I REACHED PERFECTION in Stardew Valley’s 1.6 Update [FULL MOVIE]

I played over 2 years of stardew Valley’s 1.6 update and achieved Perfection for those who had a chance to get stuck into the update I don’t know about you but it really did blow any expectations I had out of the water there’s just so much to see in this update so I hope you enjoyed this Mega Movie from day one all the way to Perfection March 19th 2024 I know I was one of thousands anxiously switching between Twitter Steam and Discord whilst concerned ape was enjoying his lovely morning coffee just kidding obviously I know there was a lot going on but the second that update dropped I was so excited that I could barely handle sitting still enough to actually get the update installed I specifically haven’t read the patch notes all I really knew about the update were the posts that concerned ape himself shared on Twitter in the leadup to the big day who knew what else was waiting for us so I jumped right in to create my Farmer on the brand new Farm type the Meadowlands Farm chewy Blue Grass who chickens that settles it because of the grass and my we’re going to name this the chewy Farm I’ll hide the favorite thing for now because I forget what this is for a long time it’s going to be worth the surprise there’s a new dog oh my God it’s so cute I was pretty set on doing a JoJo run but I still checked the year one completable box for the community center just in case and it was really cool to see the legacy randomization is an option too play Farmers Rejoice I don’t need that though so let’s jump into our first day a new Farmhouse first of all look how cute the The Farmhouse is pop tier coziness no time to lose though let’s get those parsnips in the ground oh it’s hay where my parsnips Harvest an egg from your chickens it’s also fun that the getting started Quest is different for this Farm too this Farm is very pretty I’m a huge fan oh look at it especially the grass but let’s say hello to our new chicks here I just started clearing out the farm then noticed all the changes to the menus where I found out the names of my chicks clucky and Bey what are these I’m excited to find out what all the stuff does in this new tab some look like the wallet items but there’s lots of new stuff here oh TCH sign loads of new stuff on the calendar too we’ll discover more about these in time because now it’s time to buy our seeds I’m losing my mind I’m actually losing my mind what is that I tried to get some of each crop but mainly wanted potatoes and I also love that some of the places have a bit of a new look as well love the new rug here I did the rounds to meet as many people as possible and when I got to the beach I found a new type of dig spot what is that what new crops I don’t know how much more excitement I can handle the disappointment of a single spring onion in the forest calm me down though is that so many things to find out and it was taking so much resistance not to look anything up it wasn’t until the evening that I could get my crops down and I’m a huge fan of the fact that the carrots will only take 3 days with all the crops watered I was pretty much out of energy so I moved the furniture to have the bed closer to the door like I usually do and got some rest day two and I’m not going to tell you about every watering from here just know if I don’t mention it I’ve still done it I went on my way to grabb the day spring onions when I found a distraction I pretty much guessed that this is something to do with reaching level 10 in all of the skills so we’ll come back then but now I focused on some earlier game stuff like meeting more of the villagers and collecting my fishing rod believe it or not I actually stuck around to fish I still don’t really like the act of fishing but let’s just say the tan challenge has opened my eyes a little bit I mean I knew it was decent money already but since this playthrough will be a JoJo run I better suck it up and get to work oh that first catch thing is new too it wasn’t long before my backpack was nearly full so I might as well sell straight to Willie here I found fish specific bait for sale which changes each day and the recipe for a fish mocha which doubles the sale price of the fish including its quality awesome machine can’t afford it yet though noticed the new materials too however it looks like this made me forget to actually sell the fish you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on what oh I think it’s that’s a level up notification oh I like that I greeted a few more towns folk that afternoon only leaving Sebastian so after planting the mix seeds I fished up I went and fished at the lake banking on Sebastian coming out here for an evening smoke I even shared one of my fish just to get the reward I also hit Level One foraging that night and made a few hundred gold from those fish on day three Clint invited himself to my doorstep to talk about copper all first of all I fished it up they weren’t from rocks and second of all why are you going through my stuff thanks for the furnace blueprint though I guess lucky and pecky laid their first eggs today completing the getting started Quest and instead of the quest step to build a coupe I’ll need to build a silo instead I went out looking for some new stuff and found a new machine in Louis’s house what this seems kind of looty seems like I need to keep my eye out for these ticket things myy shop had some cute new furniture for our animal friends and I actually found a decent amount of spring onions nearby this time then the afternoon was for fishing at the River catfish are great money but I’m not great enough to catch those so I’ll have to make do with whatever else I can catch including my first River jelly which leveled me up too I came home when my backpack was full and spent any remaining energy on Farm clearance on day four I found this new area behind the joj mar what is this there was something suspicious to me about this tree so I went home just for my axe yes treasure not that I can get to it yet I need to upgrade my axe ASAP believe it or not I fished again for the third day in a row once again heading home when my backpack was full I really should have brought a chest but eating a spring onion did allow me one more fish at least this saved me enough time and energy to make my first Forest seeds to plant I won’t be using tea saplings as a money maker though those are only worth half the amount now and I’d like to try some other things this time anyway there’s another few hundred gold in the bank including my first carrot for shipping completion because yes this is a Perfection run man brought this puppet to me the next morning I can’t name this one after my own dog because he’s got the entire Farm named after him so I asked my husband for help welcome to the farm Gandalf amongst some other letters I was informed that the mines are now open look at the fancy new joia letter head the past notes were ready today feels weird only harvesting three but it was petting the chickens that gave me the farming level up I was hoping for I really need that scarecrow tomorrow I was happy to have a break from fishing today and collected my rubbish sword from Marlon because for this day we’re diving into the mines it was a good day for it too look at all these gems already I reached level 10 with relative ease and slipped on my first pair of boots and at this point I was ready to make my first furnace melting that first bar always a good feeling I thought I’d have no trouble getting to floor 15 maybe even further that was until I reached a slime floor on 14 and there were loads of them it didn’t stop me but it definitely slowed me down one of the welcome changes for this update is that swinging your weapon in the downwards Direction now works better but to begin with I was so not used to it it’s going to take me some time I called it a day after reaching 15 a great day’s work also having hit Level One Mining and combat in addition to that farming level day six was a really good luck day I didn’t leave the farm without placing the Scarecrow much harder without UI info Suite but I gave it my best guess I know the mod works with 1.6 but I wanted to get through at least this year completely vanilla in case of accidental spoilers I needed more onions to get me through the mining then I skipped that Community Center scene because we’ve got other plans for that dilapidated building I gained another foraging level outside the museum where I made my first donations for the extra 250 gold then I went into that smelly old building to read the plaque so the wizard can make contact all of that delayed me reaching the mines till that afternoon but I wasn’t going to let that stop me progressing as much as I could even the spiral floor was on my side today with an early ladder thank goodness for the slight weapon upgrade very much came in handy for another slime floor I didn’t ask for at least there was loot here kind of it all sucked but floor 25 was where I exited for this day I stepped out to the lovely sight of potatoes on day seven got a Bonus one too the much anticipated wizard M was waiting in my letter box so I finished off my farm chores and headed down there can’t forget the traveling cart on the way here I found my first book now the whole book seller thing makes sense I don’t enjoy reading in real life but this is awesome can’t afford it though I introduced myself to the wizard but skip the nasty tree juice I only trust joa Cola as much as I wanted to hang out in the mines I needed to buy that joa membership and I’m barely halfway there so fishing it is at least I can still fish up the ORS I dropped into the adventurers Guild when it opened to sell off my spare weapons I think these decorations are new but I haven’t really paid attention to this before I also noticed another gift box in the back room but to get in here I’ll need to slay a thousand monsters another task for the ever growing list I ended up going foraging instead selling the few things I’d caught directly to Willie then spent the rest of the day clearing up more Farm mess if I don’t chip away at it now it’ll only get worse plus I really wanted the wood to fix up the beach bridge on day eight I checked the bulletin board again which is when I finally noticed this star rating thing on here still not quite sure how it works is it how many I’ve completed is it the type of quest let me know I got the Beach Bridge fixed to get the forage over here and to see if there was anything new could notice anything so I fished towards my JoJo membership again I wasn’t there for long though because I didn’t want to forget about Alex’s topaz’s request but since I can’t access his room I’ll have to come back another time instead of resuming fishing I went back to the farm to get the rice shoots planted but at least I fished enough to reach level three I brought that topaz to Alex first thing on Day N anything to go towards my JoJo membership I fished at the ocean until my backpack was full because I just wanted to hang out here in sell Street to Willie each time but when I entered the store he wasn’t there it’s not Saturday what’s going on also what’s this machine here you can change your fishing bubber they’re purely cosmetic I believe and they unlock based on each new fish you catch I couldn’t possibly pick just one so I set it to random I dropped most of the fish in the shipping bin instead and fish the evening away at the mountain lake on day 10 another few carrots were ready and being so close to that JoJo membership I made some forage seeds to boost my income a little bit more shipping them off with a few other random things since Pierre’s is closed today it’s Harvey who will come to the rescue though because his request for a potato will give me just enough money to bring my balance to where I want it before buying the membership I took a minute to browse the store’s Wares and I need this catalog not today obviously I can’t afford it and I need that membership here you go moris take all of my money and that’s great news that we’ll be able to put that old deric building to good use as a warehouse I fished at the beach again getting my first two Jades and I got the next level up thankfully Wily’s actually here now so I can sell off my fish as I go but I was all fished out by the evening so it was time to chill out of the saloon day 11 was when my first green beans and forage seeds were right for the picking got another farming level too one of yesterday’s Jades got donated to the museum worth it to me for the free cauliflower seeds the book seller was in town for the first time today love the balloon and everything here you can buy books that give you experience in certain skills as well as permanent power ups like speed boost for you and your Steed but one of the ones that excited me the most today was the price catalog to show the value of your items the UA infosite mod does do this already but this is an incredible addition for those who can’t or don’t want to use mods some of these are quite pricey for early game though so I had to leave empty-handed I planted all of those cauliflower Seas before pulling up the day spring onions and collecting Robin Zachs I went straight over to return it to her but first I checked out the store to find that this is where we can buy the big chest recipe I cannot wait to have a bigger place to store my loot but now all things Jo to take priority it was also nice to see all the lighting options here right from the start instead of having to keep reopening the menu to buy each recipe but anyway I returned the axe because I was after the reward my next stop was the mindes to get down a few more flaws this one was unusually dark and I’m so glad my loot radar was working well today or I wouldn’t have spotted the ancient seed that dropped I raced down to the museum to get it donated before they close I can’t waste a single day on planting an ancient seed since they do take a long time to grow I still went back to the mines despite it being late and somehow made it down to floor 30 and made it back in time for bed bring on the Mayo machine and the sprinklers what on Earth is moss soup though sounds gross to me of course I immediately made that Mayo machine on day 12 how do we drink Mayo responsibly without any Mayo since it was a bad luck day I fished at the mountain with a chest nearby this time to store the extra fish and loot I left in the evening though I could only take so much fishing on this day my cauliflowers were ready the next morning only two but it’ll do for now to film my time productively before the egg Festival I preed and watered the ground in prep for all the strawberries I want to buy interestingly I tried to till the whole path on my way into town in the desperate hope that I might get some clay towards the silo safe to say this did not work I pretty much emptied my account for those strawberries here but we can always just make more gold I spoke to everyone for the Friendship points then got ready for the egg hunt also I thought what what was I doing here I’m so embarrassed even then I still managed to grab myself 12x I was so close to 13 plenty for that wi I’ll be wearing the straw hat with pride I struggled through planting those strawberries in the dark and you can see here I tiled way more tiles than I needed that was just my unsuccessful hunt for clay I still had a bit of energy left for one more attempt hey I got a piece I was relieved to skip the watering on day 14 that gives me more energy to get through the mines on my way I dug up my first book The stardew Valley Almanac this gives some farming XP now I’m not really a reader in real life but if it were this quick and easy I would definitely do it a lot more I struggled through all of those dark floors and made it to level 40 that evening I don’t really care about this slingshot I was more celebrating the access to iron or so I can make sprinklers but I took my leave soon after that because I was almost out of food at least I got one iron bar melting first day 15 marks the start of salmonberry season I only made made a brief stop at the mines to grab the iron bar because today was to be a foraging day but I did stop off at home first to make a single sprinkler the best it could do for me right now was to just water two crops but that is still too less that I have to water myself every day I also found out I had enough clay for The Silo so I retrieved some of my copper bars from the mines and went to put the order in with rubbin kind of forgot to clear out a spot for it though so I shoved it anywhere it would fit that’s not in my way until I figure out something more permanent then it was back to berry picking into the night I think the rain was crying with laughter at my lonely spring Claw on day 16 at least I could occupy it two other spots with some carrot seeds I dug up half the day was spent clearing up the farm well that’s not ideal and neither is that I strongly debated drinking some mayo to replenish my energy but my version of drinking Mayo responsibly is not to drink it at all it’s to sell it the profit which I’ll be giving to joa to help me with that profit I wanted help from some more sprinklers so better spend more time in the mines for iron nice to see a level up here as well and I got a coffee bean from a dust Sprite shortly after I didn’t want to eat all of my berries today so no more mining for me what I should really be doing is gathering more berries whilst they’re still around then I got home close to midnight to plant that coffee bean I woke up to an extra 100 gold on day 17 for the completion of The Silo time to fill it up with hay love the new animation for this by the way Sam stopped me on my way to check the calendar to ask me what his new song should be about isn’t it obvious farming Mining and chopping wood of course at least I could have sworn I picked that option brain you’ve done it again anyway the calendar I knew I saw something about a festival for the past 2 days but I didn’t get a mail I couldn’t find it anywhere and it’s still covered in question marks I hope I haven’t missed something important here maybe we find out next year Leah put up a request for an emergency daffodil for her s to bit horrified really but she’s offering one of those tickets and I can’t say no to that I asked to upgrade my pickaxe first because the iron mining was getting frustrating then I fished at the river for a sunfish because Sam was after one and he too was giving out a ticket I wanted to show him another fish I caught but for some reason he thought it was his whatever I just want to head to the machine but it looks like leou is using it right now actually he’s reloading it with prizes Le started this program to encourage the community to help each other but he also seem worried that some people would only be in it for the prizes uh I I just I just just want to help I’m new around here I’m all about the community Spirit now excuse me I’m here to collect my prize this thing’s pretty satisfying to use but what’s this mystery boxes oh my God I need it I need it I need it I need it I I went out looking for Leah to give over the daffodil but I couldn’t find her anywhere so I fished in town hoping she’d pass me on the way to The Saloon or on her way home he didn’t she wasn’t at the saloon either so I ran around the forest using the flower as a sort of Beacon and it worked uh where’s my ticket I guess it’s because I already got that one from Sam it’s another night of forest berry picking for me nothing like a foraging walk to tame the angry loot Goblin I also got another foraging level today including a new recipe for a mushroom log and level five fishing here too let’s make those fish more valuable day 18 was an entire one of fishing I literally didn’t let myself do anything else today so that night I managed to make a good couple of gr that went towards an axe upgrade on day 19 after collecting my pickaxe sorry Clint no break for you I really need these better tools same goes for my fishing rod I need to invest in a better one of those too so I can catch more fish using bait which was subsidized by some beach forage I just found this was feeling so much better and I fished up a diamond several artifacts today actually I’d been selling fish to Willie to make room but you know what would make even more room good afternoon Pier One bat bag upgrade please oh look it’s Morris hi Morris he’s here with coupons 50% off sorry Morris I would but you don’t sell backpacks if you did though I’d be first in line looks like I’m paying full price today absolutely worth it for double the space though now I had the space to fish for a longer amounts of time though I thought I better still hand off the museum donations first with Summer around the corner the free seeds will be essential the rest of the day’s fishing was done at the lake where I obtained my first Deluxe bait this increases the bite rate and the fishing bar size we’ll be saving these for more important things later all of that fishing got us to level six unlucky new things like the bait maker which you can insert fish into to make bait for that fish and the sonar bobber to show which fish is on the line I also looked at the mushroom log recipe this gives an easy source of mushrooms outside of the cave but Moss I’ve not found any of that yet I harvested my prize carrots before placing my first Tapper to get started with the oak resin then back to fishing I went I’d also been smelting some iron in between and I wanted to check the request board for tickets I also found out there’s another day in that festival and it’s Shane’s birthday but then I kept misclicking around the requests got there eventually to find out Elliot wanted a joola for a stew e I’m probably going to do it anyway but since I now know it’s Shane’s birthday it’ll be rude not to buy him a beer here you go Shane happy birthday I brought a cauliflower to jod for her Curry and look who just so happens to be leaving his room was I just so happened to have a joa cola on me for this playthrough I’ll be aiming to date Sam I’ve already married Shane in the island Artisan series which leaves one other jojet employee here to date wonder if he can get me a discount I wasn’t ready to sleep after that encounter so it was a night of iron mining for me plus I really got to get those sprinklers sorted all that watering was killing me and I ended up passing out by the warmth of the furnaces but we’d made more than enough gold today to offset the pass out penalty on day 21 I was delighted to be harvesting my first strawberries which came with another farming level some of these I kept for processing later but a lot of these I shipped the book sell is in town today again let’s see if Marcelo has anything new I was so tempted to get the price catalog today but I really shouldn’t looks like the two skill books change each time as well this time there was one for combat and the Book of stars which gives XP in all of the skills my copper ax was ready for collection and I wasted no time in going straight over to the hardwood stump and clearing my way to Loop inside that box was another prize ticket a free orange sapling is nice but that’s one step closer to those mystery boxes I guess it would be good to find out what the other new items are too though Elliot was on the peer to hand over that joj Cola then I stuck around for an afternoon a fishing I left that evening when I was almost out of energy and Willie was close so I couldn’t sell to him either when I got back to the farm I noticed there was another section with loads of debris across the stream hidden behind this tree was a bridge I removed the stump to gain access to this little space where grandpa’s trainers I’ll have to have a think about how best to utilize this area we made a few grand overnight mainly thanks to a few strawberries so Demetrius was at my doorstep the next morning because that meant I could unlock the farm cave since there is no Community Center I’m going with the mushrooms for daily energy or extra profit I grabbed the Rogue strawberry I must have forgotten to water one day and since it was a good luck day I was up at the mines trying to get down more floors I got a boot upgrade on floor 50 but floor 59 was out to stop me not the Swarm on a spiral floor my time was running out but I wasn’t giving up without a fight a slime saved a day with a ladder drop so I could make it to the next elevator on floor 60 and claim the crystal dagger there was no point trying to run home now though so I kept resetting floor 41 for iron until I passed out there no energy lost tomorrow either having reached level three combat and level four mining on day 23 I made my first few preserves chars the first strawberry jelly is always a good feeling I harvested the museum cauliflowers and the single green bean for another farming level then I was straight up to the mines again for another good luck day this time I spend the whole day just Gathering copper we need it for so many things I didn’t feel like passing out again so I smelted what I could and came home with a good quantity of bars for level five farming I chose the Rancher profession because we start with chickens here and I don’t usually go this route on day24 I added eight more sprinklers to the farm but obviously they aren’t going to be set up properly for a while so I just placed them where the most spots will be watered for now the Mayo que was getting backed up so it’s time for a couple more Mayo machines too on my way out of the Farm I finally remembered to go check on the farm cave we’ve got a new machine in here a free dehydrator these will dry up five mushrooms for us and they’ll be ready the next morning this is the day of the flower dance where I bought the Tupper flowers recipe and the rarecrow we need for Perfection I got chatting to every villager here and of course took that obligatory firste rejection so I just awkwardly watched them all from the sidelines on day 25 I grabbed that last big batch of strawberries until next year you beautiful fruit I wasted time and energy watering them for some reason and made this a lake fishing day really loving fishing up all these artifacts for the museum I even got a ring today which I sold to the adventurers Guild for extra cash and my proximity to the mines allow me to refill the furnaces every now and again I caught 27 fish this day but I kept some around just in case I need them later selling what was left along with some mayo jelly and strawberries made for a great profit day at almost 9,000 gold I picked my first strawberries the following morning I didn’t replant them yet because I want to wait for summer when I can rearrange the sprinklers I checked on the farm cave to find the first dried mushrooms they’re decent health and energy and we’ll find out about selling them later you do need five to run the machine though so I picked it up to move it to a place where I’ll actually remember to check it and this is when I found out you can also put fruit in them too as I walked back up through the farm I noticed this pine tree looking a little odd I gave it a smack and scraped off some Moss so this is how you get it I’ll have to keep my eye out for more the last of the rice was also waiting for me then it was over to the JoJo Mar to spend the bulk of my money on the mine cart unlock this is the first thing I always miss having on a new save my trip to the store reminded me that I’ve not actually looked inside the warehouse here I guess I wanted to see if there was anything new or some hidden loot I checked every corner and couldn’t find any unsure if I missed anything but I suppose it would be unlike joa to leave us anything here with a new season looming I fished to top up my funds towards all the seeds I’m going to need plus I had a quest to fish out some chub for Willie give me that prize ticket and the extra gold I wasn’t going to miss a chance to get S joaa either I forgotten at this point that pizza is a loved gift but I’m happy to share all things JoJo with him Louis’s is closed now so I can’t redeem my prize tonight but when I got home I decided to boost my income a little more by turning some of my forage into seeds to sell I was panicking a bit after the mine cart purchase but I definitely won’t be regretting it and we made back 5 grand anyway day 27 started with the last few carrots to pull up for some reason my cave hadn’t grown any mushrooms today not sure if this has been changed too I went for a bit of forest foraging whilst waiting for monies to open because I felt it was now time to add a couple more chickens to the C welcome to feathers and the hen Louis’s was obviously my next stop I’m ready for another prize these are mixed flower seeds which work like regular mixed seeds but for flowers instead I gave in a couple more Museum donations for a new reward collecting the starfruit seed just in time for summer Sam was asking for a sunfish again got to be a fresh one just for him but at the moment I’m still not allowed in his room I want him to have the fish today so I just stared at his door in the hopes he’d come out of there soon only problem is standing still isn’t my strong suit instead opting for some fishing just outside perhaps he’ll see Sebastian out at some point and I was right now I’ve got an even fresher sun fish for him but not before giving him another geia Cola I wanted to grab a few more Ores for sprinklers so I pushed my way through another five floors in the mines that evening and on my way down I got a new type of seed from a crate this is a sumers squash seed and what’s fun about the new seeds is that the one for The Following season will start dropping instead when there’s not enough time to grow the current one that means there could be one for each season I somehow made it to the salon before they close that night to give Emily her birthday gift just in the nick of time and I made it to bed right after to see this uh mix bu is can move I I couldn’t even say it right [Music] I I was so excited I couldn’t even get the words out I need to find them all of them I didn’t exactly know how yet but I do know that it’s now the last day of spring though I better sort out these sprinklers it’s a significantly harder task without you I info Suite but I think I did okay and I thought that the mayor production could now do with its own dedicated area to make room for more storage I took some time to sort things out on the farm especially across the bridge which would now become the tree to area making sure to plant some of each tree and bordering them with paths to prevent tree spreading where I don’t really want them for the evening I foraged my entire way around town this is my last chance of the year for spring items though I wanted to grab what I could I even got some Moss too and a new foraging level now being level five I opted for The Gatherer profession on day 29 I cleared out what was left of the withered strawberries and planted all the seeds I already already had on hand but I only did a few of the flower seeds because I want to prioritize other crops on these sprinklers you could probably make a really cute field for the random flowers with these though I saw Pierre was asking for a purple mushroom on my way into town I accepted the quest but I’m pretty sure I forget about it after this either that or I didn’t want to part with my only purple mushroom wait why am I even trying to shop here I want to get my stuff from joer saying that though I couldn’t find blueberries here so I picked up a few other things I wanted then headed back to Pier for the blueberries and the melons I don’t really enjoy the blueberries in this game so I only got a few but I did get 75 melons I don’t know why I didn’t get those at Georgia plus these few corn seeds too I had enough bars for a few more sprinklers but I still have way more crops than sprinklers so I still had to till some extra spots I left room for future Sprinklers and had to finish watering them all up in the dark no manual watering on day 40 though because the rain was doing it for me combine that with a stardrop luck day to make this a perfect one to hang out in the mines where I found my first mystery box in a crate bit myth that Clint needs to open these hopefully they’ll be worth it it took most of the day to reach floor 70 thank you for the master slingshot I barely use then I ended up crafting a staircase to secure floor 75 because I was really struggling to find them myself today all of that was so worth it to get another few sprinklers down on the farm and so I only had a few crops left to water myself on day 31 I visited Clint as soon as he opened to take a peek in those loot boxes a told total of two from yesterday’s mining the first gave me fertilizer but in some kind of sorcery there were two more boxes in the next box how I mean I’m not complaining inside those were some radish seeds and a farm totem I asked him to smash all of my GEOS whilst I was there too and after a couple of back and forth trips with the new Museum donations I’d unlock some new rewards literally all furniture and anything I don’t want I’ll be dumping around the side of the building to keep them off my farm and out of my chest I then fished at the Mountain Lake using the deluxe bait I accumulated I like the faster bite rate but I really wanted the little increase in fishing bar size to help me catch the sturgeon now I have a gold one ready for the Lu I didn’t have loads of that bait so I had to go back to the regular stuff when I ran out which is also when I gained another fishing level at least there’s a bubble spot to help me for a while almost out of energy I was done with fishing for now so I sold off most of my catches and got the next few sprinklers down I also wanted to say hi to Sam but I walked in on the band practicing he already asked me what his song should be about but for the genre I went for the cheerful pop music we’re so on the same page thought he could do with the beverage with all that band practice that stop off was just part of my foraging route for the day got to grab all that new summer stuff I dug up another book along the way Jack be nimble Jack be thick I could very much do with an extra point in defense a new power the books that give a new power will show up in the new menu tab so we have quite a lot more of these to find on day 32 I gave in my pickaxe for the next upgrade to help me gather those ores faster since I literally can’t mine now I fished at the lake for a bit but I wanted to catch Alex at the ice cream stand the second here arriv because it’s Jazz’s birthday today very surprised that ice cream isn’t a love gift I’m so disappointed in you Jazz oh hey Sam how’s it going I intruded on Sebastian’s medical appointment to shove a whole fish in Harvey’s hand that he had asked for then I got another couple of jojas from the vending machine and prep to give to Sam got to stay hydrated in the summer back on the farm I noticed I now had the stuff to make my first mushroom log these say they work better the more wild trees are around so I plopped it in an untidy part of the farm and just cleared any surrounding debris this put me in Wood chopping mode I avoided the mushroom log area and I even got another loot box from one of them as if I ever needed another reason to chop down trees on day 33 the first few wheat gained me a farming level and got replaced by some of those loot box radish seeds speaking of loot boxes I went to open the new one at Clint but he hasn’t yet learned multitask so no loot from this for me today as of 1.6.3 we no longer have this issue I looked for some of the new ocean fish off the edge of the peer including a few red mullet as a challenge from Willie who had a price ticket up for grabs three more mystery boxes please and it was nice to see some preserves jars on the horizon 2 I tracked all the way up to the bath house area to see if there was anything new couldn’t really see anything different but if I’ve missed something let me know home I went from there to spend my remaining energy on chopping farmwood at at level six farming I unlocked the quality sprinklers this was a little bit of a wakeup call because I’m not even at the Gold floors in the mines there were a handful of crops ready on day 34 and my pickaxe was also ready which meant Clint is free to open these mystery boxes for me some rewards are slightly better than others but the glowstone ring was a major win because I was still doing everything in the dark at night I ignored the bad luck day today and gathered as much iron or as I could with a quick break to sell some stuff at the adventurers Guild and buy another weapon because I just wasn’t enjoying the dagger I didn’t want to spend much money on this so I just got a pirate sword I had a much easier time slashing through enemies on my way down to floor 80 where I was pleased to collect some better boots I can now access gold but I didn’t mind for any today because I wanted to get to bed without an energy penalty here we have the first summer squashes ready on day 35 and even better they’re a regrow crop the radishes not so exciting these last two sprinklers Mark the end of manual watering for me after today that is then I went to check the traveling cart where I will later regret ignoring this battery but I did find a few red cabbage seeds I bought a couple cuz why not I want to buy the Retro Furniture catalog far far into the future as well I do check the cart most times that it’s here but I don’t tend to show it when I leave empty-handed since we aren’t doing the community center I don’t need to buy things here very often oh and I guess I did go back for the rare seed I kept Clint busy with a steel ax upgrade and passing back through town I saw Gus asking for a hot pepper we’ve got some of those to spare very very happy to share I did a bit of fishing on this bad luck day bad luck for who though because I fished up a dino egg now that’s a motivation for a coupe upgrade I dropped everything to try and grab some Fallen goodies from a passing train it was only a few bits of wood but it’s better than nothing then I spent the evening like several others making progress on clearing up the farm much better now that I could break down these bigger rocks on Day 36 I got a Bonus 500 gold for all those requests I’ve been doing a couple of puppies from the mixed flower seeds made way for the two red cabbage seeds I got recently then I was up at the mine searching for gold or towards the tool upgrades and better sprinklers I passed floor 90 and got a sharper and deadlier obsidian Edge and found my first mushroom floor on 93 a very good one at that then on the next floor I had a piece of clothing drop from a monster clothing drops seem much more frequent now and I think some of these are new items too but I wasn’t really feeling the gry hoodie this time I could have done without the invested Flor on 98 which I forced my way through and my patients paid off this time because I had a freebie ladder nice and close on the dreaded spiral 99 Now give me that star drop my first for this Farm what is it taste like what what exactly was I thinking it was also at this point that I only just noticed I got the monster compendium from somewhere a small chance for double monster drops I got to read this one right now the mind’s progress continued strung into the night where I found a steel Fon amongst some other loot I prefer the stats on this this one though I retired my obsidian Edge early I left for the day on floor 105 25 flaws of progress and lots of goodies made for a very successful day all of which contributed to level six Mining and level four combat I retrieved my steel Ax from Clint on day 37 and was pleased to find three cups of coffee in my newest loot box they’re probably lukewarm at this point just how I like it I also opened my geod 2 to work on the museum donation rewards this next one got me pumpkin seeds in plenty of time before fall now that we have a few gold bars I could make my first few quality sprinklers but being in the middle of a season means that the layout will still be a bit strange for sometime one of these sprinklers will be home to some extra sumers squash seeds and most of the rest of the spots got planted with mixed flowers my new Stax is now strong enough to break the log to allow me entry into the secret Woods where I was after some fiddlehead ferns for shipping this is another area I wanted to find out if there was anything new still can’t spot anything so far but I did get level six foraging from one of the stumps then I Contin continued Gathering hardwood on the farm before bed we made a good amount of gold overnight so on day 38 after handing over a birthday strawberry tomorrow I po down to willly shop to empty my account again on the aridium rod I hope this investment doesn’t let me down I put it to work immediately and coming home with all of these fish I think it did though I will need to keep some of these Behind These pickled horseradish will also be going in the cell pile you can now pickle the forageable veggies and the contents of the jaars have been colored to look like the item too now I was pleased to to see we made back most of the gold we spent today then on day 39 I saw the ancient crop was now bearing fruit this is my first on this Farm but we don’t have a seed maker yet so this will be kept safely in a chest speaking of chests I’m going to need more things were getting a bit cramped and messy it’s l day I chattered to everyone including Pierre who had nothing of interest to offer from his stand so I just dropped my gold sturgeon into the pot to make for an unforgettable soup the book seller was in town on day 40 which is when I noticed that I could trade in books here if you have any extra books you don’t want to use you can trade these for certain items some better than others I bit the bullet on the price catalog because I’ve really been missing this particular feature from UA infosu then I was down to the beach to pick up all the extra forage wased up from crab mating season I thought Sam could have done with another joa Cola on this warm day and when I got to his house I found him grabbing himself a snack it was nice of him to offer me one too but he kind of just threw a raw egg on the floor I think I’m glad it fell to be honest OD rushed in after hearing the mess calm down Jody it’s really not that bad I had a feeling I should probably cover for Sam he happily went along with the story and I’m so glad he was the one who offered to clean it up so he still gets the joa cola from me I did a foraging Loop of cindersap forest on my way back home where I wound down for the day with some wood chopping day 41 was a rainy melon Harvest a few other crops too but nothing’s better on this field than the abundance of melons as usual I keep some for quests recipes and processing and ship a few for shipping completion but the rest I sold straight to Pierre for the Instant Cash boost because I had that bigger backpack on my mind worth every penny I purchased another 75 melon scenes to replant but I really should have paid attention to how many I had before because I overbought and ran out of sprinkler space I’m just going to have to cram in more spots and more sprinklers to stop them going to waste this good luck day was one for the mines partly for the ores and the loot but also because I had a quest to slay six red slimes I reached floor 100 110 and changed straight into the space Boots taking the old ones to sell to Marlon along with some other disused gear I finally reached the bottom of the minds that night collecting the skull key now I really got to get saving for the Bus Repair before heading to bed I made sure to get my first lightning rod down little bit late being in the middle of the summer but it was the weather that reminded me today today pushed us up to level s farming and Mining but waking up the next morning I noticed everything was tinged a little green green rain what’s up with that [Music] right okay that’s a lot of weeds whatever plans I had today throw them out the window oh no no fishing what a shame I got to save my crops the weather didn’t stop P mailing me about the pel and it looks like Gus has let everyone know that the saloon will be open all day if people want to shelter there how lovely the first blueberries were ready today along with my first star fruit and I put my axe to work because I noticed some of my trees had changed dropping them didn’t give me anything different but I noticed that there was way more moss on all of the trees today those weeds by the way they’re stronger and take quite a bit more cutting to get rid of thank goodness this doesn’t use energy and there were even the slightly rarer larger ones which also give Moss one of the new trees dropped this seed which almost looks like a baby stardrop these grow some new types of trees we’ve been seeing on the farm I’m not sure if it has anything to do with star drops but I was obviously going to plant it once I was satisfied that I removed all the fibrous threats from the farm I walked out to the bus stop where I found the mess was not just contained to my property I cut down every bit of fiber and scraped every bit of moss and here I found another new tree I cut it down right away and this is actually a giant fiddlehead tree which drops several fiddlehead ferns I guess this means we may not need the axe upgrade to get into the secret Woods for the fiddleheads anymore I checked in on everyone at the saloon though I was really looking for Sam who wasn’t here so I bought a joa cola from the vending machine to bring to him at home nice that he wants to keep his family safe it’s definitely not acid rain though might as well give Vincent The Grapes whilst we’re all here too haven’t got anything for jod unfortunately once I grabbed all of the beach forage I spent ages in cindersap Forest collecting moss and chopping down the fiddlehead trees I wasn’t sure if I was going to see this event again but I’ve since learned that the green rain should happen on a random day once every summer so taking advantage of this was the right call this really added to our Moss collection and I didn’t make much gold today but I wanted to show off how cool the background is on this day under day 43 I got around to remembering to compare the price of the dried mushrooms with the fresh ones you get 125 extra gold for drying them so I’ll be keeping up with that I chopped even more wood for the entire day gaining level seven foraging and used some of the wood and seeds to expand the tree farm even got a few loot boxes too on day 44 I picked the poppies that had bloomed for another farming level and doubled my preserves jars because we have so many crops to work through now I mostly only got seeds from yesterday’s mystery boxes but I’ll take any I can get and the flower ones I replanted where the puppies were I made this a fishing day because Demetrius is asked to control the cart population I gave the sonar bber ago and here we can see I have a chub on the line another addition that’s great for people who don’t play with mods surprisingly it took me all day to find four C but along the way I fished up a new book the Jews of the sea can give us a chance to find Row in treasure chests so this is an option if you don’t want to build a fish pond I see this is another form of extra loot so I didn’t hesitate to read it fished my last carp sometime later but it was too late in the day to talk to him so we foraged at the beach and headed to bed to celebrate the unlocking of kegs the most exciting crop of day 45 were the early red cabbages I don’t even need these for the community center but it was nice to get it shipped in year one today’s an important day because it just so happens to be Sam’s birthday I’ll handle his gift later right now I have a couple of Museum donations to make in exchange for a reward rarecrow for a moment I actually thought the fishing Quest was for Willie though I was a little confused at first when he simply did not care about the carp I had caught before finding Demetrius I waited for Gus at his counter because I found out just in time that a great loved gift for Sam was pizza very typical of joa to make him work on his birthday hopefully this makes his day a little better I bought some radish seeds whilst I was there and found Demetrius on my way home to claim my reward the radish has filled the spots where I ran out of sunflower seeds then the rest of the day was fishing for profit and finding all this fish roll in the treasure chest is definitely going to help I didn’t make all that much from fishing that night but there was plenty from the farm to make up for it on day 46 I had some dried blueberries ready just in time to refill it with some fresh ones this also increased the value by 150 gold versus five of the basic crop so maybe this is a good option for things like blueberries which drop many of the crop since they only process overnight I sheltered from the rain in the mines for the day because I was going to need a load of copper and iron to make those kegs I put a little bit more priority on the copper since my tree farm is still lacking its tappers I left early enough in the evening to start sorting all of that at home most of the trees haven’t fully grown yet but I could still tap a few I also moved the mushroom log over here I eventually want to add more when the trees were grown up and I opted to speed up that process by adding some tree fertilizer thanks to the monsters in the mines I could pick my level five combat profession opting for fighter for the attack boost on day 47 I collected my first pale L and got another batch going I got my single loot Box open which had a few cups of coffee then I brought that very first pale L straight to Pal to quench that thirst for a price of course looks like I’m sharing more drinks today because I gave Harvey one of those coffees but Demetrius will have to get the juice from the strawberry by himself even if it is his birthday I handed the other coffees out around town but I wanted Sam to have a joaa instead looks like he’s met his quota for the week though by this point I decided I wanted my next major spend to be the Bus Repair so I thought I better boost my profits with fishing I also boosted my fishing level as well up to level 9 today and all of those activities brought us in another few grand I woke up being notified of the annual Trout Derby on day 48 I saw this on the calendar but I don’t remember getting any mail about this and I didn’t have any today either I dealt with all the farm chores first then went to Woody to ask about the event but he gate kept the information for some sort of competitive Advantage bit rude really that’s fine though I found it myself in cindersap Forest looks like people came in from out of town to join too the person at the tent explained to me that over the next couple of days any rainbow trout we catch might have a golden tag on and here we can exchange them for prizes if I needed any motivation to fish it was going to be loot I didn’t go and get any extra supplies this day I just wanted to feel for how it worked but I did switch into any Deluxe bait I found my first tag got me a tent kit this is a single use tent that allows us to sleep outside away from home an incredibly useful bit of kit that I didn’t end up using this year because I just kept forgetting about it so from today I’m going to start a counter of all the times I really should have used this thing the event today also meant I couldn’t procrastinate on catching that Dorado at least I don’t have to worry about it later I wasn’t having much luck with the golden tags but I fished up another Jews of the sea book The thumbs up shows we’ve already got the power but reading it again will give me a bit of fishing XP I’ll happily take that with only one single prize I went home early to prepare for the second day by crafting the bait maker by plopping in some rainbow trout I can get rainbow trout bait which vastly increases my chances I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take to process but it was pretty much instant and I made some treasure Bobbers to raise my chances that way too feeling a little bit better prepared for my second day I headed to bed making quite a lot of gold thanks to the fish and Artisan Goods once I sorted the crops on day 49 I was straight back to the Forest River to try and get my hands on more prizes though apparently I had to assert my dominance here first it seems the bait and Boba were definitely doing their job but I still I wasn’t finding any tags yet I did get another Jews of the seab book not exactly sure of the amount of XP you get but I’ll take anything that pushes me to level 10 faster it wasn’t until almost midday that I got my first golden tag of the day for this one I got a diamond then shortly after I found out you can actually get the tags without a treasure chest too this one got me a mounted trout wow I am so pleased I got another two tags before running out of rainbow trout bait receiving Deluxe bait and triple shot espressos in return I decided it was then worth a quick trip home to grab my bait maker don’t know why I didn’t just do this in the first place but it is worth noting that you do still seem to have a small chance of catching other fish even with the targeted bait now let’s see how the rest of the day went [Music] I called it a day when I ran out of energy that night I’m quite pleased with this hole and all that fishing did wonders for our income on day 50 I was ready to place that Crab Pot on the farm when I was horrified to find the sight of all my decayed fences I tended to my crops first then chose to replace those rotting old fences with hardwood ones and I gave my chickens a bit of an extension whilst I was at it might as well take the boundary down to where the grass will stop growing that delayed my visit to Morris because now I was ready to pay for the Bus Repair well covin I am coming for you that won’t be ready till tomorrow though though it was off to Clint to get my fix of loot for the day via the mystery boxes from the Trout Derby nothing like a few extra prizes I brought my geod as well but I only got one new Museum donation this time next up was gusses for Pizza for Sam but I wasn’t going to pass up these two spicy eels here I can get these for rubies from the desert Trader but I don’t think I have many yet it took a couple of tries to locate Sam turns out he was at work so that pizza will have to live in his pocket till later this brought us to eight hearts though I wasted no time in picking up a bouquet at Pier’s and presenting him with it as he finished work from there it was up to the adventurers Guild to sell a couple of spare bits of gear including the sale of that disgusting insect head for completing the bug monster Slayer goal then it was home for me for my favorite evening task dropping down loads of wood the Joo work has had to fix the bus in the rain that night and the bad weather didn’t stop Sam from waiting on my doorstep on day 51 to tell me about his concert I’ll go when I can but I kind of already had plans today I have another bus to catch welcome back to your job Pam my first up was the desert Trader for some caving Essentials plus some desert totems for future trips and I also noticed some fun new furniture options here too I also wanted to see if Sandy had anything new and she too has new furniture options I’m definitely going to have to get my hands on later but let’s stop wasting time and unlock skull cabins if I can find the entrance that is I used my key first but then checked out this new Shrine or button thingy I don’t know what this is for yet another thing to find out at a later date I didn’t really care what the luck was today either I just wanted to go for it I never really expect much from this first run other than hoping for some meridium but I was excited about my first treasure floor [Music] here ruined it’s been ruined ruined you’ll be pleased to know the day was redeemed when I found some broccoli seeds in a crate this is the new Full crop and then I found the slammer on a later floor a much needed weapon upgrade at floor 57 it was super late I decided I didn’t want to pass out here today because I could do without losing a grand so why don’t we do this loot review early not a horrible start with 40 orid more got a mystery box to open too but other than that you can say I had space to bring home wood and I don’t want to talk about the cactus seeds we did hit level eight mining though on day 52 Emily was here to talk to me about some cloth or something I was just pretending to listen I think she said something about a sewing machine or whatever anyway I had a mini Harvest to deal with before getting some of the aridium smelting and opening the mystery box how will Clint open this without getting exploded we’ll never know but these will come in handy for the next girl cabins run I bought some wheat seeds from the JoJo Mar because the last of our summer crops will be ready soon a few of these I could plant today and these will hold the sprinklers over into fall I brought Haley some seaweed since she was offering a prize ticket which got me a cup of stardrop tea the description says it’s a good gift and it’s not worth very much gold I couldn’t see any other use for this at the moment though I went to see what Sam thinks of it and he seemed pretty happy I gained quite a bit of friendship for this and interestingly it didn’t count as a weekly gift because I had already given him another Pizza earlier this week this means he can still have the one I’m carrying here I’m hoping that might help to calm his nerves for tonight’s concert now I would tell you I was ready to hear the music after all this song is about farming Mining and chopping wood but I play with the music off so uh absolutely still cheering them on though to decompress after all that excitement I turned to my good old wood chop in for the evening on day 53 I received an extra 10 grand from Mr key for having passed floor 25 in skull cavans the other day we also had the last big Harvest of the Season mostly melons and any open spots got replanted with wheat which should be perfectly timed to be ready on the first of four I didn’t have enough of those but instead of just buying more wheat I sacrificed some forage seeds I brought a lot of today’s Goods to sell to Pierre direct and then I gave Pier’s money straight to joa because on this day I bought the greenhouse unlock I browse the day’s book since the book seller was in town again but I thought it would be best to save my money for now I wanted to go back out to the desert again not for SK Cavin this time but to pick up the forage and dig at the worms I had to leave behind before it was also a good time to grab the Beet seeds ready for full I brought the book I just found back to the Book seller to see what I could trade it for but since it’s just some stuffing I went ahead and read it for a bit of combat XP this mystery box also sucked just some radish seeds and from now on I’ll probably just point out when I find something exciting inside these I brought the ungrateful George a hot pepper for his knee then it took me hours to track down Demetrius to hand over this melon at least he was a bit happier with it the rest of this day was gathering iron in the mines for various projects JoJo once again worked through the Rainy Night to restore my Greenhouse I felt bad for the raccoon they scared off though I also got level nine farming happy to see that seed maker and the idium sprinkler recipe I made some of those sprinklers the next morning I only had enough for three and I don’t know it yet but I’m going to severely regret this decision you’ll see why later but for now I was just focused on setting up my permanent ancient fruit crops in the greenhouse I picked the season’s final blueberries then added some Deluxe be gr to the ancient seeds it will be a while before I can fill out all of these sprinklers so for now I thought I might as well add some flower seeds I fished at the river and the pier for more money then remembered to grab a second rare seed from the traveling cart before she closes for the day back on the farm I had enough stuff for the next handful of Kegs and now that my trees of all grown up they were ready for their tappers not that I had enough copper for all of them Evelyn had an early start on day 55 because she was already on my doorstep with a garden pot and its crafting recipe I made and placed my first bee house on the farm got to be ready for the fairy Rose honey then I ignored the predicted bad luck and passed the day in the mines mainly smashing dust Sprites for coal day 56 the last day of summer one I thought would be best spent fishing for as much crop money as possible plus I wanted to have a little extra for a tool upgrade that got me to the time for the dance of the Moonlight jellies I chose to skip buying the seafoam pudding this time something I don’t tend to miss out on much anymore then I made sure to greet everyone for the Friendship points and enjoyed the show love seeing the villagers react to it now too those jellies didn’t need to know I hit Level 10 fishing in this time I chose the pirate profession I was enjoying fishing up the books amongst other things and the fish still give us a good few grant for a good start into the next [Music] season day 57 and first things first I got to harvest that wheat and clear off the dead crops on my way into town I saw that lonus was requesting an amethyst but I regret to inform you that I completely forgot about this within the next few seconds I sold what I just harvested to Pierre for another bit of gold then paced around anxiously awaiting the opening of the jojamart say still just isn’t my strength okay I actually changed my mind on the toall upgrade because instead I wanted to get the Quarry Bridge repaired now we just have one project left I’m 20 grand away from completing the jojoo why not 10 well I then proceeded to empty my remaining savings on the new season seeds the joa project meant I couldn’t buy anywhere near the quantity of pumpkins I desired the loot over that bridge Waits for No One luckily I had plenty of mix seeds to fill the gaps for free anyway with exactly zero gold I was back at Pier with a few odds and ends to sell but I haded over the salmon berries by accident so I had to ask for them back I only really wanted enough to buy a pizza from Gus to give to Sam Pizza time indeed this got us to 10 hearts and hey I love the temperatures in 4 too now I just have to hope for some rain soon so that we can get the mermaid pendant I dreamt about that bridge being fixed overnight then on day 58 I got a letter from Sam asking me to meet him by his house after dark hopefully I can remember that later because right now the only thing on my mind is checking out the Quarry we have some new nodes here these are coal nodes and there are quite a lot of them I Enlisted the help of a few bombs here to clear out all the goodies I also wanted to collect the golden scythe I’ve had a couple of untimely deaths here in other series recently so this time I came prepared with coffee and spicy eel to help me through the Section infested with the scary skulls one of them dropped a stardew valley Almanac and I’m happy to say I survived till the end here and grabbed the golden Scythe I also noticed there was a new section off to the right but at the moment my pickaxe isn’t strong enough to break these Boulders so I took my leave via the statue I read my new book from the safety of the regular mines then took the mine carts into town where I found leou watching Robin fix up the special request board I wonder what the new box is next to it I hand her Penny and emerald for a birthday which seemed to have overwhelmed her a little glad she liked it though but my first special request I’ll be doing community cleanup mostly because I’m not going to get a thousand Stone this week I didn’t start today though because I wanted to grab any full forage I could to pass some time before I could meet Sam We snuck into his room because he wanted to talk to me in private about how happy he was that we were close and to let me know that the band isn’t the only only thing in his life that he’s interested in JY seemed to hear something though and approached his door so I had to hide in his bed I have no idea how she couldn’t see me here and the conversation was pretty weird but Sam came up with some kind of cover story and then she made her way out but I stayed right where I was on day 59 I brought some random stuff to sell to Willie to allow me to ask Robin for a coupe upgrade that put me conveniently close to the bath house to fish for trash which meant I could fill the recycling bin early that evening then I could continued fishing at the mountain lake so I could become a bit less broke again Lina sent over the fiber seed recipe on day 60 I wasn’t so desperate for this now that I wasn’t relying on tea saplings for income I was checking the bins in town whilst waiting for pier to open when I noticed that the new box had a pricee ticket for me that’s right we can get these from special request too my next one happened to be a new style of bed and I was definitely intrigued by the new prize in the lineup here over at Pier I sold a few crops and artisen goods because it’s raining today so now I can buy the mermaid pendant from the old Mariner or not I need to upgrade my house first I’m going to need even more money for that so I turned to my fishing rod for help I picked this particular spot to catch the angler and I was lucky to have it show up on my first cast it gave a little bit of a fight but I wouldn’t have called it difficult really I didn’t bother moving I was enjoying this peaceful fishing spot and stayed all the way past Sunset till I was pretty much out of energy a new bed will help refresh me it looks so cozy out with the old and into the new and that fishing today was so worth it my Coupe upgrade was done on day 61 better I get an egg in that incubator I wasn’t giving Robin much of a break though because she finished that last project just in time for me to afford the house upgrade then I was off to the mines for a bit to gather enough copper or to bring to Clint for inspection I got him to open my loot boxes then got more than my money back from him from that copper or Quest I went back to the mines for the rest of the day we can never have too much a and this floor in particular seems to agree on day 62 I switched out the BOK choice for some broccoli and flower seeds before realizing I should probably begin that hardwood grind impr prep for the boat repair we only have one Joo project left and I wasn’t even close to having 200 hardwood little did I know this would be the least of my problems I decided to spend some of my funds on a couple of ducks named Pringle and puddle if you think Pringle might be a weird name well sorry I can’t help you I replenished that money selling some stuff at the adventurers Guild because I felt it was time for my next pickaxe upgrade I tried to bribe Clint to work on it faster but he didn’t seem to get the hint I ended up handing out the gems I was carrying around town as gifts I actually brought these in case I needed to sell them to Clint to afford the pickaxe upgrade but I didn’t need to since I was already happy to part with them I might as well work on some friendships I also gained some friendship with George by bringing him a bream he asked for on the bulletin board I’ll take the extra gold too I bet you can guess what I did for the evening if you guess chopping wood I guess I’m just that predictable but I got to level eight foraging from that so we’ll get some extra berries with Blackberry season coming up soon and we can craft our intents now too on day 63 I wanted to see if I could trade another Jewel of the sea book for anything interesting at the book seller you get three sea jelly so I went for it because I don’t know how much of this jelly I might need in the future I brought a batch of yam seeds to replace the beets I pulled up this morning then I was off for some ghost hunting in the mines because it seemed important to the wizard well Andy was offering a prize ticket at least it or not I didn’t an exchange that today opting to fish instead but then Sebastian came and stood right next to me I felt under pressure with someone watching over my shoulder but it was the secondhand smoke that was really throwing me off I still got the catch and the treasure but I got some distance from him as soon as I could probably a good thing because the treasure seemed much better in this spot anyway I suddenly remembered what day of the week it was and whizzed off to the desert because I desperately needed to trade Jades for staircases for future score cavins runs I’d been forgetting up till this week but not today 10 grand we made that night and in even better news I woke up to a newly renovated house on day 64 looks like the type of bed is kept with the upgrade too a really fun little detail obviously I had to move that bed closer to the door again and I stepped outside to find my cranberries and amaranth were now harvestable in addition to the berry picking for the first day of blackberry season this was a bit of an errand day I grabbed less’ basket near the bus tunnel fed my reward from The Wizard for yesterday’s Ghost Hunt sat down man with the amaranth she asked for accepted another ghost related Quest from The Wizard claimed a few preserves jars for the prize ticket brought gust the freshest of cranberries and finally I returned lioness’s basket to him what a busy day and along the way I gathered 90 blackberries it says 89 cuz I gave one to lonus 88 now because I shipped one too the first broccoli was here on day 65 nice to see that this is another reg growable crop I also had loads of sunflowers here as well as the first Arch chokes from mix seeds I replanted the sunflower seeds because they’re free then I brought some of my produce to sell to Pierre once again to hand over his money to joa they open a little bit later so I got in a museum donation for another reward not a fan of the skeleton statue so this was added to the furniture graveyard now let’s go by that final development project will unlock panning and the JoJo route is now complete my pickaxe was also ready so I could bring it to the mines whilst I look for that ectoplasm I was having such bad luck with this that I had doubts that I’d accepted the right Quest some of you know from the rapida dreams that I’ve messed up on this before but no the game just hates me today in the end it dropped for me close to midnight much to my relief the boulder got cleared overnight I bet Morris is going to be happy to be done with all these extra late shifts I do wonder how he would know it would lead to panning though on day 66 I passed the ectoplasm over to the wizard and collected my 2 and 1 half Grand reward I took a stroll around the forest collecting blackberries before walking into to the big joa celebration for completing all of those Community Development projects and for Morris’s promotion as a thank you I received my very own joaa machine I wish I could use this to propose to Sam I did try but I don’t think he understood what I was getting at so I’ll have to use the oldfashioned way I wanted to see if anything changed inside the joa warehouse but once again I couldn’t spot anything so I headed up to collect my copper pan from Willie where the boulder was and then into Robbins to get a barn built it’s about time for some new animals I then brought my pan to Clint to inquire about an upgrade something new for 1.6 I couldn’t afford it but the steel pan will increase the yield and has a small chance to cause another panning spot to appear there is so much to be excited about I picked up my prize ticket on my way back through town and this one gave me a pomegranate sapling then I fished at the river for a fresh salmon to give to Louis because every little request is a step forward to the next prize the little bit of gold is nice too my last task of the day was a trip to the SE Woods I still been slacking on the hardwood only just about halfway there for the boat repair though I also fertilize some mahogany trees on the farm on day 67 a new baby chick hatched in the C I shall name you peep my first duck eggs were a nice surprise as well my Dino egg went into the incubator this time the reason it wasn’t the first one in here is simply because I forgot I was checking the materials for the boat this morning and that’s when something dawned on me I only have one battery it’s now full and storms are rare but I made a couple more lightning rods just in case I was actually distraught why well all of the regret was now washing over me for using up three batteries on the idium sprinklers for the greenhouse I also shipped a battery recently and there was that one I ignored at the traveling cart quite some time ago I’m going to have to figure this out somehow I wasn’t in the mood to listen to the wizard here today thing goes for willly at the boat room I just wanted to drop off the five aridian bars to prevent me accidentally using them later maybe the request board could cheer me up who would have thought it would be Clint to turn my day around this seems to be a new type of request for Cole and he’s offering a ticket I completely forgot that joa sells the auto patter in the joa route 50 Grand is a big price tag but at least I don’t just have to rely on Treasure luck anymore I bought some more yam seeds to fill a few gaps on the farm then I dropped by the Quarry because those Co nodes made quick work of Clint’s request I spoke to him just long enough to claim that ticket because I really wanted to know about this book it’s called friendship 101 and increases friendship gain I wanted to know the exact amount of the increase when editing this video so I checked the wiki and it’s 10% not much significant to report this evening just the hardwood Gathering which I might not point out each and every time now and I did a few little chores around the farm day 68 was a neutral luck day it wasn’t a bad luck day though I wasn’t going to let that stop me making my next jump into skull Caverns this might seem like an odd choice but I promise this isn’t just my inner loot gobling going to totally out of control this time I was specifically taking aim at as many aridian bats as I could find which today wasn’t very many but these have a teeny tiny chance to drop batteries they can come from crates as well but I think that’s even rarer it’s a pretty painful process too because I don’t have the burglar ring and my weapon still isn’t the best for this place in hindsight I should probably have spent a bit of time first slaying dust Sprites to earn the burglar ring but I guess I was just hoping for pure luck dead luck didn’t come through for me for any batteries today but I did SC my first prisy I only had one single treasure floor on 100 I love the new look of the chest it was a couple of rain totems which was something I was very much hoping for I left right after to claim my sword but it didn’t work cuz I had no space in my backpack so why don’t we just do the loot review now like I said no batteries but we did get a second prizy and quite a lot of aridium so I’m not mad especially since we’re adding a shiny new Galaxy sword to the list I tried taking my second Prismatic Shard to the new Shrine here but nothing happened so we passed out another night without an answer I hit Level 10 mining though I’ll be picking the blacksmith profession level seven combat was a nice bonus too on day 69 it was lovely to wake up to a little Harvest I was being careful around the fairy roses so I could leave one behind for the bees I had a look at the weather forecast for tomorrow to find it was not going to rain or they thought I used a rain totem looks like news travels fast around here I got Clint to open some GEOS for me because I still needed more Museum donations to get the SE key I don’t think I hit the goal today but I did get a new reward which I just added to the outdoor collection with the bar now fully constructed I was ready for my first cows I actually asked the first one its own name here’s what it told me the other I named Dar because I’ve been obsessed with that cheese recently Abigail received her birthday gift at the bus stop then I had a couple more trees to tap whilst I was collecting the oak resin here but this new tree which converted from a maple tree won’t take a Tapper I just left it alone I’ll decide what to do with it later there were plenty of other trees on the farm getting the ax instead anyway Day 70 is one of my favorites in every playthrough the first pumpkin harvest then it was straight down to the beach for me to buy the mermaid pendant which I rushed over to a half asleep Sam for a wonderful start to the day I obviously tempted him with the prospect of daily joj Cola when I got to Pi I got roped into to helping Abigail with journe of the prairie king I was rustier than I thought I would be then I somehow accidentally opened the chat box and got stuck like this yeah uh I was really here to sell some pumpkins to Pierre to buy the next round of pumpkin seeds but this time I bought quite a few too many I’ll keep them for next year I started checking the car frequently again looking for any batteries which I didn’t find today and after my almost Daily Secret Woods trip I turned in for an early night and got level 10 farming I struggled to pick my profession here here but I ended up choosing Shepherd I probably wouldn’t get any sheep but I wanted the Friendship boost in the barn which I haven’t had as long as the coupe on day 71 I refilled my kegs with melon wine before Gathering the day’s hardwood and picking out this week’s special request I chose cave Patrol which will unlock a crafting recipe for slaying 50 skeletons then spent the day in the mines but first I wanted to slay some red slimes because it was deadline day for that request and I didn’t want to miss handing it in 1250 gold is too much to pass up now I can focus they on the skeletons and make some Headway on that Target it was the stardew Valley Fair on Day 72 I placed a random assortment of goods I’d sourced then chatted to everyone whilst awaiting the Judgment can’t forget the free Burger either leou judged correctly I was the winner love the new achievement here too I topped up my tokens using the spinner for the usual purchases of the star drop and the rarecrow but it looks like we’ve got something new here a prize ticket I was going to need more tokens I hope these are here every year they 73 was my wedding day time to start a new life with our new favorite JoJo employee well more of a new life for him than for me I gave Sam a demonstration of harvesting the farm crops in case he might want to help one day those are going to be replaced with another round of yams but I didn’t go home without claiming my next prize of some bombs and once I planted those yams alongside some sunflower seeds I was back in the mines for some monster slaying first for a couple of ghosts for the wizard again and then to carry on with the skeleton Massacre I actually hit the monsters there go that night but I took my leave after midnight without having finished the quest on day 74 my cows had grown up so I could start collecting milk by the time I was finished working on some Farm chores my pickled pumpkins were ready to turn over then I dropped into the mines yet again to finish off that skeleton Quest pocketing an extra 6 grand next door at the adventurers Guild I collected my ugly skeleton mask and sold off some swords I accumulated over the past few days I’d also now slayed enough monsters to gain access to the back room I was hoping for an expecting another prize ticket but I was surprised to find a new book The mapping cave systems book gives a 50% discount on Marlon’s item retrieval service I don’t feel like I die quite as often anymore and this book is worth 4 grand so I’ll be keeping hold of it instead of reading it for now the next prize ticket was ready for me in town so I popped it into the machine for a brand new hat I thought this was JoJo related but apparently it’s a vintage team logo I’ll be wearing it anyway and walked with it all the way over to the wizard to let him know the two ghosts had been handled I happened to pass by myi so I gave her a frozen tear I was carrying didn’t even realize it was her birthday but that gave us enough of a friendship boost to collect those purple shorts I gave them straight back to Louis for another 750 gold I don’t feel like messing with him this time man was so desperate for a cave carrot that she was on my doorstep in the early hours of day 75 I’ll bring it over when I can owing to some Deluxe bead grow my sweet J berries were ripe already one of which went straight into the shipping bin and the other was a tasty snack for old Master canoli he traded me for a different tasty snack one that tastes just like grass I laid one of my finest cave carrots on the floor of money shop before going for a very late start to skull cavins I won’t count this as a Mis camping opportunity because I wasn’t originally going to do this today but I might as well give myself more chances to find the four batteries I need only problem was the aridian bats don’t tend to appear till at least floor 50 which I only passed bya jump hole at 1:40 a.m. so yeah didn’t find any today in fact this day wasn’t even deserving of a loot review at least we hit level eight combat I suppose I go straight back there the next morning if I don’t keep trying I’m never going to get those batteries and I really want to get over to Ginger Island before the end of the year I made quite the dent in the aridian bat population but they must have been warned I was coming because they hid all their batteries from me today and I passed out on floor 96 mostly out of disappointment let’s have a look at the loot review then the redeeming factor for yesterday’s trip had to be the two Prismatic shards and three loot boxes aside from that yesterday sucked on day 77 I handed a joj cola to Sam on the doorstep don’t worry I’ve been doing this pretty much every day then I brought a load of geod and stuff to Clint to open mostly with a museum in mind we donated enough for several new rewards today aside from the rarecrow the rest was discarded outside I asked for a barn upgrade from Robin as well as a few path recipes and the workbench to help me out when I want to craft stuff then I got the Sunday desert trades in and said hi to Sandy whilst I was there as part of my evening axe habit I was happy to see some of the mahogany trees had grown and whil tidying the Tapper area I saw that the mushroom log had grown some purple mushrooms I probably could have got better results still by placing it further into the tree farm a strong wind storm kept us up overnight I didn’t even care about how much gold we made here because I was worried there might be damage to the farm but before I had a chance to assess I had gun the waiting outside to hand over the rusty key to the Sewer the farm and my animals seem safe and sound so I was happy enough to leave the farm to slay some red slimes in the mines and the mushroom floor was a nice bonus it took a few resets to find four slimes but my last one gave me a diamond and then passing through town reminded me to pick up a new special request we’ll be smushing some bugs this week I claimed my next prize ticket from LS which got us another free dehydrator this one went on the front porch because we really need to reorganize things soon like my first cheese machine got shoved in a corner too I came back to town later that afternoon to unlock the entrance into the sewers it’s about time that we met kobus and I got right to the point and asked about the dark Talisman for the wizard so now we have access to the mutant bug too before heading in there I checked out their wees for anything new and found this butterfly powder which you can use to remove your Peet I can’t see myself wanting to do this though I just spent that money on a star drop instead I killed every bug I could find on my way through the lair to collect the dark Talisman I I wanted a head start on the juicy bugs Quest but I hardly got any meat dark Talisman in hand I made the long old track to open the railroad cave but I’m so disappointed in myself here because I completely forgot about the void Mayo I returned with my fishing rod because I thought you’re supposed to be able to fish some up here but I caught multiple void salmon and none of the Mayo I had to leave because this wasn’t worth passing out over but you know what might cheer me up a little nighttime visit from the crop fairy I ignored her work on day 79 though because I’d rather Harvest all the sunflowers at the same time the dino was ready to emerge from the safety of its egg today I called it Rex it was just giving Rex’s energy somehow and another bit of good news here was the first duck feather I collected my aridian pickaxe from Clint that I forgot I even asked for I was really just here to open some artifact troves and mystery boxes one of which contained a mystery shirt you bet I’m going to dress up like a mystery box slowly becoming one with the loot with my pickaxes Newfound power I could break those new bers in the quarry mines I found some of the harder skeletons here and some cold noes but nothing else ready a note not sure if I’m missing the point or if this is just another location to gather coal but we have access to it now I walked out of there to find Abigail with a J requested which wasn’t as exciting as she thought but I chatted to her for a bit and shared a pumpkin with her which she appreciated so much more the other one I was carrying was for Caroline for pumpkin carving with Abigail so now she’ll have two I came back to the store shortly after with some seaweed we for money then made a large order of salads from gusses ready for future skull Cavin trip before returning home to chop wood I was dead set on going to skull Cavs for day 80 it’s a different kind of feeling coming in here without the sole purpose of seeing what loot we can come across but I was at the very least excited about finding my first powder melon seed cuz that means we have a winter crop to grow that isn’t just forage to be fair I also found a free auto Grabber which is pretty huge but just like in real life I can never find any batteries when I need them I passed out for the night on floor 106 so let’s have a look at the loot review since we don’t get that one from the community center I was pretty pleased to find a free crystarium from a treasure floor you already knew about the auto Grabber but the other fun thing here is the new fishing hat I won’t be wearing it but I will be keeping hold of it just in case I change my mind the auto Grabber went in the barn so I no longer have to manually milk the cows but annoyingly I forgot to add the Jade to the starium the ancient crops in the greenhouse were now beginning to fruit so I could begin expansion for the goal of filling this place out then I swapped out a batch of broccoli juice for a round of melon wine Thursday is an important desert Day first for the magic rock candy and second for the cheaper Deluxe Beed grow which I was going to need to hurry the ancient fruit Along by the evening I thought I better get a move on with the juicy bugs Quest I made some progress but I didn’t finish it today on day 82 I was to head to skull Caverns again but I’m not counting this as a missed camping opportunity because cuz I wanted to check the traveling cart first on the way there I noticed this tree was missing quite a lot of its height must have been that wind storm I can fix it up with 100 hardwood so I’ll have to come back with this another day I was after a battery at the car which I didn’t find but I did buy the rarecrow because it’s half the price here than at the festival of ice I dumped it off at the bottom of my farm then whizzed off to the desert to continue the search for batteries I finally got one but I won’t spoil the rest of the loot you know what skar Cav goes like now so I’ll let you know that I passed out on floor 100 115 so we can move on to the next morning’s review that is not one but two batteries we scored I’m not sure what I want to do with the Slime eggs yet but with four more prizes we came back with a great ho I was already in a good mood from the loot but a massive crop Harvest too most of which are pumpkins nothing can break me today I brought the 100 hardwood to the giant stump and turned it into a little house I can’t wait to find out who moves in here that meant I used up a lot of the hardwood I intended to fix the boat with but I wasn’t worried about it because I was still too battery short for the ticket machine with one day before the deadline I used the rest of this one to butcher more bugs for Willie but I had to leave with just two bug meat to go so I don’t miss out on Spirits Eve I grabbed the Jackal Lantern recipe and the rro from Pierre and mingled with the townies a bit before making a May shaped Bee Line to claim the golden pumpkin on day 84 I passed by the stump house to find a raccoon hanging out outside it was hungry and a need a fish it’s like another another sort of Mini bundle the clams are easy enough but I’m going to have to get my hands on a smoker for the largemouth bass the merchant didn’t have any batteries for me but on the bright side I remembered another perk of 1.6 you can now pick up the fruit sapling when you chop down their tree and hats on pets that’s a thing too I stored the sapling in a chest for later then dropped the clams off to the Raccoon as a sort of starter on my way to manise to pick up some heaters and prep for winter from there I walked to the mountains as a shortcut to the mines to grab the final bug me I donated my last D scroll on route to the beach and in an instant I’d learned the entire dwarvish language Willie got his delivery of the bug me on the final day the reward money going towards the purchase of the smoker recipe the prize ticket from that special request got me four mystery boxes one of which revealed a book of mysteries it didn’t stay a mystery for long the description told us that this helps us find more mystery boxes I’m really becoming quite The Bookworm I spent 5 grand on a void egg from kobis which instead of hatching it went straight into a machine because I didn’t want to wait that long for another to be laid in the C the evening was then for some final winter prep I obliterated some hay so I could empty The Silo to be able to stuck up on feed for the winter it took a few rounds of emptying to be happy with the quantity I saved up but I left the blue grass on the ground to see what would happen for winter a season I was now ready to [Music] begin day 85 and what do you know grass no longer disappears in Winter glad I didn’t cut down every single blade now but the animals do still stay inside after picking out the bone frag special request I followed the Little Footsteps to the bush up here I didn’t mean to scare the shadow guy but they gave us a magnifying glass to enable us to find secret notes I continued my freezing hike up to the railroad cave to hand the henchman that void Mayo he just about beat me in a race to the door but I don’t know where he went after that nor that it mattered I just wanted the Magic ink then used the warp Rune as a shortcut to the Wizards via his basement in here I found this new plant sort of thing a receptacle of unknown Origins but now it will remain unknown the wizard was pleased to have his ink back so now I have the ability to build the obelisks and stuff though I won’t be affording this for quite some time I still checked out the book but didn’t find anything new here so I planted my handful of powder melon seeds and fish the rest of the day away in the caves to catch the stonefish and the lava eel wasn’t feeding the ice Pip this time at first I was confused when checking the footage for day 86 why would I be trying to catch another e turns out I wasn’t I was looking for cave jelly I needed one of each jelly and some hardwood to craft the fish smoker which I instantly tested out with that largemouth bass I was expecting it to take ages but it was done in less than an hour these double the fish’s sale price and they retain the quality so the fast cooking time is a huge deal I won’t be profiting from this one though this is to feed the raccoon this is such a cute completion banner I got 25 powder melon seeds as a reward looks like next he’ll be looking for a wife I got all the powder melons planted then checked pier in case he was selling any other new winter seeds he wasn’t but I was loving everyone’s new winter outfits my schedule was now clear to work on collecting bone fragments for Gunther and my first skeleton also dropped a decorative Lantern which I don’t think I’ve seen happen before I didn’t get all the bone frags today but I found my first secret note which was Mr key challenging me to get to floor a hundred of skull cabins as if I haven’t already done it multiple times this year I wanted to check the luck to decide how to spend day it was looking decently good so skar Cav it is but first I wanted to stock up on bombs now that I can communicate with a dwarf who seemed to have noticed I caught a couple of the cavefish not sure if that dialogue meant anything but I was then immediately distracted by the dwarfish safety manual which reduces bomb damage by 25% I think I could do with that but it looks like the bombs here have not escaped the inflation they’re significantly more expensive now so I had to buy cherry bombs instead which still very much helped me on my way down maybe not quick enough though because it passed 1:00 a.m. and I was only on floor 93 but I got really lucky on floor 95 and tumbled down a hole that was 5 floors deep at40 Mr key confirmed that I am in fact the real deal who doesn’t shy away from a challenge so he presented me with another a drinking challenge this aridium snake milk is so nasty but I chugged it to get the health boost and passed out on floor 102 whilst looking for a treasure floor day 88 and it’s loot review time no batteries none at all that tent there isn’t L either I brought it to see if I could sleep in the cabins to avoid the pass out penalty completely forgetting they only work outside I only stayed on the farm long enough to refill the kegs because I wanted to continue smashing up skeletons for Gunther today but I did catch the bus to the desert once pal had started working to trade for some totems and a magic rock candy and even though I didn’t need any Deluxe speed grow I still wanted to say hi to Sandy and give her a gift I recently upgraded the barn and was ready to welcome my first go I emptied 100 bone frags from my chest into the donation box so I could focus purely on Gathering the rest that I needed to satisfy the request which took me into that nighttime on day 89 I checked the traveling cart to find several squid for sale Will’s after one of those and it doesn’t say I need to catch it so I bought one I also took some mayle syrup to the secret Woods for the bear since I needed to grab the hardwood here anyway I asked Robin for the final Coupe upgrade so I don’t have to remember to feed the animals anymore I’ll be wanting the bar to follow shortly after I took a detour whilst walking through town to stop at the book seller but I didn’t fancy spending my gold on books today nor did I see anything that I could nor wanted to trade for I checked the calendar to see when he’d next return to notice another fishing Festival this season squid Fest this is amazing news because I now had some tricks up my sleeve to prepare the traveling car she wasn’t just selling one squid she actually brought five and I was having all of them Will’s going to have to wait now because every single one of these went into the bait maker I’m so ready the other fishes won’t know what hit them for the rest of the evening I was just in the greenhouse tending to the next round of ancient fruit still got a ways to go to fill out the sprinklers I wanted Sam to start day 90 right with a geia cola when he surprised me with a star drop the perfect breakfast for another day in skull Caverns let’s hope this magic rock candy can help me find enough of those all important batteries today it did help me find many more treasure floors but I passed out on 113 without laying my hands on a single battery let’s have a look at the rest of the loot though the stars of the show here and all I really cared about were the 16 mystery boxes most of which came from Treasure floors I can’t wait to find out what’s inside actually I was happy about the sprinklers too which I’ll give a more permanent spot later I’ve been slowly adding to the furnaces at the minine so I can keep up with the hundreds of or I accumulated then it was off to collect the price ticket for the special request so I could claim the house plant from the machine as soon as leis is opened the lineup revealed this cow thing all I could think about was that New Year’s post concern D had made I had to know what this cow was so I’ll be finding any way I can to get enough tickets to find out that was going to take some time so I had to focus on the loot in front of me in those mystery boxes I got a very interesting haul here which I’ll take a proper look at later but first I donated a couple of bits to the museum for a new reward of triple triple shot espressos it was at that point I was ready to show off one of my two new mystery Three Hats nothing makes me happier than cosplaying as loot myself speaking of loot I needed a trip to the desert to grab more staircases for the next skull Cavern Adventure then I dropped off my goodies at home and swapped out Gandalf’s hat because we quite simply must match yes I am that type of dog parent and now that Robin’s done with the deluxe coue I could buy a rabbit from Man Easter was coming up at the time of recording so I named this one lint with chocolate on my mind hopefully I can get this bar upgraded soon too so I can get some pigs and benefit from the auto feed I wanted to make an effort for Caroline’s birthday but it took me several hours that evening to find her including several trips in and out of the store till she finally materialized after I wandered around for ages in the dark he got a coffee instead of a rabbit’s foot for being so hard to find plus I was better off giving the foot to the JoJo truck driver though I forgot I needed to find the secret note first so if anyone was inside there they just ignored me I found another copy of a book I’d read with some seeds on day 92 I’d get some combat XP for reading it again so I did it’s the first to V of ice today so I said good morning to everyone and sized up the competition then got to ice fishing so unfair that everyone else gets a slight head start but I still managed to Reelin six fish before the time ran out more than enough for the win I went to bed and checked on my overnight profits because I Shi my first couple of powder melons gold quality ones are 90 gold each I’ll definitely be saving some to process and I had a few more ready on day 93 this was another day I was already dead set on going to skull cavins as you can imagine I was running around in pure desperation for those batteries but here I found what I think is a new secret note from Grandpa this is adorable but on the next page there’s some sort of secret we need to find is it more loot I can’t let anything distract me today though I need to keep my eyes on the prize but after 146 floors I was not a winner this time hold it no no this does not deserve a loot review I refuse at least the right powder melons could cheer me up a little on Day 94 I’ve only just been able to pick up this week’s special request and I’m definitely going to have to go with biom balance because I don’t see myself getting these veggies done in Winter I’m not feeling fishing today so I hunted squid kids in the mines for The Wizard and as I was strolling through the snow to his Tower I saw the raccoon had found a wife who I could trade with for those new seeds I wanted to congratulate the first raccoon but before I could get the words out he told me he was hungry for fruit specifically dried Crystal fruit and powder melon jelly shouldn’t be too much trouble I collected my reward from The Wizard which included a prize ticket and handed him a gift whilst I was there then came home to make a couple of aridian bands to replace the magnet ring and glowstone ring I appreciated the extra glow especially since the sun sets earlier in Winter naill I love this detail Lewis turned his back on me when I came to collect my next prize don’t know what’s up with him but this wood cutters weekly book will be handy as it gives me some extra foraging XP foraging is my last skill I haven’t maxed out yet from there I took the mine carts to get to the adventurous gold with some gear to sell but I also had the vampire ring to collect from girl for the ridiculous amount of bats I’ve been slaying I sold everything SP except the ring in case I want it later then chopped any trees I could find to push towards the last foraging level I didn’t get it today but I needed to feel like I was making progress I saw that day 95 was a great luck day so I better head to skull Cavin again being a Thursday I could pick up a magic rock candy before going inside please bats I’m begging you I really need a battery please oh okay that’s uh yeah thank you okay just one more I only need one more battery pretty please if you give me a battery I’ll leave the rest of your kind alone thank goodness we’ve got all the batteries we need that was so painful now I can go back to focusing on what really matters loot give me that pry I decided against passing out down here and took my leave at floor 124 let’s do the loot review at the bus stop considering I spent so long swinging my sword at bats for those batteries we didn’t do too badly with a couple of hundred ore and you saw when we got the prisy only got one treasure floor on 100 which had the idium sprinkler this will be the last one to complete the greenhouse on day 96 I collected my rod and squid bait then made a quick o drop off at the mines before warping to the beach with my bait maker in hand for squid Fest looks like Willie was making good use of all the bug meat but I don’t have have time to hang around here I have squid to catch this one’s different to the Trout Derby instead of looking for Golden tags we’ve got daily catch Targets on the board to the left Each of which gives us prizes and to help with this the squid will be around all day I actually forgot how annoying squid can be to catch so I bought a few trout suits from willly shop to help me I caught more than enough squid by lunchtime and returned to the tent to collect my prizes you get quite a lot of stuff and you don’t get extra rewards for catching more once you hit the aridium target I love willly have one of these squids and cleared the beach of forage on my way out then it wasn’t until I was partway through town that I looked at the new book properly the art of crabbing gives a 25% chance to double Crab Pot yields another power for the collection I came back to the pier after sorting my backpack at the farm to drop off the five batteries but annoyingly I’d now forgotten about the hardwood which I know I don’t have enough of not only that but I wouldn’t make it back here before the shop closes because I’d also need to grab my Axe and chop more down first at least for tonight I can just get it ready but I did still try my luck at the door in case Willie left it unlock for squid Fest I could barely contain my excitement for ginger Island but I needed to stay productive in the meantime so I expanded the ancient fruit crop on day 97 I ran straight to the beach after the morning’s Farm chores to check today’s squid targets a little higher than yesterday but not any more difficult before commencing the fishing I dropped off all the hardwood so the boat will be repaired overnight I then completely tunnel vision those squid so much so that I forgot about the week special request which just so happened to be ocean fishing seems I got lucky I hit my squid Target around lunchtime again and collected an exciting variety of rewards I will say the one thing I appreciate about squid Fest is that this fishing event doesn’t have to completely take over your life once you hit the target you can leave and do literally anything else for me this meant collecting my next prize ticket and getting all of those mystery boxes open after setting off Mora already a Bast smell I noticed a sign left by the bus by P she’s off work and we have to drive ourselves that would be fine if I still didn’t need to buy a ticket I couldn’t help but notice that the sign was editable so uh perfect [Music] wait okay wait no [Music] there wait hope she likes it I followed up that bit of Mischief with a good deed and brought the wizard avoid Essence that he’d asked for plus an extra one as a gift then headed to bed early so they could get on with the boat repair because on day 98 I could finally set sail for ginger Island away from the freezing cold valley and over to the Tropical Paradise I sprinted straight off to the boat and into the jungle to collect my first warut and what’s this package no stop delaying me please I opened the unattended parcel to find three more tent kits especially awesome for the first days on the island until we can unlock The Farmhouse I could grab a couple more war nuts before feeding one of them to the parrot but that’s not enough to gain the kids trust here so we’re going to need to find more I got right to it and eventually found the joa parot who we can pay to find the remaining golden walnuts for a fee it’s the equivalent of 10 G per Warner I didn’t revisit this bird this year because I didn’t yet know how exactly it worked and the Hefty price tags scared me off a little but this could be helpful especially when you’re at those last few walnuts that you might be having trouble with I’m happy enough finding most of them myself for now anyway I’d found enough by the afternoon to open up the west side of the island just 16 more to get the farm unlocked even with the tents I’m still going to race to open The Farmhouse today to save them for the future but I got the shock of my life on the muscle Rock Beach because I got a snake vertebrae from the first one we all know the frustration for this bustle and as of 1.6 they’re now easier to find after a lap of the west region carefully combing the place for Golden walnuts I successfully paid for The Farmhouse to be restored no need to camp out tonight annoyingly I forgot to bring my seeds and my sprinklers for the farm but I still had a few things I could start growing here before moving my new bed closer to the door and spending my first night sleeping on the island I took the boat back to the valley on day 99 to pick up a new special request for the week Rock Rejuvenation to mate for an easy price ticket I just grabbed the gems whilst picking up some sprinklers from the farm planning to to hand them over on my way back down to the boat it messed up a little here though because the amethyst went towards Clint’s attempt instead the no completion for me just yet stupid Clint getting in the way without even being here I was back at the farm to place those Sprinklers and in clearing out some of the surrounding debris I found my second snake vertebrae in a regular Rock both of them in 2 days without having even freed Professor snail thank you concerned ape I plann to work through the volcano today for the loot and the war nuts available there but my first treasure chest was super disappointing the Walnut was great but the soul sapper ring sapped all joy from my salt I checked out the dwarf shop on level five to notice a brand new book The Diamond Hunter gives a small chance for all rocks to drop a diamond when M by hand I’ll need to remember to bring some diamonds back here but I did still buy the two recipes here for now I got a prismatic Shard and a golden warut from this Mystic Stone but when I reached level seven I ended up turning back to leaves so that I don’t miss a day of the Night Market to make it there on time I reluctantly parted with five walnuts to create the shortcut exit it I grabbed the first painting and shielded my eyes from the mermaid show apparently but I stuck around for the entire thing so that I could claim the Pearl I can’t forget to check the Merchant’s boat what do you know she brought a battery she’s mocking me obviously but I bought it anyway in case I need it Emily was on the pier so I could give her an amethyst I just got from the volcano to complete the rock Rejuvenation Quest at least Clint didn’t derail me for too long I suppose then I collected my free coffee as well as my price ticket before coming back to the farm to make some melon and wheat seeds for the the island frog on day 100 I accepted a new request from Robin to gather 30 wood for her loving the new options being offered now I waited outside Lewis’s farm for him to unlock his door so I could collect the much anticipated cow prize it’s a sticker are you kidding me I literally had to pause my game and walk away for a few minutes to recover from this level of Despair I felt those feelings and then let them go so I could plant those crops on the island completely forgot there were melons already growing from the succeeds oh well then I SLA the cow sticker on the wall of the island house I suppose it can remind me of back at home I thought about trying to get those fishing walnuts but quickly got bored of that and switch Focus to find more in the volcano instead this is way more fun my first Treasure Chest just had a protection ring not good enough so I ended up skipping the night market today in the hopes of getting something better from the ninth floor no words I have no words the only thing that made any of this worth it is the Prismatic Shard waiting for me at the forge plus being able to access this easily now I used the prizy to enchant my pickaxe and got powerful on the first try maybe this day wasn’t so bad and to top it all off I made it to the dig site Bridge got it repaired and freed Professor snail in the short amount of time before passing out there I checked in on the professor the next morning and dropped off both the snake vertebrae having both of these before any other fossil is a new and strange feeling I also attempted to guess the island survey but I forgot the numbers I’ll have to look it up again next time I try I cleared out the dig site and grabbed the newly accessible War nuts from here then stuck around to fish for a golden War nut and a discus I would have stayed longer but forcing myself to fish felt like running my brain through a cheese grater today plus I wanted to save some of those brain cells for the memory puzzle cave somehow I completed it in only three attempts and now I’m halfway to my next Walnut goal to repair the beach resort before leaving the island for the day I chopped a couple of trees here for Robin I thought perhaps she might enjoy a more exotic Ty of wood and then it was back to the valley for the final day of the Night Market but before I could enjoy it I checked the free coffee to hurry me along to the mountain to give Robin the wood then back to the farm to empty out my backpack because I was going to need all that space for some submarine fishing this is why I struggled to fish at the dig site earlier I knew this was coming I successfully caught all of the deep sea fish and locked upon an octopus with plenty of time to war home from the night market and crawl into the safety of my bed I woke up to loads of powder melons to harvest on day 102 and carefully retrieved all the eggs from the coupe evidently I forgot about these responsibilities for far too long I now had the Fruit Products the raccoons craved and in return I got their Journal which increases the chances to get mixed seeds from weeds and the shop here has been expanded I added a new power to the list then the first raccoon told me that they’ll be starting a family it’s much later than I planned to do this in the season but I finally got around to asking Robin for the barn upgrade so we can have the pigs in the auto feeder then I dropped an iron bar around to Clint and got him to open a bunch of things which which included a few new Museum donations the afternoon onwards I was back at the island adding little bits to my farm and continuing my quest for Golden walnuts I made sure to get the island survey questions right this time so I could grab both the walnuts from there then just outside I fished at the dig site keeping my eye out for any panning spots but with none in sight today my pan remained dry I did fish up three walnuts though on day 103 I was looking at my skill levels again when I noticed this new reminder which shows that Sebastian is my secret friend for the Feast of the to start no more fishing through all the mail to check I chopped all the trees on this side of the island because for some reason getting from level 9 to 10 in foraging was feeling like a much deeper climb than usual then I got back on the boat again to collect my books from the farm because Marcelo the book seller is in town again the only trade I was interested in were the seven mystery boxes for the mystery book I still don’t know what I want to do with the rest of them I’ll just keep hold of them for now I was delighted to see a wood cutters weekly for sale for that foraging XP I snapped that right up along with the away the win part one which slightly increases running speed I breathed through both of those books before even leaving the area then you know I went straight to Clint to get all of those boxes open I bought a midnight Carp at the traveling car on my way to the secret Woods a place where I can guarantee some daily foraging XP I continued that grind into the forest where I chopped down a combat quarterly I don’t need the combat XP at the moment so I ran to check what I can trade for it and to me a monster musk was worth it I then went back to deforesting the forest but even after taking down every single tree I still hadn’t gained that last foraging level with all the pine cones I accumulated I traded the raccoons for some powder melon seeds and got those in the ground even though it’s late because soon these will be out of season I’m going to be shocked as you are here but it wasn’t until day4 that I crafted the new big chests these things are literally enormous staying organized is going to be so much easier now I spent some of the morning rejigging all of my storage much easier now that chests are quicker to move too and once I was happy with things here Money Shop was open for me to welcome some baby pigs to the barn I could then work on my foraging level again first in the secret woods and then up by the railroad and by the mountain lake which I think are the last chopp B trees in the valley I even turned to Mayo in this time of need when finally I was ready for some new ideas with all five skills now at level 10 I hurried over to the new door in the forest which was now unlocked this is the Mastery cave I found a new XP goal which I can build on using any of the skills and on the wall there were boards for each skill with their very own perks and recipes I can’t wait to be able to find out what all of these are like especially the golden mystery boxes the loot Goblin must know I was actually almost as excited about literally everything else for all of the other skills as well so much so that I could barely take in any of the information there was also a letter left by Grandpa though I wonder if this was the place that the secret note was talking about before but if I want to find out more about any of this I’m just going to have to make sure I keep doing those activities that produce some XP I pondered all of that whilst getting some more pickles going then I tucked into bed so I could become a botanist for level 10 foraging on day 105 I had a load of ancient fruit to harvest in the greenhouse which gave me a good boost in the Mastery points all of these ancient fruit will be turned into seeds so I made a couple more seed makers to get through them at a better Pace the greenhouse sprinklers were now full so the rest I’ll be saving probably for ginger Island it took almost half the day to get through all of the fruit and now that we’re about to enter the final week of the season it was about time that I start preparing the farm layout for spring usually at this point I would be converting everything to aridium sprinklers but after the great battery battering from the past several weeks we know I don’t have the batteries to do this so quality sprinkle as it is I had to stop what I was doing to get the Sunday desert trades in then it was back to farm prep I added a fence to contain the barn animals but I do wish that the long grass could grow over the Short Grass areas to protect the precious crop space though I still gave my animals what I felt like was a good amount of space to keep them fed and happy for the year as for the crops I wanted to squeeze in as many sprinklers as I could on all of the tillable space it’s probably going to look a little weird but I’m a little weird so it fits day 106 was for covering the farming paths good thing I’d just gotten loads of wood from the foraging level grind but I did also add in a few Cobblestone paths here and there I’m not exaggerating when I say this literally took me all day the reality is I felt like this task was way overdue but I don’t think I’ve ever had such a busy winter where I’ve just not had the time to do it however some of it will have to wait until these melons are fully grown and for this area over here I waited for day 107 so that The Preserve jars would be done at some point I am going to need to make one more preserve jar to complete this area but I left it for the moment to refill the furnaces with more spring CL ORS and pass through town for a new special request to find Robin taking over the entire board hardwood was the best choice for me I’m not getting 1,000 Stone in a week I also stopped by gusses for some more salads to have on hand too I went straight to the secret woods from from there to make Headway on the fresh hardwood then came home to make a second Crystal Arium for Jades and more quality sprinklers for the farm didn’t really think about how the shape of the land might make the sprinkler layout more difficult but I wanted to cover as many table tiles as possible the only thing holding me back now with those sprinklers was smelting all the OES so I grabbed some coal from the Quarry the new coal nodes help a lot and I managed to squeeze in another 14 sprinklers before bed when day 108 I welcomed a new baby lizard to the coupe called geckos because I love geckos we’re slowly fing out the spots in the coupe Willie sell me to Ginger Island because I was missing my second home where I found my first lot of tarot ready one of which was hiding a walnut after clearing up the beaches I axed down all the hardwood trees I could find to get a move on with Robin’s Quest there were also a few fossils and artifacts waiting at the dig site for me so I could add some legs to Professor snail’s collection I then grabbed my fishing rod to find another Warner it didn’t take me long to get the last one I needed to restore the beach resort so I could start collecting all the walnuts from the Pirates Cove area I fished at the beach just outside to pass a bit of time I needed to catch the lion fish and it’s an even numbered non-rainy day so the Pirates will be visiting here for me to win all three darts games for three more golden War nuts don’t think I ever got a perfect game before either instead of sleeping on the island I decided to sleep at the farm so I could collect more hardwood from the secret Woods before bed plus I’d already be in town and ready for the Feast of the winter star the next day I had some time before the festivities would begin so I traded for the magic rock candy at the desert and I wanted to catch the desert fish the Scorpion carp showed up on my first cast and I caught it on my first try a true winter star miracle I also got a couple of sandfish and some treasure then came home just as the festival was starting to grab a frozen tear for Sebastian I wished everyone in town a mry winter star then check psed all for new stuff did he usually sell garlic and duck eggs before me being me I grabbed the garlic we’re mid days away from the seeds being sold but I just couldn’t leave behind a garlic I handed the much love Frozen tear to Sebastian and as for my Gift Giver it happened to be Sam let’s see how well he knows me H Delux speed grow looking after me and the farm I love it more than anything though I was just excited about the garlic which went straight into the seed maker ready for ginger Island we’re going to need it for the frog on day 110 there were some powder melons to harvest scattered across the crop field so once I completed the set of preserves jars I can make a small amount of progress with the paths here just one more bat melons to go to finish this off I noticed the giant stump now had a new Resident which meant the raccoons were hungry once again mushrooms were the craving this time but I didn’t think I’d really classify algae as a mushroom luckily I had everything they wanted at home this time getting a raccoon hat as a thank you kind of worried about how and where they got this so I’m just going to stick with my mystery hat it’s a little bit more me anyway even more worrying I could trade for more of those hats from their shop I’m not even going to ask I added to the week’s hardwood count before bringing those garlic seeds to plant on Ginger Island the first melon was ready too and when I went to greet the Frog I noticed the dialogue style is a little different now he seemed just as happy to see the new melon in exchange for five golden War nuts the long yellow thing which tickles the skin and waves in the wind was also ready here still creeped out to see that he still wants to tickle me I’ll just take those War nuts and be out of here thank you I took some time to clear out the remaining debris from the island farm and found a janal scrap for a dig spot I wasted no time in knocking this one off the list because it also comes with a pearl I had a brief walk around the jungle in the dark that evening to search for a mummified frog so I could bring it to Professor snail with a spine I forgot I had that’s another Walnut checked off then I walked away back to the valley because the smelting must not stop most of the remaining powder melons could be picked on day 111 most importantly these were the last ones blocking the path I gathered the last of the hardwood I needed from the secret Woods which I delivered to Robins right after for the reward but we know the ticket is what I was really after this one just got me some Omni geodes but it brought me a step closer to much better things to be fair those did remind me to pop home and grab my golden coconuts for Clint to open getting both the things I was hoping for at once and it looks like my mystery boxes were trying to help me set up for spring I then donated more items to the museum and earned rewards for the first time in a while the farm totems are handy but the sloth skeleton head will be going outside to complete the display here man was to be my next stop but first I haded a cactus fruit to Willie who was conveniently fishing just outside to complete his bulletin board request with that the way I could head inside to buy a couple of goats called Goofy and gude I allowed myself a little distraction from the questing and spring prep that afternoon over in the Discord server everyone’s been great at tagging a lot of the new things as spoilers I like to discover things as I goto but sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me this one in particular I just had to try it and it did not disappoint hell I navigated the Maze of barrels here which took way longer than I’d like to admit but when you reach the bottom corner you can collect another pair of Louis’s shorts apparently you can do this daily and really start a collection but then a pair came to life and began to attack H there what and I can’t seem to hurt them either oh my God they hurt oh oh they can kill they can they can kill you they can actually kill you okay I’m going to that was far more traumatizing than I was expecting I will not be going back there for the night I enjoyed the safety of the farm and got another load of sprinklers down day 112 the the last day of the year to tie off some loose ends before spring also I thought I started with making a couple more cheese machines now that we got loads of milk to get through and a couple more mushroom logs to add to the tree farm I said goodbye to the last of the powder melons of the Season then suddenly my inner loot goblin took over anything sensible within me because I dropped everything to go to Ginger Island for the volcano I freed the island Trader on the way up there then worked my way up through the floors but it was at level four that the world was trying to remind me I should really be doing something else when I ran out of water on my way to this button instead of listening and teleporting home I stubbornly ran all the way back to the entrance just to refill my watering can and then ran all the way back to complete the path so that I could get to the fifth floor because I didn’t want to live another day without having read the diamond Hunter like I said the loot goblin took over every cell of my body today I got back to the boat once I got what I was after but then fished at the beach for a bit so I could catch an albacore to bring to Gus for his stew just to clear another task for my journal back on the farm I had a few machines to tend to then it was off to bed for me ready for whatever the new year will [Music] bring on day 113 we have course start with an early morning greeting from Kent followed by the intense and overwhelming regret for past me not spending any time preparing these fields for the new year that leaves me no time to dwell on anything we’ve got our work cut out for this year’s seeds I’m making sure I plant enough to have a few of each crop for cooking then picking another crop or two just for profit in the spring this will be a mix of cauliflowers here and rhubarb from Sandy shop and we can’t forget to grab some garlic from Pierre since I needed to tell and water everything myself it took me all day to get everything planted and I didn’t even cover all the sprinklers on day 114 I gathered eggs for the first time of the year and thankfully we have the autog Grabber in the B for the milk to save some time I handed Vincent a gift in town when I went to grab a special request both of these I’d have been happy with but garlic trumps anything so I took Louis’s this time Time I grabbed those SE from Pier and brought a catfish to Rubin for the year’s first prize ticket the four extra kegs will be much much needed checking on the island Farm I found my first garlic had grown from last year so much to my relief this is the last time I have to interact with the creepy old frog once I got his last walnuts with a couple more fossils for Professor snail I got another three walnuts for completing the snake with a mango sapling as a bonus my little island trip meant I didn’t even get started planting those 100 garlic till the evening I didn’t bother watering them since they only take a few days to grow then I spent the rest of the night picking the greenhouse ancient fruit to turn back into seeds I visited Clint on day 115 to smash some things and finally upgrade my pan I was pretty Cross of myself of forgetting this till now on my way back I spotted that pan was on vacation again so of course I had to let her know she was missed that feels a bit mean okay oh wait there by this point I knew she’d be needing to drive more than just me to the desert in a couple of weeks I’m excited to find out about the new desert Festival soon I had to spend more time in the greenhouse finishing off those ancient seeds from yesterday and planted the fruit saplings here from my chest because I still needed all of these for shipping and stuff I then removed a few of my many disused sprinklers to bring to Ginger Island because it’s time to put them to work growing some more ancient fruit day 116 was for a new little batch of wine cranberry won’t be great but it’s better than nothing for now I looked for Cole at the Quarry for smelting before dropping a birthday gift to Ken alongside the war momento from birdie which he exchanged for some Gourmet tomato salt that belongs to Gus who traded me for a stardew valley Rose I thought I better hand this over to Sandy who gave me a TV remote it took me a minute to show George how to use it but then he thanked me with an Arctic Shard this looks like something the wizard would like bit offended that he thinks a worm is a worthy token of gratitude but I took care of it for a while and headed to joa to buy a couple of hundred potatoes Les’s not let these sprinklers go to waste any longer well most of them I don’t buy enough Leah surprised me with a lump of wood the next morning I displayed it on my farm just not where many people will see it my shiny new steel pan was ready for collection I just got to find an unwitting panning spot as my first victim at some point for now I thought it was about time that the worm belonged with Willie who then gave give me a pirates locket I was excited to return this to birdie but it’s raining so I visited Leo with a couple of gifts to get that friendship going popping by the island Farm I scared a whole amethyst out of this random bird which I took to the Jungle with some other gems to guess the other three pedestals I’m not waiting on any other rainy days for these walnuts because these took me over the amount to unlock the Walnut Room let’s grab our first key Quest both of these options are utterly terrible I chose Key’s Cuisine but honestly I’m not going to do this we’re only a few days away from new ones anyway from there I ran to the dig site to try out the new pan rubbish first try I basically just got it dirty I stuck around to clear the place out and even longer to try and pan up the lucky ring but the waters didn’t bless me tonight on day 118 I got a new joa branded mail from someone called Fizz from the joa special services division I’ll have to go find them on Ginger Island at some point I pulled up the first little lot of spring crops on the farm these will all be replaced with potatoes and I stocked up too I know I’ll be able to use them but before planting those I wanted to return that pirates locket to birdie whilst I was over there I hunted for Fizz I thought the watery cave was the Pirates Cove but this is the wrong watery cave seems he’d rather hang out with the mushrooms but he’s eaten them all today whatever this is seems pretty shady but basically he’s selling Perfection waivers worth 1% of the overall Perfection status costing 500 Grand each so now you can use the JoJo route in its fullest to reach the summit first by buying the JoJo Community Development projects then to to buy the walnuts from the parrot to get into the Walnut Room and now with these waivers to achieve Perfection I didn’t want to make the rest of this playthrough purely about money though so I won’t be buying any of these right now not that I can even afford it but that’s beside the point I didn’t leave the area until I panned up a fossilized tail the last piece needed to complete the largest fossil display that six more golden War nuts and a banana sapling which went straight into the greenhouse and then I could get on with planting those potatoes and chopping a bit of farmwood day 119 began with the big garlic Harvest this is what a lot of those potato Seas were for and hopefully Louis will be pleased tonight with the delightful smell of the 100 garlic he asked me to ship I brought 10 hardwood to Robin and sweetened the deal with a gift because I was after her carpentry Secrets I needed the flute block recipe for the island for later I visited Clint after that with an aquamarine he requested and to give him my business with another pan upgrade had to get the Sunday desert trades in two and finally remembered to pick up the desert totem recipe I was then back at Clint’s again because he’s now figured out he can take a few minutes away from my upgrade to crack a few troves open for me I wanted stuff for the museum but I also got a new book which increases the sale price of artifacts another power to add to the list a couple of troves had some new Museum pieces getting me a chicken statue and you saw the golden pumpkin come out of the first one which made for a perfect birthday gift for Louis the rest of this day was just for some small tasks around the farm on day 120 I received a mini shipping bin for yesterday’s big garlic shipment I stuck this up by the Animal product machines to shorten that walk a little bit then made a few more scarecrows because I definitely forgot to add these in a few areas as shown by the missing crops another addition to the farm will be a shed built by Robin my hope is to fill this with kegs instead of having them loose outside then partway through dealing with the day’s mini Harvest I realized I forgot to collect the gold reward for the garlic I guess we can say it helped towards the shed I’m going to need to smelt more Ores to make the cares for those sheds so I tried the quarry mines for Co but after fighting my way through that place I only found one single node at least a price ticket in town can always cheer me up won’t be able to redeem it to tomorrow but I could get ready for a new one with a new special request except neither of these were a good option for me I’m not hopeful I’ll get the stone in time but the Quarry can give me a bit of a head start on day 121 I bought breakfast to the raccoons of some pickled potatoes and some kale juice they paid me in fairy dust which I can now trade at their shop I did a quick check of my Mastery level to find I was painfully close to my first one so I chopped some trees to try and get over that line with a quick break to redeem that prize ticket and collect my golden pan I reached a new level of understanding a couple of trees after that sprinting straight over to the Mastery cave to find out what’s next four more Mastery levels to go I didn’t know how the rewards worked yet so I just walked to the very first board without a thought and claimed it I think at the time I thought you get one perk for each skill when you earn a level but honestly unlocking everything at a time for one of the five skills makes way more sense considering there are five levels of all the ones I could have picked combat would not have been my first choice so I was quite displeased this week’s ancient Fruit Harvest will help me towards that next level and all of these seeds will help me towards more gold on day 122 I could Harvest some Taro from the island Farm finding another warut amongst them I got around to checking the week’s key quests these mining ones are more mys speed I’ll go with danger in the Deep for an easy access to Radioactive or I also checked the shop here to see if there was anything new there’s a new Blue Grass arer recipe and some inexpensive fire works too which I think are just there for fun I fed a local parrot to get the farm Obelisk built but now we also get a free Island totem with it I made a quick trip home to drop some stuff off then had to go back to the island again to bring Harvey a green bean my wine was done by then so I thought it was about time we start making some real money with that ancient fruit then it was up to the mines to get through that key Quest I made it to level 25 in an evening which is where I passed out on day 123 I purchased the way of the Wind part two for another small Perman speed boost I brought a shiny gift to the dwarf before spending another day in the dangerous deep where I got a Galaxy soul from a skull and a magic quiver as my very first trinket this will shoot out an arrow for me every now and again and actually I think I’ve seen this item in Terraria maybe picking combat Mastery first wasn’t so bad after all I made it all the way down 50 more floors to pass out on 75 and the mining continued into the next day where I found another trinket the Golden Spur gives us a speed boost if we hit a crit I got to try all of these out all walls were popping up all over the place today and I even got a prizy from a skeleton I also completed Robin’s resource Rush Gathering Stone goes nicely with a mining Mission all of that before midday for some reason I left the mines at floor 100 that afternoon I guess I had a ticket shaped hole in my heart five more mystery boxes I also had to track down LS to tell him I’d slain some monsters for him that’s another ticket that got me a magic rock candy okay that’s my breakover I still wanted to get to the bottom of the mines today and that’s when I discovered another trinket a parrot egg with this one we can have a parrot friend following us around who has a chance to pickpocket those slain monsters for some extra gold I won’t tell you about every trinket I find from now on but I’ll just focus on the ones that I rely on with an emergency crafted staircase I made it to the bottom of those Minds mere seconds before passing out down there I woke up to a letter on day 125 with an extra 2 and 1 half grand for all those requests which reminded me to claim the gold for Louis’s one yesterday I had quite a lot of crops to harvest perfect timing for the strawberries I want to buy today because it is the egg Festival once again I bought 300 strawberry seeds and got ready for the egg hunt what I didn’t know is that things would be a bit different this year so I ended the race with eight eggs and Abigail stole my crown I bet she did this my own races weren’t over when I got home though I had to rush these 300 seeds into the ground and got it done just after 1:00 a.m. at least I won this one that wasn’t anywhere enough seeds for the whole farm so I wanted to chop up at s’s the next morning but first I grabbed the joa shirt she was selling and a mannequin to display it on as for seeds I got a few hundred rubub some of which will also replace the remaining cauliflowers too I check in on my furnaces quite frequently now and since it’s a new gifting week I dropped a gem to the dwarf who I found selling a new recipe the stone version of the big chest with the amount of eggs piling up I had quite the backlog for Mayo production so I thought it was time to finally add a proper amount of mayo machines to the farm and what better place for them than the coupe no point or these eggs hanging out in chests on day 127 the first batch of rubab from the beginning of the season was ready to go and I still had plenty of seeds from yesterday to replant them with that taking care of I could walk to the desert to check out the brand new Festival that I missed out on last year I was quite early for it so I got to take a peek at what there was to do before it all even started I couldn’t help noticing the smell of food and this one person here who completely ignored me but I went over to check out what the chef had to offer who wanted to make a personalized dish just for me I didn’t know what this did yet so I picked the options that spoke to my heart rare fruit with a sauce made from pungent garlic listen did you think I was going to pick anything else the chef worked his magic very surprised it wasn’t Gus that was here but then he handed me a warrior smoothie a fruit and garlic smoothie not quite what I was expecting but it was free and it gave me a combat buff and a plus three luck buff these are awesome because you can stack these with other food and drinks too and now I know that different ingredients give you different effects Willie was close by with a fishing challenge three sandfish should be just fine but I did have to go back for my rod first and whilst I was at it I grabbed my other tools too just in case it’s nice to see the traveling cart here too though she was closed till noon so I guess that’s when the Fall Festival really opens the next tent though was a place to trade eggs which I didn’t have any of just yet then I found a new staircase below sandy’s shop leading to a stand offering free Cactus I told the cactus man I was ready to welcome a new prickly friend into my life I was not expecting it to bark at me I’m not sure if this thing is adorable or creepy but either way I’ve agreed to give it a home I found a dig spot nearby which had my very first Calico eggs I was hoping to pan up some more but I’m not going to complain at all of this most of the attendees had now arrived and these two stores here will have a different MPC each day with some unique Goods to trade for eggs the weapons are a cool collectible but they aren’t exactly great now obviously I had to ask Emily about this giant cardboard box bit offended that she wants to fix me up do I look broken I humored her though and stepped inside but I stripped first because I really didn’t want to lose my precious mystery outfit the dialogue was kind of funny to watch but I was walking out of there in perfect alignment like this I guess I’ll keep it on for a bit that track around the desert is for a special race of these little critters all I had to do was guess which one would win I’ll admit I had a good few goes at this throughout the festival and literally never one I caught the three sandfish for Willie and received 25 Calico eggs then hunted around for more of them including in the trash and spoke to this scholar in the corner who had a test for me I passed all of the questions for 50 more eggs and don’t worry I did go and check on the adventurer stand here right after here you can pick a challenge for skull cavins to earn more eggs reaching level 30 should be a piece of cake you can also earn egg rating levels while down there because you can find even more eggs in those caves the higher the egg rating the more you find and you can turn your level in g at the end of the day for prizes another way to increase the level is with these statues these can also help or hurt you I wasn’t best prepared for this today without my usual gear and an almost full backpack but it’s nice to have another reason to come down here I wasn’t sure what time the Advent down would close so I made a staircase to push me to level 30 so I could get out of there I submitted my egg rating of 14 which Gil wasn’t impressed with at all but I still got 25 eggs for it and a triple shot espresso I think this is my new favorite Festival before leaving it for the day I bought Sam’s portrait from the merchant and traded eggs for as many mystery boxes as I could afford I was only one egg away from taking every single mystery box so in true loot Goblin fashion I dropped into skull cavins again with the sole purpose of finding one more egg No Loot box Left Behind day 128 was the second out of the three days of the desert Festival I made one pass at catching a scorpion cart for Wily’s challenge but after failing I decided my patience wasn’t up for that one so I headed to the chef for breakfast rare fruit still but enrich marinara this time for a sour salad which gives me luck and defense I checked the day skull cabin Challenge and again I chose to reach level 30 I see this offered every time for me so I’ll tell you now that I always pick it because it always seemed to have the higher egg reward let’s see how well we can do today I got past level 30 that afternoon and don’t worry about the treasure on that floor it was just a cowboy hat but my last treasure chest of the day was an auto patter I left the caverns on floor 55 to show Gil my slightly more impressive egg rating of 20 he even told Marlon about it and the reward this time was 100 eggs now that’s more like it I could afford all the mystery boxes today with no trouble at all before bed that night I had a couple of things to do on the farm first giving that auto pet to my CP friends then setting off a new batch of artisan Goods I couldn’t disappear to the desert on day 129 until I harvested the ancient fruit and got some more Mayo going I had another sour salad for breakfast then it was straight to skull Cabins this time we know level 30 will be no problem but today I want to see how high an egg rating I could get I haven’t done loot reviews for these trips because I was more focused on eggs than anything else but another Auto Peta went down very well I surprised myself here though because I changed my mind and left on floor 55 I got another 100 eggs for my new highest rating of 22 and instead of those mystery boxes I spent 250 eggs on a magic rock candy let’s be real though I still took as many boxes as I could afford I also wanted to get get one more outfit from Emily since I miss yesterday and this one did not disappoint I freaking love it I decided to help Willie today since I let him down yesterday I can’t let him lose a golden bobber especially for more Calico eggs that’s another couple of mystery boxes for me and since a lot of the town are still out and about here I took the opportunity to give out some gifts on day 130 I brought a leak to Evelyn for her mail request then boed straight off to the island with some flute blocks to play a little tune for the mermaid who paid me in walnuts the island Farm got its first aridium sprinkler which got filled with speed grown ancient fruit and I needed to grow some other stuff so I grabbed a load of tarot tubers from the island Trader those weren’t enough so I hit the dig site for more bone fragments because I need to plant 100 tarot for Caroline’s Island ingredients Quest I then went back to the valley to check out a fish frenzy because I have been ignoring these it was just a cart frenzy but it was fun to see them fly out of the water and really it was just to be able to say I went to one of the fish frenzies on day 131 I finally learned from several comments that you can very easily upgrade the chest without manually moving all the items this is so much easier and works for downgrades too time to fill them all with the stuff from all of these loot boxes which was honestly mainly seeds and food I said hi to the Recons to find a new request for some gifts these should be no problem I did have to smash a couple more bugs to get enough meat first though I brought everything by as soon as I could but I was not expecting this awesome fish tank in return I decided to display this in my house even if I didn’t put anything in it I chopped the next few Farm trees that sprung up to go towards another nine Kegs and play Sim more paths making sure to leave space for a second shed for later on day 132 I shopped at man’s for the animal catalog to allow me to use her shop for all the inconvenient hours that she’s away that was more of a surprise purchase I was ready here for an auto Grabber because skull havav hadn’t granted me a second one yet and I was done picking up eggs I couldn’t help grabbing a bird house and a dog house for the farm too then I dropped my pan at Clint for its final upgrade I wasn’t finished spending yet it was kober’s turn I bought the crafting recipe and three void eggs I only wanted two for myself one of them is a gift I wanted to hatch one for myself but I accidentally put some other egg in the incubator at some point so this will have to wait my afternoon was for chopping down the forest for the wood and for the Mastery points because this would get me my second Mastery level that evening this time I gave it a little more thought and picked out the foraging one well kind of I saw golden mystery boxes and the inner loot goblin took full control but that’s still more thought than none plus I was intrigued about the Mystic tree seed let’s see how these grow up then for the first time ever I camped out in the desert because on day 133 I just had to go to SC Cavin waking up right by the desert Trader to pick up more staircases the reason I didn’t check the luck first was because this was the final day I had to complete the skull Cavern Invasion Quest the harder version of the skull Cavern is shown by this train being active I may have only had had a handful of suit suitcases suitcases staircases I may have only had a handful of staircases with me but I was still confident that I could get to floor 100 and I got to see some of the new mindes floor variations along the way I also received a new trinket a green frog egg that summons a frog who periodically eats an entire enemy I made it to floor 100 shortly after that and completed the serpent monster SL girl before being completely battered by this mini Army on floor 13 9 being towards the end of the night I had a lot to lose but this was probably one of the best case scenarios really no point me trying to leave the building either so I just passed out right in the clinic let’s see how this affected our loot review all my little loot Goblin brain really cared about were my first seven golden mystery boxes though I do really need those idium sprinklers the first Ries of the Year cheered me up after yesterday’s beating I’ll be keeping most of these to dehydrate or turn into Jam then I made another 10 furnaces at the mines to burn through my ores faster now that the morning chores were done I could collect my aridian pound from Clint and get those shiny golden mystery boxes open there are some options for some more valuable prizes in here but we also see some of the stuff from the ordinary mystery boxes in higher quantities than before for this week’s special request I’ll be helping with a giant omelette since I didn’t fancy making potato juice this time and after a quick trip home to collect some copper bars I finally asked Clint to upgrade my trash can because I was sick of losing so much money by having to throw things away like the trinkets when I’m mining from there I sail to Ginger Island to deliver Pier some Sashimi on the beach convenient since I had to come to the irland farm anyway to set up those sprinklers because I am well aware how behind I am on planting valuable crops like these ancient fruit I also accepted Key’s kindness for the week’s key gems plus it will force me through some of these friendships then I spent the remaining hours of the day in the volcano I built that bridge to make my life a little bit easier and hunted for as many dragon teeth and as much loot as I could I stuck around to pass out too because I might as well Slaughter as many magma Sprites as I could find for the monster Slayer goal on day 135 I shared one of my mummified bats with Professor snail the last piece for the fossil tent along with the ostrich incubator recipe I left that tent for the last time with the last Walnut in there and then it was back to the Rainy Valley to fill my backpack with love gifts for that key Quest got to get the next batch of wine in too I began my shower of gifts then I went back home shortly after to put them all back because I realized something a rainy day in the last week of spring I need to catch the legend thankfully it showed up after not very long and it didn’t give me too rough a time either and it came with well I don’t know if you can call this treasure but still extra goodies I carried on the fishing down at the new waterfall in cindersap Forest because this little pool is home to a brand new fish the goby time to go home and smoke that Legend I need the cash more than I need that fish as a trophy I wanted to grab eggs from the coup for Gus when The Accidental baby duckling hatched and what better name for this happy accident than a poorly typed oops for the evening I got back to my original plan of handing out as many love gifts as I could no point delaying this progress on day 136 I harvested the ancient fruit in the greenhouse and collected some remaining eggs for gust from the coupe this passed some time before the flower dance I chattered to everyone for the Friendship points but instead of dancing with Sam I paired up with Abigail to get the extra heart towards perfection I love the way that my frog just hangs out there with me too on day 137 I dropped two dozen eggs to Gus for his giant omelette and got straight on with handing out love gifts for Key’s kindness when I got to Louis’s with his gift I picked myself up a little gift with a prize ticket from the omelet it was a cup of star drop tea that I’ll be saving for later and whilst I was at man’s I added another pig to the barn trouble to go with Trotter and truffle the entire day was spent on those gifts but before turning in for the night I made sure to get my THS magic rock candy from the desert Trader my role as a spring Santa continued into day 138 didn’t even know it was Pier’s birthday today so I capitalized on it with an extra gift of a stardrop tea now he’s one of my highest friendships I stole some tea leaves whilst I was there and gave out the final gift for the quest to Leah that morning but after helping Willie with his crab problem I thought I better carry on buying everyone’s affection for the sake of perfection I then went home to celebrate a job well done by feeling the Bittersweet Joy of tending to the year’s final straw Harvest I had another Harvest waiting for me in ginger Island the 100 tarot for Caroline’s Island ingredient Quest all straight into the shipping bin of course then I chopped all the wood I could find on the island for kegs and Mastery points on day 139 I pocketed the extra 5 grand for Island ingredients and opened a pile of mail which included the solar panel recipe half of this day was spent in the minds with some monster musk destroying dust Sprites because getting that burglar ring is way overdue I brought Emily a birthday gift which maxed out her friendship on on my way to the forge on Ginger Island to combine that burglar ring with one of my aridian bands I also added a ruby to my Galaxy sword to make it more powerful I wanted to add another but I ran out of Cinder shards so I went through the volcano to find myself some more plus I still need some more walnuts here staying to pass out that night meant I could add two more rubies to my Galaxy sword the next morning this should help me through all the monster slaying that’s left to do and this was another day of doing just that in the volcano again well that was the plan until I realized I have almost an entire Farm full of rhubarb to harvest and it’s the last day of spring I can’t be letting all of this go to waste I got to replace these spots with some far less valuable seeds to hold the sprinklers for the new season it definitely helps that I can trade for more carrots at the raccoon shop with everything I had I was only two seeds short of prepping every sprinkler on the farm so I just turn some rice into shoots to fill it and with any time left in the season I mind for iron I’ll be needing a lot of this stuff on day 141 I went straight to the special request board before I could even forget I could only choose between fishing or fishing so I chose willly one because rolling in 10 Dorado will be no fun at all thanks to my key to the town I could head into the jojima early to pick up some seeds for cooking ingredients though I did have to get the red cabbages and blueberries from Pierre I got all of those planted in the patch outside my house then paid a visit to Sandy in her shop to give her a gift and buy a whole load of star fruit seeds to fill the farm with this is what’s going to make us the good money though I did have to go back to Sandy to get even more by the time the planting was done the wine was ready but before setting off the next patch I actually remembered to pick the kegs up this time and move them to the shed where they belong on day 142 I noticed one of the Mystic trees had fully grown so I tried to slap a Tapper on it it worked so let’s see what comes out I then made my very own Anvil with 50 iron bars took me a while to gather what I needed and I was excited to try this out this randomizes the stats on the trinkets that cost of three aridian bars and this is another thing that reminds me about Terraria for the parrot egg here are the results you can get I got level two this time and I’ll leave the wiki guide in the description for more info on the stats for each trinket the frog eggs can change color but I assumed it didn’t do anything because mine stayed green I experimented with these for a bit then topped up on bait from Willie on my way to the island to get going on the tropical fish Quest I started with the stingray to get the worst over with though I’d prefer not to be catching trash here I was hoping to knock out this quest in one day but it took the entire afternoon just to catch the five stingrays the lion fish didn’t take all that long but I left the discus for the night so I had time to pick out a new key quest for the week hopefully I’ve got the stuff for the Prismatic range at home because I still have a couple more recipes to buy here I went straight to the dig site on day 143 and cleared the place out to make it easier to pan and fish here I caught the final discus for Willie early that afternoon and claim the extra cash before fishing up by the mountain lake while smoking some fish for reasons I honestly can’t remember maybe it’s all about money because I took a detour to the train station on my way home to dig up the treasure chest on day 144 I continued the lake fishing still can’t remember why I’m doing this perhaps it was for a largemouth bass because once I got one I returned to the farm to put it in a bait maker and went straight out to catch a few more it must have been For the raccoons because they were asking for a smoked one again along with some oysters but I’ve already had those ready for a while the reward was 25 summer squash seeds which just went in a chest for now then I took a minute to gather a colorful variety of items to hand in for some key gems and harvested all the ancient fruit on the island Farm on day 145 I found a crow helping itself to one of my crops I guess I must have moved a scarecrow wrong at some point so I put down an extra one along with a few extra lightning rods now that storm season’s begun I then took a morning walk up to Robins to place another pet Bowl on the farm for a future friend we get a choice of looks here but I like the stone one the best and these build instantly as well that was funded by all this spare gear I sold to Marlon then I was planning to catch the Crimson fish today but I remembered I recently got a new Mastery level that I haven’t claimed the reward for yet what better time than now to unlock the fishing Mastery because the advanced aridium Rod allows for two Bobbers so I can add another trap bobber to help me I intentionally ignored some treasure to secure the catch what has gotten into me even weirder I fish some more until the evening I think I must have been working on the fishing collection on day 146 I collected a brand new artisen good drying grapes makes raisins I only made one for shipping because raisins are gross I brought Demetrius a puffer fish I caught yesterday because he just so happened to ask for one this morning then took a trip to the desert just to give Sandy a gift I wanted to get some boxes opened at clints and it’s a good thing I did because who knows how long this trash can upgrade would have stayed there I didn’t really get anything interesting today so we put it all away at home and just worked on some little things around the farm like making a couple of mini obelis to get around and naming our brand new boy chick I called it chip and I think there was some thought behind this I couldn’t tell you what it was do you happen to have any theories I popped out for some hardwood that night and on my way back I realized I forgot to check the raccoon’s recently expanded stock I can now trade the boring old mystery boxes for Golden ones and 20 of those would get me a magic rock candy I’ll definitely make use of the first one but I don’t feel like the magic rock candy is worth 20 loot boxes for me day 147 started with building friendships for the start of a new new gifting week once I reached Pam at the bus stop I got her to drive me to the desert to make my weekly trades and of course hand Sandy another flower one of the big trades I made at the desert were loads of artifact Tres because I’ve totally neglected the museum but I was also looking for an ancient doll to try out a new L Easter egg I made my museum donations first then headed to floor 100 of the mines to dump that ancient doll except I did it wrong don’t do it this way [Music] after that many artifact troves I was so upset I guess we’ll have to try and come back to this later but I was determined to leave the mines with some sort of wind today so I went up a few floors to catch the ice pip which also came with a little bit of treasure on day 148 I asked for 10 more artifact TRS from the desert Trader which I took straight to Clint for opening none of these had the ancient doll though looking at the special request board I was reminded I don’t have the monster musk recipe yet I forgot about this because I traded a book for one before so I better pick this Quest this week as part of this day’s gift round Gus got a birthday gift makes sense to be considered popular after befriending the saloon owner Leo got a gift in his Treehouse too whilst I was on the island to get another key Quest I reluctantly picked the Prismatic range again but neither of these were really a good option for me so I might not even do it here’s a quick Perfection update too in case you curious we have so much work to do as part of that I was going to hunt for the Prismatic slime this night and tell I I remembered I had a request from Clint to gather some copper for inspection that was pretty easily handled at the Quarry and I knew I’d be able to find him at the saloon at this hour to hand it in might as well give him a gift too Gus showed up on my doorstep the next morning with his unnecessarily spicy sauce and a Juke boox and its recipe the local Carpenter was asking for some fresh cut wood something I had plenty of on the farm and that’s when I noticed it was time for the next lot of ancient fruit wine Robin was conveniently on her way to the exercise class for me to hand over that wood for a prize ticket except I don’t think she actually took it because I accidentally gave her a piece as a gift right after that prize ticket just got me a pig painting a little gift for me amongst another small round of gifts this was the day I wanted to tackle the Prismatic slime with help from the magic quiver who knew how long it was going to take for me to find that slime literally two in-game hours and my sword skills were so great that I ended up with a bonus jar of jelly I took the straight over to the wizard I got the usual reward we expected but I wanted to know what would happen if I try to give him another jar wrong person who else would want this we all know it’s going to disappear tomorrow anyway sadly so obviously I’m going to have to immortalize this moment with a sign to display on the farm the tap on the Mystic tree had something for me this evening I’ve been wondering how to get hold of this Mystic syrup for ages I just had to find out about that treasure totem this summons a ring of dig spots around you but I wasn’t expecting to get quite this many this could probably help with finding certain artifacts but I’m disappointed to inform you that this was the only one I ever made the crop fairy Works a magic for us overnight so on day 150 I could Harvest a few of my crops a little bit early but I left the blueberries because I’d rather they’d all be done at the same time it was a super Lucky Day a perfect day to spend in skull cabins I’ve been missing this place and I still have some monster Slayer gos to meet I found a new trinket on a treasure floor the fairy box which summons a fairy to heal you every now and again oh how I could have done with this in the one life challenge uh you’re am I kidding nothing can save me from myself sometimes I’ll save the rest of it for the loot review and I did make some good progress on some of the monsters thinging but I didn’t hit any new goals by the time I passed out on floor 119 hilarious what the heck am I going to do with two spare Auto Grabbers anyway I’m happy with the hundreds of or the crystarium and the prizes but these trinkets are starting to cost me precious backpack space I’ve been slacking on these trash can upgrades so I’ve lost out on loads of potential cash every time I have to throw away the extra trinkets they’re worth a grand each by the way I went right back to the desert Trader with all the Omni GEOS from yesterday as well as three Prismatic shards for artifact troves and a weekly magic rock candy this did make me a bit late to the luow but chatting with everyone they didn’t seem too MD I dropped my best quality purple mushroom into the pot another Unforgettable soup cooked into everyone’s memory on day 15 52 I dropped off all of those skull cavor in the mines and got some more iron going before Redeeming the prize ticket for the Prismatic slime always happy for a bomb top up for skull cabins I gathered some beach forage for crab mating season on my way to Ginger island with a banana for the gorilla who owes me some War nuts the afternoon was for some volcano adventuring I still had some War nuts in here to find and I really needed more Cinder shards though somehow I managed to come out of there with enough time to squeeze in the ancient Fruit Harvest I forgot about for the week day 153 started with a mini Harvest of ingredient crops which got replaced with some spare star fruit seeds I took my golden mystery boxes to Clint to claim my extra skull cabin loot along with some artifact troves hoping for another ancient doll which did not appear this time after adding 25 more kegs to the shed I bought all of Robin’s crafting recipes and made a string of deliveries I stuck a battery in the bus tunnel dropped a rainbow shelf to the box at the train station snuck 10 beats into Louis’s fridge and fed a solar Ence to a fossil so I could collect the club card from the pile of wood next to my house I also added a calendar to my house that I bought from Robin so I can keep track of birthdays and events a lot easier I trapped the days hardwood that evening in prep for all the crafting I’ll need to do going to need loads of regular wood as well day 154 and I was excited with the Harvest of batteries and crops especially cuz most of those crops were several 100 star fruit the majority of this will be kept for wine but I do like to ship off most of the gold quality ones for quick boost in cash I traded for the Sunday staircases at the desert but more importantly I was here to buy the next batch of starroot seeds I also moved this Blockhead aside to check if there was anything new and important at the casino shop the fireworks are here too but all I care about is the usual Aden rarecrow I got right to it and bought a couple of thousand coins it took forever but I spun that slot machine till I slowly built myself up to 10,000 coins that’s another recro off the list I didn’t leave the desert without chopping all the trees down but I did have to get a move on to replant all of that star fruit however once again I didn’t buy anywhere near enough and had to top up to finish the job it is worth it because mainly thanks to the gold star fruit we made 125 Grand that day I took a trip to the island on day 155 to set up more aridium sprinklers with star fruit and ancient fruit I also picked the extended family key Quest because I wanted to add to my fishing bobber collection I emptied out the dig site mainly for the hardwood before getting myself ready for fishing and setting off a new batch of wine on day 156 I dropped some goodies over to the raccoons in exchange for a void egg sort of wish I waited for this one before buying one now I was then planning to catch Robin at her counter on her way to the exercise class but she had the ordacity to be leaving early for a vacation day I really wish you could just leave her a note with the order via this menu or something the Silver Lining was that I was already in the area to fish for the Legend 2 now it took several fish to show up this one wasn’t it but it had a golden treasure chest and inside was a star drop tea I am all about this better loot I got it on the line a couple of hours later now I’m well aware I could have shoved this into a bait maker to catch more and make a whole bunch of money but I’m quite simply not going to put myself through that I wanted to move on to the sewer fish but my tackles had broken so I came back home to make a couple more trap Bobbers I’d also now gain my fourth Mastery level I went with farming this time because how awesome is it that we can now use the newer radium Scythe to Harvest crops without the mod now the other stuff is cool too of course I used the opportunity of being nearby to catch the glacier fish Junior on my first class too and it came with treasure it took most of the rest of the day to encounter the radioactive cup but the late hour didn’t stop me from squeezing in the capture of M angler that night on day 157 I brought the hot pepper to Pierre that he was after on my way to the beach to catch the son of crimson fish this was the last one I needed for that key Quest I paid Willie to take me to Ginger Island because I had to balance out all that fishing with a volcano Run for the goodness of my soul I got my first golden animal cracker here I’ll show you how these work later and I also found one of the secret notes I was hoping for but other than that treasure wise this wasn’t exactly my favorite day on day 158 I made my very own mini Forge so that I don’t have to make my way all the way to the volcano to enchant or Forge my tools and weapons anymore I picked lint to receive my first animal cracker these permanently double the animal produce of the animal all and they can only ever eat one except pigs they don’t work on pigs what I didn’t know is that they apparently also work on fish ponds I also went ahead and smoked those extra legendary fish to sell because it’s better than them sitting in a chest once I grabbed the few crops from the farm I brought all of my books to Marcelo to see if I wanted to trade them I got myself some artifact troves and some mystery boxes then ended up reading a few of these spares because the XP contributes to my Mastery level I finally bit the bullet and read the mapping cave systems book and I also SP spent 50 Grand on the queen of source cookbook because there was no way I remember to get all the recipes from the TV I also grabbed horse the book and do Slither legs to read so I could gain all the powers Marcelo had to offer I was down to Clint from there to open the artifact troves I didn’t get the ancient doll I was hoping for but I did get the red disc which I need for the museum I did not want the untha weable reward though wandering back through town I dug out a trash catalog by George and Evelyn’s house which grants me access to some trashy Furniture these unique catalogs are great for when you’re decorating within a theme having got another artifact book I could trade for three more troves still no ancient doll so we moved on to the gold mystery boxes the regular ones I’ll be doing something with later I wanted to try for that house upgrade again but Robin was still missing on a random Thursday afternoon why Pierre was out too but at least I could still buy the crafting recipes I wanted and the fruit trees I needed for shipping then Leach get a spot in the greenhouse then I occupied my evening with some little farm chores I used my aridium Scythe for the first time the next morning to cut some hay kind of forgot about using this for crops Robin was actually working today so my house upgrade was underway at long last but it cost 65,000 gold I swear this used to be 50 that’s some inflation anyway I came back home to fill my backpack with some very nice things and made this a gifting day I didn’t even realize that it was without the tea sapling recipe now that I’m not rying on them so seeing this cut scene so late was a little bit of a weird moment for me a birthday gift to Demetrius completed that friendship I got pams done too with one final pnip and I didn’t forget about Sandy in the desert either all of these made for a lot of running around today but it’s got to be done back at the farm that night I made some final prep for the upcoming Trout Derby and this time I wanted to Head Start by camping out here overnight only to find you can’t do this with the festival here the next day so I guess I didn’t miss this camping opportunity last year after all but to get as close as I could I just camped at the bottom of my farm this meant I could get my first cast in just 20 minutes into day 160 no idea how these other people beat me here but whatever annoyingly I had to run home shortly after because I forgot to bring the extra treasure Bobbers and I thought some spicy e might also help but from last year you already know how this day is going to look instead of trading in each tag as soon as I got them I saved all 16 I found until the end of the day though annoyingly you can’t just get all of your prizes in one quick sweep like you can at squid Fest I had to sit and trade these all in one by one and honestly at this point a lot of these things didn’t feel quite so worth it in fact I didn’t even bother with the second day of the Trout Derby but I still came to the forest to upgrade my regular mystery boxes to Golden ones for the chance of some better goodies at clints the weekly ancient fruit was ripe again a perfect time to test out my aridium Scythe for crop Gathering so satisfying but before going to grab the item fruit I traded for my weekly staircases and bought a few more our fruited from Sandy the rain on Ginger Island wasn’t stopping my farm work here and the perk of this weather was knowing that Leo would probably be at home to receive a gift it made clearing out the dig site a little bit more unpleasant though we woke up to a newly extended house on day 162 which meant I had a few things to move around mainly just to get them out of the entrances or from the middle of the room then I tended to the next mini Harvest with my trusty Scythe in hand I made more dehydrators since they’ve been making some good money I plann to put them in the house but walked in on Sam looking troubled sounded like he was looking for another sense of purpose and I was happy he was going to find something music related that he can be passionate about I’ll be excited to see how this goes by putting the dehydrators in the house I’ll be able to set off the next batch of dried fruit the second eye wake up and the shed got another five KS because it was already wine day once again after a couple of rounds of copper melting I asked Robin to upgrade that almost full shed and I also returned to the mines to make sure the dwarf got a couple of birthday gifts the stardrop tea and rabbit’s foot that’s quite a big burst in Friendship progress I had a couple of tasks on my list for Gus one for an iron bar delivered directly two him and 24 eggs for a giant omelet no completion for that one yet though because I still have some eggs to collect later but that prize ticket I just got from him gave me five more mystery boxes I had another mystery box at home so I added this to the pile to trade the raccoons then before going to bed I barged past Pierre in his kitchen to steal a tea Lea from Caroline sun room because I still haven’t shipped a green tea I even made an extra keg for it because I didn’t want to wait an entire week for the wine day 163 and something was in the air it was time for this year’s green rain the green tea went straight into the shipping bin with the morning’s dried fruit then I got straight to work cutting down all the tough weeds before they overrun the place looks like George very much knows about this too and I chopped down some of the extra trees around town but I didn’t want to go as hard as last year I mainly just focused on the farm with that then brought the wizard a gift because I was curious as to what he thought about this weather event apparently for most of the villagers the things that they have to say about this in the first year are far more interesting so I definitely missed out a little bit last year with the farm now safe I popped into the adventurers Guild to part with some spare gear and do a quick progress check on the monster Slayer goals to see what I still needed to work on the perfect productive activity to pass a few hours left that night day 164 was one for handing out gifts and I’m not sure if the wizard cursed me but I came out of there looking even more like a mystery box jokes on him I love being a loot Goblin I even dyed my trousers to match them even more that will show him on day 165 I asked Clint for an ax upgrade before spending the day in the mines working on Monster C go so very worth it when I got a prismatic Shard from a rock crab I managed to finish the doggy go and even though I didn’t hit any others I switched Focus to killing dust Sprites for coal now that I’d burn through all of mine on day 166 Sam got a job offer as a music composer for a TV station but he was disappointed that it was for a kids show it’s not quite what he had in mind but I told him to just think of it as a stepping stone for now and maybe he could even ask his little brother for help I turned on the M Shrine to get the harder version again then collected my next prize ticket in town because I’d picked up the remaining eggs for Gus’s omet earlier that morning the prize was just a couple of fairy dust but that brings me closer to some artifact RS I’ve had my eyes on I also cleared a couple more quests from my journal then it was over to Ginger Island to clear weeds I Can’t Tell You Why didn’t Harvest any of the fruit here but then I proceeded to spend time at the dig site panning and clearing the place out I was appreciating the bones here for the fertilizer for the night time I decided it was time to make progress on the void Spirit monsters slay goal I didn’t hit it tonight but I wanted to get somewhere before the mines get harder tomorrow on day 167 I fished for a sturgeon to turn straight into bait so I could go out and get some more it was only a matter of time for me to get fed up with that but I also wanted to get to Robin’s before she closed to ask for a fish pond this is going to be home to some sturgeons because I still haven’t shipped any caviar yet even though all the farm star fruit was ready I decided I’ll ignore this till tomorrow and took a stroll to the wizard to hand him a gift not realizing he’d already had two this week robus happily accepted one though as did the raccoons who thank me with some fairy dust the last day of summer meant there was an abundance of star fruit gather and replace with disposable seeds to hold the sprinkler spots for the new season tomorrow I had enough coffee beans to cover the entire farm and I had a feel I’ll be using more fruit this year so I only shipped half of my gold quality ones to keep a few extra behind I made it to Clint during his business hours to collect my gold Axe and to open some more boxes to scratch the itch for loop I then picked up my weekly staircases from the desert whilst I was there to buy some more star fruit seeds I know it’s the end of summer but I have plenty of space on Ginger Island for these and I also had a load of stuff to harvest there which got me my final Mastery level I’ve been slowly expanding the area to grow speed grown star rout on I was origin waiting till I had enough Deluxe speed grow to cover these sprinklers but I eventually did realize that this was a waste I could still be making money from these sprinklers even if a little slower slower is still more than not at all I made it back to the valley in time for the dance of the Moonlight jellies where I bought a seafoam pudding chatted to everyone here then sore off the season with a show on the [Music] pier day 169 and surprisingly my first order of business was not crops it was wine in my newly upgraded shed I only realized partway through that I’d forgotten to rearrange them so I just moved what I could and we’ll deal with the rest next time money should start rolling in well now that star fruit is the focus for my wine and I’ve been dehydrating ancient fruit I shop for the seeds I needed in a similar way to the other two seasons a few crops for ingredients then lots of a money maker which this time will be pumpkins it took the entire afternoon and evening for me to clear off the dead crops and plant all the new ones almost 200 Grand rolled in that night then on day 170 I got the beach Obelisk built the very first thing that morning it took me a while to actually place it because I kind of forgot to plan out a space for all the obelisks I’ll figure this out another day this will give me a shortcut to the boat on Ginger Island I dropped a load of farmwood before popping back out to the Mastery cave I almost forgot to claim my final Mastery rewards the entire wall lit up and Grandpa’s hat appeared on the post apparently I felt Grandpa’s hand patting my shoulder I’m surprised I didn’t just leap out of my skin but we’ve done it officially a true master of these skills I returned to the farm to craft the dwarf King statue which will allow you to choose from two mining related Buffs each day this very much appeals to the loot Goblin and me next up a trip to sandies for even more star fruit seeds for ginger Island but before getting those planted I had a very important introduction to make between the three of us we managed to convince Leo to come to a new home in the valley with lonus where he can also meet some other kids that’s the good deed done for the day back to farming work it’s about time I cram in a load more starf fruit on Ginger Island I still think I prefer these over ancient fruit on day 171 I bought the last two crafting recipes from Mr key and traded any spare War nuts for more gems then made a quick stop at the dig site to clear it out again I came back home to notice my fish pond was now ready for its first occupant hopefully the row won’t take too long because I really need that caviar being low and Cal again I picked out some of the stuff at the Quarry then I was going to gather fiber in the mines for the afternoon but I completely forgot I turned it into the harder version so for now I just cut down what I could at the train station and anywhere else I could think of in town the mutant bugler is a great place for this thankfully this topped up my supplies enough because I needed an entire stack of fiber to craft the statue of blessings which gives us a random buff every day day 172 was a good luck day it had been a while since our last skull kev’s trip and I had an invasion to deal with for Mr key though I did forget to use either of my statues on the farm for extra help given the multiple magic rock candies I’m surprised it took me till 10 p.m. to hit floor 100 and I made it down another 31 where I passed out for the night get ready for that loot review more interesting than what I do have here were the numerous trinkets I had to throw into the trash and I still only have a copper trash can I don’t know how I still haven’t upgraded this I also threw away every single hat I found nothing else besides the mystery hat is worthy of a spot at top my skull the two aridium sprinklers got their place on the farm there’s me counting the towel since I’m not using UI infos Suite then I got yesterday’s aridium smelting up at the mines some of the Omni geod got traded for artifact Tres at the desert which went straight to Clint to smash open finally another ancient doll and that’s an auto pet in a mystery box love to see it the ancient doll didn’t see the outside world for very long because I ran straight to the mines to try and drop this in the water correctly this time simply by interacting with it that was slightly terrifying but I got gifted with something shiny which might look familiar to the Terraria players here I carried it through the farm for a quick few chores on my way to the Wizard’s basement where I plunked the far away Stone on the branch and witness something magical a little cat strutted out of this portal to the word of Terraria to give me a special weapon called the Meir this is a weapon from Terraria that I honestly don’t know too much about yet because I haven’t come across it my own playthrough but honestly this crossover makes me so happy and there are stardo items in Terraria too the wizard was not best pleased when he found out what I was up to but I don’t care that was so worth it the meow isn’t exactly a great weapon for this point in the game though but I will still treasure it I wanted to plop it on a table at home but I forgot you can’t do that oh well I better move on from that so I could hand over Elliot’s birthday gift before the day was up but for me the day was not over until I added even more aridium sprinklers to the farm and the next morning I added some scarecrows here today’s blessing spawned a prismatic butterfly somewhere in the valley I wanted to go and find it but I had a lot of ground to cover so I had some crab cakes for breakfast with a very strong coffee and zoomed out so that I could see more of the area time for a long old Sprint around the valley annoyingly after covering the entire map I just couldn’t find it I wasn’t able to find it reviewing the footage either maybe next time I did keep trying for the entire day though on day 175 I Ed a diamond at my sturgeon for breakfast before catching the boat to Ginger Island for ancient fruit day this topup came in just in time because I was pretty much out of the stuff for the dehydrators Gus got a not so fresh Lobster to cook with then I took my weekly trip to the desert to meet the trader the wine was ready to go so I took the opportunity to add 22 more Kegs and rearrange the shed to the layout I prefer from now on Sunday can be my new wine day the same day I harvest the ancient fruit truffle gave birth to a baby pig that night now I really don’t know what was going on with me trying to type this but we’ll welcome trusty to the barn on day 176 I could Harvest a few crops on the farm but I ignored the B choice because I wasn’t up for replacing them today I put rubbin to work to build me a stable what’s the point in Reading horse the book If I don’t get a horse I grabbed a few blackberries on my way to see Marcelo though at this point he isn’t selling anything I want to buy but it was bothering me that I still had one book missing from my collection I will confess I just couldn’t take it anymore and I ended up looking this one up through a gap in the fence here there’s a path with a couple of obstacles at the end of that path was a hidden golden trash can and inside is a book called the alleyway Buffet I never would have found this on my own I read that final book which gives a higher chance to find items in the trash and I got a new achievement well read I asked Clint for a very late steel trash can upgrade then bought a handful of bombs from the dwarf to clear out the Quarry I even took out all the trees because I really have to get ready to craft every item on day 177 Sam played a bit of what he’s been working on not that I could hear it but I was glad to see he was coming around to the idea of composing for this kid show now over at the island I wanted to grab a new key quest for the week and I should have a few Prismatic shards sitting around I found one more recipe that I forgot to buy with key gems and I also grabbed a deconstructor to retrieve materials from what I don’t want to keep from the crafting achievement the rest of this day was dedicated to gifting really got to push along with filling those friendships now and this achievement is sh we really are making good progress day 178 we welcomed a new horse friend no really horse friend something new for 1.6 we can Fe carrots to our horse friend for a small all day speed boost but who cares about the speed boost when the animation is so cute I dropped some supplies to our now huge raccoon family and got a star drop tea in return then got back on with another day of delivering gifts I also brought Alex a pumpkin he requested for another little boost in friendship and of course the price ticket I somehow managed to stay focused on my task and didn’t redeem the prize right away and when I got to Robbins I asked her for the final house upgrade to be able to get the CK recipe I made it to the ticket machine eventually but I don’t really need these artifact roves anymore on day 179 I had the last few gifts to hand out for the week then spent a quick minute in the minds upgrading two of my furnaces into heavy ones this needs 25 or and three cold to smell so it is more efficient and sometimes you have a chance for it to produce an extra bar too I’ll work on upgrading the rest over time I asked to turn the mines back into their original state then rode back to the farm to chop down trees and made a light start on that crafting achievement this was a good chance to show what materials I still needed to chop up on one of them being hardwood and I might as well pick a few blackberries whilst I’m at it I got quite a few more things crafted that evening and a lot of it I’ll be putting in the deconstructor if I know I won’t be using them on day 180 I worked on the item Farm by adding some Deluxe speed grow to some of the existing star fruit I’ll wait for these to be ready before I harvest everything I had four prizes with me to drop off to Mr key but to my surprise this didn’t satisfy the quest a new Evil Edition for 1.6 you have to collect fresh ones less of an easy late game win now I’m taking these back till I know I can get four new ones just in case I don’t do it in time I took down all the trees on this side of the island then it was back to the dreary Valley to plant and fertilize some mahogany trees hopefully this will speed along a proper quantity of hardwood but I’ll still collect some from the secret woods and chop down the hole of cindat forest whilst I was at it to add over a stack of wood to my storage on day 181 Sam was ready to show off his new theme tune for the happy junimo show to the kids it’s a shame Leo’s not here too now that he’s moved to the Valley now I couldn’t hear it in game but I have heard this song it’s on in the background right now but it was lovely to see where it originated from and Jazz and Vincent seem to be fans too it looks like this little journey has helped Sam figure out what’s important to him and now I can listen to it whenever I want well in theory with some extra luck and Immunity to bomb damage i m the day away on the hunt for iron there was a farm full of ripe pumpkins to harvest on day 182 I’d also taken down a lot of the other crops which meant my backpack was too full to collect some of the ancient fruit hair it was mainly the fairy roses causing the problem I crafted another 20 kegs for this wine day but before setting them down I needed to go to Pier to drop off an assortment of gold quality vegetables none were pumpkins because I knew I’d only get 2,500 gold for this I then had to shop at the jojan mark for a refill of pumpkin seeds and rushed over to Ginger Island to harvest the fruit there too I left the majority of the star fruit alone because I knew I wouldn’t have time to replant this and all the pumpkins on the farm and tend to the Wi day duties especially because I plann to set up these new sprinklers here I was right I didn’t plant my last seeds to 1:00 a.m. and I didn’t even get to water the new ones but I think they’ll still be done in time trouble bless the bar with with another pig that night with the name of treadmill I think I was starting to run out of ideas over 340 Grand we made that night then on day 183 I got a bit nervous about those pumpkins I didn’t water and added a bunch of regular speed grow to be completely sure I probably wasn’t going to use this on anything else anyway I had another chance for a prismatic butterfly today and I still grabbed the hardwood was out from my search I collected my next prize ticket as I passed through town and I accepted the fishing Quest I haven’t done here yet with no intention of doing it I think both of these give the farm computer recipe so it really doesn’t matter if I ignore one of them the prize machine spat out a house plant then I thought I should probably pick up my trash can from Quint I successfully located the Prismatic butterfly when I came to buy a bus ticket this grounded us around 20 grand really wish I found the other ones I’ve missed now I did want to buy some starf fruit seeds from Sandy but she was out for her birthday so I passed over a gift on her way out that’s another full friendship on the list so I allowed myself a more relaxing evening with some smaller Farm chores on day 184 I received another mini shipping bin in the mail from Pierre which went by the shed for some easy wine day selling it was the stardew Valley Fair day and I’m pretty pleased with the goods I displayed this year I had a little Wonder around whilst Lewis was judging and I noticed the layout was a bit different this time the burgers are in much easier reach and the animals are up at the top instead I smashed the competition with that Grange display then use the wheel to drop up my balance some more to afford the price ticket and the rarecrow couldn’t remember if I already had this one I did have to collect my display items the following day though I forgot to take them with me I also took away a star drop tea from yesterday’s prize ticket then when I rode out with Horus for one of my weekly gifting spree I was surprised to find a new Good Neighbor achievement I had a feeling this had something to do with the raccoons but when I went to speak to them they asked me for some more supplies checking the menu it was to do with the raccoons so we’ll see what happens when I come back with what they need it took me most of the day to get this round of gifts out then when I got back to the farm I made another keg to instantly make some eggplant juice with the help of some fairy dust I also dusted a preserve jar which already had some pumpkins pickling so I could bring these to the raccoons who returned my fairy dust and more when stepping out for the next round of weekly gifts on day 186 I was met with the most adorable new cut scene of the racon family these are the best new neighbors I could ever have hoped for Manny got the first gift of the day since it is her birthday that’s another full friendship and when I event made it to Sebastian’s room I decided to give my feet a rest and join them for the salarian Chronicles I chose to be a Healer here and I felt bad healing Sebastian instead of Sam here but I wanted to get a good rating because I really don’t get an A very often with less gifts to hand out today I had time to get to s that afternoon to buy a load more starf fruit seeds and it’s a Thursday so I could get my hands on some cheaper Deluxe speed grow these were came with me to Ginger Island it’s about time I harvest all this star fruit here and the next batch will all grow faster day 187 was another great luck day and another great day for another skull cabin Invasion hopefully this is my chance to gather the fresh presmatic shards for Mr keyth I found a trinket I hadn’t seen before the ice rod which can freeze enemies from now I tended to switch between this ice rod and the magic quiver depending on how I’m feeling I managed to cut a Galaxy soul out of a slime but even more exciting it actually dropped me two now I won’t spoil the rest of the loot so I’ll let you know that I reached floor 100 just before 11:00 p.m. and passed out on floor 120 surrounded by bats what a day two Galaxy Souls a whole bunch of all and the auto pet is kind of a spare now really those five Prismatic shards mean I now have what I need for Mr Key’s Quest I have my doubts with these because I didn’t get my first one till pretty late in the day day 188 was another day of adventuring in the volcano this time I was counting on the ice rod to help me take out the magma Sprites a little bit quicker I really needed the cinder shards as well and I got an ostrich egg from a treasure chest an item I kind of forgot about for this Farm it took me the entire day to reach the top and whilst I was happy with some of the loot I’d acquired I was hoping for more than one Dragon tooth today sleeping on the island meant I was conveniently placed for the next ancient Fruit Harvest except my backpack was full and I didn’t have my Scythe I made a quick trip home to put everything away and set off some more Ores to smell then got back on the boat later that morning to tend to that Harvest with those recent key jum I bought myself a horse flu which I’m a bit surprised took me this long to get but for some reason I still used my own feet to walk all the way to the top of the island to dig up the last Walnut I needed along with another ostrich egg I took in any hardwood I could find as I passed it some of which I needed to craft the ostrich incubator one of the eggs I planed to hatch in the bar the other I could put towards the shipping achievement early on the topic of achievements I continued trying to craft everything but I hit a bit of a road block yet again with hardwood it was a good thing all those Hony trees had grown now and an even better thing that I was chopping wood around here or I would have forgotten about this week’s wine we can’t be delaying this much gold I did also get my desert trades in and whilst I was there I thought I might as well top up on the wood I brought some spare books to Marcel on day 190 I got quite a bit more hardwood and it looks like the artifact Book trade changes to spicy eel once you found all the artifacts which I thought was a pretty helpful detail I wasn’t really looking for any more fairy dust but I’ll happily take another 100 Wood I brought all my gold mystery boxes to open at clints and after making space in my backpack again I was straight back at clints to open all of my magma and Frozen jards for the museum this donation drop off got me a magic rock candy with all of the spare minerals getting shipped off for extra cash just four items left to complete the collection but one collection that was baffling me at the moment were the rarecrows I still couldn’t craft the deluxe scarecrow so I picked up all the rarecrows I had on the farm to find out it was the dwarf’s one I was missing now to put them all back at least somewhat near where they were for this night I hung out in the mines first upgrading a few more furnaces then I was hoping to be done slaying void spirits but I didn’t quite reach the goal in time I had to make sure to be safe now that it was my turn to give birth overnight I had a theme planned for my children here this baby girl is called Joe and hopefully we’ll have another at some point soon to reveal the theme unless you’ve guessed it already on 191 I was relieved to find the deluxe scarecrow recipe in the mail I’ll make one later because the amount of extra combat stuff clogging my chest was now boring me and I wanted to hand in those Prismatic shards to Mr key before the quest expires in a few days I got sick of the vo Spirits last night and decided I’d rather be in the volcano especially since I was in desperate need of Dragon’s Teeth and I still needed to chip away at slaying the magma Sprites didn’t hit that goal today either though I said hello to the raccoons on day 192 expecting not very much at all but I was presented with another Mini bundle so I guess I can carry on swapping gifts with them I was out this way to build the island OB from the Wizard’s Tower the beach Obelisk was a great shortcut but now I was ready for the real deal still need to position these properly though so temporary spot it is this was then to be another gift spree day but it should be much shorter now that we’ve got all of these completed friendships and today we added George to the list on his birthday but once again it ended up taking longer than I thought to track down Caroline day 193 started with a couple more gifts then I was off to the desert for the next magic rock candy and to top up on starf fruit seeds I didn’t even bring those home before heading up to the mines for the day once again low on both iron and cult I determined to get all these furnaces upgraded and it was lovely to have completed the Slime Monster Slayer goal whilst I wasn’t even thinking about it any geod I found I brought to Clint the next day but I didn’t get anything I needed for the museum this time I came home to craft that Deluxe scarecrow thinking that it was the last crafting recipe I needed but the achievement didn’t pop I was still missing both of the worm bins for those I’ll need some more fiber I’ll handle that later because right now I wanted to get some more enchantments on my tools first was my axe hoping for the Shaving enchantment but it took all three of my Prismatic shards to get it so no more enchanting for me today I needed this to help me along with Robin’s resource rush I’ve got another thousand wood to chop and I started on the farm before moving on to any trees that had regrown in cindersap Forest I finished the quest early that evening but still took out the remaining trees because there’s never enough wood to end off the day I did one more delivery route with a few more gifts for the week day 195 was for the second and final pumpkin harvest of the year we even had a giant one pop up I’ll definitely be leaving this in the ground my processing machines have enough going on now so I shipped off all the gold and silver quality ones this time with some spare quality fertilizer I know I won’t be using this is the perfect time to plant loads of fiber seeds which will grow into the winter I didn’t have enough for every sprinkler spot but when we go into winter I don’t really care the ostrich had now hatched and i’ really used up any ounce of naming ability so today we welcome long neck the shed got a load more kegs in prep for wine day tomorrow so the next batch of wine will be from a full shed over in ginger Island I found quite a few starf fruit crops I’d not put speed grow on so I fixed that and we’ll come back to harvest it when the rest are also ripe I also added two more quality sprinklers here to finally complete this row and from the island Trader I found out I still didn’t even have the deluxe retaining soil recipe so I was missing more than I thought might as well grab all the wood whilst I’m here plus all of the materials the dig site has to offer and by the time I was done with all that Spirits Eve had begun I said hello to the few people that still needed Frip points and seeing that the maze was completely different this year it took me an absolute age to find my way through to the treasure chest which this time had a prize ticket inside those pumpkins went towards making over 200 Grand that night then on day 196 I collected another prize ticket for Robin’s resource rush and fed them into the machine to get a treasure chest and an aridium sprinkler it’s ancient fruit day and even though not all of the star fruit had grown I went ahead and picked what was ready instead of delaying everything just for a handful of fruit with the next batch in the ground I brought the fresh fruit back to the valley to put straight in the kegs well the star fruit I mean the ancient fruit I’ll keep on dehydrating and I don’t really talk about this much but I mostly make at least one batch of mayo every day all of that contributed to an income that night of 388,000 gold [Music] it was time for a round of gifts on day 197 of course not forgetting about kris’s birthday and I completed Caroline’s friendship too I brought all the pine seeds I’ve been saving up to the raccoons to get as many powder melon seeds as I could it’s really nice being able to grow a good quantity of something that isn’t forage or Fiber and it took the rest of the day to get it all planted and watered on day 198 I brought my regular JS to Clint having found out a couple of the pieces I need could be inside them I got both the items I was after which rewarded me with a crystarium and now that just leaves the opal and the big site I swear the big site is almost always one of the last items for me it was on this day that I had enough resources to upgrade the rest of my furnaces at the mines and I plan to spend the day here hunting for more geod [Music] but it was on this day that I had enough resources to upgrade the rest of my furnaces at the mines and I plan to spend the rest of the day here hunting for more geod but I changed my mind to put this off until the day where I can get the geod buff from the dwarf statue what was weird though was that I switched gears to fishing of all things I wanted to help tackle the link Cod overpopulation but it took ages to even bite and I kind of forgot how difficult these fish are okay this one is definitely making me look stupid but this amazing Treasure Chest made up for things a little bit I never actually ended up catching a link on today though so I wasn’t sure that I wanted to put up with catching another 10 any longer on day 19 99 I fed the two golden animal crackers I fished up to my Coupe animals before riding out to the forest because I decided to persevere with the fishing for one more day with the help of a seafoam pudding my first linord appeared at only my second fish of the day that went directly into the bait maker to help me catch some more I went on to catch the glacier fish immediately after that worked out well because now I could fully focus on the rest of the link Cod catching my 10th one that afternoon thank goodness that’s over I might have been done with the link Cod but I wasn’t done with fishing today because I managed to knock out the mutant carp and the Slime Jack that evening I’ve just got the eel C cucumber and wood skip to go so for tonight I ticked off the wood skip the others will have to wait whilst we were asleep Billy gave birth to a baby goat who we named Barney and then on day 200 I was determined to tie off the loose ends for the crafting achievement judging by my backpack I missed way more than I thought though it looks like it was actually the oil of garlic I missed of all things and I can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually forgot to save any garlic from spring to make that happen this year I was going to need Pierre’s missing stock list and I got another hopper for the farm whilst I was there I rushed that stock list over to Pierre and bought some flour seeds because I realized I also forgot the tub flowers recipe and of course I got the garlic seeds with a few extra to cook with but before going home to plant them I claimed my prize for the link cod fishing which was just another Pig painting in the greenhouse I squeezed in a few more sprinklers to house all that garlic I’m so glad this will only take a few days to grow then I got a couple more gifts out for the week not all that many now that we’re so very close to finishing the friendships for the evening I was feeding a volcano run partly for the magmus Sprites and partly to take a punt at finding the hot Java ring which I didn’t go home with today but I did get another dragon’s tooth so that I can make the island Odem still finding forgotten crafting recipes on Day 2011 I upgraded my Galaxy sword to the Infinity Blade infinite power another new achievement the dwarf statue was finally offering an increased chance to find geodes but first I’ve got a prismatic butterfly to find out on my search I checked the traveling cart and thinking about decorating in the future I picked up one of the new furniture cataloges the junim I won this time I also brought an aridian bar to the wizard for a staff and a final gift to Kent brings us to 10 Hearts I ended up leaving the butterfly alone today to work on my search for geod and I might as well add some monster musk to work on some slaying whilst I’m at it by the evening I’d hit the rock crab go but I was surprised that with all of the Void Spirits I was killing I hadn’t got that one yet so we popped into the adventurous girl to collect any rewards and check the board turns out I was still 31 void Spirits away and other than that I’ve still got quite a lot of mommies and pepper rexes to slay not far from the magmus Sprites though I kept going in the mines to keep tracking along with some progress but I passed out without having finish the goal so I’ll have to come back a future day I checked the board again the following morning to find I only have eight to go staying there was definitely worth it I got quite a lot of geod through that day but breaking them all open at clints none of them had what I wanted I sold off what I could directly to Clint so I could take back his money then I thought it was about time to gather some of the cooking ingredients I was going to need to cook every recipe it took ages to find a lot of what I needed amongst my chest to put in the fridges and once those got full I thought I might as well just get started I only added the ingredients for the non-fish recipes to make sure I don’t accidentally use the wrong fish for the wrong thing once I cook most of that stuff and the fridge just had space again I could start collecting up all the fish I needed and got going on some of those recipes too I got through quite a lot of them in this one single evening but I needed a little break from that so I set up a fish smoker with a hopper for some low effort cash I was feeling refreshed for another cooking sesh on day 203 still not quite there got a few more ingredients to get my hands on including that garlic and the greenhouse which wasn’t ready yet but the ancient fruit was I should probably get down to Ginger Island to get the rest of that too instead of more wine this week I fancied making some juice so I chucked some pumpkins in the kegs then I got the last two obelisks built that’s another perfect C Milestone reach today they are messy but I’ll rearrange them later I got to test one out immediately because I still needed to get to the desert for the weekly staircases then it was this night that I got around to killing the last few void Spirits for the monster Slayer goal on day 204 I had to refill the crab pots on Ginger Island I’m in need of a lobster for the cooking achievement and I’ll do this as often as I remember so I probably won’t mention it again but I do use Deluxe bait to reduce the chance of trash I had a different type of fishing to do today too because it was the Festival of of ice once again another win in the bag with six big slimy fish but instead of the gold I got a prize ticket way more fun collecting my actual prize the next morning meant I won eight Mega bombs for my fishing efforts I was starting to worry about whether I would be able to catch the lobster I wanted this year so I waited impatiently at Willy’s counter to buy another 10 crab pots and set some up with the others on Ginger Island I guess I must have needed something else as well because I put the rest in the Stream on the island Farm can’t remember what I’m after so I guess we’ll be finding out together later it was a good thing I was here anyway because the next star fruit Harvest was upon us but I was a few seeds short of replanting this time nothing a quick visit to Sandy can’t fix the garlic was now waiting for me in the greenhouse straight at the workbench I went to craft that oil but still no achievement what have I missed now I scoured the menu again in pure desperation it was the tank kit and the wild bait good grief I never want to talk about this ever again now the cooking one fish I was missing was a bream and now the main ones to catch are the eel and the sea cucumber which I hadn’t caught at all on this save yet those extra crab pots were probably for the perwinkle I’m guessing and the lobster we already know about I wanted to make myself feel better from the misery caused by that crafting achievement so in a large bout of impulse bending I handed over 500 Grand to Morris to build the movie theater yes Morris half a m i do wonder what they’ve done with all the stock they’ve been storing in here though day 206 and oh my God there’s the lobster and the fresh water pots had a little bit of everything I needed to grab some magic bait from Mr Key Shop whilst I was here and decided to buy one firework to try it out cute there’s that anyway I got those two recipes knocked out then fished the rest of the day at the pier with a magic bait for the C cucumber and I was hoping to get the eels tonight but after 40 pieces of magic bait I didn’t find a single one at least I could get the lucky lunch done I suppose I went back for more magic bait on day 207 but before going back to fishing I set off the next batch of pumpkin juice thankfully the first deal didn’t take the entire day to bite and this was the last fish for the master angler achievement the second deal I needed to cook with took a good few hours to arrive on the line then off I went to cook those two eel dishes but the final dish to become a Gourmet Chef was actually the little old Mai roll what a satisfying burst of progress over the last few days I was now ready to work on rearranging a few things on the farm I used the Wizard’s Podium to move the fish pond and make the Obelisk layout a little bit more intentional the winter is a great time for making layout changes and decorating and to help with this I wanted to score some Decor from the crane game but that one guy was hogging the machine can you not sad to see you still can’t buy yourself a snack at the movie theater either so I just went in alone hungry and empty-handed to watch the miracle of cold Star Ranch that movie got me in the mood for the season of gifting so I brought some fish to the raccoons no seeds or anything this time I got a peach that might seem weird but I couldn’t have gotten a better reward why well that item was the very last thing I needed to wake up to the full shipment achievement on day 208 earlier than I planned since my own tree hadn’t even grown yet even more good news Willie delivered a star drop for all those fish we’ve caught I asked Robin to build that second shed I left the space for then made a start on preparing all of the sprinklers for spring until I remembered that it was the first day of squid Fest today I brought the trusty bait maker with me and had help from a sonar bobber so I hit my target of eight squid around lunchtime and collected all of my rewards which I think are the same as last year still happy with a lot of these that left me plenty of time in the day to work on decorating and it was lucky that I checked on the animals today or they would have gone without food tomorrow Day 2009 and I was now dehydrating star fruit instead of ancient fruit for an even bigger boost in cash I had more than accepted that I was not hitting True Perfection this year because the golden clock is quite simply Out Of Reach I brought willia link on the pier then knocked out day two of squid Fest till the early afternoon again after grabbing the final set of prizes I went back to reorganizing a few things on the farm decorating a bit and keeping up with the Mayo production on day 210 I asked Robin to upgrade that new shed before I even put anything in it I made a brief start on adding lighting to the farm but then I thought I should probably get the ancient Fruit Harvest out of the way so I can’t forget now back to decorating to save a few resources I used basic torches in places I could hide them and used these Braes in places where they can be seen once I placed all of those I worked on setting up more of the sprinklers I didn’t get around to last time at which point it was quite late so I only just squeezed in the weekly trade for staircases Day 2011 was a pumpkin juice day I managed to make more sprinkler progress and you might have noticed I’ve been ignoring the ripe winter Melons I’m going to wait till later to harvest these in the hopes that I’ll have other seeds to replace them with the dwarf statue was offering the geod buff again so after the minds I went with some Mega bombs to get my hands on some I took a little break to check out what was at the night market and purchased a rabbit’s foot from the Merchant’s boat I needed this to bring to the JoJo truck guy to get the lucky charm for a permanent luck boost then it was back to the mines for the rest of the day to accumulate more geodes with seven magma geodes and 10 Frozen geodes I could only hope that this would be enough opening the mall on day 212 I did not in fact get the two minerals I was looking for I no longer cared to wait for the geod buff from the statue anymore I was going back in there the stubbornness has officially set in I’m getting that star drop I was hoping Clint would still be hanging out at home before he goes to the saloon that evening but I guess he decided to go off to the night market tonight ah Clint another day another disappointment I went down there to give him a piece of my mind turned out I was wrong about his whereabouts I might as well see what the merchants got and I debated taking home the Retro catalog but for some reason I didn’t I really don’t know why but I do know that I end up regretting this perhaps it was about saving money for the golden clock because when I got home I started raiding all of my chests for excess items I could ship and I started giving that new shed its first Cs on day 213 I added some fences here and there listen I’m not amazing at decorating I just feel like these add something and I had to pop by the Wizards to move the fish pond for them Clint was now back at work and this time the magma geode gave me some Joy with the big site but the Frozen geodes let me down yet again just on that painful last piece now and the dwarf statue might just give me the glimmer of hope I needed today another day in the mines resulted in 12 more Frozen geod I left too late to put Clint to work again so I returned to the farm to add another 35 kegs to the shed and planted another 85 fiber seeds in the spirit of sprinkler prep lovely to see a couple of giant powder melons now popping up on the farm as well day 214 and still no opal I’m just about losing my mind at this point I took the morning off that stupid geode grind to buy a load of deluxe speed grow from Sandy for the next year as well as another restock of starf fruit seeds because it was time for the next star fruit Harvest on the island Farm I then spent the afternoon and evening the same as the past few days but only came out with seven geodes this time I didn’t go straight to Clint to open them on day 215 though because on this day I was feeling a trip to skull Cavin but not before topping up on bombs from the dwarf I needed all of those to take down the mummies I had loads to kill for the monster Slayer go and I made sure to Target every single dinno I could find I also found a lucky ring in a crate but in going through the footage it seems that I was so excited about this that I completely forgot to even open the treasure chest on this floor none of that matters though because I killed enough mummies today and continue down the floors to pass out on 140 let’s check out the loot review whatever was in that unopened Treasure Chest I can only hope it was bad enough not to potentially have replaced the mix seeds but let’s not dwell on that since we did find the lucky ring hundreds of ore loads of diamonds and four prizes those 40 Omni GE I took over to Clint in the hope of finding that final museum piece now it popped from the second jod of the day I chowed down on that final star drop in the museum really been missing the taste of grass I got a lot of that already and more smelting before making some sort of use of those winter seeds with the next batch of pumpkin juice ready I felt like mixing in a batch of pel I didn’t have enough hops or pumpkins for a full batch of either a quick trip to the adventurers Guild confirmed we only have the peppera axes and magmus Sprites left to kill and I collected the reward for those even if I’m probably never going to use it then I traded in my boring on mystery boxes for better ones and got them all open for another little fixer Loop nothing really of note inside and honestly nothing really of note happened for most of the rest of the day other than cramming in another two sprinklers on the farm on day 27 I chipped away at the sprinkler prep with some Fiber seeds I wanted as much planting space as possible going into year 3 I then traveled to Ginger Island to gather some hardwood and cut down all of the fiber before tending to the next pineapple and ancient Fruit Harvest I then returned home that night to place the last few fiber seeds to finally complete the sprinkler prep that was until a batch of forage grew in on day 28 these got all turned back into seeds knowing full well they won’t grow in time but you know by now why I’m doing this with the new sprinklers in place I could Now sort of decorate this area and by decorate I mainly mean and paths I find it easy to get overwhelmed with all these decisions so sometimes I do just have to throw stuff down and Trust the process and I’m not unhappy with the end result which you’ll see the full farm at the end of the video the valley was showered in great luck on day 219 let’s go back to skull cabins again we’re hunting the fire breathing variety of monster here today and this prehistoric floor was instrumental in helping me make progress with nine of the 25 dinos I had left waiting here for me today the great thing about the dinos is that they don’t slow down my loot hunt quite as much as the mummies would I passed out all the way down on floor 194 without having hit the goal but we have to be close by now onto day 200 20 for the next loot review aside from the usual stuff you might find it weird that I saved so many bones and that was because I was enjoying the free fertilizer I was getting from the Bone Crusher though slime eggs will give us a good boost in cash and we found six Prismatic shards I’m sure we can find a good use for these on this day I spent 25 Grand on the joa furniture catalog intrigued to see what I could add to the farm but first I got this very unnerving warning ad verse Health outcomes shorty workmanship uh hm I’m sure it’ll be fine I got to find a place for some of these pieces like actually this tea table might be kind of cute but there absolutely were some more commercial things like these boxes and carts coming back up through the farm I noticed the juice and Ale were done pretty much out of hops and pumpkins so I’m going back to starf fruit wine in highight now this next bit feels a little bit wrong but I also wanted to add some decorations from the junim mo Furniture C too which I must say the items in here are incredible there’s even a fake junimo heart and junimos but for now I just start with a couple of plants then that evening I thought I should probably make a start on harvesting some of these powder melons especially now that I had some disposable seeds to replace them with and surprisingly I had enough seeds for all of them even the spots I missed earlier around the farm day 221 began with an early trip to the desert to trade for magic rock candy and triple shot espressos I then did a little bit of Animal Care before heading off to to the Feast of the winter star my secret friend this year was Demetrius and I had a feeling the star drop tea would go down really well but seeing Willie approach me as My Gift Giver fill me with a little bit of dread wow a magnet I really hope I mask my disgust enough here day 222 I was to head to skull cavins again to hunt down the remaining 13 dinos I needed to kill but I was also here for Mr Key’s hungry challenge now that I was short in key gems again I reached floor 100 Mida afternoon claiming some rain totems from the chest then I was excited to see a prehistoric level 15 floors later but it only had one lonely pepper Rex rubbish 70 floors later I passed out still not having hit the goal let’s hope the loot review can make up for this I mean the yish shirt is kind of fun and the autog Grabber would have been good if I still needed it but I guess the most important things here are the over 700 aridium more most of which I’ll be smelting and selling towards the golden clock once I put all that loot away I fed my sturgeons and atilus shell then I used some of my stored prizes to enchant my watering can looking for bottomless for my sword I ended up keeping Crusader to make mummies a little bit easier then on my aridian pan I got archaeologist which increases the chance to find artifacts not quite what I wanted but by this point I ran out of Cinder shards the perfect time to get back to the volcano for more whilst killing off any magma Sprites but treasure wise I was only ready after the hot Java ring which which I didn’t find again today it didn’t take me long to finish the monster Slayer goal and by the time I reached the top of the volcano I was sitting on 58 Cinder shards enough for a couple more enchantment attempts my first role added reaching which I feel is self-explanatory but I really wish I stuck with these because trying again gave me Fisher instead I really didn’t want another way to fish I’m stuck with this for now because of the cinder shards again for a bit of money- making effort that night I set off a new batch of aridian bars and sold off a load of spare weapons to Marlon the then I even took out some of my spare gold bars to ship for another small boost better than them sitting in a chest on day 224 I carried out the staircase trade nice and early because I was going to skull cavins yet again with some monster musk this time I had 10 more pepper rexes to kill and I needed to find them today can we end the year on a high [Music] [Music] that one floor really was a lifesaver and it meant I could get out of there early I didn’t want to make this the usual type of skull Cav day since I didn’t want to spend a load more on boms right now plus I really wasn’t done preparing the farm for year three speaking of our third year now is a good time to point out that we really do only have the golden clock left as our last Milestone before hitting Perfection I don’t think this will take an entire year nor nor do I think it would make sense to make an entire separate video where the majority of it would just be grinding for more money with that being said some of you will be pleased to know that we’re going to continue this video now into year three with one final ancient Fruit Harvest and star fruit replanting for the year I went to bed making almost 380 Grand let’s kick off the brand new year with Grandpa’s [Music] assessment this ghostly dream turned out not to be a nightmare in the end rampa is proud of what we’ve done with the Cheery farm and we have these four candles to show it pretty much all of my spring seeds will be coming from Sandy in the form of rubab and with the amount of sprinkler space we now have I knew I was going to struggle through them today even though they were already tilled and watered because I also wanted to add Deluxe speed grow I fertilized and planted the farm up by section instead of fertilizing everything then planting everything so I could keep an eye on the time and it was a good thing I did this because I had missed some of the sprinkler spots last season this delayed me which meant that there were two large areas that didn’t get any Deluxe bead grow but it meant that I could at least get something planted in every spot in time and I really only just about made it I didn’t even attempt making it to bed on day 226 I bought some mushroom seeds for Mr key to decorate with before deforesting the entirety of Ginger Island those mushrooms he’s got planted in this area to fill it out a bit where I also began adding some long grass on day 227 I made another 10 dehydrators to speed up the daily income because these dried star fruit were really doing us well with everything now mainly just being a matter of time I could dedicate some of that waiting period to small doses of decorating but I was still putting in effort to accelerate the profits by adding another 24 cegs to the shed this week for the next batch of wine most the ancient fruit this time I also added more items from the junimo catalog including the fake junimo Hut I didn’t see the sense in paying the wizard for one because I don’t think the junimos would take too kindly to living with the person who turned their home into a warehouse that’s another 500 Grand in the bank overnight then on day 228 I I decluttered some of my chest to turn my spare items into even more gold on Thursdays it’s important to trade for that magic rock candy at the desert but I also took down the trees whilst I was there this is pretty much all for kegs then Gathering up a few other things around the farm went towards another 300 Grand income that night day 229 was for more wood shopping in the forest this time and from now on this year’s days might not have all that much detail because we all know the end go here otherwise some of it might get a bit repetitive between the fruit drying and the Mayo making so I’ll just focus on anything significant that being said there’s not much to report for day 230 I mostly just rode around hunting F leaks for that special request for gifts for George and also for the Prismatic butterfly which I found on the beach adding 50 Grand to my balance day 231 was for the weekly ancient Fruit Harvest and Jade staircase trade with another 21 kegs being added to the shed day 232 I planted a dozen potatoes in the greenhouse for Pam strong stuff and made use of man’s animal catalog meaning a could browse her store while she wasn’t even there to pick out a brand new second pet I had a really tough time here choosing but I ended up going with a green tortoise who I named crunchy please don’t stand on my toris we don’t need to test this I also forgot that I acquired the wizard catalog at some point even though the reason that this even existed made me a little bit sad the items in here are super fun and you bet I’ll be adding some of these to the farm day 233 was a starf fruit day then on day 234 the speed grown rub up was ready which I’ll be replacing with more of the same it was also a wine day and with the rate I was now blasting through all of this fruit I focused most of the good quality ancient fruit and star fruit on making wine with the rubar being next in line for Mass dehydrating on day 235 I felt like the house was in much need of redecorating got to teach Joe what’s important nice and early and I mean come on look at this art but I truly do not think I will ever get the hang of interior decorating in this game still in the hunt for more decorations I spent an unreasonable amount of time on the crane game but the Highlight had to be scoring this Mystery Box cactus plant seriously how could I not have this day 236 was just full of basic fan tasks and day 237 was the egg Festival I didn’t feel the need to buy any strawberries this year but I couldn’t not do the egg hunt I got my hands on 10 eggs this time enough to win me a prize ticket on day 238 I harvest the slower growing rhubarb in the rain which got replanted with another batch of the same and when I entered the greenhouse to begin the ancient Fruit Harvest I found some potatoes were also ready for Pam strong stuff with a load of spare fairy dust from the raccoons I could use 12 of them to free up some kegs so I could begin processing those for later then I could get on with gathering fruit and ginger Island and that price ticket from yesterday got me five mystery boxes which I’ll probably just put towards upgrading to Golden ones that is what I did the very next day I brought those to Clint to open along with all of my golden coconuts because there’ll probably be some things in here that I can tell but I was not expecting to see this awesome mystery wall from one of the boxes it’s going in the kitchen because my cooking is questionable the rest of the day was for Gathering materials from various places around the valley mainly the Quarry though all in the Quest for more kegs so yeah I kind of forgot about the desert festival today I didn’t forget for day 240 though I went straight to the adventurous stand to say good morning to Gil and pick up a daily challenge from Marlon I went with my usual of hitting level 30 I downed a warrior smoothie before I went in then got right to this other type of egg hunt I mostly just play this like any other skull cabins day except the big difference being leaving in the evening instead of passing out I got to be able to get back to go and report my day’s egg rating which for this day was 37 200 more eggs for that one and I also got Gil’s hat that reward actually covered all of the mystery boxes I wanted to buy and you might have noticed that I have not done a loot review here’s a quick look but it’s nothing like a full day would be then checked out the Villager stores for this day which were Leo and Abigail I didn’t get anything from there and before going home I wanted to get myself a new outfit which wasn’t quite I had in mind it’s cute I guess but I just feel wrong not living my life as a loot box I am the loot oh and I did change my mind and go back for Leo’s wallpaper once i’ done the morning’s Farm trolls for day 241 it looked pretty similar to the day before because it is still the desert Festival being similar to yesterday I won’t go into any detail here and instead of a loot review I’m showing you all the treasure rooms I found I left on floor 100 once again but with an egg rating of 35 this time and with today’s eggs I managed to get all the mystery boxes again obvious viously and I made room for a magic rock candy too there wasn’t much else I wanted to spend my eggs on so I chucked the rest of Robin in exchange for some wood day 242 was for the next star fruit Harvest on Ginger Island where I set up one more ridium sprinkler for another little boost in fruit for the next lot why not cram in another quality sprinkler too those starf fruit went straight into kegs a day later than I usually make wine but the desert Festival delayed things but that is another 600 Grand in the bank today on day 243 I tended to the speed grown rhubarb Harvest and once again we’ll be putting more of the same in the ground when I finished replanting those I dropped off Pam strong stuff to her trailer for a reward of 3 Grand the price ticket from that one only got me two fairy dust so pretty disappointing a bit of tree chopping cheered me up though on day 244 I dropped off some leaks to Evelyn’s oven I’d slowly been accumulating them for George and I hadn’t found enough yet but I didn’t want to think about needing to hand them in anymore I had some more trees to chop before selling off all the spare cooked dishes from the gouret chef achievement then I spent some time in the harder mind searching for radioactive W to smell and sell but I didn’t find any today so back to Wood chopping I went day 245 was a rainy Island Harvest which is also when I managed to finish filling the second shed with kegs not much else to report for this day other than bringing gust the coconut he asked for day 246 and day 247 only had some basic Farm task to do then day 248 was the flower dance with no more friendship points needed I went straight straight to Sam to ask him to be my dance partner and this was the answer I [Music] got let’s move on today 249 that’s that taken care of now I can get going with the next batch of wine he never did ask for another child so the naming theme is just going to have to remain a mystery unless you’ve guessed it the only thing I’ve note for day 250 was delivering a load more extra Gus for yet another omelet then on day 251 I required Clint services to open all of my mystery boxes and artifact troves I wasn’t looking for anything specific in these I just wanted to free the items inside fely to sell them all off the second batch of slow rhubarb had grown in and all those extra seeds I just got from the mystery boxes came in very handy to hold over the sprinklers Into Summer I’m not going to need them for anything else anymore I won’t have enough to cover the remaining rubub for tomorrow so I did have to go out and buy a load of parsnip seeds not quite sure why I bought this many though because after harvesting the last of the rhar the next morning I had more than 50 of them left over to prep for summer which starts tomorrow I bought more than a stack of star fruit seeds if I have too many of these I can always use them on Ginger Island I’d also decided I wasn’t enjoying the newly emptier house I didn’t want to get married again so I presented kobus with a gift to ask to be roomies it was a good thing I got all those starf fruit seeds today too because when I got around to harvesting the fruit on Ginder Island the star fruit was also ready to go hopefully this doesn’t eat too much into my summer seed supplies we are indeed going into another season I’ve still got another few million to make for the golden clock now I know some of you are wondering about Fizz and those Perfection waivers for whatever reason P me actually wanted to buy the golden clock at the time it’s worth about 10% on the Perfection tracker and a 1% waiver cost 500 Grand that means you can bypass the golden clock at half its cost so if you’ve done the JoJo route there’s an option if you want to save some time a farm full of Speedy star fruit should be the best thing to Rocket us towards that goal except I kind of forgot to top up on the fertilizer last week so most of them will be growing at the boring normal speed not much to tell for day 254 I toed myself with another giant omelet which reminds me those gifts for George last season I guess I never found enough leaks to complete it because I collected the donated ones from the lost and found on this day at this point all I’m really doing every day is making more Mayo dehydrating loads of fruit and setting off a new batch of Artis and goods whenever they’re ready the main day that really looked any different was day 259 which was this year’s slime rain because I wanted to get some extra goodies like Fiddle Head Fones to sell then on day 251 I bought another huge amount of starf fruit seeds because today was a ginger Island star fruit Harvest and I was going to need all the extra seeds for the first ones ready on the farm tomorrow from now on my pretty much want everything I can to be produced from this star fruit and there should be plenty to go around this season the next wine day was day 263 which along with the dried fruit brought in another 3/4 of a million gold then with the slow grown star fruit to harvest on day 264 the same day as the week the ancient Fruit Harvest I decided to go back to shipping the gold quality fruit again for a faster boost now that we’re close so that helped with adding a further 600 Grand to the balance that means on day 265 I got to pick out a spot for the big and shiny golden clock I ran right over to that Perfection tracker to see 99 ah friend chips not only do I have a couple of Hearts missing with kobus I completely forgot the divorce reset sound to zero again looks like we still have a bit of work to do I cooked anything I could from what was in my fridge and dumped it all in the shipping bin with a load of other stuff in my chest to gain another 300 Grand I don’t plan on spending ages befriending Sam again so I met with the Shady fellow Fizz and paid $5 00,000 gold to wave that last 1% of perfection he he interestingly it does differentiate on the Perfection tracker too so I guess let’s just get some sleep it worked on day 266 I could go and check out the summit where I found Morris waiting for me we built ourselves over 2 and 1/2 years to get where we are right now and I guess I did a lot of good for joa whilst I was at it stardo Valley’s 1.6 update far exceeded anything I could have ever expected I’m willing to bet I missed a lot of details too if I did let me know what they were down in the comments of course there were probably some things I haven’t seen which would have been in the community center route and I’ll definitely be doing that here at some point but between the mystery boxes and the raccoons I’m not sure I can pick a favorite part of the update really let me know your favorite addition to the game in the comments too I’ll leave you here with a final look at how the farm turned out after reaching Perfection I’m happy with it but I know my decorating skills still need a lot of work but anyway if you enjoyed the video please do hit the like button subscribe if you haven’t already thank you so much to my channel members and I will see you in the next video bye [Music]

I played over 200 days of Stardew Valley’s 1.6 update! Here’s the full mega movie for this playthrough starting on the new farm, all the way to perfection!

Trinket stats: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Anvil

How I make 100 days videos: https://youtu.be/AZGx5WuFC48

Vlog Channel: @emmalutionIRL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emmalutionYT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_emmalution
Discord: https://discord.gg/wj9umZFRWy
Business enquiries: emmalutionyt@gmail.com

Extra Ways to Support:
If you’re enjoying the content and would like one way to support me here’s my wishlist!
Note: whilst all gifts are hugely appreciated and will get a shoutout, these are absolutely NOT required to be a valued member of the community, much love for being here and watching my videos! ❤

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No mods this time!

#stardewvalley #100days #stardewvalleyupdate


  1. Did I watch the 100 days version of this? Yes. Will I watch the same 100 days again whilst watching this? Yes. Is it on my second screen or background noise? Not in the slightest.

    Very excited for this Emma. I'm sure its another brilliant one.

  2. Still waiting for the update for console. I’ve watched basically every update vid and I know mostly everything but I haven’t been able to play on my switch yet 😂😂

  3. I saw somewhere that the stars on the request board indicate when you'll get your next prize ticket
    Edit: For Lewis's shorts, you can do this multiple times a day if you just exit and enter again i'm pretty sure

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