I Trapped 200 Kids Representing 200 Blocks

welcome back to another video so in today’s video I am trapping 200 kids representing 200 Minecraft locks we have a netherite block right there and glow stone and whatever block that is so we have three diamond blocks right there and the first thing I’m going to make them do is make them go to Lime concrete if their block is helpful and go to Red concrete if your block is useless bro all these people think their block is useless okay I kind of agree gravel isn’t that helpful no sand is helpful sand is literally helpful oh my God okay well at least you guys know the truth I can’t believe all these people think their block is useless dirt is helpful sometimes when you make like dirt houses and stuff it’s essential to Minecraft okay well since you all think your block is useless there’s probably no point having you guys here oh my God that guy just jumped bro PVP will turn on for all of you blocked bro they jumping you guys decided to be here so now PVP is officially on and we just lost a diamond block no oh my God we lost dirt and that dirt is so close to the edge don’t stand there why would they oh my God we’ve lost so much dirt Brun oh my God okay we’re done all you useless blocks you get to live for now good job okay as for you guys they all think that they serve a function in in society let me see if I agree with this for the most part I agree most of you guys are actually necessary so this is all they have to do basically they just have to make that jump right there oh my God we lost the magma oh my God okay all they have to do is that easy really simple really easy parkour literally all they have to do okay hurry up guys I am sure you are all capable most of them most of them are capable of doing this no oh my gosh was that a netherite block and the last block to make it is the command block good job okay let’s have everyone group up again bro we just lost that one oh my God okay here look guys guys go you guys are essential to life now we will do a random block parkour if I use your block you do not have to do the parkour and just go to line okay we’ll start off with light blue wool just like that and then we’ll add in some white wool pink wool and black wool and they just have to make a few simple easy jumps okay all right we got the pink wool and the white wo over here in case anyone is a crafting table and an enchantment table they won’t need to go and finally if they can make it to Diamond they will be good get to Diamond or die oh my God we’re losing a lot of players from the random block parkour that gu’s an enchantment table bro is literally safe I did it for you woah woah wo I do not remember using Cobblestone bro I don’t think you’re safe wow I just saved a lot of people from doing parkour you guys are welcome wait a second okay everyone get back to the middle now all they have to oh my gosh just jump right back to the middle but they have to be really careful look at the blocks we’re losing no oh my God oh my God that guy’s a steeve steeves aren’t real blocks oh that is so sad oh my gosh all right so all the blocks that we have left now I want everyone to make a Congo line and go in circles yes this is perfect now what they don’t know is spliff is on now okay they were not expecting that after a nice peaceful Congo line we just lost that quartz block oh my God they are running out of places to go we got like two obsidian blocks and a grass block and a dirt one over here and there blocking themselves off from the rest of the world look at this endstone right here I believe in you oh my gosh okay I respect the standing still strategy so far it seems to actually be working but I don’t think it will for long cuz every few seconds we are losing more and more blocks bro this is kind of op what the heck they actually managed to block themselves off this guy’s a command block okay there’s really not a whole lot more safe places to go oh my God that guy’s going to get sple that guy got sple all right that is it any block who is still here manage to live through the sple and is well and Alive good job to all these blocks you are professional Minecraft block so if you were a natural block like dirt Cobblestone or grass go to the grass here if you are an ore go to Diamond and if you’re anything else just go over here oh that guy’s dead okay so we have a lot of natural blocks over here a few ores here and there I really want a diamond block to win but it’s not looking that good and a lot of random other blocks like TNT glow stone and just many others each section is going to have to pick one team leader from their group okay so from each team we have their team leaders and the endstone crying obsidian and Redstone are going to one V1 V one and only one can win all right here we go PVP is on straight away the Redstone is gone which means it’s up to the endstone or crying obsidian bro look at the ores they’re so sad and the crying OB sidian takes the dub this team right here has successfully won you guys are safe and good job to win MC for representing their team but you guys you oh what the heck that guy just fell you guys are not so safe and definitely these blocks aren’t either so I’m just going to place that lava right there your team did not win not exactly sure what’s going to happen but I guess we’re going to find out oh my God yo yo is anywhere safe oh my God they’re jumping they are jumping they have found a safe spot somehow one guy just died and I’m going to run it back with some more lava it wasn’t enough I’m sorry but your team did not win oh my God it’s all over it is all over okay there we go if you manage to live through all of that I guess you live now I don’t want to kill you guys but your team didn’t win yo yo yo what what did I just witness okay so these guys are geniuses then they literally stood underneath the lava in the safe block right there that’s insane what okay but I did kill one of them so GG and these guys are just safe why do I keep just seeing random people falling okay now we have everyone back in the middle because now I’m going to pick three different blocks and out of these three blocks one of them is my favorite jump on that one is it glow stone is it tube Coral block or is it red Sandstone okay okay we got some people going to glowstone no one is is at Red Sandstone for some reason I really like sand but no one’s going there we just have so many people on this block okay we’ve got two players on the red Sandstone I like sand a lot but not red Sandstone I’m sorry you guys it was not red Sandstone I unfortunately didn’t know what tube Coral block was until about 2 seconds ago so it’s not this either but out of these three glowstone is my favorite so good job okay good luck everyone one will live all right PVP is on and whoever Falls is going to be eliminated that Steve needs to get out bro I don’t even know how they’re in the event they shouldn’t be there they’re not a block it makes no sense and I’m rooting for the sponge come on Sponge you got this you got this oh my God yo the steam the steam nearly fell oh my gosh the steam is gone it’s about time oh oh my go the sponge is gone which means the snow block survived out of everyone good job okay I’m having all the blocks go up this ladder right here and I’m just going to tell them if your block prevents fall damage go to Grass we’ve got two blocks that prevents fall damage everyone else simply needs to jump in the water or on the honey and that’s all they have to do oh oh oh okay that guy’s dead oh my God what the heck what is this now you cheaters you need to make that jump oh my God it is getting crowded now oh oh oh oh my God definitely losing a lot of blocks like this you guys need to hurry up there’s no more time okay all the blocks have now went and these are the blocks we have left how is the command block and TNT still going strong if the command block wins I’m just saying it’s rigged or something okay so I’m going to do a Revival right now for any of the dead people up there and anyone who says the right number is getting revived and the number was 33 which means you are back and also the enchantment table welcome back wait this improves the chances of a diamond and technically a diamond as well to win the event to all the blocks who are still here except for our revivals PVP is now on I don’t think we’re going to lose any blocks like this which is why we’re going to give everyone speed five and a knockback stick oh my God yo that is really dangerous we lost the water all right that is it okay PVP is off now I’m going to make them do something something that’s not all that easy they basically just have to get to the diamond before their speed runs out oh my God we are losing a lot of blocks like this I believe in you endstone I believe in you guys the command block has to do it no if there’s one person who can make it it is the command block oh no the command block died but at least the obsidian’s going to make it wait a second you guys got an easy free pass that’s the last free Easy Pass you’re getting these are the final blocks left we’ve got Moss Cobblestone Emerald obsidian and we still got a diamond block let’s go all right Simon says do not move if anyone moves starting right now they’re dead they’re shifting that means they have to hold their shift down forever oh this is funny look there’s free God apples right there don’t you want the diamonds full netherite armor you can have it it’s yours wait what if I spawned in a creeper I don’t know what would happen I’m just going to spawn it in right there oh my God I told him not to move oh my God okay okay to be fair they didn’t move I’m going to spawn in one more skeleton oh my God yo yo the skeleton just killed that guy okay he’s not going to die like that though all right I’m just going to say blasted diamond is out oh my God oh my [Laughter] God all right they’re gone RP the copper okay for real this time blasted diamond is out and wow that is really really unfortunate you are the last one anyway that would have been smart and the Moss is gone all right I’m going to do that again and say the last one to the enchantment table is no no no it was the diamond block I wanted you to win but it’s all over for you okay we’re going to have everyone on their own blocks I am rooting for you now you are my last hope SK Sigma okay you got this skiy Sigma I said Simon says unshift that dude shifted and now one of the obsidian is now gone rip okay Simon Says is now over these blocks are still somehow going strong but there’s two obsidian we can’t have that we’re having a battle between the obsidians and it looks like the crying obsidian is going to take the dub I think oh wait wait this could be the greatest comeback of all times oh my God both the obsidians are going strong but the crying obsidian wins good job we also have two end Stones technically so you know what that means this dude does not want to go he doesn’t want to fight you what I’ll tell you what I’ll give you the leather hat Advantage there you go okay you got this all right here we go boom PVP is on and does the leather hat Advantage do anything not really rip end Stone and for the next fight we have snow versus Cobblestone I feel like it’s fitting kind of opposites 3 2 1 go they are off and oh my God wait what the snow is going to win the snow is going to win there’s no way yeah it’s over okay GG these are the final six blocks we have left okay so I’m going to spawn in three pigs right there and I’m just going to say sit on a pig or you die these pigs kind of have a mind of their own they could literally do anything come on pigs no you want to fall I’m just going to hit one over there oh oh my God that guy got on the pig now I could push this one towards there and also hit that one oh oh my God no the crying of obsidians no and grass have gotten pigs but because I’m nice I think they deserve to have a chance with one final piggy I want this pig so bad oh my God all right the pig has been dropped and the endstone got it which means the Revival and the emerald block oh my God no not the emerald block bro give it Sigma and the enchantment table are now dead these four have made it so far so I will give them some golden apples and PVP will turn on and only one can win okay they are off it’s a giant free for all bro this is anyone’s game oh my God bro the grass block just fell and suited the crying obsidian which means the final player to win the event is the snow block there’s no way how did the snow block out of all the blocks managed to win I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did subscribe have you subscribed do it and like the video Okay click this video right here I’ll see you guys later bye

I Trapped 200 Kids Representing 200 Blocks

Follow My Twitter – @Skeppy
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My Server IP: Invadedlands.net


  1. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

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