ELEMENTAL Has a Crush on Me!

guys now that it’s recessed we need to go find that mystery meat that everyone’s been talking about yeah you told me about this in lunch the what’s mystery meat what are you talking about okay well pretty much guys there’s a rumor that somewhere around the playground there’s this mystery meat that the lunch lady left wao where is it let’s go look okay well I heard rumors that it’s over here by the trees we need to go find it apparently if you touch it you get like every sort of disease in the world and you have to go home Apparently one kid touched it and they have to go to the nurse and um they got sentenced with uh the the the cold the black plague uh okay well when we find it you hold it then okay I’m not going to touch it you guys can touch it but guys follow me over here you want to touch the mystery meat that sends you to like you know like the black plague or whatever you said guys I don’t think any of us should touch it but hold on let’s look around first we need to find where it is it should be somewhere here in this Forest Area I didn’t find anything I just found a brown rock Ruby that’s it it’s right there that that is not a brown rock I’m pretty sure that’s the mystery meat right there look at it what dude this is not meat at all this looks nothing like me give me a second give me a second e did you just smell it oh no Ruby’s going to get the black plague now Ru Ruby’s going to get the black plague it’s over I think it I I think Ruby’s going to die that was so gross let’s leave oh gosh but wait wait hold on if it’s not meat then what is it it it looks kind of like bread I’m not going to lie maybe there’s meat inside of it I don’t know let me grab a stick you’re going to try poking it with a stick cam I don’t know about that you’re going to you’re going to need a long stick if you’re going to poke it poke it what if a worm comes out of it what a worm coming out of the mystery meat I don’t know probably there might be worms living in it we don’t know how long it’s been out here for I got a stick all right I’m going to poke it oh gosh this can’t be good wao I think it just e what is it doing ew I think that’s a mold coming out of okay guys we should probably get away from this I don’t think we should be breathing air anywhere near that thing we’re going to we’re going to get diseases yeah we’re going to get every disease in the world ever I feel like we haven’t solved any mystery at all how long has that mystery meat been there I don’t know Legend says that the school lunch lady put it out there a week ago because it was like a bad batch of food that was going to be in our lunch oh no no no no I ate that a week ago oh gosh and huh wait why is it raining what it was just Sunny like 2 seconds ago I don’t know there was literally no clouds in sight and now it’s pouring the rain oh gosh okay well guys we’re going to get drenched we should probably go inside I think there’s lightning out here too we got to get under some cover wait who’s that and huh wait who is that that’s a good question hey there who are you are you new here oh yeah hi I’m new here o guys it’s a new student hi nice to meet you don’t worry we’re not bullies we’re not going to beat you up thanks I really appreciate you said hi to me uh how are you and oh oh we’re doing good well um we were doing pretty good but now recess is going to be wasted because it’s raining I can’t believe this rain just appeared out of nowhere oh you don’t like the rain sorry I just thought the plants needed some water that was my fault and wait what huh you thought the plants need wait wait you turned on the rain oh yeah I’m an elemental I’m not supposed to tell other people but um I control the weather and stuff wait what an elemental those are real you’re real w Wait wa wa wait so you’re telling me you were able to control the weather and Make It Rain do it again I don’t believe you what I mean if you want me to I can all right all right well I’m waiting and what uh okay no no no that that was just a coincidence is it snowing what is happening yeah I made it a little colder over here since uh rain makes everything humid and gross what the heck okay guys um this is kind of weird I think we should make friends with this new kid she seems uh very powerful yeah this is so cool hold on wait can you actually make the rain stop now we still have like a few minutes left of recess and I don’t want the rain oh sure I can do that and also can you be friends with me I actually don’t have anyone to be friends with here oh oh yeah of course we would love to be friends with you you seem like a very cool person actually yeah it’ be awesome yeah I I’ve never been friends with an elemental before it seems cool the Bell just rang oh oh yeah hold on we got to get to our class but we should definitely talk soon Alyssa yeah see you yeah we’ll talk to you at lunch bye-bye oh all right bye all right guys we can’t be late to our class I’m pretty sure our first class today is science oh man science is hard oh wait wait guys hold on I think this is our science class oh okay um hi there teacher hopefully we weren’t late or anything let’s just uh uh take a stand here at our desk there we go hopefully we don’t have a pop quiz today yeah I was I’m not ready for any quizzes in science I just want to do cool experiments I just want to use that shower over there that thing looks so cool that no dude that thing’s dirty you know they never clean those things what the heck okay well teacher what are we going to be doing in science class today welcome students today we’re going to be learning about the weather cycle oh gosh not this again I already know how the weather cycle works first it rains and then in the winter it snows and then the summer the snow melts and then the melted snow turns into rain hang on hang on that’s not right oh wait did I miss the part where the rain turns into food I don’t think you’ve got the right idea there Dash I’ve got a question for you oh oh uh a question for me okay what is it how does rain enter the clouds how does rain enter the clouds um um well I’m pretty sure first the rain goes up into the clouds and then the clouds use a straw to suck it up yeah yeah the clouds like they get a straw put it in their mouth and then suck up the rain using like a vacuum cleaner to like Pull It in really strong and then the clouds get bigger and then poop out the rain later uh no nowhere near close oh man nerd you don’t even know what the right answer is hey Rick don’t make fun of me okay I I didn’t study last night I was busy doing stuff what playing video games like a nerd I mean kind of but dude that was more important than this you don’t have to make fun of me cuz I didn’t know the answer well I am and I did I can’t believe you got the wrong answer they don’t poop out rain I did you you just punched me hey you kid knock it off come on we have a class to run and yeah yeah Rick leave me alone come on now Rick makes me so mad yeah he’s always being so mean let’s just try to ignore him yeah can we just get this class over with all right well students today we’re going to have a pop quiz yeah Pop Quiz y wo yeah oh no are you kidding me we have a pop quiz I wasn’t ready for this I didn’t study at all okay okay well hold on maybe it’s an easy one teacher what’s the pop quiz do we just have to answer like another easy question like how does rain work nope today we’re going to learn how to brew potion oh gosh you have to brew potions I didn’t do any studying for that I have no cl to brew anything well it should be pretty easy I’ll give you guys a chest full of supplies and you guys have to make me a potion that’s all okay okay well that doesn’t seem too hard actually we we know how to make a potion right he didn’t say what potion we just have to make any potion right right yeah sorry you have to make an invisibility potion for me no not an invisibility potion that’s like the hardest one how do you even make that what is it like the tear of like three children or something um I don’t think that’s right guys okay well we can figure it out once we get the materials hereo teacher it over we got this we got this all right here we go uh there is your chest full of resources and here you go Rick your chest full of resources thanks I’m going to smoke these kids no you are not Rick we’re going to beat you okay but uh guys first things first let’s put down our brewing stand uh there we go let’s put it down right over there wait we also need some bottles and blaze powder in the thing oh yeah I forgot about bottles uh grab them in the cabinets behind you cabinets behind oh wait oh there we go wait guys hold on I found them they’re over here let’s just grab three of these bottles and put them inside of our brewing stand in all right now time to get to business um what goes in first we’ve got fermented spider ey glistering melon blaze powder magma cream golden carrot and gas tier dude I’m going to be honest I have no clue where to go from here maybe it’s the gas tier no it’s not the gas tier okay but guys hold on we’ve got three bottles we can try um three different attempts at this yeah yeah let’s just do it one bottle at a time um what about first we do the gas tier okay uh I don’t know what that does but hopefully that’s right let’s find out oh oh it’s working it’s working something’s happening something’s happening oh wait do we have to put like blaze powder there or something we already put blaze powder here Ruby you guys can’t make a night vision potion with that we’re not trying to make a night vision potion we’re making an invisibility potion oh same thing okay what happen What happen oh wait look we have a mundane potion that’s not what we need okay okay but I I think that’s a good first step um what do we put in next I think the next thing is um anyone got any idea um maybe let’s try the magma green um all right I guess we’re going to try the Magma Cream I don’t think Magma Cream is going to do anything though yeah I remember this from uh part two in the textbook oh no I don’t know what to do I’m going to fail the pop C I don’t think mundane potion is what we need for this step I think we need an awkward potion oh gosh yeah I think you might be right not even the golden carrot is doing anything all right well uh hold on we got to reset Ruby can you uh drink this real quick what no I don’t want to become mundane we need an empty bottle okay you know what actually we’ve got two more bottles we can just reuse this how do we make a mundane potion come on Das do you not remember your textbooks you’re supposed to use Nether W well teacher we don’t have any Nether wart in here yo you have to find it in the class duh what the heck why do we have to find it in the class hold on is it of these drawers over here again it’s not in that one what kind of teacher says duh oh wait there’s some in here wait there is oh oh perfect all right let’s just grab a piece of Nether wart and put that in there we go and okay um it looks like it’s doing something hopefully this actually makes us an awkward potion wait guys look we got the awkward potion okay awkward potion successfully brewed now what’s next I think we have to put the golden carrot in right yeah I’m pretty sure that’s right I remember seeing that in the textbook okay okay golden carrot guys look it’s bubbling it’s it is currently doing something what is it going to be come on come on come on come on how do I make this stupid potion and oh Rick you don’t know how to make the potion either looking rough oh oh guys he’s got three awkward potions he’s on the same step as us yeah hey Dash I refilled this at the sink do you need this again and oh I think we should be good I think we only need to make one potion but guys check it out we got a potion of night vision are you kidding me yeah I think we need that bottle you think we need to try again no no no wait wait wait wait wait guys guys guys do you not remember it says the there’s some potions that we have to use to make other potions I’m pretty sure this is right wait really hold on so what are we supposed to do next we can turn this night vision potion into an invisibility potion you’re saying yeah I think we need something called a fermented spider or something wait wait there’s a fermented spider eye in here hold on hold let’s try putting that in it’s bubbling oh oh heck yeah let’s see what this turns into I hate fermented spider eyes they smell so weird why are you smelling them they’re fermented spider eyes do you not smell everything that you touched wait guys we should try putting the mystery meat in one of these potions but hold on it’s almost done Brewing let’s see if this works and wait a minute it worked let’s go we got a potion of invisibility let’s go team teacher we we were first we got a potion of invisibility do I get an A yeah yeah we win we win look potion of invisibility right there boom oh congratulations you guys get an A no no no no no wait Rick did you not finish your potion in time well I think you crafted potions of poison this is completely wrong shut up you little shrip yo come here come here what who are you calling shrip what are you doing strip y we just threw the poison potion at us teacher do you have any milk do you have any milk oh he Dr more potions hey Rick cut it out I’ll send you to the principal’s office kids get the milk in the back cabinet milk give me that give me that wait teacher can I use a shower I want to use the shower over here I can’t even turn it on don’t use the shower they don’t clean that thing a man okay but Rick leave us alone come on you didn’t have to throw that potion at us that was messed up yeah Rick go to the principal’s office a man we started it we did not start it what are you talking about oh my gosh that guy’s a sore loser o yeah good thing we won that though we crafted our invisibility potion so good and know it looks like the Bell just rang you guys are dismissed and oh oh class is over let’s go guys I think we have lunch next lunch is going to be epic I’ve got something super good packed I’m so starving I can eat a horse I forgot my lunch at home I hope it’s not mystream meat today o Ruby you might have to eat the mystery meat from outside that’s sucks huh Rick what are you doing here aren’t you supposed to go to the principal’s office you got me in trouble um uh no that that was kind of all you you kind of decided to Splash that harming potion at us um that’s kind of your fault J let him get so close to you uh uh Rick what what are you looking at why why are you getting so close you got me in trouble pun me make him stop make him stop Josh are you okay guys get him away get him away Rick stop Rick I’m trying but he won’t get away this hurt’s really bad guys this hurt’s really bad make him stop I think I just lost the two what is going on huh who was that wait Alyssa stop my friend Dash wao what the heck was that wao she helped you ow I think I hit my head wa wait list did you just use your powers on that bully that was awesome yeah but that’s not important right now are you okay and um yeah I think I’m a little bruised up but uh I should be fine but whoa wow it looks you really messed up Rick it looks like he’s knocked out right now he doesn’t matter right now what matters now is that you’re safe and okay wa that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen dude he literally got born back like 30 ft yeah that was actually sick thank you so much for the help but um we should probably head to lunch now I’m not sure how much time we have left of lunch I don’t want to miss it oh yeah let’s all go together oh yeah you should come with us maybe we could get to know you better yeah yeah we can like all be one big friend group but wait guys hold on I’m pretty sure the lunchroom is actually this way we were going the wrong way oh yeah lunch room’s outside I’m pretty sure it’s just right over here and yeah all right here it is lunch time lunch time W this cafeteria looks awesome yeah have you ever been here before it’s pretty big but usually it’s empty most people just eat in their classrooms um not really this is my first time here wait can I sit next to you I still don’t have any other friends and oh oh yeah of course of course you can sit next to us oh guys we just sit next to the bird this bird he um he always sits here his name is uh Falcon and he just uh always sits on the chairs yeah Falcon’s really cool one time he pooped on the president Dash you’re so funny yeah Falcon is awesome but guys here we should all take a seat here I’m going to go ahead and get my food yeah I’m going to get my food too all right all right I’ve actually already brought something from home check it out I’ve got one slice of pizza oh heck yeah this is going to be so good oh let’s see what I have for lunch today and ooh I have ice oh wow what the is that an ice cake yeah it is it’s my favorite hey Dash I got you a drink since you were already sitting down and oh oh you brought me a drink thank you I was actually going to go get one anyways it’s pretty hot out today no worries and whoa uh what is that oh this this is just an ice cake I eat ice all the time waa that’s pretty crazy but guys hold on we should probably move Falcon out of the way he’s uh kind of blocking off Cam hold on oh pick him up and he doesn’t want to move nah it I’ll be fine I’ll just move a chair next to you dash oh actually yeah that works just move your chair right over here all right but anyways guys let’s start eating lunch while we eat elssa you got to tell us about yourself since we just met you oh okay I can do that um let’s see I have all the powers of all the elements and I just moved here there’s not really much else to say all the elements that’s so cool wo so does that mean you can like cause earthquakes and like uh create fire with your hands um yeah there’s a lot more stuff I can do when I grow up but that’s all I can do right now w the wow that okay that was sick that was actually insane wo she literally shot a fireball at the ceiling that was literally insane and what what was that BBY are you all right my drink was super cold huh your drink was cold well um didn’t you get it from the fridge isn’t it supposed to be cold not this cold w Wait dude my drink is like freezing like it’s a block of ice what the heck um hold on let me take a sip of my drink is mine cold like that and guys my drink tastes normally fine wait ruy are you okay I think I have a cold I think I need to go to the nurse’s office what was the drink really that cold that it made you sick I think so okay guys I’ll see you later all right see you Ru wow that actually seems really bad I’ve never seen anyone get like sick from a drink yeah I feel bad for her yeah neither have I but my drink was freezing what the heck was up with that did you guys get the drinks from like a really cold freezer or something no we literally got our drinks right beside yours that’s weird I wonder why my drink was F and your guys was really cold that’s too bad I’m glad that your drink is fine though dash yeah I’m glad my drink was fine but we should probably go check if Ruby’s all right she looked really injured I’m not so sure about that shouldn’t you just stay here and eat what if she needs some alone time to recover you know no I I I’ve never seen Ruby get that sick I want to like make sure she’s okay you don’t want to get late for your next class um it’s fine there is more important than our next class uh we’ll be right back Alissa we’re just going to go check if Ruby’s all right see you okay I can’t believe they’re leaving all right cam let’s go to the nurse’s office we need to go see if Ruby’s doing all good yeah I’ve never seen her that sick before she just up and left lunch and okay I think this is the nurse’s office and oh look there’s Ruby right there here let’s go ask it Ruby is everything all right so like I said you’re going to have to take it easy for the next couple of days I’m going to have to send you home wait what you have to go home is it really that bad yeah she’s got a really bad cold I’d stay away if you don’t want to get sick too hi guys oh gosh how does that even happen you drink something super cold and then you get a you get a cold from that oh no my throat feels like Antarctica oh gosh okay well um I guess in that case it’s probably best if you just go home and take a rest like the nurse said yeah I already called my parents oh gosh I guess it’s just going to be me and you at school tomorrow Dash oh man and all right it’s the next day man I can’t believe we’re really going to school without Ruby she hasn’t missed a day in like 2 years yeah I know it’s really bad I’ve never seen her miss school like this oh man all right well I guess we just have to go and me and you it’s probably going to be boring today without her but uh let’s just get us over with yeah let’s just try and get a fast day of school then maybe we can hang out with Ruby after school yeah maybe but hold on I think our first class is science again we have to go back to the science room back to science all right here we are hello teacher we made it to class on time and uh wait Alyssa you’re in the science class now hi Dash oh welcome in students take a seat we’ll begin class shortly oh oh all right um I guess so but wait Alyssa what are you doing here I thought it was just um me cim Ruby and Rick in this class well I actually asked the principal to switch classes so I’m here now and oh oh you asked the principal to switch classes uh all right that’s school isn’t that awesome not really you’re kind of in ruy spot she usually stands there oh I guess when she comes back I can move all right all right well anyways let’s just get this class started with I want this school day to be over all right well today students I’m going to ask you a few questions about the weather cycle again and oh gosh not more weather questions how long are we going to be talking about the weather oh come on guys I can tell you everything about the weather you know a lot about the weather well I can control it so yeah oh oh actually yeah true that is a good point all right well teacher hit us with the first question what is it all right the first question is what is precipitation what the heck does that word even mean wait Alyssa what is it oh it’s anything that oh no cheating that questions for dash only well that question was for me come on why do I have to answer it because you asked for the first question duh That’s How questions were oh my gosh okay um well precipitation it is a word that starts with the letter P I mean you’re not wrong but it’s not what I’m looking for what well what are you looking for um it’s a word that starts with a letter P and it’s one two it’s like four four letters long four letters long yeah no nowhere near close it’s a lot more than four letters Dash you are so funny yeah yeah I was just joking it’s actually seven letters long uh I’m not looking for how long the word is I’m looking for what the word is like a definition or something oh um the do do want me to give you an example of it being used in a sentence sure sure uh okay my teacher ask me what precipitation is that’s not what I’m looking for either you don’t know what precipitation is shut up Rick do you know what precipitation is of course I know what pre vation is it’s uh it’s what happens whenever you get half time in a basketball game what the heck I don’t think that’s right either what’s closer than whatever you said shrimp dude why do you have to punch me and stop calling me shrimp stop making fun of Dash teacher teacher the N get me with a snowball what the heck thank you so much for that I can’t stand when that guy makes fun of you huh kids quiet down I didn’t see anything oh Alissa you got lucky the teacher didn’t see that everything just went cold and it felt like I got hit by like a truck teacher that was probably just the AC oh gosh that seems rough Alissa are you sure that wasn’t a bit too far what did you do to him did you like shoot him with ice I just made him a little cold it’s not that big of a deal teacher teacher get her to the principal’s office she isy I think you’re just over exaggerating the air conditioning put on a jacket and oh it looks like that’s the Bell uh you guys are dismissed oh class is over let’s go I only got to answer one question today perfect I can’t believe you shot Rick with an ice bolt or whatever that was I’m glad I got to get back at him I don’t like it when he makes fun of you well um I guess thanks for the help Alyssa but uh we got to go to our next class now okay I think we have gym for our next class uh where’s the gym classroom I think it’s this way wait I think I have gym with you guys oh wait you do really all right where are you going going to the gym classroom oh is it outside yeah it’s outside dude I love gym I know where every class is at Jim oh and dash I forgot to tell you something wait what what is it I asked the principal to put me in all the same classes as you so we’ll spend all day together isn’t that awesome oh oh um yeah yeah I guess that is kind of awesome since Ruby is not here but oh it looks like we’re at the gym class w gym time all right kids uh time to start gym oo do you like gym Dash oh yeah gym is actually a really fun class we kind of just like sit around and play games all day all right what do we got in class today Gile today we’re going to be running on the track and ooh we’re going to be running I’m actually pretty good at running I think I’m probably going to be the best one here nah nah nah dude I’ve been putting in the hours bro I can run 100 in like three what 103 what does that even mean 100 km an hour I don’t know anyways uh go get lined up at the track good oh is it over there oh yeah Alyssa we have to go outside for this we have to go outside here on the track and this is where we run around okay this is going to be interesting have you ever ran before not on a track no oh we got a newbie at the gym yeah I guess so all right well I want to go first I want to go first all right uh Kim it’s time to start I’ll start timing you let’s go okay Kim go for it go for it I’m going to get a way faster time than you though three two one go oh oh he’s running he’s running W he’s actually going kind of fast what the heck oh wow can you run that fast Ash um I don’t think I can run that fast he was not lying when he said he was training what the heck oh wow wow he really put in the the work oh he’s stopping to put in the training let’s go what the heck I think this is the fastest he’s ever gone oh really oh yeah oh yeah I can see the Finish Line I got this i got this i got this oh wow he’s actually about to make it he’s going to set a new record w w w what the heck just did the floor Bene him just into ice what just happened wait wait wait hold on cam are you all right did you slip on that ice I slipped and I hit my ankle now I think is dead I think I hit my ankle wait wait wait hold are you all right do you think you hit your ankle but try walking it off I can’t walk it hurts too much oh no uh that’s bad I think you need to go to the nurse oh gosh do you think it’s really that bad coach yeah this looks bad I think it may be broken what the broken but but it was just ice I mean you are running pretty fast my ankle can’t be broken I have stuffed to do I have school where did that ice even come from I don’t know but he said you need to go to the nurse’s office so I think you should well I better get going to the nurse office ow ow oh gosh I feel bad where did that ice even come from it’s literally a super sunny day outside there’s not a cloud inside oh man I feel super bad for him yeah that’s unfortunate I hope his ankle is okay a man well hold on now that Cam’s going to the nurse’s office that means that I’m going to be all alone in school none of my friends are here anymore both Ruby and cam are gone well you’re not all alone I’m still here um I I guess so but I don’t really know you like that yet oh Well we can become better friends while they’re gone um I guess so man today’s going to be boring though it’s going to be okay it’s just you and me and all right school is finally over oh man that day was awfully boring none of my friends were there for me to talk to I mean I guess Alyssa was there but again I don’t really know her like that and oh wait hold on I think I’m getting a call on my phone hello wait who is this hi it’s Ruby and oh oh Ruby you’re calling wait are you all right are you coming to school tomorrow yeah my cold Went Away really fast but um I was going to say do you want to hang out at my house and oh I’m down yeah yeah we got a meet up I haven’t seen you in a like a whole day okay okay I’m inviting cam too o all right all right I’ll pull up right now school just ended okay see you there and okay I’m pretty sure this is Ruby’s house right over here Ruby Ruby I’m here are you home oh I’m home let me get to the door oh oh hi and wa these are some fancy doors did you just get them yeah my house got redecorated check it out wa this is sick but anyways hold on how are you doing I remember you had that cold a few days a ago you said it’s fully good now yeah yeah yeah I just took some hot showers and then my throat was better it was weird it’s not like any cold that I’ve had before oh yeah that’s strange well I’m glad you’re feeling better hold on is Cam here yet I need to see if his legs are all right he broke his legs the other day in class yeah he told me about it on the phone um he said it might be a little late cuz uh he got a new ride he got a new ride huh what does he mean by that wait is that cam right there hey guys is that a pig it is are you riding a pig oh I guess that makes sense since you broke your ankles wait did you break both your ankles oh my gosh look at those casts yeah doctor said uh I’ve got to go take it easy for like a month I broke both my legs oh my gosh that’s going you on the count oh gosh yeah that sucks man I don’t even know how that ice appeared in the track that was the most random thing I’ve ever seen wait is your Pig house train yeah it’s house trained I was given to it by the hospital wow the hospital is so cool nowadays but wait cam when do you think you’re going to be back in school if you have to take it easy for a month does that mean we’re not going to see you at school for a whole month uh not maybe not a whole month but the doctor says I can’t go to school for at least a week oh gosh a whole week that’s going to be so boring yeah my mom wants me to stay home for a little bit longer too oh what wait how much longer um maybe like a couple more days a man that means I’m not going to have any friends at school for a few days it’s so annoying that you guys keep getting hurt oh what about your new friend Alysa or something you won’t be alone um I mean she’s all right I don’t really know her all that well though I only met her like 2 days ago yeah I can’t believe I got sick on the first day she was here yeah I you got sick cuz of ice and I broke my ankles cuz of ice man and wait a minute hold on hold on hold on speaking of ice remember earlier in class cam when Alyssa shot that ice bolt at Rick yeah what are you saying she’s an elemental she has ice powers oh no wait do you guys think that maybe she’s the one who got you guys injured what are you saying right now wait that makes sense though well hold on hold on hold on Ruby how else are you going to explain your drink getting super super cool then Dam how are you going to explain the ice appearing on the track right where you were running I don’t know I I mean it’s it’s pretty warm out but nothing’s happened to you and yeah she’s been being awfully nice to me wait guys I don’t think she’s talked to me or Ruby any she’s been all over Dash I think she may have a crush on him oh no and she’s trying to get you guys away from me this is all starting to make sense now it all makes sense I can’t believe she would do that my ankles I was a star runner oh no okay well hold on if she’s willing to get you guys injured and sick like that then um she’s definitely not going easy we need to do something to get rid of her okay what are we supposed to do she’s an all powerful Elemental dude um okay that’s a good question well um maybe we can just get her expelled from school somehow I’m sure if the teacher see her using the powers then they’re not going to like it and then she’ll move to a different school yeah that’s a great idea if you can get her expelled then she won’t be at our school anymore oh gosh I have to do it alone right cuz you guys aren’t going to be coming with me okay well um hold on I’ve got a plan I have an idea I can get her to steal food from the lunchroom and since there’s cameras there she’s probably going to get caught using your powers and get in a lot of trouble oh that could work but you got to make sure that you know somebody sees her ceiling yeah yeah yeah you have to make sure to call someone over um maybe you can bring the one of the teachers over or something o actually bring the principal that’d be great o okay yeah I can tell the principal that I have a complaint that I want to make in the lunchroom and then I’ll tell him to come over in 5 minutes and then in 5 minutes I’ll get Alyssa to use her powers yes that’s it that’s it good luck that sounds like it’s difficult to do all right well I guess I’ll try the plan tomorrow okay good luck Dash all right it’s the next day now and oh gosh what is Alyssa doing there well hold on I actually need to go talk to her I need to get her the lunch room somehow hi Alysa hey Dash I was waiting here for you where have you been you’re a little late oh um um nothing I was just uh running a little bit late you were waiting here for me come on let’s go to class okay okay but wait wait hold on Alyssa before we go to class you want to go grab something from the lunchroom I uh I haven’t had breakfast yet yeah so I want to go eat something oh you want to have breakfast together sure that sounds awesome all right all right yeah yeah let’s go to the lunchroom in fact hold on can you go and just meet me there I got to go to the bathroom real quick oh okay I’ll meet you there all right all right I’ll see you in the lunch room in 5 minutes then okay perfect Alyssa is going to the lunchroom now I just got to go find the principal um principal hello are you around here somewhere no one Dro My Keys around here somewhere is that the principal over there what is he doing wait hold on can I open this door no that doesn’t work yo principal principal I I need to have a chat with you come on where are my keys ah principal principal can you see me I’m over here behind this door H who is that what do you want it’s me Dash it’s me Dash um uh I I have a complaint to make yeah all right give me one second let me come around all right all right yeah I just wanted to talk to you about something uh I noticed that there’s been a lot of uh ants in the lunchroom recently yeah a lot of ants and they’re like getting inside of the food ah ants they’re the the bane of my existence yeah yeah really bad really bad but uh I was wondering if I could show you where they are in like a few minutes U sure a few minutes why um because I I think I found an ants nest and yeah yeah just come to the lunchroom in a few minutes okay I’ll be there in 5 minutes all right all right sounds good and okay now I just got to go over to the lunchroom and I need to get Alyssa to use our powers to steal somehow all right here we are oh hi there Alyssa hey do you want to sit down yeah yeah let’s take a seat how about we sit down um right over here but um hold on there there was also something that I wanted to ask you about I uh I didn’t really bring any money so I can’t buy anything from the cafeteria I was wondering if you could uh you know use your powers to just like uh grab some food oh yeah I can do that for you right now let’s see oh you want that sandwich on that shelf uh okay sure yeah just anything okay let’s just lift that up and who what you can move items with your mind okay that’s kind of cool okay and just come over here yeah just like that what is that Alysa huh oh oh hi principal you’re you’re new here and you’re stealing stuff from the lunchroom unacceptable I I I wasn’t I was just well Dash didn’t have his lunch so I ah what do you mean I didn’t have my lunch Alyssa you said that you wanted to steal from the lunch room to give yourself a snack I have my lunch right here I don’t want any excuses from you New Girl listen you’re you’re expelled wait what no I did that for you D well Alissa I know what you’ve been doing to my friends and it is messed up what do you mean you’re expelled now get out of here come on dash I’m going to get back at you we’ll see about that that was pretty crazy if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

ELEMENTAL Has a Crush on Me! (Minecraft)

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are at school, when they meet a new student, who turns out to be an ELEMENTAL! This new student ends up having a crush on Dash! How will their relationship go? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. Did anybody not notice that when they’re at the playground when it’s recess there’s no other person this school haunted it’s only them and the elemental girl the school is haunted. There’s no teachers no students besides them it’s not real school.

  2. Did anybody not notice that when they’re at the playground when it’s recess there’s no other person this school haunted it’s only them and the elemental girl the school is haunted. There’s no teachers no students besides them it’s not real

  3. The fact its just the cloud rain so this is how it works: it takes water from the ocean amd also the water become H20 then it slowly gp up into the cloud once it reaches the clouds it it become water again then it drops water that's the cycle of rain

  4. Dude try finding a girlfriend in minecraft for real and make videos with her. Its boring for only you three to make videos all the time. Please consider what I asked❤️❤️😢

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