Reading My CRUSH’s Mind! (Minecraft Telepathy)

and it’s fully set up that was easy now all I have to do is get Zoe to play with me Zoe do I hear ni I’ve set up a game for us to play together ooh a game yeah okay I want play it what kind of game it’s called Minecraft telepathy wo a creative Circle hi guys hey what are you doing thanks I’m going to use creative mode oh my gosh well he spoiled it for us this is a creative Circle Zoe enter it okay go let’s go all right Zoe light up here oh we’re going to play right here and actually I’m going to move these a little bit farther away from each other okay you ready okay do you know how to play Zoe no I don’t know how to play well we’re going to be have to read each other’s minds you’re going to read my brain yeah we’re going to have to guess the same block Zoe and then if we pick the same block then we win oh okay but we can’t give each other any hints okay okay no hints all right are you ready to start yeah I’m ready so we can pick basically any Block in creative mode and look at how many blocks there are this is going to be so difficult you know what I think I’m going to start off with a block that’s kind of easy so you know what let’s start off with this block all right you ready go you ready 3 2 1 play so and I chose edone and you chose deep slate diamond or yeah I thought that was a good one so Zoe picked a deep slate Diamond door and I picked endstone so it’s time to pick the next block we have to pick a block that’s similar to both of those H all right Zoe I think I know what to choose you got one I’m just going to Yellow this one I think I got one too let’s go 3 2 1 go why ooh okay you know what I kind of fumbled with this I’m not going to lie I thought we were merging the colors I should have picked goldor oh my but you know what I think I know which one we going to the pick okay okay are we locked in yes we’re locked in okay okay okay yellow combined with blue all right so we let’s Place go what blue combined with yellow is green are you serious okay I thought we were going on the patterns though oh no okay you know what this time we got it okay okay I think this time we got it for sure and I know exactly what to do for this one I’m going to choose this block right here you ready I’m ready all right and let’s play PA deep slate Emerald where did you get that okay you know what I am fumbling Zoe I’m not going to lie it’s okay we got this one more try one more try do you know what I’m picking up I don’t know what you’re picking up you know what I’m putting down you know what let’s go 3 2 1 go oh my okay okay okay it’s fine we locked in okay we got it we got one more all right 3 2 one place why Zoe are you serious right now how’d you get that okay you know what we got this on the next one okay we got this we got this all right and let’s go boom yeah let’s go n we did it thanks for the creative mode hi did you get that stuff Cas with the creative menu I had to finish up some stuff in the mines what are you guys playing we’re playing Minecraft telepathy want to join I love Minecraft telepathy it’s where you all have to think of the same block right yeah but I was really bad this first round but for the next rounds I’m going to be better okay oh let’s do it time to to round two wo this is a new area yeah this area is sick whenever I get ready I’m going to do this emote so you know that I’m ready all right sounds good me too I’ll do that too all right just like that perfect make sure you’re not pause now Nico sounds good are you guys ready yeah I’m ready I’m doing the emote aren’t I you are oh which means you’re already ready all right I’m locked in 3 2 1 go go H we have crafted table copper and Bedrock I thought of mine you thought of yours already yep okay you know what I’m thinking it’s going to be one of these okay okay boie Zoe are you ready why are you asking if she’s ready okay I’m ready but I might pumble 3 2 1 boom ooh okay you guys are went the copper rout we have deep SL copper or we have copper block there’s only one option Zoe there’s not more than one option cash there’s only one option right I know what the one option is okay I’m locked in hold on Nico are you yes I am let’s go 3 2 1 boom Oh yeah and yes we all got it copper orur I’m glad Nico was actually locked on that one but I think we should bring someone else into the mix a fourth person yep I’m calling them up all right let’s go to the next round all right we have three people here who’s the first person cash I called up Mia and Shady but I think Mia’s filling up gas Shady what what’s up y’all so Shady’s here first all right Shady we’re playing telepathy you ready do you know the rules of course I know the rules bro he knows the rules all right let’s get locked in h let me think it’s hard to all think of the same thing on the first try cuz we got no info to go off of I’m just going to try and think of something distinct all right I know what to do I got mine 3 2 1 go okay we have ancient debris red wool iron block bro block dried up oh I have a dried Coral block can you replace it so we can see the color uh yeah give me a sec okay there we go H okay all right I think I know what to do yo Frank you got to move dude we’re playing telepathy oh what’s going on here Frank we’re working on something right now don’t worry about it oh it looks like Shady’s taking a while to pick his block I need to think real quick now boy shady I think we got this if you think about it there is a pretty good answer to this one there’s two good answers there is two good answers I hope you guys go the route I’m thinking I don’t know this one’s hard all right I’m ready all right 3 2 1 go oh o there’s another good answer though I see it we’re definitely locked on this one wait a minute I don’t know no we’re definitely locked here are you sure about that Zoe might not be I know exactly what to do for this one wait wait wait wait wait I might be locked we can’t give them any hints Nico we just must sit in silence yeah I know me and cash are just dialed okay 3 2 1 boom Oh we were dialed Nico okay but netherite though now we have two Netherrack blocks and then two quartz blocks what are we going to do now I know there’s one thing we can do we did to combine the two and wait that’s a repeat block anyways yeah in Minecraft telepathy can’t repeat blocks true that this is probably a stretch but I think I’m locked me too mine might be a little bit of a stretch as well if you consider a stretch a stretch okay three 2 1 boom okay what the heck Nico and I got the same mindset Shady with another brick and Zoe with a quartz pillar and me and cash with another gold ore our past three telepathy have been goated I know right we have to combine all all of these what are we not picking up I’m Lo in I think I am too okay I think I’m locked in h you know what I’m going to go with this I’m ready three 2 1 boom ooh we got some Yeller blocks over here we’re in the yellow nation oh yes we are but Nico you’re in the quartz Nation I don’t know where you’re at yeah where are you yeah I was not DED on that one don’t worry about it I’m locked in sh is already locked in hey yo I’m not even ready I need to think about this a little bit hold on I think I got this really bgie yeah and I’m locked in with my answer let me think about this you know overthinking it is actually worse you know really are you reading my mind cash I’m not reading anyone’s mind right now there’s so many different routes we could go I’m just going to go with this okay 3 2 1 boom you know what H this is quite interesting I think we ran out of gold blocks I’m realigned with you guys yeah we’ve used every single gold block we can what it’s okay though it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I know it I know it do I know it though wait I think I know it Zoe you know it what do you mean okay what are you guys saying maybe I might thrill I don’t know if Zoe got it but three two 1 boom ooh me and Zoe were thinking the same thing me and Shady were thinking the same thing is that not a repeat or what this is a smooth one that’s smooth okay me and Shady are on the correct track here you know what I agree with you guys okay we’ll follow you nice Zoe everyone get ready no spoilers 3 2 1 go go ooh what is going on here interesting we all chose a different or I thought we were going Diamond brother ooh I think we have one thing left to do yes we do okay ready 3 2 1 boom Zoe Zoe what direction are you going in I thought we were doing some Redstone thing you know Zoe was leted astray oh we are doing some Redstone thing but not that oh it’s okay cuz I know what to do now it’s okay we have an option unless you are bad at Minecraft telepathy you should know exactly what to do here okay I am fully locked in I’m locked in all right I’m locked in oh no this could go two ways 3 2 1 boom let’s go we did it oh yeah yeah which means they won with four people which means now we got to move on to five yeah four was too easy so we need to call up Mia to the next round all right we have four people here but where’s our fifth she’s on her way am I late yes you are sorry okay I’m here now were you filling your car with gas or were you supercharging supercharging what supercharging it usually takes a little longer all right me we’re playing Minecraft telepathy everyone think of a block all righty thought of one this block is the first round and you know what I think I’m going to hit him with the curveball and let’s go with that I chose something a little bit it’s Unique all right Mia you locked in 3 2 1 boom wao Zoe okay why is there a hopper yeah it place a hopper I told you got to go with the curve ball I’m locked in I don’t know what shady means by him being locked in we’ll see I think I’m locked in with Shady I’m not going to lie okay yeah no I’m locked in 3 2 1 boom okay okay we got three sandstone and then word what is that dispenser and observer I was going to do a dispenser sorry B zo went a different route there’s only one option here y’all boy should get it what do you mean you know what we’re going let me think cash is overthinking it am I overthinking I may be underthinking third try third try ready yeah 3 2 1 boom ooh what do you mean he’s got that smooth one yeah that was a smooth one there why are you guys choosing the chiseled one so when you look at this right it got a little face on it bro and then when you look at the Observer bro it got a little face on it well I didn’t think about the Observer you got the face on the sand you got to think about it I was just looking at it from that perspective you know what we’ll figure it out the next one I’m locked in I already know what it is I think Mia and I are both locked in me and cash already know are you sure though oh we definitely know use your Noggins that thing inside your head nah there’s no way I don’t get it here this would be just embarrassing if I don’t get it okay 3 2 1 boom what the SE man so I did not go the right direction why are you using stairs I forgot that that thing existed wait Tanner yo what’s up don’t mind us we play Minecraft telepathy all right I’m going to head out now I think I know what to do there’s only one op option guys yeah there’s literally only one option and we’re going to choose this block cuz I think everyone else is going to choose this one all right okay booie 3 2 1 place all right so we’re not combining the stairs wait a second there’s only one option now stop freaking out everybody calm down wait what’s the option you know what the option is we like it hold on hold on you know the option we do know the option I know it me you had to fully lock in 3 2 1 boom you’re fumbling where are you man I’m going to break my monitor I swear ah we did not know the option what is that why seriously okay there is only one option I don’t know what the next option is what is it I am blocked in hold up wait a minute sorry for throwing guys I did not mean to I don’t know what the option is you lost me hold up bro stinky M all right 3 2 1 boom so there wasn’t one option sh what are you doing why um locked in bro sand castle that is not an option now there’s only one option everyone using a slab stack up one okay give me a second we lifted the slab it’s time for me to think of a blocks we have slabs okay you know what I think I know where this goes no if you fumble I’m leaving Nico could be the only one to Fumble this he’s going to be all right we’re all ready 3 2 1 boom you guys were not picking up why okay why are you going that one one left there was one left Shady you’re the only one with the cut one you don’t even have a smooth one everyone lift your slabs I don’t know where we’re at yeah what are we doing I don’t know there is a lot of miscommunication here I’m not going to lie let me see real quick wait yes there is only one option left and I’m doing it there is only one option I’m doing it too are you serious bougie please do not fumble this they’re going to they don’t know what it is they don’t know I think we know no maybe they’ll figure it out just let them look through their inventory what do you mean we already have everything no we don’t bougie let’s look at our inventory again wait there’s really only one option that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all right if I if I don’t get this this is just going to be so sad come on boozy let’s go 3 2 1 boom Oh My you’ve got to be kidding me Shady what happened I was going to put a wall Shady why would you do that that wasn’t used no are you serious okay Shady wouldn’t have gotten anyways hey chill everyone lift up one all right we might need to reset I’m not going to lie no it’s fine it’s fine everyone Rec compartmentalize okay what does that mean okay let me think chat stay in the same area what’s in this area think about it okay I’m going to stay here I’m going to stay here stay in the same area just one more time guys okay 3 2 1 a where did the other colors come from man sand waves where did the colors come from how do you get sand waves you know I may have fumbled here wait a second wait no never mind there’s nothing there’s nothing we we got nothing we’re done for we can go my round I’m going compartmentalize wait wait wait I’m going throw a curve ball yeah I got my block okay I’m ready three 2 1 go okay we’re on the same wavelength kind of let’s go ooh all right I think we’re on a different sector everyone think of their next block ready okay yeah yeah yeah no no no I’m ready let’s go okay I’m locked in I’m locked in all right 3 2 1 boom oh no oh no oh my goodness I’m going to cry I should have thought about it harder guys I’m sorry no we got this we got this we got this wait wait I can clutch it up I don’t no okay 3 2 1 boom don’t worry about it trust the process I think I got what you’re putting down yeah you think you got what to put it down I think I got it oh wait I do it’s a multiple step process trust the process let’s gety let’s see if I’m on the same wavelength as y’all I really hope you are okay 3 2 1 boom I was not on the same wavelength guys there is no Portal frames in the end that’s the stronghold there’s no Ender Chest in the end oh gosh yes there is in the end cities stop trying to explain your busness oh I’m locked in brother I don’t think I am anymore you guys just went out of the end now I don’t know where to go all right we’re lifting one I might fumble with this one but it’s okay now Zoe I think we’re on the same wave length how do you guys know what to do wait a second I’m with Zoe right now wait wait what you think maybe I could be right on this one what what are you guys thinking of just go for it go for what what you think Shy cash follow the waves in your mind there’s only a wave that leads me One Direction so I’m just going to go with this 3 2 1 boom what what are we thinking oh that’s a better color Mia was so confident where did Green come from Zoe I forgot Z existed but does not know how to color match it’s okay we can lock in from this yes we can Mia might be delusional wait I think I got what she’s putting down okay 3 2 1 oh never mind purple okay you’re right I was on the same wavelength as Mia that’s what I’m saying wait wait wait wait I got it I got it is this the dagger either one of these Chad I really hope it’s this one this is the only option I’m going random all right three 2 1 boob listen to me okay I just set us up for success and none of y’all know about it wait yeah he did he did because I knew none of us were going to get the same one I set all of us up for success and you’re welcome 3 2 1 go yeah what MIA what I set us up for that we’re not doing oh oh my gosh where do I go I don’t know I got to select a new block cuz that one is already used I don’t even know where to go right now okay 3 2 1 go where are we going we’re lost cuz of me oh gosh Zoe why would you place a purple concrete I don’t know what else to do any other block that we would have followed you we could be set up for Success here but we got to think I got us we’re going to get it not on this one but we’re going to get the next one get it in two don’t even worry about what you’re placing I got us guys okay okay 3 2 1 boom Oh I don’t got y’all bro yeah I knew that was going to happen how about I got us next time everyone get ready 3 2 1 okay now we know what to do what I said I got us now I know what to do okay I think I figured it out just read each other’s minds okay okay how about y’all read my mind I’m reading cashes okay 3 2 1 boom yeah finally thank goodness we got it that is probably the longest game of telepathy ever oh my goodness and it’s time to go to six people all right time for the sixth person who’s it going to be I want to join you guys no what wait what I invited Martin oh yeah I told him he couldn’t come what because I wanted to play so I told him to go home okay Arnold we’re playing telepathy everyone choose a block I know how to play imagine we get it all in one that would be insane that would be insane everyone choose the same block and I know exactly what I’m choosing all right let’s go 3 2 1 go all right so we have a pumpkin a melon podel ooh okay Cobblestone diamond and coal ore we got to combine all of these three blocks these six I think I got something wait let me see this real quick I need to think okay bgie Buster no distractions I’m ready let’s go I got my block 3 2 1 Bo okay where were you guys wao me Zoe and Shady are all good okay bro went with tilled dirt I thought that was path BLX for some reason okay Martin okay I think I know what to do for the next one though all right I’m already ready I don’t know what to do Arnold You better lock in I don’t know how your telepathy skills are well I’m I’m going to choose a random block okay boozy don’t make it random three 2 1 boom okay we locked me and Zoe thought of copper okay where did you guys get that from oh my gosh all right well I’m ready I know what to do if one of y’all throw this I’m going to be so sad all right 3 2 1 go Nico what okay Arnold was thinking of the same thing so it’s all right we chilling we chilling we Chillin we chilling wait wait wait there’s one way Zoe there’s no one way there’s multiple ways there’s one way I don’t know what to do yes you do Arnold let’s go we’re all waiting on you 3 2 1 go we did it I told you I knew it how did we win with six EAS than we W with five I think it was Arnold Arnold you gave us the teamwork makes the DreamWork let’s play again okay arold because you’re so good we’re going to do another one I know I told you so let’s do this everyone think of a block okay and this time around let me think the best way to start off is to think of a distinct block so then you could near a down so let’s see I think I’m going to go with this block right here this one’s pretty distinct I’m going to do something different this time and how is Shady meditating like that I don’t know 3 2 1 go all right wo we got a pretty big variety here we’re in all the worlds I think I know what to do we are in all the worlds just think lightly think lightly in the beginning rounds yeah you got to think lightly in the beginning rounds true okay 3 2 1 go we are all uh doing a different thing I thought lightly okay I’m going to think really lightly me as well all right I’m ready 3 2 1 go we are not in the same world okay where are we guys well we can be ooh we can be in the same world okay no hits no hits oh they lost me Shady it’s all up to you don’t put that pressure on me boy okay 3 2 1 go did we get it what were we Dash I didn’t realize you guys were looking at the diamonds where did the gold come from but it’s okay though because at least we’ll get on the next one right I don’t think Arnold’s on our wavelength I don’t know it Arnold you’re looking at us kind of confused Shady how are you doing that he’s discombobulating okay 3 2 1 go Arnold what is that Arnold what I thought you were good what are you guys doing this is the right Block it’s all right we got it wait wait wait wait we got it we got it do we got it though oh no Nico doesn’t Okay 3 2 1 go brother e okay maybe we didn’t I was going to do that but I didn’t think about it y’all looking at me right I know what he thinking wait but there’s two different routes that’s what I’m thinking of wait there is oh that’s awkward but if we going by the most then what route is it okay you right three two one boom bro what I didn’t know there was a dark blue one I couldn’t find it no what had a jump pad I could have used man I would have chosen this one if I knew it was there okay yeah we’re lost now it’s j bro these were the only two routes we could have gone it’s all y’all I’m going to take y’all down a different path please no I think we got this is there another one I’m going to take y’all down a different path back where I was raised if Shady put the TNT down I will be mad that I didn’t why would he put a tnt down he said back from where he was raised oh oh okay 3 2 1 boom deos I knew it deos wait a second I know what we can do we just have to combine everything brother no I’m ready 3 2 1 boom foros dude you guys are being silly yeah no kidding I thought we were doing OG shy how did you find that four boss okay you know what H there’s a lot of options here yeah but let me see real quick it’s okay I’m trying to be a group leader no you’re not I’m trying to be the group leader cuz I am okay 3 2 1 boom Nico you is not the group leader okay cash at the group leader that’s cheating Mia where are you going I’m trying to leave the TNT Dimension that’s valid the TNT Dimension is quite difficult I’m not going to lie it’s calling for you Mia just join the team you got to give me a moment you feel me 3 2 1 boom AR no what are you guys doing wait guys just look where I’m looking okay there’s got to be something bro quit your yapping boy I thought we were cooking okay he’s right I’m sleeping on you guys Arnold that’s not the meditation emot fine jeez 3 2 1 boom seriously we looking when I was looking I’m looking at you Nico look at me I know Nico and I knew it why did you get a multiple one it’s a pumpkin bomb how was I supposed to know I got an idea please let me think because I’m not seeing any ideas here you guys may be seeing something I’m not seeing I really hope you see what I see I’m really not 3 2 1 boom ooh that’s where you guys went Zoe that was already used no it was yes it’s right here here so now when we take a peep at this bro there’s only one answer left right is there I don’t know TNTs like that yeah can we move out of the TNT nah the TT is the best route I’m not going to lie all right I mean I’ll pick one but it ain’t going to be right okay 3 2 1 boom what Arnold if you take a look down here that was already used no it’s a lava ocean but it’s the same so no more orange Zoe why did you have to use that one aren’t they the same guys I 100% know how we get this okay seems like you’re the only one that knows I’m locked in Good Luck Good Luck I’m just going to go ahead and Trust Nico on this okay I’m ready all right 3 2 1 go give me a second to Boom look what I just placed I see what you placed get that out of there bro what do you mean why was there a sheep you’ll see it okay that’s enough out of y’all no more yapping out of y’all I know what he talking about bro all right five out of six of us are locked in if you see it you see it Mia okay I think I see it 3 2 1 Bo he yes we did it w that was a long of FL of the game ever now let’s set off the deos oh oh well there goes the server run if you want to watch more and C Adventure the C on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye

Cash & Nico Merch!

Today, Nico reads his CRUSH’s mind! Nico plays Minecraft telepathy and must read all his friends minds! Will Nico be able to guess what his friends are thinking?! Watch to find out!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash


  1. Cash❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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