grab the command like that and then if we fly it here put another command block after this one like that we just need to turn that layer into some air now if we flick the button the anvils disappear bro that’s awesome yes sir ski b boom yay we’re safe on all sides except for this side I robbed oh why not emergency meeting everyone emergency meeting this side is completely exposed and that means our butt cheeks are going to get eaten Roxy no no no it’s your butt cheeks if it gets eaten no no no no no no I want my butt cheeks to be completely okay bluke I need an idea right now something genius to get him from the side well he’s going to be super high up in the air so we need something to attack him from high up oh my gosh I know exactly what you’re thinking say three 3 2 1 AR wo wo wo that was actually weird normally I do that with Crystal cuz we’re dating but you just leak aagon I did not mean to say that that was why do you guys doing hey we don’t be kissing right Krystal every single day and second we’re kissing like even right now we’re kissing what no get away get away go away but guys we should make um three Archer Towers so we could get like coupled randomly of course so I’ll say Lily and Roxy Luke and Alexa and me and Crystal that’s very random then we can use our couple color yeah wait what couple color I said this is random Luke totally not on purpose you’re welcome I gave you Alexa cuz I think you have a crush on her let’s go I’m going to beg that what what what does that mean okay just yours is over here Luke your Archer Tower is right here Roxy and Lily yours is going to be over here and me and Crystal is going to be in the middle and ours is going to be the best come on crystal let’s do it yes baby let’s do it so let’s grab our two favorite blocks s on 3 1 2 3 diamond and Lapis all right seriously we’re actually in each other’s head right now but first i’m going to make it like a spiral design so we’re going to start off with diamonds on the first layer then we’re going to do lapis so Crystal you can make every other one lapis and I’ll do every other one in diamonds all right all right race you yes sir really Roxy he’s already copying our idea what I got this idea what you’re literally copied it oh my no he literally copied it really Roxy sorry SS ours is just better really ly oh my n come on crystal we got to smoke the competition and O Luke is doing half emerald and then half lime concrete that’s actually really cool yes sir cuz we’re unique ohoh nice job dude and Crystal we’re going so fast right now our Archer Towers reach the entire Moon yes sir babes we’re going to boom that Dragon yep and wao we made it super high up but now we need to make where we stand super duper fortified in case the dragon does attack it because I’m pretty sure he could break diamond and Lapis so let’s grab some Bedrock Oh no you’re kidding with me right no caps involved right now Crystal we’re actually using Bed Rock the strongest Block in the game it’s unbreakable so let’s make the base over here all out of bedrock and make it go out by one just like this all around over here y perfect then we can make it go one layer up on the side over here all right got you yes Siri let’s go all around and Crystal we gots to connect y nice job now we have to make the roof of our Archer tow so we can make it from these corners and build it up with some very strong fences and of course blue fences are the strongest yep because they’re the colors of us yes sir and we can make it three blocks up like that then for the roof instead of Bedrock let’s switch it up with another really strong block how about we do obsidian oh my gosh yes baby no way anybody thought of this yes really Roxy he already has obsidian so that means you copyed me well no no that is totally untrue that’s just a coincidence that it just happened to have happened but nice the bedrocks on the outside then let’s just fill it all up together Crystal brace you there hey no way you’re not that guy you’re not that guy oh yeah oh yeah I’m going crazy I’m going crazy you’re not go you’re not no no no oh my gosh perfect it’s all completed now let’s go wo this looks serious Crystal but now we need a way to get inside so let’s do a door here and we’re not going to use no normal door we’re going to use a keypad door and Crystal I’m going to make the password so hard you’ll never guess 1 2 2 3 what what you use that all the time babes how did you know it was 1 2 3 4 that’s like an impossible password to gas oh my gosh that was just a lucky guess but now let’s grab ladders and go all the way up the archer tower just like this and we’re going to need a trap door to actually enter and I’m going to make it a ooh blue trap door this one looks very pretty so when we get up we flick it now we’re up over here let’s go and Crystal here we’re going to need some bows to Boom him so let’s grab a bow and instead of the normal bow Crystal we should use the lucky bow oh my gosh yes babes it’s going to be so overpowered I know right so let’s grab a chest and this side is my bow and wait a minute since it’s a lucky bow Crystal we can upgrade it cuz right now the luck is at zero but if we get some diamond blocks throw it in the crafting table we could upgrade it to plus 100 luck and now it’s going to shoot overpowered things oh my gosh I just shot a puddle and even a fireball oh no baby this is so cool I know right we get so many overpowered upgrades and I just shot a meteor out did you see that how could I not I know right in here I’ll duplicate it for you take one and let me put my lucky bow in the middle and I’m going to need a ton of arrows so let’s grab that jot and B put it around and here Crystal I’ll make your area on this chest so put all of your bow and arrows in there all right got you nice and now we need a quick way to get downstairs so I’m going to go over here and place some slime blocks in the front so we can quickly jump down into action in case we have to escape great idea babes wait I’m jumping oh it should be safe and oh you and bouncing nice job oh my goodness gracious this place is amazing and Roxy you’re crib looks kind of familiar and what are you doing I’m adding slime hey okay okay now you’re actually copying dude I just did that are you serious and you even did like the little 360 Crystal did I don’t know what you’re talking about dude oh my gosh Roxy is Big trolling but o this looks so cool and wait a minute Lily what are you doing over here I’m making a piston door hold up does it actually work yep it works wait w wao awesome sauce and we can fly up here and oh my gosh Roxy what are these items a katana it does 1,2 damage nope what Roxy that says 10,22 damage it’s even more overpowered and wo wo wo it has life steal three sharpness 39 knockback 39 fire aspect 36 looting 19 sweeping eggs 39 and bending 10 dude this is insanely overpowered and what the what is this these are dark Infinity apples oh no we’re holding on to this head oh no this is the most overpowered item in the game what is that oh that’s chocolate oh oh yummy yay oh my goodness gracious and I just got a really good idea everyone are your Archer Towers complete yes sir blue boy we’re done oh awesome because guys if there’s overpowered weapons and golden apples that means there’s overpowered armor everyone pull up to the crib because we’re going to need an area to equip our armor basement oh yes let’s make a secret entrance oh yeah yeah we could do it in the corner over here and break down a couple of blocks now with the magical wand if we set the first position there we can go all the way over here just like that and set the second position here then make it all into some air awesome sauce now everyone pick a corner I got this one I got this one I got this one I have that one I’ll be right here and Alexa you got middle yes let’s go now everyone let’s make our armories and to make an automatic Armory all you got to do is put two dispensers here for the chest plate and pant two over here for the helmet and booties then one underneath for the sword oh yeah this is going to be lit and if you’re feel crazy you could throw two extra over here since we’re going to have dark apples now everyone find the most overpowered items and oh no I’m seeing some serious stuff the red sighte looks lit hold up Luke peep this bro wo that thing actually looks awesome I know right it looks like it could do some serious damage up your butt hey not chill I’m just kidding and wa Emerald Hammer look oh my gosh I’m just going to throw it to you I know you want it dude this is actually perfect yeah yeah yeah nice and wait I’m going to grab some options that I see and wao clip sword looks awesome okay so first a clip sword is literally a fiery sword Roxy doesn’t this one look awesome yes I want that give it to me give it to me all right here you go Roxy and then next up I have the reading sword which is em aist I want that want that want oh my gosh all right Li you can have that one next up is the G Diamond Hammer bab me me me me oh my gosh all right all right Alexa you better not ask for what I have next it’s Moler wa it’s an awesome Hammer that does a th000 damage yes give it to me really bro but now all I have is three to pick from the red Scythe which looks really cool the solar sword which looks cool in the katana and ooh I think I’m going to go with the solar sword and guys oh myar look at the armor first they’re just normal dark armor but some of them has red in it and even purple I want the purple one I want the purple one oh no wait the ender dragon armor looks insane hold up there’s literally an eye on it and wa wait I’m going to put them in the Armory so it automatically puts it on my body helmet there chest plate there pants there booties there sword over here then I’m going to throw one dark Apple here then one dark Apple over here now it should be fully equipped are yall boys ready for this yes test it out all right let me grab a fence and let me grab a pressure plate and right now I have nothing on my body but if I walk on in instantly get a full set of loop ender dragon armor solar sword and what did I just do wo you spawned in lightning oh my gosh I can boom you guys with the solar so hard that is super lit and it does 400 attack damage dude that thing is op busting I know right and also the infinite dark apples dude how many extra Hearts do you think this gives me almost I don’t know but it has to be a lot yeah seriously so once the dragon pulls up I’m going to eat this John but for now I’m just going to leave all my armor in the Armory area great idea so we have it when we need it yes sir ski so let me make sure apples in there sword in there and back over here I got to throw in the helmet all right my Armory is now fully prepared me too nice but wait a minute guys we need a way to get back out and that’s super easy all we got to do is throw down some ladders go all the way up over here but we need to make this a secret so let’s grab a secret block and we could use o I know I know how about a ghost block yep that’s perfect yep so now boom all we have to do is go through it and then we could go down let’s go so now we have the front covered the side covered the back covered the other side covered and the top not covered oh no he can just fly right through and destroy us oh no we have to have the fenses in the sky ooms I know exactly what we should build say it on three 3 2 1 TNT dropper wo wo w w w all right well that’s actually crazy that we thought of that this is going to be the last resort only in case of emergency say up y for real No Cap cuz it’s going to blow up everything yes sersi so let’s start it over here and first we have to make a redstone torch elevator so luk is puki is the third I’m going to put the blocks and you put the Redstone torches in between all right all right I got you my boy yes sir SK our teamwork is going bra this is going to be the most TNT ever dropped on anything ever ever ever ever ever and wait a minute I have an idea instead of activating it from down here what if we just made it so that we went up to it huh what the what destroy all of this we’re not going to make it activate from the bottom we’re going to make it so that we get yeated to the top W she ye it yes Siri so first we got to put some obsidia down and make sure that there’s five blocks on the inside like this 1 2 3 4 five and go all around just like that perfect now we’re going to need some dispensers and put three over here three over here three over here and finally three over here then now we’re going to need to grab some redstone dust and throw it all on top so when one activates all of them gets activated at the same time perfect now L is pook yes throw the TNT inside all right I’m going to fill this baby up yes Siri I’m going to be first no babies I am no I am no I am I’m going crazy I already did three I already did three four oh we have five okay I’m actually sweeping you guys six oh no seven a over here and oh wait are we filling it all the way yep so none of yours count let’s go I got six are you serious oh my gosh but wo this is crazy there is so many dispensers and now we have to put water on each corner of the blocks like that then grab a fence post put it in the middle over here so luky would you do the honors of standing in it I was about to say hit the button but you should test it out first cuz I don’t want to get bomed what if my cheeks get blown up there’s only like a 10% chance of that not happening so 90% chance your cheeks get blown up that’s way too high all right good luck 3 2 1 booom oh gosh I’m so [Music] scared oh my gosh that’s actually crazy you get yeated so high so from up over there you can activate all the TNT and we have to make sure that it’s directly above the crib so right here should be good and we could set the first position here fly all the way over here like this set the second position here then set it all with some obsidian blocks y sheesh that’s so many yes sir ski now guys grab some TNT and make a whole layer underneath the obsidian race you to it what I’m race you I’m the fastest oh yeah I already have like 10 plays homes you know you’re big capping what I am not big capping hold up what is Li doing give me one second second position using the magic wand luk place before you can use the magic wand all right place place place as fast as you can I’m going crazy Lily you’re never going oh man really Brown all right everyone go on top and do the Redstone I’m going to do it before you can put down the magic one go go go go go this this this stop stop chill watch your jet no Lily don’t do it I’m doing it no boom what the oh my gosh well now we have to place repeaters and you actually have to do it by hand since it’s random well I’m placing more than you no I’m placing more I’m already at like four I’m already at 10 well I’m at 15 well I’m at infinite well I’m at two infinite how do we go up so fast I’m at INF INF I just got to three what oh my God but I’m going crazy right now oh yeah oh yeah easy pickings what’s up oh yeah easy pickings let me hit one over there one over here one over here and it’s now fully loaded and let me test out if I use the TNT launcher Cannon if I land perfectly and oh I have a really good idea instead of putting the button here what we could do is make this go up like that up a couple of staircases so now when I hit the button it’s going to activate all of them right in front of my face so b boom and up see you later Lily I’m going to get up there up all right race you and waa we get yeated literally perfectly all my Nar let me just put a little platform over here just so we can jump on top of it now it should work perfectly Lily give a little Test please all right got you let’s go 3 2 1 Y and we made it all the way to the top that was awesome oh Nows where’s the button going to be the buttons going to be right over here so once we hit it it’s going to activate all the TNT and we could see the blast from up here and wait wait I have a really good idea instead of using obsidian we should replace it all with some glass so we can look down oh that’s actually super smart yes sir ski so let me SL SL replace near 25 blocks that are made out of obsidian to some glass like that and oh wa awesome and let me do these two and now dude we could see directly Downs does that mean we’re fully equipped yes sir our crib is lit nothing can stop us now but wait a minute uh guys what just happened why am I in survival mode oh no I think it’s about to be time well nothing that bad could happen right what oh gosh we may have a problem no what do we do what do we do a oh yeah everyone quickly to the secret room go go go and it says right over here what who put that there that’s ruining the secret room that was me oh my gu your boy is fully equipped let’s go and I’m going to eat my infinite dark Apple wao I have so many hearts everyone follow me upstairs I’m going let’s go this boy going to get boomed I’m here to destroy you oh no that boy is actually gigantic but Fireballs in three 2 1 y balls attack am I getting tickled hey there’s L balls in your Jaws um is that affecting you at all is this all you guys got do everyone go in we have to attack him go Roxy go in are we doing any damage Roxy I can’t reach him my gu she’s summoning TNT run guys run oh gu you’re right everyone’s in AR hours now quick quick quick we don’t have any time to waste Crystal you’re with me and oh gosh what was my really hard password that I made it was 1 to three four babes and it wasn’t that hard he don’t say that loud don’t say that loud it’s really hard to make a door go go go come on let’s make it all the way upstairs and Crystal get your Blick out boom him yes sir what’s up boy and um meteor attack did that do anything Mr Dragon okay how was your face all up but my face y oh no chst watch out goodbye he does so much damage Crystal dip dip dip dip dip bail on the Archer bail on the AR this is not good guys what we do oh my gosh yo his booties all my face my AR oh my n this boy is a menace I can’t see anything cuz this B is gigantic watch your J oh my gosh Roxy what do we do Chopper oh yeah you’re right everyone pull up to the crib we have to drop the anvils on this boy’s head you ready for this guys yeah do it all right yeah Anvil dropper head wait did that hurt you no I was kidding oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay this is bad let me grab the repeater and boys I know exactly what we got to do T Cannon yes sir any last words but boy what are you doing facing me here well I got some Redstone and let me charge up the bottom ones then charge up the top let’s go see you later Pap boy are you crazy this hurts yes sir we’re actually doing so much damage the TNT spammer is easy and um how much health do you have my boy are you like low or something full health wait what what do you mean you have full health and uh what are you doing uh move say byebye no oh no guys I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m munching and um what just happened to our TNT cannon he boomed it oh no guys well this is really bad everyone I think we everything we built and he easily destroyed it to the TNT everyone go go go and oh no is it no it’s not broken guys it’s still okay all right all right um two at a time two at a time Crystal hop in with me all right let’s mooch on the way up no no no no stop being sus at three 2 1 you better not do it babe smooch me in the air right now no now Crystal just go oh my gosh eat your Apple so you don’t die I’m mching I’m mching I’m mching I’m mching and come on let’s go landed easily let’s do it 3 2 1 y oh my lag oh my lag oh no see you later but face wait did we just do it I think we got the dragon oh my no everyone go down come on please please please and we actually did it let’s go bab we saved the day now it’s Mo no oh no and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here by bye yeah yeah

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are doing a NOOB vs PRO SECRET BED HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!


  1. Omz I'm a big fan of you and my dog is my best friend ❤️ but saddley he bit one of my friends and now my dog 🐕 havens to leave my house 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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