[LIVE] Cozy Stardew Valley Livestream!

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome in um hope everyone’s doing well I’m back on YouTube which feels really weird I look an absolute mess I literally just got back from the pub graah and I went out for dinner which was lovely and um ran back home to start stream so here we are are we are doing morei Valley today and I haven’t been live over here in a bit actually I got sick for a while and it took me a bit to get over it so I’m glad to be back today my goal is to work towards upgrading our system from using our watering can to using sprinklers so I want to kind of resource gather and get materials that I need to make good quality sprinklers so that when we go into year two in Spring I can set all of that up so I think that’s my goal for today I don’t know how long today’s dream’s going to be cuz I feeling a little bit sick and my my tummy um my dinner isn’t isn’t isn’t making me feel very good so I’ll see how I go hopefully it’s not very poisoning please don’t let it be fre poisoning let’s get into it we’re on day 15 we’ve got 27 hours somehow on this already which is wild but I’m also like I feel like we’ve been doing really well with it oh God sorry I just my what else can go wrong today all right let’s do it so I’m not currently brewing anything in the um like the fermenting pots jars pots whatever they are you can’t put eggplants in there right fried or stew d That’s not stewing though that’s pickling pickled eggplant pickled corn actually might use those ones okay let’s choke these on um I have a lot of stuff in my inventory now I think um I can grow these winter seeds and the what is it wait I think it’s in um this chest this is what happens when you don’t play fores winter seeds I don’t think I need the speed grow at the moment how melon seeds yeah okay so one thing I realized from last time is I actually can grow crops in Winter as far as I’m aware like these ones I could be wrong good I’m pretty sure these ones are like the exception okay I have 40 winter sedes that’s wild oh I forgot I upgraded this to that’s fun that’s a lot easier okay that’s it’s great Co beans watering can yep might as well pop fertilizer on them I’m not going to use the quality stuff cuz a lot of this is just um oh maybe I will oh no I don’t know I’ll just use I’ll just use normal fertilizer I don’t really need to have quality products of um foraging the powder melons I was contemplating it but I think I’ll just leave it I think it’s fine hi Holly how are you welcome man um okay let’s grab that and I need way more where did I do I have any that’s coity grab that I knew I had more PW melon seeds so was my mares for a second how are you hly only got two spots okay I’m not too bad I’m just grm and I just went out to the pub for dinner it’s pretty good now I’m just chilling unwinding I will say waking up at 5:00 a.m. on a Monday morning sometimes oh sometimes your body’s just like why are we do why why are we up at 5:00 a.m. like you know yeah it’s it’s been a long day I’m exhausted but I wanted to play sty so here we are oh worms I will take that another thing I don’t think I’ve checked in a minute is this oh no there’s a couple I can probably pickle those too actually make them into jams and stuff so let’s bu these away then I need to look at what I need for um sprinkler systems so if I want like good sprinkler systems that’s a gold bar radium bar and a battery pack which is uh a lot got basic sprinkl unlocked I think let’s aim for Quality cuz battery packs are a bit harder to do so I need gold iridium and battery pack for that and then for this one I need a refined quartz iron bar and gold bar let’s what I think I’ll do nothing in there I’m just going to gather everything that I’ve got and just get a kind of an idea of what I’m dealing with actually we do have a few battery packs so that could ALS would be helpful I thought that was gold for a second they do look alike I have more powder melon sades oh my goodness clearly didn’t check well I knew I had a lot I didn’t realize I had this many okay cool CH that away so I need to get rid of all of this stuff that shouldn’t be in there um gold that one I should really put that bear in my house hey where should I put him is it dangerous to put him next to the fire see that’s cute there yeah you can you can chill there um okay actually I’m going to put those that one that one that one I think that should be good so we need way more gold refined quartz iron bar what do I need iron bar gold bar refined quartz so we definitely need more iron and more gold refined quartz we’re actually doing pretty good I’m going to put this as like purple just to make it different iron bar are actually doing pretty good too we need way more gold though okay so gold is definitely a priority I’ve got food I need to go let’s go to the library and then tomorrow I’m going to go to the cave I also need to check where I’m up to with the community center cuz I haven’t looked at that in a solid minute I mean to be fair I haven’t been on here in a solid minute so come pick those berries I don’t know how big I want the farming system to be but I know I want a decent setup at least so I’m going to try and aim to just get as many resources as I can and I’ll sort it out later think I’d rather have too many than not enough you the burn table burn table I don’t like that I don’t like that phrasing ignore that please ooh new Quest what is it pris jelly or community clean up there’s a little trash in the water why don’t we fish them out to make the valley more beautiful I require assistance in tracking down a rare and dangerous Prismatic slime within local caves I’m going to do this one cuz that’s a a lot more feasible I think 20 pieces of trash dump it in the recycling bin behind the train platform cool I can do that I know the best place to fish up trash unfortunately it is my house I don’t know why but the lake near my house is just great for finding trash it’s awful it’s like barely any fish it’s all just rubbish so I need 20 pieces is there any worms or anything up here no they’re a lot easier to see in winter so I was hoping I’m hoping to get like a few more resources and stuff from them let’s go fishing ooh speaking of a chicken statue Hi aquil how are you welcome back oh the night market do I have money I have 2,000 gold yeah I probably shouldn’t hey should I shouldn’t I why not let’s go let’s go have a little let’s go let’s go have a little Wonder should probably empty my inventory as well if I do end up buying anything I near sold that that’s a bad idea um I’ll hold on to this cool no don’t worry about it you’re all good how are you I want to I don’t have enough money to go to this thing I don’t know why I am but it’s fine I might as well look around cuz the night markets are pretty lus and Elliot I’m glad you’re good it’s good to hear hi Javi fancy seeing you here this guy looks really sus every time whats of candy canes seasonal plants it would be nice actually to get some seasonal plants it changes with each season it doesn’t need it to oh my God doesn’t need to be watered all right I’m going to hold off because I want to go see what else there is oh that’s the fishing Expedition how much does this cost again hello a thousand yes take my money this is still year one we’re in Winter of year one so I’m trying to get uh as much as I can in terms of resources to make sprinkler systems for year two um we’re on day 15 oh wait I can’t hold on oops see hold on should probably change my camera back hey um that’s better all right cool we back give me the fishing experience let’s go I don’t like that time still passes while I’m down here which is so silly because that’s of course it will but still seaweed really wait let me cast f [Music] these look like something that should stay at the bottom of the ocean quite frankly I don’t think I want to bring them up hey hey hey hey hey chill out chill bro it’s so close this is so painful thank you of course 100% no problem at all thank you for Ling I appreciate it oh you are spooky I’m just going to Chuck a bunch of stuff down there just so I can see how much space I’ve [Music] got oh yes that’s what I want for 1,000 gold I’m going to try and earn back my money how does this work like this doesn’t make sense in terms of physics hey no no it doesn’t actually let’s mix it up a little bit let’s go here why not I don’t know if changing position helps in any way with what you catch I’m pretty sure they’re just spook fish down here but I’m going to try and catch as many as I can I’ve got two hours before I have to get stressed I also need to eat because I’m low energy a see cuc combo um a squid can you come on to the end of my hook so I can take you and sell you to wiie and get money that’ be great that’ be really that’s a mermaid I just saw a mermaid can I bring back a mermaid that’s so cool literally I thought it was Abigail for a second just swimming the bottom of the ocean it doesn’t make sense oh yeah it’s winter Abigail’s just going for a nightly swim at the bottom of the ocean real [Music] quick that’s so silly [Music] [Music] a squid oh he’s pretty that’s really cool too h ah why you ser atic just chill right in 10 minutes yeah it’s getting late all right take me back quickly yes please I didn’t catch nearly as many as I wanted to but that’s okay I’m sure we will get something from it I really want to keep the midnight squid there cuz that’s really pretty oh God it’s taking time to get back up to oh God it’s 12:30 it’s fine there’s a like teleport thingy run run run run run run run thank you bye but what if I want to buy other things I guess I can’t oh what have you got real quick nothing of Interest let’s go yes I just realized that that also costs money and if I had spent all my money I wouldn’t have been able to do it holy guamo moly I know you’re tired let me get home oh if I pass out because I can’t get out this is ridiculous this is so silly this is the silliest way that anyone has ever passed out and St you officially go go go go go oh my goodness okay it’s fine we made it oh my God that was actually quite stressful okay let’s grab some food and let’s go to the mines so we need gold iron and quartz going to sell some [Music] stuff wait do I need any of you for the no oh wait um [Music] [Music] I guess the other bit I wanted to have stuff upgraded to iron I think it was or maybe everything just upgraded to Copper I can’t remember what my goal was pretty sure I’ve got most things upgraded to Copper by this point if not everything pretty sure I can refill that later let’s go some and go um let’s take some small stuff as well as just let’s take 39 pickled corn why not we’re just taking jelly we’re just taking jellies today that’s way too many jellies all right I think we’ll suffice off of that all we eat to survive in the caves is jelly that’s all you need it’s the secret to sty Valley it’s how to play trust me any worms nope no regly guys oh that’s one thank you I don’t even know where to start let’s go 30 hold on let me grab my weapon hold on I need to move that right there thank you goodness gracious o gs that’s not actually what wasn’t actually my plan but anyway you never know where the ladder’s going to be ah you also never know where these little guys are going to be go away this new sword that I’ve got though is incredibly like strong in comparison to what I’ve had it’s really good yay a ladder all right let me just double check cool continuing on ladder I’m meant to be resource Gathering and I’m just running through and then we just trying to get more to iron let me do a little walk around and that’s the other bit the gards now I just kind of want to just like dig up all the stones and stuff go away rude really what already low on energy see jelly I’m sure this is not making my character feel sick in the slightest just drinking jars and jars of homemade jam that’s been stored in a a chest for far too long oh goodness yeah I don’t like that that sounds so gross holy guacamole okay I think I’m just going to dig up everything just focus on the resource Gathering rather than going down the ladders as fast as I can it’s 12:40 we have plenty of time jeers what is this what what’s happening what is this oh no oh boy oh that didn’t last long at all that was way more dramatic than I thought it was going to be no that was way less dramatic than I thought it was going to be you can tell it’s been a long day brain no brain cells left brain cells have left the conversation entirely and it’s only Monday send help and coffee please [Music] yeah so they do what there’s nothing down oh no no there is oh that’s it never mind oh there’s a note hold on I didn’t see this it’s a note of maruse Parts still need for my gra invent invention yet gold bar aridium bar battery pack diamond and strawberries strawberries interesting hope that we get something good out of these geod too mushroom cute I think I need a purple mushroom for my community center bundle one of them I’m also a little low on energy but that’s okay hope I can go get that rock ooh more quartz I need that give me okay don’t make the same mistake that I did and eat the red mushroom thinking that it would be helpful it’s actually make things worse no good I’m sure this feels great in my stomach like five hot pepper jellies surely this has some sort of side effects on my character right right not seeing anything yet hey hey hey hey the night market is now open my goodness is it already that late hey all right so I need to keep track of where I get up to is there more no where’s the ladder oh there it is I was like did we find one or is this the end of the line ooh amethyst thank you I need that another secret ner another secret ner oh my goodness there’s hapes around here not again ooh a ruby I don’t think I’ve ever got a ruby and statue I don’t remember getting one at least can you not I’m busy I’m busy important Mining and exploring happening heck off leave me alone at least I’m going to have enough Supply bat wings my goodness nice whoa lots of copper down here 750 still got time still have to rate those secret NS I’m going to get so many color bars out of this yay well I’ve gotten a few quarts and we’ve got some geod two seconds rude hold on that’s not going to help me mar leave me alone there’s so many bats down here and not nice ones cranky ones oh boy hello oh my goodness how many are you Jeepers three oh my God that’s scared the V jeus out of me okay we got to eight 10 20 this makes me feel so weird I don’t like it I hid something behind the community center ooh I borrowed a necklace from Mom but lost it going somewhere near the bath house she’s going to freak out if she NOS say it’s missing okay so there’s something hiding behind the community center and we have to go to the bath house got one hour left ooh hotwood all right I’m going head back 1150 I’m not risking it especially after all of that can’t wait to fix the mine cart so that’s going to be so helpful oh W can I please thank you that was so bad I think that was the worst I’ve ever done I should have had a coffee before the Stream well I made my money back that’s good oh ma got new Hammer I want to try a variety of medals can you smelt an iron bar and bring it to me thanks Clint sure all right give me two seconds I will be right back I’m just going to take a quick Break um me two seconds e e e e e e for for e welcome back sorry I had to do a little friend call all right I want to see if this Ruby is in my community the Ruby is in the community center yes and the red mushroom is too oh my god let’s run to the community center I’m so wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait going to wait there we go okay now we can go I’m so excited I know I didn’t water my plants that’s okay oh there’s a little worms up there there’s so much there’s so much happening why is there so little time in the day for how much I have to do petition for staru to make the days longer please 24 hours just working around the clock so P me when I go up to the mines I’m going to start at level 40 I think then we’ll start hitting iron oh no I’ve got the hiccups no I don’t want the hiccups purple mushroom for that one oh I think they’re both actually in here treasure hunters and geologists no never mind oh yeah yeah yeah oh my god I didn’t even realize oh my God we’re so close to complete oh three plus luck oh that’s beautiful yay so all I need is a fire quarts and that’s it and then the mine carts will be repaired That’s so exciting I’m so excited okay cool let’s go over to the other one you going to take a a wild guess and say it’s over here I’m going to go some foraging that’s the last one that’s the last one yay oh my goodness oh it’s so [Music] cute [Music] typewriter wait I can like I can’t even I can’t even form thoughts I I can do that thing sorry about is wait what did you do I got a star so cute and this little guy follows me now look at him go oh my goodness this is the best day ever holy guacamole oh actually I have to also go do the um chicken statue as well that was so exciting oh wait wait wait wait there’s two lots of worms another book yay oh there’s something behind the community center before I forget how do I know how do I how how pray tell how I would find I think I found it that is so [Music] cute oh my God I love it it’s so cute wait I kind of want to put him near the community center is that like a no no cuz it’s like sh sharing like a secret oh that’s cute yep yep yep all right that’s just made me so happy accept Quest all right I have to gather Robin 30 pieces of stone today which is easy quite frankly we are mining all day two mystery boxes ooh while I’m here I can go see Clint about I’m going to am I even going to get to the mines today who knows let’s find out I’m so excited for the bridge to get repaired too oh my goodness uh processed UNS ooh potatoes and hardwood Earth crystal copper Stone oh that counts towards the goal with Robin that’s good the I think this is the only time that I want Stone from the [Music] geodes yay and I’m going to S there’s yeah Co thank you bye oh wait did I have something to go to the yeah chicken statue one day we will get to the mines oh damn it okay chicken statue is not needed what am I going to do with it I guess I just sell it I was going to Chuck it reclaim seven it’s not worth that much all right time to go mining I cannot believe we did so much in the um in the oh my goodness why am I streaming I can’t even talk probably I can’t believe we did so much in the community center today it’s so exciting no that is so rude just fell straight in water all right level 40 yep okay we’re definitely getting more iron Frozen Jared yay 20 out of 30 there’s my iron is that a frozen tear oh Sebastian will be so happy I always feel bad killing these little guys I know they attack me but still makes me kind of sad can you not I’m busy okay let’s eat this one cool I think I need to get into the cooking aspect of Stu as well and like do more with that uh especially I’ve got to obviously expand the kitchen first but when I get that I I want to make more stuff more iron do we have to deliver these to Rubin yes okay that makes it slightly hotter but cool Robin that’s fine Robin’s house closes I think at 8 so I’ll leave here around 6 just to be safe got 2 hours it’s not as much T I’d like but you know I can go back at least if you’re wondering why I’m bothering with the biggest STS I want to oh the night market still open I I want to um gather stone for future builds and upgrades with buildings so might as well while I’m here that was five I that’s actually pretty good can I than you oh that was so good H 620 all right let me have a quick look for any Gems or anything that’s obvious no cool all right so we’re going to go to robins and then we’ll come back oh rbon actually the ticket is literally on the edge of the cliff oh my goodness Robin why did you put it there holy guacamole oh wait while I’m here where’s there you are edgy boy here little emur boy come on get your Frozen tears I never would have guessed honestly so surprising Sebastian seems lost in thought adds up I wonder what we’re up to with the tickets actually we’re up to 45 oh crap I thought that was a stone you know you don’t have to be the same color as o a scroll wait wait wait wait oh my goodness there’s like nothing I can dwarf skull the third artifact o cool cool cool thank you for let’s go down oh wait NOP I want that um going to eat the cave carrots it’s 9 o’ so we still got time we’ve actually gotten some really good stuff this round time of Cl there’s more iron up there I want to grab that too this actually is a longer cave it’s got the turn over there away for another Frozen Teo o actually I need one of those too um oh my goodness this I need more space talking about what I need um I’m going to here I want the ooh secret note what does it say I found some good things by looking garbage cans on Lucky days sometimes you find the dish of the day behind the saloon usually fresh for desserts I’ll check the M’s can for cookies and for Treasures check the can by the blacksmith and Museum oh Treasures I didn’t realize that they would the fact that they’re just chucking out Treasures in the garbage go off oh my goodness we’re so we’re getting the bridge fixed I’m so excited I definitely have to go to the museum tomorrow yeah worry about I’m so excited more oh de sh I would like to give you some information about an upcoming event the Feast of the winter star it’s a time for the community to come together and think back on all the good fortune we’ve had this year a favorite tradition is the secret gift exchange where everyone in town is randomly assigned to someone else on the day of the festival everyone brings a gift for their secret friend and surprises them with something special this year your friend is Penny don’t tell anyone the feast will take place on the 25th from 9 till 2 at the Town Square see you then may Louis Penny what would Penny like o actually cheuck that there what would Penny like Chuck there’s the chu that going take these with me yeah let’s [Music] go does Maya Lewis’s house have an opening time I would assume it’s like 9:00 like everyone else but I don’t know let’s see 8:30 hey Louis that is just frustrating okay so that’s not part of the community center so for the community center I still have the fish farming bundle summer squash purple mushroom Chef’s bundle I need those three which I need to upgrade to a kitchen for the fried egg oh wait I think I can just buy one off Gus actually maybe that’s the better option all of these actually while no one’s out soy newspaper yay oh how long do I have on that oh I should have put that in the oopsie I have four days okay cookies that’s exactly what I needed for the community center yay wait does that count oh the CD does count as trash cool let’s go put the cookies in here that’s exactly what I was hoping for and then apparently there’s treasure over in this one I guess while you were out early it’s easier to snoop through the bins while not getting caught uhoh I heard a door hello oh wait it’s 8:20 let’s go see Meo good morning sprinklers oh my God quality sprinkles that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to build wait what is that book a love book o Dude that is so helpful thank you that saves me a lot of stress um right Library time what do I got two things that one there and let’s do that one there your reward ooh what we got pumpkin SS thank you morning Clint Lim Stone more Stone iron Frozen tear and a frozen tear cool do I need the Frozen tears for anything nope cool more presents for the emo boy lovely let’s go find Elliot or javey actually let’s go let’s go see javey how would Alex react to this this is cool thanks have you been up by the lake recently I was on a run late last night I noticed the oh Bridge waser P that was because of me you’re welcome so exciting I can’t wait to go explore over there well to to be fair that did not feel like a waste like that was actually like a half decent conversation all right let’s go I’m also going to just pop up to the mountains real quick because I need to put the trash in the bin behind there oh the bath house too oh my goodness there’s so many things to do that every single thing that I set myself I keep getting distracted see if I can find that necklace Abigail’s Lo stinks pretty bad apparently looking for a necklace oh that suits me really well actually pretty yeah necklace oh we’re moving really really really slow where’s the necklace can I go in there no I can’t oh yes I can is there a necklace in here can I dive under not seeing a necklace huh what if it’s not in the women’s side what if it’s on the men’s side I can’t go in there so that’s handy I reckon it’s still one in one of those lockers or something is there way to to fix up the old oh God Is there a way to fix up the old bath house can I like is this one mine do I have one I have no clue where this necklace could be I’m going to come back to you all right I reckon I’m going to change my plans today I’m going to try and get trash out of the um of the water for lonus so we can complete that cuz we’ve only got four days left and then I’m going to go over to the new oh that’s not that wasn’t the plan but and then I think I’m going to go over to the new bridge repair and explore for a little bit the one time I want to catch trash and I just catch fish [Music] do I need what do I need for the fish River fish night fish like fish that’s a cop St I’ve heard this studge and’s really hard to catch so I’m not expecting to get it for a while what I wanting to cut PCH is trash I think I just have to go far uh fishing on my own Farm after that what I’ll do is how much shom do I have two more spaces then we’ll sell those fish and go back to the farm holy crap I’m going to take a wild guess and stay that’s the sturgeon if it’s not I will be shocked wait can I how do you attach I don’t know still confuses me to this day oh it’s getting darker holy crap dude chill BR chill please for like two seconds lingard oh I haven’t got one of those yet wonder if I need that I’ve not caught one single bit of trash today and then whenever I go fishing for fish always catch trash go figure I wonder what penny would like maybe like a jam or like honey or something I don’t know I always find that they like stuff that’s like I’ve made on the farm which is fair enough it’s homemade don’t know if I need the link but or not yay trash I don’t think I’ve ever said that it’s so silly how many do I need 20 pieces oh that’ll be easy in this two three this is what I mean I don’t have any fish on my bomm at all I think Driftwood tr’s trash Serge Cola what is that Chara gross but anyway how many is that eight so we got a couple hours I just have to remember to not sell it I have to take it to the trash can up at the mountains this is actually quite satisfying taking out all the trash although to be honest I feel like this is like a bottomless pit and that my found was once like a landfill fi Valley 11 I’ll go back at 1 cuz I’m on my Pharm so it doesn’t matter I also running quite low on energy I’m paying very close attention to the time 16 one more and then I’ll do the rest tomorrow I also can wake up at 6:00 and go look at the bins again because that does count as getting trash I know it’s 1:00 a.m. just one more come on yay literal trash okay Co we cut it close but is can’t believe I nearly finish with the1 already feel like we’ve done a really good job with it so far actually how many more two more um so I’m going to water stuff and I’m going to go into town I’m going to see if I can get anything out of the rubbish cans first like that’s a solid plan [Music] that was not the goal damn it my energy is already so low I mean I did go to bed late last night so that’s probably [Music] why I just realized everyone’s probably going to be awake and maybe I won’t go look through the bins because people will know all right cool wait all right I just need two more pieces I’m just going to fish it out oh no three cuz um we threw one away which to be fair is typically what you do with trash so that’s not what I need can I go through my own trash can does that count probably not yay let’s go wait I’m going to get one more just to be safe cool she has to be safe is there ever a point where like you actually do manage to to clear out the pond of trash or is it just constantly just trash all the time oh the drift for dig count that’s so good yay all right let’s go back into the caves actually I’m going to go explore that bridge I feel like it would be really helpful if we could clear it up if there was like a reward or something I’m sure there’s a mod somewhere like how many pieces of trash can you actually get out of your own pond [Music] ooh what’s my ner say it’s Penny’s handwriting I want to get everyone something they love Mom pnip glazed the arms no beer Jazz fairy Rose Plum Pudding Vincent pink cake and grapes Mr Muller leak fried mushroom granny Muller beet chulip cute but what do you like wonder what penny liks another not y gold we need gold I can’t take these ones energ is actually not doing too bad for how much mining I’m doing oh Diamond o fancy Fant hold on let’s read the note it’s a page from Abigail’s diary things I love the smell of carve pumpkin keeping an amethyst under my pillow chocolate cake the thrill of spicy eel what does she mean by the thrill of spicy eel you do youo she means like eating the spicy right let’s use up some more of our pickled corn this is our diet has purely consisted of pickled corn and different assortments of jelly and pickled vegetables oh that’s awful that can’t be good harby I agree I am also concerned Holly I I don’t like that quite frankly I still can’t piece it together in like a a nice way unless it’s just really exciting for her to eat spicy e i d even that doesn’t I it doesn’t make sense in my brain I’m still confused about why she eats quartz crystals I know right so healthy what more could you need you’re getting your vegetables from the pickled vegetables and your fruits from the jellies and what more could you need I wonder when the last time my character had a glass of water was I don’t recall ever drinking a glass of water in this game and that’s a little conning we have so many resources here really wish the mine carts were working we’re so close to finishing that one though which is so exciting it’s 610 I want to at least try and clear this up that’s pretty good oh yeah holy did you see on the um stream schedule uh Community movie night’s back I don’t know what we’re watching yet I’m still waiting for the poll to close with the members they’re picking what we’re watching I’m very excited it’s going to be good yay well we have a ton of resources which is awesome I don’t actually know if we got any anything new that we can trade at the library but I’m happy with what we’ve got it’s actually still 7:30 let’s go down to [Music] 45 yeah that was one of of the um announcements so the members pick what we watch and my D and D campaign is nearly over and when that’s over we’re going to be doing mie nights and game nights so they’ll be interchanging so like one week will be like movies one week will’ll be games and yeah it’ll be good fun there’s like nothing interesting over here that’s better another Frozen tear has Sebastian been crying in the mines is that why there’s Frozen tears everywhere I’m being a bit more picky but I’m trying to just grab what I can see I need ooh what is that not that not that not that what is that monsters have a small chance to drop double loot that’s a terrifying book it’s so cute though ooh I love it oh he back you know it’s 11:30 I can’t be bothered T yeah no not dealing with that do I need a diamond for anything no no no pretty good I can sell some stuff at least get some Moa what if I gave penny a diamond for the present thing I think that might be something I don’t know if she’d like it she’s not really like a she’s not like Haley she doesn’t I don’t think she values um that sort of stuff as much but I don’t know I feel like that’s very um out there and might maybe she would like it I don’t know oh yeah do we need this no cool that’s pretty good more male hi sh thanks for helping me clean around the valley the waters are looking much cleaner I think everyone will appreciate it I know I will as a way saying thanks I wanted to teach you how to grow your own fiber I hope it’s useful lus thank you lus bless him [Music] my God this is a mess thank you do you ever go to water one spot and St you and it just doesn’t happen it’s so silly winter is also really frustrating to see where you have and haven’t watered [Music] okay you can go in there you can go in there you can go in there you go in there is it just to craft it’s just bring Clinton iron bar okay cool I can do that let’s go see Clint wait right now let’s go see Clint oh my goodness my fishing try and fish out of joa cola in the midst of all the trash what do I have to okay yeah so we’ve upgraded everything to Compass now we have to upgrade things to steel [Music] bring Emily an amethyst where did I put the amethyst that I got oh if I sold it please can I do anything for you take care this for me this is my favorite stuff it’s like you read my mind bye oh a ticket oh cuz I did the thing that’s right what were we up to ooh apple tree cute time is it 10 o’ I’m going to plant this apple tree and I’m going to try and fish out a GE Cola um [Music] sir music is kind of giving um strange things this is so silly that I’m going fishing for soda because I don’t want to go and support joart it’s so [Music] silly oh my goodness yay that was so much faster than I thought it would be I literally thought we were going to be there for the rest rest of the day oh I’ve got lots of things in here that I need oh my goodness gracious wait where’s that trash go away cool can leave those there I need these things for Community Center stuff okay so we are up to I need 10 salmon berries and I need how many plums I think it’s 15 so two more just normal ones uh let’s go see Maru I think we can go see GH to to get that fried egg wonder if Mar’s working actually probably worth checking nope okay but what if you like okay um got cookies I’m so glad all right let’s go that’s okay hey if any of your farming machines need to be fixed just let me know thank you do I have anything I can give you I know I’m saving this for like stuff but like bye you’re really cute cute and smart and cool oh Abigail where did I put that amethyst I think I’m just going to have to go find another one lus what’s lus doing I don’t know if you should be in there in Winter the water has never been cleaner oh that’s sweet and the same goes for me I’m a little worried about you getting hypothermia there sweetie it is snowing but go off live your best life wonder where I put that amethyst I really hope I didn’t sell it no I think I put in the community center Maybe I can’t remember which is very frustrating let’s go level 50 can I please thank you anything else I need oh hello not friendlies not friendlies I don’t appreciate how many things are attacking me right now um what was the dark reagent void Essence see we’ve got the solar Essence we need the void Essence hey can you be like a dark spirit so I can get void Essence that’ be awesome nope more solar Essence thanks buddy oh my goodness there’s so many slimes who for oh you look slightly darker of a spirit maybe void Essence esque I don’t know he looks a little different no never mind I got double solar Essence the bat dropped a blue button vest it’s actually quite cute but why did the bat have it the bat has a good taste of fashion for oh another dwarf [Music] squirrel: I know I could be missing a lot of stuff but I’m just skimming through I kind of feel bad for the bats what is that a lead Rod how does that compar my sword 12 to 25 18 to 27 oh so that’s actually more powerful and that one’s 15 to 24 oh goodness I don’t know what I want oh that’s a lot of irine I can see yeah it’s way slower give me a ladder thank you whoa it’s so slow sorry two seconds let me change weapons real quick oh my God I thought I I thought I left my sword behind Jeepers all right we need to find a ladder and get out of here oh secret n okay I’m leaving now I have to walk all the way back home it’s such a journey for hey cool it is 10:15 and I need to go to bed because I have to be up at 5:00 a.m. for work which is so fun so I’m going to end there but thank you guys for hanging out with me if you’re watching the Vlog thank you so much I appreciate it today was a little bit unhinged because of how uncoordinated I’ve been and how awkward of a being I am but thank you so much for being here I appreciate the heck out of you guys uh I can’t raid because it’s YouTube but I will see you guys on Thursday Friday and Saturday for twitch and YouTube streams and then on Sunday we are doing community movie night over on Discord so be sure to come see that one too and yeah thank you for being here I appreciate you and I will see you guys in the next one

It’s been a long week, so let’s chill and play some Stardew Valley!

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