Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 92 – Reorganization and a Fair to Remember

hello again everyone welcome back to a stardew valley it is day 15 of fall year 2 we have the stardy valley Valley Fair tomorrow as well sy’s birthday is today let’s check our weather report welcome to kou 5 your number one source for new weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be clear and sunny tomorrow perfect weather for the stardew Valley Fair the event will take place in pelicant town starting between 9:00 a.m. and 3: p.m. don’t be late and a special forecast of the for an Islands region it’s going to rain all day tomorrow oh I see a glimmer within my scry or A Shard of Knowledge from the future the spirits are in Good Humor today I think you’ll have a little extra luck may go down the mines then living off the land welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another tip of y’all now listen up item Spotlight recycling machine have you been catching a lot of junk with fishing it’s all too common in this day and age well with a recycling machine you can just turn those items into something useful just place your trash items into the machine and let it do it thing each type of trash produces different kinds of items I do in fact know that sir dear ALR I guess people didn’t take to Pierre’s Prime produce like I’d hoped anyways here’s my old Mini shipping bin uh next time you get your hands on some produce worthy of the Pierre’s Prime luxury brand Maybe maybe you could have them shipped my way here all right another mini shipping bin I don’t know if we get a shipping bin out on the island just going to put these in here for now CU I’m not going to have time today I don’t believe [Music] dear am tra I just wanted to remind you that the starve DW Valley Fair is happening tomorrow don’t forget to bring your nine items to the Grange display remember the fair starts at 9:00 a.m. in the Town Square see you there oh don’t worry mayor I will not forget my nine items wink why did you just say wink you know why no actually I don’t know why you know why I feel like you’re talking to someone other than me well you’re not here are you that’s a good point that is a good point I don’t know how you’d be talking to me since I’m not [Music] there I check my computer not that it matters grab it thank you [Music] [Music] hey I got a mushroom tree can’t remember if there’s a way to get sapling out of that so that I could plant that up on the uh other place suppose I could just leave that one there build around it not that I’ve built that much on my farm yet to be perfectly honest anything ready over here no anything ready in here no I should have checked the uh Farm computer for that [Music] get you down there get you down there I forgot to pick things up yesterday no don’t do that it’s mean oh I think I just forgot to pick up the milk yesterday thank you fine whatever come back to you all right that’s just a regular egg I don’t know why they’re producing regular eggs these days annoying get more void mayonnaise I think D would you get out of my way I have been very disappointed by the uh Batcave honestly like it’s just like the the the fact that it doesn’t regularly produce tree fruit and it’s just the forageable fruit which I mean again early on all of that is useful I don’t think it produces uh Crystal fruit though which is interesting wonder why don’t know all right get that egg in there I don’t have a whole lot of eggs in there but one day I will go through and we will just like make a ton of food um right I need a flower gold star daffodil let’s buy a ticket to Calico desert um horsey horsey so she should still be open on her birthday um Emily does come out and they uh walk around the desert you remembered my birthday thank you this is great got her up to five out of 10 already hello hello sweetie I’m so glad that the bus is back in service it was starting to get lonely out here can’t imagine that it was very good for your uh your store [Music] either okay don’t see anything in particular that I care about there well I mean if you’re going to produce another one Fire Quartz Omni geode [Music] all right looks like that’s about it out [Music] here so I’m going to need 10 aridium bars for the uh desert warp totem recipe sucks all right it was lucky today but I forgot to bring stuff I think I’ll try to get more um more staircases maybe more bombs that kind of thing [Music] [Music] okay back to here and well it is a lucky day I guess I could go crack some things open I have anything else to crack open [Music] nothing in there anything over here no okay into town oh boy joa [Music] Cola all right what do you got there’s a golden Walnut very nice five aridium mahogany seed Frozen tiar maybe I shouldn’t be cracking those open yet because I need th some of those for trading some treasure rusty spoon Cog that’s crummy two mystery boxes inside the mystery box I love that 20 eggplant seeds 10 uh quality fertilizer and you know what I’m going to keep going I don’t actually know if there’s any uh good look any minerals left I can always sell some [Music] anyway pretty sure I have all these so far rude come on [Music] uh probably should have held on to these not getting anything really good it’s weird that you can get an ancient drum inside that don’t have room in the inventory all right [Music] no all right uh I guess that would be worth checking there are two that I have not gotten I am not sure what they are um I’m not positive what they are off hand so it’s still worth it to uh keep cracking those open I think because any mineral can be inside them I think although I don’t know if I’ve ever found a gem inside one still a lot of uh artifacts that I have not found found um we are missing the skull that’s what that is that’s a flute Rusty dagger that’s like a rare disc gold mask dried starfish that I can get down on the beach I know um and that’s a dinosaur egg which I was really hoping to get still some notes that we haven’t gotten achievements that we haven’t gotten complete the museum collection 10 hard friend level with eight people craft every item 10 different recipes catch every fish 40 Help Wanted requests 15 of each crop 300 of one crop ship every item read every book help your Forest neighbors grow their family so we’re not done with that so they still have another one take the most powerful weapon I haven’t obtained the most powerful weapon yet it’s an artichoke haven’t shipped an aridium bar yet that’s juice should probably make some juice and ship that have not actually shipped a uh hazelnut or a Sweet Pea or a snow yam haven’t done Meade fairy Rose squid Inc Ginger pineapple Shard I know what some of these are I don’t know what that oh I bet that’s the uh the Mystic syrup okay back to the bus stop come on horsey let’s go I mean I haven’t gotten every item yet anyway so once I do then that’s probably let’s actually go ahead and sell the treasure cuz we’ve gotten one before okay I’m sitting on a lot of money in some of these uh chests I know okay so um let’s just grab all of the seeds I’m not oh I also want all of the tappers and the mushroom LS what okay so I want to use this wood floor I tend to like this wood floor I’ll figure out other places to put those okay so we want to go that way [Music] and actually you know what that might be better okay so we got some trees there come all the way out here so we have trees in each of these slots all right so um and then I can fill in spaces in between with uh with mushroom logs all right so I think I want maple trees as our largest number and Oaks was next and Pine I have Mystic okay I got two left so we’ll go with the mossy seeds here and in fact you know what I don’t think I need that much in the way of um let’s go with the mossy ones here there we go all right now I need some um oh there’s another uh mushroom tree I need to clean up these other trees as well cuz we’re going to want to tap those there we go all right get those in there and let’s grab some more milk some more eggs clear out some of these smaller groups of eggs okay I’m going to want to make some more uh tappers as well but I can wait until the trees are done soell off that and that yeah actually I need to leave the tappers I’m going to leave the mushroom logs as well um and I need fiber I think it’s just fiber and stone think I need more I’ll just grab that for now so we get some uh um tree fertilizer going on the trees the new tree farm over here o oh wow that is really nice yep I need some more also that can go right there all right so we got some extras um I will go ahead and put you right there and you right there okay get some tree fertilizer put down on some other trees around here just because I can there we go all right so hopefully those will grow up pretty quick didn’t need to do that there we go need to remember not to do that uh as long as I’ve got the cloth in my inventory I just sell that off cloth sells for a good amount [Music] I did give Sandy a birthday so we got the stardew Valley Fair tomorrow so you know what that means oh yeah oh yeah it’s a special special day I really need to make some more of those all right think I will do so I don’t want to make too many because I do also need to make more mushroom logs it’s only one hardwood actually all right that many for now going to need some more wood soon let’s go get some more wood I got enough time and if I fall asleep in here I’m not going to be doing a whole lot tomorrow anyway so let’s just take that stack I don’t think I have enough to quite fill it up but I could put in you know I mean I got a lot of cheese so yeah I think we’re just going to fall asleep oh out of wood again I did the this incorrectly yep all right that’s okay all right 7749 uh for that got the cloth void mayonnaise cheese dried common mushrooms I could actually grab the cheese the gold star regular cheese and put it in until I have more uh more uh wine okay two aged rainbow trout row and got the other all right 13 five 13545 all right day 16 stardew Valley Fair we are all ready to go weather report welcome to kosu 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow and our special forecast for the fern Islands region it’s going to be clear and sunny all day ah yes I can hear the spirits Whispering something to me the spirits feel neutral today the day is in your hands okay 41 crops are ready 48 eight crops ready in the greenhouse 19 machines are ready and the farm cave is ready all right so we got a lot to do let’s go get some more wood [Music] I can make 10 for sure okay two more there we go let’s go see what we have that we can fill it with don’t eat the goat cheese okay all right all right we’ll get uh regular cheese and start filling up the other [Music] zones all right get you in there stack you up hello there dear I hope your farm is doing well I’m sending you a little something from my kitchen I hope it didn’t crumble in the mail a thanks [Music] why am I only taking five I haven’t sold a sweet pee and I haven’t sold ow I don’t have enough all right Splat and we’ll get to [Music] watering start to Valley Fair has begun [Music] [Music] all right got a couple things to collect up here oh I think those have been those yams have been ready for a while and I just never collected them whoopsie it [Music] happens all right uh there’s not enough time for pumpkin seeds so we’ll do some beets let the beat go on we go check on our aminals oh my God what the hell the hell pigs I mean I’m not complaining but what the hell let’s just go grab some things from here nope first and we’ll see what we uh what we can do all right let’s see got one one and two actually you know what let’s do all the duck eggs we haven’t actually done duck mayonnaise in a little bit I do wish the quality of the egg would get you more out of the mayonnaise like the quality would hold over cuz I don’t I mean the big eggs get you the higher quality mayonnaise there but gets to be a point where the quality of the um like the quality eggs just doesn’t matter just really does not matter all right we do need to get going though we can do some stuff get back I’ll just run over there all right stardew Valley Fair here we come and we are going to have the best Grange display [Music] ever oo prize [Music] tickets I managed to catch several idium quality Beauty is just in time for this year’s Fair things are in different positions I feel [Music] like my animals had a successful year I’m hoping the high quality produce will impress the [Music] judges I’m confident that I’ll emerge victorious in this year’s Grange display competition some of the produce in our Grange display came from my little Greenhouse we’ve been carefully growing the stuff all year wow that’s the biggest wheel of cheese I’ve never seen [Music] impressive working four grills simultaneously is hard work there’s a lot of hungry crowd lot there’s a large and hungry crowd to Gater to [Music] today life don’t get much better than this kid I put a little dash of my zesty sauce in each Patty wink buch you say wink I didn’t I’m trying to maintain a diet this fall but I can’t resist these Juicy Burgers every 100 rounds of the strength game I win I eat another barbecue sandwich I’m astonished by the level of craftsmanship on display here some of these are so some people are so talented I think Robin and I make a pretty good team don’t you think if you want to master the wood you have to think like a tree what and leave I don’t want to [Music] leave lady told me my fortune and I don’t know what to make of it that is a lot bigger isn’t it I think it is ah yes my crystal ball is swirling with visions of your future young one read my fortune I see you in the saloon surrounded by friends doesn’t seem like you have any favorites you’re popular with everyone interesting I see you and Abigail working together on a farm you seem very pleased about something the crystal ball has moved on now I see you harvesting a plump ripe melon you’re on a wonderful looking Farm bursting with life ah the crystal ball has gone dim it’s all I can do for you young one now just keep in mind that the future isn’t set in stone whatever I’ve told you today can still be changed if you set your heart on it farewell you wish to peer through the Mists of Tomorrow speak to to my colleague wellwick she has an uncommon gift that young man by the tree seemed intrigued by his reading but even with my Powers I cannot probe the innermost secrets of the heart oh what is all this garbage here oh no who’s responsible for littering here every year we get some tourists that don’t respect our town hey Sandy is here when Sandy and I were kids we joked about running away from from it all and joining the [Music] circus I don’t think we would have actually gone through with it but it’s fun to imagine the stard Valley Community is truly One of a Kind so did she grow up here in stardy Valley no pH after being on my feet all day it’s nice to finally take a moment to relax George is on the verge of falling asleep maybe I should start a collection of clown figurines it’s heartening to see others take an interest of my work it makes me feel like I’m doing something good in the world I finished some of these pieces just last week please expect them closely I stand behind my [Music] work this blade is so elegant maybe someday I’ll have enough money to buy one wonder if I can give her one I’m in the market for a new weapon I wonder if I could negotiate a trade with [Music] anyone down there [Music] no I gambled and lost it all to the spinning wheel I should have went with green my son does a knack for accuracy I wonder if he got it from me can I play the slingshot game again Dad please [Music] there’s so much to do I don’t know where to [Music] begin ah don’t mind the smell I just emerged from I just emerged from the fishing Booth with a sizable hall now I must decide what to do with all these star tokens it was a long bus ride here but totally worth it the valley is so beautiful Simon loves it don’t you Simon no I don’t hush up Simon that’s a fine looking town you got here itd be a shame if something happened to it I mean nice and cozy in real sense of community 50g per star token I could win big ah [Music] [Music] it’s probably not worth [Music] it catfish [Music] come on fishies get in my [Music] pocket a dang [Music] it that was a [Music] goof wait it’s been a little while since I fished forgetting all of my skills oh another catfish whatever it’s not worth [Music] it this is not a cat uh might might be a catfish I am doing very [Music] poorly I might as well go for it because uh yeah time didn’t end until you actually hook it even though time counts down while you’re fishing 20 Perfection bonus 156 star tokens [Music] greetings gentlemen Dre of the stardo Valley Fair is finally here and the crowd is growing by the minute just like last year I’ve set up an empty Grange display for you speak to me when you’re ready to commence the judging oh I’m ready oh are you already finished upsetting your gra display oh yes it is going to be the most amazing Grange display you are going to absolutely love it leis right I’m in your [Music] way what think come on get over there get over there come on look at these smelly fish you don’t want to see any of these smelly fish they’re terrible look at that isn’t that amazing isn’t that amazing it’s not as like come on the the the the cheese wheel and the eggs and the cloth not as amazing right and look there’s like look at how wilted all of that [Music] is come on ready your Grange theway has been judged return to Mayor Lewis for the result you was that some kind of sick prank those are very private here take 750 star tokens and don’t tell a soul now go clean up your box and bring me my item tomorrow [Music] oh he doesn’t want to talk to me [Music] anymore [Music] green [Music] 450 [Music] go a winner is me [Music] green let’s go for [Music] 750 winner all right let’s see if we can get two prize tokens I’m guessing only one yep I think I already have that rare Crow haven’t gotten the Fedora take the dried sunflowers as well guess I’ll take the light green rug all right ah what a fantastic fantastic stardew Valley Fair actually was there anything up here oh yeah all the animals are up here the animals have been given their favorite food so they’re happy feel free to pet them they won’t bite a so cute animals are kind of like little people they also have feelings and emotions sheep have remarkable memory capabilities retaining familiarity with both fellow sheep and humans they even form friendships mirring the close bonds we humans cultivate with one [Music] another moo moo I’m trying to talk to the baby cows oh all right ah what a wonderful stardew Valley Fair I’m sure Lewis enjoyed it as well could not have gone better no all right let’s go get some fruit we do have some fruit to declare uh I might actually turn ancient fruit into um into seeds so that I can put some out on the island I feel like crows don’t come out to the island I need to double check that and sell these uh [Music] cranberries there’s a jade got nothing else in there all right that’s it for now get you in there as well all right I want to oh I got plus three foraging get some copper ore all right looks like none of the trees uh grew up yet okay everything is ready so we’ll take out the milk grab that grab one of you grab one of you I meant to grab that as well there we go come on horsey take me up here grab that uh copper bar sell that could sell the uh the token or the okay can’t put it there all right into bed we go all right let’s go to sleep for the night all right we had a very successful stard Valley Fair we got the prize ticket that was available which seems like the only special thing this year um so it’s nice that there is always something to get um okay got some cash for all of that Hazelnut and sweet pea made a little bit of money but that is going to be where we wrap it up tonight or today for this episode whatever it’s night time in the game uh when we come back next time um going to keep an eye out for another good time to go to the either the island or the Skull Cave and try to get back down to 100 we’ll see but that will be for next time see you then everyone

Before the Stardew Valley Fair comes again, let’s get both our tree farm and our basement reorganized.


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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