I’ll play Minecraft Again… (MAYBE)

I’m going to do it you can’t stop me don’t try and stop me I’m going to do it all right you get 3 seconds to convince me not to do it one all right I’m going to have to do it if it takes more than 5 Seconds to load I will not do it all right that was 2 seconds guess I’m going to have to do it if I spawn in a tree I will only play Minecraft again if I spawn in a I spawn in a tree I’m going to have to play Minecraft again okay I will only play Minecraft again if I spawn in the spruce Spruce uh oh I did that spruce trees all right I’m going to have to play Minecraft again and it feels good to be back man it feels good to be back let’s hit some trees I’m not going to lie I was it feels like a weird flex but I I played this game so much cuz I love Minecraft it’s one of my all-time favorite games I never had so much fun playing a game as as Minecraft and I honestly I can’t believe that I played it so much and I felt like I got really good at it I leave them breathing Minecraft but anytime I stop playing a game all that knowledge that was in my brain just splitch out and I don’t remember any I don’t remember how I opened my inventory I have no idea I’ve been trying since I started playing I don’t know which button help me I will figure it out eventually it’s like I doing all these Advanced mechanics and Redstone I don’t remember a single I don’t remember help me okay q q was dropping stuff okay I knew that how the Do I Do It Craft it’s got to be on C no I’ll figure it out by the end of this episode I will not continue this series if I can’t figure sponsor it’s summer it’s time for travel you check out the new hotel you connect to their Wi-Fi this is what happens to the whole [Music] hotel never connect to Wi-Fi unprotected use nordvpn if you use nordvpn it looks a little bit something like this point proven indestructible this summer when you travel you’re going to want to use a VPN don’t be one of those bers that don’t have how else are you going to watch your favorite 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additionally for free you’re welcome let’s get on with the video oh we could find um not Sven well Sven could be here too Sven to what did I call bank was it bank I call the fox oh too early too soon too soon too soon too lucky too soon Sven and Sven l oh beautiful lucky so lucky how do I tame them you must be mine eat no I’m sorry don’t attack me I’m Swedish and friendly oh they must be Norwegian wolves [ __ ] wolf have flower ah ah wolves can’t climb trees I’m safe in the [Music] trees this is a cool um oh we got no Sven please Jesus Christ just a lot of damage where they all Wasing smart okay I got to make a bridge no I’m sorry that you hurt yourself from your stupidity spread my this is a nice start I like this we got ice snow Spruce doggies that hates me he’ll forget about it he’ll forget about it oh portal over there do you see it cool I can’t be Dilly dling I Dilly dle too much in games I have to actually build um base for tonight if only I can figure it out if only there was a way I’m just going to try every button on the keyboard e Why did no one tell me why did no one tell me it was e s it was e e oh s andina they forgot about it s andina hello we’re friends now all right let’s make uh Plank and then let’s make I’m really good at Minecraft so I know how to build a crafting table I don’t know if you guys knew that I think we got to do a treeh house cuz this is kind of sick I’m thinking a treeh house what do you guys think yeah let’s do a tree house right here all right so let’s see if I remember we got to make sticks yes damn I’m too good at Minecraft axe was like an axe right [Music] yeah damn wood is so sh I need some Stone oh Minecraft is so good I’m I’m I’m in I’m already in it it’s happening I Advanced to Stone Age probably speedrun worthy record okay boom let’s find iron fat speedrun level fast iron should I keep looking for res ofs or should I just dig down a that looks that looks really dangerous down there oh yeah they have I don’t want to Dilly dle I’m Dilly dling God damn me in my Dilly dling it’s going to dig down that way I can’t get lost I know what we’re all thinking I’ll just say it can be just grow up already so we can play Minecraft together 500 episodes come on all right this is super boring me I know that’s incorrect English but it is super boring me I have a sword I have a sword I will not get lost I have impeccable skill of uh finding my way through I’m just going to didly dle through here and I’m going to find iron right away don’t worry I’ll find IR something hit me what did I do I have brain damage want Iron smon lais laulis wow Dam this is kind of Epic cave all right so if you stand on these you can suck air proo all right scanning for iron smon I don’t see any iron smon and I feel like I will not find a way out it’s getting dark and I’m I’ve been dling dling let’s find Sven and Sven Lina cow there’s no witness there’s no witness there’s no witness Co a there was a witness that was a witness I’m sorry next time don’t look idiot a what a beautiful sunset that’s a good tree to start can I build a ladder it’s about to get dark real soon how do I build the ladder it looks like a ladder no ladder f I don’t have time for this I’m about to die they’re going to spawn any second there yes yes I’m like at the tallest tree I love this I’m going to build a little uh cute little PL s is right there s I hope real Sven is not mad at me for leaving him in the void waiting for me for 4 years oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh sh they’re shooting s you [ __ ] good job how dare they can I give him my beef put some torches down that way s is safe eat beef a beef you want a beef I’m not equipped for this that’s how it goes s where’s your boyfriend Cen here how many how many do I got to feed a dog for him to love me damn he’s ruthless I am kind of low on health you know I can’t just I might die I might die if I had one more wool I could sleep but I can’t cuz I don’t have one more wool you know I had this epiphany of like uh I was like damn I I feel like I don’t have time to play games anymore and then I thought well my job is to play games why don’t I play games for my job and then it’s just all been uphill since then oh I have three wool why how does bed look like bed boom do they have to be the same color cuz that doesn’t make sense Minecraft come on if I die this playr over new rule I just made it there’s a creeper right there I’m going to have to deal with it cuz s might die that a creeper I see you what a noob okay new plan I’m going to get wood then I can make a boat and we can go to that our first mission to go there is it my oh this is actually really bad Jesus back to base back to base good thing I’m a Minecraft pro I will never die all right looks like a sun is almost coming perfect then we can go explore it looks really nice super pretty a the baby on come back you little schmuck I may be a father but I’ll kill a child there we go VN if you’re watching unwatched right now where’s Sven no no no you’re good I need a bone to I have a bone okay this might work how much do you need how much love I need then give you will be mine at least you’re by my base you know what if he runs way all right first I make a boat second plan we beat the ender dragon all right we’re going there now I already see gold oh all right Sven I will return with the gold you stay here oh I found the bone Yes actually I’m back I’m back already I’m back already yes yes good boy come with me on a boat Adventure that has never that has never gone bad in the past is that iron I found iron big cave holy smly so large oh God we’re going to have to explore that Don’t Go Near s l dark place I forgot you teleport are these good I forgot are they Beast or something ah sh what was that okay come in the boat actually don’t cuz then I might hit you uh just follow okay well that was the boat right I hope you enjoyed now we’re on Ice I wasn’t expecting this wait isn’t boats really good on ice I’m too distracted let’s let’s get the gold and get out it’s too dangerous this is really built already we could have a portal smal Quicky going okay what’s in the chest what do we get Fortune gold that’s pretty bad isn’t it yes it’s it’s this is crap all right I’ll take I’ll take boots orangs I will take this as well actually and I’ll take the [Music] gold that didn’t work apparently I forgot God damn it I’m a n I’m such a noob I mean I’m a pro I did that just to see make you it’s like a meme for you guys to go oh don’t do it then I did it that was the only I didn’t I KNE I knew that was going to I actually knew that was I 100% knew that was going to happen all right let’s at the bat s Lina not annoying to say at all get in the boat get in the boat now boy yeah W damn all right let’s go it’s really good that I have that there it’s like a good Landmark to find where where I am damn you’re so fast on this this is really good like a good way to explore see what’s around us honestly it makes me Mo motion sick almost didn’t I find Iron before and then I forgot about it that was iron I forgot about the iron why didn’t no one remind me I can’t believe I found iron and then I forgot was it did Mojang finally update so that dogs have armor cuz if they didn’t they have been dly dialing way too much man they got to do some real with the updates okay so I walked there and then I saw iron if I retrace there it is I found that that’s not iron okay but it must be there somewhere that’s like a super dangerous area there’s the iron but it’s like a super dangerous area oh perfect you wait here it’s too dangerous for uh s l yeah we can just sneak in here we sneak in and we steal their items just like Norwegians would do in Sweden every time is copper good I don’t even remember I just want the shoot wa oh [ __ ] ow [ __ ] bad this is really bad Sven run they’re really good at shooting no way those damn Norway I can’t die we pulled a Sven on the first playthrough I can’t do it okay why is my health not going up S [ __ ] I forgot l s how hard is it there come come we got the iron nuggets it’s been extracted let’s go [Music] back so how does iron work then they have it like this I don’t does that just melt that’s it f you can come [Music] up poop this is just like me and the dogs at night they just can’t get up to bed come on it’s not that high huh there it is two days in Minecraft huge wins all around one more baby bam speedrun worthy shab next episode 300,000 likes and we’ll go de deep with Sven of course is good Digger see you guys next episode bye

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  1. Not pewds building 159 different automatic farms and sorting systems last play through and then asking how to tame a wolf💀 I’m so happy this is back😂

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