The Story Of Minecraft’s FIRST Enderman..

growing up I always wanted to be an astronaut but that’s not really realistic so when I grew up I became a cartographer at least this way I could still explore the world why I worked on my maps but one day when I was out working on a map I could feel something calling out to me and it was coming from this cave so I grabbed some equipment and began exploring eventually the cave led me to these ancient ruins I’d never even heard about anything like these before so I started exploring the first thing I found was a really ancient library but this isn’t what was calling out to me so I kept going deeper and deeper and eventually I found it this portal was calling me I think I was destined to be the one to activate it but I wouldn’t be able to do it on my own I was gonna need help so I went back to my Village to look for some help so what do you guys say want to help me explore new dimension uh not really man we just want to be Farmers oh okay so are you in oh man you know I want to but I gotta take care of this kid teach him how to be a blacksmith I understand oh wait let’s go he just grew up now you can come um uh well this is awkward what I just didn’t want to go so what do you say want to explore a new dimension dude I just sell books no one in my Village would help me but I didn’t give up I started traveling across the world going to Villages I didn’t even know existed asking other people for help but no matter where I went all the villagers said the same thing nobody was willing to help me they just wanted to keep doing their jobs so I came up with a new plan and that’s how I got you guys the best and the brightest I could find from any Village uh sir you know where nitwits right all right for your guys first mission I want you to go to my house and get my money and buy us some basic equipment yes sir I’m gonna figure out how to light this portal all right portal speak to me give me some kind of sign dude I’m telling you the portal spoke to me can I please borrow 12 obsidian sure I can give you 12 obsidians but promise me whatever you’re doing you’ll be safe don’t worry I’ve got this and when I make history I promise I’ll tell them that you help me all right how’d you guys do did you get the stuff yeah here come look at what we got okay nice some basic tools and food this is a good start the rest is this way oh nice some blocks and some Redstone perfect can you give me the rest of the money the rest we spent it all what that was my life savings you know what it’s fine I don’t need the money because after we activate this portal we’re all gonna become rich and famous I can’t really explain it but it’s like the portals telling me something I just feel like the subsidian’s gonna work all right final piece here we go oh my God guys let’s go it activated okay this is perfect now before we go in we’re gonna need to spend about three more weeks getting equipment and food so we’re ready for anything that all right I know it looks bad but everyone stay calm calm down calm down listen I don’t know what happened but I think the portal collapsed maybe obsidian wasn’t the right way to power it all right if we want to survive we have to focus clearly we’re in some kind of space Dimension I want you guys to explore this island and see if you can find a portal like the one we came through maybe we can go back yes sir all right be safe and don’t split up good luck I’m gonna start working on a base what should I build first honestly with all this space having a flying machine might be really nice all right nice the flying machine’s finished and I got us a campfire going what is that noise sir sir there’s a dragon a dragon what he almost killed us all we need to run uh okay um I guess everybody get on the Flying Machine wait take the food oh good call it’s not that much food but we’ll make it work all right everybody on the machine guys what are you doing get on the machine listen sir there’s not enough food for all of us we all know it we don’t have time for this get on right now no one has ever believed in us before you were the first one what are you guys saying hurry up thank you wait what no guys why did you do that we’re gonna distract the dragon While You Escape all right Dragon we’re here to slay you after a few minutes I couldn’t even see the island anymore but the nitwit sacrifice gave me a chance I had to use it for weeks I was floating through space surrounded by nothing and I was starting to run out of food and right when I wanted to give up there was hope oh my God I can’t believe it there’s land I can’t believe it I didn’t think I was gonna see land ever again I’m not saved yet though I still have to find two things a source of food and a way out of this Dimension maybe this way what is this place it’s amazing it’s so cool whoa I’ve never seen that mob before it might be hostile I’m gonna have to attack first before it attacks me here I go whoa I have never seen a villager that looks like you before wait what there’s villagers even in a place like this do you guys live here yeah here we’ll show you around whoa what are these purple box things those are shulkers and they’re here to protect us don’t worry we told them not to attack you wait this is crazy how do you make the ship fly the shulkers applied a layer of magic to it that makes it float wait what no no way you guys have wings no we don’t have wings we developed a suit that allows us to fly we call them elytres I don’t get it you look like a farmer but I don’t see any farms around here what do you grow here try some this is what we eat here it’s called chorus fruit oh sure thank you whoa what the heck how did you guys do that to me that’s sick we didn’t do anything to you that’s what happens when we eat your food doesn’t do that no our food doesn’t do anything like that we just eat it what kind of food do you eat a bunch of stuff bread apples fish here try a potato okay thanks oh my God that is the best thing I’ve ever eaten my whole life do you have more of that I don’t have that many with me but if I get back to my world I’ll bring you guys a ton of potatoes and your fruit gave me a really good idea all right the machine is done thanks for letting me borrow the materials I needed as long as you bring us more potatoes it was totally worth it if this machine gets me home like I think it will I’ll bring you as many potatoes as you want I’ve read about this machine a long time ago a scientist used it to fuse a pig with a man I built it the exact same way maybe if we fuse me with the coarse fruit I can teleport myself home let’s do it is it supposed to make that humming noise the machine exploded sending out a massive shock wave that would change this Dimension forever what happened Guys open the door let me out whoa what the heck how did that just happen guys oh no what’s going on guys what happened to you who did this guys say something what’s going on why aren’t you talking to me all right I’m gonna go get help dude something’s wrong with your friend wait another one what’s going on here they’re all over the place and where did all the villagers go I know maybe there’s still one in the ship but how do I get up there whoa how did I just do that whatever guys is anybody here we have a big problem what even up here this is really bad and what’s going on with me too it’s really weird anywhere I think about going I just appear the nitwits oh my God it actually worked I can see them let oh my God no I’m too late it may be too late for the nitwits but I have to fix the end villagers I caused this oh perfect I’m in the Overworld I can try to get some help guys it’s so good to see you I need your help I found these villagers from another what where are you all going all right he’ll definitely help me dude I need your help son get inside now wait what I’ll handle this dude what are you doing I thought we were friends I gotta get out of here all right I should be safe now look there it is I told you it’s a new mob people are calling them Enderman if you kill them you get a rare item in Ender Pro I don’t want any trouble look it’s cool it has purple eyes back me up I’m gonna fight it wait what dope no guys stop what are you doing no I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I didn’t know I was that strong it was an accident all right I’ve just gotta stay away from everyone and figure things out on my own what oh my God the rain it’s killing me so I decided I would just live the rest of my life in the end Dimension away from everybody at least that’s what I thought but after a couple years I saw something I thought I would never see other people in the end [Music]

The sequel to the story of Minecraft’s first raid full movie! This isn’t the end of the story there is a whole bunch of new stories coming! Enjoy the story of Minecraft’s first enderman!!

Special thanks to the GOATS Roy, Mike, Teddy, Grayson, Miracle, Classter and anyone else who voiced or helped film scenes!

Massive Thanks TO @Qdandy @Evbo for voicing characters!!

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  1. I remember when I was younger my brother and my friend sent me on a flying machine to see if you could get to other islands without beating the game or ender dragon

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