☢️ RADIATION POISONING!? | Stardew Valley Update 1.6 – Multiplayer

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I got the Frog Froggies froggy foggy eat all oh there we go we’re live right um wait have you guys joined I did and also I didn’t see I don’t want to open the chat cuz the chat shows the invite code I don’t know if that works I mean it should but I don’t want random people to join right we’re back at run back in the Stu Valley and again my TV is not on the spot it’s supposed to be at uh weather report going to be clear and sunny oh they do give a special forecast for the island that makes sense I suppose uh what is in my inventory that needs to be just placed elsewhere what do you have in your inventory I’ve seen you the Skool Cavern well done blah blah blah blah blah okay I’m heading for the more meal what the hell thear joke such a good neighbor thank you bye heading for the large board Big bullettin Board what’s even the name it’s actual name is special request board ah okay do you have any modes in the game a i me you have different starting modes guess ask about mods not are mods I don’t know mods no we have not done any mods uh you wanted Island ingredients yeah want experiment with a tropical cooking but it’s hard to find any ingredients if someone could help ship 100 tar Roots T Roots okay there you go we can do this one yeah that doesn’t on that art uh so yeah syrox mods no if you did mean modes are just different starting ground plots whatever you want to call it there’s also JY Mard that is true and the normal Quest Port 15 ores looking for some to bring 50 for inspection okay well that sounds like if he mentions multiple then yeah you need to get them during the quest yeah you’ll be fine anyway obsidian we need tarot roots on the island planted can do this I have some I already have some in a chest and the city makers are dead so it’s easy to do it kind of sad it’s not summer because if it was then we could plant those actually on our farm sorry syrox you both have a red name for me so I just assume you uh clarson no sorry we do not run any mods and again modes uh different kind of Island sure okay they’re not Islands but you can have some kind of [Music] Island nice ooh yellow Mystery Box okay ORS are easy 9 13 out of 15 there we go why I running for I mean for what kind of or did he ask any any kind of or so yes easy enough there we go let’s s this in I’m going to the island oh thanks for the follow as well CL I’m going to Pier uh Clint Clint Clint oh yeah I need to check for seeds as well was there anything specific we wanted to plant or um I mean I’m going to plant 15 of a crop so that I have progress on the of every that’s smart honestly I have no idea which one I do and do not have yet so yeah I don’t need to be here heck I should have taken the mine cart um radishes are already wheat already hot pepper already ah tomato and that was a summer crop and I’m missing two oh that sucks Melons I’m missing some I have a tomato fruit uh sir sir no you need to where are I if we didn’t get any rubar I think that’s a moral which is mushroom we’ve never actually so star fruits it was always wine probably yes there is some in my chest on the top left there’s some there if you want Sy have a guess who do you reckon is in voice chat no it’s always me dly and obsidian in the voice chat never anyone else there’s literally no one that even has access to it I specifically only give access to all of us oh wait I have two tomatoes in my inventory never mind what’ you get that you only need to sell them right so if someone else has Tomatoes then it’s uh also fine I guess not that I have tomatoes but there is a normal chat Channel sure St Valley that’s for everyone uh let’s see five diamonds from a ticket don’t mind the yeah on Discord text Channel St Valley there’s a few individual game channels but there is also some hidden channels literally never I mean I’ve literally never felt any broccoli what the hell is this did someone that test I only ever sold one summer squash who put a tree planter outside what me I need some space okay what the hell is that thing doing there oh shoot I need to uh go to Pi get some seeds and never sold yams never need Roots right yes yes like aund of them um I think I’ve sold enough corn but I should probably buy some I mean I oh no I haven’t sold enough corn you sure cuz I did run corn for a long while I sold exactly three oh you can check that okay uh let’s see what do I want to go for and I’ll sell this Bean hot pot and I’ll buy a ton of cranberries because I can yeah I was going to get some grber well I need like 200 and something I bought 20 of everything and I cranber there that’s a bunch of seeds no no you can buy back [ __ ] right um You it go down down scr down okay cuz occasionally my mouse double clicks so I place it in my inventory and then I instantly sold it again I really need to check that that’s a dangerous business yes um obsidian have you checked the Cho I was planting the the T Roots wow he had one job okay two two jobs I have two jobs doing the second one mhm I hate that you have to manually water the crops when they uh what you call them break the floor and the spring just don’t do anything you’re buzzing obsidian I mean probably not you yourself [Music] but f it it sounds like you’re doing more SC which are [Music] buzzing I don’t know then it’s a little less now but still not [Music] gone dip I love my upgraded hole though the positive of tarot Roots is that at least if they’re planted near water then they don’t need watering mhm and they grow faster is that so wow it say the to tip I don’t read tool tips who do you think I am illiterate not that bad um if you have uh more time than me I mean I think your plots are smaller than mine I’m still working on mine but if I have time left I’ll uh I mean I’m also working on mine right now and I mean I think you have the glowing ring or whatever and I don’t yeah yeah I’ll make sure to at least give it a check Okay I hold on my ground last bit here I mean right now it’s still light enough for me to know but soon it will stop being light enough mhm I need to water a whole bunch you can you can just hold a torch over your head right a torch you can what TCH yeah but I don’t have one you can just make it some near the greenhouse on the floor yes if you want to bother and I don’t miss watering the crops holy moly hey I should upgrade my watering can in case I have to do this again okay I think that’s finished nice out water oh wait I had the glow St ring in my inventory I’m so stupid wow that’s a nice one to keep on you I guess I mean I equipped the Phoenix rink the last time we were in the school caverns and I just didn’t equip it again mhm okay so I’m selling these Tomatoes uh oh didn’t plant the grape starters man I’m almost done watering every no I’m not even close to watering everything actually that’s almost I’ll try help I mean I don’t mind too much that the crops are out of sink but dang that’s kind of silly oh yeah you do have a nice can a nice cans over there I think you should focus right now on planting where it’s already water yeah it’s a good point actually oh well it wouldn’t be a first good first day if no one pass out I mean at I’m not going to at at least I have a return center yes I mean I’m pretty close to my house so kind of hoping that uh oh no okay find this little field and then that field will be one behind okay I’m out of here oh put didn’t miss any there oh no my bed is so far away first one today n at least inside the house at least inside the house true true true true next to I was the only one who made it like if I passed out falling into a different direction I would have literally passed out of my bed that that’s how close I was oh he didn’t make it either oh well that was only me who made it that’s that’s weird too don’t get used to it h fantastic okay that looks good no did miss one there okay do you still have any summer squash like any I have no idea if I had any no usually obsidian I only got the seeds do you want me to plant them in the island um you could I mean as long as we got one you know what we could do yeah can oh blessing of speed nice today is Tuesday the 2nd it’s pen do you need broccoli too yeah I planted exactly zero broccoli and I’ve sold exactly zero broccoli H not lot wait um that’s 12 broccoli in this chest I already got some you mean I can sell all of those oh wait wa wait there’s the cop the crop not the seed though then you can get them you can sell them you have seeds grow more later also did you got some stuff FR some star fruit I should have some if you need have some I have I have don’t worry I have I’m selling them right now there we go uh yes White Rabbit I’m uh as surprised as you are but apparently that’s the thing we’ll see if we get to it today actually you did it I’m very impressed enjoy your art 10,000 monies holy shly why did you pick what the hell my baby standing right up it’s not only an entire month long Quest but it’s also one of the more difficult ones got a plan for it all right copying I have only asks to ship it oh really oh batteries hey Max I’m going to the island why can I even reach this I’ll ask the bird for the Walnut tip there’s the gorilla again I cannot reach this thing but it was too late I in the north which means we have one Mist in the outside of the volcano oh I know exactly what it is I hear a biggy and a cat uh when you plan to put all the plutonium waste aha honestly no idea we do not have space in the farm for uh freaking particle accelerators no pluton is nuclear reactor waste food that you can recycle to make more food we get batteries from that like giant batteries for uh anyway what am I going to do what will I do still need to go to the movies oh the better like another outo better but I guess another outo better is not really going to help Jee these animals are running wild I’m wondering where in the north could it be buried that the parot ision it isn’t there like certain places where can be okay and there’s a second one that I I also know where it is I messed up I should have gone to the to the desert I have Max I have no idea oh I got it it the par doesn’t mention more so I guess we’re exploring the volcano or going to the farm I guess that’s what you’re doing yes did you got the one from the right here uh from where this one that you walk on the yes you got it already beautiful place we got here Qui planted this ooh water plum nice present for lonus there you go lonus I just found this on the floor he’s not home he’s right there great gift I know right some Joker spray what did he say what the hell go to the to Tuesday the recount NS uh sure how how how much do we do okay what the hell is that that’s enough okay for what I wanted at least I’ll just get it copied in case you do need more so what the hell do we do in the community center now that such a f this it’s mostly decoration it’s also mostly empty like people were so happy when it was done but now nobody’s here wow yes so rude I got something for copying if you know what I mean I’m in the desert oh you’re in the you’re literally jumping from one place to another yes he is today is not the right day near home if you need help I’m going back where are you Island Farm I’m at the island I’m going in there wait for me I know a short cut oh shoot why I did get an ice cream out of that trash can Alex so jokes on you let’s give this ice cream from a trash to someone else there you go Vincent you can have some ice trash ice cream he doesn’t know it’s all good yes I’m in the where are you I going to to you to the farm you mean Island Farm or do you want me to go back to ours ah I see it I yeah you see it biggy biggy biggy oh no I should have brought my watering can to Clint heck tomorrow it is it’s working it is okay I got enough I mean I got enough for all of us here are yours and that’s for all the Galaxy weapons uh obsidian you can plant those tar roads on the other side I already started here you can kill me whatever you want clarson as long as I know that you’re talking to me uh custom farm worker what do you mean by a custom farm worker oh heck I didn’t catch a sh you think it’s used to fishing again I’m fishing on like three different games I think so Max in fact I think it was standing here but yeah but you good at fishing I’m not you know me should be no surprise to you where is where are the cinder shards it should be on the bottom left chest the white one uh the white chest there’s 35 of them my kid is a not bait Farm worker Al it’s not really doing much work so far I got a wallnut from the muscles uh yes where are you uh fishing south of our farm okay I’m going there okay then I’ll run away hey come on fine I’ll talk to the Recon first fine broccoli juice juice and pick um can we copy this maybe how many do we need I need a total of 60 myself jeez okay uh yeah we still have a four spot open Clon but it’s kind of reserved if Max ever has the time also we’ve started the series with these people so it’s either going to be Max or probably no one got the first one I have two in my inventory oh good them in the green chest for me please how many you got cuz I have n well7 58 59 60 oh perfect do you want your table back or I took it from our duplication station where there is literally also a catalog to make more you can trash it if you want oh yeah those kind of tables whatever I’ll just SP back with the thingy on top great uh I guess I might as well dive into bed we uh just so max no see get is still there sometimes it moves probably maybe I think you leave that thing there but there’s even more behind it it’s like a double layer of block I didn’t even know that look what I got look what I got a sword good job the Infinity Blade ah better than the Galaxy T there’s only one person uh for that spot Max not time to go to bed already I’m in bed on time like always C and the turtle are in my house W blessed he will not Max he will not although I do have an extra bat but even if I have an extra bed they’re still going to sleep in uh my bed hey last time we slept in the extra wow so many quests okay I will need to check something which is the range at which I can collect uh crops from the from the gardening pots okay so both the cat and the turtle are in a locked room with the baby how did I get in probably a secret door here H sneaky sneaky yeah communication is kind of nice for the stream my my little farming area in my house is ready for uh the I mean I have my first harvest okay uh I was going to go my bring my watering can Clint and for some reason you can’t tell them you know what just turn into a golden one right away you have to go step by step it is lonely is this lonely well I should have got a Nerf to talk to Emily then hell it’s lowly lowly okay Soo my little gardening pot business is uh doing good I just finished my strawberry Harvest nice a b uh it’s only eight strawberries but it’s still reg growable and doesn’t need to be watered it’s a life hack Max the kid has never eaten in its life so it doesn’t know what food is so it doesn’t feel hungry that’s how that works you don’t know food you hungry uh upgrade tools we go for the watering can see you [Music] oh shoot I didn’t see that Penny don’t talk don’t tell anyone please this the heck off oh no parenting advice from joke fish please don’t listen to me got to put a disclaimer on the stream if I do parenting advice don’t listen to it okay is this one safe to grab yeah heck yeah broken CD you’re welcome Max you’re welcome do let me know how it works ooh squid monster sure I’m looking for the other regrow spring craft uh okay uh wait no that’s summer we only have one bean starter I don’t know I think we only have one lucky me I kept some beans lucky beans like last summer I literally haven’t so a single bean I did one wut in the which level do find on the the muscle the muscle ah okay which level do I find squid kids or whatever they’re called uh lava level so that’s like 90 um yes yeah 0 and Below oh okay do we really no longer have any seed makers at the house Farm I think I left one there should be one there yeah maybe I haven’t placed it yet six of the six five of them are here the water one is there yeah yeah I’m making more Bean starters for my house Farm key Bean how the freak did I find a key Bean here in the mines dur for tomor during the chief Quest oh you can can find them anywhere ah okay don’t plant them I’m planting them tomorrow which fertilizes yeah I’ll give them to just place them in the green yes now to place the bean starters what the hell is this level anyway wait I need my retaining soil fertilizer I know I left it in some chest but which one probably recollected in one of the big chests no idea no it was in the big chest it was uh the one literally it looked like to be behind the greenhouse I mean almost Behind the Green House what the hell are you oh right you squid kit I don’t think that was a squid kit B ah fire breathing orb gotcha but do we need to be higher then somea seeds do you want them what seat pineapple pineapple yeah I do I’m planning on having every growable crop inside my house nice uh already so I don’t need them I’ll go to level 100 then yeah thanks so strawberries were used to test the range of my sithe and now I planted Bean starters next up on my list would be summer crops such as uh blueberries and summer squash did you find another knot I think I did the counter po up that’s why I noticed oh yeah then I I did I didn’t even notice oh another K Bean ke Bean we’re out of ref already stairs I found one so uh well not qu not refined qus normal qus you just melted them yeah this floor is empty pry dude whatever there’s nothing here anyway oh there we go found one gotcha mus stop it uh the where the closest later I can’t remember I mean I have the key to the town so I can enter anywhere let regardless of closing times what are my thoughts on pie dep what kind of pie unless you mean the actual number that case I love it it’s very irrational I love pie not too big a fan of like a plain old apple pie but generally sure hello my friend did it 350 monies that’s what I just spent my day on doing not sure if that was worth it but I get to enjoy the nice beat at the wizard tower again so I used to have this kid at my uh game design classes that new P up to like I don’t know how many digits like what the hell man hav you got Hobbies well I guess that was a hobby oh I found 45 tarot tuers at home oh please bring them to the island uh did you need those ski be Ins at the island no place them in the green chest I need to go to the farm tomorrow so I take them when I go there I know like 3.14 and after I’m leaving here on the island I’m the volcano well I’m going to leave it in placeing that chest don’t plant them I’m going to leave it in the same chest as the broccoli seeds yes thank you we need more refined quartz can uh smell some uh recycling uh broken cities I just put some inok cities and broken glasses gifts refined quarts well I got two going right now we can have them if you need them great let’s see what kind of decoration can I still do uh want to look at my uh gardening part of the house actually maybe I should like my house is a mess I’m not going to bother decorating my house but the farm should look nice cuz that’s outside it’s public your phone’s ringing in my game it isn’t so far it looks like this and it’s designed you reach oh with the sight you can reach it my phone stopped ringing sorry I was too late this aquariums those are butterfly hatches you see how they are flying around the house oh yeah nice and look at these you see those yes nice oh come on I don’t mind but you can’t complain about us doing that either oh I don’t care went to my bed too he went to my bed next to Leo I’m going to do a funny too you’re going to sure we’re waiting you can hear him sneering already you can see him inside my house and he just entered the bed all righty then whatever float you goat not sure if our goat floats though I mean you’d need to purposfully try to drown it for it to not float the book seller is in town book seller like the good old witch test back in the day huh she didn’t float guess she wasn’t a witch sure I did um hello sorry I’m not good with rid letters metal bar to many which test were kind of sexes I mean if you think about it if she drowns then she’s dead and if she floods then she’s a witch so we’re going to burn her on the the stage there’s no good way to uh pass a test yeah where are thank for pineapple seed uh I placed them in the green chest like you asked yes thank you and new fish where did you place them in the your an fruit jelly is ready I had oh yeah two of the key beans to get them soon wait a second take your time out here hey let’s go found Max fat cat py cat I was like where’s my watering can but yes I to that Clint Flint Clint Clint place what are you changing hats for I saw that that was the copper pan oh have heart everyone starts at zero Hearts you’re you’re just the newest Max either that or you just don’t love us enough the BS the WIS pleas they’re in the chest I toss them in the chest did you take them all out cuz I have two of them green chest here I have four of them also do fish you remember how Abigail killed that monster and gave it a funeral yes the grave already grave disappeared as long as I say the grave is here oh yeah yeah I’ve seen that oh no Max that’s not that’s not your life do not worry about that gra also has a message right yeah Abigail took a life to save mine I’ll never forget that I can’t interact with it because she didn’t take a life to save mine that is very true hey Nick radiation poisoning again I’m just as surprised as you I was just told that that is a thing and we might actually reach that tonight so uh we’ll have to see what happens oh God after the while my relationships jumped so much that I just get a ton of cut scenes yes I had that a while ago as well insane super annoying you get like multiple in the same enter Robins oh God effort cut scene getting multiple in the same uh area that’s just annoying like you’re trying to buy stuff at Pier you go there in the morning you get like five cut scenes and the day is over Pi no longer open yes today the day uh could really go for a r bok choy I don’t think planted those but actually I’m 100% sure I didn’t plant those no Cano can no Cano CU some trash typing why does it feel like all the characters no Louis is running this guy is lagging it why you going quick probably father I don’t know this guy was lagging at to the community center definitely not the same speed as others do we even still have any useful books to buy he’s running from taxes every pay tax one but not from the book seller ah actually I don’t think I the dwarf in the volcano for the five diamonds or was it 10 well either way it’s kind of who’s looking the trash me no I would never looking how dare you weren’t you the one who got caught this in the Stream nah just why is this stream it’s the fourth day all right book seller already have for me cuz I am pretty sure um okay so which books are oh is thumbs up um yes what items did we need for the island of blisk I remember there was ah Dragon I think we have some I think we have some at home but we might I brought two yesterday great jfish where are you the book seller reading some books tell him I said by uh thaty said by there you go wait are there any items he can trade you for books that we might want can I steal his air balloon Grand Theft air balloon that’s what GTA stands for right Grand Theft air balloon it stands for out are you sure uh trade in books River jelly hardwood I don’t know what kind of books do you want no that’s give him the book that’s what you get for giving him the book oh okay uh anything useful slime egg press is that useful hey banana hey we’re going to craft it either way for the all crafts uh fairy dust spicy eel pepper poppers deluke bait wood monster musk no doesn’t seem like he has very much interesting things oh no what is happening on YouTube we’ve got a banana a Volkswagen a toaster and a bathtub joining that does only spell disaster like a banana a volag a toaster and a bathtub welome into a stream toaster and a bathtub on their own that’s not good um what’s SE on our beats then we have them oh when did we need them what’s the just summer No Beats summer maybe spring I don’t know unfortunately I’m not a walking Wikipedia page also those people joining I don’t really see them as viewers that’s our full crop take six days to grow buy a deoasis ah who named the chicken Midas who named the Golden Chicken Midas fantastic that’s nice I really should finally give Robin her Axe and lios his basket you still have those I keep forgetting uh yeah sure forgetting mhm like last stream literally on the last day I thought wait I should probably do that so you really need that to Du list mod to not forget what you need to do okay I have them good job man I need my watering can this cat is freaking dehydrated po cat someone need to water the cat well the ball not the cat itself I mean to water an animal means to give it something to drink true just making it absolutely clear um okay where are the Dragon Teeth I have one in my personal chest fish where are you oh you are can we copy this well that depends can you put it on table yes hey it’s still banana or again banana hello banana okay I think this should be enough let me Che hello fridge they actually have pictures of their things as well that’s fantastic I love it uh no that’s not enough I need 10 did I tell you syrox that our cat um meow too much and voice is almost gone okay I got enough so we actually had to uh get some medicine for now I’m going to get some bananas bananas in chat yes syor cats can meow too much and also lose their voice just like people and that’s what she did skill issue yeah I know right what’s her name okay so her name is Bella but I can’t remember the last time I called that like we call her Ella no Bella turned into banana turned into anini somehow many I also needed to bring iridium no where you at I just used the return set to return uh put the refined quarts in the white chest here if you need it um can we copy this sure and I also need 10 of this oops thank you you’re welcome so her full name b banana bubblegum have you ever had banana bubblegum I don’t think I have what do you put Dragon tooth which chest do we have a chest I still have them in my inventory okay I’m going to put them in the anal product just cuz Dragon too sounds like an animal product I mean it isn’t it’s really more among the lines of quartz ah fine I’ll switch it and then head to bed probably I don’t know long thans me to switch if I pick the wrong chest it’s going to be while there we go fish could you go go like let’s just say to the right of the coup I want you to look there sure yes okay you see it no don’t stand okay three two one zoom zoom what is this interact with it and is that a Teleport thing nice that’s nice love it and it’s the island of Bisk which means we now have an actual teleport to the island back and forth yeah nice jeez look at all this I needed 10 iridium bars 10 bananas and 10 dragon teeth ah okay that’s what I needed for do you need any help hoing obsidian he’s too busy farming did he drop on Discord no he’s still here okay he sto moving so he’s probably checking [ __ ] oh time uh this is my bad biggest room biggest me there we go PR cat previous cat was called Baka he you know what Baka means yes and I suggested it to my mother as a joke but she liked it I don’t think she knows what it stands for but she liked it and it stuck so yeah when the cat had to come inside we uh were calling outside like B back obsidian we can’t hear you can you hear us it was such a handsome cat I don’t think you should find cats attractive okay for a cat he was handsome I don’t personally find cats attractive I don’t even know why you thought of that but I’m not going to ask I mean you call handsome yeah I’m not ignoring you guys banana Volkswagen toast a bath up fridge and Cat I named you guys already awesome having on the stream my B chice oh yeah and I’m gonna sell them at least oh do you how many do you have I still have I still have five on me I think I need one we need pickled B CH Kent wants a ripe B Choy I know I didn’t take that one come on the raccoons want a pickled bug is this is this the right po Choy or he’s he’s just asking for a b Choy okay I don’t know and I’m turning the remaining for into feed yeah that’s fine six accounts so are you the same person and to what do I owe this pleasure of having banana Volkswagen toaster Bop fridge can’t join us oh high up again mix up these houses oh no closed you want to go back to the island we have the Obelisk yeah I hate about it okay the maker found it Miss no for making okay um I got seven Buck for wild seat Well I can prob use mine as well think too late tomorrow is too late for K’s Quest I’m going to visit a traveling C you can come here to the island to get your some sash Lou wants a bottle of truffle oil okay man the traveling C has nothing of interest to me how’ you make truffle oil again I mean obviously with a truffle but why do you toss it in into the oil okay you guys see that as if oh there we go yeah fine it looks like an oil maker if you put corn sunflower seeds or sunflowers in it you also get oil okay okay fine as in the cooking kind of oil yes veggie oil how long does it take who’s been in the cave there’s three things in the cave four things even think Mr Golden Touch needs to uh check out the b cave and with my next trick I’m going to disappear yes you instantly almost py I used to do that though Worldcraft I could told people in chat I’m going to mag fin goingon to deliver those and then I would GoLine and then I guess by beat seeds from the island I guess I could buy the seats first I mean how many do I need I need 10 but that’s like each for all of us abigil what are you doing there’s people watching J Fish yes once I’m back I’d love to copy some wine sure table’s ready spet you know how much that uh Obelisk cost me um two times one half of what whatever it cost so what you’re thinking is it cost what cost yes I mean I know I know I’m not wrong in that probably didn’t help but humor me guess uh two million well you forgot to cut it in half first oh heck only 1 million that’s an expensive pillar expensive decoration I bought beats 20 because that’s how many spots I have and we are going to be cloning those I guess sure this oil takes ages I also bought rhubarb and eight Cactus seeds for my indoor planting oh do you have actually a special chest for seeds am I supposed to put the seeds in there cuz green one the lime green one what’s with the white one to the left of the green house blue seats I I place stuff there it those seats were they’re longer than obsidians sure I I’ll just leave that alone I’m not going to mess with that heck yeah I want that let’s plant those beats and obsidian is there enough place on the island to plant rubar he but come quick because soon that will not be I’m coming and that’s what she didn’t say MH mhm so s four woman how many accounts do I think you have well you already admitted to at least six I’m kind of scared to ask how many you actually do have where to plant it I around this sprinkler around this sprinkler yes this one so in this 5x five area yes assume you have to have a different email per account right so you have like YouTube Banana at gmail or something like that I still have six I have to PL carrots and everything else okay I’m going to put the rest of the rubar in one of these two chests whoops that’s my Cactus for Ender planting purposes ooh my watering can should be done tomorrow probably maybe apples oh we duplicated it duplicated have it oh thanks it’s the coconut nut it’s not a nut nut techn is a nut actually it’s a memo you’re nuts coconuts are mamos do you need six accounts coconuts aren’t mammals they are plants which is already a different Kingdom I know it’s a funny joke because they have hair and and gave milk mhm mhm some people call it coconut water who said that again like bipedal that’s that’s also milk pist bipedal who that again I can’t remember like if it doesn’t have F and walks in two legs it’s a person come remember oh featless biped yeah the smallest amount of woods that can describe a a person yeah exactly somebody somebody said that and Di is arrived with a chicken with all the fs plucked out yeah yeah exactly exactly that’s the one ah beautiful see you banana thanks for joining and fridge cat toaster bath toop Volkswagen oh uh Abigail is playing her flute give that she’s uh not going to listen to you he zones out when she plays the flute I’m not going to I skipped place the flute a lot when I’m around I’m not going to come that’s already too much comment I’m clearing the Quarry of the Rocks I could probably clear it of trees but that’s something obsidian should do because his axe has shaving he the tree man it’s okay Clarkson thanks for joining was uh good fun hope see you again sometime um for your info it’s also the twitch but I stream on the Wednesday and Friday as well not St Valley will be raft at the moment and of course if you haven’t yet have a look at the YouTube channel as well lots of videos there’s plan for cl of the lamp because there is going to be an update yes exactly thanks appreciate it trying my best and to our deadly and obsidian probably although for obsidian I think he’s sometimes trying to sabotage us make you an know you guys a little but actual sabotage I don’t do that because it sabotages me too that is true I did want sabotage obsidian Yeah by bombing his crops yes yes it was the last except for all the eggplants you didn’t Harvest yes and all the sprinkers and all the sprinklers oh wow do sprinkers disappear when you bomb them or you just pick them up again jeez that’s nasty though okay fine that is kind of nasty uh chop R thank you fresh fish fish eggs what I don’t want to eat that you’re mad who does that I mean I know people but who does that um what what are you asking cavar like fish eggs who would eat that rich people rich people I describes as so tasty it hurs wor done um where are the smelters smels fishing fish fish fish I mean you mean next to the greenh house you should be next to jfish house no they are next to the green house okay then what the hell is this even a catfish what do the catfish so difficult I mean it’s a cat and a okay fine you got a point there oh no this being an easy fish cuz I’m definitely not going to spend time okay we got it run little man run I’m going to look at the other obelisks what is required for them that’s true max it’s my friend I got my friend I’m going to sell my friend s all my way totally totally not trying to drop I’m thinking of doing the desert Obelisk next that feels us yeah and we need exact same amount of money twice as much iridium and 10 coconut and Cactus fruits mhm that’s fine R rabbit they uh they meant no harm I think they were fun having around banana Volkswagen toaster bath toop fridge cat well yeah those about me then I’d deny it that you mean no harm you would deny that yeah true uh one fresh Lobster theob oops it’s good for guys I got my eggplant Harvest I’m going to sell it you sell the mag PLS okay uh one more key Bean in the com green chest four more key beans wow please bring them for me today is plenty day what today is the is seeding day please bring them to me please okay I’m going today is the blessing of luck nice so if something fails you must all know that it’s a skill issue true I’m bringing all five whoa I found trash in a trash can nourishment who puts trash in a trash can what the hell usess [Music] and I’m going to ask the bird what’s he going to [Music] say I don’t know you tell me if it’s AAR is probably just going to repeat what you asked hi Leah yeah those Shelly Stones so muscles it won’t say anything else until we get the one from that I’ll check on the Cher room to check our Walnut counter coort watering can fantastic but I’m not yet satisfied what did I do oh again I double clicked so I was uh hoping I didn’t accidentally upgrade something else but I didn’t no damn at least there are sech here yes close but no [Music] Walnut that what to say in Las Vegas hey Kean do you need more that’s what they counter is at 123 out of uh uh 130 could you do recount NS yes I can really close how many do you need how much how how and do it again again one [Music] more all [Music] right so keep Bean you still need it and I need to go to Pier now for reasons M you’ll understand those reasons trust me on that sure you overestimate my intelligence but sure by the way that I am still missing the Crab Pot fish from the fish all fish thing some crap pots in in the farm and on the beach if you want them um I’m going to check those on the beach oh wait I should check Pierre’s first like I said I would hi Pierre I got something for you is it lots of stuff he needs to pay money for selling seeds from all season now that is fantastic holy moly I mean there is a markup on out of season seeds so sure but money isn’t exactly a problem yeah now the T plants are out planted now we just need to harvest and sell them the nice great and how quick they grow two years I because of all the things I think they uh from all the craps on the beach are empty escaped crap people I that’s South Park reference are you serious why not and now a Pokemon reference I can’t believe you hey that both of them I didn’t do thinking oh let’s do a reference from this or that Leo said he’s sad today why is Leo sad today you understand them at least yeah else I wouldn’t uh have them in my knowledge Bank my my brain I meant to say my brain Bank uh Dogfish yes the plant wine copying uh oh my way I’m totally not far away from home uh you should really just also sell a bunch of wine and get the stop yeah maybe I should yeah I mean your return scepter would return you to your home so which is the best place to be I’m at the tables okay can also copy some trash probably shouldn’t but we could um what kind of trash trash it’s just literally named trash uh if it’s not the type that could give us refined quartz then no and then again we could just cop you refine yes exactly you going to make a drawing of the goat Max um I don’t know can you do it a bit slower I’ll try any better I mean I’m with you doing it slightly slower I am getting it every time you place it down but it doesn’t mean it is slower try the speed up a little I don’t know uh when do we stop you tell me just name a time today summer a time since we want to give you a scepter then we should stop like when we get double the amount required for receptor or yeah I don’t know how much it is but I’ll just keep on clicking uh I know how much it this and it seems to be a lot like above two above 200 100 yesh and that’s the amount for the the return septer not for what you need double that mhm like the hor flute horse food what Horse flute horse food yes food for the horse no no flute f l u t flute like Mickey music flot I know what flot is replace the first f with the S with an S no Horse flute what’s a Horse flute I mean I assume makes sound music you play it and the horse just teleports to you ah yeah that makes sense okay fine now it all makes sense A Horse flute why not jeez look got a freaking auto click for this I should change my clicking finger every now in want to get injured okay I picked mine up nearly 400 times now and I picked yours like 300 times nice I mean we sadly can’t copy the returns after but yeah if only the thing would also sell for a lot then it would make it a bit easier um obsidian I heard a teleporting sound where are you right now should be at home then it was the horse teleported away from us okay okay kind of funny how you actually hear that here then my house was close to guys and and when I called him it came to me was going to pay for teleportation someone’s going to pay that I already did was pre true ow we going to stop at 11 or do we need more or more I mean you need like 2 million on gold for that so we’re going to stop at 1:00 a.m. sure I mean your house is right there and I have a there I still have some demos to play from the steam next first I really hope they’re still going to be available after today you could download them before I mean obviously there are already downloaded but if you have steam open while connected then it might just say not available but obviously the game is still on your computer so you go offline mod you can probably still play him just want to make sure oh we’re almost there how many are you aiming for I’m aiming for having enough it’s 1M it’s 110 okay stop I’ll leave it here for tomorrow if we s anymore he hey I dropped it ah hey have your I’ll be back soon ah run okay I think I’ll think I make it h I’m selling it at Pierce tomorrow not putting in the shiing yes Rich as heck I kind of hate games that where the where the vendors have like a specific amount of moneye on my own it says sure that the amount of money sounds as you earning it was cooperative but it was something you earned yourself certainly I mean I worked hardford I clicked hardford oh did we ever hand in the board Quest I mean the island one and the chort one are both entire man FL oh okay well never mind then a new game has come out recently similar to hollow Knight which game is that white rabbit I have had done it hello I’m not the right person to ask that Max I wish I had the answer hey obsidian nice having you here I had to get away for a second M me being rich okay so where do we even get this thing why can you eat Mayo and not honey the nine Souls you cannot Dr honey you can I have seen it I play the demo a bit might be fun indeed n Souls that’s un it’s been out for a bit now hasn’t it I like cozy kind of games I when you if you like games which are Animal Crossing line then I would probably recommend you Critter Cove Critter Cove not sure I’ve heard of it I mean it’s uh it’s some partially kind of town building partially well it’s more the game focuses more on on diving and making stuff than actual friendships but it is I’d say Animal Crossing like okay diving so like Dave the diver yeah kind of but instead of you know hunting for fish then you’re just diving for scraps from shipwrecks ah okay that’s cool yeah and I’d say it’s Animal Crossing like as in all the villagers are animals you can make your character an animal if you’d like nice we what we 10 million and I got an achievement for that same hey you didn’t notice this one how did you notice this one it was behind the wall and that one was just behind you what where do I get the return sor what do I B A Thing Kos of course but not at K’s home and which is obsidians just where his shop used to be see the last Walnut of the beach oh you got the last muscle Walnut okay and we haven’t asked the parot for a tip so there’s a chance it will say us a different one I asked I will ask now okay luckily I still have those so I’m supposed to no reason to use those anymore except get here from anywhere take the stuff out of K’s chest and leave the money what if I don’t it’s only have 1.6 how did your calculations go I gain then in the west I gained 1.4 million is and the West is the I the farm area get out of the house who’s in your house horses horses have a horse I mean you have the flute don’t you call it if you are sitting on it that makes sense that sounds like a mhm okay so there are two hidden in the west it said hidden not buried which makes me think no idea hello L here have a this thing great gift I know I’m the best at gifting oh sh you found one okay and I mean here there is one here but it would require a journal note that one already uh you got that one already yes let me double check it let me check if I have the note yes six oh barel I’m going to run to bed and go feed my cat I’ll be uh back in a minute probably if I can find my band now where is the next Walnut the next wallnut okay be back the final Walnut um where should I look for it h any idea subian let check out of mine look on the top right the one hidden the top right I got that one okay then let me just look at the golden Walnut page again it’s Island where okay I think I know ah no you dued that one okay wait what about the journal scrap for about here um here got it where was it come here there we go cat has been fat probably going to show up at my door in a minute what are you guys doing something uh we just got more walnuts ah nice it was the journal scrap number four that HD the last Walnut oo it was here didn’t it was here oh also if you also you should get a quality bobber if you call it yourself mhm thank you yeah I like a quality bber combined with magic bait and and uh anden quality seaone puding and you got yourself a guaranteed iridium quality Legend regardless of where you fish nice I mean of course you need to fish where the legend is and you can only get one but if you get a legend which is regardless of time and place was I remember that Max that was fantastic uh tomorrow remember Big B and chort mhh our title will not be fitting if we don’t get danger in the Deep or or dangerous School Caverns or whatever it is yes two of them that can get it slowly working through my quest yes the one of the and for the normal M but the danger wonder if you finder is going to have like a I don’t know new game or maybe even expansion of the story that’s been really bad I mean I have nothing more to do yeah G the factor expansion that’s coming October what the which expansion satisfactory going to get a space expansion oh yes but it wasn’t uh going to be like an yeah like an actual expansion like a new game right yeah that the LC light yeah yeah exactly uh probably mod no okay you do you I’m going to go to the bathroom yes we definitely going to have a look Ed it looking great it’s going to be so fun yeah have you seen the train upgrades like where the trains can go over I love it and have you read the post about um do you know the some guy designed a train system where you can just put a bunch of empty trains on the system system and all the stations would just ask okay I need this now and a train would go get it Logistics yeah yeah exactly and that should be way easier to build with the next update and I really want to make use of that CU that looks like so much fun making a train base they’re going to Rew work some things so C work and everything mhm so every way is not is not you’re not going to be able to build the same as before you need to use the new ones the new shapes but the new ones are so way better and you can make like tracks next to each other and TR can switch from the from one to another before they could I’m back welcome back accidentally smacked my pathway where am I right here yes tell me everyone is in bed found you what are you what the hell is that is that fireworks yes look help happy New Year great let’s go to bed happy New Year there you go do you have a third member for the satisfactor play I have no idea I’m not going to count on anyone else so far unless I find find someone who I am confident with is going to make a good addition like obsidian wink wink not have satisfactory wow and my wouldn’t be able to handle it I have a potato potato Peter a Pato portato Alice has earned 1 million on her own wow you’re the last one to do that yeah gee so bad your steel watering can is ready wine winter just turned a corner without I still need more money by the way my amaran and cranberries are ready our crumber already as all what a coincidence it’s just as if we planted them on the same day okay what to plant in the place of the amaran no idea you’ve reached a new level of understanding wow oh that’s funny as heck still don’t have all of that yikes I’m looking at all the quests I have yet to do I got a bunch as well well I’ll turn some amaran into seeds so that we have them though now Pier sells all seeds so I don’t know what’s the purpose of that that is true yeah and I’ll sell the rest because I bought 20 seeds for a reason true oh it’ be so good to get pressure nozzles from Cheese room pressure nozzles what you put them on a sprinkler and they area that’s massive indeed uh by the way it’s Blackberry season so I guess lios I have your basket poor lios hasn’t been able to GA anything I think I lost it it is probably in one of my chests but in which one I have no idea jeez poor L water how about another upgrade somebody look the the bulletin board the big Quest and J Fish is nearby yes it ass tropical fish or cave Patrol tropical fish we failed to do that last time I’d like to do it sure tropical fish it is a good Island Hall what does that even mean pretty sure I asked the same last time blessings of waters the first free fish you hook today will be much easier sweet better I would still feel oh no is it Abigail’s birthday yet please gra and extend the Family no radiation no radiation H the what yes you could could the color one and the legendary children I mean the colors one is just shipping I bet we could do it keep up the place on the collection box H right but I still bet we could do it yeah we have two weeks and we have a lot of fiber for the green I going to accept Quest and worst case scenario I mean for the blue there the Jo Cola so many ber pushes nice I think I have a lot of blueberries in one of my chests like a lot of blackberries uh I think we’ve been forgetting to get the uh the fruit trees it’s not my thing I never check them not getting because I always got that with my full inventory so I don’t smart so I used the threee easier fish on sting race I also fished out a chi bean and this fish is a difficult one good thing I brought theux bait Deluxe that was another sting gray the next Stingray will be the last one for the quest and this should be the last thing Gray guess we’ll see in action another in a chest treasure chest it’s me today is ke yeah yeah I’m already on the island I was fishing for Sting Ray he is too involved for the camera gas is at the beach which means I can buy the recipe for tropical Curry yes um jfish yes Abigail is talking to me in the Bikini okay okay she’s trying to earn some extra cash I guess Oh shoot what okay joke fish that is going too far hey I don’t mess with what she’s doing for business how is Haley here all of a sudden she was like further west and now I got a cut SE with her yeah there you go and I’ll sell the sting Grace next up is River fish I believe which means I have to fish here oh um obsidian I was doing some planning and I got some of this we don’t need to plant anymore just Harvest them okay but I gave you yeah you need space in your inventory that’s what [Applause] you I mean I don’t but blue disco is number one jees hay really is a dumbass that’s a s who needs is me it’s me who needs space in the in the inventory we should bring bigger chests here to the island yes I should but I’m too yeah I’m always too busy blue discus number two another chib Bean [Applause] chiban a chiban chib beans can be giant crops for to mention ooh you’ve been getting note saying that you can’t get Chi beans outside of the challenge if you try axing down the giant chiggy crop when it’s not during the challenge did not know that another blue discus and three more chib beans me [Applause] oh I see you place the deconstructors here yes what are we using them for oh I had the G it’s whole gang of people walking away from the beach for totems that I still have and you know get the dragon teeth this way you can do that but I dislike putting warp totems in the constructors without the usage of Hoppers same with bombs for obvious reasons and this is the last blue discus we need let’s cell cell cell and all that remaining are the lion fish which are from the ocean she’s so slow so slow only you are slow no Abigail she’s so slow hey I’m working on that birth request oh only walking where the hell did she go she was at the Island Resort she literally just walked towards the farm and then disappeared oh there she is all of a sudden what the hell she got her own herone scepter except she only uses it when she no longer wants to walk from the entrance to the farm that must be it yeah a super cucumber I want a lion fish which is a catfish but bigger lion oh yeah that makes sense oh it’s easier to catch than a catfish though because it’s bigger wait what was it doing oh yeah Island fishing chug fish if you want you can check the progress of the Island fishing Quest sure uh 3 five 55 55 two line fish here um obsidian I’m finishing fishing for today but Chi bean I have three last chians please bring them to me okay here are your chib beans look at back to the pirate if it’s going to give you the same hint tomorrow I’m already here go to bed you’re going to paint faint going to bed on my H run go guess you’re gonna blame your horse if you don’t make it they they sound it those on the ground go like Po the Coconuts the coconut nuts I have a lot of them you tell me coconuts migrate what yeah coconuts do migrate of course migrate these nuts they’re not nuts ab’s in the gaming room what do you want there I got up a little before you and David Jr oh yeah of course okay Arty chokes and sunflowers are today’s Harvest when do we ever get a hat from the what’s it called again um I don’t know the oh yeah sloth skeleton I only have two pieces a third um make the last ones okay I’m selling 15 sunflowers though I guess I don’t need to do that with sunflowers and the remaining five will get turned into oil so that’s 7 + 4 which is 11 why can you place tables on top of tables you can build that with some tables but not tables on top of those tables sing frzy frzy and joke fish yes your other plot of cranberries oh yeah should be today picking up uh tables in my house took a while I’m going to take this piece of wool because I do need it for ship every item why are there hops in the auto Grabber in the C I don’t know I’m so confused here don’t know uh have we ever sold a dark feather I’m looking got mine we haven’t so I’m taking this one over it yes I’ll take the I’ll take some of the hubs because P wants a pale ale mhm oh yeah she still wants up for me as well it’s been waiting a while um the cegs are still in production yes yes they always in production okay so I’m going to leave the Hops in this empty chest okay I do it later it’s empty but it’s literally right there where the cegs are I you make the [Music] pil go go sheepy sheepy Max one heart AG one month what a little baby little baby Max more like mini I’m making cooking a out of sunl sorry I’m cleaning up my house I leave it or not that’s not how I CLE up M stop hitting Mr rabbit okay guess Mr R doesn’t want to move and today’s blessing blessing of thans plus 10 Critical Strike chance I don’t think he can hear us though skill issue M it’s my cat’s eating time [Music] oh so you’re were shouting to your cat I was shouting my brother him to feed my cats because mying my legs yelling at me impressed that your cat spoke rline what’s abigil waiting for I she wants to go to the baby oh that’s not going to happen darling do I want an actual Christmas tree Mouse I don’t think I do options show Advan crafting information is on let’s see I do have a cauliflower in one of my chests I just need some cheese and I’ll make cheese cauliflower but it I’ll just go grab all this milk milk and make the cheese okay I’m looking at the recipes uh do we have any spring forage anywhere um seeds Max the best case we have only the seeds I mean I’m making the meals so because I started making cooking oil so beautiful my house is very much clean up is that a paper hat yeah of course bunny ears to valy a bunny ears hat you know like the cat ears there isn’t yet um jug fish yes remember what I said about copying refined quartz sure can we do that as the time coming I mean I just really need to refine the quartz how many do you need that’s good for now okay perfect whoops I accidentally crafted 25 and I had 24 let’s copy one more so that it’s fair sure okay we copied it and for your trouble a garden P nice because that’s the the extra one there perfect spot that’s G oh hello you still alive I am alive okay good good good good good what what do we need stone for or do I just need stone is except a random quest for stone oh coloring Stone H it’s Robin oh shoot final day that’s not going to happen Rob I mean Stone sure but she probably kind of closed yeah she is Max yes she is maybe she’s starting to get worried oh shoot I should have gone South maybe I can actually still do this Quest cuz I imagine Robin might be in a my best to do the least great so next on my list are these Cactus seeds 15 16 there we go I got the quest complete but is Robin in The Tavern why not a Tuesday evening I don’t know T Saloon what’s the difference no difference is the time period yeah fair enough um wait I know the are St that is in here yeah no getting late run and JY I’m already in my house but I’m doing stuff the middle of the The Volcano yikes better run I’m level seven I have to run back a lot a lot you run or call you insurance cat fat turtle also bat did I did I no idea I tried the attempt that counts to make it that’s badly but I’m going to make it way too close for it made it good job your gold watering can is ready and through the minds hey if you find something tasty remember to bring me a piece yeah like worm and uh she eat bug meat delicious bug meat oh yeah guess that Quest from yeah the quest is gone yikes somebody bring me wheat like lots of wheat seeds [Music] do we have wheed seeds cuz we got plenty of wheat it’s Wednesday if any wait I have a better idea this going to P sure later we also have 126 weed I can bring to the island you have the seed makers there right I just need the seeds Okay well we also have 101 uh silver wheat and 7 gold beat so that’s a total of I don’t need the CR I need the plant itself keeping the soil fine because carrots grow too fast go too fast complaining stuff is going too fast every day I have to head plant and make seeds of them every day then I don’t have enough time for the volcano I guess that makes sense chicken in my way no that’s not a chicken that’s a truffle big difference scientists have discover discovered that there is a difference between a chicken and a truffle P of science research their Gardener discovered that what all the cheese who made all the cheese oh wait that was you what do you want your cheese I’m going to TOS the cheese in the produce chest I guess yes that’s the right one they’re proud of me you need more um key beans of I do need them especially today because today is key beans day o well on my way every other day is keeping day jeez wow look at that jeez the g fruit thing magic looks cool cool as heck wait come back come back hello go make a hat off of this a hat how do you make a hat this on the clothing machine okay it’s a seing machine machine I know what you mean do this you’re going use a f head what else do we need for that hello I can help you um I need four more of refined quartz okay sure it should you should still have it I believe mhm okay I got it good good good let’s have a look at my Su machine you need cloth probably yeah can I well so we just putting cloth under the ingredient I guess do we have cloth somewhere I think I have a chest I placed some there I shall have a last time I think using that produc chest not sure if that Mak sense but sure uh one of them is sheep produce ah okay like like Chee you get the wo from the yeah before this we got it like from soggy newspaper so yes wouldn’t call that animal produce I mean humans or animals beepo got a house a key mask with question marks okay I look cool I [Music] guess that’s some uh Speedy internet you got there Max yeah is that like a storm again or do it does just dip for you in the evenings like this let me check my my internet sometimes just absolutely spikes on the upload speed is insane let’s see download is only peeking at like 190 the upload pakela upload is not spiking this time do you have cable or Wi-Fi C for myself my computer yeah my cable is so weird like I got Wi-Fi on my PC and cable when I disable the Wi-Fi interface and enable the cable interface sure I got the internet but some stuff just doesn’t work like the raft modded launcher when it tries to connect to the server to check for updates it just doesn’t work it feels like it’s like a separate firewall for my cabled internet or something but that also doesn’t make sense cuz I don’t know I’m making progress on my indoor garden nice let’s have a look good some are still only SE some are planted strawberries are already producing LLY today was Harvest have a strawberry o nice thank you can actually eat it yeah that’s not what I meant I meant to eat it there we go n n n through the mask the planted in the row behind are pineapples mhm suddenly suddenly pineapples you only understand that because I told you that’s true so if you plant crops in here that keep producing they will just endlessly produce unless you take them away yes that’s really nice also I use I use the best retaining soils so that they’re also all always watered oh wow but I need more refined quartz to make more gardening pots oh that’s what you needed a for jeez this is really nice though thank you maybe one day when my house is uh ready for some renovating I’ll make a indoor garden as well I’m putting like eight of every crop except hops these are regrow and produce every day so I planted only four of those nice why is there a butterfly in the void like outside D walls yeah that’s a good question they just go wherever the heck they want even if it doesn’t exist in reality I mean children can also do that what the hell that’s why I didn’t want kids wait my Waring can’s done no too lateck off you can go there yet try go for it yeah it says there’s a chance yet open to 400 p.m. open to 4 believe in me go for it I am here me I’m clicking the door he doesn’t have the key to the town oh that’s why mhm I do but jfish doesn’t we can’t get it for him I don’t like invading people’s privacy um I need more quartz or I could take the ones which are currently the greenhouse I mean there’s exactly four of them take them I mean I placed them purposefully in places they wouldn’t be problematic the trash is where all my wealth comes from Max don’t you know that by now in late the going to the volcano very early tomorrow get trash die trying I mean I am practically doing in my house what I PL for the greenhouse D on a bigger scale nice it’s blue your cat the are oh by the way no one fish since that Monday huh I literally just fish but not in the right place you need two more lion fish yeah I know I mean I can get a go more lion fish and not where do I find line fish uh Ocean on the island okay I’ll give it a go tomorrow I guess yeah we still have some time I guess it’s easy to just teleport there and have a few to toses of my rod how do you call it cast cast that’s the word I was looking for meanwhile I’m looking for yes here they are 371 blueberries nice a thunderstorm just started I knew it I believe I still need to plant blueberries or not I’m not sure H I’ll just sell them and uh wor case scenario I’ll buy more from Pier H la la what kind of fish is this it’s not me if it’s a difficult one ocean and Island then it’s probably a super cucumber ah I mean the thing is difficult for me is a bit different than difficult for you so it’s hard to uh judge iron fish is meant to be easy oh okay well maybe I can actually catch that then a stop it Mouse stop it click once and leave it at that you’re Cola found everywhere okay this is not too hard it’s just that there’s a treasure I might want give that a try no yes it’s a line fish nice wait hey I did it oh a walnut what kind of Walnut was it h what the hell did I get that from the I got it was me who got it oh okay on the volcano it and how many do we still need oh I not keeping track of it do you know that torture technique Max where you hold someone in place and drip water on their face makes them go insane oh oh oh don’t mention don’t that’s what it sounds like Max is complaining about was time I’m already in bed pass out ah we got to pass out not me not me I call my mask got my bed hell yeah to the volcano I’m going to pass out in the fire in the fire the fire oh it’s going to say would recommend that slow clap special order Island ingredients has been fulfilled choke fish has earned the big uh the a big help achievement okay that sounds a bit odd I mean the achievement is called a big help and you got the achievement yeah but it’s OD to read out you’re odd to read out that is very true money money money uh what one more line fish I can do that and this gives us a recipe for a oh wait can send me a battery solar panel yeah new corrup also I got another Harvest of eggplants and I got my yums what do you do with the solar panel you place it gives a battery okay but it needs to be sunny for those days but you could just place it on the desert heck yeah big brain sea jelly yay I’m going to sell my yams yummy 8 + 1 is nine I just I simply bought 20 so I just should just remember to keep yeah to keep five the fishing thingy is completed get your tickets yeah yeah I’m I’m still working on my in side garden and now that uh the pineapples have been planted next up are hot peppers and then eggplants oh yes I need to go to Clint let’s not forget again oh in the pirat cave there’s one in there uh wait did we not dig that one we did not dig a it come on I knew that one was there I’m going theread gold watering can okay do I want to go even further okay it says it’s oh wait my beat already um everyone yes yes I mean for the mysterious G quest which unlocks the casino each and every one of us needs like 10 beats I’ve got 20 but I need to sell 15 mhm so how about we copy beats sure there’s no copy beat there is no Walnut here there is no what here Walnut the gold nut I’m digging the place but there’s [Music] nothing so does that mean we already have it or to the can’t find it though I think it on the right place I think that we can trade to maybe we need a secret not for it um and I don’t have it on my way home if you to copy the beat I don’t know I just can’t seem to get the golden one from there okay I have the Beats here let’s copy the golden ones so that we actually sell the golden ones that makes sense I pick the quartz okay um I’ll have to drop something there you go I have space put it in this chest temporarily or give me stone that’s fine too okay ready go okay wait I need to sell 15 so that means 10 10 I need five more for all of us okay we got it nice let me I’ll exactly 20 beats in this chest sure the one which I told you to put stuff in temporarily yes so we take 10 and 10 I’ll sell f like I said I would but boom 15 I’ll also sell the rest of the eggplants which I have and I need to bring them to the mayor’s house yo good night Max oh I know it we’ll see you again later how am I doing this Quest but not not bringing lonus his basket P You’re rude you dis lus eight gold ores to be collected and it’s Jody’s birthday hey I got a freaking idium line fish I got you probably got a perfect on that one nice it would have been it would have been golden but you got a effect so it’s iridium ah like that okay nice at when does p leave the bus stop six yeah six or seven five from somewhere around there okay because I need one piece of solar Essence and to go to the desert with it which chest is the solar essence probably the bones the red one the red the there’s no solar Essence in there absolutely zero the white one I would guess not in any chest um it’s in the white one not where the bones are but where the mineral well I got it should be on the one with the Slime the sa and the bones wait what do we do with Beats I still got it um put on the I you first need to get a Rainbow Shell and put it in a box at the bus stop then you’ll get a quest to put in the mayor’s fridge ah okay always keep this uh for a second then okay now go home do fish yes um I is the pile of lumber right next to your house available for being reached no idea it is okay oh it is um can you come here I want to show you something okay so can you see what I’m holding absolutely nothing okay I got a club card which means I can enter the casino wow where did you steal that from was my club card it was in my wood she placed it there with my name on it oh okay fine if it’s your name it’s probably not my finished his quest what do you mean probably probably I could write your name on something that I own and it would be mine just because your name on it doesn’t mean it’s yours yeah because you’d have my name on your under I do how did you know that do people check our yeah the Animals still have food and a lot of proes probably bacon is trying to sleep what do you mean it’s S I guess the thing just sleeps a lot I guess it’s already dark out that’s true where’s the bunnies with the chickens why can’t the bunny be with the other uh mammals because it’s a small animal okay wow for comparison ostriches do go in the barn ah okay well fine did you do a trash R today I did you did dang it okay so hot peppers planted and that’s all for summer crops next up oh wait no ah right I did plant Su squash so that’s all for summer crops I planted them no in my indoor garden oh yeah sorry does have your name on it I mean it’s inside my house and I placed it there was my and next up are fall crops including eggplants cranberries broccoli are there any other regrow F crap noidea I don’t think as she count and somewhere yeah but I didn’t plant corn okay and of course grape starters I mean with grape starter it’s more of a case of once I get junimos I want to have a steady supply of raisins o I need to kill two more bats for two one bats congratulations thanks thanks what was the batter reward again no idea he a b I’m fighting the vampire ring ah the health equivalent of the My Soul supper ring okay yes the actual good one yeah I mean if you’re that worried about energy just get the blessing of energy you got another check keep it keep it nice um wait awit incubator how do I craft it c shs um lag I can’t interact with anything I can enter buildings but I can’t interact with anything that sounds like what iost open chest or anything can you walk through the chest cuz I had something weird like that you last week oh no I couldn’t but suddenly literally every chest opened fin got up with [Music] you wait did I kill I did kill a bat H they need one b or two bats you needed two then I still need one B my bad okay we got an aich incubator bring it home home out to have you use it later I didn’t take today’s blessing it was the blessing of waters the what oh no not again it’s the chests at the blessing of waters first free fish you catch today will be easier I’m here where are you I placed the incubator inside the barn and went to bed yeah place it there not you didn’t place it you I I see now you you are in the bar and sit holding the incubator it’s uh getting late people on my screen I’m in my bed yeah there’s two people in bed we have three people here and Alice and and obsidian just fainted in my house it was the closest one it was not my fault it was you f lagging and I couldn’t use the incubator three out of three and it’s still 2 a.m. what is happening uh that is a good question oh no what did we do do we wait or do we it could be the problem with the you know chest problem M it might just be laggy cuz I can’t cancel my sleep and I’ll close my game sure I mean me closing the game should be the lest reentering okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so I close it and day is not going to be saved do it help not yet yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah did as soon as you saw the message that you left it uh continued so it was problem on my side okay then I guess a reconnect might not be bad anyway I am currently reconnecting it says waiting for host to finish event yes we are now once again in the game book sellers here yay uh what was the recipe for glazed yums I need sugar um if we got a windmill we could put beet in to get sugar but we can also just buy from Pier o deluke fishing tank oh man I should have kept my of thans uh obsidian I need more quartz thing is massive and I think jfish has the one quartz which we were copying yeah no it’s probably on the chest there’s some new on here though the test I thought some uh here wait a second please oh also fine I’m cleaning my inventory okay let’s do it he clean my inventory as so thank you wait come back okay I tried having a multiple of four but thanks for that 11 number beautiful number sorry it was not that I had it there nothing wrong with 11 [Music] [Music] today is today is kissy day some new ones in the chested them nice not like they were hidden you know what it’s Friday night going to offer Abigail a ticket to the cinema where the heck is she oh she’s gone oh no she said going to stretch her legs and down I need to pay more attention to what my wife says everybody should not too sure about that one everyone should pay attention to what your wife says huh true that if only people would do that W would be a better place Abigail’s going to tell you what to do oh problem what my making of that Deluxe retaining soil made us low on Stone I’ll go chop some mine uh chop some stones in mind what Happ that we have some Island come get them when obsidian says some you just never know how much it’s going to be 130 that’s pretty decent 13 where where where is abigil you are abigil on my Friday morning just before noon where would you be in the island I’ll just go to the mine do something useful guess we’re not going to go to the movies tonight oh another key bean from a rock it’s today keeping day even day so keeping day mhm another keeping another another each single one helps is UNS hello hello it’s quiet isn’t it I’m on smacking rocks it got quiet and I I think I I thought I had to crash it you did not got six beans already I L beans I got I think I’m going to get 300 that’s a bit more so two more harvests and I get enough k k food what do you need um how’s your stone thing collecting uh 103 I think that’s enough I need like five okay okay I’m more back then eggplants will be Quant planted in the quantity of six because really the only recipe they’re used for is eggplant Parmesan and to be completely honest I also need tomatoes for that meanwhile green bean Hot Pot uses like two green beans on its own stones are in the chest be to collect the beans I’m on way with the beans I mean that’s a lie but oh hello a little more but it’s okay I he I do my best yes he did oh the baby’s still moving nice okay I said that as if it wasn’t expecting the baby to move but I was okay let’s see one last time if we can find every kill okay next up is corn definitely not here she wait Tom I also need tomatoes where the heck is she hiding willly where did you high w and broccoli there she is short [Music] any we need to do be right my my inside Garden is almost finished nice I still need to do some planting but uh all the gardening pots are was lying a cat is lying cat is a li yes he’s saying he having it in ears you this like that’s what they all sound like why is there a freaking Crow inside here jeez oh the SLO machine machine thingy crane game heck yeah coffee I also need coffee ah this is not a crane game I don’t know how this works let’s press that oh wait traveling card traveling card do you have coffee beans please I absolutely it’s closed no so close so far I’m going to do something something which I shouldn’t bam grab nothing okay hide this game what the heck are you the movie is about to begin oh uh did you know Leah is at the movies as well she’s alone though don’t worry mysterium that’s this week’s movie or this month’s season whatever that’s scary a faint silhouette in the dark Abigail’s giggling scary Leah is in bed right now what she’s right here the stream quch Abigail is really enjoying a rock candy the desolate unknown void of space where Untold horrus await big eyeball more big eyeball and a pyramid variety of disjointed utal scenes play out it’s a skeleton you must tell your friends to see mysterium tonight or I will visit you in your sleep that’s it great M just the it’s just the advertisement of the movie wow that’s the movie the advertisement let me let me talk to Leah Leah’s thinking silently about the film okay how can she be in two places at the same time there was pretty campy but I like the same way Abigail is just disappearing fine oh shoot it’s getting late abigil let’s go I’m looking for more of my grape starters like I bought 20 but in the chest there’s only seven okay I got them that math does not check out okay I planted everything rest is going to be grape starters quick she already home she probably has the Leo already home during the show yeah she’s absolutely quick so quick she’s in two spaces at the same time okay grape starts for a good supply of raisins check uh next stream guess I’m reworking the farm to include pressure nozzles and jimal hats nice and while you doing this I don’t know what I’m going to do probably plant some more carrots hello man I remember when in 1.5 this area was smaller and in my house it was filled with cegs now I have an indoor garden Alice has made it too bad that’s the first really [Music] also means today is volcano day oo more cranberries as well um I’m only doing this for checking I don’t expect this to give produce anytime soon um okay so I did remember to plant corn I didn’t forget that’s good more cranberries cranberries I forgot to plant cranberries well at least we got plenty of that yeah yeah so that’s four grave starters less and I need for retaining soil more F what spiders no it’s because you know the first travel inside the island that the Pats carry you no don’t know about it no then later I’ve never I’ve never been there properly who’s driving that laundry near the lightning rods probably if Mission but not sure she okay now it’s officially done all right let’s have a look who fancy also green bean Harvest jump jump nice I also have planted cacti mhm mhm what do you do with cacti do you get a cacti fruit yes yes nice that’s the desert forageable ah okay nice and it is a regrow plant that’s really handy go inside would you like some green bean Hot Pot your phone’s ring let me answer your phone um it isn’t on my screen uh it’s a recorded message in a foreign language you can’t understand it at all I’m going to call Pierre hi Pierre I Know What You Did Last Summer your TV is way better than mine oh no I forgot the queen of SWS last week but we got the cookbook oh yeah never mind I still forgot about it want some green hot po heck yeah how delicious is it n n n jeez it’s very delicious what you get magnetic what else you get magnetic radius and blessing speed nice woo look how fast I am are you faster than me just a bit I mean it’s only a plus. five modifier oh okay yeah that’s not a lot and youv Fry nobody cares so I used item IDs to get a bunch of coffe beans I’m going to leave them in the chest you know which one PL them in the island later well you’re going to do that later yes uh and just so you know I got a stack of 999 nice see I just need to find that small chicken which was used for this and get rid of them oh no wait I got seven Chi beans just now seven jeez today’s Abigail’s birthday great let’s uh give her something I’ll bring her the stardrop tea later sure don’t forget I’m with you in time samper that’s been a while how are you how have you been how you beans how you ke beans say after eating green bean Hot Pot mhm hey if you’re at Pierce could you buy me some sugar just left damn it can go back though if you uh here go hey you remember my birthday thanks joke fish you don’t have to call me by my name like that that’s awkward that’s really nice yes it is yeah okay which one of my chests has that’s fine time Stamper it might be in my attic uh you need sugar yes I need sugar how many sugars surprise me as long as it’s above 10 H okay let me just uh get through the Scot scene first the hell you doing there Harvey go be a doctor or something I can wire you the money if you tell me how much it costs I’ll uh let you know soon and don’t try to lie I mean I do have the phone I can ask Pierre it’s probably not even worth wiring over yeah why am I judging Arvy I’m going to the desert good luck with what with your journey to the desert good luck I’m at the desert and you already don’t need the good luck anymore okay great um I need luck with collecting coconuts we do need 10 of those 40 in the island I have a lot of them here in the test next to the F like lots of we also need Co Cactus fruits I mean there’s four of them here and I have some growing but lot ofon not today not today yes I have time Stamper we already have new stream oh he start a clap cut that’s right now step aside Blockhead and boom he explodes wow why do you want your sugar just put it in my fridge why is Bam asking me to clean her house what sugar in the fridge sure I’ll put your sugar in the fridge old place for sure but sure I’m playing Blackjack by the way are you winning so far and this round was a loss hit me here that’s a loss a hit and that’s Blackjack nice a hit stand earn good money with it that’s a loss HIT stand and the dealer Bast that’s a win nice hit hit what stand that’s l um hit me [Music] stand the dealer bus uh hit hit Bast hit hit hit hit hit what the hell and that’s Blackjack what the hell what so many hits what’d you get well I got a lot of ones and twos nice oo keep being in a trash yeah by the way tell me what hour is it because 810 I mean they purposefully put the hour in the the casino in the bottom right corner where it’s hard to see well you do know that’s like an actual thing in casinos trying to find a clock there I mean you may have not been to a casino but I can tell you you’re don’t going to find a clock there so wait what how much does the reward I want cost well that’s a cool flooring that’s a cool wallpaper but those are really expensive and the rare Crow is 10K okay I need to work on that that’s not that bad that’s 10K in ch coin oh which uh are which cost like a, CH coins a th000 normal coins is 100 CHS okay so one to 10 I’m going to play the calicos spin which is literally just roulette it’s 1010 p.m. uh you mean 10:20 10:20 p.m. I mean I’m betting small on this machine if I win something that’s good if I don’t that’s just 10 chins last you never understood this game well you can just do stuff that’s what most games are about right just doing stuff okay I started betting lter and so far it’s working out for me I mean I’d need even more to even think of using the High bed table it’s 12:00 a.m. yes at at 1:00 a.m. I’m using the scepter receptor zpp scepter zetor you’re kind of buzzing not really better let even my just cuz that’s uh okay it’s getting worse it’s getting worse it’s a.m. I have a statue at home which will help me in Remembering birthdays because it’s it’s normally produces stuff like diamond believe I’m going to pass out again and and it produces a gift if it’s someone’s birthday oh okay wow in other words I’ll remember hey this is someone’s birthday if it appears as a gift I pass out in the transition from one place to another are you in limbo now yes 14 for fall my birthday spreading Wheats have caused damage to your farm wow where what the hell the baby escaped um it’s not on my farm but I also have a giant pumpkin the baby escaped why now you have to interact with that thing uh not on my farm oh yes some maybe I giant pumpkin where at my farm ooh nice spooky R time for chop it go for it I mean z Farm jump jump 21 pumpkins heck yeah have a look at my baby that’s what people do right there they they show their ugly babies to everyone and then they’re like oh isn’t it beautiful no just looks like a really ugly baby the statue gave me a diamond today wow thank you that’s payment for all the Cranberries I just stole sure I’ll just put it with all the other diamonds and that’s 15 pumpkins which which means I’m done with selling pumpkins don’t with the stuff and got 400 ke fruit man but Max had to miss this the baby broke out I got two more key beans in the chest wait um it might have not counted me selling those yams I mean I think those are Ys on this list I great you know what I’m going to I don’t want to talk to the baby get back in b thing is scary oh no it’s running away never mind baby did Don’t Run Away yes those are supposed to be Ys it didn’t count for me something weird six I mean I didn’t sell them directly to Pi and unless they somehow quick stacked somewhere you need to ship them if you sell them directly they don’t I said I said I didn’t ship them directly I said that I did ship them oh sorry I misheard you my bad well where are the yums 12 is a dino ever going to grow up how big is it going to get um that’s it oh thought it was going to be so big that we had to dump it on an island wait I still have four yams in my fridge which means that I could that we could copy a yam sure but it’s just to sell the 15 yams 16 okay I placed it down accidentally wow how dare you 16 17 thank you wait I’m going to take I’m going to keep my y the quest back yes all right when I shipped them it was when that crash happened which means yeah jeez that’s nasty which means I still need to ship my Beats yikes luckily they are still here in this chest jfish I still I got my 10 but oh the copy yeah yeah yeah on my way I want my 15 [Music] yes coming in from the north SoMo hell yeah your touching CS more often than I think interest okay thank you you’re welcome and I’m selling those beats MH because it didn’t count previous L just try not to crash now I just noticed the chicken which I used to get all those caffy beans was a blue chicken H okay we still need to sell a beer luckily I do have an iridium quality beer to sell don’t ask me why it’s idium quality cuz it’s perfect I mean don’t ask me why I’m aging beer oh beer does not generally get better with age yes it does H low alcohol beer it does give you a way to keep you hydrated without spoiling because water is spoils that’s true I guess that’s why and that’s why people use beer long long long travels with chips that’s why back in medieval times they only drank beer because that was the only way to get some know good water without getting ill not really they like yeah a cup of beer in the medieval times they literally puked just to drink even more yeah I mean I’m sure people still do that nowadays uh yeah but they had like something to purposefully make them puke so that they can drink more but the problem is if when you’re puking the alcohol goes through the part which absorbs alcohol again so you’re getting even more drun I mean I think it’s pretty obvious that it’s a bad idea why when you’re drunk and you puke you get more drunk that’s like bad human anatomy human is anatomy I did not design his body your mom did yeah that’s is so a human body is incredible in so many bad things it has did you know that the N connection that goes to your brain oh here it is the Prismatic let’s see what it gives me it gives me money look like a detour yay goes through your heart I found the Prismatic butterfly on every vertebrate that there was including the G I don’t know how to say it giraffas dra giras yes gir giraffas going to say giraffas giraffas because yes that’s how we say it in Portuguese I put bait in the ocean Crab Pot don’t those are mine I never touch him anyway I mean first of all I do need the lobster second of all the Crab Pot fish I mean I do need Lobster I do need crab and those are the two ocean CRA buttfish I need I also need need the par wrinkle and the snail and those two are are also used in cooking I believe you need to get them you need to place the crap pots in the river fresh we still have some crap pots at home don’t we no they are out there the beach didn’t you didn’t when I asked about crab pots you said there are some at home and there are some at the beach I think I said it because I was ring it wrong by the way your wine and jelly is ready jelly wine okay I I need to my every area okay great the baby is back in bed wait like in its locked room I want to call it a jail but you know is thanks for watching White Rabbit we’ll see you again next time you’re saying like you’re only saying goodbye to him we are literally ending I know but he is now saying time to dip so I specifically reacted to his thingy but you are right today Sunday second week in whoops today was also strawberry Harvest I just harvested them good job H what is this oh that’s not what I meant to pick up get back in there there we go uh did I yes I did Harvest that today that’s all harvested easy peasy is this chob yes it is great yeah so H I guess we did not did we get any closer to the radiation stuff cuz I have no idea about how that works literally I don’t know I’d say not really can happen I mean we could check the tboard now after the stream is over to know if it’s happening next stream sure maybe that’s some good information but yeah let’s just say our goodbyes yes yes goodbye and that’s it for tonight thank you for watching everyone we will be back again next week Monday with some more St valy this Wednesday will be raft and then on the Friday some more raft probably going to finally actually build a raft but we’ll have to see no prises thanks for watching everyone good night boy goodbye

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You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?

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